How to choose jewelry. How to wear jewelry

With your own hands
Very often on the pages of glossy fashion magazines we read about how to choose the right accessories, that jewelry plays a huge role in completing a stylish look... The fashion industry is teeming with various rules and advice that are hammered into our heads by competently trained editors, trained for only ONE thing - increasing sales!

The most important misconception is that it is accessories that determine style! Of course this is not true. If you're wearing faded jeans, dirty sneakers and unwashed hair, but wearing a diamond necklace, believe me, it won't be stylish! A long necklace and sparkly earrings alone will not make your outfit evening. And a flirtatiously tied scarf in combination with a cashier’s uniform will not add romance to your image. In general, no matter how skillfully you select accessories, they will not make the image relevant regardless of clothing.

And one more thing - remember the most important postulate and write it down in your mind in red font - jewelry, other accessories, clothes should work for you, and not vice versa! You will understand how to do this by reading about 11 mistakes that are very often made when choosing jewelry.

1. Wearing a full set of jewelry (earrings, bracelet, ring, beads) together is considered bad manners and bad taste. In fact, this rule was invented by those who cannot afford a total look. A well-chosen set in full, if it emphasizes the advantages and corrects the shortcomings of the owner, can be a wonderful addition to a stylish look.

Pictured above is Anne Hathaway. In the photo below there is a total look from Chanel

2. If the set includes one large piece of jewelry (beads, ring, earrings), all the rest should be small. Is not a fact! Many fashion designers use massive sets of costume jewelry in their collections (sometimes even more than one set).

The photo shows a great combination of a massive necklace, bracelet and ring. By the way, he looks great due to his simple hairstyle, bare shoulders and arms, and most importantly, the white color of the dress.

3. Precious and semi-precious stones, as well as precious metals, are not compatible with jewelry - complete nonsense! Recently, jewelry with massive cabochons made of precious and semi-precious stones, which are combined with ordinary beads and glass beads, has become a huge success - the effect is amazing!

The photo shows a combination of agate, pearls, glass beads, and sterling silver.

4. Ideally, one color should dominate; do not wear gold and silver at the same time. Miss again! Many prestigious jewelry houses use combinations of gold, white gold, and copper in their collections. Of course, this is aerobatics to collect three colors into a harmonious ensemble, go for it and you will succeed!

The photo shows a bracelet from the Kara Ross collection. Silver, gold and chalcedony.

5. If you are slim, small stones will look on you, and if you are a lady with curvy figures, large ones! Nonsense! Everyone knows that big and baggy clothes make you look even fatter. Why use small stones to further emphasize your diminutiveness? Costume jewelry should work for you, but in no case should it disfigure you. To do this, you just need to study the features of your figure and your face.

6. Do not buy very cheap jewelry - it can cause allergies. Even gold can cause allergies, that’s a fact. You just have to know your body, its reaction to various metals and plastics. And pay attention to this when purchasing. The price has nothing to do with it!

7. You cannot wear jewelry in problem areas. Don't waste money on rings if you have short fingers, or on necklaces if you have a short neck. Another misconception. For example, a short neck can be lengthened with long earrings in the form of thin chains. A small bust can be visually enlarged with the help of a V-shaped neckline and a massive pendant on a cord to the cleavage line. And so on…. Knowing the characteristics of your body, you can highlight your strengths and correct your weaknesses with the help of jewelry and accessories.

For example, the girl in the photo shortened her already short neck even more by wearing massive hoop earrings. If she took plastic rings, left the chain earrings and gathered her bushy tail into a plait or braid, then her neck would become visually longer.

8. Choose jewelry according to your clothing style. Yes, in some ways this statement is true. BUT! There are win-win options that suit absolutely any style of clothing. But if you get too carried away with a certain style, you can go overboard.

In the photo on the left is Nicole Ricci, on the right is Victoria Beckham. Both sets are universal - suitable with an evening dress and with jeans.

9. Dresses with beads or embroidery, due to their self-sufficiency, do not tolerate decorations at all. Of course this is not true! It’s just that such jewelry should be discreet and elegant, or in harmony with the pattern of the outfit. For example, miniature earrings or a chain bracelet will perfectly complement the ensemble. Or a combination of a pearl necklace with an applique on a dress made of the same pearls will perfectly complement each other.

A wonderful image from the fashion house Chanel.

10. In order for jewelry to highlight complexion and clothing, it is selected in accordance with four types of appearance - winter, spring, summer, autumn. Yes, in some ways this statement is true, but this does not mean that your jewelry box should contain jewelry of any one color. In addition, pure types are extremely rare in nature. The main thing is that the decoration matches your overall look.

11. When choosing jewelry, it is very easy to make a mistake in the undertones, so it will be better if you are dressed in the clothes for which you are choosing the jewelry. What if this is an evening dress? I generally buy jewelry spontaneously. You just need to read the information on color (by the way, it is useful not only in the selection of jewelry). But this is a topic for another article.

Women love jewelry. Beautiful jewelry or high-quality costume jewelry adds romance and sophistication to a woman’s image, and also emphasizes the beautiful color of her skin, eyes, and the elegance of her hands and neck. Have you noticed that sometimes a very beautiful piece of jewelry, when tried on, does not look aesthetically pleasing or even vulgar. Why is this happening? The thing is that jewelry can be combined with a woman’s appearance and make her even more attractive or, conversely, not fit her appearance type and because of this, look less impressive. How to choose jewelry according to your appearance type?

Principles for choosing jewelry based on appearance type

When choosing jewelry, as well as when choosing clothes and makeup, stylists recommend taking into account your type of appearance.

The color of eyes, hair, and skin are guidelines by which a woman is classified into one of 4 types of appearance.

Representatives of this appearance are distinguished by bright contrast. They have hair that stands out sharply against the background of very light skin. The eye color of women of this type can be blue, brown, bright blue or gray.

Stones with rich colors look very impressive on winter girls. For example, pearls (gray, white, black), black onyx, dark emerald, scarlet ruby, diamonds and rock crystal. It is better to choose white gold rather than yellow. Jewelry made from platinum or silver also works well for women with a contrasting winter look.

Women of this type have a peachy tint. They may often have a blush on their face with slight excitement.

The spring type is blonde with straw, light brown, flaxen hair and green, blue and light brown eyes.

For women of the spring type, jewelry with corals, turquoise, sapphires, yellow topazes, amber, and cream pearls is perfect. Products made of gold and platinum are perfect for this type, but silver jewelry will look less impressive.

Autumn woman has fair skin and warm red or golden hair.(from rich carrot to chestnut color with a copper tint). The eyes of girls of this type are distinguished by the intense coloring of the iris in steel gray, amber, bright olive, light or dark brown, transparent blue.

Jewelry for women of the autumn type is suitable with bright stones that lack shine. For example, amber, yellow pearls, bright agate, green-yellow jadeite, scarlet corals. Jewelry made of red and yellow gold is perfect for women of this type. But it is not recommended to choose jewelry made of white gold, platinum, or silver.

Summer type appearance

Women of the summer type have light skin with sometimes visible blue vessels. This type includes women with a bright complexion or a skin tone similar to olive color. A summer-type woman's hair can vary in color from white to black, but it lacks a golden or red sheen. The eyes predominantly have a gray-blue, blue, gray-green tint.

Jewelry with precious stones in cool colors is perfect for women of this type. For example, ruby ​​with a desaturated color, milky bluish opal, light blue aquamarine, apple green jadeite, agate with shades of blue-gray and gray-green, pink or gray pearls, white coral and diamonds. Jewelry made of platinum and silver, as well as antique jewelry made of gold, will look great. But modern gold jewelry is advised to choose only those made of white or red precious metal.

How to choose earrings, rings and necklaces

There are a number of additional rules when selecting jewelry based on your appearance type. and an elegant thin ring or similar earrings will not suit full hands at all. They should choose large jewelry with massive stones. Conversely, an elegant girl will look good on fine and small jewelry.

A woman's skin is the background, so it's worth considering her skin tone when choosing jewelry. For example, white gold jewelry looks great on bronzed skin, while black gold will highlight a woman's snow-white skin. For dark-skinned girls, jewelry made of red gold is ideal.

Pendants and chains

As for choosing a chain or pendant, before purchasing You should try it on in front of a mirror and take into account the following tips:

  • A short chain looks good on a long neck, highlighting its beauty. But such a chain will disfigure a short neck.
  • To visually lengthen a short neck, choose a long chain with a pendant.
  • Owners of a “swan” neck should not wear long beads in several rows or chains with large pendants.
  • To hide the imperfections of a full neck and wide chest, choose long chains with elegant pendants. But avoid large jewelry.
  • An elegant brooch can highlight the beauty of your breasts.
  • To lengthen the upper body, a string of pearls or beads made of small stones that extend below the chest are suitable.


Your eye color can be a deciding factor when choosing jewelry with a birthstone. Brown eyes will be emphasized by jewelry with a yellow or brown-red stone. Purple amethysts in earrings will add depth and mystery to green eyes.

Red rubies in jewelry will provide mystery to black eyes.

Blue eyes will become a bright heavenly color from the dark blue sapphire in the earrings. But gray eyes will look great with any stones.

A few tips will help you choose the right earrings, taking into account your face shape:

  • For a round face choose earrings with an elongated shape (in the form of a pendant) or flat clip-on earrings.
  • For a narrow face Square or rounded earrings are perfect. And in this case, you should not choose elongated ear jewelry, so as not to create the effect of a too narrow face.
  • For faces with a massive lower part choose earrings with a triangular shape, in which the angle is directed downwards.
  • For a triangular face and a weak chin, you need elongated earrings of any shape, even large-sized items are suitable.
  • For an oval face There is no limitation in choice, because any earrings with different shapes will suit it.

Choosing jewelry is not an easy task.

And wearing them correctly and harmoniously combining them with makeup and hairstyle is an art. Ten tips will help you choose the right jewelry:

  1. All kinds of jewelry will go with universal clothing. But if clothes and accessories are designed in a certain style, then the jewelry should match it.
  2. Eye-catching jewelry with bold design ideas wear them if you are absolutely sure of their appropriateness. You need to be careful with flashy jewelry so as not to overdo it and look ridiculous. In most cases, 1 massive bracelet or flashy and large earrings are enough. Massive jewelry looks great with plain clothes in black or white.
  3. You can wear several chains or bracelets at the same time if they are in the same style, made in similar colors or harmoniously match the color of your clothes.
  4. Modern fashion dictates its own rules. And if in the past, wearing gold and silver jewelry on the body at the same time was considered the height of bad taste, today everything depends on whether these jewelry are combined in design. If gold and silver jewelry are made in the same style, then bold and fashionable girls can look impressive in these products.
  5. As for wearing jewelry and costume jewelry on the body at the same time, the law remains unchanged. It is not recommended to combine these products together.
  6. When putting on a chain, pay attention to its length and the depth of the neckline on your dress or blouse. Beads or a chain 40-50 cm long looks great with any model of dress or blouse(except for products with a high collar). Chains (55-70 cm) should not come into contact with the neckline of clothing. For clothes with a high neckline, beads with a length of 75-90 cm are suitable.
  7. Evening decorations cannot be worn in everyday life.
  8. Clothing in warm colors goes well with jewelry in warm tones, and cool colored stones go well with an outfit in the same shades.
  9. Choosing earrings take into account the oval shape of your face.
  10. When choosing a ring with a stone, be guided by your type of appearance. When wearing a ring with a bright gemstone, repeat its color in clothing or accessories. Do not wear multiple multi-colored rings at the same time. They can only be combined with colorless or white ring options.

Jewelry can highlight the beauty of a woman and make her irresistible.

Choose jewelry so that it reveals your individuality and emphasizes the advantages of your appearance.

Jewelry is an integral part of the wardrobe of modern girls and women, allowing them not so much to emphasize their status and position in society, but to give their image additional zest and charm, personalize it and favorably emphasize the outfit, as well as the advantages that nature has endowed them with. But in order for these accessories to fully justify the hopes placed on them, you need to be able to wear them correctly.

How to choose the right decoration?

First of all, when choosing jewelry, you should take into account the woman’s age and her image. So, it is quite acceptable for young girls to use inexpensive jewelry, but on the hands or neck of a woman who has crossed the 40-year mark, rings and earrings made of inexpensive metal or plastic will look too cheap.

Too expensive jewelry in everyday wear is considered bad manners, looking too deliberate and provocative, so chains and earrings, rings and bracelets made of precious metals and stones are best left for evening wear. And for daily wear, exquisite handmade silver items complemented with semi-precious stones (amber, topaz, carnelian, malachite) or ceramic inserts are suitable. They look impeccably stylish, impressive, but not too pretentious, not causing associations with the nouveau riche style, but, on the contrary, emphasizing the aristocracy and taste of a woman.

For a long time it was believed that ladies over 25-30 do not have the right to wear jewelry, but today this rule has lost its relevance, however, if we are talking about high-quality and expensive jewelry from leading fashion houses or designers. Under no circumstances should you buy mass-produced jewelry made from iron and glass. Seriality “kills” not only the beauty of the jewelry, but also its originality, turning at first glance beautiful earrings or a bracelet into a tasteless, expressionless thing that can depersonalize even an exclusive business suit.

How to choose jewelry for a dress?

It is especially difficult to choose jewelry for a dress, because it itself emphasizes femininity, so it is best to adhere to the “golden mean” principle, especially if it contains pronounced cut elements (for example, drapery at the neck, a belt at the waist, a skirt with flounces) or it is made of fabric with a bright, attention-grabbing pattern.

Plain dresses made from expensive fabrics can be complemented with exquisite necklaces, earrings and rings that belong to “expensive jewelry”, but dresses and sundresses made from light natural fabrics can be combined with jewelry made from natural materials - wood, stone, leather. Also, jewelry made from “natural” materials perfectly emphasizes ethnic and romantic styles, military and hippie styles.

A dress with open sleeves or ¾ sleeves can be complemented not only with a necklace and earrings, but also with an elegant bracelet that will draw attention to the graceful hand and skillful manicure. But the nobility of a formal dress with long sleeves and a stand-up collar will be ideally emphasized by a pair of long earrings and one or two rings, perhaps with a large stone.

How to choose jewelry for a neckline?

As a rule, women wear clothes with cutouts to demonstrate the beauty of the neckline, high breasts or the beautiful pattern of the collarbones, but in order to draw additional attention to these natural advantages, you should use necklaces - necklaces, chains, beads.

Such accessories should be selected depending on the shape of the neckline, because otherwise they will not be able to become a worthy decoration of the outfit. For example, elongated pendants in the form of crosses and zodiac signs, droplets and hearts look great with a V-neck or wrap neckline. A boat neckline looks good with beads made of large stones, and a clear bob neckline is ideally complemented by several rows of chains without pendants.

A dress with a corsage or in the style of an open corset is ideally combined with a neck decoration, such as a “collar”, perhaps in several rows, and an asymmetrical neckline - with an accessory in the author’s style, with different-sized beads, small charms. But, remember once and for all that necklines of an unusual cut with numerous draperies, jabots or bows are interesting and expressive in themselves, so you shouldn’t complement them with neck accessories; it’s better to get by with short earrings in the style of the late 80s.

And one last thing. Jewelry should be in line with fashion, but the site’s editorial stylists believe that it is best to fill your jewelry boxes with those accessories that will remain in trend for a long time, and these include only high-quality, original and stylish products. Buy just such accessories and always remain a unique woman.
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Modern fashionistas have too many problems: not only do they want to buy all the jewelry at once, but they also need to learn how to correctly combine them with each other. How not to get confused in this variety of colors and styles?

website tells how to easily, simply and harmoniously create sets of jewelry. You'll see: after this article, you yourself will be able to easily advise your girlfriends. Shall we check?

1. Know when to stop

You shouldn't put on all your jewelry at once - even if you really like it. This is especially true for large, flashy accessories: massive necklaces, large earrings and rings with large stones. It’s better to choose one thing - this way your image will turn out much more elegant.

If you still find it very difficult to resist a few noticeable decorations, then you should heed the rule of maximum distance. This way you can choose a successful combination of several large jewelry, for example, earrings and a bracelet or earrings and a ring.

2. Be careful when choosing beads

Large beads can easily turn a young girl into an adult lady, so it is important to pay attention to their size. Of course, this is a matter of taste, but still, some jewelry with overly large beads are more likely to be suitable for decorating a New Year tree, and not for someone’s neck.

If you choose beads made from natural pearls, then remember the following rule: large pearls are more suitable for older ladies. Girls are better off choosing jewelry made from small river pearls.

They will also suit a long, thin pearl necklace, which can be combined with a huge number of outfits.

And, by the way, as for natural stones: on girls such jewelry looks a little pretentious and unnatural, but it suits older ladies wonderfully and emphasizes their elegance.

Sometimes it can be difficult to combine jewelry to suit a particular look; moreover, a jewelry box can contain items made from completely different textures and materials. The biggest difficulties with choosing clothes and makeup are caused by jewelry of complex geometric shapes; these are not suitable for everyone, plus you need to be able to correctly combine such accessories.

Why the complexity? If you have problems choosing jewelry, it is better to rely on minimalism. Stud earrings, thin rings, light and laconic pendants are easy and simple to combine with each other - it’s almost impossible to make a mistake. A nice bonus: such jewelry fits absolutely any style and image, and now they are literally at the peak of fashion.

4. Don't be afraid to combine gold and silver

Previously, stylists were of the same opinion: the combination of gold and silver jewelry is impossible under any circumstances. And then jewelry houses themselves began to produce rings and bracelets in which both metals were combined, and since then the opinion has changed dramatically.

There should be moderation and taste in everything: if you want to wear jewelry made of different metals at the same time, think about how you can correctly combine them. It is better to choose jewelry of the same style, shape, and texture. It will be even easier to assemble a set of jewelry of one type: for example, only rings or only bracelets. You can use a “link” - a product that contains both gold and silver elements. Minimalism will come to the rescue again - whatever one may say, but with this style it is much easier to avoid mistakes.

However, this does not mean that you should only appear in the office wearing modest chains and rings. If your dress code allows, you can add bright and rich accents to your look: for example, massive necklaces go very harmoniously with a business wardrobe.

What guides you when choosing jewelry? Share your secrets in the comments.