How to make a cat from. Paper kitten

New Year

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The origami technique gives everyone an excellent opportunity to create any animal from paper. Therefore, you can safely take sheets of paper and get ready for an amazing adventure in creating domestic and wild animals, birds and insects from such improvised material, which is sure to be in every home!

First of all, start with your child making those animals that he knows and has seen in person, and not in pictures in encyclopedias. For example, a domestic cat.

  • Two identical sheets of paper in the form of squares
  • Marker

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Let's start creating our cat using the origami technique from an element such as a torso. For it, take a prepared sheet of paper in the form of a square. We create a basic “Triangle” shape from it.

Now with a small movement of a few fingers we will make the kitten’s tail. To do this, bend the lower right corner up.

Now let's move on to the most basic thing - making the cat's head. For this you will need a second sheet of square.

We connect the corners to form the basic “Square” shape.

Bend the top corner slightly back. We determine the fold line intuitively.

Now we bend the sides to this small corner.

Turn it over and get a wonderful cat head.

We combine two elements of the craft using the origami technique and see that our cat is ready!

Such a cute paper product will be even better and more interesting for the child if you together draw a muzzle, and maybe the whole body, with a marker. Therefore, creative ideas at the last stage are welcome.

Video lesson

This cute toy is based on old newspapers. Don't believe me? Then follow the master class.

A homemade papier-mâché cat is in no way inferior in beauty and quality to decor made from expensive materials. Perhaps the only drawback of this technique is the need for drying, which prolongs the work and the result. By changing the face a little, it’s easy to get another animal - a fox, a bear cub, a dog or a hedgehog. If you are not confident in your sculpting abilities, first make a multi-colored ball.

Short list of materials

To make a papier-mâché cat according to the master class you will need:

  • soft paper (newspaper, napkins);
  • foil;
  • paints (gouache, acrylic);
  • brushes;
  • scissors.

If you don’t know what papier-mâché is, get acquainted with the nuances of this needlework and its techniques on our website.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

First of all, you need to create the base of the figure. To do this, crumple several sheets of newspaper into a small, neat ball and secure the edges with tape.

Then wrap the paper ball in one layer of foil, trying to smooth out and hide the unevenness of the newspaper.

To give the base further shape, prepare a papier-mâché mixture. You will need to cut any soft paper into small pieces and knead it in a container with PVA glue in a 1:1 ratio.

The result should be a thick, homogeneous mass. If the glue is too liquid, you can add a little flour to it, then it will set faster, and the papier-mâché will become much stronger when it dries.

Apply the resulting mixture to the ball and leave to dry in a warm, dry place. To speed up the process, you should not dry the workpiece in the oven or place it close to the battery, otherwise cracks may occur, which will lead to deformation of the craft.

It’s better to leave the base to dry overnight and continue working with renewed vigor the next day.

After the ball has completely dried, you need to carefully apply a layer of freshly prepared papier-mâché on it again to give it the shape of a cat's face. The most convenient way to do this is with a small wooden spatula or toothpick.

First, form the eyes by rolling the mass into two balls, then the mouth and nose. To smooth out all possible unevenness and roughness, moisten the edge of the brush in PVA and walk over them with gentle movements, leveling the mass.

Let the future papier-mâché cat dry again.

At this stage, the figure can be secured with a primer or you can immediately begin painting. It is worth considering that thanks to the primer the paint goes on smoother. However, you can do without it; it is enough to apply several layers of paint to cover the papier-mâché structure.

To give the craft a beautiful glossy shine and volume, you can apply a layer of finishing varnish, this will also fix the color and give additional strength.

After learning how to make a papier-mâché cat using this MK, try to make a piggy bank based on it, placing a hollow object inside. Don't stop there! This goes well with other types of creativity, for example, with the help of which you can turn crafts into real works of art without having a talent for drawing.

Origami is an interesting and entertaining paper craft that you can make with your children. Such crafts have a positive effect on the development of the child.

However, what craft should you start with? Naturally, for a child to want to learn how to make this or that origami craft, he must be interested. Therefore, first, try making a paper kitten with your child.

How to make an origami kitten?

A paper kitten is a great craft that will remind your baby of his favorite pet.

To make an origami kitten, you need to be patient and have a blank white sheet of paper.

Origami kitten diagram:

  1. First, you need to cut a square from the sheet. Then, you should bend it diagonally in half.

  1. After this, you should bend the folded sheet in half again. This must be done very carefully and weakly in order to outline the line. Thanks to this action, it will be easier for you to make a symmetrical muzzle for the kitten.

  1. Next, let's start shaping the kitten's ears. To do this, fold the bottom corners of the triangle up from the middle line. The last step is the formation of the kitten's muzzle. To do this, bend the top corner of the triangle down.

  1. To finally form the origami kitten’s face, you need to bend the upper corner of the triangle down.

  1. After all the steps have been completed, turn the completed craft over and finish drawing the kitten’s eyes, mouth, nose and antennae. The paper kitten is ready!

Origami kitten body

What is a kitten without a body? To make an origami kitten look interesting and realistic, you need to make a body for it.

For this:

  • Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half diagonally.

  • Then, bend the bottom corner of the origami upwards, and the kitten will have a tail.

  • Connect two shapes and you will get a wonderful paper kitten.

Even a preschooler can make this craft; it is very simple and interesting to do.

To make your origami kitten beautiful and unusual, use the following tips:

  • For a paper kitten, you need to take colored paper - because this is the only way the kitten will look impressive;
  • When drawing a kitten's face, use maximum imagination and effort, because the animal's eyes are half the success.
  • If you make an origami kitten from thicker paper, you can even put it up.
  • The child will be interested if you make a booth or house out of paper for the kitten.

A paper kitten is a great craft, making which you can while away the evening and have a great time.

Watch also the video on how to create a kitten out of paper:

and one more option:

). Paper pets look very interesting: such crafts are good to do with children, honing fine motor skills. Let's learn how to make a paper cat with your own hands.

Master class “How to make an origami cat out of paper”

  1. Prepare two square sheets of paper of a suitable color. They should be different - one a little smaller, the other a little more. You don’t have to adhere to specific proportions - the proportions of the future cat’s body made from colored paper simply depend on the difference in size.
  2. Let's start with the cat's head. Take a smaller leaf, place it with the angle up and make two perpendicular folds. All these actions should be carried out on the “wrong” (non-colored) side of the paper.
  3. In the top third, make another fold, separating the top with a smaller triangle.
  4. Fold it down.
  5. The upper part of the resulting figure is a trapezoid. Fold it down along the dotted line as well.
  6. Now fold the side parts into a “book” and make a fold on each in the place shown in the figure.
  7. Fold these corners up and you will see that you have cat ears.
  8. The triangular part of the paper located at the top between the ears should be folded down.
  9. Unfold the craft to the other side and make a fold in the middle of the lower part, thus shaping the face of your cat.
  10. The very tip also needs to be carefully bent - this will be the animal’s nose.
  11. At this point, the work on the muzzle is completed, and you can begin folding the cat’s body.
  12. Place the remaining larger sheet of paper as described in step 2 and make one transverse fold.
  13. The next two folds come from the right extreme point of the sheet and look like symmetrical rays diverging to the left.
  14. Along these folds, fold the edges of the paper towards the center.
  15. And then bend the resulting figure in half.
  16. Using the scheme outlined above, you folded the body of a cat out of paper using the origami technique. All that's left is to make her a ponytail.
  17. In the figure below you see the line along which the body figure should be bent. The fold is carried out from right to left.
  18. Now we connect both elements of the origami craft, and the paper cat is almost ready! You should insert the corner of the body into the fold formed by the folded part of the head of the paper animal figurine.
  19. If the craft is performed by a small child with the help of an adult, then it is quite possible to stop at the previous point. If you want a more complete product, then put off joining the elements and continue to design the cat’s tail. The part bent upwards must be turned out, after making a small indentation on both sides of the fold with your finger. To do this, carefully turn the paper inside out.
  20. This is what the finished tail looks like.
  21. Now connect the paper cat's head to its body.
  22. Using a marker, draw in her eyes, antennae and mouth. If desired, you can stick on the so-called running eyes.
  23. Your cat can stand - check if this is the case! Separate the layers of the lower torso, dividing them into two “legs”.

In paragraph 1, as you remember, advice was given regarding the use of paper of different sizes. Here you can see an example of what happens if you instead fold origami from two identical leaves. The cat's body and head will be approximately the same in size. Such an animal is more like a kitten - take note of this!

Each cat already has its own character from birth, and owners must take this into account. Heredity is of great importance, but the formation of a cat’s “personality” is also influenced by the behavior of the mother cat when raising kittens.

It is impossible to say for sure what has a greater influence on the future character of a kitten - its genetics or society. However, you can be absolutely sure that a baby born from an affectionate cat will have a better chance of growing up friendly. This quality will be even stronger if a good-natured father cat was nearby and took part in raising the kittens.

Early interaction with humans is also an important point in the development of a kitten. Between 3 and 7 weeks of age, if kittens have positive experiences with people, being held, petted and fed, they will typically grow up to be highly socialized and very friendly.

But sometimes your pet’s life experience is not so successful, especially for animals picked up from the street. What can you do to make a cat become affectionate if she is “evil, like a fury” - she scratches, breaks out, shys away from any attempts to pet her? And you want her to spend more time on your lap, often come up to cuddle and purr next to you.

5 ways to make your cat affectionate and tame

There are five proven ways to make your cat kind and affectionate, or at least more friendly. By following them, you will definitely achieve success, if, of course, you yourself are ready to work in this direction.

Keep calm

Cats are afraid of sudden movements, loud voices and may mistake them for aggression. Move slowly and smoothly so that your pet has the opportunity to get used to your presence and learn to trust you. Even if your cat is new to your home and you've been sharing the roof over your head for some time, she will definitely appreciate your new manners.

Most cats cannot stand direct eye to eye contact and regard this as a signal of challenge or danger. Animals avoid contact with people who do not know this rule of behavior.

When looking at the cat, try to blink more slowly and do not make direct eye contact. By changing your tactics, you will quickly achieve results, and the animal will soon show more trust in you.

Don't touch your cat in places where it makes her uncomfortable

When the cat finally trustingly comes up to you to caress you, you don’t need to pick her up at that moment, especially with a sharp movement. Just sit down next to her, scratch her head between her ears or under her chin, let her rub her muzzle against you and stroke the bridge of her nose at this moment.

Many people like stroking the back, right along the spine, but the tummy and the base of the tail should not be touched. These are very vulnerable places, and many cats instinctively begin to defend themselves, even if they are touched by a familiar person who poses no threat to them.

In the head area there are glands with which a cat “marks” its friends, however, you and I do not smell these odors. But the glands in the tail area produce completely different odors that are not intended for you and me, so you should not touch these places.

Take care of your cat

Daily grooming is another way to build a friendly relationship with your pet and make the cat more affectionate and tame. Cats love to groom themselves and each other: for them it is a form of social behavior.

Your pet will be very grateful if you brush her fur with slow, gentle, rhythmic movements, all the while talking to her in a quiet voice.

If the cat likes what you are doing, she will begin to lick herself at this moment. But if her tail begins to twitch, then the cat is tired and the procedure should be stopped.

Bribes help make a cat tame

Always keep a few pieces of special cat treats with you to reward your beauty when she approaches you or comes to sit next to you. Of course, a double portion should be awarded for her jumping on your lap.

Be absolutely calm at this moment so as not to frighten the animal with your wild joy about this. Be patient, first take a closer look at the animal's behavior and make sure that the cat wants to be petted.

If the pet lies down next to you and puts its head or back under your hand, then be sure to pay attention to it and immediately stop petting at the slightest sign of displeasure.

If you follow these simple rules, then soon your communication with your cat will become a pleasant ritual for both of you.