How to choose a gift so that you like it one hundred percent? Choosing gifts: useful tips How to choose an appropriate informal gift.


What you need to pay attention to when choosing a gift for a person, so that the gift is interesting and useful.

Choosing a birthday gift

No one will argue with the fact that the most important and important holiday for any person is his birthday. Therefore, this day is remembered for a long time, leaving only pleasant moments in a person’s memory. On this day, the birthday person is the center of attention, and for this you need to come up with an original, and at the same time practical birthday gift , which will remind you and your warm relationship for a long time. You should prepare well for such a gift in order to make a good impression and choose the best gift that is most suitable for the birthday person.

A birthday gift personifies your attitude towards a person and indicates a level of trust, so it must necessarily correspond to the preferences of the hero of the occasion, so before choosing a gift, think carefully about what the person needs or wants.

Features of choosing birthday gifts

To make a gift memorable and give a lot of positive emotions, you should remember such selection criteria as age, gender, degree of relationship, marital status, as well as the person’s hobbies and profession. This day should be special for the person, so try to come up with a gift that you won’t want to part with. You should always remember that different people react differently to different gifts, so try to cater to people's sentiments. You should not give people with a fear of heights a parachute jump or a walk on the roof. The originality of the gift depends only on you, so use your imagination to present a truly meaningful gift.

Age is not a problem. How to choose a gift for different age categories?

A person’s age, in most cases, reflects his or her thinking style and worldview, so knowing how old the birthday person is, you can choose the right gift that will appeal to her or him. Conventionally, the following main age categories can be distinguished: up to 15, 15-25, 25-35, 35-55, 55+. They all have some differences that are worth your attention, so we will look at these categories. Up to 15 years is a time of bright and carefree childhood, where every day is like a miracle. At this age, various educational games, sets of sweets are perfect, because who but children love sweets, various excursions and hikes, gift sets of toys of their favorite characters. From 15 to 25 is one of the most difficult periods in which the formation of personality, its character and vision of the world takes place, as well as skills and abilities are formed. Teenagers love to stand out and often want to give the impression of an adult, so various new technological devices, things and items that match fashion, gifts that highlight a person’s features and make them stand out from the crowd, as well as tickets to various events, concerts, photo shoots, and exhibitions are great for gifts.

From 25 to 35 - during this period of life a person focuses his energies on developing his career or continues to study in order to develop his potential, become more rational and restrained. Therefore, a person of this age should be given something practical and necessary in everyday life, which can simplify and improve everyday life. Such
gifts can be organizers, notepads, backpacks and bags, home furnishings, watches, etc. From 35 to 55 is the peak of human abilities and development, as well as the beginning of a crisis associated with rethinking one’s life. In such situations, it is worth thinking about a gift that will impress, relax or invigorate the person and help him understand himself. Among these are various gym memberships, massage treatments, vouchers and travel, various master classes,
a coupon for horse riding lessons, a motorcycle ride or archery or weapons shooting. 55+ is the age at which gifts are given not so much material, but emotional attention. Therefore, try to give as much attention as possible to a trip to the cinema, restaurant or theater, or give a gift that reminds the person of the old days when he was young and handsome. These may include antiques, paintings, old books.

The main thing in a gift is quality

Perhaps the most important rule when choosing a gift for a person, because high-quality things bring more comfort and confidence. Always remember that when choosing a gift, you need to pay attention not so much to quantity and cost, but to the quality of the item and significance. A quality gift, first of all, indicates how important this person is, that you
you wish this person only the best and take care of him as if you were yourself, because you choose the best for yourself, right? Don’t forget that choosing a gift is only half the battle. Try to make the presentation of a gift unexpected and unforgettable, because first of all, people appreciate the attention and feelings that you put into this gift. Always remember this and give your family and friends only positive emotions.

Do you like receiving gifts? What about giving? What about choosing? For most people, the process of choosing gifts is a rather painful procedure, especially if you want to give something really necessary, useful, with meaning, and not get away with a cute trinket. How often a gift turns out to be unnecessary and remains to gather dust somewhere on a shelf in a closet, or is even given away altogether - and all this is a consequence of the inattention of the giver, his ignorance of the basic rules for choosing gifts.

However, the gift industry is currently so well developed that it is simply a sin, if not to give a person what he has always dreamed of, then at least something that he will sincerely enjoy. How to choose the right gift?

7 tips for choosing a gift

1. Find out about the person's hobbies. You can choose the right gift according to his hobby. Give a gardener a houseplant, a book lover an encyclopedia, a board game lover a handmade backgammon, a liquor collector a minibar.

2. Gifts related to a person's profession. Not only a hobby, but also a person’s profession will help you choose the right gift. Surely a businessman will not refuse a good organizer, a programmer will not refuse a new useful gadget, and an alarm clock in the shape of a soccer ball will become “native” for a football player.

3. A gift of character. A person’s character is also an important criterion, based on which you can choose the right gift. For a person with a good sense of humor, cool gifts are suitable - fortunately, nowadays there are a great variety of them for every taste. For extreme sports enthusiasts, you can give a parachute jump or hang gliding flight, diving or bungee descent.

4. A gift associated with events in life. Has the hero of the occasion recently had a baby? You can choose a gift in the form of a baby monitor or a sling. Is the birthday boy a new resident? Then he will be happy with household items, amulets for the home, and dishes. Are you going to visit a person who has gone through a difficult period in his life? Give him something to lift his spirits.

5. Reason for celebration. A gift can be exclusively for a specific holiday and will remind you of it for many years. But here, too, be original and don’t settle for cufflinks on February 23rd or a vase on March 8th. You need to choose a gift that is not expected from you, that will surprise and delight you.

6. You can just inquire , what the hero of the occasion would like to see as a gift from himself or his relatives. Believe me, a well-known but necessary gift is a hundred times better than a useless surprise.

7. If you decide give money , approach this issue outside the box. There is no talk of the fact that people have not given money in ordinary envelopes for a long time; there are special postcards and envelopes for this purpose. You can also design a money tree or give a piggy bank with a paper bill in it.

Be careful when purchasing the following items as gifts:

1. Interior items, home decor (vases, indoor fountains, paintings, etc.) Such a gift may simply not “fit” into the overall atmosphere of the house or may not suit your taste.

2. Clothes – it’s easy to miss the model, size and color here.

3. Pets - unless you are sure that the hero of the occasion dreams of a parrot or a cat.

4. Cosmetics, perfume - unless you probably know that the person for whom you want to choose a gift uses exactly this lipstick and exactly the same perfume.

5. Household appliances – the characteristics may simply not be suitable, and this will be doubly offensive to both you and the hero of the occasion, because the products of this group are not cheap.

Do not use as a gift:

1. Gifts related in any way to a person's shortcomings . Roughly speaking, if the hero of the occasion is planning to go bald, there is no need to give him a remedy for hair loss. Don't remind us of the bad things on the holiday!

2. Gifts for the future (“I’m sure you’ll need this someday!”)

3. Things from my home , even those that you have never (or almost never) used. Firstly, this is unethical, and secondly, the birthday person could notice this thing in your home and be offended by receiving such a gift.

4. Things with defects – even if you noticed it after the purchase (keep this item for yourself and buy something else).

5. What already exists at the hero of the occasion.

By approaching the process of choosing gifts creatively and devoting a sufficient amount of time to it, you will certainly choose exactly the option that will please the hero of the occasion, and will receive as a reward the phrase “This is exactly what I dreamed of!”

  • Originality is one of the rules that allows you to choose a truly interesting gift. A gift should please and bring positive emotions, so you should give up obscure books, for example, with advice on how to quit smoking, figurines and souvenirs that usually just gather dust on a shelf, and banal framed photos.
  • Start from the person's hobbies. Find out what he likes, what his hobbies are and give him something useful. An important point is to understand the seriousness and depth of the hobby. For example, giving a book “Photography for Dummies” to an almost professional photographer is not the best idea, because he will not find anything new or useful in it.
  • Learn about the person's habits and character. This can also give you a gift idea. For example, if a person runs in the morning, then a fitness bracelet could be an interesting gift. And if a person loves coffee, then the new variety will surprise and pleasantly delight him.
  • Gifts for professional growth. Often a person’s professional activity can become a source of gift ideas. But if you are not familiar with the intricacies of the profession, then you should ask for advice from the colleagues of the person you want to gift.

Interior items as a gift

It is believed that a good gift should be practical, meaningful, relevant and age appropriate. For example, a gift for the home: interior items or.

Interior items should be given with great care. Most advice on how to choose a gift does not recommend buying anything large at all. On the other hand, such a gift will definitely emphasize how important the person is to you. Practical gifts that will take up space in a person’s apartment for a long time can always be found in large stores.

Such gifts, including furniture, can be given to relatives and close friends - those people in whose house you have been and know for sure that, for example, a new ottoman would not hurt.

Ideal if you have been asked to donate something for your home. However, the majority still believes that it is good when the gift is unexpected. For such a case, you can use a small life hack. Take a photo of the interior of the apartment of the person you are choosing a gift for. Now this is not difficult to do, because every phone has a camera. And then you show these photos. Based on what he sees, you will receive qualified advice on what can be added to this interior so as not to spoil it, on the one hand, and to add practicality or beauty, on the other.

What kind of gift can you buy at a furniture center? For the comfort of your home, you can choose. In order to gather in a large group, you can choose a variety of chairs, including beanbags and poufs. To decorate your home, you can choose paintings, decorative pillows or rugs that will not only please the eye, but also refresh the interior. And many, many more interesting things, come and choose!

13 chosen

The closer the New Year gets, the more actively we look for gifts for friends and family. And what should bring joy often becomes a source of stress. After all, you really want to guess with a gift: choose something that will definitely please the person. And how nice it is to see sincere joy on the recipient’s face! But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Perhaps because when choosing gifts we make one of the common mistakes.

An excuse gift

A gift bought on the way to a holiday, or one that you didn’t think about at all when you grabbed the first thing you came across in the store, is not really a gift. In fact, it's more of an excuse. An empty formality that usually does not bring any joy. And if so, then why was it given at all?

When thinking about and choosing a gift, we put a piece of our soul into it. And that's what makes it special.

Gift for yourself

"What a cool item! It would make a great gift!" It’s so nice when such thoughts come to us in the store. But think for a moment – ​​who would it be a great gift for? Maybe for you?

Very often we choose gifts that we ourselves like, and do not think about how the recipients will feel about them. A lover of cute soft toys gives them to everyone, and the happy recipients then wonder what to do with all these “dust collectors.” The extreme sportsman enthusiastically hands his friend a coupon for a parachute jump, plunging him into real horror. And I, for example, would gladly give pets to others. Only with my mind I understand well that such gifts will please few people, but will cause inconvenience to many.

Gift hint

Sometimes, with the best intentions, we try to give a person something that we think he lacks. Is it rarely tidy when visiting a friend? Let's give away a miracle mop! Our sleepy sister will receive an alarm clock from us, our disorganized younger brother will receive an organizer, and our overweight friend will receive a gym membership. Now we can be calm: everyone is happy!

Make no mistake: you won’t be able to change a person with just a gift. So your gifts will most likely end up in the back of the junk closet. In addition, these are hint gifts that point people to their weaknesses. Not only will they not bring joy, but they can also offend.


“A person should be given something that he would never buy for himself,”- says popular wisdom. It can be continued: “So here’s a roll of barbed wire, brushed leggings, and a textbook on punch card programming.”

It seems to me that my husband’s friends at the institute were seriously guided by this principle for a long time. Year after year they gave each other some utter nonsense. The main thing for them was not the gift, but the humorous effect it produced. I'll admit, it was really fun for the first couple of years. But then the old joke starts to get boring. Moreover, the closet for unnecessary things is not rubber.

Cheap expensive gift

We are generous and magnanimous people. And often we want to give some grandiose gift that does not fit into our budget. And then we find a way out - we give something worthwhile (for example, a smartphone), but choose the cheapest option available. But this is also not the best idea, especially when it comes to technology. After all, price often speaks volumes about reliability. So, maybe you should think about a simpler gift, but of high quality?

The right gift

You know that a person is planning to buy himself, say, a tablet. And, being proactive, give this gadget as a gift. Ideal option, isn't it?

Unfortunately, not always. When a person plans to buy something for himself, he usually understands very well what exactly he needs, chooses the brand, model and even the color of this product. And when he is unexpectedly given something similar (but not quite the same), this can cause upset. The person finds himself in a stupid position. On the one hand, it now makes no sense for him to buy what he dreamed of, because a similar gadget already exists. On the other hand, his dream, strictly speaking, never came true.

The more friends a person has, the more often he has to think about choosing gifts. What to do if you want not just to present a gift for show, but to really surprise and please someone important to you and hear enthusiastic responses about the gift presented? How to choose a gift and hit the nail on the head - to guess the desires of the person being gifted, if he modestly shrugs it off and says that he will be happy with any gift, even the most modest one, or your very presence at the celebration?

Indeed, in order to choose a gift and not worry whether a person will like it, it is best to ask about his wishes. All that remains for you after this is to go and purchase or order the item indicated by the hero of the occasion. To make the task easier and not rush around all the shops in the city, you can compare gifts on, choose the most advantageous option and please your loved one.

If you want your gift to remain secret until the last moment, follow the rules below.

  1. Let the gift become an event

Even if you cannot be original in your gift, be creative in its packaging and presentation. Let the recipient of the gift remember the moment of its presentation for the rest of his life. For example:

  • hide the gift and set up a quest (hang clues throughout the apartment so that getting the long-awaited gift is not so easy) - this option is suitable for a loved one who loves adventures, for the person living with you, for a child; If you wish, you can arrange such a surprise even for a colleague at work;
  • use the original packaging (let the hero of the occasion take the trouble to unpack): for example, a decent amount of money (even for a wedding) can be presented in small bills, rolled into tubes and packed in a beautiful box; pack a small gift into a whole bunch of boxes to give a matryoshka gift.
  1. Pleasantly spent time as a gift

By the way, not only the unpacking, but also the gift itself can become an event. A universal gift for men and women - a ticket to a concert of your favorite band or performer. To do this, you need to be aware of the musical tastes of the gift recipient, but nowadays this is not at all difficult - in extreme cases, this information can be found on social networks. And if you go to a concert (water park, skating rink, bowling alley, quest room, etc.) together, you can get a lot of positive emotions - then your gift will certainly be remembered. You can arrange such a surprise for a guy, girl or friend.

  1. Observation will help you choose a gift

A notepad and pen are good helpers in choosing a gift. Make it a habit to write down information about the people in your social circle. If you always have a list of hobbies, interests and desires of people you know at hand, you can choose the right gift in a matter of minutes. Be observant - in everyday conversations we often casually mention what we would like, but when it comes to gifts for the holidays, we remain modestly silent. This method will help you choose a gift individually, based on the hobbies and desires of any person you know more or less. To know a person’s desires, it is not necessary to read thoughts - you need to learn to listen and remember (or write down).

  1. Individuality comes first

To choose a gift and make a person happy with it, it is necessary to take into account his individual character traits. If we are talking about a complete stranger to you, do not hesitate to ask his friends about his main preferences and hobbies, goals in life, ways of spending time, etc. such a person. For example: women who like to cook and do handicrafts will be delighted to receive a set of high-quality kitchen utensils and a useful device for cooking (fortunately, there are many of them now) as a gift for March 8th. However, there are also ladies for whom cooking is a duty that only irritates and distracts from other activities; such women will not appreciate a gift that “will be useful around the house.” Remember that a gift can also offend.

  1. Take a look into the past

Ask the person about the past: what he loved as a child, what he always wanted but never got, etc. Maybe a story from your childhood will help you choose a gift. For example, all his life a person has wanted to learn how to roller skate, but he never gets around to buying roller skates.

We hope our tips will help you choose the perfect gift for a loved one or just someone you know!