How to make a neat French jacket at home. How to learn how to make an even jacket on gel polish

For men

French manicure is a universal option for designing nail plates. It is suitable for any occasion - both for everyday work and for an image for your own wedding. You don’t have to go to a salon to get beautiful nails; you can do a neat French manicure at home.

The classic French jacket was invented by a designer from the USA. Before the next show, he decided to paint the tips of his models’ nails with white polish. The fashion show audience really liked this version of the manicure and became a real sensation.

It turned out that it goes perfectly with any outfit and accessories.

Today you can find special kits for French manicure at home on sale.

Classic options include:

  • base clear coat;
  • white varnish;

You also need to take a thin brush for decorating your nails, cotton swabs and nail polish remover.

Performing the discussed manicure is very simple:

  1. First of all, the treated prepared nail plates are covered with a base layer. It is very important to wait until it is completely dry.
  2. Using the tip of a thin brush, draw a crescent moon on the outer edge of the nail using white varnish. All irregularities can be easily corrected with cotton swabs soaked in nail polish remover.
  3. When the white layer is completely dry, the manicure can be secured with a colorless finishing product. It will extend the life of the design by a couple of days.

French for short nails at home

If you plan to do a manicure on short nails yourself, then you should arm yourself with special sticker strips. Because drawing a crescent moon on a miniature edge is not easy. Stickers will make things easier for the girl.

In addition to stickers, the following will be used:

  • matte pastel-colored finish as a base;
  • any white varnish;
  • topcoat (colorless finishing agent).

Before a manicure, you need to steam your brushes in a warm bath and carefully remove the cuticle. Using a file or a special home nail treatment device, they are given the desired shape.

  1. A matte base coat is applied to the prepared, dried nail plates.
  2. When the first layer is completely dry, sticker strips are applied. Their upper rounded part should be located exactly in front of the beginning of the regrown nail.
  3. The tip of the plate is painted white.
  4. After the second layer has completely dried, the strips are carefully removed.
  5. All that remains is to apply the final colorless product.

French manicure ideas with patterns

French manicure with a pattern allows you to make your image bright and harmonious. The color of the patterns can combine the nails with accents on clothing or makeup.

To create a drawing yourself, you will need to take a thin brush and any number of colored varnishes. You can use glitter of different sizes, rhinestones, manicure sand, etc.

  1. To begin with, perform a French manicure according to any of the schemes described above. Only the final colorless product is not applied.
  2. Any design is drawn on top of the nail plate with white tips with a brush and colored varnishes. For example, flower, hearts, patterns, ladybugs, etc.
  3. The “finish” process completes the procedure.

You can use sparkles, rhinestones and other accessories to create a design. It can be placed on the remaining free part of the plate or directly on the white part. Original ideas for French manicure with a pattern can be found on the Internet and simply repeated on your own.

If a girl doesn’t know how to draw, but really wants to add a beautiful design to her nails, she should buy ready-made stickers. Today, you can find such accessories for manicure to suit almost every taste, from the simplest flowers to detailed images of characters from cartoons and comics.

Ideal colored jacket

A colored jacket becomes a bright accent in a woman’s look. For it you can choose any shades from black to bright yellow.

When decorating your nails you will use:

  • base matte finish;
  • sticker strips;
  • colored varnish;
  • colorless fixing agent.

First, a trimmed or hardware manicure is performed. The nails need to be given the desired shape and the cuticles removed.

And then:

  1. A matte base is applied.
  2. After the first layer has dried, French stickers are placed on the nails so that their overgrown tips remain free.
  3. The part behind the sticker is painted over with the selected color varnish.
  4. After the second layer has dried, the plates are coated with a colorless base product.

The manicure option looks very interesting when all the nails are painted with varnishes of different bright colors.

French manicure with gel polish

You can even do a French manicure with gel polish yourself at home. With proper care, this design will last on your nails for 2-3 weeks.

For manicure you will need to use:

  • special degreasing agent;
  • gel polishes – snow-white and light pink;
  • colorless base gel polish;
  • primer;
  • UV lamp;
  • finishing top.

Before you start decorating your nails, you need to remove the old polish and give your nails the desired shape. The cuticle is removed very carefully, and the nails are degreased with a special product.

  1. Nails are polished with a buff. If they are strong and healthy, you can use the hard part. Treatment is carried out in the direction of nail growth.
  2. A primer is applied to the nail plates. You need to wait a few seconds for it to evaporate.
  3. The base is spread in a thin layer and dried using a UV lamp.
  4. The main layer of gel polish (light pink) is applied. It also dries out. If necessary, the step is repeated.
  5. The “smile” line is drawn in white. To do this, you can use special stickers, a nail polish brush, or a thinner manicure brush.
  6. After drying, a second layer of white gel polish is applied.
  7. Finishing top is used. Drying.

All that remains is to remove the sticky layer and apply an oil-based moisturizer to the nails. At this stage of the manicure, it will no longer worsen the quality of the coating.

Millennium French or shiny manicure

The fashionable millennium French manicure is an improved version of the traditional manicure under discussion. The natural shade of the plate is preserved and the tip of the nail stands out. This is done with the help of shiny sparkling decor. You can apply the shimmering composition to the entire tip of the nail or decorate the white part in this way.

Initially, the design with gel polish is carried out according to the standard scheme. At the “smile” drawing stage, the gel is mixed with the selected glitter glitter. Next, the material is laid out on the tip and dried in a lamp. The manicure is completed according to the standard scheme.

When using regular varnish, the transparent version is mixed with glitter and sparkling sand. Next, a shiny manicure is performed with stencils that will help create a neat “smile” line. Finally, a clear coat is applied.

Lunar French manicure

Lunar manicure differs from the classic one in that the lunula area is highlighted with a contrasting shade, and the rest of the nail plate is completely covered with another selected color. By the way, the hole at the bottom of the nail can simply be left unpainted.

It is very simple to make a manicure with a design called “lunar” at home. First, the entire nail is painted with a contrasting shade according to the standard scheme. Then a special sticker is glued to the lunula, and the remaining part is covered with a different color.

Or you can immediately cover the lunula with a sticker, and cover the remaining nail with gel or regular varnish in a bright shade. In this case, the lower “smile” will simply remain unpainted.

French manicure was originally created for the catwalk. Its author wanted to save models, who often change outfits during a show, from endlessly repainting their nails. The goal was achieved, and the successful idea was subsequently appreciated by women all over the world, because it fits with different clothes, looks great on nails of any length, and harmonizes with all skin colors. And another advantage that has led to the popularity of French is that you can do it yourself, even with a standard set of tools at hand.

Tools and materials for DIY French manicure

No exclusive or prohibitively expensive means are required, with the exception, perhaps, of stencils - this is the only device that is intended exclusively for creating a neat French jacket. Everything else is probably in your home cosmetics bag, and if not, you can easily find it in a specialized store. There are even separate sets for French manicure, which already include several shades of varnish and stencils.

The price range for them is very different, so you can choose any one to suit your taste and budget.

  • Before work you need to prepare the following:
  • to soften and remove the cuticle: remover, wax or special oil, orange stick or manicure hoof. You can use wire cutters, a trimmer and a pusher, but these tools require appropriate experience, and if handled improperly they can be traumatic;
  • for nail treatment: manicure scissors, a file (preferably glass), polishing buff;
  • tools for more convenient painting of the tip of the nail: a thin brush, stencil strips or a special felt-tip pen;
  • coloring agents: base varnish and color. The main one is applied to the entire nail. It can be completely transparent or translucent in a pastel shade. Colored varnish is usually white or milky. With white manicure it turns out bright and contrasting, and with milky it turns out muted and more natural. If desired, you can add a protective base for nails to the varnishes, as well as a topcoat;
  • auxiliary tools: cotton swabs, thin brush with short bristles, toothpick, nail polish remover.

Reference! In the classic version of the French manicure, the nail is painted with clear varnish and its tip is white. This gives the manicure elegance and naturalness, thanks to which it is considered universal. However, modern fashion has expanded the range of colors, so the base polish can be translucent pink, beige, peach, or lavender. The choice depends on the color of the hands: in winter, cool shades are preferable, and in summer, when the skin tans, warm shades look better.

French manicure can also be done with gel polishes. This will take a little more time, but it will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of gel coating: durability, safety and color that does not lose intensity.

Those who prefer gel polishes will need a special lamp, a primer, a base product, colored coatings for the nail and its tip, a finishing gel and a liquid that removes the sticky layer. The rest of the tools are the same as in the list above.

How to do a French manicure at home: step-by-step instructions

First you need to remove the old manicure, if any, make your favorite hand bath or simply wash them with soap. Then you should treat the nails: remove excess length and flaking tips, give the intended shape, carefully cut off the burrs, push back the cuticle, sand with a soft buff. Gel polish will require more thorough sanding to remove the top glossy layer. After this, wipe the nail plate with nail polish remover to degrease it and remove sawdust. Then the creative process begins.

  1. Apply a protective base. This step is not mandatory, but desirable, since such products strengthen the nails, smooth their surface, and make it easier to apply varnish. In addition, they protect against harmful substances that are found even in expensive products from luxury brands.
  2. Cover the nail with two layers of base polish and wait for them to dry.
  3. The most difficult stage of the entire process is to draw the so-called smile line, that is, paint over the tip of the nail. He must be extremely careful, since he plays a key role in the entire manicure. By the way, the smile line allows you to visually correct the shape of your fingertips: if the pattern is moved a little higher and made more rounded, then the nail bed will acquire exquisite oval shapes. Some girls find it easy to draw a straight line using a regular brush from a bottle of nail polish, but most still cannot do without additional devices, which will be discussed below.
  4. Decorate the manicure with a pattern, if it was planned.
  5. Apply a topcoat that will add gloss, speed up drying and increase the durability of the manicure.

Important! The topcoat should be clear or translucent, but may have a pastel tint. In this case, it slightly tints the smile line, dimming the brightness of the white color.

When using gel polishes, the procedure looks similar:

  1. Treat prepared nails with primer and let it dry.
  2. Apply a thin layer of base gel and cure it in a lamp. The drying time must be specified in the instructions, since it may differ from company to company, and failure to follow these rules can lead to nail breakage or peeling of the gel.
  3. Paint each nail in the main color and also dry it in a lamp. If necessary, add another layer of base varnish.
  4. Draw a smile and dry again. If a stencil is used for this purpose, then first remove the sticky dispersion film using a special tool - a clinser. At this stage, gel polishes have an undeniable advantage over regular ones: they retain their consistency and do not set in the air, so you can correct blemishes at any time with a toothpick or other suitable tool.
  5. Apply top, trying to level the surface and smooth out the thickening above the smile line. This may require two layers, each of which must be polymerized in turn in a lamp.
  6. Remove the sticky dispersion, then moisten the skin around the nails.

Various options for drawing a straight smile line

There are many ways to make this job easier for yourself, but each of them will still require skill, patience and special tools. The most reliable and popular way to make French is to use stripes.

French using stripes

Ready-made stencils are included with French manicure kits and are also sold separately. They are thin (about 5 mm) strips of self-adhesive paper. They come in different shapes, but more often they are arched, since it is this that allows you to get everyone’s favorite original version of the famous French jacket.

It is very convenient to use such stencils: they are separated from the base and pressed with the adhesive side to the nail so that the tip remains free. Then you can safely draw a smile without worrying about accuracy.

Important! Many white varnishes are capricious, so it is recommended to apply them in several thin layers. The first one will have bald spots, but you need to let it dry a little and add a second one, which will hide the shortcomings of the previous one.

When the varnish has hardened, the stencil can be removed by simply pulling it by the free edge. If the lower layers of the coating have not dried and have shifted slightly when removing the strip, then carefully adjust the plastic mass with the tip of a toothpick.

This method allows you to quickly get an even smile line and is equally suitable for both regular and gel polishes. Ready-made strips are affordable and sold in almost any cosmetic store, so they are considered the leaders among all auxiliary products for French manicure.

They have, perhaps, only one drawback: you cannot control the degree of curvature, and everyone’s nails are different! In addition, some people want to draw a smile that is more convex than the one obtained using a stencil. There is a way out - make the strips yourself.

DIY French manicure strips

The ideal option for making stencils with your own hands is regular self-adhesive paper from an office supply store.

It has a backing so that the strips will not stick to your fingers and scissors, making the cutting process difficult.

Self-adhesive is sold in the form of A4 sheets, which are suitable for a regular office printer, so the easiest way is to find a ready-made layout on the Internet and print it out. The products will turn out like store-bought ones, but you will have to cut them yourself.

For those who know how to work in graphic editors, you can create stencils according to individual parameters, focusing on the width of the nails and the required radius of curvature.

There is a third way to make French stripes from self-adhesive tape with your own hands. To do this, you will first have to make a pattern from thick cardboard, as in the diagram below, and then attach it to a sheet of paper, trace it with a pencil and cut it out. This option is simple, although not very convenient, so to save time it is better to buy ready-made stencils.

  • Other means suitable for home creativity:
  • narrow tape;
  • insulating tape;
  • masking tape;

adhesive plaster.

Similar materials are available in any household, but it’s inconvenient to draw patterns on them, so you’ll have to cut out the strips by eye. It is best to make them from adhesive tape: it bends at any angle, fixes well, peels off easily, and the thin film does not pull the varnish along with it when removed.

French without stripes

An impeccable French manicure can be created without stencils. If your hand is full, then a regular brush made from a bottle of varnish will do, but nail design masters prefer other tools, many of which are suitable for home experiments.

How to use tips Tips are artificial tips that are used for... They come in different shapes, colors and sizes, but for a French jacket it is advisable to choose simple, unpainted ones.

  • Manicure is done as follows:
  • prepare nails for gel extensions: remove the cuticle, treat with a buff, file, degrease;
  • choose the appropriate size for each tip;
  • glue the false ends with special glue, mark the desired length on them with a marker or gel pen and carefully remove them with wire cutters or a special tip cutter;
  • give each nail the desired shape, sand it with a file for better adhesion to the gel. Carefully treat the junction of the real nail and the tip so that it becomes invisible;
  • spread a thin layer of base gel over the entire length, dry in a lamp;
  • fill the middle of the nail with transparent or camouflage (flesh-colored) gel, reducing the thickness of the layer at the edges, polymerize in a lamp;
  • remove the adhesive dispersion and give the nail its final shape, removing all irregularities and excess thickness with a file;
  • Apply white gel to the free tip, drawing a smile line. Dry each nail in a lamp;
  • add a finishing layer, polymerize, wipe off the dispersion and apply moisturizing oil to the cuticle.

Advice! The extension procedure looks simple, but its implementation requires certain skills and knowledge of important nuances, for example, when and what files to use, how to process nails, etc. To better understand the process, it is advisable to go to the salon at least once and look at the work of the master and ask questions.

Tips for French express manicure

Not long ago, special tips appeared for quick French nails on short and medium nails. The new product is a design made of a plastic holder and a ready-made white or colored tip.

Express tips can significantly save time. Firstly, there is no need to draw the smile line, since it is already ready. Secondly, you don’t have to cut off the excess length and file the remaining length until the desired shape is achieved. In addition, since false nails are short, when creating a French manicure, you can do without gel and limit yourself to gel polishes, which are easier to work with.

The technology is simple: prepare your hands in the same way as for regular gel polish, select the tips according to size, apply glue to the white strip and press it to the nail. Break the transparent holder so that it is removed entirely, leaving only its contents in place. File the edge of the false smile that protrudes above the nail plate, then degrease everything and treat the keratin area with a primer.

How to use a brush

There are quite a few brushes that can be used to paint a French manicure, since girls find it convenient to work with different tools. The following are most often used for French:

  • A flat brush with short bristles and a thin, rounded tip. Suitable for both drawing a smile and correcting it, you just need to moisten the brush in nail polish remover;
  • a flat, elastic brush with short bristles and a beveled edge;
  • a flat brush with a notch in the form of a semicircle in the middle. Very convenient for beginners, as it allows you to paint the tip of the nail with just one stroke;
  • hair brush. This brush has a long, thin and soft tip, allowing you to draw the finest smile line on very short nails, however, to successfully use this truly jewelry tool, a certain level of skill is required.

Working with brushes is carried out as follows. A drop of white varnish (or gel polish) is applied to an improvised palette, which can be anything: a piece of cardboard, a board, a saucer. From here, a portion of the product is applied to the tool and the tip of the nail is painted. When working with gel polishes, correction can be done with the same brush, simply wiping it on a napkin.

When a manicure is performed with regular varnish, you need to prepare a small bowl with remover in advance. The brush is washed in it so that it does not dry out, and also moistened if the smile line is uneven and needs to be corrected.

To clean brushes use:

  • from gel - special products that remove acrylic, gel and gel polish;
  • for gel polish - alcohol or cleanser;
  • from regular nail polish - remover.

Reference! To correct French manicure, you can use not only brushes, but also a special tool. It looks like a felt-tip pen filled with nail polish remover. It is refillable and some even have a set of removable tips.

How to use a whitening pencil

This cosmetic product is a pencil with a snow-white lead. It is used to paint over the regrown tip of the nail on the reverse side to make it appear whiter. Of course, this effect is short-lived and lasts until the first hand washing, although pencils with a more stable formula have now appeared. However, such a tool still cannot be considered a full-fledged tool for French manicure. You won’t be able to draw a smile line with it, and applying it under a finished French coat with varnish is pointless, since no one will see it anyway.

Some girls do manicures only with a pencil. The nails don't turn out as smooth and white as with polish, but they like the look. Unfortunately, the paint fades during the day and can partially get onto your fingers, making your hands look untidy. The problem can be easily solved if you have wet wipes and a pencil for touching up, but is it worth monitoring the condition of the French coat all day if it is much easier to draw a smile line with a thin layer of milky varnish?

A whitening pencil should be in your makeup bag for only one reason: it will disguise the overgrown tip of the nail and help to urgently “refresh” a manicure that is already several days old.

Reference! The idea of ​​a whitening pencil has been developed. Nowadays you can find special markers on sale that are convenient for painting over a smile from the outside. They are not durable even under a top coat, but they can mask chips on a finished manicure.

How to do a reverse French manicure

This type of nail design is also known as anti-french. It gets its name because the smile is positioned along the cuticle, a mirror image of the traditional version. Thanks to this feature, a manicure can be done even on very short nails without resorting to extensions.

Reverse French is performed both in the classic version (the nail is flesh-colored and the design is white) and with any combination of shades. For this work, it is better to use special stickers, since there is no natural stencil in the form of a growing nail and without experience it will not be possible to draw an ideal line.

Templates for anti-french, having an arched shape, can also be purchased at a cosmetic store or printed on self-adhesive tape. The stencil is fixed on the nail, 2-3 mm away from the cuticle, and the sequence of actions is similar to those given earlier: preparation, application of the base varnish, drawing a smile and fixing with a top coat.

A popular type of anti-french manicure is the so-called moon manicure. The smile line in this case looks like a semicircle hiding the nail hole. To create this pattern, a special donut-shaped stencil is used, but otherwise the technology is the same.

Design ideas

An elegant and laconic French manicure is good in itself, but thanks to lovers of variety, the idea has received comprehensive development. Based on the classic version, fashionistas create new designs, experimenting with color, shape, texture, and decorations. Of course, it was not without criticism, but many girls like the idea. Even Hollywood actresses do not deny themselves the pleasure of decorating their nails with an unusual pattern.

Art French is not distinguished by the versatility of the original and does not suit all outfits, but it allows you to choose a harmonious manicure for each specific look. There are so many variations that it is impossible to list them all, but they can be conditionally divided into several groups.

Colored French

This idea turned out to be the easiest to implement; you just need to draw a smile line using any other varnish, not white. The central part of the nail can also be coated with a contrasting color. The result will be an unusual manicure, which, depending on the chosen range, can complement both a strict business image and a bright youth look.


You can paint the tip of your nail with several colored varnishes. They are used to draw parallel stripes, waves, zigzags and swirls.


You can decorate the smile line with sparkles: paint over the entire tip of the nail, draw a thin strip along its edge, or create a sparkling gradient. The French jacket turns out to be very bright and festive, making it great for parties.

Fan French

The tip of the nail can be decorated not only with colored or shiny varnishes. Granules for caviar manicure, velor fibers for velvet, mica, foil, rhinestones, beads, lace and even fragments of dried plants are used. The variety of materials will allow you to fully enjoy the creative process and create a unique design for any event.

French with a non-standard smile line

The smile can be of any shape: beveled, triangular, wavy, V-shaped, double. Additionally, it is decorated with dots, thin lines, and patterns. It’s not difficult to make such a manicure, but the result of your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Wedding jacket

To create this variety, traditional colors are usually used, but the nails are additionally decorated so that the manicure matches the dress and hairstyle.

Video: moon manicure, colored French manicure and version with rhinestones

French is simple and complex at the same time. Its flawlessness and naturalness are the result of painstaking work. To master the technique, you will have to try, but the game is worth the candle, because the famous manicure will always help out, including situations when it is difficult to decide on an “outfit” for your nails. Even those who prefer variety in everything will be able to find dozens of original ideas for themselves or come up with an individual one, taking as a basis a classic design that is unlikely to go out of fashion.

French manicure perfectly combines simplicity and style. This nail design is at the peak of popularity, regardless of the age category of women. It is chosen by athletes, businesswomen and ordinary saleswomen. French is not vulgar, so it is ideal for teenage girls. Thanks to its technology, hands look well-groomed and neat. There is no need to change it according to the type of clothing, hair color, makeup or accessories. Its base is universal, suitable for any style, which allows you to save money and time on updating your manicure.


You can do a French manicure yourself using the recommendations. French is practiced on any nail length. How to do a French manicure at home, because there are many secrets regarding its design and application?

Selection of varnish for French manicure

A quality tool is the key to success in any job. And before you begin, you should select the appropriate varnishes. A good set for creating a French jacket will provide an excellent visual picture.

When applied to the nail, high-quality material will fit and look perfect.

  1. Buying low-quality goods from stores or stalls unknown to you is not even suitable for experimenting with French clothing, so you need to purchase a good branded product. It may not be cheap, but you can use it longer.
  2. There is a special line of varnishes for French manicure; ordinary colored varnishes will have to work with this; in this case, they will not work. It is recommended to buy a special kit containing various shades of varnish, stripes and base.
  3. Standard for a French manicure you will need a colorless base, white varnish to create a smile on the tip of the nail and a tint material. It can have a cold, warm or soft pink tint.
  4. When purchasing a French manicure kit or individual polishes for the first time, it is better to pay attention to the usual sets and colors. Purchasing flashy and expensive professional-grade materials is not acceptable for gaining experience.
  5. After mastering the simplest French skills, you can work with other scales.


Before you start doing a French manicure, prepare the tool.

You will need:

  • file for processing the nail plate;
  • base coat;
  • tint varnish;
  • white coating for nail tips;
  • drying-fixer;
  • mechanical trimmer;
  • brush;
  • strips for forming a “smile”.

If you don’t have special strips on hand, you can use tape, but working with it will be problematic when learning.

Step 1:

Any manicure includes high-quality nail treatment. It is recommended to steam your hands in a bath.

To strengthen your nails, you can add a little sea salt. It is not recommended to apply cream to your nails and skin before applying polish.

Step 2

After the procedure, the overgrown cuticle is moved to the base of the nail and carefully removed with a trimmer. If the growths on the sides are strong, I use special tweezers.

Step 3

The nail is given the required shape using a nail file. The tool leads from the edges of the nail to the central part. This will prevent the formation of cracks and small chips on the nails.

Step 4

Nails are covered with base varnish; it has no color. It is necessary to distribute the base in an exact layer on top of the nail and the edges below it.

This will provide protection from the effects of household chemicals and hot water. The base must dry thoroughly before applying the next layer.

Step 5

The entire surface of the nail is covered with tinted varnish and left until completely dry. If there are no flaws in the form of spots on the nails, then you can take a light transparent flesh shade.

Step 6

Strips to create a “smile” are glued so that the desired length of the tip of the nail stands out. It should depend on its length.

On short nails, the length of the “smile” should not exceed two millimeters. The strips must be pressed firmly against the nail to prevent the varnish from spreading under them. They are glued very evenly so that the manicure does not seem skewed.

Step 7

White varnish is applied to each tip in one layer. After drying, it is applied a second time to enhance the contrast. After 10-15 minutes, the strips are removed. By this time, the white varnish should be completely dry.

Step 8

A drying fixative is applied on top for a protective layer. It will give a pleasant shine to the nail and make the French manicure more resistant to external influences.


It is recommended to update your French manicure as your nails grow. This will allow you to gain experience and refresh the picture on your nails. After honing your skills, you can master fashionable French techniques, the cost of which in a salon can be impressive.

At any stage of applying varnish, you must wait until each layer dries. If you ignore this, the manicure will not work. You can’t do a manicure if the skin near your nails has lesions and the nail plates are infected with fungus.

If you sweat excessively, your hands should be thoroughly dried. It is not recommended to treat your hands with cream or oil before cutting the cuticle.

The base for the French coat should be fortified so that under the top layers the nail plate does not suffer from a lack of oxygen.

Types of French manicure

Over time, this type of nail design has acquired many modifications.

The basis of the jacket is tone and “smile”, but you can add a variety of designs to this. This includes the shape or width of the nail plate, the use of different colors, various designs, additional decorations in the form of sparkles or rhinestones.

  • The classic French jacket combines delicate pastel shades. The “smile” at the tip is made with matte white varnish. In this manicure, the base color is in perfect harmony with the skin tone. Usually the classics give the feeling that there is no polish on the nails, but they look very well-groomed.

  • Millennium French or shiny manicure includes a bright, decorated smile that shimmers in the sun. The shiny material can be applied to the entire tip or carefully follow the “smile” line underneath. For the millennium, silver or gold dust, glitter, and shimmering varnish are used.

  • Colored French manicures include a variety of bold colors and shades for a “smiley” look. In this case, the finish of the nail tip is selected in accordance with taste preferences. There are no specific rules for nail treatment. Bright and acidic colors can be used for edging. Teenage girls can experiment by making a “smile” on each nail with a different color.

  • Decorative French is the most complex manicure option in this style. This is amazing art and exquisite work. Drawings, stucco molding, beads and even lace can be applied to the tip of the plate. Decorative processing is indispensable for holidays and grand celebrations. It requires good skills and patience.

  • The Hollywood or lunar French has come into fashion recently, but has already won its audience. In this manicure, the “smile” can be located at the base of the nail and at its tip, or only at the base. Dark, rich tones are often used for lunar design. Rich contrasting tones are suitable for the crescent moon.

  • Non-standard types of French have an unconventional “smile” shape. It can be in the form of a zigzag or wave. A beveled crescent is practiced. You can often find an ombre manicure option. This is a special application of varnish in which there is no clear transition. There is a smooth gradation from the tip of the nail to the base of the plate.

French Manicure (French) and Moon Manicure!

The true beauty of French manicure lies in its impeccable neatness and clarity of drawn lines. If the smile is drawn crookedly, then the whole impression of even the most complex work will spoil in an instant. Today's French is not only about painting the overgrown tip of the nail in the shape of a crescent. Lunar, zigzag, corner - there are many types of it. All that remains is to choose the most optimal way for yourself to draw it evenly.

Classic "smile" in the shape of a crescent

Classic and so beloved among most girls, it usually causes the most difficulties. After all, drawing a line on your nails correctly is quite difficult, especially if you have no experience, and your hand trembles a little, and applying varnish to your working hand causes particular concern.

The most basic way is to use a stencil.

They vary in the curve of the smile: some create a barely round smile, some can make it deeper. However, the first option is most common.

To draw a French manicure, you need to stick a strip just below the overgrown tip of the nail. Next, the varnish is loosely applied in two thin layers. The stencil is removed only after they have dried well, but if you do this earlier, the varnish may come off along with the strip, and then the work will need to start all over again.

Instead of a stencil, you can use ordinary tape.

But if with the stencil everything was as simple as possible: you just need to glue it evenly to the nail, then with the tape you need to work a little more. The nail is visually divided into two parts and the strip is placed in the middle. The sides should form a crescent, the same on both sides. This option for creating a classic French jacket takes more time, but it is convenient because the depth of the smile is easy to adjust.

Horizontal application of varnish

This is the traditional and most common way to paint a French manicure on your nails. To do this, you only need a jar of the selected varnish, preferably with a narrow brush. Two semicircular horizontal lines are applied to the nails: from the outer edges to the center. A thinner brush for gel or acrylic paints will help deepen your smile, and you can remove unevenness, again, using a brush, but a wider one with a pointed tip and regular nail polish remover.

Vertical application of varnish

You can create a neat French look correctly by making vertical strokes along the contour of your smile. To get a perfect crescent, you need to change the angle of the brush to the nail quite often, and you also need to start a new line strictly at the level of the previous one. You can make corners, as in the previous version, with a thin brush, and remove irregularities with a wide and pointed one.

Creating two types of lunar manicure

Lunar manicure is the highlighting of the natural lunula near the cuticle on the nail. It can be painted using the same methods as a classic French manicure. The lunula can be highlighted with color, or left unpainted, covered only with colorless varnish, and for greater originality, decorated with rhinestones or patterns. In the first case, the nail is completely covered with the main color, which will play on the lunula, and when it is completely dry, the creation of a lunar manicure begins. In the second case, this step is omitted.

A regular stencil for creating a hole

This method is only suitable when the lunula itself is painted a certain color, because the stencil may not perfectly replicate its shape. It is applied correctly, starting from the middle of the nail, and the varnish is applied only to the outer part.

Painting with a brush

The lunar curve is individual for each person, which is why, if you want to leave it unpainted, the only way to draw a line exactly along the natural contour is to use a narrow varnish brush. The principle of drawing is already familiar: from the outer edges to the middle, while a more even outer line is drawn with a thin brush.

There is also another type of lunar manicure - an inverted French manicure. In this case, the smile is drawn at the cuticle itself, and it must be colored. To create it, the nail is coated with varnish and, after it is high, the inner smile is drawn using a stencil or by hand, and then the rest of the nail is covered.

Custom French manicure with a smile of different shapes

The French corner looks very original. It is very simple to perform because it does not require drawing smooth lines. There are two ways to depict it on your nails:

  • Draw a straight diagonal line by hand that would completely cover the regrown tip;
  • A thin strip of tape will minimize the occurrence of errors, because it plays the role of a ruler, sticking it diagonally.

A diamond-shaped French nail with a central corner beautifully lengthens the nail. The most convenient way to depict it correctly is, again, using ordinary tape:

  • It is necessary to cut straight strips, always at right angles, place them with the angle up and stick them in this way to the central part of the nail. All that remains is to coat the overgrown part with varnish and wait until it dries.
  • You can paint diamonds with a thin brush, however, the difficulty lies not in the process itself, but in making them as identical as possible.
  • In addition, there are corner stencils that are very easy to work with.

A zigzag French manicure adds freshness to the manicure and gives its owner more originality. You can find strips to create this, but making them yourself won’t be too difficult. For them, instead of the usual one, it is best to choose paper-based tape, as it is easier to work with, and also have curly zigzag scissors. It is quite possible to draw zigzags yourself, but this will significantly lengthen the work process. You can stick curly strips not only straight, but also at an angle - this will only give your nails more zest.

Timeless classics can easily be transformed into a host of original ideas. The play of colors and shapes of “smiles” allows you to always look new. In addition, creating a French pattern is not so difficult: the right tools, patience, constant testing - and the result will definitely live up to your desires.

In the price list of any beauty salon you can find such a service as a French manicure. It's relatively expensive, but what sacrifices won't you make for the beauty of your hands? Of course, it seems that it is almost impossible to accurately draw a French manicure at home along the contour at home. But ProstoNail will dispel this myth, revealing all the secrets of how to create a French jacket yourself, with a minimum of nerves and effort.


Having appeared in the distant 1930s, French manicure still does not lose its relevance. We have already told the story of its appearance in a recent article, however, there are facts indicating that the “discoverer” of the French look was not JeffPink, but Max Factor, the ruler of mascaras and eye shadows. The old man did not have time to patent his invention and the enterprising Jeff began to use it on a commercial basis in 1970. By the way, the first star to dare to wear French hair was Barbara Streisend, the then trendsetter and super-popular vocalist.

At first glance, it seems that creating such a design is not an easy task. And even more so, it is inaccessible to beginners. We are in a hurry to “deceive” your expectations - everything is possible! The main thing is to choose the right tools and materials, on which the success of the entire action depends 50%. ProstoNails has collected everything you need for a DIY French manicure in one table, which you can see below:

Tool or material Functionality
Nail polish remover or remover Dissolves the previous coating, leveling the pigment
Metal pusher Minimally injures the plate when removed and pushes back the cuticle
File, abrasiveness from 110 to 180 grit Removes excess length and corrects the desired shape of nails
Orange stick and oil Necessary for unedged manicure to soften the epidermis
Cuticle trimmers and liquid Softens overgrown skin, which then needs to be cut off with scissors
Polishing buff For grinding plate irregularities for better coating adherence
Base and top To prepare and, accordingly, consolidate the result
Nude nail polish Used as a base color, imitates the natural soft pink shade of the nail bed.
White varnish shade To draw a “smile” line. This can be done either with gel or with regular varnish of medium thickness.
Stencils Strips that help to evenly paint free edges. Use your imagination, the perfect line can be made using tape

The necessary list of attributes for your ideal jacket has been collected! Add to it just a drop of effort and a little bit of diligence - then the result will definitely please you with the perfection of execution.

How to do a French manicure at home - step by step

People say that the master's work is feared. But what to do when you are as close to the master as you are to the moon, and you can’t bear to try on a Frenchie on your hands? We have collected the most effective methods, describing them step by step. Read carefully, memorize and feel free to start experimenting.

With stripes

French manicure using stripes is perhaps the simplest of all of the above. It will appeal to established lazy people or beginners who have never dealt with complex designs. We covered the subtleties of hygienic manicure in this article, but we will describe the direct process of decorating with stripes below:

  • Apply a primer that seals and protects the plate or a colorless base;
  • take one strip from the set and apply it to the nail, simulating “trying on”;
  • remove the protective film and attach the strip, moving no more than 5 mm from the edge;
  • paint the empty part with a white or milky shade of varnish;
  • After waiting for it to dry completely, remove the strip and fix the result with a glossy topcoat.

Without stripes

French manicure without stripes differs only in the preparatory stage, then the process moves according to the plan outlined above. Still don't know how to make a stencil for a French manicure? Then all attention to our life hacks:

  • An alternative to strips can be regular or masking tape. Cut short, miniature pieces in advance to the shape of the plate and glue them to the free edge;
  • peel-off liquid used to protect the cuticle during ombre. Can be used as a stencil to prevent white paint from spreading;
  • cling film, which is always in the kitchen of housewives. It also adheres well to nails and works on the strip principle;
  • medical plaster. By cutting off a small piece of medical tape from its adhesive side, you can use it as an alternative to a stencil.

By the way, the process of how to properly do French in stages is described in detail in the training video:

With stencil

With a stencil, drawing a smile line becomes a mere trifle, which even a beginner can handle. Remember that stencils come not only from ordinary paper, but also from durable metal ones; we will tell you about the intricacies of using the latter in the master class:

  • After applying the base and the main beige or powdery pink color, wait until they dry completely;
  • Apply a small amount of white paint to the metal plate with the pattern;
  • Apply a stamp with a corner and gently, progressively “press” along the free edge of the plate;
  • let the varnish dry and only then complete the manipulation with a layer of glossy or matte topcoat.

With a brush

French manicure with a brush is a task for experienced users. It makes no sense to describe in detail the instructions for drawing the treasured white lines, but here are a couple of tips that will definitely help make your French jacket neat and elegant:

  • choose a brush with the longest bristles, elastic and loosely packed;
  • when modeling, move your finger smoothly, but not the brush, so the smile line will be clearer;
  • Remember that the curve of the line should accurately reflect the curve of the cuticle for an extremely natural appearance of the design;
  • first outline the outline of the smile line and only then paint over the drawing itself;
  • Use the flat side of the brush to seal the end of the nail plate to avoid chips and cracks;
  • Use only tools with synthetic bristles.

French manicure with gel polish

Shellac manicure is loved by many beauties for its durability and wear resistance. Agree, the average girl does not always have an hour or even two free time to correct her nail design. And walking around with chipped, peeling varnish is not only sloppy, but also not aesthetically pleasing.

Before you start painstaking work, read our tips and then the result will definitely please you and delight your colleagues and girlfriends:

  • try to apply an acid-free primer and spread the base evenly and thinly, without concentrating it at the edges;
  • We complete each stage of manicure with polymerization in a UF or LED lamp;
  • to prevent the smile line from spreading, remove the sticky layer over the entire surface of the camouflage coating with a lint-free cloth;
  • choose only a high-quality self-leveling topcoat, which will not only consolidate the result of your efforts, but also smooth out the “step” in front of the decorative element;
  • if an even coating is not achieved, use a sanding buffer, gently polishing the transition;
  • mix gel polish and gel paint in equal proportions to avoid spreading;
  • choose paints and varnishes of medium density and moderately thick consistency, they are much easier to work with.

Step-by-step visual instructions will help you easily turn all your ideas into reality:

How to do a French manicure with regular polish

A manicure produced with conventional varnish has both a number of disadvantages due to its fragility, and a number of advantages. For example, such a design can be easily adjusted, using a minimum of materials and effort. On short nails, the process is more complicated, since the limited capabilities of the plate always force the newly-minted master to be precise. But with our advice everything will go like clockwork:

  • put your nails in order, following the established scheme: cut off the length, adjust the shape, remove the cuticle and sand the surface with a buff;
  • Apply a thin layer of base, waiting for it to dry;
  • apply the basic camouflage coating, preferring a soft pink or beige varnish, dry it;
  • if the intended design is with stickers, then simply place a stencil and paint the space with white paint;
  • if you chose the manual method of painting with a brush, then do not move the edging too far from the edge, this visually “eats” the length;
  • Complete the process by applying a clear layer of top coat and oil to moisturize and slow down cuticle growth.

We think that we have already proven that it is more than possible to draw the perfect smile line without stickers and without a stencil. Well, if you arm yourself with a good mood and our life hacks, the result will defeat even the skeptics. It's time to check it out, isn't it?

  • in order to protect your skin from excessive dryness when removing nail polish, spread it in advance with a rich cream that seals the lipid barrier;
  • To make a delicate nude look neat, prepare your nails by first whitening them with regular toothpaste. This will reduce the intensity of the yellow pigment;
  • if you want to extend the durability of your manicure, then use a degreaser before applying the top and finish;
  • let each layer dry. Patience and only patience;
  • in order to create a funny pattern that complements the French, it is not at all necessary to buy dots. It can easily be replaced with a regular ballpoint pen;
  • how to draw a straight smile line without a stencil? Elementary, take a regular stationery eraser instead;
  • you can disguise the unevenness of the jacket with a thin line of glitter or sparkles, visually hiding the errors;
  • You can shorten the time gap between drying by dipping your nails in ice water.

We hope our tips and life hacks will help you achieve the perfect result with a minimum of effort. A straight smile line and always a flawless manicure!