How to make men's perfume. Perfume from essential oils: creating a unique scent yourself

To mom

Perfume is an integral part of any image. And every modern girl at one point faces the problem of choosing the right perfume. And the assortment that is presented in perfume stores often makes searches fruitless and the only one that is your scent is not found. After all, you really want to find a scent that will set you apart from the gray mass and emphasize your individuality, lifestyle, style and taste. A decent way out of the situation is to create a unique perfume at home. Don't think that this is impossible. Previously, it took several months and even years to create a fragrance. But modern equipment and accumulated material have significantly simplified and speeded up this process. In addition, now most essential oils and other necessary components for creating your own aroma at home are quite affordable.

Selection of ingredients for creating perfume at home

To make your own perfume, you will need essential oils, which will form the basis of your future perfume. The base is selected to your taste. But when choosing them, consider how volatile they are and how quickly they evaporate. And remember that real perfumes contain several notes: base, heart and top notes. They evaporate alternately, resulting in a gradual change in aroma throughout the day.

Base note or trail is the most persistent in the perfume composition. This smell does not change for 12-24 hours and depends on what essential oil you used as a basis. Suitable oils include vanilla, cinnamon, cedar, vetiver, musk, sandalwood, and patchouli. You can also use the scent of fruit or moss.

Heart note– this is the basis. When combined with other components, it gives the overall composition characteristic shades or a different aroma. For such notes, essential oils of plant origin are relevant. For example, geranium, rose, jasmine, cloves, nutmeg, ylang-ylang. You can combine them with fruity, woody and oriental scents.

Upper notes are those aromas that evaporate quickly. Essential oils of citrus fruits, bergamot, lavender, thyme, rosemary and basil play this role. Thanks to the top note, the first impression of the overall perfume composition is created, so it plays an important role.

Additional components include jojoba oil, sweet almond or coconut oil, distilled water and alcohol.

Now you know that the choice of each perfume note must be approached with maximum responsibility. In this case, the order in which the components of the future aroma are added is very important.

How to make a perfume composition correctly?

After choosing all the components, it's time to learn how to make perfume at home:

Use the basic formula for preparing liquid home perfume: 15%-30% - essential oils, 70%-80% - pure alcohol or vodka, 5% - distilled water or mineral water

To start, take a regular glass. Pour 70-80 g of alcohol or vodka into it. Then you need to add a base essential oil to the glass, which is a trail and lasts the longest time. 10-15 ml is enough. Then 5-7 drops of essential oil are sent into the vessel - the heart notes, and the same number of drops of the top notes.

Wrap the top of the glass with cling film and shake the contents several times. The composition will not be ready so quickly. The container should still stand for some time (from 48 hours to 1 month). As a result of this aging, the aroma will become more rich, vibrant and stable.

As soon as you notice that the smell has become complete, add 2 tablespoons of water or mineral water to the glass and mix the contents with the future perfume. If the perfume is too strong, you can add more water to get the desired sharpness of the aroma. To make your scent last longer, add a tablespoon of glycerin to your perfume mixture. Glycerin is a neutral, colorless, thick liquid. It can be sold in places where homemade soap is made. When added to water and alcohol, glycerin remains liquid and helps other ingredients dissolve faster and better.

Once you have combined all the ingredients, pour the contents into your bottle. In this regard, the best option is a small bottle of perfume that you have already used. Just before filling the vessel with the finished aroma, rinse and dry it thoroughly. The main condition for choosing a vessel is a tight lid, which will provide the required level of tightness. This way the aroma will not run out.

A little more about perfume notes

If your scent doesn't turn out the way you imagined it the first time, don't despair. Practice and practice again. Let a lot of components deteriorate, but as a result of such efforts and efforts, you will get a truly unique smell that will only highlight your advantages.

To avoid possible mistakes, try to combine flavors that are closest to each other during your first attempts. We are talking about a fruit, floral or citrus composition, the creation of which has practically no problems, and the result is always pleasing. After several attempts at combining scents, you will be able to combine a variety of notes, make complex, multi-component perfumes and get a more persistent and rich perfume that lasts well throughout the day, consistently, as it should ideally be, changing its sillage and character.

  1. The classics of homemade women's perfume are all kinds of combinations of the floral palette of aromas. Use essential oils of jasmine, rose, violet, ylang-ylang, etc.
  2. If you decide to make a citrus perfume, then prepare oils of orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit and bergamot.
  3. To create an exotic aroma, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, juniper, pepper, coriander and nutmeg are needed.

In order to make solid rather than liquid perfume, you will need wax as a base, as well as a variety of oils selected to suit your taste. By the way, liquid perfumes are less concentrated compared to their liquid counterparts. It will take a little time, knowledge and effort to create such a scent.

On a note:

  1. Wax has its own smell, so when preparing solid perfumes, use only refined wax or oils that blend well with wax (ylang-ylang, citrus scents).
  2. The aroma of lavender is universal - it can be combined with any scent except rosemary. Lavender will add sophistication to bright eucalyptus and peppermint.
  3. Sandalwood will make the perfume composition more tart and deep.
  4. Any floral scent goes well with pine notes.
  5. Do not combine fennel with coriander and anise. This can lead to skin irritation after applying such perfumes.

So, prepare: natural wax, unscented base oil (jojoba, almond or olive), essential oils (one or more that will combine well with each other); container or small storage molds (cream jar, empty powder compact, lipstick tube, deodorant or other suitable container that will give solid perfume the desired shape), wooden sticks, such as sushi, glass measuring cups, stainless steel ladle

— Take wax and base oil in a ratio of 1 to 2 (in this case, 50 grams of wax and 100 grams of oil). Their quantity depends on the volume of perfume. Pour the oil into a ladle and heat it over low heat. Keeping the temperature warm (not hot!), carefully add the wax. Stir constantly using sticks until the wax completely melts into the oil. Remove the ladle from the heat. Check the consistency of the wax by pouring a small amount onto a spoon and letting it cool, then test it with your finger. If the wax is too soft, add more natural wax to the ladle; if it is too hard, add more oil to the ladle.

— In a separate container, pour 120-150 drops of essential oil, combining the base, heart and top notes in the sequence you need. Using sticks, test the smell of the resulting composition.
— Add the already mixed composition of oils to the contents of the ladle. High temperatures can be detrimental to essential oils, so first check the temperature of the wax with the base oil - it should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Mix all ingredients.

- Pour a small amount of the resulting perfume composition onto a spoon, let it cool and check - smell your solid perfume; add more ingredients if necessary until you have the desired scent.

- While your perfume is still liquid, quickly pour into the prepared pan. If you miss the right moment, the mixture will quickly harden.

It is believed that you cannot save on cosmetics, and especially on perfumes and eau de toilette. But this is most likely a statement, not a fact, since perfume and eau de toilette can be prepared independently without much expense. It is worth noting that, unlike the products of stores and departments where perfumes are sold, the aroma of self-prepared perfumes will be individual and unique. So, ladies, let's get started. making perfume at home.

Base for making perfume at home, most often, is alcohol, but instead you can take your favorite cream or base oil.

To make perfume you will need essential oils and utensils. It is best to take ceramic or glass (dark glass) dishes. Try not to use metal or plastic utensils, as essential oils are highly corrosive to plastic and react with metal.

Homemade perfume recipes

Let's list the most interesting perfume recipes you can make yourself at home.

Perfumes for men

Ingredients needed: two drops each of juniper, sandalwood, vetiver, lemon, lavender and bergamot essential oils.

Place 100 ml of 70 percent alcohol in a bowl and add the above oils to it, mix the mixture thoroughly. Pour the resulting perfume into a dark ceramic or glass bottle, shake it well and leave it to infuse in a dark place for two to three weeks.

Summer perfume

To prepare summer perfume you will need: bergamot essential oil – 2 drops; neroli oil – 2 drops; lemon ether – 4 drops; lemon balm essential oil – 2 drops; rose essential oil – 4 drops; ethyl alcohol 90 percent – ​​25 ml.

The alcohol should be poured into a dark glass bottle and, after adding essential oils, mix thoroughly. You need to infuse such perfumes for at least three days.

Perfume “Erotic Fantasy” (oil-based)

You will need: rose essential oil – 14 drops; neroli – 14 drops; lemon – 4 drops; benzoin – 5 drops; verbena – 3 drops; cloves – 3 drops; sandalwood – 3 drops; ylang-ylang – 7 drops; Jojoba base oil – 20 ml; almond oil – 10 ml.

Pour base oils and essential oils into a dark glass bottle, shake well and leave to infuse for two days in a cool, dark place.

Perfume Basic

To prepare the base perfume you will need fresh flower buds (1 cup), mineral water (1 cup).

To make a light and unobtrusive base perfume, place flower buds in cheesecloth and place it in a large bowl. Pour mineral water over the flowers and leave them to steep overnight. In the morning, squeeze out the gauze with flowers, and place the resulting aromatic water in a bottle with dark glass and put it in the refrigerator. You can use this aromatic water for a month.

Perfume “Quiet Rain”

To prepare the “Quiet Rain” perfume you will need ethyl alcohol – 3 tbsp. spoons, water – 2 glasses, bergamot aromatic oil – 10 drops, sandalwood oil – 5 drops, cassis essential oil – 10 drops.

Place all ingredients in an airtight container and mix them thoroughly. Leave the perfume to infuse for 15 hours. Be sure to shake the perfume before applying.

Perfume "Starfall"

To prepare Starfall perfume, take distilled water (2 glasses), valerian and chamomile essential oils (10 drops each), lavender essential oil (5 drops), vodka (1 tablespoon).

Place all the oils, water and vodka in a dark bottle and mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in a dark place to infuse. After 12 hours, the Starfall perfume is ready.

Perfume "Night"

To prepare the “Night” perfume you will need the following ingredients: 5 drops of musk oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of frankincense oil, 3 teaspoons of jojoba oil.

Place all ingredients in a dark bottle, mix thoroughly and let steep for 15 hours. Perfume should be stored in a dark, dry place.

Floral perfume

To prepare floral perfume, take 50 ml. ethyl alcohol, lemon essential oil – 12 drops, rose essential oil – 5 drops, rosemary essential oil – 30 drops, sage essential oil – 2 drops, mint essential oil – 2 drops, neroli essential oil – 5 drops.

Pour all the ingredients into a dark bottle, shake well and leave the mixture to steep in a dark place for 10-12 hours. Perfume should be stored in a dry and cool place. These perfumes have a short shelf life - only 1 month.

Solid perfume

To make solid perfume at home you will need: solid beeswax (2 tablespoons), sweet almond oil (2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon), wax emulsifier (1/4 teaspoon), stearic acid (1 /4 teaspoons), distilled water (2 tablespoons), several essential oils (1-2 teaspoons).

To prepare solid perfume, melt the wax and wax emulsifiers in a water bath. Once the wax is melted, add stearic acid, water and almond oil to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and remove from heat. Add essential oils to the warm mixture. Divide the resulting mixture into molds. Once the perfume has set, you can use it.

It would seem, why make perfume yourself, since the production of high-quality perfumed products is established in France and Russia, Italy, the UAE, Holland and other countries? However, many lovers of exclusives try to create original, unexpected scents on their own. One of the reasons is the desire to get a product made from natural ingredients, completely without preservatives or chemical additives.

What can perfume be made from?

Before starting perfume experiments with scents, you need to acquire various necessary ingredients, equipment and patience. How to make perfume with your own hands? You can use alcohol, wax, rose or other flower petals, and essential aromatic oils.

To obtain the final bouquet of several scents, take strips of ordinary thin paper and apply a drop of essential oil to each with a pipette. How to make perfume at home? Samples (strips) must be signed in advance. Smelling 2 or 3 strips at a time, changing their combinations, creates a composition of aromas. Then the resulting combination is fixed in the selected base:

  • liquid, light on alcohol;
  • hard wax;
  • resistant oil.

To obtain a rich aroma, the content of essential oils must be more than 30%. To obtain soft perfumes, volatile oils are added only in amounts of about 10%. How to make your own perfume? You need to follow simple advice from experienced perfumers and follow simple rules.

Each aromatic bouquet affects the olfactory organs sequentially in three stages:

  • high, head note;
  • the “heart” of future spirits;
  • the bottom note or base, which is the basis of the future aroma.

In the very first few minutes after application, light essential oils evaporate. Among them are citrus fruits, nutmeg oil, rosemary, lavender, basil, lemon, bergamot. This stage is called the “head” stage.

The second period of exposure (heart) can last from several hours to a full day. The heart, the main aroma of the perfume can be juniper and lily, oregano, rose and jasmine, iris, ylang-ylang, geranium and other persistent incense.

The base for perfumes is the smells of the most stable essential oils, among which are vanilla and patchouli, spicy and fruity aromas, the smells of cedar and musk, sandalwood and cinnamon. When learning how to make perfume with your own hands, it is important to remember the traditional proportions of the components. Fragrances are traditionally combined in a ratio of 1:2:3 (head: heart: base).

What to prepare

How to make homemade perfume? First of all, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients and equipment in advance. What you may need:

  • strips of thin paper for obtaining samples;
  • several essential oils with light and more intense aromas;
  • a little natural coffee (for inhalation) to improve sensitivity to odors;
  • several ordinary pharmacy pipettes (separately for each oil);
  • stick - stirrer made of glass or ceramics;
  • a notepad or notebook for recording the number (drops) of components;
  • alcohol and a little distilled water for light perfume;
  • wax for solid versions of the fragrant mixture;
  • bottles and mini-jars with tight lids;
  • ceramic or glass container for mixing ingredients.

It is not recommended to use metal or plastic utensils to avoid the reaction of essential oils with these materials.

Perfume base

Grapeseed oils, cocoa, almond and honey, clove and galbanum, benzoin and styrax can become the basic basis for your own perfume. When creating unique scents of their own, many people want to know exactly how to make perfume. At home, it is very important to keep a record of every drop of oil or base substance added to a perfume bouquet.

The carrier substance for perfume can be made from oil, water or alcohol. Oil-based fragrances last longer and have a more muted aroma; alcohol-based fragrances reveal themselves more easily and more fully on the surface of the skin, but have less durability and stronger odors. Almond oil is an excellent base. It perfectly dissolves any essential oils without changing their specific odors. If you dissolve 2-3 drops of the selected aroma in one teaspoon of almond oil, you will get a wonderful long-lasting oil perfume that has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Do I need to take into account the intensity of odors?

It is best, when experimenting with the process of “how to make perfume at home,” to choose ingredients that cause only pleasant sensations. Otherwise, these odors can negatively affect your overall well-being.

Base oils should have a weaker aroma than the “heart” perfume, so as not to overshadow the idea of ​​the main composition.

To obtain incense according to the recipe “How to make perfume from oil,” two or three components are used in one composition. The resulting composition must be infused in a completely light-proof and cool place.

Basic instructions for making exclusive perfumes

Some people love the smell of roses, others prefer citrus or pine scents. Fresh or sharp, sweet or bitter, perfumes are chosen in accordance with the image and appearance, age and inner feelings of the woman. Creating perfume is a leisurely, careful creative process that requires patience, imagination and accuracy.

Adding drop by drop, the components are slowly mixed together for several minutes until the oil is completely dissolved in alcohol. Be sure to record all composition ratios. Then apply a small amount onto a paper strip and slowly, deeply inhale the aroma. If everything in the bouquet suits you, prepare a larger amount of the mixture. If any of the odors interrupts the others, you need to carefully add the desired component and test the entire composition again. To simplify the process, each sample is signed.

In the most persistent perfumes, the oil content reaches 20-25%, alcohol - about 75% and about 5% water. It is not recommended to use cognac or brandy, since the inherent odors of these drinks can change the state of the main aromatic composition of the oils. Alcohol should only be used of the highest quality, preferably 57% alcohol. The higher the concentration of oils relative to alcohol and water, the more intense and long-lasting perfumes can be obtained. For color, plant natural dyes are sometimes added.

Floral scents

How to make perfume from flowers? To obtain delicate aromas, essential oils with the scents of jasmine and rosewood, iris and geranium, ylang-ylang and lily, lavender, oregano and others are used. For a wonderful perfume called “Starfall” you need to combine 5 drops of chamomile, valerian and lavender oils. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of vodka in 2 glasses of purified water. Add oil aromas there and pour it all into a dark glass bottle. Close the well-mixed mixture tightly. After infusing in a dark place for 12 hours, the perfume can be used.

Pink water

How to make perfume from roses? The simplest recipe for this composition is as follows:

  1. Take petals from several open pink buds.
  2. Pour any mineral water into a cup.
  3. Place the petals in water and leave for several hours.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Pour into a dark glass bottle.

The resulting rose water can be successfully used instead of perfume as a light aromatic remedy. The only disadvantage of such perfumes is their short shelf life.

How to make perfume from flowers, from roses? If you pour the collected and crushed petals in a mortar with olive oil and leave in a warm place, you will get real rose oil. To increase its concentration, you can replace the infused old petals with new ones several times. The remaining flowers, taken out of the container and giving off their wonderful aroma, are squeezed out. And fresh, mashed flowers are filled with the same oil. The petals must be bright red or dark pink. They must be dry, without dew and water.

Firm and flavorful

It is very convenient to use perfumes with a solid base. They can be carried in a locket or small jar with a screw cap. A solid odorous substance can be used to create a special atmosphere in a room by simply rubbing them with your fingers. How to make solid perfume, and what is needed for this?

  1. First, as for other perfumes, a mixture of essential oils is prepared.
  2. The wax is melted in a separate bowl in a water bath.
  3. Add coconut or almond oil to the melted wax, gently stirring until smooth.
  4. The prepared aromatic composition of essential oils is added to the mixture removed from the heat.
  5. The created perfume is very quickly poured into small containers to harden.

When preparing solid perfumes, you need to act very quickly, but carefully, since the mixture has a high temperature.

For 2 parts wax, take 1 part base oil and about 45 drops of essential mixture. Usually the measurement is a tablespoon.

How to apply exclusive perfumes

Perfumes made independently, like regular ones, are used by applying to various parts of the body. The scents last the longest if you “touch” the fragrant mixture on your wrists or the hollow behind the ears. Since making perfume at home is only possible using aromatic oils, you should not apply them to clothes to avoid stains.

You can make solid versions of perfume to use only at home. A mixture with the scent of lavender, placed in the bedroom, will make the inhabitants of the home sleep peacefully.

The aromas of citrus fruits, fixed in solid perfumes, perfectly invigorate and support the overall energy state, improve performance.

Men are perfectly influenced by the faint smells of pine, bergamot and orange emanating from certain parts of the body of representatives of the opposite sex.

When buying perfume, you often have difficulties choosing the right scent and it is very difficult to predict which base note will be felt on yours after a while. You can try to make your own perfume, combining different components and choosing the scent that suits you. In this article we will talk about how to make perfume with your own hands at home, and also consider popular recipes.

A little theory, or three notes of ether

Before you prepare perfume at home, you need to remember that all classic perfumes are composed of three phases:

  1. Starting note- head of spirits. Scents are used that quickly evaporate within 20 minutes after they are applied to the body. These are citrus aromas, thyme, bergamot, lavender, mimosa, nutmeg and others.
  2. Base note- the heart of spirits. The aroma reveals itself after half an hour. They mainly use floral scents, pine, musk, juniper, jasmine and others.
  3. Base note - the basis of perfume. Use fragrances that last the longest on the skin. They leave a slightly noticeable and light scent. Such oils include vanilla, cedar, cassia, scents, moss, oriental spices and others.

Some essential oils sometimes move from group to group, the main thing is not to disrupt the unity of the composition.

Did you know? In Europe in the Middle Ages, it was believed that geranium protected against evil spirits, so they placed it on window sills and planted it around houses.

What you need for perfume

You need to stock up on the necessary ingredients before making perfume at home.


It is best to use glass or ceramic dishes to mix the flavors. You will need test tubes, cones, and small vessels.
They should be voluminous for ease of mixing oils, but at the same time not too large so that less air gets into the vessel.

Important!Do not use metal or plastic dishes, because essential oils corrode plastic and react with metal.

You also need to get a pipette with which you will drop a certain amount.


The base will hold the aroma. It can be oil or alcohol. Oil perfumes are more durable, but very delicate. Alcohol ones fizzle out faster, but they are saturated.
For the base of oil perfumes, it is best to take olive oil, almond oil, jojoba, and cocoa. For alcohol perfumes, the base is ethyl alcohol. You can also prepare dry perfumes, the base for which will be wax.


To determine the aroma, it is recommended to use cut paper strips. They should be highly absorbent so that you can test the scent by dipping the strips into the perfume bottle.
If you sniff a perfume straight from the bottle, you won’t be able to experience all its nuances. They also soak the strips in different oils and, by holding them to the nose, determine whether the smells combine.

Essential oils

Before making perfume, you need to prepare bottles of essential oils. To begin with, three oils for each aroma note will be enough.
Rose and jasmine oils are not very cheap, so until you decide on a scent, use affordable oils such as geranium, myrtle, and ylang-ylang.

Manufacturing process

We start making perfume at home with the base of the perfume. We take strips of paper and apply oils on them, which are among the most resistant.

Then we bring various combinations to our nose and choose the combination that you like best. After this, add one scent of the main note at a time.

Important!It’s better not to rush into combining several scents at once, otherwise you may get confused about which combination you liked best.

In the same way, you need to add the initial note oils. When the perfume is prepared, you need to apply a few drops on a cotton scarf and leave it for a couple of hours. If you like the smell, then you did everything right. The proportion of oils should be 1:2:3 , depending on the odors of the first, second and third phases. This is not a strict rule, and everyone can determine the intensity of the ingredients for themselves according to their own preferences.

Alcohol-based perfumes should contain 20-30% essential oils in alcohol, and oil-based perfumes should contain 10% essential oils. Dry perfumes are mixed like this: 50% beeswax and 50% mixed oils. The prepared perfume must be poured into a sterile bottle. Alcohol perfume should be infused in a dry and dark place for several weeks.
Sometimes it needs to be gently mixed, but not shaken. Oil perfumes require less time - about 1 week. Dry perfume can be used immediately.

Popular recipes

Let's look at how to make your own perfume at home using the most popular recipes:

Summer perfume:

  • ethyl alcohol - 20 ml;
  • lemon balm - 3 k.;
  • bergamot - 2 k.;
  • lemon - 5 k.;
  • neroli - 2 k.

Clove perfumes:

  • ethyl alcohol - 20 ml;
  • violets - 3 q.;
  • bergamot - 2 k.;
  • cloves - 4 q.;
  • roses - 2 q.;
  • lavender - 2 k.

Amazing Eva:

  • ylang-ylang - 15 k.;
  • bergamot - 5 k.;
  • vanilla - 4 k.;
  • rosewood - 8 k.;
  • palmarosa - 5 k.;
  • musk - 2 q.;
  • tangerine - 5 k.;
  • jasmine - 5 k.;
  • sandalwood - 5 k.

Smell and its effect on humans

Smells carry certain symbolism and can influence a person:

  • bergamot- neutralizes aggression and violent energy of the crowd. Protects the aura from external irritants. Stimulates creative achievements and suppresses isolation.
  • vanilla- creates an aura of trust and warmth, pushing to start a family. Helps to hear the interlocutor, harmonizing existing relationships.
  • heather- sweeps away sexual impotence, enhancing the flow of erotic sensuality.
  • geranium- helps to cope with small losses and negative situations. Reveals sensuality and gives her erotic relationships a little dreaminess and sentimentality.
  • jasmine- eliminates complexes, reveals a shy nature.
  • ginger- adds strength of character and determination. Helps a weak body overcome the disease.
  • lavender- helps you become aware of yourself and also relax completely.
  • mandarin- can help you find peace and restore an aura damaged by someone else’s anger.
  • mint- helps to strengthen mutual understanding between people, as well as remove the expectation of trouble and the feeling of tension in relationships.
  • rose- gives the character freshness, lightness, sophistication.
  • tea tree- creates a protective shell, thereby protecting from the aggression of the surrounding world.
  • orange- creates an aura of serenity and trust. Increases self-confidence and optimism.
  • basil- increases self-esteem, eliminates complexes.
  • verbena- increases a person’s luck, helps in solving complex issues.
  • carnation- protects from surrounding anger and eliminates unnecessary emotionality.
  • - helps to achieve success in work, and also discovers talents.
  • ylang-ylang- increases the potency of a man and the sensuality of a woman. It is the scent of erotic games.
  • cinnamon- adds warmth and comfort to a person’s aura.
  • lemon- is a traveler's scent that helps you feel comfortable in any environment.
  • nutmeg- increases tolerance in family life, and also develops intuition in adolescents and helps them cope with the problems of adolescence.
  • patchouli- enhances intuition, helps to cope with any situation.
  • pine- will restore strength after suffering an emotional blow.
  • eucalyptus- can give longevity and help restore strength after illness.

Enjoy the process of creating the scent of your dreams. And then your favorite perfume will give you beauty and restore inner harmony.

  • quality essential oils;
  • medical alcohol;
  • distilled water;
  • container for storing perfume;
  • test strips.

Briefly about all the components of the process:

  • Essential oils should only be of high quality. The problem with low-quality essential oils is that the vast majority of them are synthetic oils. And it’s sad to say, but most pharmacies sell just such oils. Firstly, the smell is very distorted, and secondly, there will be no therapeutic (or other) benefits from such oils. Some women take on the task of making perfume on their own in order to create a composition that is. But synthetic oil plays a different tune and often produces completely different results. How to determine whether the oil is of high quality, look here in this article -;
  • alcohol - it is needed for the production of alcohol-based perfumes. There is only one rule here - take medical, not technical;
  • Distilled water is needed to dilute perfume. It is sold either in pharmacies or car dealerships;
  • The container for storing perfume should have a very tight-fitting (ground-in) lid. You can, in principle, take a bottle from an old perfume, but here it is important that there are no residual odors left (which is very difficult to achieve). High-quality perfumes leave a slight trace of aroma almost forever;
  • test strips are ordinary flat cardboard strips. They are needed to select the scents you need and determine the compatibility of aromas. The easiest way is to cut out a children's craft kit from white cardboard. Or the cardboard that tights manufacturers put in the packaging is perfect.

How to make perfume correctly

First you need to understand essential oils and find out how to select essential oils for perfume?

The French are recognized leaders in perfumery. And once upon a time, back in the 19th century, the famous perfumer Pisse proposed dividing fragrances into 3 groups, notes like in music. This classification is also called the pyramid of notes:

  • aromas top note(starting note) - in music, the top notes are high and light, usually the listener hears them as the main melody. It’s the same in perfumery, these are the smells that appear first, the first you feel, but they are the first to disappear (the most volatile aromas). The “first in, first out” principle. The top notes disappear within 5-10 minutes. That is why you cannot choose perfume without waiting for the base aroma to appear.
  • aroma middle note(heart notes) are scents that link high and low note scents. These scents last from 3 to 5 hours. Since this is the brightest part of the accord in a perfume, non-intrusive and non-pungent scents are used as the middle note. It is this aroma that should make the main impression.
  • aromas base note- these are the most persistent, long-lasting aromas, the foundation of the composition. These are usually heavy and rich odors. This is the trail of the composition, which lasts from 5 to 8 hours and opens up, either together with the heart note or after the aroma of the middle note has evaporated.

According to experts, the following ratio is considered ideal:

  1. top note - 30%;
  2. middle note - 50%;
  3. base note - 20%.

Of course, this proportion is not strictly adhered to.

What aroma belongs to each individual scent note?

To distribute fragrances by notes, it is easier to first find out which class a particular fragrance belongs to. There are several options for classifying smells: the French school of perfumers, German, American... And depending on the school of perfumery, fragrances are divided into 20-30 types. But the most famous and simple ones, which will be clear to a novice perfumer, are:

  • citrus: citrus scents (lemon, orange, tangerine, lime...) and herbs and plants that smell citrus (verbena, lemongrass...)
  • green: this is the smell of greens (basil, celery, hemp...), leaves (bay, tea, tobacco...), cut grass, green vegetables (cucumber)
  • spicy: these are warm and sensual scents of spices (paprika, cinnamon, cocoa, saffron, nutmeg...)
  • floral: aroma of flowers (rose, jasmine, carnation, hyssop, heather, acacia...). It is rich in shades and nuances and a huge range of aroma play.
  • fruity: mainly tropical and exotic fruits (grapes, figs, pineapple, pomegranate, pear, peach...)
  • trees and mosses: a real treasure of smells. It is a woody and earthy scent (oak, cedar, cypress, patchouli, bamboo, thuja, rosewood...)
  • balms and resins: These are the most ancient fragrances and the most ancient perfumes. This group includes: frankincense, myrrh, styrax, balsamic vinegar...
  • musk and amber: this is the aroma secreted by the secretions of some animals (whale, beaver...). This is a scent that evokes an olfactory sexual appeal. Many plants have an aroma similar in effect to the aroma of natural musk and ambergris. Among them are labdanum, angelica, ambrette seeds.

And now which scents belong to which note:

  1. Top note: citrus, green, spicy.
  2. middle note: floral, fruity and some spicy aromas.
  3. base note: these are the last 3 groups - trees and mosses, balms and resins, musk and amber.

And now, finally, how to make perfume at home, the process itself.


The first thing I did was from a homemade assortment of quality essential oils, I selected those scents that I like and would personally sound good to MY taste in perfume. My essential oils are from Kingdom of Aromas. These are Crimean and very high quality broadcasts. Highly recommend!

We do not use base oils (almond, apricot kernels...)

I applied a drop of each of the essential oils to strips of cardboard and then put them together, waving them with a slight movement, trying to catch whether I liked the combination of all these smells together. It is difficult for an inexperienced perfumer to guess what melody these scents will play after final mixing and after the perfume has matured.

So, I settled on 3 broadcasts:

  • top note - ginger (spicy smell)
  • middle note - lavender (floral scent) + ylang-ylang (floral scent)

And the 4th as a base note, I chose patchouli

Everything is intuitive, because this is magic, this is creativity!

And she began adding oil drop by drop into the bottle. If you do not have a high-quality dispenser in a bottle of oil, you need a pipette.

  • top note - 8 drops (31%)
  • average - 6+10 = 16 drops (61%)
  • basic - 2 drops (8%)

Now add alcohol and distilled water. The classic calculation is approximately this: for 10-15 drops of essential oil, take 10 ml of alcohol and 10 ml of distilled water.

In order not to forget the composition and to be able to experiment in the future, I made a label on the bottle indicating the number of drops of essential oils.

The resulting perfume turned out to my taste: not heavy, attractive, evening, not at all floral, but with a spicy love trail....))) This is a perfume with aphrodisiacs for women. Name??? Probably “Summer Night”.

So you have learned how to make perfume with your own hands at home. It's simple and incredibly exciting, this is women's magic. I would recommend perfumery lessons to all women to gain femininity and harmony.

Important advice - try, experiment, everything is possible... The main rule is that you should like the perfume!