Hematite stone: a gem with an iron luster. Storing hematite jewelry

Other reasons

Despite the widespread use of hematite (bloodstone) by jewelers, ordinary people know little about this stone. Meanwhile, it has a very long history and strong magical properties.

History of the stone

The name of the stone is of Greek origin: haimatos meaning “blood.” The powder of this stone poured into water turns the liquid a dark red color, similar to blood. That is why the stone is also called bloodstone.

For the first time in the chronicles, hematite was mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, who lived in 315 BC. But the stone was used before, as evidenced by finds from the times of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

Scientists have discovered the origin of paint in rock paintings left by primitive people. It was hematite powder.

Deposit and extraction of hematite

The mineral is very common, it is mined in different places on the planet. Deposits of this ore are located in hydrothermal veins.

In Russia, hematites are mined in the Kursk region. This ore is used to produce iron-carbon steel and cast iron. Hematite ores are available in the Urals, Kazakhstan, mining is carried out in Ukraine, in the states, in the UK, and in Alaska.

The highest quality hematites are mined in the southern part of the USA and Great Britain. In Alaska, they mine ore with beautiful black crystals, the shine of which resembles diamonds, but since the surface is covered with many cracks, this type of bloodstone is not used by jewelers.

Every day, volcanic activity brings iron compounds to the surface of the Earth, from which hematite ores are subsequently formed.

In 2004, scientists discovered hematites on Mars. It is possible that the planet owes its red color to this stone.

Varieties of hematites

Hematites are classified into four groups:

  1. Specularite (iron mica);
  2. Martitas;
  3. Red glass head type hematite;
  4. Iron Rose.

Specularite has a crystal structure, it is grayish in color, and has a bright characteristic luster.

Martites have an unusual shape, more reminiscent of magnetite. The stone is distinguished by its resinous luster and similar color.

The kidney-shaped shape of the red glass head is unique to this species; the stone is distinguished by bright inclusions of scarlet-red bloodstone.

Iron rose is so named because of its unique structure: the mineral consists of flat crystals that generally resemble a rosebud.

physical characteristics

In appearance, hematite resembles a blood clot, which is why geologists also call it red iron ore. The mineral does not have a single formula; its structure is quite fragile. It is an iron oxide, but each type of hematite has its own unique properties.

Hematite ore is found in heliotrope. This is a type of chalcedony, which can be black, opaque in structure or dark green in color, and the hematite in it appears as bright red or yellow inclusions.

Healing properties

Ancient healers used hematites as a way to treat a number of diseases. Warriors wore hematite amulets and sewed amulets into their clothes. Alchemists highly valued the healing, magical properties of the gem.

The presence of iron in the amulet stone helps to normalize the production of blood cells in the body. Frequently wearing hematite jewelry cleanses the blood, spleen, and kidneys, and strengthens the organs in general. People whose blood pressure is unstable should wear hematite jewelry with caution.

The mineral improves sleep, eliminates the effects of stress, and also balances hormonal levels in the body.

In folk medicine, hematite powder is used to remove stones from the bladder. In addition, medicinal hematite rosaries or bracelets are recommended to be worn by patients diagnosed with anemia and anemia. The stone helps reduce tumors and enhances the process of bone marrow restoration.

If you wear beads with bloodstone, your eyesight will improve. If you have hearing problems, a bracelet with hematite will improve the situation.

Magical properties of hematites

Magicians who practice rituals to protect against evil forces often use amulets with hematite. A ring with a gem will bring benefits in a certain situation, but you just need to control the magical properties. The gem is absolutely not suitable for people with weak spirits, since it will simply suppress them.

Jewelry with this gem cannot be worn as regular jewelry. The properties of the stone allow thoughts to materialize. You definitely need to take into account your zodiac sign and its characteristics.

If the owner of the bloodstone can reveal the secret of the stone, he will strengthen his karma and feel how suitable it is. If your relationship with jewelry doesn’t work out, you will never wear it.

The peculiarity of the mineral is that it attracts energy, including negative energy. You especially need to be careful with new jewelry, since the stone does not yet distinguish energy. Your inner voice will help.

It is interesting that hematites are considered stones not only by magicians, they are also revered in Christianity. According to legend, the red inclusions in the stone symbolize drops of the blood of Christ, for which it was nicknamed the “stone of martyrs.”

Who is hematite suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Who is suitable for bloodstone, and who is contraindicated? The horoscope says that the gem is ideal for those born under the sign of Scorpio and Aries; it is recommended for Capricorns and Aquarius. In terms of energy, bloodstone is completely contraindicated for Gemini; Pisces and Virgo should also avoid such jewelry. Caution in wearing a gem should be exercised by other signs of the Zodiac.

Since the element of the stone is Fire, it can be worn temporarily, mainly in the process of performing spiritual manipulations or meditations. Magicians know how to control the energy of the stone, so they can wear it constantly without fear.

Emotional, suspicious and hidden Cancers will gain confidence in their own abilities and learn to manage emotions if they periodically wear any type of jewelry with hematite. People of this sign are often dissolved in creative potential and find it difficult to quickly navigate the harsh conditions of reality.

Scorpios have a passionate and irrepressible temperament and require protection from negative influences. The gem will help you cope with excessive irritability and protect yourself from enemies who are surrounded a lot.

For other zodiac signs, the bloodstone will become a source of excessive self-confidence. Therefore, such a stone will only give more stubbornness to strong-willed and driven people.

Products and decorations

The bloodstone reveals its maximum properties when worn “solo”. But if this option is not suitable, you can use silver as a frame. This is almost the only metal that is combined with stone. You can also use copper for framing, but in this combination hematite is used for magical actions.

Earrings with bloodstone are less common than bracelets, pendants or rings. It is advisable for women to wear a ring with hematite inlay on the finger of their right hand; men are advised to wear it on the index finger of their left hand.

To ensure that good luck is always nearby, you can sew a small hematite crystal into your clothes or put it under the insole of your shoes. But such a talisman will only benefit the zodiac signs for which it is indicated.

Wearing a pendant with bloodstone awakens the inner voice and enhances intuition.

A bracelet with bloodstone is useful for older people, as the stone enhances hearing. Older people often have hearing problems and this is the easiest way to improve the situation a little.

If your vision begins to deteriorate, it will not be a bad idea to wear hematite beads for a while. Wearing jewelry with a gem for a short time will bring benefits, enhancing a person’s energy, helping to be in good shape, giving energy and strength.

The only thing is that lithotherapists categorically do not recommend wearing a headband (tiara) with hematites due to the magnetic properties of the gem. In addition, any jewelry containing this stone should not be worn in direct sunlight as the crystals heat up quickly and intensely, which can cause burns on exposed skin.

Storage and care

Since the gem is quite fragile due to its structure, jewelry must be worn and stored with care. Impacts and even friction on the surface of the stone are completely unacceptable.

Since the stone accumulates negative energy, it needs to be cleaned periodically. This is done simply - the stone is washed under running water for several minutes, after which it is wiped with a soft cloth.

How to distinguish a fake from an original stone

Hematite is inexpensive, but this does not stop scammers who try to counterfeit it. Most often, ceramics or hematin (a synthetic analogue) are passed off as bloodstone.

A real stone, when passed over porcelain or uneven glass, leaves a trace of a cherry-red hue. The absence of traces means that this is a fake.

A black ceramic product is most often passed off as hematite. But it is easy to distinguish fakes - it is lighter than real stone. It would be a good idea to check the decoration with a magnet - the hematin will be immediately attracted.

In a jewelry store, carefully examine the gem in the jewelry. If it is natural bloodstone, thin cracks with brown filler or thin crystals will certainly be visible on its surface. Such stones do not have a flawless, even color. Even specularite, which has a mirror surface, always has rays, threads, and streaks.

Hematite is not used for small jewelry because of its fragility.


Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/gematit-1.jpg" alt="hematite stone" width="250" height="206">!} A unique creation of nature, a stone of extraordinary beauty, called hematite or bloodstone, has established itself since ancient times as a talisman for magicians and alchemists, protecting against dark forces and astral attacks, concentrating the forces of Mars. The hematite stone received its name because the water in which the mineral is cooled during processing turns blood red. It is this property that has always attracted close attention to the stone.

Hematite stone has valuable healing and magical properties, which have been popular many centuries ago and to this day. Being a powerful source of energy, the mineral does not tolerate frivolous treatment, so it should not be worn just like that, thoughtlessly. Before putting on hematite jewelry, you need to fully concentrate on a specific goal that will be achieved thanks to this stone.

A little history

The stone was known in ancient times and was valued in many countries. The properties of hematite to heal many diseases, in particular blood diseases, were popular in Rus'. It was given into the hands of women in labor, thereby stopping bleeding, for which the mineral received the name hematite-bloody.

Jpg" alt="hematite stones" width="280" height="206">!} Ancient women looked at the gem as if in a mirror thanks to its shiny “metallic” surface. There was a superstition that such a mirror took the soul from the one who looked into it.

In ancient Egypt it was considered a sacred stone, which the goddess Isis loved very much. All the priestesses of this goddess wore bloodstone items during ritual actions. Hematite was believed to protect the supreme goddess from evil forces when she appeared on Earth. The mineral was also used to make one of the sacred symbols of Egypt - scarab beetles, which, according to local beliefs, protected those who wore them.

The Indians made powder from hematite, with which they painted their bodies. In addition, many cave paintings were created in this way.

In India, the stone was revered as a symbol of courage and wisdom, and in ancient Rome, before the start of battles, warriors wore amulets made of bloody gems, which were believed to give them courage and protect them from death.

In Europe in the Middle Ages, hematite was known as a magical talisman for mediums and sorcerers. With its help, spirits were summoned and evil spirits were expelled. It was with bloodstone that magic circles and secret signs were drawn.

Description and properties

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/formula-pn.png" alt="" width="47" height=" 78">Hematite is a chemical compound of iron and oxygen (iron oxide) with the chemical formula Fe2O3. Hematite ore, which has a high iron content (50 - 65%), is the main raw material for smelting steel and cast iron.

The color of the stone varies from red-brown to dark gray and black. Bloodstone crystals are plate-like, flat and opaque, with a metallic sheen, however, if you take a thin plate of the mineral, you can see objects through it. Hematite is present in other rocks in the form of tiny particles, which is why many minerals have a red tint.

The properties of hematite include its ability to color water red. Its powder is used to make red paint (red ocher).

Outwardly, bloodstone is similar to jet and obsidian, but much heavier and harder, but the stone is very fragile, so hematite products should be worn very carefully, avoiding friction, falls and impacts.

Deposits and applications

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/gematit-3.jpg" alt=" hematite ball" width="250" height="290">!} In Russia there is a huge deposit of hematite ores, which is located in the Kursk region (Kursk magnetic anomaly). Iron-carbon steel and cast iron are smelted from this ore. Hematite is also mined in the Urals, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, USA, Alaska, and England.

In Alaska, the most beautiful bloodstone crystals are found, black, with a unique shine, similar to diamond, but thin, invisible cracks do not allow these stones to be used in jewelry. The hematite intergrowths of the highest quality in terms of their properties are found in England and the southern United States.

Deposits of hematite ores are practically inexhaustible. And more than 90% of iron is found in hematites. And how quickly they form! Thanks to volcanic activity, iron compounds are carried daily from the depths to the surface of the Earth.

Types of stone

Under natural conditions, several varieties of hematite are found, differing in appearance, color and properties:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/gematit-5.jpg" alt="speculative" width="100" height="110">!}

Jewelry craftsmen value only those varieties that are black in color.

How to spot a fake

How to distinguish hematite from a fake? Despite the fact that it is quite easy to find a gem in nature, the stone is often counterfeited. They pass it off as metal ceramics or hematin, a synthetic analogue of hematite, which is very difficult to distinguish from real bloodstone, but still possible.

A natural mineral is not attracted by a magnet, unlike a synthetic one. Real crystals leave red streaks if you scratch the surface of ceramic dishes with them, but fake crystals do not leave marks. Also, due to its high iron content, hematite is much heavier than its artificial counterparts.

Hematite magical properties

Hematite, the properties of the mineral in the magical sphere are quite extraordinary and unexpected. Since ancient times, bloodstone has been considered a stone for warlocks and sorcerers, however, despite this, the mineral will not help in the fulfillment of evil intentions. It is necessary to wear items made from the mineral very carefully - the mineral does not tolerate negativity both in the soul and in the thoughts, and can cause harm if it is worn by a person with unclean thoughts.

The gem has very powerful energy, including the power of Mars. It is not without reason that large deposits of this mineral were discovered on Mars, which explains the red color of the planet. The stone gives its owner power over other people, brings him wisdom and the ability to recognize the signs of the Universe. .jpg" alt="hematite earrings" width="180" height="231">!}

Still, the main function of hematite in magic is considered to be protection from negativity and dark forces. Stone amulets are recommended to be worn by people at risk, for example, military personnel, police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Such amulets can protect them from injury and accidents.

You should not wear a gem thoughtlessly - the stone requires respect and veneration.

Medicinal properties of bloodstone

The healing properties of the gem have been in demand since ancient times. Hematite is capable of healing many diseases, but its main path is the treatment of blood diseases, including anemia. With the help of the mineral, you can stop bleeding, normalize hemoglobin, normalize blood composition, cleanse the hematopoietic organs - blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, improve hematopoiesis, thereby normalizing blood pressure.

If there are wounds and cuts, the mineral will heal them in an accelerated process. The gem perfectly fights colds and viral diseases, boosting immunity.

Hematite has an effect on the sexual chakra, thereby enhancing sexual function and healing ailments associated with sexual disorders.

Who is hematite suitable for?

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/oven-1.jpg" alt="Aries" width="60" height="60"> Гематит подходит немногим знакам зодиака. .jpg" alt="Cancer" width="70" height="53">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="60" height="60"> Его могут носить лишь Скорпионы, Раки и Овны, так как это энергетически сильные знаки Зодиака. Ракам минерал даёт мужество и силу, а также усмиряет их чрезмерные эмоции. Скорпионов защищает от повышенной раздражительности, и вообще, работает как защитный оберег от различного негатива.!}

Jpg" alt="Pisces" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Twins" width="40" height="39">.jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> Противопоказан минерал Рыбам, Близнецам и Девам. Эти знаки несовместимы с гематитом по своей энергетике — камень будет их угнетать, вызывая тревогу и нервные расстройства.!}

Other zodiac signs can wear bloodstone items if they are related to magic and esotericism.

Gem products

Despite the fact that stone products are quite popular, they are inexpensive. A beautifully polished stone will look best in a silver frame - the unique metallic luster of bloodstone does not combine, for example, with gold.

Mineral earrings, rings, pendants, and bracelets, which are popular for medicinal purposes, are in great demand. Gemstone products are made mainly in small sizes, since hematite is a rather heavy stone. Figurines and various figures are made from solid pieces of the mineral.

Png" alt="" width="40" height="40"> The stone should not be worn on a naked body in the hot season - you can get burned.

It is worth remembering that for a hematite ring to bring happiness and good luck, it must be worn: for women - on the index finger of the left hand, and for men - on the right.

It is important to properly care for bloodstone products. Since the stone is quite fragile, it must be protected from damage and scratches. It is recommended to store the mineral separately from other jewelry. Keep it under running water often to cleanse it of negative energy, which the bloodstone absorbs like a sponge.

If the stone is treated with love and respect, it will reciprocate its feelings to its owner and will delight him with its beauty and devotion for a long time.


I don't even know where to start. Probably from the background.
I know an elderly woman who is a lover of stones with healing properties, magnetic bracelets with icons and other things. One of her friends told her that hematite cleanses the blood and strengthens the kidneys, liver and spleen. Well, it also helps hypertensive patients fight high blood pressure.

So, the products described below were purchased at her request. All the details are under the cut.

Many sources claim that hematite is a stone for magicians and spellcasters, protecting against evil forces.
Charlatans and amulets traders claim that wearing hematite products “protects against astral attacks,” charms fans, helps fulfill immodest desires, calms anger, etc.
Such judgments do not have any objective scientific evidence.

What is hematite

Hematite is a widespread iron mineral Fe2O3, one of the most important iron ores. The name comes from the Greek word “heme” - blood, and is associated with the red-brown color of the powdered mineral.

Other names for hematite: Alaskan diamond, iron mica, iron eye, mirror ore, red ore, red iron ore, bloodstone, sanguine, black diamond, etc.

An amazing property of hematite is that although the mineral itself is externally iridescent with a metallic sheen of a very dark gray, steel color, it is worth grinding a piece of the stone and the powder will be brown-red, which is what gave it its name.

In the Middle Ages, magicians, sorcerers and alchemists simply could not live without hematite. In books describing magical rituals, it is an indispensable attribute.

By the way, several years ago scientists made a discovery: an American probe discovered hematite on Mars.

In the process of writing the review, I will try to check whether hematite was actually purchased and how much its “medicinal properties” helped the owner.

A total of 6 necklaces and 10 bracelets were ordered. As my customer explained, “hey bless you” as gifts for your friends.

At the time of the photo shoot, she only had 2 bracelets and 3 necklaces left.

All necklaces were purchased from the same seller and, upon request, were sent in one package.

The journey took 18 days to Ukraine. The bracelets arrived in 16 days.

The necklaces are all the same length - 46 cm.

Necklaces are fastened by twisting two parts of the clasp.

The bracelet is 19 cm long, 1 cm wide.

The elements are strung on a double elastic band.

The outer part of the bracelet is slightly convex, the inner part is smooth. Inside out view.

The elastic holds tightly, but stretches easily.

How to spot a fake

It would seem that the stone is not expensive and is widespread, why counterfeit it?

But no, it turns out there are many fakes of hematite.

Under its guise, “stones” made of metal ceramics, or a synthetic analogue of hematite - hematin, which is practically indistinguishable from the original, are sometimes sold.

I'll do a few experiments.

Experience 1
The first difference between hematite and ceramics is weight; hematite is much heavier.
There is no doubt about it - the products really have noticeable weight. I can’t show you in the photo, the digital scales are still on the way, sorry.

Experience 2
To distinguish hematite from metal-ceramics, let’s run a piece of stone over an uneven chip of a ceramic fragment of a plate - hematite will leave a red line, but a metal-ceramic alloy will not.

An old plate was donated for the experiment.


Conclusion - this is not ceramics

Experience 3

Natural hematite is attracted only by very strong magnets, but this manifests itself extremely weakly and is recorded only by special devices (which ones, I still don’t understand).

As can be seen from the photo, our hematite is attracted by an ordinary household magnet.

In addition, the bracelets are also “attracted” to each other.

Experience 4

When grinding a piece of hematite, the resulting dust will be brown-red, similar to the familiar rust.

All experiments conducted indicate that it is hematite. Except for the magnet experience. There are 2 conflicting opinions on this matter: some sources say that hematite should not be attracted, while others say that it should. I still haven’t found the truth(

In addition, there is a synthetic analogue of hematite - hematin (hematrin) - an alloy of steel with chromium sulfides, it has the same weight and is visually practically indistinguishable from hematite, but is attracted by weak magnets.
There is also a stone with similar properties - magnetite.
It is also attracted even to a simple magnet.

Dilemma - hematite or magnetite? I'm leaning towards the first option.

Owner's testimony

Wearing a hematite bracelet does not reduce blood pressure, but I feel better after wearing it for 2 months.
Whether to believe this conclusion or not, I don’t know.
Perhaps there is a placebo effect.
Be that as it may, the owner is happy.

I am inclined to believe that hematite is more likely to appeal to those who are interested in the spiritual aspects of life and believe in the mystical powers of stones.

Body photo

Thank you for your attention!

I'm planning to buy +3 Add to favorites I liked the review +39 +67

- This is one of the most effective ways to emphasize your individuality. After all, the dark, rich shade of hematite with its unique metallic sheen looks not just spectacular - but truly mesmerizing!

Hematite has special shades that are unlike any other - metallic black, metallic gray, graphite, brown-red with iridescence. After thorough polishing, hematite stones acquire a fantastically beautiful metallic shine. All types of hematite show a blood-red hue along the edges and on thin chips. The name of the mineral is translated from Greek as “like blood” (haimatites). If you crush hematite, you get a bright red powder. And if you put it in water, it will turn pink. People have called hematite “bloodstone” for many centuries. The mineral is also called “Alaskan diamond”, “iron kidney”, “blood stone”.

The structure of the mineral is very unusual. It is not for nothing that varieties of hematite have such luxurious names: “Iron Shine” (Specularite), “Iron Mica”, “Iron Rose”, “Red Ironstone”, “Red Glass Head”, etc. The word “iron” is often found in names - this is because hematite is nothing more than iron ore. The names of hematite varieties are directly related to the structure of the mineral, which can be very different. For example, the “Red Glass Head” is a large kidney-shaped piece of red iron ore with a very smooth fracture, really looking like a head. “Iron luster” are hematite stones characterized by a strong metallic luster. “Iron mica” is hematite, which has a scaly, thin-lamellar structure.

Particularly interesting are the hematite “Iron Roses” - very impressive examples of the rock with beautiful rounded intergrowths of plates that are very reminiscent of roses in appearance. These iron flowers look amazingly cute and are a valuable collection material. The largest of them are found in Austria. Their diameter reaches 16 centimeters. In Russia, in the Urals, there are “iron roses” with a diameter of 5 centimeters.

Star fashion for hematite

Many modern celebrities have been seen wearing luxurious stone jewelry. The most famous of them are Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Moss, Emma Watson, Audrey Tautou. In Russia, hematite is loved by Victoria Daineko, Nastya Kamenskikh, Ani Lorak, Lera Kudryavtseva, Zara and other celebrities. Jewelry with stones always looks impressive and exclusive - both evening and daytime options. Cocktail decorations made from hematite are especially chic, leaving no one indifferent. In recent years, the fashion for hematite jewelry has been constantly growing. The unusual beauty of the stone is actively used by designers of famous jewelry houses - Stella McCartney, Graff, Mikimoto, Van Cleef & Arpels and many others.

In modern Europe, the fashion for hematite jewelry periodically flares up and then subsides. Hematite was all the rage in the 70s. And today the stone attracts the attention of European fashionistas, which is not surprising. In recent years, Europe has seen a surge of interest in mysticism, esotericism and, of course, lithotherapy.

It is noteworthy that the natural color of hematite is incredibly durable. Hematite never loses its wonderful hue. And the mineral itself has been used for many centuries as a natural pigment, which is added in the manufacture of a wide variety of materials. North American Indians painted bright red symbols on their faces when they went on the warpath. They made coloring powders from hematite and always had large reserves of this valuable mineral with them. Hematite helped them to be charged with strength and remain invulnerable to their enemies. Primitive people used “bloodstone” for artistic and visual purposes - they made red paint from hematite powder and created mysterious rock paintings, which today cause real delight among scientists and researchers around the world.

Another interesting fact about hematite is that the mineral turns red in the presence of methane gas in the air, which is explosive. It is methane that explodes in mines, taking the lives of miners with it. For this reason, the first European miners wore hematite buttons on their robes. Apparently, the reddening effect is not so obvious, since hematite is not used for this purpose today.

Surprisingly, hematite was discovered on Mars! In 2004, the Opportunity rover, launched by the American space agency NASA, landed in a Martian crater with extensive deposits of crystalline hematite! On this planet, hematite deposits can be found everywhere, because hematite is responsible for the red color of Mars!

Hematite was called “bloodstone” in Rus' not only for its red color, but also for its amazing ability to treat blood diseases. Hematite stops bleeding when injured, normalizes blood circulation, and increases blood pressure. To improve blood circulation, for example, you simply need to apply a stone to the body where there is blockage of blood vessels and poor circulation. The mineral has a beneficial effect in the treatment of varicose veins. Hematite became famous as an assistant in the treatment of a variety of female diseases. It reduces menstrual cramps and relieves menstrual pain. Ancient Roman women in labor held hematite rosaries in their hands to reduce uterine bleeding.

Hematite is associated with the strongest energy of Mars - it is a stone of strong, persistent people, and... man's oldest friend. They knew about the properties of hematite back in Mesopotamia! The ancient Egyptians considered hematite a sacred stone. One beautiful ancient Egyptian legend describes how the priestesses of the supreme goddess Isis decorated themselves with hematite products, performing a ritual rite of communication with her. It was believed that hematite amulets protected the goddess Isis in those moments when she descended to Earth to talk with her earthly charges.

Another interesting fact is that ancient women used the shiny “metallic” surface of hematite as a mirror!

Why wear jewelry with a stone?

Hematite is considered one of the most powerful stones in terms of energy. It is not recommended to wear such a mineral thoughtlessly and aimlessly. This is not just a decorative decoration - it is an energy source that will certainly have an impact on your well-being and your life. The mineral requires a respectful and respectful attitude. It is worth understanding that this is a real talisman that should work in the direction you set. Therefore, every time you put on hematite jewelry, you need to mentally concentrate on a specific task. The mineral will add confidence to you, help raise your “fighting” spirit, and endow you with courage and wisdom. Hematite can take care of your physical and psychological invulnerability. This is one of the powerful amulets. The mineral helps neutralize outbursts of anger and restrains you from committing rash, hasty actions.

As a talisman, hematite gives women a feeling of reliability and protection.
For this quality, hematite has earned love and the widest recognition among the fair sex. The stone renews and enhances energy, helps strengthen the physical and etheric body. Ideal for women with great ambitions who occupy leadership positions and responsible positions. Hematite is an excellent assistant in professional training. It is recommended to wear hematite at the beginning of any venture.

The ancient Sumerians also knew about hematite. Today in the Hermitage you can see hematite seals and an amazing collection of gems from the Sumerian kingdom, which are several thousand years old!

special offers for you

Many ancient sources indicate that hematite from the earliest times became a stone for magicians and spellcasters, effectively protecting against dark forces. It was believed that jewelry with stones could bewitch and help fulfill desires.

In Europe, warlocks (sorcerers) were the first to work with hematite, who considered this beautiful stone their talisman. In the Middle Ages, the popularity of hematite reached its peak: not a single medieval alchemist or magician could do without this mineral. In many medieval books describing magical rites and rituals, one can find a description of working with hematite - with its help they summoned the spirits of the dead, provided protection from dark forces, etc. Medieval sorcerers drew magical symbols with hematite, which, coupled with spells, exorcised evil spirits and drove away otherworldly forces. Mediums of those times claimed that hematite talismans were the best protection against astral attacks of any level. Bloodstone helps its owner to see the other side of the world, to understand and decipher the secret and hidden signs of the universe.

Since the Renaissance, jewelry with hematite has entered the pedestal of high fashion in Europe. Noble ladies began to wear jewelry with stones to social events. This became a sign of wealth and good taste.
Taking into account the existing physical properties, hematite is most often processed in the form of a cabochon. The stone is very popular and absolutely deserved! After all, the dark, rich shade of hematite, with its inherent metallic luster, looks not just impressive, but truly mesmerizing!

Intaglios (stone carvings) and all kinds of inserts into jewelry began to be made from this beautiful mineral.

Hematite fakes

More and more fakes of hematite are appearing on the jewelry market, and they are so skillful that you can’t tell them apart from a natural stone! No wonder - the stone is simply luxurious, the demand for it is always high. And extraction and processing is a costly undertaking. Enterprising businessmen have set up the production of fake hematite from metal ceramics - it looks quite interesting, but it is not hematite.
It is virtually impossible with the naked eye to distinguish natural hematite from hematin, its synthetic analogue. But there is a property that allows you to identify a fake: hematin is attracted by a magnet, but natural hematite is not. In addition, if you run a natural stone over a cup or plate, a red stripe will remain, but there will be no trace of a fake.

Hematite looks like morion, jet and even obsidian, but still clearly differs from them in its strong metallic luster. In addition, hematite is noticeably denser and noticeably heavier than these minerals. In any case, hematite leaves a red line, so it is possible to recognize a fake.

Place of Birth
Hematite deposits are found in large quantities in Ukraine and Russia (Kursk magnetic anomaly). Hematite is also mined in the USA and Brazil.

Interesting fact: 90% of iron reserves contain hematites! The rate of formation of this mineral is amazing - according to a certified fact, under favorable conditions the rock can “grow” 1 meter in 10 days! At least, this is exactly the “growth” that was recorded by researchers in 1817 in one of the cracks of the famous Vesuvius volcano. Therefore, fans of hematite should not worry - there is enough jewelry for everyone!

Magic properties
Hematite is a stone from Mars, because... there it is found in large quantities. The powerful energy inherent in hematite is closely connected with the “red planet”, and the mineral itself has been considered a talisman of warriors since ancient times. Before battles, men sewed pieces of hematite into clothes, put them in shoes, hung them on their chests in the form of a protective magic pendant, and magicians performed protective spells.

Roman legionnaires took hematite figurines of gods with them on their approaches. It was believed that this stone brings victory in battles and protects from serious wounds in battle. By the way, the ancient Romans believed that hematite was the stone of Mars, the Roman god of war.

The magical power of hematite was appreciated by the ancient Babylonian scientist Azkhali in the 1st century BC. In one of his works on natural stones, which the Pontic Babylonian king Mithridates himself loved to read, it is written that hematite is the strongest protective talisman. Jewelry with this stone can protect its owners from astral attacks. Hematite is one of the best amulets against “energy vampires”.

In Rus', pieces of hematite were hung over children's cradles so that the baby would fall less often and would not be injured to the point of bleeding.

In many countries around the world, hematite is still recognized as the best talisman that protects against all kinds of wounds, including gunshots and knives. Hematite should definitely be worn by anyone whose profession and lifestyle involves great risk. Hematite pendants, rosaries and keychains will not interfere with police officers and military personnel.

All other signs can also wear hematite, but not constantly, but in order to speed up the solution of any problems, as well as to improve mood, for additional protection from energy attacks, from all kinds of dangers and fears.

Medicinal properties
The main healing property of hematite is its positive effect on the blood and circulatory system. Jewelry with stones helps eliminate menstrual irregularities and normalize blood pressure. If you wear hematite in the form of a bracelet, it will help alleviate the condition of hypertension and low blood pressure. Hematite helps treat heart disease, anemia and anemia.

Hematite also helps get rid of kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract, bladder and urinary tract diseases (cystitis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, etc.). It is recommended to wear a stone if your hemoglobin level is low.

Bloodstone beads and large inserts in jewelry have a magnetic field that has a healing effect. In the old days, hematite powder was used to treat poor eyesight. It was believed that hematite bracelets sharpen hearing, and hematite beads sharpen vision.

In eastern healing practice, hematite amulets were used to stop bleeding, treat abscesses, get rid of vascular problems, treat hormonal disorders, and diseases of the genitourinary system. Hematite helped relieve inflammation.

Hematite is an excellent stimulant of sexual energy. Due to the fact that the stone normalizes blood pressure, the sex chakra is activated.

It is not recommended to wear hematite jewelry on a naked body in very hot weather - you can get a skin burn, as hematite gets very hot.

A description of hematite is found in an ancient Babylonian treatise on stones dating back to the 1st century BC. The name of the stone comes from the Greek “haima”, meaning “blood”. The Slavic peoples assigned the corresponding name to the stone - bloodstone. Such associations did not appear out of nowhere; in addition to the fact that the mineral itself has a bloody tint, it turns the water red when processed. In ancient Rome, it was believed that hematite was petrified blood, and it could be found at the sites of battles and sacrifices.

Physico-chemical properties of hematite

This is a fairly common mineral in nature, which is an iron oxide. (Fe2O3). Hematite has a pronounced metallic luster and color from steel black to copper brown and red.

The stone is very similar in appearance to and, but is much denser and heavier than them. Hematite is fragile and does not tolerate impacts or falls. The mineral exhibits weak magnetic properties and is attracted by a strong magnet. Red enamels and paints are produced from fine hematite powder. If you run a raw stone over a rough, light-colored surface, it will leave a red line, which is how hematite can be distinguished from its common ceramic imitation.

Hematite deposits

In nature, hematite occurs in the form of solid crystalline masses. Mineral deposits can be of igneous, metamorphic, or hydrothermal origin. If the oxidation potential of the environment is high enough, the formation of hematite rock can occur at a rate of up to 1 m per year.

Hematites are a valuable industrial source of iron; its content in mineral ore reaches 70%. The largest deposits are located in Russia, the USA, Switzerland and Italy.

Magical and healing properties of hematite

Mentions of hematite as a powerful magical stone are found in the books and writings of many ancient peoples. Sorcerers and shamans used it in their rituals to summon spirits; they drew magical symbols and protective circles with it. It was believed that a cross decorated with hematite wards off evil spirits, and if this stone is placed on the image of a demon or a deceased person, it will awaken the spirit. Magic hematite mirrors allowed diviners to see the past and look into the future.

In addition to witchcraft powers, people believed in the protective properties of the stone. It was worn to protect against the evil eye, mothers put amulets on their children to protect them from accidents, Roman soldiers decorated their shields with hematite. For the Egyptians, the stone was a symbol of the cult of Isis; scarab beetles were made from it, which served as the earthly guardians of the goddess.

The main healing properties of hematite are associated with its effect on the human circulatory system. It cleanses the blood, strengthens blood vessels, and normalizes hemoglobin levels. For wounds and cuts, hematite stops bleeding, relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing. In addition, the mineral has a tonic effect on the body and can raise blood pressure, so it is recommended for people with low blood pressure, but hypertensive patients should wear it with caution.

Who is hematite suitable for?

Astrologers recommend hematite as a talisman for Scorpios and Aries. These are energetically strong signs of the Zodiac; the stone will help them become even more influential, awaken their natural charisma, and attract more friends and supporters.

Hematite is not suitable for Virgo, Gemini and Pisces - it is too powerful a stone for these signs, it depresses them, and can cause anxiety and nervous tension.