What are the signs of pregnancy before a missed period? How to determine pregnancy in the early stages before a delay: the first, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy before a delay. What pregnancy test is there before a delay? How to determine if you are pregnant

Choice of colors

Some women look forward to pregnancy, while for others it comes as a complete surprise. But for both the former and the latter, it is important to understand whether the miracle of conception has occurred or not, and preferably as soon as possible. How to determine the onset pregnancy even before your period is missed , what you should pay attention to, and whatappear most often? If you notice that some changes are happening to your body that are not entirely clear to you, we will explain which of them indicate pregnancy and which have nothing to do with this.

By the way, many women claim that they “knew” that pregnancy was occurring, or rather felt it, even before the test showed two stripes. We will list someso that you can clarify your condition and draw appropriate conclusions.


· Signs of pregnancy before delay: first week

Let's start with the fact that in reality, the 1st week of pregnancy starts even before pregnancy itself. Exactly. In medicine, a full-term pregnancy is considered to be 40 weeks of gestation. But the starting point in obstetrics is the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during menstruation that the egg cell begins its formation, which is some kind of prototype of the future heir or heiress. During this first week, the woman’s body will choose the best one, one of the three hundred thousand formed eggs, to further create a new life.

It is clear that there are simply no signs of pregnancy in the 1st week, because your period is still ongoing or has just ended, and conception has not occurred. Actually the earliest, which can be recognized or felt, begin to appear only from the 2-3rd week after the last menstruation, that is, from the middle.

· The first signs of pregnancy after conception

When conception occurs, the woman’s body begins to actively change its tasks and functions, adapting to the needs of the unborn child growing in the mother’s tummy. Many may turn out to be unpleasant for you, and some even painful. Alas, the restructuring of the body to a completely new mode of life cannot pass without leaving a trace, and therefore it is worth being patient.

Try to treat your own feelings calmly and with understanding. But remember: pregnancy is not a disease, but only a new state of the body, albeit not always rosy. At the end of this test you will receive a well-deserved reward - the birth of your blood.

So, let's listcharacteristic in most cases in women expecting replenishment:

  1. minor bleeding;
  2. change and increase in basal temperature;
  3. malaise;
  4. increased breast sensitivity;
  5. sensations of “fullness” in the lower abdomen, tingling inside the uterus, bloating, possibly intestinal upset, all at once or separately;
  6. fatigue, drowsiness, absent-mindedness;
  7. it may feel hot or cold;
  8. aversion to smells, nausea, changes in taste, increased salivation;
  9. lower back pain, headaches;
  10. frequent urination;
  11. increased vaginal discharge;
  12. delay of menstruation.

Why are these changes happening? Will all pregnant women experience them? And is there any reason to worry if there is pregnancy, but there are no signs? Let's deal with everything in order.

1. : slight bleeding

Any woman may be a little puzzled by discharge that vaguely resembles the onset of menstruation. The first thought is that menstruation is starting somehow wrong, and somehow at the wrong time. Dischargesafter conception characterized by a yellowish-brown color and a small amount - they are not abundant, but rather smearing.

These so-called implantation bleedings are the mostfirst signs of pregnancy before missed period . They can appear 6-12 days after conception, when planting, implantation, and simply attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus occurs.

The presence of implantation bleeding is not at all necessary; you may not notice it. But if they recur even after a missed period, then you should be wary and visit a gynecologist immediately. At this time, there is a risk of miscarriage, so it makes sense to take a closer look at your health.

2. First signs of pregnancy: change in basal temperature

Early signs of pregnancy before delay are led by an increase in basal temperature, starting from the moment of ovulation, that is, in the second half of a woman’s menstrual cycle. To To determine this sign, you need to measure your body temperature in the rectum for several days in a row. This should be done in the morning, immediately after waking up and without getting out of bed - this is important for reliability. Basal temperature during pregnancy is consistently above 37 degrees; as a rule, it is in the range of 37-37.2, but in some cases it can rise to 38 degrees.

This happens because when conception occurs, the level of the hormone progesterone increases in the body, which affects the rise in temperature.

True, the elevated basal temperature persists only during the first two weeks after conception, and more precisely, in the future the temperature does not mean anything. When the placenta begins to function fully, the temperature should return. If this does not happen, then either something is wrong with the pregnancy, or the increase in temperature was not associated with pregnancy. You can read more about this sign in the article.

3. Early signs of pregnancy before delay: malaise

Some women, who do not yet know that they are pregnant, think that they have a cold. Such sensations are explained by the fact that body temperature rises slightly in the early stages, and as a result, malaise and increased fatigue.

However, there is indeed some deterioration in well-being: a runny nose may begin, and a sore throat may appear. General immunity decreases slightly at this time; pregnancy becomes an absolute priority for the body.

4. First signs of pregnancy: increased breast sensitivity

Changes in sensations and some swelling, swelling of the breasts is a sign of pregnancy, characteristic of the 1-2 weeksafter conception . A woman’s breasts become more sensitive: painful at the slightest touch, at times it is literally impossible to touch them. However, such signs of pregnancy before the delay are not at all necessary, it happens the other way around: a woman does not feel any changes in her breasts and wonders why they don’t hurt, as usually happens before menstruation.

Darkening of the skin around the nipple area may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Also, discharge may appear from the nipples when pressed. The body thus prepares the mammary glands for breastfeeding the baby after birth.

5. First signs of pregnancy before menstruation : sensations in the lower abdomen

The development of pregnancy involves all the forces of a woman’s body. To the pelvic area P There is a significant increase in blood flow, and the pregnant woman’s uterus begins to increase in size. Therefore, many women say that they feel the uterus right from the very early stages. In addition to the feeling of “fullness” in the lower abdomen, tingling inside the uterus, bloating and sometimes intestinal upset are possible. These early signs may appear all at once or separately, or not at all.

For the same reason, it is possible that hemorrhoids And varicose veins during pregnancy . In general, such phenomena are characteristic of the second half of pregnancy, due to the enlargement of the fetus and uterus. But for some expectant mothers, mostly multiparous, these problems may appear in the early stages.

6. Signs of pregnancy: fatigue, drowsiness, absent-mindedness

Fatigue, constant drowsiness, a state of absent-mindedness, sometimes anxiety, sentimentality or excessive emotionality appear for the same reason: active production of the hormone progesterone, a complete restructuring of the female body aimed at pregnancy.

Progesterone has a suppressive effect on the psyche, causing drowsiness. This condition will not last long. Already after the 10th week of pregnancy, the placenta begins to produce its hormones, then the level of estrogen increases, which already has a stimulating effect on the woman’s psyche.

7. Early signs of pregnancy: it may feel hot or cold

This symptom is explained by the increase in temperature that accompanies a pregnant woman in the first few weeks and a decrease in blood pressure.

In general, the state of the body as it adjusts to a new, pregnant way is like a swing: until the processes of change are stabilized, changes in well-being, increased sweating, and a feeling of either hot or cold, and weakness or excessive activity are possible.

8. Signs of pregnancy before your period: changes in taste, aversion to smells, nausea, drooling

Early toxicosis is one of the main signs of pregnancy. Nausea and even vomiting usually occurs from the 2nd week, and can continue throughout the pregnancy, periodically intensifying and then receding. This phenomenon is explained by changes in the functional state of the female central nervous system.

Changes in taste, taste preferences, as well as an aversion to certain smells are characteristic of most women; only some lucky women manage to avoid these problems while bearing a baby.

Vomiting may occur twice or even more times during the day; it may be accompanied by profuse drooling and loss of appetite. In such cases, you should consult your doctor.

9. Signs of pregnancy: lower back pain, frequent headaches

Pain resembling “lumbago” may appear in the sacral area; such pain in the lower back is also observed in the later stages of pregnancy. The occurrence of headaches is explained by the same hormones, or rather by a sudden change in their quantity in a woman’s body.

Such pains also serve as a sign of an interesting situation, but mostly indirectly. As a rule, hormone levels level out by the end of the first trimester, headaches disappear, and the expectant mother can truly enjoy her position - the second trimester will bring noticeable relief to the pregnant woman.

10. Signs of pregnancy after conception: increased frequency of urination

Frequent urination included inearly signs of pregnancy after conception . The reason for them lies in an increase in the level of female hormones in the body, a rush of blood to the pelvis, and temporary changes in kidney function.

In the second trimester, this symptom is considered a common symptom of pregnancy. At this time, increased frequency of urination occurs due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the woman’s bladder.

11. The first signs of conception after a missed period: increased vaginal discharge

After conception, as already mentioned, the flow of blood to the pelvic organs increases, which is why the volume of vaginal discharge increases.

By the way, these secretions have a protective function: the increased content of hydrogen ions in vaginal secretions protects the pregnant woman’s body and the baby in her tummy from the penetration of microbes.

But this phenomenon also has a serious disadvantage: this resulting environment is favorable for the proliferation of yeast fungi, which is why pregnant women often experience thrush, which requires mandatory competent treatment in order to avoid infection of the fetus. In addition, thrush increases the risk of rupture during childbirth.

12. Signs of pregnancy: missed period

Changes in the menstrual calendar towards a delay in menstruation are the surest sign of pregnancy, the logical continuation of which is conducting a pregnancy test and visiting an antenatal clinic.

As discussed earlier, bleeding is possible at the beginning of pregnancy, but it is insignificant, not profuse, and noticeably different from menstrual bleeding. In any case, it is important to understand the seriousness of a delay in menstruation, as well as timely contact with a gynecologist, since a delay can serve as a symptom of some gynecological disease.

If your pregnancy status is confirmed, smile and tune in to an extremely positive perception of the changes occurring in your body. Get ready to become a mommy and be healthy!

Yana Lagidna, especially for

Physiological changes in the expectant mother. The first symptoms of pregnancy according to the gender of the child. Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy.

It is quite possible to determine pregnancy at a short period of time, when there is no delay yet. Knowing the early signs of gestation and identifying them in yourself will please a married couple who has been striving to conceive.

Pronounced signs of pregnancy before a missed period are noticeable during the implantation of the fertilized egg (approximately 20 days after the fusion of the female and male cells). Until this moment, the body reacts slightly to the birth of a new life. But attentive women understand that a new addition to the family is expected.

Physiological changes in the expectant mother

If a woman of childbearing age suspects that conception has occurred and is looking for information on how to understand that she is pregnant before her period is missed, first of all she should listen to herself.

How are you feeling, sense of smell, condition of the breasts, type of vaginal discharge, etc. Any deviation from the usual sensations is a reason to think about what is happening in the body.

Distorted sense of smell

An aversion to environmental odors during pregnancy occurs in every second woman. The phenomenon is associated with changes in the central nervous system. Aversion to odors leads to excessive salivation, nausea, and changes in the taste of food.

Breast tenderness

The mammary glands react to conception immediately after implantation of the egg. Breasts may appear swollen in the first week. Light touches cause pain. Sensitivity increases, the color of the halos changes.

Montgomery's bumps, which resemble rashes on halos, become more pronounced. They are present on every woman's chest and are usually not so noticeable. These small rudimentary glands become visible after the fertilized egg has implanted. Therefore, changes in the mammary glands can be considered one of the earliest signs of a recent pregnancy.

Deterioration in general health

Fluctuations in progesterone levels and a slight increase in body temperature lead to the appearance of signs of a cold. Not yet knowing about her situation, the woman thinks that this is a consequence of hypothermia or infection, because all the symptoms are the same:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Runny nose or sore throat.

In the first 48 hours after fertilization of the egg, a special substance appears in the blood of women, which experts call an early pregnancy factor. An increase in its indicators is observed in the 1st trimester. Diagnosis of conception based on this factor confirms 67% of completed pregnancies.

Bleeding from the genital tract

Let's consider whether pregnancy can be determined by vaginal discharge. When the egg implants into the uterine cavity, slight implantation bleeding occurs. This is explained by the presence of its own vascular network in the endometrium.

At the moment of attachment of the egg, the vessels are injured and blood is released. Often such an event occurs on the day of the expected menstruation. If a woman has never had heavy periods, she may not suspect gestation.

However, there are several signs by which false menstruation can be distinguished from true bleeding:

  1. Short duration – 1 – 2 days.
  2. There is no increase in bleeding.
  3. The color of the blood is red or pinkish.
  4. The discharge does not contain impurities.
  5. The process is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus is atraumatic for the blood vessels, vaginal discharge during pregnancy becomes transparent, moderately thick and loses its distinct odor.

Frequent urination

Increased frequency of trips to the toilet during the day and the need to urinate at night may indicate pregnancy.

If there are no unpleasant symptoms, there is no need to worry. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes, due to which the uterus receives more blood. Congested blood vessels affect the urinary system. This is not considered a disease.


Toxicosis, which is often manifested by nausea and vomiting, will help determine the development of pregnancy before a missed period.

Many mothers remember with a shudder an unpleasant symptom, due to which they could not even brush their teeth properly. Toxicosis cannot be ignored, since it disrupts the formation of organs and systems of the embryo. In addition to digestive symptoms, a pregnant woman may be bothered by cramps, bronchial asthma, and skin rashes. And all this refers to signs of toxicosis.

Scientists cannot determine why such an unfavorable process develops during pregnancy. However, gynecologists analyzed which factors increase the risk of developing toxicosis:

  • Stress.
  • Multiple abortions.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Excessive body thinness.
  • Endocrine and digestive disorders.

HCG tests help doctors judge the presence of pregnancy. The hormone begins to increase even before the delay of menstruation, and at 1 - 2 weeks of pregnancy its value varies between 25 - 156 mU / ml. From 2 to 3 weeks, the hCG value is 101 – 4870 mU/ml.

Fullness in the lower abdomen

A strange feeling of a full stomach sometimes indicates pregnancy. The severity is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus, to which blood actively flows.

With a significant increase in the reproductive organ, when the fetus is rapidly developing, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be accompanied by hemorrhoids. During the first pregnancy, the complication occurs after the 20th week, and during the second pregnancy it bothers us in the early stages.

Basal temperature indicators

Constant measurements in the morning immediately after waking up and drawing up a graph of its fluctuations provide the most accurate results. Based on BT indicators, you can easily calculate ovulation, since during this period previously recorded indicators increase and persist for some time. About a week before your period, the temperature measured rectally becomes normal.

If a woman sees from the graph that the dynamics of BT have changed, but there is no decrease, it makes sense to suspect pregnancy. In an interesting position, the rectal temperature does not decrease.

Low blood pressure in early pregnancy is observed in hypotensive women. Blood pressure levels reach 90/60 mmHg. and are lower. In a stuffy room and after a long stay in a standing position, the expectant mother experiences weakness or dizziness. For the same reason, fainting occurs.

The first symptoms of pregnancy by gender of the child

If a married couple really wants a boy or a girl and makes every effort to conceive, information on how to find out about pregnancy based on the child’s gender will be relevant for future parents.

The conception of a boy is indicated by several obvious signs noticed by the mothers of their sons. They have no medical basis. Let's look at how pregnant women walk:

  1. Appearance – only positive changes. The woman looks blooming. Her hair becomes thick, her nails become strong, her skin becomes matte with a pleasant peach tint.
  2. Appetite increases from the first days. A craving for meat products appears.
  3. Mood – psycho-emotional state is good, performance is normal, a surge of strength is felt.
  4. Temperature of the extremities – cold feet against the general background of internal warmth.
  5. Nausea - either not there, or slightly nauseous.
  6. The belly is rounded at the bottom, taking on the shape of a small bulge. Upon careful examination of the body, this is noticeable in 1–2 weeks.

Now let's try to figure out how to determine pregnancy before a missed period if a girl is born in the womb. The mother's appearance changes for the worse. The daughter takes away her beauty, making her skin pale and puffy, and her lips swollen. Pigment spots appear and freckles become more pronounced. My legs feel warm to the touch, but my insides are pounding with chills.

There is no appetite from the first days of pregnancy. If you want to refresh yourself, a woman chooses sweets or citrus fruits. Mood, thoughts and actions are disordered. Much is done spontaneously. In the morning, mommy is bothered by nausea, which subsides slightly in the evening. The stomach looks slightly sunken.

As for multiple pregnancy, which pleases some people and saddens others, its symptoms may be as follows:

  • Appearance – powerful hormonal changes and the body’s work “for everyone” significantly spoil the appearance. I'm worried about severe toxicosis. Acne appears on the face.
  • Appetite is increased even with nausea.
  • Body weight is gained quickly.
  • The mood is unimportant. The woman is overcome by laziness, drowsiness, and fatigue.
  • Nausea – periodically ends with vomiting.
  • Urination – accelerated growth of the uterus increases the need to urinate.
  • The belly is evenly rounded from the first weeks.

A gynecologist can determine early pregnancy. He examines the patient on the chair and sees that the cervix has become softer and cyanotic. Its color changed under the influence of increased blood circulation. These indicators are typical for a period of 6 weeks.

Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy

Determining pregnancy in the first week is very difficult. After merging with the male seed, the female cell moves through the tubes to the uterus within 5–7 days. The pea-sized embryo acquires a placenta and umbilical cord. After a week, it attaches to the walls of the reproductive organ. You can feel the birth of life at this moment intuitively and by comparing folk signs with your state of early pregnancy.

Some women do this simple test: sprinkle a pinch of soda into fresh urine and observe the reaction. If bubbles appear, the test is positive. The second option is to mix urine with a drop of iodine. If the drug has dissolved, conception has taken place.

Dream interpreters consider a dream in which a watermelon or live fish was a signal of pregnancy. Many mothers notice an increase in libido as pregnancy begins. I want sex more and more often. A more reliable method would be a simple measurement. You need to lie on your back and measure 8 cm down from the navel. If this point pulsates, there is new life within.

Two identical bulbs will help you tell your fortune whether you are pregnant or not. They sit in glasses and watch which one releases green feathers faster. The winning vegetable gives the exact answer.

Other signs also promise pregnancy:

  1. Water indoor plants or flowers in the garden with urine - their intensive growth will indicate a hormonal surge characteristic of gestation.
  2. Boil urine - the appearance of flakes indicates pregnancy.
  3. Assess the color of morning urine - dark liquid reveals an interesting situation.

But what to do if the signs indicate conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period are accompanied by unilateral abdominal pain and prolonged heavy pseudomenstruation?

Most likely, an ectopic pregnancy develops inside a woman's body. In other words, the fertilized egg stopped at a certain part of its path and settled outside the uterus (most often in the tube). Unpleasant sensations arise at the site of its localization and intensify when walking and turning the body.

What to do in this case? Go to the doctor immediately!

A little about vaginal thrush

At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be bothered by the symptoms inherent in thrush - itching, curdled discharge, swelling of the genitals. Out of ignorance, women classify the disease as a sign of gestation and do not receive treatment. But in fact, it is fungi that provoke it, and not the fact of conception.

Intense blood flow to the pelvic organs, an increase in the amount of secretions and a surge of estrogen create the prerequisites for the successful reproduction of candida flora. The specific smell and unusual consistency of discharge during pregnancy should alert a woman. Thrush is not harmless. It must be completely eliminated before birth so that the baby does not pass through the infected genital tract.

Knowing the characteristics of your body, you can detect the first signs of pregnancy before your menstruation is missed. Women who have children often accurately detect a new pregnancy at a very early stage. How do they do this? After all, many are tormented by doubts for weeks, trying to recognize changes in their body. They buy several tests to determine pregnancy, doubting their results, and go for an ultrasound. A young, carefree girl can detect the development of a new life in her womb by her rounded tummy. What are the main signs of pregnancy before delay and how to notice them?

Onset of pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized and successfully implanted in the outer layer of the inner surface of the uterus, global transformations immediately begin in the body. All organs and systems are tuned to bear a child and provide him with everything necessary for development. This mechanism is triggered by a hormone that intensively releases the embryo of the future placenta. This secretion is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It penetrates first into the woman's blood and then into her urine. Every day the concentration of the hormone in a woman’s body increases rapidly. It is its presence that is determined by pregnancy tests.

The hCG hormone triggers processes to change the entire hormonal background of a woman. She begins to release other substances that restructure the functioning of the entire body. All these transformations begin quickly. They are so violent and large-scale that a sensitive woman will definitely notice them.

A girl may not pay attention to new sensations and may not detect early signs of pregnancy before her period is missed, considering these symptoms to be a random occurrence. Whereas an experienced mother will not leave the body’s signals unattended. How to find out about pregnancy before delay?

Characteristic symptoms

One of the very first signs of an interesting situation is a sudden change in taste. A woman may suddenly want some product or dish. She eats it with pleasure in large quantities, receiving incredible pleasure. Often pregnant women crave herring, pickled cucumbers or pickled apples. But there may be other unexpected desires. Often a pregnant woman demands a product to which she was previously completely indifferent.

During pregnancy, breasts often begin to hurt. Sometimes she becomes so sensitive that it hurts to touch her. Women even have to select special soft underwear to reduce discomfort from contact with the fabric. Another characteristic sign of pregnancy is tingling in the chest. For a moment it is as if she is pierced by a needle. This feeling is familiar to breastfeeding women. It happens during a sudden rush of milk.

Odor intolerance. This is the most common sign of pregnancy. From the first days after conception, the perception of familiar aromas may change. The smell of your favorite shampoo or eau de toilette suddenly becomes pungent and repulsive. Unpleasant sensations arise in a variety of manifestations. For example, the smell of autumn leaves, which previously seemed unnoticeable, may suddenly cause disgust.

Nausea is also considered a classic symptom of early pregnancy. However, a pregnant woman does not necessarily experience morning vomiting. Nausea is often mild in nature. There may be an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth from food or an aversion to certain foods. Sometimes indigestion, intestinal colic and other disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract are observed.

The first days and weeks of pregnancy often manifest as a mild cold. The woman feels a slight increase in temperature and is shivering. She may have a sore throat and runny nose. This condition is sometimes observed throughout the first trimester.

Weakness and drowsiness. A pregnant woman constantly wants to sleep. She happily naps at lunchtime without losing the quality of her night's sleep. The woman gets tired quickly and looks for an opportunity to rest.

Changes in a woman's body can cause dizziness and even fainting. Such symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period often occur unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment.

Physiological manifestations

Unusual scanty bloody or yellow-brown discharge 7-12 days after intercourse may indicate successful fertilization. During implantation of the egg into the upper layer of the inner surface of the uterus, damage to small blood vessels occurs. Such bleeding is not profuse and is not observed in all women.

Due to hormonal fluctuations, a woman feels either hot or cold. She suddenly feels stuffy indoors or has trouble keeping warm in warm weather. A pregnant woman suddenly experiences redness in her face or cold feet. These signs of pregnancy before the delay appear more strongly in the evening.

Hormonal surges can cause unexpectedly high sexual desire or, conversely, complete indifference to sex.

Having received the fertilized egg, the uterus begins to intensively fill with blood, increasing in size. A woman can notice such changes by characteristic tingling and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. A engorged uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, causing lower back pain or frequent urination.

The amount of discharge becomes much greater than usual. They perform a protective function, preventing infection from entering the uterine cavity until it is tightly sealed with a mucus plug. This will happen at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Copious white discharge is odorless and resembles egg white.

Thick and cheesy discharge with a sour odor indicates the development of a fungal disease - thrush. It is accompanied by swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The woman feels itching and burning, which can sometimes be unbearable. This disease is also a sign of pregnancy. After fertilization, a decrease in immunity occurs, which inhibits the proliferation of fungal microorganisms. Therefore, pregnant women often suffer from thrush.

Another obvious symptom of pregnancy is increased salivation. Sometimes it can be so strong that it causes discomfort to the woman. Excessive saliva production causes weight loss, which can threaten the health of the pregnant woman. Swallowing a large amount of secretion causes changes in the acidity of gastric juice.

Accurate determination of pregnancy before a missed period is quite possible. Regular measurements of basal body temperature will help detect successful fertilization. This is the name of the indicator that is observed in a person after a long rest. It is usually measured in the morning by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before taking measurements, you need to move as little as possible.

During ovulation, basal temperature rises to 37-37.4 °C. If fertilization does not occur, a few days before the next menstruation the indicator drops to 36.4-36.8 °C. Otherwise this doesn't happen.

By monitoring basal temperature, implantation retraction can be detected. It represents a slight temperature jump on the day of implantation of a fertilized egg into the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

After ovulation, the basal temperature rises to 37°C and above. On the day of implantation, the indicator drops by 0.2 °C for about a day, after which it returns to its previous value. The difference is due to changes in hormonal levels. , estrogen levels sharply increase, temporarily lowering basal body temperature.

To determine the fluctuations of the latter, measurements must be made at the same time every day. During the research process, you need to lead a measured lifestyle, avoid stress, strict diets, lack of sleep, overwork and alcohol abuse. Studies conducted during illness are not reliable.

Using the test

Modern tests for determining pregnancy are highly sensitive.

They are able to detect the hCG hormone in a woman’s urine before the day of probable menstruation. The electronic inkjet test is very convenient to use.

It can be used at any time of the day. No additional urine collection container is required for testing. Diagnostics are carried out by placing the receiving part of the device under the stream. After just 1 minute, the result will be displayed on the electronic display.

Instead of faintly visible stripes of a regular test, the result appears on the electronic device in the form of the words pregnant or not pregnant.

The reliability of such diagnosis 4 days before the expected menstruation is 51%. If it is carried out in 3 days, the probability of error will be even less - only 18%. And one day before menstruation, the accuracy of determination reaches 95%.

Modern electronic tests can also determine the gestational age. If hCG hormone is detected, one of the result options will appear: “1-2 weeks”, “2-3 weeks” or “3 weeks or more”. The indicator is maintained throughout the day.

Folk signs

There have long been folk signs of early detection of an interesting situation. Women used to give birth to more children. They remembered not only their feelings, but also noticed changes in the appearance of other recently pregnant women. Many signs of pregnancy (discharge, nausea and odor intolerance) are still known today. But there were also more unusual signs:

  1. According to popular belief, a girl instinctively covers her belly while walking.
  2. A pregnant woman develops venous networks on her body, especially on her chest and shoulders.
  3. A pregnant woman sneezes and snores at night (if she has not done this before).
  4. It is impossible to curl a pregnant woman's hair by any means.
  5. If you lie on your back, you can feel the pulse of a pregnant woman at a distance of 7-8 cm below the navel.
  6. The development of the fetus inside the woman was indicated by night pain in the navel area.
  7. A pregnant woman's breasts become fuller. The woman fills up and gains weight. She may experience some swelling.
  8. A young lady's relationship with animals changes. She approaches them with tenderness, and they caress her.
  9. A pregnant woman suddenly begins to make grandiose plans. She may start renovations, building a house or moving.

Many women look forward to the moment when a new life begins to develop in their body, in other words, the onset of pregnancy. It is not surprising that they want to know about the occurrence of this event as early as possible. Are there any The best way determine when an embryo will appear in the uterus? And is it possible to recognize this event during its first days? Is a woman able to feel the changes occurring in the uterus?

The very first signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy is usually determined by the presence of menstruation. As you know, menstruation is the rejection of the uterine epithelium with an unfertilized egg. If the next menstruation does not occur, this may mean that the egg has successfully implanted in the uterus and has begun to develop, that is, pregnancy has occurred. However, this sign cannot be called absolutely reliable. After all, a delay in menstruation can also be a consequence of hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. In addition, many women, especially young women, do not have a regular menstrual cycle.

Are there other ways to recognize pregnancy during its first days? Medical research is usually used for this purpose, for example:

  • rapid pregnancy test using urine,
  • blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),

Express test

An express test usually allows you to determine pregnancy very early, in the first weeks. However, cases of obtaining a false positive or false negative result are not uncommon. Therefore, in order to be completely sure that the result is correct, a woman needs to conduct several tests at intervals of several days. It is advisable to use test strips from different manufacturers and, of course, not expired ones.

HCG analysis

This test is more accurate, but the disadvantage is that it cannot be done at home. HCG is a hormone, the amount of which in the blood begins to increase from the first day of gestation, and in geometric progression.


Ultrasound scanning of the uterus is also a reliable diagnostic method to find out about pregnancy during its first days. This method helps to detect the fetus in the uterus a week after it is there. However, as in the case of the hCG test, the disadvantage of the method is that it requires visiting a doctor.

Physiological signs

What are the very first signs of pregnancy before your period? And can a woman recognize the birth of a new life in the first weeks by physiological sensations?

Most women notice the first signs of pregnancy only in the second month. However, the hormonal changes associated with bearing a child begin from her first days. Another thing is that women do not always pay attention to the very first physiological evidence of their condition.

So, what are the first signs of pregnancy? These usually include:

  • unusual sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • unusual sensations in the mammary glands;
  • changes in taste, smell, appetite;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • changes in behavior and mood;
  • discharge from the genitals;
  • temperature change.

Sensations in the lower abdomen

According to some women, in the first weeks or even days of bearing a child, they felt unusual sensations in the lower abdomen, a feeling of warmth in the genital area, tingling in the uterus, etc. Such sensations have no rational explanation. Most likely, this is an illusion caused by the desire to get pregnant. Or a consequence of hormonal changes occurring in the body.

Sensations in the chest area

The first symptoms of pregnancy may include unusual sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands. It is known that women often observe a change in nipple sensitivity in the first days of pregnancy. They may become painful, swell, itch, change color, etc. These first signs are also caused by changes in hormonal balance.

Changes in taste, appetite and smell

Signs of pregnancy before your period is missed may include changes in your sense of taste and smell. This is also due to the influence of hormones. Some odors emitted by objects may become different from those that are usually associated with them. For example, fruits may begin to smell like oil, etc. The taste of foods can change in the same way. Some favorite foods may seem disgusting, while previously unloved ones may seem desirable. Appetite may also increase, but the opposite phenomenon may also occur when there is no appetite. Also, a woman may experience nausea in the first weeks of bearing a child.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and urinary organs

The very first signs of pregnancy may include increased urination, as well as problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation. This circumstance is usually associated with a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Also, in the first weeks, chronic diseases such as hemorrhoids or cystitis may worsen.

Changes in behavior and mood

For many women, obvious signs of pregnancy include changes in behavior and mood. These changes can be of different nature. Most often, a woman becomes nervous and irritable. With this development of events, conflicts in the family may escalate. Or, a woman may be too lethargic and apathetic. Some people may experience increased sleepiness in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Discharge from the genitals

An important event that occurs during the first days of pregnancy is the attachment of the egg to the endometrium. In this case, moderate bleeding, called implantation bleeding, may occur. This bleeding is not comparable in volume to menstrual bleeding. Sometimes a similar process can provoke the development of thrush. This disease can be treated, regardless of whether it is related to pregnancy or not.


A change in temperature after conception can also be one of the first signs of pregnancy. If a woman takes her basal temperature, she can determine when her period begins by the decrease in basal temperature. But if this does not happen, then this may be evidence that there is a fetus in the uterus.

Can you trust the first symptoms of pregnancy?

On the other hand, many women do not experience any special symptoms during the first days or even weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, the absence of the above symptoms does not mean that the woman is not pregnant. In addition, many of the above signs may not indicate conception at all, but diseases, both gynecological and diseases of internal organs. Therefore, you cannot completely rely on these signs. Much more reliable evidence of pregnancy is tests and tests, as well as the absence of regular menstruation.