Pencil technique in makeup: what is it and how to use it? Unusual ways to draw arrows on the eyes Applying makeup with a pencil on the eyes.


Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Cosmetics can work wonders! The images created by makeup artists are often real works of art. But if you know how to properly paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can easily do good makeup for yourself at home. Let's learn about the main rules.

How to learn to paint your eyes beautifully with a pencil

When lining your eyes with pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror onto the table and look into it from top to bottom. If it is difficult for you to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And at the second stage, extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Don't be afraid to rest your cheek on your palm and use the little finger of the same hand to stretch the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instructions

Not every girl can line her eyes beautifully with a black pencil. But don't despair if you are one of them. The following photo instructions will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  • First you need to apply foundation to your eyelid. Depending on the makeup style, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows are suitable.

  • Before lining your eyes with a pencil, you should slightly pull back the skin of the upper eyelid. This will smooth out all the unevenness and small wrinkles that could interfere with drawing.

  • To make the arrow even, make-up artists advise first placing several dots at equal intervals.

  • Using smooth movements, combine all the points into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  • Having reached the outer corner of the eye, draw the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail narrowed to the end. Try to draw subtly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, but narrowing it is very problematic.

  • When applying the pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  • When painting the lower eyelid, make a thin line and move it slightly upward. Blend the liner on the lower eyelid to make it look softer.

  • Apply the pencil at a short distance from the inner corner of the eye - the lacrimal glands are located there. A few drops of liquid and the pencil will flow or smudge.

  • For expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a thin line on the inner eyelid from above and below.

  • Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected with a cotton swab.

White pencil below

A white pencil will help to visually enlarge your eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with it, and then shade it a little. When choosing a white pencil, look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that can only be washed off with certain cosmetics.

With a kajal pencil

Kajal is used specifically for eyeliner along the line of the inner eyelid. It holds well and does not smear. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kayal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  • Beige kajal allows you to visually make the eye larger and the look more fresh.
  • Black kajal is perfect for creating a “smoky-eyes” effect. It makes the look expressive, although from the side the eye will look narrower.
  • Kayals of bright colors emphasize the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kajal looks great against a background of brown shadows.

How to put makeup on your eyes to make them appear bigger

It is known that women with big eyes are more attractive to men. But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's learn how to make your eyes bigger and visually “open” them with a pencil:

  • The main secret is in the eyeliner. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker it is.
  • Eyeliner inside the eyelid with a pencil of blue, white or another light shade will visually make the eye shape larger. Dark eyeliner, on the contrary, will narrow it down.

Making graceful arrows

Video: How to enlarge your eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don’t need to have any special skills. Practice and within a few days your makeup will look much better, and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates how to visually enlarge the eye using a white pencil.

Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything! 18 March 2014, 16:05

Part 1.

I haven’t heard about arrows this season, only I’m very lazy - there were a lot of them at the shows, different ones, the shapes were absolutely fantastic, the colors too. Meanwhile, not every crooked beauty blogger (this is me talking about myself) has yet learned to draw the most ordinary arrows with dignity -)). Therefore, Nikolay II and I went to MAC to see Katerina Ponomareva, the leading makeup artist, for a comment on how and what to do with eyeliner. Because Katya is known for her ability to rrrrr - and draw the perfect arrow easily and simply.

What Katya said:

Arrows are always a current classic in eye makeup. This makeup is appropriate for a romantic date, a business meeting, or an incendiary party. Arrows suit women of any age, making their eyes more expressive and their faces younger!

At the Aquascutum and Erdem shows

How to draw

To create arrows, you can use the most convenient makeup product for you: from pencils and cream eyeliner to a felt-tip pen or eye shadow.

Eyeliner This method of creating eyeliner is quite easy to use and allows you to mix several shades - what you need for daily and quick makeup! A clear, thin line is easier to draw with a hard pencil, but a soft pencil is suitable for a richer line and drawing the inner eyelid. However, there is a small drawback: the pencil can wear out quickly, so it is better to give preference to durable M.A.C. pencils.

Liquid eyeliner Provides the most clear-cut and long-lasting eye makeup. When choosing an eyeliner, you should pay attention to the brush: a long, soft brush is ideal for drawing out a thin outline; an eyeliner with a fibrous tip, reminiscent of a felt-tip pen, is perfect for a more voluminous arrow line.

MAC Liquid Eye Liner

Gel eyeliner It is very flexible, easy to apply and adjust using an angled synthetic brush.

Felt pen- the most convenient eyeliner option for beginners. Its significant disadvantage is that the felt-tip pen dries out quite quickly.

MAC Penultimate Eye Liner

Arrows can also be drawn using shadows and angled brush. It is worth noting that before applying shadows as eyeliner, you should wet the brush and then start drawing.

Eyeshadow MAC Carbon

According to the shape of the eye

Eyeliner can not only make your look more expressive, but also correct the shape of your eyes! To create the perfect arrow shape, you should choose not only the type of eyeliner, but also the type of arrow that suits your eye shape.

For example, for almond shape Absolutely any arrows will do.

If you are the owner round or convex eyes, then using the arrows you can adjust them. Starting from the middle of the eye a little lift the arrow up for a wider line, then smoothly sharpen it. This method will help visually give the eye a more almond-shaped shape.

Thin arrows ideal for oriental type. The tip of the arrow only needs to be slightly raised up, slightly extending beyond the outer corner.

If you have heavy eyelid or drooping outer corners of the eyes, will also suit you thin arrow.

Visually enlarge small eyes you can use a light eyeliner and long-tip arrows.

The first thing to remember: the arrow must be drawn with the eye open.

To make it easier for you to draw a more even and symmetrical arrow, use small strokes with a black kajal pencil to mark the arrow line as close to the eyelash edge as possible.

Eye Kohl Smolder Pencil

Then, using a size 208 brush, draw the outline of the wing with Fluideline Black gel eyeliner, starting from the center of the eye towards the outer corner.

MAC 208 brush and Blacktrack eyeliner

Place an inconspicuous point with dry shadows in the place where the arrow will end, then carefully connect the line of the main eyeliner to this point.

MAC Naked Lunch and Shroom eyeshadows

Make sure that the tip of your arrow was not pointing down. Draw the outline of the arrow using the 263 brush, carefully filling in the gaps along the lash line.

For the cleanest and most precise result, it is better to draw the arrows after applying the shadows.

How to determine the direction of the arrow tip

Draw an imaginary line from the middle of the lower eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, and you can easily determine the angle of the arrow and the direction of the tip of the arrow. The length of the arrow depends on your desire, the most important thing is that it ideally suits your eye shape.


Before applying makeup, practice drawing “arrows,” for example, on paper.

For a straighter line, it is better to rest your elbow on a table or other stable surface.

When creating the outline of the arrow, look in the mirror straight ahead, without moving your head to the side.

Nude eyeshadow or translucent powder evens out the surface of the eyelids to make the eyeliner appear clearer and longer-lasting.

Eyeliner creates a strong emphasis on the eyes, so the area around the eyes should look flawless.

A wider line at the outer corner of the eye makes the eyes appear larger.

Part 2.

In the first part of the project “Learning makeup from makeup artists,” Katya Ponomareva, a MAC makeup artist, talked about how to draw arrows. This time Nika Kislyak, official makeup artist of L’Oreal Paris, shares her experience. Moreover, there is a reason - this spring the brand introduced new felt-tip pens and pencils for drawing arrows. And I saw Nika drawing arrows: once - and it’s done. Dream))

Tips from Nika Kislyak, L’Oreal Paris


The ideal arrows can be chosen for any eye, just for some eyes it will be a very thin arrow, more reminiscent of an eyelash contour, and for others it will be wide, in the spirit of Amy Winehouse. The only exception is eyes with a heavily drooping upper eyelid.


The eyelids must be prepared for applying eyeliner. Wipe them with Trio Active Comfort cleansing wipes.

If you have oily eyelid skin, then after using wet wipes, barely touching, lightly powder them with a fluffy brush, and then apply eyeliner.

If you focus on the eyes in your makeup, it is better to draw the arrows first, and then apply the foundation and other products - this way you will be able to easily correct the line on clean skin.


Do not try to immediately draw one solid line; it is much easier to outline it with a “dotted line” and then smoothly connect it.

Another tip that greatly simplifies the process: take an eye pencil of a not very dark shade and draw arrows on both eyes - length, bend. And only when you are completely satisfied with the result, outline the line with a liner. It may take a lot of time at first, but once you've done something that fits you perfectly a couple of times and memorized the shape, it will be much easier.

Help yourself: with the fingers of your free hand, pull the outer corner of the eyelid towards the temple, and then draw a line. It's even better if the hand you're drawing with is supported rather than hanging in the air.

One of the main rules: there should be no gaps between the arrow and the eyelashes, otherwise it will look sloppy. The liner should go into the space between the eyelashes.

Error correction

If there is a need to correct the arrows, use the same napkins, a cotton swab dipped in a mild eye makeup remover (for example, also “Trio Active”). The most convenient way to remove mistakes in makeup is to use a hard synthetic brush, slightly moistened with the same product; it works like an eraser, with one confident movement you remove the excess.

If you see that the upper border of the line is not perfectly smooth, you can have time to shade it into a haze with a cotton swab or a hard brush before the eyeliner has had time to dry, and “fill in” a little with shadows on top.

People don’t immediately know how to speak, they don’t immediately learn to walk, so why do you need to stop after the first unsuccessfully drawn arrows? Stuff your hand on a friend, practice on your own eyes, on the back of your hand, feel the texture of the liner. After 5-7 times everything will work out, I assure you!

Ideal shooter to you!

In the photo: Super Liner Perfect Slim - an ideal marker with a felt tip, I have already praised it; plump Super Liner Blackbuster - interesting and comfortable, but not long-lasting; Super Liner Silkissime - a pencil for arrows, I haven’t tried it myself yet

And finally - bonus: how to create dramatic makeup using arrows:

And I almost forgot: one more bonus.

Which mascara should you choose?

First of all, mascara should be combined with eyeliner. If you draw thick lines, you need volumizing mascara. If thin, in this case choose a lengthening mascara. First, apply mascara at the roots of the eyelashes - it will merge with the eyeliner line and fill in the unpainted areas. Then paint the eyelashes at the outer edge of the eye - the look will be more open. Remember, you don’t need to paint your lower eyelashes with lengthening mascara - this will make your look heavier.

Now for sure - perfect shooters).

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create beautiful "skull" makeup that you can apply to your photos. You'll learn how to create this unique look using simple illustration techniques as well as blending modes. Let's get started!

  • Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Wacom tablet

Final result:

1. Create a Makeup Foundation

Step 1

Open your model's image in Photoshop. Using a tool Lasso(Lasso Tool (L)), create a selection around the model's skin.

Step 2

Next, let's go Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation(Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation). Decrease the value Saturation(Saturation) to -65. Use the tool Brush(Brush Tool (B)) to match the hard edges.

2. Drawing Makeup

Step 1

Create a new layer. Draw two circles around both eyes using a brush opacity(Opacity) 50%. To give your makeup design an organic look, you'll need a tablet.

Step 2

Continue drawing the rest of the makeup. You can search online for images of Sugar Skull makeup to help you create patterns for this makeup style. Draw petals around the eyes, as well as a black nose to imitate the skull. If you need to correct the makeup pattern, just press the keys (Ctrl+T), and then apply the option Deformation(Warp) to give the drawn pattern a better position. We complete the makeup with neat lines representing the mouth sewn shut with screeds.

Step 3

For all layers with painted makeup elements, set the blending mode to Overlap(Overlay). The result is barely visible, so duplicate the layers several times to ensure the makeup adheres beautifully to the skin. At this point, you can continue to work on the design as I did, adding additional details such as dots, swirls, including the web on the forehead.

Step 4

Create a new layer. Using a soft brush opacity(Opacity) 0-30%, brush color black, paint shadows on the model's face. Brush around the outline of the face to make it look more empty, and this will also give the face a skull-like appearance, which will make the makeup more expressive.

At this point, you can change the background by adding soft gray shadows to hide any white areas showing through.

3. Add Color

Step 1

It's time to add color! Create a new layer, change the blending mode for this layer to Spot light(Pin Light). Using a brush, dark red #750b0f, paint makeup on the eyes. Next, create another layer, fill it with purple color #524ca7, change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap(Overlay).

Step 2

To change the color of the roses, create a new layer and then use a brush to paint the roses with blue #317ba1. Change the blending mode for this layer to Darkening the base(Color Burn), duplicate this layer to enhance the effect.

Step 3

Create a new layer, fill this layer with black, and then change the blending mode for this layer to Saturation(Saturation), and also reduce Opacity(Opacity) of the layer to 50% to slightly mute the color shades.

Copy/paste(Copy / Paste) the original image with the background to our working document. Apply scaling. Change the blending mode to Soft light(Soft Light). Add a new adjustment layer Curves(Curves) to enhance the overall lighting of the picture.

Step 4

Using a brush, add white highlights throughout the painting. Use both a hard and soft brush to highlight details, add sparkle to the eyes, and soften color tones by softly diffused them.

Step 5

To complete the makeup, create a new layer, change the mode for this layer to Overlap(Overlay). Outline the model using a bright blue color #0dfcea. Add color to the smoke and also create lots of sparkles to create a beautiful effect.

I hope you enjoyed creating sugar skull makeup. I hope you have a great time creating your makeup!

With the help of makeup, you can not only transform yourself, but also make yourself a real heroine of a fairy tale. There is a fantasy makeup technique for this. But how to do this kind of makeup correctly? And what will you need for this?

What it is?

From the name it is clear that fantasy makeup is a make-up that involves the use of bright colors, unusual lines and patterns, shiny surfaces and other original details. This kind of makeup, of course, is not used as everyday makeup.

It is sometimes called catwalk, because it is on the catwalks that models with patterns on their faces shine. But if you want to amaze everyone at the holiday, then you should definitely master this technique. You can also go to a carnival or, for example, with this bright make-up.

It is worth noting that fantasy makeup is not just a set of bright lines and curls. The main task of such “coloring” is to amaze, surprise and make you admire. First of all, it must be beautiful!

But it is important to stick to one chosen theme, otherwise the drawing will look unfinished and awkward. Many options are possible. Birds, animals, and flowers are often painted on the face.

Marine motifs and Egyptian patterns are also popular; geometric patterns can also be used; Russian folk motifs are also very popular. You can combine and complement something. The main thing is that it is beautiful

What will you need?

What cosmetics are suitable for creating this? Not just any one, you need to choose it with special care. Here's a list of everything you might need:

  • Foundation for makeup. The quality of the drawing will depend on its quality. If such a foundation cannot disguise skin defects, then they will certainly be noticeable and ruin the drawing. So choose a product that can make your skin perfect and will last. For example, silicone-based products are good. Silicone fills and levels the surface. But remember that the skin color should be even! It is better to choose a shade a shade lighter so that the make-up is bright.
  • Powder (compact or loose). It should also be of high quality and not crumble. Otherwise, the drawing will “flow”. Choose the color to match the color of the foundation, there should be no difference.
  • Also, be sure to buy mother-of-pearl, it will add a special charm.
  • White dry corrector. It is necessary to create the background of the future pattern. If such a corrector is not used, the patterns will blend into the face and so the pattern will not look bright and contrasting. Don't forget about the quality of the products!
  • . There should be a lot of them. The bigger, the better! Variety is welcomed, so you can immediately purchase a whole large palette. Different shades may be required: both light and dark. The set should include shadows of different colors (both matte and pearlescent).
  • Instead of shadows, you can use special paints for fantasy makeup. They have the perfect texture and are easy to apply.
  • Makeup pencils. A variety of colors is also welcome. Black color must definitely be present. It is better to have pencils of different softness in your arsenal, since some lines can be shaded, while others must certainly be thin.
  • To apply patterns and designs you will need brushes and airbrushes. Buy different thicknesses and softness, everything can come in handy.
  • Blush can also come in handy, but only high-quality ones!
  • Lipstick or gloss. The second option is preferable, as the shimmering lips will complement the pattern. But remember that the most unexpected colors may be required: from black to yellow or green.
  • Sequins, feathers, rhinestones and everything else. This can be useful for creating three-dimensional drawings.
  • Mascara. Volume and lengthening. Eyelashes should be stunning.

How to do?

How to do fantasy makeup? Here are the main stages of its creation:

  1. To begin, select a drawing.
  2. Now the selected drawing needs to be moved onto paper in order to understand the whole essence of the pattern and work out the complex intricate lines. Perform all patterns on the same scale in which you will draw everything on the face.
  3. Now you can start preparing your facial skin.
  4. First the skin needs to be cleansed. Use your regular cleanser, e.g.
  5. Then the skin needs to be moisturized so that it does not dry out. Use your usual moisturizing day cream.
  6. Then apply foundation. Do this carefully, treating all areas of the face. The layer should be quite thick, but not too thick, otherwise everything may eventually crumble.
  7. Then powder your entire face thoroughly.
  8. Now apply white corrector to the place where the drawing will be located. Blend the edges of the contour so that it does not look like a stain.
  9. Then start drawing the outlines. Use fairly hard pencils in the right colors.
  10. Now all the contours need to be slightly shaded so that they look natural.
  11. Start filling the outlines with shadows. Use thin brushes where you cannot go beyond the lines.
  12. Blend all the transitions a little where needed.
  13. Apply pearlescent powder to light areas.
  14. Move on to the eyelashes. They should be voluminous and long, so apply mascara in two or three layers, but do not overdo it: there should be no lumps or sticky eyelashes. You can use false eyelashes, this is quite appropriate.
  15. Now you can paint your lips. It is better to use a bright colored gloss, but you can apply lipstick and a clear gloss on top.


We invite you to learn how to make a simple “Cheetah” pattern step by step. You will need:

  • foundation, powder;
  • pearlescent shadows in silver, pink and lilac colors;
  • liquid shadows (preferably matte) white or pink;
  • black thin eyeliner;
  • black mascara.


  1. Prepare your skin: cleanse, moisturize, apply tone and powder.
  2. Apply silver eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid and to the edge of the lower eyelid.
  3. Lightly shade the corners of your eyes with a lilac shade.
  4. Also mark the edge of the lower eyelid (closer to the outer corner) with lilac.
  5. Now apply pink pearlescent shadows to the center of the eyelid and closer to the temple.
  6. Then, using light liquid shadows, draw a thick arrow from the inner corner to the temple. The beginning and end should be somewhat thinner; there will be a thickening in the middle.
  7. Now use black eyeliner to draw cheetah spots on the arrow.
  8. Then use the same black eyeliner to outline the upper eyelid. The line should be thin. Continue the outline under the drawn arrow, and also mark the outer corner of the lower eyelid.
  9. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  10. Cheetah is ready!

Shine and amaze everyone with your unusual makeup!

Many women are interested in how to put on beautiful makeup at home. Most beauties have a good command of technology, but often cannot understand the huge variety of colors and products used for eye makeup. At the same time, eyes beautifully highlighted with decorative cosmetics can highlight the beauty of shape and color, making a woman much more attractive and her appearance more expressive.

There are some fairly simple rules for doing makeup that can be quickly learned and put into practice by every woman. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, but they need the right frame. This role is played by high-quality decorative eye cosmetics.

How to put on makeup - the subtleties of makeup

Beautifully painted eyes make a woman visually younger and highlight the beautiful color of the iris. If you follow a certain technique, you can visually enlarge your eyes or adjust their shape, making them much more expressive. Simple rules for eye makeup will tell you the sequence of actions and will be a guide on how to learn how to apply makeup from scratch.

In order to perform high-quality makeup, every woman must have a certain minimum of decorative cosmetics, which is used to work with the eyes:

  1. Eyeshadow base.
  2. Shadows in individual packages or in palettes of matching shades.
  3. Pencil dark and light for eyeliner (for the mucous membrane you need a special type of pencil - kajal).
  4. Convenient type of eyeliner - cream, gel, liquid, felt-tip pen.
  5. Mascara of the desired shade.

This is a minimum set that every woman supplements with those products that suit her and which she prefers to use.

Selection of eye shadow shade depending on eye color

For most beautiful ladies, the main difficulty with makeup is how to apply eye shadow. There are a few easy-to-remember rules:

It is best to select shadows for the eyes based on the principle of contrast. Such shadows highlight the shade of the eyes and make it much brighter and richer. For example, blue eyes beautifully emphasize brown shades of shadows, gray eyes are beautiful with blue, blue, greenish tones, green eyes become simply emerald when next to purple and plum flowers, and brown eyes are good with many colors, the main thing is to choose them according to color temperature.

Warm shades will “ask” for softer warm shades of eyeshadow, and a cool brown color will look good with gray, blue, cold green and purple tones.

Some colors are neutral and work well with different eye colors. These are all shades of gray and black, a cool taupe, often called "taupe" or "top".

Fashionable red shadows can turn a woman into tears or sick with sore eyes, but once you make the red darker at the outer corner of the eye and draw a thin line at the eyelash line with a dark pencil or eyeliner, the makeup becomes very stylish and effective.

It is believed that matte shadows or those with a soft, unobtrusive satin sheen are best suited for daytime.

Shimmer, highly shiny, frost and glitter shadows are suitable for an evening out, and colored pigments are often used to create stage or carnival makeup.

You can apply eye makeup with several specially designed products or use one or two products. For large, expressive eyes, it is enough to use only separating and lengthening mascara, carefully highlighting the eyelashes. Enlarging your eyes and changing their shape will require more makeup and effort, but the results are worth it.

Important! When choosing eye cosmetics, focus on hypoallergenic products. If any type of cosmetic provokes an allergy, mercilessly part with it.

Correcting eye shape with the right makeup

Happy owners of large eyes can just use mascara - and their eyes sparkle with precious stones. Those women who have small eyes do not have this advantage, but cosmetics will allow them to quickly make their eyes larger.

The easiest way to quickly enlarge your eyes is to highlight the waterline of the lower eyelid with a light kajal pencil. White color looks a little unnatural, so it is best to go with beige or pinkish kajal. In combination with it, you can use a thin line of dark eyeliner along the lash line on the upper eyelid, slightly retreating from the contour, and then thickly paint the upper eyelashes with dark mascara. This technique allows you to visually enlarge your eyes and make your gaze “open.” During the day, the pencil on the water line needs to be periodically renewed, so it should always be present in every woman's cosmetic bag.

Using shadows, pencil or eyeliner, you can change the shape of your eye.

  • If you apply light shadows to deep-set eyes, they will appear more prominent and larger.
  • Protruding eyes can be corrected with dark shadows on the upper eyelid and mascara without using contour.
  • You can give a beautiful almond-shaped eye shape by extending the line of the lower eyelid with eyeliner towards the outer corner of the eyebrow. An arrow made in this direction along the entire upper eyelid will give the eye a spectacular “cat” shape.
  • Close-set eyes can be visually “separated” by darkening the outer corner of the eye and highlighting the inner one. If the eyes are too wide apart, do exactly the opposite.

How to quickly and accurately draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner

Some women do not know how to use eyeliner, thereby depriving themselves of a very practical and effective makeup product. The fact is that eye pencils can be of different types. Soft and plastic are intended for shading; they do not hold the line and are not suitable for creating a clear contour. Dense and less greasy ones are used for neat thin lines and can replace eyeliner; they are used to draw arrows of different types and sizes.

In addition, you can make up your eyes with a pencil as eye shadow and use it as a “base” to create a smoky eye.

No one can achieve a beautiful arrow line right away. It can be especially difficult to make them symmetrical, that is, to draw arrows of the same length and width on each eye.

  • To draw a beautiful arrow, you need to place the elbow of your working hand on a hard, stable surface, start drawing from the outer corner of the eye, drawing a line upward, then draw the outline of the upper eyelashes, connecting it to the tail, and lastly, drawing the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye.
  • The arrows can be thin, medium thickness, large, double, single-color or two-color, emphasizing the contours of only the upper eyelid or both eyelids. Using a pencil, you can make an original eyeliner only on the lower eyelid.
  • Beginning craftswomen can try drawing arrows using a special felt-tip pen. Usually it allows you to quickly and easily draw the desired line, and with its help you can adjust the thickness of the arrow without any problems. To do this, you just need to increase or decrease the intensity of pressing the felt-tip pen. But most eyeliners of this type have a significant drawback - they either run out quickly or dry out too quickly.
  • Experienced young ladies prefer to use gel or cream eyeliner. It is produced by numerous cosmetic companies in cute little jars, and is applied with a special brush - with a thin tip or an angled one. Using this tool, you can draw the thinnest arrows or depict wide ones, in the style of the 60s, which is also in fashion now.

Important! Follow the expiration dates of eye cosmetics. Old cosmetics contain a lot of microorganisms that can cause conjunctivitis and many other diseases of the visual organs.

How to use mascara correctly

Most women are firmly convinced that they know perfectly well how to apply mascara correctly, because... Most often, this is the first decorative cosmetic product that a girl begins to use in her life.

However, most of us unknowingly ruin our mascara by pistoning back and forth while trying to get mascara onto the wand. This is a fundamentally wrong action that accelerates the spoilage of the product. With such movements, air is pumped into the tube, which contributes to the oxidation of the carcass and the entry of harmful microorganisms into it. The product may deteriorate, and your eyes with such mascara may become very inflamed.

In order to make the look more expressive and the eyelashes longer, we paint the eyes with zigzag movements, bringing the brush to the very base of the eyelashes. In this way, we paint them along their entire length, separate them and lengthen them, covering them with a thin and uniform layer of mascara without lumps or gluing.

Mascara is a perishable product, its lifespan usually does not exceed 3 months, so you should not try in vain to “reanimate” dried or thickened mascara. It still won’t apply well and evenly, or it will crumble under the eyes a couple of hours after application. This mascara should be thrown away and purchased fresh. You only need to buy the copy that is “sealed” in cellophane and has a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. Expired mascara is a collection of bacteria and fungi that can lead to serious eye diseases.

Step by step makeup tutorials

Simple step-by-step instructions will help women master the basics of eye makeup, so that they can then use their knowledge to perform more complex options. This method will clearly show how you can paint your eyes step by step and will help you easily remember the sequence of actions.

On our website you can find many step-by-step photographs of creating eye makeup or watch special videos. These lessons will help you learn the procedure and accurately repeat them in your makeup.

Many makeup gurus recommend painting your eyes first. This is due to the fact that during the application process, shadows and other decorative cosmetics products can crumble, staining the area under the eyes. If foundation and powder are applied to the face, removing traces of shadows and mascara, you can smear the layer of cosmetics and ruin the whole job. If your eyes are made up before applying foundation and powder, you can carefully remove traces of paint, apply foundation or BB cream, powder and disguise traces of bruises and swelling under the eyes with concealer. As a result of this technique, you can get perfect, perfectly executed and very neat eye makeup.

Casual option

For everyday eye makeup for women with large eyes, simply line the lash line with eyeliner or pencil and cover the eyelashes with mascara.

If you want to make up more expressively, you can use the following scheme:

  • Apply basic light shadow to the eyes - all over the upper eyelid.
  • Using a slightly darker shade, use a soft fluffy brush to highlight the crease of the upper eyelid, bringing the color closer to the outer corner of the eye.
  • Bring the upper eyelid as close to the eyelash line as possible, or even better, between them. This will make your eyes larger and your gaze more expressive.
  • Apply dark mascara to the upper eyelashes (black for brunettes and brown-haired women, brown for blondes and redheads).
  • To complete such a simple makeup, it’s good to slightly lighten the inner corner of the eye with light satin shadows, and also lighten the area under the eyebrow.

Important! Store eye cosmetics in closed boxes away from sunlight in a cool place. Wash your brushes and applicators, wipe down packaging, and wash cosmetic bags often. This will not only help maintain the presentable appearance of cosmetics, but will also protect against the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Universal “smoky eyes”

Smoky eye makeup never goes out of fashion, only the shades of shadows and the degree of color intensity change. Most often, classic smokey eyes are made on a base of shadows to give the desired density to the color. A good way to make eyeshadow out of a pencil is to take a pencil with a soft plastic texture, apply it to the upper eyelid, then gently blend it with a soft brush.

You can use pencil or creamy shadows instead of shadows, or apply regular dry shadows over pencil or creamy shadows to give the shade depth and velvety. To do this, with a fluffy brush, shadows are applied in layers to the upper eyelid, outlining its shape and contours.

To get a beautiful haze around the eyes, the shadows need to be blended well. For these purposes, use a lush brush with neutral light shadows collected on it, which is carefully brushed along the contour of the dark shadows.

You can simply complete your makeup with mascara on your eyelashes, or apply eyeliner, make an arrow, and for a “big entrance”, stick on artificial eyelashes for greater expressiveness.

evening make-up

You can easily turn everyday makeup or smokey eyes into evening makeup with the help of shiny and sparkling shadows and “metallic” eyeliner. You can apply them to the entire eyelid or use them fragmentarily, for example, apply shiny shadows or glitter only to the center of the upper eyelid. This technique will make the eyes more prominent and expressive.

A line of glittery eyeliner looks impressive and at the same time more modest than too sparkling eyeshadow. It can be combined with regular black eyeliner to create very expressive double arrows.

First, carefully draw an arrow with black eyeliner or pencil. Then, when it “grabs”, just above it, a line is drawn along its upper contour with a bright colored or shiny metallic eyeliner. This makeup is perfectly complemented by lush false eyelashes.

Creating long-lasting makeup

A significant proportion of women have “oily” eyelids, which do not hold even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics. After several hours of wearing makeup, it “floats” and loses its clear outline. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a special base for eyelid makeup.

This product is simply applied in a thin layer to the skin of the upper eyelid and allowed to set. Against this background, any shadows will look brighter and richer, blend well and last up to two times longer than without a base.

In the absence of a base, you can use non-greasy cream shadows that need to be lightly powdered, or a soft eyeliner that needs to be shaded well. For light shadows, it is good to use a white pencil, and for bright and dark shadows, a black pencil is suitable. It will make the shadows more saturated and expressive, giving them depth and richness.

Correct use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes can make a woman’s face more expressive and brighter, emphasizing its originality and beauty. When performing bright eye makeup, you need to remember that in order not to look vulgar, you need to focus on only one accent. If these are the eyes, then the lips should either not be highlighted at all, or use a neutral gloss or lipstick.

Eye cosmetics help to give your appearance a certain chic and sophistication, but this will only happen if the makeup is done impeccably carefully. Careless shading, smudged shadows, uneven eyeliner and mascara lying in clumps on the eyelids and crumbling under the eyes will quickly nullify all efforts and make even a very naturally beautiful woman look sloppy.

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