How to tell if a pearl is real or not. How to distinguish natural pearls from fakes? Some characteristics of pearls

Date of publication: 08/29/2013

Now pearls are grown on special farms. Calling it “artificial” is not entirely appropriate. This article will discuss how to distinguish real pearls from those plastic fakes that can be found in many souvenir and jewelry stores.

Pearls from the farm

It is considered natural, as it is “produced” by pearl oysters. Of course, such pearls are cheaper than those found in the wild. But in many countries these mollusks are under threat of destruction, and therefore their fishing is prohibited.

So, pearls are mostly produced on farms. But this does not mean that it loses its natural beauty. At the same time, pearls from the farm are also different. It all depends on the size of the seed. In nature, pearls “begin” with a grain of sand, and on farms, the larger the seed, the faster the pearls become the desired size and the cheaper they are.

But sometimes there are outright fakes. Such pearls are made from plastic or any other cheap material.

Method 1. Irregularities

The most famous and simplest way is to evaluate the roughness of the surface of the pearl. The real pearl was gradually covered with natural mother-of-pearl in unequal proportions. As a result, a real pearl is always a little uneven, although it looks smooth. Run your finger (or something else) along the surface of the pearl. The smoother it is, the more likely it is that this is a fake.

Some people suggest placing a pearl on your teeth. They say it’s easier to evaluate irregularities. And if you run the pearl over the tooth, you can hear a special creak. But this method will work if you buy pearls from someone else. In the store you will definitely not be allowed to rub jewelry on your teeth :)

Method 2. Weight

Counterfeits are made of glass or hollow plastic. Sometimes the cavities are filled with wax or something else. Bottom line: a real pearl is heavier than an artificial one.

But determining the weight is difficult. Especially if you have never held pearls in your hands before. So this method is only suitable if you have already kept a real pearl or you always have it with you.

Method 3. Necklaces

If you are buying necklaces, it is much easier to determine the quality. After all, to create necklaces, pearls are carefully drilled. You need to look into the hole and at its edges.

If the pearl is real, then the inside will be just as shiny. In this case, the edges of the hole will be smooth and neat. But the edges of the hole on the fake will be chipped (sometimes you can even see the base: glass or plastic).

Method 4. Drop the pearls!

This barbaric method is (surprisingly) the best way to determine a quality item. If you drop real pearls on the floor, they will bounce up due to their high-density multi-layer structure.

But the fake will simply roll or even crack. Real pearls are very dense and durable, and therefore you don’t have to worry about breaking them.

The only “but”: no one in the jewelry store will let you throw a stone on the floor :) So, this method is only suitable if you buy pearls from someone else.

Method 5. Set it on fire!!!

An even more barbaric method. To be honest, the method is crazy, but it works. The fake will melt, but the real pearl will be of no use.

Needless to say, there is no need to set anything on fire in a jewelry store. After all, there are much more “adequate” ways.

Method 6. Price and documentation

Real pearls are very expensive. Much more expensive than plastic and glass counterfeits. Real pearls are always expensive and under any conditions. Producing it is long and difficult.

If the seller tells you that pearls are cheap because of a special promotion and discount, then this is a scam. Real pearls will never be cheap. In addition, all normal jewelry stores have certificates for their products. Ask the seller for the certificate and he will show it to you. In some stores, such certificates are pre-installed on stands or hung in frames.

High quality fakes

Naturally, there are very high-quality fakes. They are made by hand, they have a natural color, natural shape and natural weight. But you can still spot a fake.

Sometimes even certificates are forged. The best way to protect yourself from buying fakes is to buy pearls in online jewelry stores.

Thank you for your attention!

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In the old days, this amazing gift of nature was called “pearl”, “magarite” and “skaten”, it has been admired for several hundred years, and there is still debate about its origin, supported by a huge number of different legends. According to one of them, pearls are the frozen tears of a nymph in love, who angered the gods and was imprisoned in a high tower for her love for a mere mortal.

Unbelievable but true?

Among other interesting facts, though no longer fictional: one of the oldest pearls in the world occupied a place of honor in Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry box, and the largest, weighing 6 kg, was found near the island of Palawan (South China Sea) and subsequently graced the pages of the Book of Records Guinness. The “Great Southern Cross” was the name given to a composition of 9 pearls found off the Australian coast, which fused together to form a shape resembling a cross.

Half true, half fiction, researchers recognize another story: when Ivan the Terrible noticed the tarnishing of the unique northern pearls on the symbol of power - his staff, he immediately gave the order to “bring back to life” the seafood that had lost its former shine. The pearls were taken to the Keret River for washing. According to legend, a young maiden had to take 100 and 1 immersions in water to restore her pearl necklace to its original beauty. Afterwards the pearls were again delivered to the royal court.

Whether it was or not is for historians to decide, but the fact remains: the fashion for pearls decorating jewelry not only does not “fade” over time, but also constantly makes new turns. A large amount of jewelry is produced today from this substance, which is formed in mollusk shells. And there are countless imitations of snow-white mother-of-pearl beads! If you have purchased jewelry with this incredible gift from Poseidon or are just about to do so, read our tips on how to distinguish real pearls from fake ones and do not forget to show off your “jewelry box” in the comments.

Natural or not?

Method No. 1: Of course, there is nothing better than asking advice from a professional gemologist, who, using a special apparatus, will be able to determine whether the pearls you brought him are of high quality. If you want to do it yourself, you can first check the price tag on the product: real pearls cannot be too cheap, even on sale.

Method No. 2: you can try the following test: run the edge of your nail over a single pearl: if there are traces left or the paint has peeled off, the pearl is a fake.

Method number 3: trying pearls “by tooth” is not such a radical solution, but quite an effective experiment. Lightly rub the pebble against your teeth: a real one should creak with such friction.

Method number 4: did the pearls fall to the floor, bouncing merrily? Don’t rush to collect, but take a closer look: how many times did they fly into the air? The “jumps” of real pearls are quite fast and repeated, since they have a different density.

Method number 5: take a magnifying glass and examine the shape of the bead in the magnifying glass. Either a fake or copies costing over $10,000 have an ideal smooth surface without a single unevenness or roughness. Do you remember paying this amount for a bead? Here's your answer.

Method number 6: wear pearl beads or a bracelet? Carefully move one of the pearls and take a closer look at the edges of the hole through which it is strung on a thread or special fishing line. If you see that the paint on its edge is peeling off or you notice chips in the top layer, this is a fake.

Method No. 7: Real and frankly fake pearls also differ in weight: genuine “beads” are heavier, because the natural material in them is “weightier” than plastic.

Remember that only an experienced specialist can give you the most accurate assessment of the quality of pearls. We should not forget that cultured or artificially grown pearls (which are now considered a top seller and are used everywhere) are not considered a fake.

Do you have jewelry with pearls and what kind?

Natural pearls: differences from fakes and ways to determine authenticity at home.

The variety of pearl accessories sometimes raises doubts about its origin. It is very difficult to distinguish an artificial stone from a natural one without special skills. However, by using simple ways to check the properties of pearls, you can protect yourself from purchasing a cheap fake.

What real pearls look like: description, photo

Wild pearl grains of sand

The elite of accessories is considered to be a product made from natural pearls (wild). In turn, it is divided into:

1. Marine - formed in the form of a regular round shape, has a beautiful bright shine. It matures in the shell for several years. Life cycle is about 10 years. One mantle can contain from one to three pearls. After some time, sea stones fade slightly due to the abrasion of a thin layer of mother-of-pearl. The color is not only white, but various bright and even black.

2. Freshwater - obtained from mollusks that live in rivers and lakes. The number of mother-of-pearl pebbles in one shell can be from 12 to 16. They look dull, the shine is muted. They can be of different shapes, but mostly oval. Resistant to abrasion due to the deep and dense mother-of-pearl layer. Typically milky in color. You cannot grow black or pink freshwater pearls.

Since the price of wild pearls is quite significant, cultured natural pearls are an alternative.

The formation of natural and grown stones occurs in the same way. The only difference is that in one version, alien foreign individuals provoke the formation of a pearl, and in the other, a person promotes maturation by introducing an implant into the mollusk.

Pearls are grown with human help in both sea and fresh water.

Quality and quantity depend on the growth period of the oyster:

  • 5 – 9 months thin, fragile layer of mother-of-pearl
  • 18 months – year – firm and thick

The type and volume of a cultured pearl can be planned in advance, unlike a wild one, which is formed naturally.

There are several types of implanted shell, let's look at the most common:

Variety Color Size Form Shine Price
  • White
  • Creamy pinkish
  • Silver or ecru
  • Occasionally green
2-10 Round flat bright clean Acceptable
  • Dark
  • Sometimes black
Very large 8.5-20 Round Individual for each individual pearl, with charcoal, silver, green and chocolate overtones High
"South Sea Pearls"
  • Wide spectrum and different shades
  • More often
  1. White
  2. Silver
  3. Golden white
Large 1o - 22 Round Deep rich Most expensive
  • Silver gray
  • Brown
  • Golden
8- 12
  • Baroque
  • Round
  • Oval
Has extraordinary color tints Expensive
  • White
  • Pale pink
  • Lavender
  • Lilac-violet
  • Grey
  • Gold
  • Black with green tint
  • Baroque
  • teardrop-shaped
  • The surface is uneven and bumpy
Incredibly iridescent and iridescent Very expensive
  • Dark
  • Golden
4-15 Irregularly shaped grain Strong pearlescent and shine Price from affordable to expensive
  • Lilac (lavender) with a pink tint
5- 10 Blister Good with purple-lilac overtones Low
  • Classic pearl white
  • Pinkish cream
  • Shades of blue, green
  • Grey
  • Yellowish pink
  • Rough oblong
  • Oval
  • Elongated
Beautiful shine close to natural Inexpensive
River, freshwater
  • From dark purple to light pink and white
  • Various unimaginable
  • More often baroque
  • Occasionally round
Bright Democratic


South Seas







How to distinguish real, natural pearls from artificial, fake, costume jewelry: ways to check for authenticity at home

Teeth check

The demand for a fashion accessory has led to the appearance of a large number of counterfeits on sale.

To protect yourself from purchasing artificial pearls instead of natural ones, use proven methods to identify the differences:

  1. A natural mineral is an expensive purchase. Low cost indicates imitation pearls.
  2. Copies are made from lightweight materials, while the original is made from heavy mother-of-pearl. Therefore, natural stone should have noticeable weight compared to artificial stone.
  3. Run the stone over the surface of your teeth: the creaking sound indicates the authenticity of the purchase. Absence is a fake.
  4. Try throwing one of the pebbles of the product: if it bounces back like a ball, it’s real.
  5. Look at the necklace: natural pearls have different shapes and sizes; during the process of formation in a natural way, they are not similar to each other. The presence of pebbles “one to one” confirms the artificial production of the product.
  6. Beautiful bright shine - a natural product. Faded stones are fake.
  7. In real stone, the hole for attaching the thread does not have clear boundaries. In artificial, the separation of the layers of mother-of-pearl is clearly visible.
  8. The sandy and rough structure is inherent only in natural pearls.
  9. Natural or artificially grown stone is cool even in hot weather. Plastic accepts ambient temperature.
  10. A real bead gives a soft blue shine, while a synthetic one gives green with pink streaks

Each natural pearl stone is unique in its appearance. When preparing to purchase, study the properties of each type and apply the indicated basic authentication methods. To determine the naturalness of an expensive accessory, it is better to contact a professional, since primary skills do not always give a 100% correct determination.

Video: Pearl. How to distinguish real from fake?


If you run a natural pearl over the enamel of a tooth, you will experience a feeling of roughness and creaking. This will happen because natural and cultured pearls only appear perfectly smooth. In fact, its nacre has a crystalline, granular texture. By the way, if you look at a pearl through a microscope, you will notice that the surface of a natural pearl has a scaly structure, while it is smooth.

Imitation pearls are most often hollow. And, it is much lighter than full-weight natural pearls. This makes it very vulnerable - an artificial pearl can be split with a minimum of effort (for example, by pressing hard on it).

If you examine artificial pearls through a magnifying glass, it is easy to notice that their inner surface is unnaturally smooth. In addition, there are no chips around it, the appearance of which is almost inevitable when drilling natural pearls.

There are other ways to distinguish natural pearls from fake ones. For example, in a liquid with a density of 2.7, natural pearls do not sink. Cultured and natural pearls dissolve in strong vinegar, while some imitations can even be boiled in it.


For some people, it is very important that their jewelry collection contains jewelry with minerals of exclusively natural origin. And although cultured pearls are practically no different from natural ones, for fans of everything natural, the natural origin of pearls is a key point.

It is quite easy to distinguish natural pearls from cultured ones. First of all, in appearance. A cultured pearl (grown on pearl farms located primarily in Japan) is distinguished by a very even, regular shape, while a natural pearl may have folds, sagging nacre and an imperfect shape.

If you examine pearls by placing them in front of a very bright lamp, you will notice in a cultured pearl a base core, around which there is a not too thick layer of nacre.

Under ultraviolet light, natural pearls are said to have a sky blue glow, while cultured pearls glow green.


  • How to distinguish artificial pearls from natural ones

Since ancient times, it has been believed that pearls are a stone of love, which gives its owner not only well-being, but also protects the home and family ties from failures and betrayals. This unique stone, extracted from mollusk shells, does not need correction; it is beautiful in its natural beauty. There are several ways to determine the origin of pearls - is it a natural gift or the work of man.


Method of physical influence
Rub the two together. You will see that the surface of natural pearls will not be damaged, perhaps only the smallest pollen will remain on your fingers. Under the mother-of-pearl layer, natural pearls have exactly the same layer, while artificial pearls have or. If you “bite” a natural pearl, it will resemble grains of sand. A natural pearl, if you run it over, will leave a white, erasable mark and will not scratch the surface.

When dropped on a hard surface, natural pearls bounce back and jump high, like a tennis ball; artificial pearls do not have this property.

Natural pearls are quite heavy. Take a natural pearl in one hand and an artificial one in the other. You will feel the difference.

Of course, natural pearls cannot be cheap. Sea pearls are more valuable than river pearls. The price of the product and the place of purchase also indicate its naturalness and quality.

Natural pearls will never lose their shine, the mother-of-pearl layer will not peel off, and the pearl will always look like new.

Heating method
Hold the faux pearls over the fire. It will begin to crack and melt in about thirty seconds. When very heated, natural pearls may have scales that break off, exposing the inner layers.

The holes for the thread of artificial pearls are uneven and chipped. This is the first thing experts pay attention to when determining the naturalness of a pearl.

Illuminate with an ultraviolet lamp. Natural pearls will be blue in color, while cultured pearls will be green.

For centuries, pearls have been a symbol of elegance and natural beauty. This organic gemstone is comparable in popularity to diamonds, emeralds and rubies. Pearls can be natural, artificial and cultured (grown with human participation).


Make inquiries about the manufacturer of the jewelry you are planning to purchase. Remember that a low price is a reason to refuse a purchase. High-quality natural pearls are very expensive. Ask the seller for documents confirming the pearls. Natural pearls are not subject to mandatory certification, so you can only be given a quality certificate certified by the company’s seal. It must indicate the following: name and product, material from which it is made, origin, production method, class of pearls, their luster, color, shape and diameter of pearls.

Order a gemological examination of the product. Determining the authenticity of pearls is one of the most popular areas in the examination market. Large laboratories have modern X-ray equipment, which allows for accurate identification and diagnosis of pearls without causing any harm to the stones. Experienced gemologists will help determine the authenticity of the color of the stone, which is especially important when purchasing expensive black or golden pearls. If it is not possible to carry out an examination, seek advice from a jewelry appraiser.

Determine the authenticity of pearls using traditional methods. Artificial pearls, which are hollow inside, are much lighter than natural ones, while hematite pearls, on the contrary, are heavier. Examine the internal structure of the stone under magnification through the drilled holes: a surface that is too smooth will immediately give away the imitation. Real pearls remain cool even in the hottest weather. A genuine pearl, when dropped on a hard surface, will bounce high, unlike an imitation one. Bring the pearls to your ear and rub them together: if the stones are real, you will hear the sound of sand rubbing. Lightly rub the pearl over your teeth. At the same time, artificial pearls will creak disgustingly. The surface of the pearl should not be perfectly smooth, like glass.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

To choose a high-quality imitation, bring the pearl to your mouth: if you feel cold at the same time, it means that this is glass and not a cheap plastic fake.

Many tourists, once in a particular country, try to buy souvenirs and various jewelry, including pearls. Such jewelry gives its owner more elegance and nobility. But nowadays, technologies in the production of costume jewelry have become so developed that even an experienced specialist sometimes finds it difficult to determine the authenticity of pearls. So how can you check the authenticity of this beauty and not become a deceived buyer?


A few words should be said about the differences between natural and its fake. Genuine pearls are formed by getting a grain of sand inside the shell of a mollusk, which reacts to the entry of a foreign body and begins to envelop it with its nacre. They learned to imitate this process by placing a bead inside the shell, which is removed after some time, already lightly covered with mother-of-pearl. It happens that a bead is simply coated with mother-of-pearl varnish and sold as a natural bead.

If the seller claims that the pearls are natural, be sure to ask for a certificate of identification; it must be compiled by a well-known and reputable laboratory with the appropriate seals. So, to confirm its authenticity, pearls are subjected to x-ray examination. There are simpler methods that will help you remove the pearl. A real pearl is quite heavy, which cannot be said about artificial material. If the pearls are gently rubbed against each other near the ear, the sound of rubbing sand should occur.

You can check the pearl seller for fear. Take the pearls and offer to set them on fire; the natural product should not melt. Most likely, the seller will be afraid of the damaged goods and will tell you everything about its authenticity.

If you drop a real pearl onto a hard and smooth surface from a height of half a meter, it will act like a ping-pong ball, that is, it will bounce off the surface and start jumping. Fake pearls have low density and will practically not be able to bounce.

There is another way by which you can verify the authenticity of pearls. Gently run the pearl over your teeth. Its surface should be slightly rough. The surface of the fake is absolutely smooth, like glass. Do not try to bite through this object under any circumstances; take care of your teeth.

Real pearls always remain cold, even in the hottest weather. Wearing the beads, you will always feel the pleasant coolness of natural pearls. The same cannot be said about a fake.

Many fashionistas love to wear pearl jewelry. Particularly popular are beads, bracelets, as well as sets of rings and earrings with pearls. This wonderful gemstone is of organic origin. It is formed in the shells of mollusks. A grain of sand gets inside the shell and the mollusk, in order to eliminate this nuisance, begins to cover the grain of sand with layers of mother-of-pearl. After some time, a pearl forms in the shell.


There is also artificial and cultivated. A bead is specially placed inside the mollusk shell and the oyster is returned back to its habitat. After a certain time, this bead, already covered with layers of mother-of-pearl, is removed from the shell. Pearls produced in this way are called cultured pearls. They imitate pearls by blowing thin glass spheres from a glass tube or rod. Then a special substance, “pearl essence,” is injected into these spheres. If you want jewelry only from natural stone, remember a few simple tips, natural pearls from artificial ones.

Take the pearl and “drop” it. Natural, falling on a hard surface, will bounce high, like a ping-pong ball. Artificial pearls will not jump, as they have a low-density structure.

Another method of checking the authenticity of pearls is to gently run the pearl across your teeth. The surface of natural stone should be rough, not smooth. Also, true pearls in this case will make a slight creak.

People are always interested in how to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones, because there is often a huge range in prices. Searching for a good product takes quite a lot of time, and this is especially difficult for buyers who are not familiar with jewelry of this type. How to find out if a pearl is real will be discussed in the article.


To understand how to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones, you need to know about the existence of cultured and artificial minerals. Natural is a great rarity.

People who do not know enough information about this mineral want to understand how to quickly distinguish natural pearls. It will be quite difficult to do this if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the varieties of pearls. All of them are presented below.



Some tips on how to distinguish real pearls from artificial ones are given below, but first you need to understand the characteristics of the cultured mineral. It is obtained in the same way as the “wild” one, but the difference between them is that during cultivation, the implant-irritant is intentionally introduced into the body of the oyster.

This technology originated in Japan around the 19th century. After conducting as many as 20 experiments, a specialist named Kokichi Mikimoto patented a method of grafting oysters, which is still actively used today.


This type of pearl differs from the previous one in that mollusks do not take part in its appearance. These beads are the result of human creation. It is worth noting that even when the synthetic core is coated with natural mother-of-pearl, the pearl remains artificial in any case.

The very first fake pearls were created in Rome in the 15th century. Since then, technologies have been improved, and the artificial mineral is hidden under all sorts of names.

Professionals know exactly how to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones, but it is almost impossible for beginners to do this quickly, because skills in this area have to be developed over years.


This variety is one of the most beautiful and widespread. Majorica pearls are sometimes also called “orchid”. It has been created for about 120 years on the well-known island of Mallorca. First, a porcelain or alabaster ball is made, and then it is covered with a thin layer of mother-of-pearl, after which it is further treated with cellulose acetate or nitrocellulose to ensure durability.

The finished beads are quite round and velvety, so it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural pearls. It looks great in artificial light.

Parisian and Venetian

The technology for making French (Parisian) pearls originated in the early 17th century. It is still actively used today. The beads are made from blown glass and then filled with wax or colored paraffin.

Venetian technology is quite similar to the method of making French pearls, and therefore is no less popular. In this case, the balls are also formed from blown glass, but with the addition of pearl dust and wax.


This technology is the most modern. It was developed in the USA and is famous in all corners of the planet. Layers of varnish are applied to the mother-of-pearl ball, which consists of a mixture of polymers, as well as mica and lead carbonate.

12 ways to distinguish natural pearls

Today, professionals have developed several methods to help distinguish a natural mineral. After familiarizing yourself with them, the question of how to distinguish real pearls from artificial ones will no longer frighten beginners.

So, here are the main ways to distinguish natural goods:

  1. Price. First of all, you should pay attention to the price of the product. The low cost for natural pearls is unacceptable, although some scammers can sell fakes at a higher price than natural pearls.
  2. Weight. A natural pearl has more weight because it consists exclusively of mother-of-pearl, but an artificial one contains lighter materials.
  3. Test. Since ancient times, a well-known way to distinguish a fake is to “test it.” If you run your teeth over a pearl, a natural stone will creak, but a fake one will not make a sound. If you already have experience in distinguishing pearls, then you can knock them on your teeth - real and artificial ones will give different sensations.
  4. Height. When dropped from a height of about half a meter, a real stone will bounce off the surface, while artificial pearls will simply fall without moving, which is explained by different densities.
  5. Mechanics. Owners can easily check the stones present in it using friction. If you rub a pair of pearls against each other with minimal pressure until they form, small scratches will remain on the natural one, which disappear quite quickly, while the layer of mother-of-pearl will simply be erased from the fake one.
  6. Comparison. In addition to the previous method, necklace owners can check the pearls using comparison. Natural stones are individual and not similar to all others, so there should not be identical pearls in the jewelry.
  7. Inspection. A rather interesting way for novice scientists is to look at a pearl through a microscope. A natural one will have a clearly visible scaly surface, while a fake one will be uniform.
  8. Chemistry. If you have several pearls that you don’t mind experimenting with, you can place them first in acetone and then in vinegar. In the first case, the natural stone does not dissolve, but in the second, on the contrary, it disintegrates quite quickly.
  9. Shine. A real pearl differs from a fake pearl by its uniform and deep shine, which for professionals is visible to the naked eye. If the pearls are dull, then this indicates their artificiality or low quality, so you should not purchase such a product.
  10. Hole. You need to carefully consider the place where the hole is drilled. Cracks will not form in a natural pearl, since it has a high density, but a fake pearl will have a lot of chips visible around the edges.
  11. Field. Place a pearl in an electromagnetic field, a natural one will remain motionless, and a cultured one will begin to roll. This is explained by the fact that inside the fake there is a special ball made of a material that reacts to an electromagnetic field.
  12. Specialist. The most reliable way at any time was to contact a specialist - a gemologist. Using a special X-ray machine, he will quickly determine the originality and quality of the jewelry.

Now we know how to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones, so you can safely go to the store and purchase a decent product that you won’t be ashamed to show off to others.