How to build normal communication with your stepson. About the complex feelings of a woman-stepmother Relationship between stepdaughter and stepmother

March 8

Love is evil. And sometimes “in addition” to the beloved man or woman, a gift such as a stepson is attached. At first glance, it seems that everything is solvable. Everything will work out and everything will be fine. But is this really how it is? We have already spoken in some detail about the difficulties that inevitably arise.

A woman who is ready to join her destiny with a man who has a son must recognize the fact that she will be dealing with very serious problems. After all, she is a complete stranger to the child. And it will take a lot of time to establish warm relations. Of course, in the end the problem is still completely solvable. But it will take time to solve it. And the main thing here is to choose the right path.

Our story today is about which line of behavior to choose and why.

First of all. Be strict and fair. If you start your life together with pampering and pleasing, your stepson will quickly understand that he can be capricious and offended. Therefore, over time, he will certainly begin to try to control his stepmother, and to make trouble if you suddenly refuse him something. He will act as if his stepmother should always fulfill his wishes. And it’s not always possible to immediately find the answer to the question,

It would also be a mistake to try to replace the child’s mother. This should never be done, especially if the stepson remembers his own mother very well. He will be irritated by manifestations of excessive affection, and by gentleness in upbringing. You will have to understand that the child does not need a second mother, especially a step-mother.

Therefore, it is best to think about striking up friendships so that the boy begins to listen to your advice. The main thing is that the educational process does not begin immediately from the first days. First, try to arouse your stepson's interest. The child must get used to the new family member. If everything goes well, he himself will want to communicate with you.

If problems arise, you should not step aside and shift the solution to the child’s father. It is clear that the father has greater influence on the son, and the son will obey him. But the participation of the stepmother is also necessary. After all, the father is not always right. And here it is you who can act as the trying party in the conflict between men.

It may happen that you are the one who offers the right option. The main thing is to conduct the conversation tactfully and calmly. You need to draw attention not to your feelings, but to the feelings of your stepson, to be interested in them.

And, of course, you will have to be patient when dealing with your stepson. He will definitely compare you with his own mother. And the mother will always win. It's unavoidable.

Of course, such comparisons are quite unpleasant, but it is necessary to show wisdom and discard any attempts to prove the opposite, that is, one should not allow competition on one’s part. It’s better to let your child tell you about his mother more often. Naturally, your interest must be sincere. And then the stepson will no longer be afraid to trust his stepmother.

Believe me: the child has no desire to offend you - the stepmother - when he talks about his mother. He just can’t understand why a stranger’s woman should take the place of a loved one. Children always react painfully to the separation of their parents.

Be lenient and patient! And you will succeed!

The plane arrived exactly on schedule - at 10.30.
A man walked around the waiting room, extremely nervous, looking in the direction where the arriving passengers of flight 743 were about to appear.
Lex Carter, a forty-two-year-old well-known businessman who made his millions in cellular communications, put everything aside to meet his little Rosie in person. He did not see his daughter for two whole years.
And so the girl, having brilliantly passed the exams, graduated from the closed girls' school at the monastery of St. Peter. Little Rosie flew home to rest and gain strength before the new school year. She became a first-year student at a world-famous prestigious university.
The man was very nervous, and he had reasons to admit it. During her absence, a lot has changed. For example, Lex got married a couple of months ago. Of course, the daughter was informed, but due to her workload, preparing for final and entrance exams, the girl did not have the opportunity to come to the family celebration. The man did not know how his daughter would react to the new family member. More precisely, I guessed that it was not very good. The girl lost her mother early, and her father did not want to traumatize her by strangers in the house, so he always limited himself to one-time relationships on the side and never allowed his mistresses to appear in his and his daughter’s lives. Moreover, even after the death of his wife, he continued to love her. Until eight months ago, he decided to renovate his country house in time for his daughter’s arrival.
Designer Samantha Rice, or simply Sam, burst into the life of a businessman quickly and irrevocably. The thirty-two-year-old blonde captivated Lex from the first minutes of communication, her beautiful appearance, sharp mind, and great sense of humor. At first, the man thought to take her with his charm, charm and a decent size bank account. Sam immediately put him in his place. And the more distance she kept, the more he wanted her. To the point of unconsciousness and trembling knees. He fell in love like a boy and began to court her, wooing Sam for a long time. The woman’s heart melted, and she agreed to become his soul mate. Without delay, Lex proposed and was rewarded with a positive response from the woman he loved.
The man was pulled out of his thoughts by strong family hugs and exclamations:
- Dad, I missed you so much!!!
- And I’m a baby, and I really missed you! - her father echoed her.
Grabbing their daughter's suitcases, they headed to the car.
Approaching the country house, the girl noted that the house had not changed in appearance, although her father promised a surprise with its transformation. The car parked and their butler helped the girl get out of it.
- John! I am so glad to see you! - Rose said hugging the man.
- Princess! How you have grown in these two years! Well, let me look at you. You are simply beautiful! – the butler, hugging her like his own daughter, praised the girl.
The front door swung open and a charming young woman came out to meet them with an infectious smile, barefoot. She radiated such positivity that everyone broke into a welcoming smile when they saw her. Her platinum hair was casually pulled up and pinned with a pencil. Her face was smeared with paint, as were her clothes, denim shorts that hugged her toned ass and an aqua shirt tied in a knot under her breasts.
“I’m Sam, welcome home,” the woman said and extended her hand.
“Rose, can I have Rosie?” smiling, the girl shook hands with her new parent.
Samantha felt like she was electrocuted by this handshake. I wanted to pull the girl towards me and kiss her, squeezing her in my arms, right in front of everyone. Even when she just went outside and saw her stepdaughter, the woman broke out in a sweat. And a wave of excitement swept through my body. She experienced these feelings a long time ago, the last time in college, when young Sam was not interested in men at all. She even planned to marry Lex rather following general moral standards. This is how it is accepted in society and Sam hoped that her inner desires would continue to sleep, and sooner or later she would begin to experience passion for her husband.
Rosie ruined her plans in an instant. There was a real flood between my legs. The baby was definitely her type. She was short, with brown wavy hair just below her shoulders, honey-colored eyes framed by thick long eyelashes, a snub nose and plump lips, especially the lower one, which you wanted to bite lightly and pull down. She had practically no makeup on, just slightly tinted eyelashes and not a lot of transparent gloss on her lips. The gaze dropped, lowering its assessment of the overall picture of the girl’s image. The only thing that spoiled all this beauty was a terrible gray rag for washing floors, which served as a dress. School uniform. It was neck-length and reached to the knees; long sleeves hid her arms.
- My God! And this is in the summer in thirty-degree heat! – Sam mentally felt sorry for her stepdaughter.
The woman mentally slapped herself for the prolonged greeting and finally let go of Rosie’s hand. “I’ll deal with this misery later. Such beauty cannot be kept in this sarcophagus,” she thought.
“I’m very, very glad,” Sam squeezed out with dry lips.
“Meet me, this is now your new stepmother, and this is your stepdaughter,” the head of the family introduced the girls in his own way.
Rosie understood right away, but for the record she still narrowed her pupils. Now she was assessing Samantha.
“You are very beautiful,” came the verdict of the lovely creature.
- Shower! “I urgently need a contrast shower,” Samantha’s demons screamed.

Chapter 2. Secret fantasies.
The evening passed at a family festive dinner. Then Samantha found out that the girl had been studying in a closed school since she was eight years old. The pupils received not only a good education, but also a diligent upbringing. The pupils spoke at least three languages, were knowledgeable in various fields of activity and could hold a conversation on any topic. The abbess, who are also teachers, did not let the girls go and were very strict with them. For bad behavior or unfinished homework, the pupils could be left without dinner or not allowed to go with the others on the weekend, for a walk in the park.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they also punished disobedience with rods,” Sam thought.
A picture appeared before my eyes, a full class of girls, everyone looking in horror at the humiliating execution. Rosie leans her chest on the teacher's table, clutching its edges with her fingers, the hem of her dress is pulled up, and her panties are pulled down to her knees. The delicate skin is covered with red marks from punishment. And in the little girl’s eyes there are tears of pain and resentment.
“No, it’s better not like that,” Sam’s imagination suggested.
The picture changed to another. Rosie, with her blouse open, leans her bare breasts on her stepmother's glass office desk. A wonderful view from any angle, even from below the table. The hands are fixed behind the back with a regular sewing meter. The gaze is clouded, the breathing is ragged, the tongue constantly licks the dry lips. The hem of the skirt is pulled up, the panties are also pulled down to the knees, the legs are spread apart. Samantha imagined how she, with a long ruler, lightly touching, stroked the baby’s inner thigh, causing a herd of goosebumps running all over her body and making her languish in anticipation. Rising higher, he passes through the secret place and, lightly spanking, pulls out a caressing moan:
- Ahh...
Sam strokes his stepdaughter's pussy with a smile, alternately delivering a few more spanks, accompanied by her languid whine. Having stopped the sweet torture, she brings the ruler to Rosie’s mouth and the girl licks her juice with her tongue.
- Do you like it?
- What do you like? – Rose’s answering question pulled him out of his dreams.
- Your great-aunt! - the woman cursed, realizing that she had gotten carried away and uttered the question out loud.
– What do you like, Sam? - repeated the curious girl.
“Study,” the woman tried to correct the situation.
- Like. “This is interesting,” the girl said without thinking with a smile.
- Looks like I got out of it! – flashed through her head, again plunging into her thoughts.
- Pure and innocent. What will happen when she goes to university? – Sam continued to think, picking at the vegetables in her plate.
- There will be no restraining framework, there will be lustful teenagers everywhere who will want to get my girl. Her first kiss. First sex. Someone, not her, will caress her young, elastic body with her lips and give her her first orgasms.
The woman didn’t even want to think about it. My appetite suddenly disappeared. This is just an innocent angel.
- My angel! – the inner voice spoke jealously.
- Darling, is everything okay? Is there something wrong with your glass? You’re not squeezing it that hard and it’s going to crack,” Lex tried to joke.
- Everything is fine, I just have a headache. Please forgive me and let me lie down,” she said, leaving the table.
It was impossible to continue dinner with the spoiled mood and, citing a migraine, the woman retired to her bedroom.

Chapter 3.

Almost two weeks have passed since my stepdaughter arrived. The girls became very friendly and spent almost all their free time together, running in the mornings, going shopping, cooking dinners. The stepmother sometimes allowed herself small liberties, stroking her stepdaughter on the back or bottom, shaking off non-existent dirt from her chest. She did it so carefully that Rosie didn’t notice anything.
Sam's favorite pastime was in the pool, where she deliberately started trouble. At these moments, the woman could touch Rosie, attributing everything to a game in almost all places. And there was something to touch. Firm C-cup breasts, with small nipples standing out through the swimsuit, thin waist, very seductive round ass, slender legs. In a word, perfection itself. It was becoming increasingly difficult to contain myself around the baby.
On one of these wonderful days, an unpleasant event occurred. Samantha got up around lunchtime and stayed up half the night working on an exciting new project. The woman threw a robe over her naked body and, stretching, went to wash herself. Having gone downstairs and poured herself a glass of juice, Sam went to the window.
The picture that was reflected in him infuriated her!!! Outside the window, some nasty neighbor boy, a local playboy, was holding her girl’s hand, trying to kiss her. The girl pulled away from the guy, not allowing him to do this. But the stepmother’s good mood was unprecedented.
- Began!!! My Rosie! - the woman growled.
She frantically began to think about how to get closer to her baby, tame her, teach her to eat from her hands. The plan came together instantly.
Lex returned home from the training room. Walking past the kitchen, he noticed a very piquant picture. His wife was on her knees, sticking out her appetizing ass without underwear, a short robe ridden up, and stockings on her legs. The woman was looking for something.
– I like the way my wife greets me! – said the man, admiring the beautiful view.
The wife rose from her knees, twirling a gold earring in her hands.
“I thought I had lost her,” she said, smiling.
- I would buy you new ones! - the husband went on the offensive, moving towards his wife like a predator, pressing her into the table.
Pushing the flaps of such interfering fabric apart, the husband squeezed one nipple with his fingers and pulled it slightly towards himself.
“Mmm...” Samantha moaned.
Grabbing his wife under the ass, Lex sat her on the tabletop, settling himself between her slender thighs. He began to cover his wife's face with kisses, then captured her lips, without stopping for long, he went down to her neck, lightly biting the skin, going down and leaving wet trails on her body. Clavicles, shoulders, chest. One by one, outlining the nipple aureoles with his tongue, he began to suck on the hard peas, savoring them in his mouth, sometimes biting them with his teeth. Having played enough, the man began to move lower. Kneeling down, he ran his tongue over those wet folds.
Samantha arched with pleasure and moaned:
- Ohh...
The lock clicked and the one for whom this whole performance was designed entered the house. The woman thought through everything in advance, sending the maid home and sending the butler to do the shopping.
Rosie, passing by the kitchen, heard a loud groan from her stepmother and her father’s voice. Turning around, the girl froze. The sight before her eyes was stunning. The stepmother was sitting on the table, leaning her elbows on it, throwing her head back and moaning slightly. Her father was kneeling between her legs. His head was between his stepmother's thighs. The father made slurping sounds.
- Sweetie, how sweet you are! – he said, pulling back slightly and continuing again.
After blinking for a couple more seconds, the girl hurriedly retreated to her room. Rosie was shocked by the incident. Of course she knew what sex was. Not small, seventeen after all. Moreover, several anatomy classes were devoted to this. But the abbess always drilled into their heads that sex was needed to have a child. What she saw looked little like the process of procreation. Questions popped up in her head one after another:
- Why was Sam moaning? Was she in pain? Then why didn't she stop her father? And my father made sounds like he was eating something. And this was the most delicious thing in his life. Why did he say she was sweet?
The girl, lost in thought, did not notice how the time was approaching evening.

Chapter 4.

Juice of passion.
There was a knock on Rosie's room. A parent came, saying that he had to urgently fly to London to sign some important contract.
– Baby, listen to Samantha in everything. I see you have become good friends. I let John and Stella go on vacation for a week. “Sam said that two girls can easily handle housework on their own,” Lex said.
The girl nodded and kissed her father goodbye. After a while, Rosie wanted to drink tea, she decided to forget about what she saw, in the end, it simply does not concern her. When she went downstairs, she did not find her stepmother. I made a drink and began to go up to my room, but somehow it was awkward not to offer tea to Samantha. She approached her father's bedroom. The door was slightly open. The girl went inside and saw that her stepmother was sleeping. The woman was lying on her back practically naked, she had nothing on except stockings, and a beautiful silk robe was carelessly lying on the floor. Little Rosie's heart began to beat wildly. It was very wrong to walk in without knocking and see what she saw. She felt very ashamed of her action.
The girl was about to leave the room, when suddenly her attention was captured by the very place that was between her casually outstretched legs. Rosie came closer. Curiosity was eating her up from the inside. A neat strip of pubic hair beckoned, but what most attracted attention were the reddish shiny wet lips, covered with a whitish liquid that stretched like a thin thread onto the sheet, forming a wet spot.
Nothing will happen, I’ll just watch, the girl decided, putting the tea on the nightstand and climbing onto the bed, lowering her curious nose close. Rosie smelled a new scent, it attracted her attention. The girl ran her finger over the scarlet sponge, watching Sam's reaction.
- I didn’t wake up! – the girl rejoiced, tilting her face even lower and inhaling the alluring aroma.
“Sweetie,” she remembered her father’s words.

Who doesn’t know the story of how an overbearing stepmother subjugated her henpecked husband and tormented her stepdaughter, forcing her to do backbreaking work? But who would have thought that in the Yakut village of Magan, 23 kilometers from the city of Yakutsk, the fairy tale about Cinderella turned into reality, and a 14-year-old girl would suffer greater hardships than the heroine of the fairy tale. The girl had to endure beatings and starve for the slightest offense. She did hard physical work, went hungry, ate dog scraps and slept on the streets. Out of fear of my stepmother, I didn’t tell anyone anything.

It is unknown how long the torture would have continued if the girl had not run away from home to her aunt, the sister of her late mother, in Yakutsk. Aunt, having learned the truth, rang all the bells and wrote a statement to the police.

At first everything was fine

The tragedy in the large family of the Urvantsevs (hereinafter the names and surnames have been changed - editor's note) occurred in 2008. The mother died, leaving her husband with three smaller daughters. Alina was 5 years old at that time, Oksana was a little older, Vera was younger.

Vladimir was very worried: how would he raise his daughters? At first, their relatives helped them. After all, Vladimir worked as a teacher at school, his income was not that great, but his expenses for children were high.

But soon the widower met Svetlana, she worked as a doctor in a hospital in Yakutsk. The charming divorced woman also had two daughters, already adults. She quickly turned the widower around and married him, as people say. In 2009, Vladimir and Svetlana got married. One day a woman even suggested to her husband: “Why should we divide our daughters into yours and mine? Come on, I’ll adopt the girls.”

At first everything was fine,” recalls 14-year-old Alina. “We lived together and did everything around the house together.” The new mother spoiled us. She bought clothes, toys, took care of everyone. And then she changed. Out of nowhere, she suddenly started screaming and getting angry.

The girl remembers that one New Year’s Eve, her stepmother’s gold earrings, which Vladimir gave her, disappeared. It is not clear why her anger fell specifically on her stepdaughters. The stepmother began to blame Alina and her sisters for all their sins.

From that moment on, the woman seemed to have been replaced. Where did the kind and sensitive “second mother” go? She began to punish the girls for the slightest offense: for bad grades at school, for not sweeping the floor or for not washing the dishes properly. For staying late with girlfriends or not bringing water from the water pump. For not feeding the animals on time and for many other reasons. The most common punishment was hunger: the girls were refused food, and they often went to bed without dinner.

It got worse when Vladimir quit school and went to work. The eldest Oksana was the first to not stand it, and as soon as she graduated from school, she went to Yakutsk to live with her aunt, the sister of her late mother. The whole burden of housework fell on Alina’s fragile shoulders. But she was then 12 years old. In fact, Alina turned into a real slave in her home.

Beaten for the slightest offense

This is what the Krasnoyarsk Yakutsk police told Komsomolskaya Pravda:

An investigation was carried out and it was established that the girl was systematically beaten. Her duties included heavy housework. For example, she had to provide the family with water - carry 25-liter cans from the pumping station, two or three cans at a time. She was not allowed to wash her clothes in the washing machine, only by hand. The girl was deprived of lunch and dinner, and if the chickens laid few eggs, she was accused of eating eggs and was also punished. Alina admitted to us that she was constantly hungry.

The police also established the fact of the execution, which was carried out by the stepmother: Alina was beaten with a rolling pin.

The PDN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Yakutia reported that the family has been on preventive registration since 2015. Inspectors conducted an investigation into the beating, but did not initiate a criminal case - the girl said that she forgives her father. However, later the man was deprived of parental rights. And recently Svetlana’s adoption of her stepdaughters was also annulled.

As it turned out, the alarm was also sounded at school. The school director said that the teachers saw what Alina was wearing - old clothes that didn’t fit, that were darned and over-darned. And always hungry. She never had money to buy lunch in the canteen, and she did not bring anything with her, not even simple sandwiches. But when they came to the Urvantsevs’ home, it was always clean, and the girls didn’t complain about anything.

During a conversation with the girls’ father, I realized that he is completely under her influence and repeats what she says,” the school director shares his impression.

More questions than answers

Now Alina is safe in Yakutsk, remembering the past like a bad dream.

There is still a lot that is unclear in this story. For example, where did the relatives of the three sisters, local authorities, and neighbors look? Why didn’t juvenile affairs inspectors back then, in 2015, remove children from their families who were being starved to death? And why didn’t the man, whose eyes his daughters were abused, not stand up for them? Komsomolskaya Pravda will try to find answers to all questions.

A ten-year-old schoolgirl from the American state of Utah was forced by her stepmother to dress up in ridiculous second-hand clothes and wear them to school. This is what the woman did when she learned that her stepdaughter was making fun of other children’s clothes at school.

The girl's stepmother received a letter from one of the teachers, which reported that her daughter behaved badly towards other students and ridiculed their way of dressing. The last straw in the teacher’s patience was another incident - Kaylee, whose last name was not disclosed, bullied another girl, calling her names and humiliating her, inciting her classmates to also join in making fun of her wardrobe.

The teacher wrote that the hooligan bullied her victim for three weeks, after which the girl refused to go to school, not wanting to meet her daily stalker. Kaylee's stepmother, whose name is Ellie, decided to confront her stepdaughter's behavior, realizing that such behavior could have serious consequences in the future.

Since the woman knew that the hooligan did not feel any remorse for what she had done, she decided not to scold her, but came up with a punishment according to her deserts. She decided to dress her to school tastelessly and sloppily, so that she would feel how wrong she was in her own experience. “I thought this was the perfect way to teach her a lesson, to show her that she was behaving wrongly and cruelly towards children who cannot afford to change from one fashionable outfit to another every day,” the woman said.

“Kaylee was stalking that girl, telling her she was dressed like a slob and cheap. As a result, she ensured that that schoolgirl no longer wanted to attend classes; she was afraid of my stepdaughter, who caused her psychological trauma,” admits the stepmother.

According to Oddity Central, although Ellie was not Kaylee's biological mother, she had been in a serious relationship with her father for several years and decided that she could take over raising her instead of her mother. The woman went to a local second-hand store, bought $50 worth of assorted clothes that Kaylee would definitely consider ugly, took them into the girl’s room along with old sneakers and ordered her to wear some of the heap to school tomorrow.

Ellie said that the hooligan burst into tears at first, but realized that you couldn’t go against your stepmother. She wore hateful things for two whole days, and behind the girl’s back, her classmates began making unflattering comments. During this time, she managed to realize her mistake.

“Kaylee learned a valuable lesson. The next time she wants to do something nasty to other people, she will know what can follow and will not want to do it,” says Ellie.