How to create a matte effect on your nails. How to make matte nails? How to make matte varnish at home

For teenagers

The fashion for using matte varnish appeared back in the late 2000s, and since that time, this type of coating has not lost its relevance. On the contrary, more and more ideas and designs began to appear when manicures are performed with matte varnish. Sometimes it is very successfully combined with glossy and pearlescent coatings. In this material we will talk about why matte manicure is convenient, how to do it at home, and also show photos of the most interesting such designs.

general information

After glossy varnish dominated all the catwalks for almost a century, along with this fashion, another one finally appeared. Fashionistas quickly enough appreciated the new type of coating, its originality and unusualness. And it soon turned out that matte nail polish, as in the photo, is also more comfortable to wear. This convenience is, first of all, expressed in the fact that minor scratches and abrasions are practically invisible on it, whereas on a glossy varnish the slightest damage, as well as uneven application, is visible. Currently, there are three main ways to do a matte manicure at home:

  1. Buy matte varnish;
  2. Make a glossy varnish using a matte method, which will be described below;
  3. Velvet manicure.

With matte varnishes everything is quite simple - these are coatings whose composition is designed so that they do not shine after drying. As for velvet manicure, it is performed using suede powder. You simply coat your nail with the polish of the desired color, and while it is still wet, dip your finger into a container of powder, lightly pressing the particles onto the nail with another finger. There is no need to cover the nail with anything else, just shake off the excess powder. Thus, you get not just a matte nail design, as in the photo, but also a velvet texture, which is also very relevant nowadays.

Matte gloss varnish

If you don’t consider yourself a fan of matte varnish and you only need it for one manicure, then you can make any glossy varnish matte if you follow a simple technology. In addition, this method is also suitable for those who have a favorite glossy shade, but it is not possible to find the same matte shade on sale. So, below is the process on how to make matte nail polish at home.

  • Prepare your nails and cuticles;
  • Apply a protective base and dry it;
  • Place a saucepan of water on the stove to boil or turn on the kettle;
  • Paint your nails. If the color is not intense enough and it is necessary to apply a second layer, then this can be done immediately after the first one has not dried, or first dry the first one, then apply the second one and follow the instructions further;
  • Don't dry your nails. As soon as you apply the varnish, immediately place your brushes over the steam from a kettle or pan, palms up. They need to be kept at a height of 20–30 cm to avoid getting burned. Wait about 20 seconds;
  • The nails will be covered with condensation. Dry it and the polish naturally. You will see that the coating is completely matte. Naturally, you cannot cover it with topcoat.

A matte black manicure looks very impressive, especially when there are both glossy and matte areas within one plate. In order to do this, you need to apply a protective base to those areas that you want to make glossy.

There are some tricks that will help make this manicure even more flawless. For example, the later you apply the varnish to steam, the weaker the effect will be. Therefore, for maximum matteness, you should apply nail polish to your nails and matte it over steam, one at a time. Otherwise, while you are painting the nails on the fifth finger, the coating on the first will have already dried and the effect will be minimal.

Another feature is that the varnish matted in this way is not very resistant to external influences. Thus, if you rub such a nail on clothing or skin with some pressure, it will become glossy again. In addition, with some varnishes the resulting effect begins to fade and disappears completely after 12 - 20 hours.

Gel polish

As for gel polish, you can also get a matte manicure with it. However, naturally, such a coating cannot be kept over a boiling kettle. Therefore, there is another way to make matte nails with gel, as in the photo. To do this, you need to purchase, in fact, a matte gel. It does not differ in price from the usual one, but is characterized by a smaller variety of shades and is not offered by all brands. When polymerized under a UV lamp, this material acquires a matte structure.

But if you are wondering how to make gel polish of your favorite shade matte, then a special matte top coat for gel, which appeared on sale relatively recently, can help. It is suitable for all glossy gels of any shade or brand. When dried in a lamp, this top polymerizes, acquiring a matte structure. Since it itself is transparent, it visually gives a matte appearance to the layer underneath it.

However, nail industry masters know how to make ordinary glossy varnish matte at home without special coating. In addition, you can always find all the necessary components at home.

How to make a matte manicure using a special coating?

The easiest way to make an “anti-gloss” manicure is to buy a special matte varnish. But, unfortunately, such varnishes are often expensive. If you want to try to do such a manicure just once, then there is no point in buying a whole bottle of varnish.

It is much more practical to purchase a matte finish. Then you can turn any of your varnish into matte in a few moments. You have the opportunity to experiment with the palette in manicure, each time surprising you with a new matte nail design.

This manicure is the easiest to perform. You will need:

  • base coat (if it is not included in the varnish structure);
  • varnish (any option from your collection will do);
  • matte finish. Big Matte Top Coat from Sally Hansen does the job well. A budget option, but no less effective - smart enamel Super Matte Top Coat of domestic production.

A matte manicure is done this way in a few simple steps.:

  1. Clean your nails and give them the desired shape.
  2. Apply a base clear coat. But first, look at the instructions on the bottle of varnish. Some of them already contain a base in their composition. Then you can safely skip this point.
  3. Once the base is dry, coat your nails with your favorite colored polish and wait until it dries completely.
  4. Apply a matte finish on top.

Advice. Use dark-colored varnishes; it is on them that the matte effect reveals all its beauty. But remember, matte nail design draws attention to all the unevenness and “sloppiness” of your manicure. Therefore, take extra care when shaping and polishing your nails.

Matting varnish with steam

One of the most basic and popular techniques for obtaining a matte manicure is treating the manicure with steam from boiling water. The advantages of this method are a 100% matte effect, no cash costs are required, it is done simply and quickly. But the steam method also has a disadvantage - it is unsafe. It must be used carefully so as not to burn your hands.

For this manicure you will need very few materials.:

  • base coat;
  • saucepan with boiling water.

How to make a matte manicure using steam:

  1. Shape your nails and carefully remove the cuticles.
  2. Clean off any remaining polish and at the same time degrease the nail surface with nail polish remover. After this procedure, the varnish will last much longer.
  3. Apply the base coat to your nails and wait until it dries completely.
  4. The next layer is varnish, which needs to be made matte. Apply it carefully to your nails, making sure that it does not extend beyond the nail plate. If your hand trembles and the polish still goes behind the nail and onto the skin, carefully remove the excess. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  5. While the polish is still wet, hold your hands over the steam. Make sure that hot fumes from boiling water do not burn your fingers. When the polish dries and the manicure is ready, you will notice how effective this simple method is.

Advice. In this case, it is important to ensure that the matte finish appears evenly on all nails. Therefore, treat your manicure by moving your fingers over the steam so that the steam covers your nails completely.

Starch treatment

Starch will help quickly give a matte effect to any varnish. If you have a packet of corn or potato starch left in your kitchen supplies, you can use this product to remove the glossy shine from the varnish structure.

To make varnish matte using starch, you will need:

  • starch;
  • base coat;
  • nail polish.

This “starch manicure” is done in several stages.:

  1. Polish your nail plates, correct their shape with a nail file, clean with nail polish remover and remove excess cuticles.
  2. Apply base coat and let nails dry.
  3. Take a small piece of food foil. Pour a little starch onto the surface and pour a few drops of your regular varnish.
  4. Using a toothpick, mix the varnish with a small amount of starch. Achieve a uniform texture - the varnish should not have lumps, stir the two ingredients until completely homogeneous.
  5. Apply the varnish in the usual way. When it dries, it will not shine or shimmer with gloss.

Advice. The varnish, when mixed with starch, becomes thicker. It should not be too dense, otherwise you will not be able to accurately apply it to the entire surface of the nail. Mix the varnish with starch as quickly as possible. If you hesitate, the polish will dry quickly and you will not have time to distribute it evenly on your nails.

Soda treatment

Another easy way to make your polish matte is to treat your nails with baking soda. It will quickly and effectively remove shine in seconds. Moreover, this wonderful transformation occurs so quickly that you must stock up on all the necessary materials and tools in advance.

For the “soda manicure” you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • fine mesh strainer;
  • small soft makeup brush;
  • a plate of water;
  • base coat;
  • nail polish.

How to make a matte manicure using baking soda:

  1. Sift the soda through a strainer. There should be no lumps or large particles left in it, otherwise they will spoil the appearance of the manicure.
  2. Polish your nails and give them the desired shape, cut off any overgrown cuticles. Clean the surface of the nail plates.
  3. If necessary, apply a base coat and wait until it dries completely.
  4. Choose any glossy polish and paint the nails on one hand. Leave the second one without varnish for now. If you paint your nails on both hands at once, there is a risk that while you are working on the polish on one hand, it will have time to dry on the other.
  5. While the varnish is still liquid, treat it with soda. To do this, take a makeup brush, dip it in baking soda and gently brush over your nails.
  6. Leave the baking soda on your nails for a few seconds. During this time, it will penetrate the structure of the varnish and remove unnecessary shine.
  7. Then brush off the baking soda or dip your nails in a bowl of water to rinse it off.
  8. If there are still particles of soda on your nails, then dip the brush in water and go over again where necessary.
  9. Now do a matte manicure on your other hand.

After you wash off the baking soda with water, the matte effect will be barely noticeable. It will only appear when the nails are completely dry.

When matting varnish with soda, remember several important points:

  • Choose a brush with soft bristles. If you use a brush with hard bristles, it will leave streaks on the varnish.
  • When processing wet varnish, do not forget to dip the brush in soda every time before touching it. If this is not done, the fluff will stick to the varnish and leave unnecessary raised marks.
  • Apply the baking soda evenly, leaving no gaps. Otherwise, the nails will remain glossy against the overall matte background.
  • Don't apply top coat on top. It can add an unwanted shine and ruin all your efforts.

How to make matte varnish at home

Do you want to save time and money? Make your own matte polish. Then you won’t have to apply special topcoats every time, mix textures, boil water or use other “folk methods” of matting varnish. Moreover, preparing one such bottle will take very few materials and only a couple of minutes of free time.

There are two ways to matte any glossy varnish from your stash. Choose the one you like and expand the palette of your matte varnishes.

Method 1

With its help, the varnish becomes matte without changing color. To do this, you need to take a bottle of varnish and add starch powder to it. You can also make a transparent matte top in this way - just add cornstarch to a bottle with any transparent coating.

Matte varnish is made in the following way::

  1. Take a bottle of polish that you want to make matte. It is important that it is at least 1/3 empty. After all, additional ingredients must fit into it.
  2. Make a square (5x5cm) out of paper. Roll it into a funnel and lower it into the neck of the bottle.
  3. Sift through a sieve or break up lumps of starch with a toothpick.
  4. Pour starch through a paper funnel. Add it in parts to more precisely control the consistency and matte finish.
  5. Shake the contents well until it is mixed smoothly.
  6. Test the polish on your nail or paper. If it is not matte enough, add starch. If it is too thick, dilute it with a special varnish thinning liquid.
  7. Leave the resulting matte varnish to sit for 24 hours.

Advice. Add stainless steel bearing balls to bottles of varnish and starch. With their help, it will be easier for you to achieve a uniform consistency.

Method 2

You can adjust the color of the varnish and the matte effect yourself. In terms of cooking technology, this method is similar to the first. The only difference is that matte shadows are used as a powder component. Choose the desired shade of eyeshadow and mix it with clear varnish. If you want to enhance the matte finish of the polish, mix matte shadows with starch in equal proportions and add to the clear polish.

Now you know several ways to make regular nail polish matte at home, using the simplest materials and techniques. Choose any of them and create new fashionable images for your own, designer nail art. Matte manicure is not just a monotonous, lackluster nail design. You can combine matte and glossy finishes or use several designs at the same time.

With matte varnish you will make your pens more elegant, beautiful and unusual. And such a wonderful combination as the combination of matte and glossy varnish will add more style and effect to your unique look.

It is recommended to choose dark shades because they show the matte effect best. This way you can make a French or jagged manicure, or a matte zebra pattern. If you only have glossy varnish on hand, don’t be upset, because thanks to several easy methods, any woman can even make a glossy finish matte at home.

Matt varnish using hot water

In order to get a matte manicure, you need to polish your nails well in advance. Since matte varnish, unlike glossy, reveals any, even minor, imperfections, nails should be perfectly smooth. Before starting the procedure, place a small saucepan of water on the stove and bring to a boil. While the water is boiling, you need to cover your nails with a base coat or clear varnish. After this, in one or two layers (depending on the quality of the varnish), you need to apply a glossy coating of any shade you like. Next, you need to go to a boiling saucepan and hold your hands over it. This way you will get a matte manicure. The disadvantage of this method is that it is unsafe and does not always provide uniform coverage.

Matte manicure using a special coating

This is a very easy way to get matte nail polish at home. First you need to apply glossy polish to your nails and wait until it dries completely. Next, a matte coating is applied on top of the glossy coating, after which the surface on the nails dries will acquire a beautiful appearance. In the same way, using special thin brushes or stickers, you can easily create a nail design that combines a glossy and matte finish. Turn on your unlimited imagination, and your nails will surely attract attention to their owner.

Making a matte varnish using corn starch

For convenience, starch, for example, corn or potato, should be poured into a not very deep container with wide edges. Next, you need to apply regular polish to your nails and wait until it dries a little. Then, using a brush, carefully and evenly apply the starch onto the still wet varnish. It should be left for about 1 minute. Dried starch must be cleaned with a brush so that there are no residues on the nails. Matte manicure is ready. Alternatively, the starch can be placed directly into the bottle of varnish and shake thoroughly.

Buying already matte varnish

If you decide to get a manicure using a ready-made matte varnish, it is recommended to choose it in specialized stores. It should be borne in mind that matte nail polish takes a little longer to dry than glossy nail polish. When choosing a varnish with a matte effect, you should pay attention to its consistency, so as not to mistakenly purchase a simply dried out bottle.

A high-quality manicure gives your hands a well-groomed appearance and charges a woman with inner confidence and good mood.

One of the most changeable fashion trends is nail design. Long nails are replacing short-cut ones and vice versa, the shape of the nail plates is also not left aside - square, pointed or oval nail shapes regularly find their fans. A special place is occupied by nail coating – varnish. Keeping up with fashion trends in this case is even more difficult, since stores offer a great variety of products for designing and decorating manicures. What if your shelf is replete with glossy polishes, but you need to get a matte finish on your nails?

How to make varnish matte: a professional approach

If you want your manicure to have a matte effect, use one of the following methods.

Matt lacquer

The simplest and most obvious way to get a matte manicure is to purchase the appropriate type of varnish.

  • Get a neat manicure. This stage is very important, since the lack of gloss makes all the unevenness of the nail more distinct.
  • Apply matte polish to a dry and clean nail plate. First, brush along the central part of the nail, then along the sides.

The disadvantage of this method is that it requires too many varnishes, since in addition to the palette a matte/glossy option is added.

Special coating

By trusting cosmetic product manufacturers, you can purchase a special coating that will create the desired matte effect. Its appeal lies not only in its convenience, but also in its versatility - the product can be applied to both regular polish and gel polish.

  • Prepare your nails for applying polish - do a manicure, clean the nail plate of dirt, wipe it with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover.
  • Cover the nail surface with your chosen polish.
  • Wait until the varnish dries (not forcefully).
  • Apply a matte finish.

A small drawback is that you will need to purchase an additional product. The advantage is that with this coating you are absolutely independent of color, since you can make any existing varnish matte.

How to make nail polish matte: home remedies

If you don’t want to go to the store and buy a new varnish or gloss masking product, you can experiment at home.

water vapor

It’s not difficult to get water vapor at home - boil water in a kettle or pan and that’s it, you’re done. We use it to obtain a matte effect on the nails. Advice - to obtain a uniform tone of the coating, do not paint all your nails at once, but prepare 2 - 3 fingers at a time. This way the steam will “lie” evenly on them and the coating will be more attractive.

  • Get a manicure and polish your nails thoroughly.
  • Degrease the nail plate.
  • Apply 1 or several layers of varnish to it until you achieve the desired color intensity.
  • Next is an important point: without waiting for the varnish to dry, place your nails above the water vapor. You shouldn’t lower your hand too low - this factor doesn’t matter at all for a manicure, and you can get burned.
  • The duration of the procedure is 1 – 2 minutes. Next, wait until the varnish dries naturally.

This simple method will make you the owner of a beautiful matte nail polish. At this stage, you can stop, or you can decorate, for example, completing the manicure by applying glossy patterns to match.


If you find starch (potato or corn) in your home, feel free to use it for creative experiments.

  • Prepare your nails for applying varnish - perform a manicure, polish and degrease the nail plate.
  • Place some starch in a bowl.
  • Apply a few drops of varnish to the palette and add starch to them. Make sure that the starch does not make the varnish thick; do not add too much of it.
  • Stir the mixture until smooth.
  • Apply the resulting product to your nails.
  • The varnish dries naturally.

It is worth considering that as a result of manipulations with starch, the shade of the coating becomes lighter.

Experiment not only with the color and shape of your nails, but also with the texture of the coating, and then your nails will always be in the eye of fashionistas.

Do you want your hands to look amazing on a date, holiday party or just at work? We will tell you all the nuances of how to easily and quickly do a matte manicure with your own hands - the main trend in modern nail art. This manicure creates a velvet effect on your hands. It suits both casual style and romantic evening look. Overall it is quite versatile, but it all depends on what color polish you choose.

Matte varnish is sold in stores, but a quality product is quite expensive - approximately 250 rubles per color. As they say, you can’t go far with one shade, so we’ll tell you how to create a matte effect on your nails at home using regular polish.

In order to achieve the velvet effect on your nails, in addition to your own curiosity and creativity, you will need:

  1. An honorable inhabitant of every self-respecting kitchen is an electric kettle. Or a small container in which you can boil water.
  2. Nail polish in the shade you like or several different shades - depending on whether you want to further decorate your nails.
  3. Nail polish remover with several cotton pads or hygienically and sticks.
  4. 10 nails that went through the preparation procedure.

That's all, actually.


In order for the polish to apply smoothly and the manicure to last longer, it is necessary to clean the nails, remove the previous coating, and degrease them using nail polish remover. There is no need to moisturize your hands with cream; this may affect the uniformity of the nail coating.

Any manicure and decor looks untidy on unkempt hands, and a matte manicure even more so, since it always draws attention to the hands. Therefore, you need to carefully file your nails, give them the same shape, and, if necessary, remove hangnails and cuticles - just as you usually do.

To do a matte manicure at home, you will need approximately 30 minutes. Please note that you cannot apply a quick-drying fixer, since in this case all the velvety will disappear. Therefore, make sure that nothing prevents you from waiting for the natural drying of the moisture and the coating on your nails.

Magic metamorphosis step by step

  1. Turn on the kettle and wait until the water gets very hot or boils - we need intense steam generation to occur.
  2. On the prepared nails we apply the usual varnish that you like. We must achieve a dense, uniform, rich color, so apply varnish in 2-3 layers without streaks or transitions.
  3. The nails should not dry out, so 10 seconds after application, when the varnish is evenly distributed, we expose the nails to steam. We hold our hand at a height of 10-15 centimeters, so as not to get burned.
  4. We hold the nails over the steam for 1-1.5 minutes.
  5. Do not wet your nails with anything; everything should dry naturally. As the water dries, a matte effect appears.
  6. After the matte varnish has dried, you can begin decorating your nails.

As you can see, it’s sleight of hand and no magic.

  1. Light colors do not look very expressive in this version of the manicure, so choose more saturated cool shades: gray blue, gray, gray-lilac, blue, ash, black, emerald, fuchsia.
  2. If the varnish contains glitter or pearl, the nails will look a little dirty, so choose plain varnishes.
  3. This manicure looks best on oval nails. On square ones it may look a little rough.
  4. For a more uniform and uniform result, do not apply polish to all nails at once. First, cover 2-3 nails, create a matte effect, then proceed to the next ones.
  5. If someone finds a solid matte manicure too restrained, you can add glossy accents. To do this, take a transparent or colored glossy varnish and apply it to the free edge of the nail to make a French manicure, put dots or draw any design. It will stand out textured against the background of velvet. Either the same shade or a regular clear varnish looks most impressive.
  6. Do not use greasy hand cream. This neutralizes the velvety effect.

Video: 5 ways to get matte nails

Don’t be afraid to complement your image with interesting details, unusual solutions, and fashionable inventions.