How to find out that you are giving birth. Calculation based on the last day of menstruation

Other reasons

The last days of pregnancy are usually very anxious and restless. Regardless of what kind of child a woman is expecting, she is concerned about how labor will begin. The fact is that each birth can begin differently, and therefore existing experience does not guarantee that the scenario of the previous birth will be repeated exactly down to the contraction. Primiparas suffer more than others; they have no birth experience at all. In this article we will tell you how to understand that labor is approaching and how to determine that it has already begun.

How to determine the approach?

The date of birth is a big secret of nature. Despite the fact that obstetricians indicate the expected date of birth (expected day of birth) in the exchange card, no one can tell the exact date when the baby decides to be born. Only 5% of children are born exactly in the PDR. Everyone else chooses other dates for themselves - before or even after the designated period.

This is why expectant mothers are so afraid of not noticing, missing, or confusing the onset of labor with other sensations that are so rich in the most difficult third trimester.

A pregnant woman’s best assistant and guide is her own body. Usually he begins to give “clues” in advance that labor is approaching.

Officially, the prenatal stage begins at 38 completed obstetric weeks. It is from this time that you need to listen as carefully and reverently as possible to changes in your own condition. The child is already mature enough, he is ready to be born any day.

Usually, even for those women who did not have training contractions during pregnancy, they start at 38 weeks. They manifest themselves as short-term spontaneous tensions of the uterine muscles, which recede quite quickly and do not have a fixed interval between each other. This means that after one training contraction, another can occur in half an hour, or in three hours, and only the next day. Labor pains are cyclical and always repeat in time at a certain interval characteristic of a certain period of labor.

After 38 weeks, on average, signs of labor appear. This is where the expectant mother should be extremely careful - some preliminary signs may be very similar to pregnancy complications. For example, with an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, it is easy to miss the leakage of amniotic fluid, and a vaginal infection with a yellowish, jelly-like discharge can be confused with the beginning of the separation of the mucus plug.

A distinctive feature of the birth process from various preparatory “measures” is irreversibility. Once labor begins, it cannot be stopped, slowed down or weakened, since it is purely a reflex act. A woman can influence the warning signs and change their character using medications and other methods.

When do they start?

Childbirth is the logical conclusion of complex and multi-stage processes that occur in the female body in anticipation of the birth of a child. Each of these processes is closely related to the others. To the question of when labor will begin, there is only one answer - when all internal processes reach maximum development.

The uterus becomes large. The female reproductive organ gains mass and reaches a respectable size. Several weeks before birth, the neuromuscular apparatus of the uterus begins to prepare for the upcoming labor pains. The cells of the myometrium (structural tissue of the uterus) begin to produce a substance that will help the tissues contract - actomyosin. At 38 weeks and a little later, the uterine tissue gets rid of excess nerve fibers. This is a natural physiological mechanism for pain relief.

The placenta must be fully mature before birth. A week before labor begins, she begins to produce oxytocin. The pituitary gland helps her with this. The proper concentration of this hormone in the female body leads to the onset of contractions. The hormonal factor is crucial - in order for labor to begin, it is necessary that the level of progesterone decrease.

This hormone was responsible for the entire nine months for maintaining pregnancy, for creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. By childbirth, it is no longer necessary, and progesterone decreases in proportion to the increase in estrogen and oxytocin.

Before childbirth, glycogen, ATP, phosphorus compounds and electrolytes begin to accumulate in a woman’s body. They make the uterus more resilient to upcoming contractions and generally increase the energy potential of the expectant mother.

One of the important factors that has a direct effect on the timing of labor is the state of the nervous system. If it malfunctions, the preparation of the uterus for childbirth slows down, the hormonal balance changes, which can cause both premature birth and post-term pregnancy.

Harbingers - myths and reality

A woman can be told that childbirth is near by the so-called “harbingers” - the first signs, the totality of which suggests the approach of an imminent birth. There is no single list of symptoms for all women; “precursors” depend on the individual characteristics of the female body. The most common signs are as follows.

Abdominal prolapse

The pregnant woman's tummy moves downwards, its shape visually changes. This is due to the positioning of the fetal head to the internal os - the exit from the uterine cavity. A woman can notice that her stomach has dropped on her own. It becomes much easier to breathe, since the fundus of the uterus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm, the heartburn that plagues the woman is reduced - the uterus no longer props up the stomach. But the pressure on the bladder and intestines increases, due to which the woman’s urge to urinate increases and becomes more frequent, uncontrollable leakage of urine may occur when coughing or laughing, and constipation also increases.

Abdominal prolapse in first-time mothers usually occurs 3-4 weeks before birth. In multiparous women, the sign appears 1-4 days before the onset of labor, and sometimes already during the first labor contractions or just a few hours before them.

After the baby takes the “pre-launch position” in the uterus, an increased load falls on both the bones and muscles of the pelvis. Therefore, the gait becomes awkward, the woman “waddles” more and more when walking. Pulling and aching weak pains appear in the pelvic bones and ligaments. If symphysitis has already begun, then the pain in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis intensifies.

Most often, a woman may experience discomfort when she has to stand for a long time, when getting out of bed from a lying position, or when climbing stairs.


Vaginal discharge changes quantitatively and qualitatively. They become more abundant and thin out as the concentration of progesterone decreases every day. You need to monitor the discharge especially closely - if jelly-like impurities appear in it, this may mean the beginning of the mucus plug. During pregnancy, the plug closes the cervical canal located in the cervix, so that bacteria and viruses do not penetrate into the uterine cavity, so that the environment in the uterus remains sterile.

The cork can separate in parts or come out entirely. In primiparous women, this can happen two weeks before giving birth; in multiparous women, the plug comes out a few days before the onset of labor, already during labor or when the water breaks.

Weight loss

A woman begins to lose weight before giving birth. This sign has been noticed for a long time. This unexpected “weight loss” of a couple of kilograms is associated with a decrease in the amount of intercellular fluid. This process also begins due to a decrease in progesterone levels. In addition, the woman’s body begins to cleanse itself, so diarrhea often begins a few days before giving birth.

Baby's behavior

In the vast majority of cases, babies calm down 4-5 days before giving birth and stop actively moving. The child also stores up energy, because the birth process will require a lot of effort from him. In addition, the baby has already grown so much that it is difficult for him to move in the uterus - it becomes too cramped for him.

At this stage, it is important to continue to record episodes of decreased activity. If there is no movement at all for 12 hours, you should definitely consult a doctor.


“Nesting” syndrome is the manifestation of the animal instinct of arranging a “nest” - a home before the appearance of offspring in it. Many birds and animals do this. This manifests itself in the fact that a woman is drawn to do the cleaning, put everything in order, and once again rearrange the children’s things in the prepared children’s room. It is believed that instinct has a beneficial effect on the psyche of a pregnant woman, helping to cope with fears of childbirth and gloomy thoughts. It does not appear in everyone and is not a mandatory sign.

Cervical ripening

This is an objective sign, which is regarded by doctors as practically the only reliable one. The cervix is ​​normally tightly closed during pregnancy. By childbirth, it begins to become shorter, the round muscle softens - this is important so that the cervix opens and releases the baby at the beginning of the birth process. The condition of the cervix can begin to be assessed as early as 38 weeks of pregnancy. This can only be done by an obstetrician-gynecologist at a scheduled appointment; a woman does not have the opportunity to independently examine the cervix.

The cervix is ​​sensitive to hormonal influences, and therefore, if the balance of hormones is disturbed, due to a number of other factors, a woman may hear from the doctor a verdict that her cervix is ​​immature. In this case, after 39 weeks they will carry out medicinal maturation - influence the woman’s body with hormonal and other drugs that will help the cervix become shorter and softer. Normally, before childbirth, the cervix shortens to 1-1.5 centimeters. In this case, they say that the cervix is ​​mature and childbirth is already on the way.

Other signs and symptoms

Other signs include a large group of symptoms that have long been noticed by pregnant women as harbingers - these are insomnia, increased sleepiness, appetite disturbances - excessive or lack thereof, nausea, and even vomiting a few days before childbirth, a state of increased anxiety, irritability , touchiness, tearfulness.

It should be noted that the harbingers of childbirth are shrouded in a mass of myths that are far from medicine. Therefore, it is advisable not to attribute any change in well-being and condition to signs described by someone on the forums, but to discuss them with your doctor. Only he can distinguish a harbinger from a pathology in time.

Symptoms of the onset of labor

Despite all the signs that may accompany the last couple of weeks before giving birth, there are only two reliable signs by which labor has begun to be judged - the onset of labor contractions and the breaking of waters. From them, both the woman and the doctor will be able to accurately determine that labor has begun. All other symptoms and supposed precursors essentially have no diagnostic value. So, it’s time to talk in more detail about two reliable signs that symbolize the onset of labor.


As all the prerequisites develop - nervous, hormonal, humoral, physiological - true labor pains begin. These are rhythmic contractions of the fibers of the uterus, they have a clear pattern, periodicity, and contractions do not develop backwards. It is this feature that will help distinguish real contractions from false ones, which can, as a training activity of the female body, be repeated in the last weeks before the upcoming birth.

If the contractions do not subside after taking the No-Shpy pill or a warm shower, if they do not change in intensity after changing body position, then we can say with a high degree of probability that labor has begun.

The first contractions are not painful. It’s only in movies that they show women groaning and suddenly “folding” in half when labor begins. The first uterine contractions are quite painless and feel similar to pain during menstruation.

Most often, the first contractions are repeated every 30-40 minutes. Each contraction lasts a few seconds - usually no more than 20. After it, the woman has enough time to rest, which should be used as much as possible for relaxation, so that muscle tension does not occur. During such contractions, there is no need to go to the maternity hospital; the woman can stay at home until the contractions begin to recur more often. If there is an interval of 5-10 minutes between contractions, you need to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital. The first contractions are called latent, they can last 8-10 hours, the dilation of the cervix by the end of the period will be only 3 centimeters.

The second period of contractions is called active. Contractions are stronger, more frequent - towards the end of this stage they are repeated every 2-3 minutes, the duration of each contraction is up to 50 seconds. The cervical dilatation is up to 7 centimeters. It is advisable to spend this period under the supervision of doctors, since the birth of the baby is inevitably approaching. Active contractions are usually observed within 3-5 hours.

The third period of contractions will last only half an hour to an hour or a little more. These contractions are called transitional, they flow into attempts, which the woman learns about when an acute desire arises to empty the intestines - the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the head begins to be born. Transitional contractions are the strongest and longest. They are repeated every 1-1.5 minutes and last a minute.

For anyone who doubts whether they will be able to recognize true labor pains when labor begins, I would like to tell you about an old obstetric joke that says that a woman who doubts whether labor has begun is not actually giving birth. When a woman gives birth, she has no doubts. True contractions are really so specific that it is very, very difficult to confuse them with other uterine contractions.


It should be noted that labor that begins with contractions is classic, normal and healthy. This is how up to 90% of all births on the planet begin, since physiologically this is the best option. With them, the water breaks only in the second stage - during active contractions, when the dilation reaches 4-6 centimeters. Under pressure from the fetal head, the amniotic sac bursts and amniotic fluid is released.

But in 10% of cases, labor begins with the water breaking. They may well leak in small portions, or they may go away immediately in full. Childbirth in this case is almost always considered complicated. If contractions do not develop on their own after 6 hours, the woman is given a medical induction of labor. If it does not help, then an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Special tests and amniosystems, which are sold in pharmacies and are available in every antenatal clinic, where a woman can go with suspected leakage and where she will undergo a rapid assessment of the composition of the discharge, can help distinguish leakage of water from urine. If there is leakage, signs such as an increase in vaginal discharge should alert you, especially when a woman spends several hours in a horizontal position and then sits or stands up. Wet spots may appear on linens and beds.

The simultaneous outpouring of water requires attention from a woman. It is necessary not to panic, but to immediately assess the approximate volume of amniotic fluid, its color, smell and consistency. In this case, there is no need to wait until contractions begin at home. After your water breaks or you suspect a leak has begun, you should immediately go to a maternity facility. The water-free period should be under medical supervision.

If your water breaks is not clear, but greenish, with blood, or something else, you should definitely notify your doctor. This is often a sign of fetal hypoxia and a direct indication for cesarean section without waiting for contractions and inducing labor.

During the first and second pregnancy

Precursors in primiparous women appear in advance, while in multiparous women immediately before childbirth. The time period in the second case is very short; it can be limited to several days or even hours. And the birth itself begins differently. Multiparous people usually perceive everything more calmly; they have labor experience, and therefore do not show increased emotionality in anticipation of childbirth and do not mistake some symptoms that are not such at all as signs of approaching labor. Increased suspiciousness is the lot of women who are going to give birth for the first time.

Therefore, women who are about to give birth for the first time usually notice the onset of labor faster, while multiparous women simply do not pay attention to many signs. The degree of severity of sensations during the first birth is stronger, and the duration of each stage is overall longer.

If the second, third and subsequent births are approaching, a woman should consult a doctor for advice if she simultaneously has three or more “precursors”, and you need to arrive at the maternity hospital earlier - when contractions repeat every 10 minutes. The birth canal of such women in labor is better prepared, the opening of the internal and external os of the uterus proceeds faster, and there is a higher likelihood of a quick, rapid birth.

After stimulation

If a decision is made to induce labor for medical reasons, then the onset of labor will proceed under the supervision of doctors. Induction of labor involves a large complex of medical measures - preparation of the cervix, amniotomy (puncture of the bladder and drainage of amniotic fluid), stimulation of contractions by administering doses of oxytocin. After the bladder is punctured, contractions usually develop within 3-4 hours. If this does not happen, labor is stimulated with medications. If there is no effect, a caesarean section is performed.


As already mentioned, birth does not always occur on time. A woman can be told that preterm labor has begun by a variety of symptoms, although there may not be any warning signs as such. Premature birth is considered to be labor that begins between 28 weeks and 37 weeks of pregnancy.

In most cases, doctors see the prerequisites for premature birth, inform the expectant mother about this and necessarily offer hospitalization and constant monitoring. In some situations, such premature births begin suddenly and are an unpleasant “surprise” both for the woman in labor and for the doctor who observed her during pregnancy.

What signs may indicate the probable onset of labor before the due date planned by obstetricians:

  • an annoying feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • the stomach drops before the 35th week of pregnancy;
  • the uterus often becomes toned and remains tense for a long time;
  • pink, bloody or bloody discharge from the genitals appears;
  • the woman feels strong pressure in the perineum and pelvis;
  • girdling, cramping pain appears.

Premature birth itself is fraught with many dangers, and therefore, if at least one of the signs listed above appears, a woman should consult a doctor and not refuse hospitalization if it is suggested by specialists. If bloody discharge appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Is it possible to speed it up?

Women who have already carried their baby to 39-40 weeks are almost always interested in whether it is possible to speed up labor, since the expectant mother’s body is overloaded and becomes very tired towards the end of pregnancy. Medicine has a very specific opinion on this matter - it is impossible to speed up childbirth outside the hospital without urgent need, this can cause serious complications for both mother and baby.

Various popular advice should be treated with great caution. Thus, advice to drink castor oil can lead to severe debilitating diarrhea and dehydration, and advice to breathe essential oils can lead to the development of a respiratory allergic reaction.

Despite the woman’s fatigue, which is understandable and quite natural to everyone, experts simply recommend being patient. It is best for labor to begin without any stimulation, on its own. After all, neither traditional methods nor medical induction of labor guarantee that the contractions that begin will be sufficient, coordinated, and that primary weakness will not arise, which may become the basis for an emergency cesarean section.

If a woman has previously had endometritis or divergence of the abdominal muscles, there is a scar on the uterus, there is usually no talk of any stimulation at all, since a baby who has been “hurried” can be born quickly, which will increase the risk of injury to both the mother and the fetus, and in the case of a scar, rupture may occur due to excessive contractile activity of the muscles.

The less effort a woman makes to ensure that labor begins as quickly as possible, the less likely there are postpartum complications.

To learn how to understand that labor has begun, watch the following video.

Many women worry that they will not be able to correctly determine the onset of labor. Indeed, it is important to guess this moment: you need to have time to prepare for childbirth, prepare yourself mentally and physically for the upcoming event, and withstand a lot of stress. You will need to prepare things for the trip to the maternity hospital, collect documents, and necessary hygiene items. You should call doctors in time so as not to create a threat to your health and the life of your baby.

Often, young expectant mothers believe that they may miss this unique moment and not notice the onset of labor on time. In fact, experts note that it is almost impossible to confuse real labor contractions with preparatory ones. In addition, there are quite a lot of signs of an approaching birth. Some are widespread, with individual symptoms specific to specific groups of women. Even an expectant mother who is preparing to give birth for the first time can easily determine the very moment when the baby is about to be born. How to understand that you are about to give birth? Monitor your condition and pay attention to any changes. Remember a few basic signs and follow the recommendations. Then you will immediately know that childbirth is close, and you will be able to properly prepare for it.

How to distinguish preparatory contractions from labor contractions?
Most women are concerned about the similarity of sensations during so-called “training” contractions with those signs of impending labor, which they have read about many times in different sources and heard from friends. Of course, preparatory contractions are a little similar to prenatal contractions, but it is still very difficult to confuse them with them. Any woman giving birth not for the first time will not be embarrassed by this behavior of the uterus. Learn to distinguish preliminary contractions from labor contractions.

  • When 38 weeks of pregnancy pass, training contractions may begin.
  • Preparatory contractions are noticeably less painful than labor contractions. True, first-time women have nothing to compare with, so the sensations may seem extremely unpleasant.
  • An important feature of training bouts is monotony. They do not intensify, become more painful, or last longer.
  • The intensity of preliminary contractions does not increase.
  • Most often, the so-called “false contractions” stop fairly quickly, and the woman feels well again.
Learn to cope with unpleasant sensations during preliminary contractions. Change your body position, walk around the room. You can try to distract yourself: read a book, listen to your favorite music or watch a movie. You will stop worrying, forget about the pain, and the contractions will have time to pass.

Signs of labor pains
The harbingers of the birth of a baby are labor pains. You can identify them right away. They have a number of distinctive features, so it is almost impossible to confuse these contractions before childbirth with preparatory ones.

  1. Regularity. Labor pains are regular. They do not go away, they appear with a certain systematicity. The most typical contractions last for forty seconds, the breaks between them are approximately 15 minutes.
  2. Increasing intensity. Contractions before childbirth gradually increase, become more intense and severe.
  3. Painful sensations. Labor contractions are much more painful than training contractions. The pain comes in waves, usually starting in the back and lower back. Then the sensation spreads along the thighs, and a kind of ring closes in the abdominal area.
  4. Uterine tone. During real contractions, the state of the uterus can be easily determined by simply placing your palm on your stomach. The uterus is tense because it is in good shape.
  5. Increased frequency of contractions immediately before childbirth. Gradually the contractions become more intense. When the contraction lasts about a minute, and the interval between contractions has already shortened to 3-5 minutes, it’s time to go to the maternity hospital, or call a midwife at home if you decide to give birth at home.

Note! When strong, frequent and painful labor contractions suddenly stop, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of weak labor. Even in the absence of contractions, specialists will help the baby be born and maintain the health of the young mother.

Preparing for childbirth and behavior during labor. A few nuances
Behave correctly during labor pains in order to alleviate your condition as much as possible and prepare well for the difficult work ahead.

  • Calm. Try to calm down and relax completely. Think about the fact that not much time will pass - and you will already give birth. Realize the finiteness of the difficult period, do not let the pain scare you. It will pass.
  • Positive attitude. Get ready for the upcoming birth, maintain confidence in yourself in a successful outcome. Your attitude will have a positive effect on the baby’s condition and will help you too.
  • Relax. During contractions, you must completely relax, do not tense, or strain your muscles.
  • Correct breathing. Breathe deeply when you feel pain coming on. After the contraction begins, you need to change your breathing to shallow, frequent and rhythmic. If the contraction has already ended, take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
  • Body position. During contractions, it is better to stand with your back against the wall or the back of a chair. When a woman lies down, the pain may be worse.
  • Massage. A light massage of the lower back will help relieve the condition. Movements should be directed from top to bottom. You can simply stroke your stomach with smooth circular movements.
Remember the recommendations so that your preparation for childbirth goes well.

Signs of approaching labor
You can tell that labor is about to begin, not just by the nature of the contractions. There are a few other common signs that will let you know that your baby is about to be born.

  1. Preliminary contractions. When the birth is already close, there are only a few days left before it, and preliminary contractions regularly appear. They are necessary to prepare the uterus for the future birth of a baby.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the thigh area. When a woman carries a child for 35 weeks, discomfort may appear in the pelvic area and hips.
  3. Draws in the lower abdomen. Ligaments stretch more and more before childbirth, so women may feel an unpleasant tugging in the abdomen.
  4. Aching pain. The pubic bones gradually diverge. This is how the mother’s body prepares for childbirth. In this case, aching pain appears in the perineum.
  5. My stomach dropped. Before childbirth, the stomach drops. The baby moves into the pelvic area, and the stomach gradually pulls down.
  6. The waters have broken. Just before birth, your water breaks. It is advisable to pay attention to their color, consistency, and smell, so that you can tell your doctor everything later. Sometimes the water breaks right during contractions. It is important to remember that you should consult a doctor immediately after your water breaks, since labor has already begun.
  7. Birth pains. A sign of the imminent birth of a baby is frequent, regular, painful contractions.
  8. Loose stools, frequent urination. Sometimes women start going to the toilet more often as they get closer to giving birth.
  9. Chills. Some expectant mothers feel chills before giving birth.
  10. Increased activity. It is typical that many women become more active before giving birth. They have a desire to create a more comfortable environment in the apartment, prepare more things for the baby, and go around the shops.
Monitor your condition. You will immediately understand that you are about to give birth.

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How to recognize the beginning of the process

Despite the fact that the preliminary date of birth is calculated by doctors based on the date of the last menstruation, it does not always coincide with the real one. After all, it all depends on when ovulation took place. And it happens to every woman individually every month. Therefore, labor can begin either earlier or later. And there are also pathological situations when labor starts much earlier than expected.

Many women are worried and afraid of not understanding that the process has already begun. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that childbirth can be rapid, and here it is important to understand in time that labor has already begun. Therefore, doctors advise expectant mothers to carefully monitor themselves in order to hear all the signals that their body gives them. The onset of labor has quite characteristic signs. There are also a number of harbingers that will indicate the approach of the process.

Already at 38 weeks, a woman begins the prenatal period - it is during this period that various training movements, such as contractions, begin to appear. The woman also experiences increased pain in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis - this causes the pelvic bones to diverge and soften. A woman should learn to understand that contractions are training contractions. These are usually not accompanied by pain, and there is no bleeding. They follow an approximate scheme: 20-30 second contraction, 20 minute break. And this happens quite often. Real contractions become stronger and more frequent over time, and are also characterized by severe pain. When the first ones appear, you just need to wait, when the second ones appear, go to the maternity hospital.

A huge number of changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, incl. and quite complex, which all together become the beginning of such a rather complex act as the beginning of childbirth.

What are the reasons for starting such an important process

The onset of labor is primarily based on the readiness of the uterus and the readiness of the baby. If we consider what the uterus looks like when it is ready for childbirth, it must have a certain weight and size, and the placenta must also be fully mature. In addition, labor begins only when nervous and muscle activity is at its best. As doctors say, a couple of weeks before the onset of labor, the uterus begins to lose a certain number of nerve fibers. Due to this, a decrease in pain is achieved and at the same time the contractility of the uterine walls increases.

The onset of labor occurs against the background of neuro-reflex factors, when the excitability of the brain in the head decreases, and the excitability of the spinal cord increases. In addition, there is an increase in the sensitivity of the muscle fibers of the uterus to the hormone, which provokes contractile activity of the uterus during childbirth.

Also among the reasons are hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. The end of pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in the production of progesterone, which supported the pregnancy for all 9 months. In addition, the production of estrogens, which are responsible for the onset of labor, increases.

Bioenergetic factors also have an influence. After all, by the time a baby is born, quite a lot of different substances are collected in a woman’s body, such as glycogen, phosphorus compounds, electrolytes and various microelements. All this makes the uterus capable of quite serious contractile movements.

Mechanical reasons also make it possible to make the birth take place. When the uterus is fully matured, it loses the ability to further stretch, after which, under the influence of the motor activity of the fetus and the influence of hormones responsible for the contraction of the muscular organ, it begins to contract actively and rhythmically.

Metabolic processes can also be the cause of the onset of labor. So, by the end of the gestation period, the baby accumulates certain waste products, which provokes more active movements.

The psychological attitude of the mother is also important for starting the process. If her nervous system is not prepared, then all other mechanisms will not work smoothly and clearly.

What are the signs and symptoms

A couple of weeks before giving birth, women may experience certain signs and symptoms of labor beginning. Among them:

  • Descent of the abdomen: the fetal head descends deeper into the pelvic area, and the fundus of the uterus also decreases. Against this background, the mother’s condition often improves, because the fetus no longer puts so much pressure on the stomach and diaphragm. The woman notes that it has become easier for her to breathe, and her symptoms of heartburn are also reduced. But at the same time, pressure in the bladder area often increases, as a result of which the expectant mother begins to visit the toilet more often
  • The center of gravity shifts forward: as doctors say, her gait noticeably changes when her shoulders begin to move back
  • Protrusion of the navel: just before childbirth, the effect of estrogen hormones on the body begins to increase, due to which the tone of the muscles of the peritoneum in front decreases, and the navel becomes more pliable
  • The behavior of the woman in labor changes: she may experience both increased nervous excitability and, conversely, they speak of mild apathy
  • A decrease in the body weight of the expectant mother - sometimes they even say several kilograms: this is due to the fact that before childbirth the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, a change in metabolism occurs, and fluid is retained less in the body
  • The child begins to move less: this calm is caused by a decrease in the amount of water, fixation of the head to the entrance to the pelvic area
  • Discomfortable manifestations, as well as nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back: estrogen hormones affect the elasticity of the ligaments, expansion of the pelvic bones is noted
  • Removal of the plug: the mucus plug that closes the entrance to the uterus begins to come out: it is a clot of mucus, often with bloody clots inside. The discharge intensifies over the course of several days and becomes larger in volume. True, it is worth understanding that the plug does not always come out immediately before childbirth; it also happens that it comes out in a couple of days

Naturally, against this background, the question arises: when can you feel the harbingers of labor? Doctors answer: as a rule, they are noted from the 37th week. At the same time, it is worth understanding that for all ladies they are individual - for some the warning signs may last a couple of hours, for others several weeks, and for others they may not appear at all until the very end.

How are births themselves characterized?

There are only two signs that labor has begun:

  • Start of contractions
  • Rush of amniotic fluid

Moreover, not always everything starts with contractions; it also happens, and often, that labor starts with the rupture of water. But in one thing they are united - these both signs indicate the beginning of labor, therefore, every pregnant woman should know what exactly, how and why should happen.

Contractions that mark the beginning of labor are called true contractions. They are characterized by regularity, and their frequency is not affected in any way by the woman’s behavior (for example, an expectant mother can reduce the occurrence of training contractions if she lies down on the bed). It is worth understanding that at the very beginning of the process, contractions are still quite invisible and weak. They are often said to be similar to period pain. Doctors often advise noting the length and duration of contractions - this will allow them to quickly assess the development of the process when a woman in labor enters the maternity hospital. At first, contractions occur at intervals of half an hour. But as their intensity increases, the woman in labor feels these rhythmic contractions of the uterus more and more clearly. With each contraction, the baby puts more and more pressure on the perineal area, causing the uterus to dilate more.

In the classic situation of the course of labor, the outpouring of water occurs approximately at the time when the uterus opens to 3-7 cm. This occurs because the amniotic membrane ruptures under the influence of fetal pressure and the water flows out. After this, labor should end no later than 12 hours later. After all, it is bad for a child to be in a waterless environment for so long.

If the water has broken and contractions have not started, doctors will stimulate the labor process.

How does labor begin in first-time mothers?

Ladies who do not yet have children usually do not know what exactly awaits them. At the same time, they have a number of features. For example, among first-time mothers, the difference between the expected date of birth and the time of manifestation of the precursors is quite large. In addition, expectant mothers, not knowing what to expect and being more emotional, take literally every ailment as a harbinger.

Also, ladies who give birth for the first time are not often subject to rapid labor. Unlike multiparous women, labor lasts from 8 to 11 hours. This is due to the fact that the birth canal has not yet gone through this process and is not stretched. The uterus also opens in a completely different way.

Features of childbirth in multiparous women

For women who are already experienced mothers, signs of impending labor appear at 38 weeks. Moreover, they develop more rapidly and more clearly indicate the imminent onset of labor. A distinctive feature of the precursors in multiparous women is the fact that their stomach drops right before childbirth. Childbirth in multiparous women can take 6-7 hours. The uterus opens simultaneously - i.e. both the internal and external openings go together to open.

During the first pregnancy, a woman always waits with special excitement for the start of labor. Despite the descriptions of friends who gave birth and the stories of doctors, it is sometimes difficult for a woman to determine the signs of an imminent birth of a baby. This is not surprising, because the signs of childbirth are completely new sensations and impressions. Strong anxiety and hormonal changes in the body also affect it.

All this leads to the fact that in the later stages of pregnancy the woman regards the slightest changes in the body as the beginning of labor, raises everyone around her to their feet, and she is taken to the hospital, where it turns out that childbirth is still far away. It is important to understand that not a single woman in the world has slept through labor and it is simply impossible not to notice its onset. At the same time, in the vast majority of cases, during your first pregnancy you have a huge supply of time to calmly get ready and get to the maternity ward.

Let's look at the main signs of the onset of labor and find out which of them only indicate that childbirth will occur in the coming days, and which indicate that labor has already begun and you should seek help from a specialist.

First, let's look at the signs that indicate that childbirth will occur in the near future, usually within 1-2 weeks. If these signs appear, you should not panic, much less go to the maternity hospital.

These signs include:

  • false contractions;
  • precursor contractions;
  • release of mucus plug;
  • prolapse of the uterine fundus;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Let's start by mentioning the so-called false contractions, which are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Strictly speaking, they don’t say anything at all, and their nature is not fully understood. In some women, they may appear as early as 20 weeks of pregnancy and in no case indicate imminent childbirth. However, those giving birth for the first time may misinterpret false contractions and begin to worry.

Braxton-Hicks contractions are painless, occur without any system and are expressed in abdominal tension and pulling sensations. Often false contractions occur during physical activity or laughter and pass quickly. You should not pay attention to them, they have nothing to do with childbirth.

Unlike false contractions, precursor contractions can occur starting from the 36th week of pregnancy and indicate that there are usually 1 to 14 days left before delivery. Premonitory contractions feel the same as labor contractions, but are less intense and are characterized by tension in the lower abdomen and subsequent relaxation. They can be painful and have some periodicity. At this time, the structure of the uterus changes and prepares for childbirth, but the uterus does not dilate.

You can distinguish precursor contractions from labor contractions by measuring the interval between them. The interval should not decrease over time. Contractions are temporary and usually subside within a few hours. If the interval between contractions is more than 20 minutes, then there is nothing to worry about, you should try to relax and sleep. You can also take a warm bath, this will help relax the muscles and stop the warning contractions.

During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​sealed with a mucus plug, which prevents vaginal microflora from entering the uterine cavity. When there are a few days left before delivery, the mucus plug comes out of the cervix as the cervix changes and softens. In this case, a certain amount of mucus is released from the vagina, which may be transparent or have a yellow or pink tint. The plug may come out in small portions over several hours, or it can come out completely at one time.

Do not be afraid of these discharges, they are absolutely normal and only mean that the uterus is almost ready for childbirth, which, however, may still be a few days, up to a week.

After the mucus plug has been released, it is prohibited to swim in ponds or pools, or take a bath. Water should not get into the vagina, as this increases the risk of infection.

In some cases, the mucus plug does not come out and it comes out simultaneously with the amniotic fluid; this is a completely normal situation and you should not worry about it.

Prolapse of the uterine fundus

Shortly before birth, a slight change in the position of the fetus inside the uterus occurs. The presenting part of the fetus moves closer to the pelvis. This is accompanied by a change in the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and stomach. The woman's shortness of breath goes away, a feeling of breathing deeply appears, heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating disappear. The shape of the tummy also changes slightly.

Limits on the expansion of the external pharynx
cervix (diameter), cm
Time interval, hour*

* Median, (5th; 95th percentile)

Expansion rate, cm/hour
2-3 3,2 (0,6; 15,0) 0,3 (0,1; 1,8)
3-4 2,7 (0,6; 10,1) 0,4 (0,1; 1,8)
4-5 1,7 (0,4; 6,6) 0,6 (0,2; 2,8)
5-6 0,8 (0,2; 3,1) 1,2 (0,3; 5,0)
6-7 0,6 (0,2; 2,2) 1,7 (0,5; 6,3)
7-8 0,5 (0,1; 1,5) 2,2 (0,7; 7,1)
8-9 0,4 (0,1; 1,3) 2,4 (0,8 7,7)
9-10 0,4 (0,1; 1,4) 2,4 (0,7 ; 8,3)

Uncomfortable sensations

When there are only a few days left before giving birth, most women experience discomfort in the abdominal area and just below the lower back. The sensations are similar to menstrual pain. This is due to the restructuring of the pelvic muscles, as well as a large flow of blood to this part of the body.

These signs indicate the approach of labor, but do not indicate its beginning; you should not contact a specialist about this. These are completely normal phenomena and all pregnant women go through this.

Signs of labor that has begun

These signs indicate that labor has already begun and the baby will be born in the coming hours. However, there is no need to panic, you have enough time to calmly get ready and get to the maternity hospital.

There are only two sure signs of the onset of labor:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • contractions.

This is a sure sign that labor has begun; if a woman’s water breaks, then there can be no doubt that the baby will be born in the coming hours. A fairly large amount of clear or slightly yellowish fluid is released from the vagina. This means that the cervix has already opened sufficiently and is completely ready for childbirth. Typically, the amniotic fluid breaks either just before contractions begin or after contractions have already begun. In any case, after your water breaks, you should not hesitate to go to the maternity hospital.


Most likely, before this moment, the woman has already experienced precursor contractions several times and can imagine what it is. Labor pains are characterized by much greater intensity and increasing frequency. Over time, they do not go away, but, on the contrary, intensify, become more frequent and last longer.

The pregnancy is proceeding successfully, the expectant mother feels well, but she is not left with a feeling of anxiety about the most important process - childbirth. This is especially exciting if a woman is giving birth for the first time. How do you know that a baby is ready to be born when you need to go to the hospital so that doctors can deliver the baby on time? All women planning to give birth should know the first signs of labor so as not to harm themselves or the baby.

Many people try to completely trust the doctor who sets the due date, or rather the date of birth, but in practice, most often it turns out that the child is born earlier or later than the appointed date, this depends on many factors. Premature birth is just as dangerous as a post-term baby, so you need to monitor your body and take care of yourself in order to feel the first signs of labor in time. It is necessary to know what will happen in the body before childbirth, what changes in the female condition should be understood as the approach of childbirth.

What are the first signs of labor?

The main first sign of approaching labor is a drooping abdomen. The point is that the baby must come down in order to prepare for its birth. With normal labor, this occurs at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it even becomes easier for a woman to breathe, but many will experience discomfort due to frequent urination and swelling. Your arms and legs may swell, and you may need to go to the toilet more often. This is due to the fact that the child, having descended, puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder, so you should not be afraid of swelling, they will be a warning to you, as the first sign of the approaching birth, that happy moment when the baby is born.

Another major sign that labor is approaching is weight loss. Throughout your pregnancy, you have only been gaining weight, but now you have suddenly lost a couple of kilograms. Don’t be alarmed, it means you will soon become a mother, which is why it is so important to regularly measure your weight throughout your entire pregnancy. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, so you should not be afraid of this.

The first sign of imminent labor will be a change in appetite. If you ate well, and suddenly stopped experiencing pleasure from eating, you suddenly lost your appetite, get ready for an imminent birth. This will also be evidenced by an increased appetite, if it was not typical for you during pregnancy.

Immediately a few days before giving birth, a woman begins to feel a nagging pain in the pubic bone. If it has become habitual for you that your back, lower back ache, then now the pain will transfer to the pubic part. The fact is that for childbirth it is necessary for the bones to become softer in order to facilitate childbirth, so a certain softening occurs, which is accompanied by a dull pain. Don't be afraid of these symptoms, just start getting ready to go to the hospital.

In addition to physiological changes in the body, psychological metamorphoses also occur. The character and mood of a woman becomes changeable, sometimes she cries, sometimes she laughs. During pregnancy this was less noticeable than a few days before giving birth, so this sign should also be paid attention to. You cannot sleep, you have become worried about some previously unimportant problems, you are attacked by apathy or, conversely, aggression. All this will pass after childbirth, but in the meantime, it’s time for you and your husband to prepare for the birth of your baby.

What to do if the first signs of labor are detected?

If you notice several of these early signs of labor and they are getting worse, you are due to give birth in less than a week. However, you should behave very carefully during the last trimester, do not lift anything heavier than one and a half kilograms, and lie down more. However, a little physical activity will be beneficial, otherwise you can transition, that is, the child will be born later than necessary, what the risk is, read the article: Is post-term pregnancy dangerous?

It is best to walk in the fresh air for several hours a day, in a park, in a garden, and do all the household chores you can - dusting, washing dishes, cooking delicious food, ironing, but washing the floors at an angle or washing clothes by hand is prohibited. In these household chores, let your loved ones help you, or a handy tool - a mop with a comfortable long handle, a washing machine.

But the main thing before childbirth is positive emotions that should be present around the woman all the time, so that the baby feels the mother’s good condition, no worries, so that nothing frightens him before birth.

How to determine the onset of labor?

All the signs that a woman exhibits let her know that childbirth is near, that she needs to be constantly prepared for it, and that she needs to collect the things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. However, the closer the crucial moment, the more worries she will have about whether she will be able to understand that labor is beginning.

To determine the onset of labor, it is necessary to pay attention to obvious signs of a change in a woman’s condition:

  • Adrenaline is released, her palms and feet become wet, she begins to feel a strong growing excitement
  • Some fluid always comes out of the uterus, sometimes with blood discharge - this is a special mucus plug that protected the baby throughout the entire pregnancy. However, there are times when she comes out a day or two before the birth itself, but most often just before the birth.
  • Contractions begin. The first contractions are only slightly painful, the pain moves from the lower abdomen to the lower back. If you don’t immediately notice these sensations, don’t worry, the first labor can last up to 14 hours, so you will have time to see a doctor when you feel stronger contractions. Gradually, the strength of contractions and their duration will increase. Prenatal contractions occur at intervals of about 5 minutes, and are becoming more frequent. When the uterus begins to contract, you will feel it, and this will also be preceded by the release of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that the breaking of the waters is the beginning of labor, but the waters can break slowly if the path is blocked by the baby’s head, or quickly, in this case it is very important to carry out the birth as quickly as possible so that the child does not suffocate or get injured, any delay can become critical for baby's health. If you were not at the doctor’s office when your water broke, carefully remember the time and appearance of the water, its smell, all this needs to be known to the obstetrician-gynecologist who will deliver the baby.

What to do if your water breaks?

Firstly, you should not panic, you must immediately call an ambulance or your husband, who will take you to the hospital, even if your water has broken and there are no contractions. You need to ride in a reclining position; you can take a bottle of still water or black tea with lemon with you. Usually modern women think through everything in advance, so when packing your bag for childbirth, do not forget to take water, as you really want to drink during childbirth and after.

The first signs of premature birth

We will talk more about premature birth in another article, but now I would like to explain only those cases when you should really worry that you are experiencing the first signs of premature birth. The fact is that a pregnancy is considered normal when the baby is carried for about 40 weeks; if labor begins earlier, then it is premature and you should be prepared for anything, which is why it is so important to know the signs of premature birth.

If you identify the symptoms and first signs of premature birth in time, you can consult a doctor in time:

  • The appearance of contractions that repeat every 10 minutes or even more often
  • Discharge of watery fluid, which may indicate damage to the amniotic fluid sac
  • Lower abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps
  • Dull aching pain in the lower back, which may be temporary
  • Pressure in the pelvic area can also be periodic
  • Abdominal cramps

If you notice several of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid premature birth.

How to induce contractions on your own?

But not only premature birth is dangerous, but also post-term pregnancy, so if you have been pregnant for more than 41 weeks, you can induce contractions on your own without harming the baby’s health in order to speed up the natural process of giving birth.

To induce natural contractions on your own, when the baby is in no hurry to be born, you should eat more foods that contain fiber, drink less water, and do not overeat. This will stimulate intestinal function.

You need to walk more, be in an upright position, you can even dance at home. Gradually, under the weight of amniotic fluid, the fetus will move, the muscles of the uterus will begin to contract, which will lead to the first contractions, and subsequently to childbirth.

You can massage the nipples of the breast, which allows the hormone oxytocin to appear in the body, which also causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the breast, preparing it for feeding.

Pat your belly, talk to your child, call him, tell him how much you love him. Such contact between mother and child is sometimes the main impetus for the birth of a baby.