How to make your own shoe freshener. Review of antibacterial sprays for odor in shoes

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An unpleasant smell from shoes is not only unsightly, but also unhygienic. The fact is that due to impaired circulation, harmful microorganisms begin to multiply, which lead to fungal diseases of the feet. The use of commercial disinfectants is very effective in dealing with such problems. However, it is no less effective to make deodorant at home.

Their main task is not only to aromatize, but also to neutralize unpleasant odors and destroy existing bacteria.

Homemade deodorant recipes

Method No. 1: Soda-starch

Try making this simple deodorant yourself:

  • 3 tablespoons of soda;
  • 3 tablespoons corn starch;
  • Tea tree oil – 7 drops;
  • Lavender oil – 7 drops.

Baking soda is a very effective odor absorber, starch is a neutralizer, tea tree is known for its bactericidal and antifungal effect, and lavender has a slight flavoring effect.

Mix soda with starch and add essential oils. The resulting powder is poured into boots or shoes for the whole night. In the morning, shake out the product or remove it with a vacuum cleaner. One procedure will not solve your problem, so you will have to repeat it several times before the smell disappears.

This deodorant can be prepared immediately for future use, but to prevent the oils from evaporating, the mixture must be stored in an airtight container.

Method #2: Essential Oils

Essential oils are excellent flavoring agents:

  • Tea tree – 5 drops;
  • Orange oil – 5 drops;
  • Lemon oil – 3 drops.

Dampen a cotton scarf or any fabric with the above oils, turn the fabric inside out so as not to stain the insoles with oils, and leave it overnight, placing it in your shoes. In the morning you will feel a pleasant aroma that will accompany you all day.

No less effective is a deodorant made from the following mixture of essential oils:

  • Cedar oil – 6 drops;
  • Melissa oil – 15 drops.

Method #3: Essential Spray

You can make an effective deodorant spray from oils:

  • Tea tree – 15 drops;
  • Water – 100 ml.

Dissolve the essential oil in water and place the resulting solution in a spray bottle. Use this spray at night, spraying it inside your shoes.

Method #4: Baby Powder

  • Baby powder – 4 table. spoons;
  • Essential little sandalwood – 12 drops.

Powder is another good odor absorber. It helps absorb unpleasant odors remarkably and is very inexpensive. You can buy powder with or without additives. Pour the prepared mixture into your shoes for 8–10 hours.

Method #5: Tea

Ordinary tea also contains essential oils, which are bacterialized and aromatized, like a real deodorant. In this case, you can use both green and black. Expired tea will not work: in this case, the content of aromatic substances is minimal and the effect of such a product simply will not be. You can either pour loose tea into your shoes or use tea bags, which should be left to act overnight. Place them as deep as possible: where air does not flow, and where fungi and microorganisms form. The next day, use new tea bags. This is the simplest homemade odor absorber that even children can use.

If you are confident in the quality of the product, then the bags can be replaced with a strong decoction of green tea, which must be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed overnight. Using a cotton swab, you can thoroughly saturate the insoles from the inside with the tea solution and then dry them.

Method #6: Cat Litter

Silica gel balls, which are the basis for making cat litter, are an equally effective means of eliminating odor. The smaller they are, the more effectively they will cope with the problem. Place the cat absorber in your shoes or boots. Repeat this procedure for a week. It is very convenient to place the balls in cotton bags or ordinary socks.

Method #7: Citrus Fruits

Wipe your shoes with alcohol and dry them well after that. Then zest two oranges into shavings. Mark the citrus peels overnight. Their essential oils are excellent disinfectants. To enhance the effect, you can put orange and lemon zest into each shoe at the same time. This deodorant can be used as often as you want.

Method #8: Herbs

An odor absorber made from fresh or dried plants is perfect for disinfection.

Try the following mixture:

  • Mint leaves - 2 tables. spoons;
  • Dried oak bark – 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Green tea - table. spoon.

Mix the ingredients and leave them overnight. It is also convenient to place the mixture in gauze bags, which do not interfere with the evaporation of aromatic substances. This deodorant should be used for a week.

Method #9: Activated Carbon

Medical charcoal is an excellent absorbent and odor absorber. The only problem is the dark stains it can leave on light skin. Therefore, use it if the insoles and inside of the shoes are dark in color. For one shoe you will need about 6-7 coal tablets. They can be put either whole or lightly chopped beforehand. Do not grind the charcoal into powder: the fine powder will be difficult to remove in the morning.

And don’t forget about basic tips that will help you avoid trouble:

  1. Change your shoes every day;
  2. Wash your feet regularly;
  3. Replace your insoles every three months.

Then in this case you won't need the odor absorber too often.

Probably everyone is familiar with the problem of odor in shoes. Stories about men's stinky shoes have already become textbook ones. For women, this topic is somehow bashfully hushed up. And in vain. Representatives of the fair sex suffer from this problem as often as men.

I believe that the global economy and the characteristics of female nature are indirectly to blame for this. I'll explain why. In recent years, China has increasingly assumed the role of the locomotive of the world economy. And goods from there, as you know, are very, very inexpensive. And many women and girls, due to the prehistoric habit of preserving and increasing, cannot pass by cheap things: they will definitely take something unnecessary with them. I am also susceptible to this addiction. I bought my smelliest Chinese boots for 300 rubles.

Of course, cheap shoes do not always smell strongly. There may be such a situation: you buy expensive boots, wear them on a date, take them off and - brr! Smell! It’s better not to continue further - this is a terribly unpleasant moment for the girl.
Therefore, the question of how to treat shoes from odor is a very pressing one. At the same time, find the optimal shoe odor remover not so easy. You can buy a shoe freshener that is not effective enough. After all, the anti-odor agent should not only scent the shoes, but also absorb the existing unpleasant odor.

I suggest doing DIY shoe deodorant. This is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way.
We will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda (shoe odor soda acts as an odor absorber)
  • 4 tablespoons cornstarch (starch can be replaced with the same baking soda)
  • 8 drops each of tea tree and lavender essential oils.

Mix starch and soda with essential oils. We pack it in a baby talcum powder bottle. At night we fall asleep shoe fragrance. In the morning, shake everything out. The procedure must be repeated regularly. After using our homemade shoe fragrance, you will notice that the odor gradually disappears.

Have you thought about making your own shoe deodorant? In fact, unpleasant odor coming from shoes is a very common problem. The occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon most often occurs due to impaired air circulation. This promotes the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and can lead to fungal disease. To prevent undesirable consequences, you need to figure out: what is the reason?

Why do shoes smell?

The main cause of unpleasant odor is limited air circulation in shoes and, as a result, increased sweating. In such an environment, bacteria multiply quickly and this causes an unpleasant odor.

10 ways to fix the problem

To eliminate the occurrence of odor in shoes and prevent its occurrence in the future, you must:

  1. Always keep your shoes and boots clean, inside and out.
  2. Constantly dry shoes as needed.
  3. If cleaning does not bring results and the smell remains, you can wipe the inside of the shoes with vinegar.
  4. Tea tree oil can bring good results. To do this, you need to dilute 1-3 drops of oil with water and wipe your shoes with this solution.
  5. Activated carbon perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.
  6. You can use lemon or orange zest by placing it inside your shoes for 8-12 hours.
  7. It is known that low temperatures have a detrimental effect on bacteria. Therefore, you can prevent their reproduction by placing shoes in the freezer, after putting them in a plastic bag.
  8. Use special deodorizing agents that eliminate unpleasant odors.
  9. Replacing insoles can achieve the desired result. You should choose only natural materials.
  10. Pet litter is great at eliminating unwanted odors.

If you managed to eliminate the problem, then in the future you should properly care for the products so that this problem does not arise again. To do this, you must always dry your shoes after wearing them; If possible, choose socks only from natural materials; Change insoles regularly and always lubricate shoes with special products. If shoes are made of woven materials, washing at low temperatures is allowed.

How to make your own shoe deodorant

Finding the best anti-odor shoe remedy is not so easy. It is quite possible to buy a shoe freshener that will not be effective enough. After all, the anti-odor agent should not only scent the shoes, but also absorb the existing unpleasant odor. But there is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way to solve the problem.

You will need:

– 4 tablespoons of soda (soda for shoe odor acts as an odor absorber);

– 4 tablespoons of corn starch (starch can be replaced with the same baking soda);

– 8 drops of tea tree essential oil and the same number of drops of lavender essential oil.

First you need to mix starch and soda with essential oils. Then pack it in a baby talcum powder bottle. At night you should pour the homemade product into your shoes. In the morning, shake everything out. The procedure must be repeated regularly. After using this homemade shoe deodorant, the smell gradually disappears.

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Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. This is movement, style and architecture in one.

Mar 6 2017


A person’s feet, in the absence of timely hygiene or prolonged wearing of tight shoes made of synthetic materials, emit an unpleasant odor, which causes discomfort and becomes the cause of an inferiority complex. Solving the problem is real. To do this, you need to purchase a shoe fragrance and make a responsible choice.

What is shoe spray

In any specialized store you can purchase an aerosol that kills unpleasant odors in boots and more, while also having an antibacterial and bactericidal effect. It is necessary to spray not only the insoles, but also the most remote corners. After this, it is better to leave the pair for a while without wearing it. A remedy for odor in shoes can always be purchased in an online store, and it is available in several forms. The determining criteria for selection are manufacturer, composition, desired result, convenient use in everyday life.


When studying all existing types of deodorants, freshers deserve special attention. Such shoe fresheners are distinguished by their practicality, and they can be used as soon as necessary, in any environment. The effect of the deodorant is immediate; in addition, it additionally kills bacteria inside each pair and provides effective prevention of foot fungus. Freshers are often used for sports shoes (sneakers and sneakers) and bags, and you can buy them at a sporting goods store. The stickers have an original design and a wide range of scents.


Another convenient form of release, which is intended not only for sports shoes. This freshener has an aerosol that is convenient for treating each pair. Antibacterial shoe spray additionally kills harmful bacteria, relieves feet from dryness and the development of fungal flora. It is convenient to use, the price is affordable, the scents can be aromatic or neutral at the request of customers. Before purchasing, it is important to study the composition of the deodorant and confirm the absence of harmful, synthetic components. Disadvantage: they run out quickly.

Solid deodorant

Care products with a dense structure are also available for free sale. The dry deodorant stick has the shape of a pencil. Its daily use helps relieve tired legs, protect the skin from the spread of infection and germs, and control the functioning of the sweat glands. The pencil is convenient, it lasts for a long time even with the participation of the whole family. Deodorants of this type have a gentle composition and eliminate the risk of spreading an allergic reaction on the skin, but when processed, pairs can break and deform a pair of shoes.


This is a convenient deodorant for every pair of shoes that you just need to put inside and not pull out anymore. Its effect is around the clock, and soon the buyer will notice relief from the once unbearable stench. Deodorant-dryer for shoes is produced in the form of small fragrant balls, which do not interfere with walking, and in their functions are workers of the “invisible front”.


These are gel devices that not only remove unpleasant odors, but also ease the load on the lower limbs and eliminate discomfort when walking. Scented pads are very comfortable and have all the qualities of a profitable and appropriate purchase for foot odor. They last for a long time, and such a piquant problem is no longer so acute. The price is low, but unlike aerosols, finding such pads on the open market is very problematic.


This form of release is more suitable for sports shoes, while being convenient for everyday use. To prevent sneakers or sneakers from smelling, you need to put one tablet on the insole in the evening. In the morning, remove it and feel the aroma of freshness. Shoe tablets provide a long-lasting and sustainable effect, while protecting the skin of the feet from harmful fungi and microbes, providing an everyday feeling of freshness.

Cream deodorant for feet

In this case, you will not have to treat the insole from a spray can, but the skin of your feet using a special composition with an antibacterial effect. Antiperspirant cream for feet contains natural ingredients, does not cause an allergic reaction, removes unpleasant odor, and provides a long-lasting effect - almost a month or more. This deodorant slows down the activity of sweat glands, controls the moisture of the feet, and prevents the development of pathogenic flora. It is difficult to buy the cream in a pharmacy; it is much easier to order it online.

How to use shoe deodorant

The determining factor in the final choice is the release form of the shoe deodorant and the instructions from the manufacturer. To normalize sweating, men and others should perform regular procedures for excessive sweating of the feet, while maintaining their hygiene and cleanliness. Features of the use of each release form are presented below:

  1. Shoe freshers should be placed in shoes overnight and removed in the morning until the next intended use.
  2. Tablets and pads should be used for unpleasant odor of sweat according to the same principle, and regularity of procedures is important.
  3. Foot cream will also help remove shoe odor, but use it directly on the skin to control the functions of the sweat glands.
  4. Sticks and dry shoe deodorants should be used directly on the insoles, which should preferably be treated daily - after returning home.
  5. Sprays are the easiest to use in practice; you need to shake the bottle thoroughly and carefully treat the inner surface of each pair. Leave to dry.


The effectiveness of a particular care product depends on the chemical formula and active ingredients. Synthetic and natural substances can effectively neutralize odor, and details of the predominant composition can be carefully studied in the instructions. Practice shows that the presence of such active components in deodorants is welcome:

  1. Formidron is a powerful antiseptic that makes the shoe product in demand and effective after the first use.
  2. Essential oils of lavender and tea tree dull unpleasant odors and provide a bactericidal effect on the skin of the feet.
  3. Baking soda, being a powerful antiseptic, controls the functioning of the sweat glands and prevents the development of pathogenic flora against the background of increased sweating.
  4. Corn starch acts on the principle of talc, which dries the skin and reduces the intensity of sweat.
  5. Mint leaves and oak bark are plant components in the composition that also remove unpleasant foot odor.

How to choose shoe deodorant

If you decide to purchase an effective product to eliminate the unpleasant odor of shoes, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice and study the products of the best manufacturers in a given direction. To choose a deodorant, you can consult with your doctor or take a closer look at products from well-known brands. The type of shoe matters, so a conditional classification is presented below. You should start with a deodorant that is ideal for sports shoes:

  • manufacturer - Woly sport (Germany);
  • type of deodorant – aerosol in a special bottle;
  • purpose – eliminating the smell of sports shoes, bags, protective helmets;
  • shoe material – textile, leather;
  • volume – 125 ml.

Here is another effective deodorant for shoes in which the buyer is used to playing sports:

  • manufacturer - Dividik deodorant (Russia);
  • type of deodorant – spray;
  • purpose - to eliminate the unpleasant odor of sports shoes, antibacterial and antifungal effect;
  • shoe material – leather, textile;
  • volume – 125 ml.

If the main purpose of the purchase is that shoe deodorant should have an antibacterial effect, here is an excellent option for every day:

  • manufacturer – Olvist (Sweden);
  • type of deodorant - spray, aerosol;
  • purpose – providing antifungal, antibacterial effect;
  • shoe material – any;
  • volume – 125 ml.

Another competitive position in the range of antiseptics is presented below:

  • manufacturer – Gehwol (Germany);
  • type of deodorant – spray, talc, powder, balms;
  • purpose – elimination of bacteria, prevention of the spread of fungus, sustainable antibacterial effect;
  • shoe material – any;
  • volume – 125 ml.

If you need a deodorant that absorbs moisture well, here are good options for every day for the buyer:

  • manufacturer – Scholl (UK);
  • type of deodorant – aerosol;
  • purpose – effective fight against sweat odor, bacteria and foot fungus;
  • shoe material – any;
  • volume – 150 ml.

The second deodorant for shoes, no less popular in practice and effective for its intended purpose, is:

  • manufacturer – Kiwi (Netherlands);
  • type of deodorant – can with a directed spray mechanism;
  • purpose – reduction of foot sweating with Kiwi, elimination of moisture in insoles, antibacterial effect;
  • shoe material – any;
  • volume – 125 ml.

If the main problem is an unpleasant odor, with the right choice of deodorant it can be quickly solved, and inexpensively. You can read reviews about specific products and then make your final choice. The following deodorants from well-known manufacturers help with odor:

  • manufacturer – Salton (Czech Republic);
  • type of deodorant – aerosol for the inner surface of boots;
  • purpose – Salton absorbs excess moisture from insoles, controls sweating of feet, removes unpleasant odor;
  • material – leather, textile;
  • volume – 150 ml.

The second, no less relevant option:

  • manufacturer – Twist (Russia)
  • type of deodorant - a bottle with a nozzle for spraying the composition;
  • purpose – antibacterial, antifungal, absorbent effect;
  • shoe material – textile, leather, leatherette;
  • volume – 100 ml.

Which deodorant is better

If you study customer reviews, you can conclude which products are more effective and provide quick and targeted results. When choosing an anti-odor product for shoes, it is important to study the chemical composition, the reputation of the manufacturer, and the cost of the product itself. Only after this make the final choice of deodorant, and then use it strictly for its intended purpose. Below is a rating of popular products that it is advisable to pay special attention to. In fifth place:

  • model name and manufacturer – Cliven;
  • price – 180-250 rubles;
  • product characteristics - Italian brand of cosmetics for shoes, bottle with spray, has a liquid consistency, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect;
  • advantages - convenient release form, fast action, high efficiency, affordable price, long-term use of one bottle;
  • cons – the product takes a long time to dry, so it is recommended to use it in the evening.

In fourth place is shoe cosmetics from a well-known manufacturer:

  • model name and manufacturer – Salamander (Germany);
  • price – 200-300 rubles;
  • product characteristics - natural antibacterial properties, aerosol bottle for targeted spraying, 125 ml container;
  • advantages - high efficiency, availability in city stores, quick effect, hypoallergenic effect;
  • cons – shoes take a long time to dry after high-quality treatment.

The third place is occupied by a deodorant that can remove the unpleasant odor of shoe sweat:

  • model name and manufacturer – Shtrikh (Russia);
  • price – 120 rubles;
  • product characteristics – spray with a capacity of 100 ml, several modifications of the chemical composition, antibacterial effect, refreshing effect;
  • advantages - high efficiency, low price, fast action, compact packaging, long-term storage, convenient use;
  • disadvantages – it does not help everyone cope with the unpleasant odor from shoes; it demonstrates a selective effect.

In second place is another deodorant that helps quickly solve the problem of unpleasant odor from shoes:

  • model name and manufacturer – Silver (Türkiye);
  • price – 170-200 rubles;
  • product characteristics – 150 ml spray, presence of a sprayer, stable antibacterial effect, long shelf life;
  • advantages - the product lasts a long time, the price is affordable, and the unpleasant smell of shoes is a thing of the past;
  • There are no cons.

The first place on the list is occupied by the products of the German brand. The product is not cheap, but it lasts for a long time, and soon there will be no trace of the unpleasant odor. This:

  • model name and manufacturer – Collonil (Germany);
  • price – 1,200-1,500 rubles;
  • characteristics of the product - spray, cream, powder with a hypoallergenic composition, fast action, presence of bactericidal properties of the composition;
  • advantages - high efficiency, quick results;
  • cons - expensive.

Antibacterial shoe deodorant is a cosmetic product that is used to eliminate unpleasant odors. The main causes of odor are some foot diseases or poor body hygiene.

Shoe odor spray is an aerosol that neutralizes the results of sweating. Factors that provoke the occurrence of hyperhidrosis: poor body care, wearing low-quality synthetic shoes, active sports life, nervous experiences, diabetes, disruption of the endocrine system. The lower extremities can become wet due to actively multiplying harmful microorganisms, resulting in an unpleasant odor.

Antiperspirant for feet has a number of properties:

  • light aroma;
  • quick effect;
  • availability of purchase;
  • long-term protection.

Odor spray is a multifunctional product that performs certain tasks:

  • normalization of the sweating process;
  • elimination of foul odor;
  • preventing bacterial growth;
  • prevention of fungal diseases.


There are the following types of antiperspirants for feet:

Name Peculiarity Flaw
Spray Kills bacteria, neutralizes stench, gives freshness for a long time. Fast running out of product. High price.
Dry pencil stick Helps feet not smell by deodorizing skin areas. Low cost. Inconvenient to use, not always available for sale, risk of breaking the pencil lead.
Scented pillows Minimum price compared to other means. Helps dry shoes. Short on sale, does not provide protection against sweat and unpleasant odor.
Pills A special variety designed for active athletes. High efficiency, ease of use, antimicrobial effect. Expensive product, sold exclusively in special retail outlets.
Cream Control over excessive sweating. The composition includes natural ingredients that provide long-lasting freshness and protection from sweat. Does not contain alcohol and does not irritate the skin. Not distributed through trade, online order only.

To choose the right deodorant for odor in shoes, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will ask you in detail about the problem of hyperhidrosis, find out the cause of the phenomenon, prescribe the necessary tests and additional examination. Based on the diagnostic results, he will select the appropriate type of deodorizing property, taking into account the intensity of sweating.

Review of popular sprays

The pharmacy offers a list of popular and effective products for free sale. The main differences are in the form, price, and effect of the medicinal drug. Here is the ranking of the top funds.

The German cosmetic line "Gevol" produces all possible antiperspirants for the lower extremities. Provides a long-lasting antibacterial effect. Contains the components triclosan, zinc ricinoleate. The series is intended for people leading an active lifestyle.

The leading position on the market is occupied by the multifunctional Scholl product. The drug fights odor and the cause of its appearance. The antibacterial formula controls sweat, preventing the formation of fungus. The line of products from this manufacturer includes a ball roller.

A bottle with a convenient Kliven sprayer will quickly and effectively solve the unpleasant phenomenon of hyperhidrosis. The cosmetics do not contain gas compounds and are presented in the form of a liquid consistency. After application it dries for a long time, providing long-lasting protection. The main advantage is that Kliven takes care of shoes without deforming the insole.

The Dutch product "Kiwi" is presented in the form of a spray for daily use. The main advantage is protection from sweat and odor for 48 hours. Sprays using a compact spray can.

“Salamander” has a high protective function; it contains silver ions. These substances do an excellent job of removing foul odors and sweaty feet.

The French manufacturer Sapphire offers a menthol antibacterial agent for internal use in shoes. A high effect of neutralizing sweat and odor is guaranteed.

Internal shoe deodorant "Salton" will quickly help your extremities stop stinking thanks to its pleasant fresh aroma.

The German product “Voli Sport” is an excellent solution for athletes. Released in convenient packaging. Contains silver ions, which serve as a natural antiseptic. Can be used in shoes and helmets.

A special preparation “Fresh Kea” has been developed for bowling. Available in liquid form and as a spray. An American product that deodorizes the surface of special rental boots.

Among domestic manufacturers, the following lines are in demand: “Dividik”, “Rainbow”, “Shtrikh”. These products have a rich aroma. Suitable for everyday use. Contains natural ingredients, the action of which is aimed at neutralizing strong sweat and unpleasant odor.

Homemade recipes

There are unexpected situations when there is no antiperspirant nearby. Then traditional medicine comes to the rescue. There is a homemade deodorant recipe. You need to take baking soda and cornstarch in the amount of 4 teaspoons of each ingredient. Mix, add 8 drops each of lavender and tea tree oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour the resulting mixture inside the shoes overnight.

Oak bark infusion will effectively eliminate unpleasant odors. You should prepare an infusion: take 2 tbsp. l crushed oak bark powder, pour into a glass container, pour boiling water over it. Wrap in a warm ball or terry towel and leave for half an hour. Then cool the liquid and lubricate the limbs 2-3 times a day.

An excellent method of getting rid of foot odor is to treat insoles and shoes with potassium permanganate, vinegar essence, and boric alcohol.

Regular use of these recipes will help cope with the problem of “smelly” feet.

Terms of use

Any deodorant product has clear instructions from the developer on how to use it. It indicates the step-by-step actions necessary for the drug to take effect:

  1. Shoe tablets are placed on the surface of the boots at night and taken out in the morning.
  2. Foot cream should be applied to washed limbs, rubbing in using massage movements. Blood circulation is normalized, this serves as a prevention of varicose veins.
  3. Dry deodorants and stick pencils are applied only to the inside of the shoe surface. The insole must be cleaned daily.
  4. The most convenient way is to use a spray: just spray the mixture inside the shoes and wait for it to dry.

The main condition for getting rid of odor and hyperhidrosis is to eliminate the cause. You need to thoroughly wash your feet with soap, wear high-quality shoes, dry the shoe surface - this will help get rid of the problem of sweaty extremities.