How to defeat your opponent? - an easy way and advice from psychologists. How to defeat your opponent - Practical psychology

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It's a shame when you are driven into a corner. Especially if it's the corner of a love triangle. But what's the point of crying and accusing him of infidelity? Choose one of the defensive strategies and expel your rival from your territory!

15:48 10.08.2013

This can happen to anyone. One day you will find out that your loved one is not alone: ​​a rival has entered your well-established life. What to do? Stay close to the man who betrayed you and suffer quietly? Or remember all the good things that happened between you and... part ways peacefully?

Agree, any decisions need to be made with a “cool head.” Decide for yourself whether you want to fight for your happiness and whether the game is worth the candle. If your sweetheart starts a new affair every month, doesn’t spend the night at home twice a week, and has long stopped paying attention to you, maybe it’s time to end this relationship? But if this is the first time this has happened to him, should he retreat? It often happens that a decent and caring partner, as they say, is “misled by the devil.” Even if he has someone else, this does not mean that you are unworthy and he has stopped loving you! Therefore, do not rush to pack your things in the heat of the moment. Try to capture his thoughts again. You can make your loved one jealous, make him fear losing you, gently push aside your rival, or even make friends with her! Remember that you have clear advantages over her: you know your man well, his weaknesses and strengths, his fears and complexes. Use these trump cards and let your knowledge work in your favor!

For adventurers. Discredit your rival

This strategy is suitable for girls who are risky and adventurous. You will have to be both detective Sherlock Holmes and actress Julia Lambert. Your strong point is resourcefulness, a sense of humor and cunning. And don’t let your man even guess that you know about his secret romance.
Now your No. 1 task is to discredit your competitor in the eyes of your loved one. No, we do not encourage you to organize a women's martial arts or resort to a fist tournament. There are other, more effective ways.

Laughter is the best weapon

Try to make fun of his new affection. 24-year-old Marina shares her experience: “I learned from mutual friends that my boyfriend had resumed meetings with his ex-girlfriend. At first I wanted to leave, but then I realized that I wouldn’t give up so easily. Apparently, my possessive instinct kicked in. I found out that his passion is a rather exalted lady. At first I made fun of her way of dressing. I bought the same pants and top as hers. Then she put on a show for her sweetheart: “Imagine, I got carried away and bought cheap things.
The colors are too bright, like the war paint of the Indians. And most importantly, no matter what you wear with it, it looks tasteless!” Next step: I found out that my rival regularly goes to the gym. I found an article on the Internet that women who exercise have a “masculine” character and lack the female hormones estrogen. “Shared” the information with my loved one: the article made him think. Against this background, I resorted to PR - I decided to present myself more favorably in the eyes of his friends. I invited the entire honest company to the anniversary of our acquaintance and spent the whole evening communicating exclusively with the “male half.” It worked: my darling didn’t leave my side all evening!
But my opponent was not going to give up. On the contrary, she began calling our house and causing scandals for him. And then I decided to knock her out! She picked up the phone and said in an unctuous voice: “Oh, hello, Nastenka. Yes, I know that you are going through a difficult period in your life now, Vadim told me everything. Don't despair, I can help you: I have a good psychologist. A couple of sessions and your personal problems will disappear.” She was simply taken aback by my words, not at all expecting that “Vadik told everything.” She was sure that I knew nothing about her! So she disappeared from our lives, hopefully forever.”

Conclusions. He who is forewarned is forearmed. If you are going to eliminate the “third wheel” in this way, find out everything about it: age, social and marital status, earnings. How to do it? If your boyfriend stays late at work in the evenings, it is reasonable to assume that your competitor is his employee. Men often start repeated, easy affairs with ex-girlfriends: first love, the passion of youth, etc. Talk frankly with mutual friends: it often happens that everyone knows about a new passion except the “legitimate beloved.” Therefore, carefully collect all the information, find out her tastes, views, preferences. And only then act. Hit below the belt: let her weaknesses appear before her beloved in all their glory. But don’t get personal: make fun not of her, but of her similar manner of dressing, speaking, presenting herself - let your loved one draw the parallels himself. Make it very clear to her that you will not tolerate a rival on your territory.

Disadvantages of the strategy. Sometimes this program gives the exact opposite result. As soon as the “homewrecker” disappears from your field of vision, you may lose all interest in your man. It is possible that you will understand: a frivolous lover is not worth a desperate struggle.

For diplomats. Make friends with his crush

If you have a great understanding of people, this program will suit you. Imagine yourself as a diplomat: he does not reveal his intentions, but plays a subtle game in his favor. You have to get used to the role of such a naive lady who has no idea about deception.

Your goal is to find a common language with your rival and... make friends. Don't forget that in this program you are playing a double game - both with her and with him. When you gain trust, you can begin your “subversive” work.

Game of "buddy"

Get closer to your new passion and try to control her actions. 26-year-old Olga tells her story: “The Chinese have a wonderful saying: “When a man feels bad, he looks for a woman. When a man feels good, he finds another one.” In any case, my boyfriend confirmed this. I accidentally found out about his secret relationship: I came across them sitting on the open area of ​​the bar. And I was simply taken aback, because I knew this girl very well! Since she was never particularly knowledgeable about tools, I decided to use her own weapon. As if by chance, I went to her work - in a fashionable clothing store. We chatted, drank coffee, and I invited her to a picnic. I played my role like clockwork: I hugged my boyfriend, kissed him, held his hand. It is important that she sees: everything is fine in our relationship! Further more. Thanks to my efforts, she and I became almost inseparable: we went shopping, often called each other, and even kept secrets. And I, as if in a fit of revelation, told her about the sexual preferences of my man.
But she gave deliberately false information: “You know, my lover is just crazy about black lingerie!” or “I always tell him in bed how and what to do - it’s easier to achieve harmony.” And she also managed to whisper a few words about her to her friend: “Her hobby is having affairs with married men and boyfriends of her friends. Be careful not to get caught!” What happened between them then, I don’t know. Maybe she tried my “bad advice”... But she stopped calling me, and we filed an application with the registry office.”

Conclusions. Friendship with the “third wheel” will give you clear trump cards. Firstly, she will always be in your sight. Secondly, you will be able to better know her character and plans. If she is a conqueror by nature, prepare for war and conduct your guerrilla work. Be wary of revelations and control your actions, because she may also try to manipulate you as a “friend at home.” If the opponent turns out to be a peace-loving and quiet girl, there is hope that she herself will leave the game, realizing that she “took someone else’s.” An important point: let your man know about your friendship. His first reaction will certainly be fear. Psychologically, it will become more difficult for him to deceive you “openly” - it is quite possible that he himself will end this connection.

Disadvantages of the strategy. Sometimes girls can become real friends. In this case, you will lose an unfaithful man, but who knows - maybe you will gain a loved one in the person of your former competitor.

For feminists. Let yourself be carried away!

You are smart and attractive, you have achieved a lot in life and you believe that there are many men in the world. Nevertheless, the passion of your loved one hurts your pride - you do not want to lose and are ready to fight to the end. So this program is designed for you. Another lever that is worth pressing when deciding to snatch your sweetheart from the arms of a competitor is his sense of ownership. Remember: jealousy is inherent in human nature itself. Why shouldn't your instincts work for you?

Jealousy instead of war

Make your boyfriend jealous. 23-year-old Karina is sure that this is the best way to rekindle the fire of passion: “When I realized that my friend had an “interest” on the side, I was seriously indignant. But instead of bringing him out into the open, I just decided to get a new fan. My employee Sasha had been courting me for a long time and persistently, but I did not accept his signs of attention. Now I allowed him to invite me to dinner, then to the cinema and club. Accordingly, she refused to meet Darling, citing business reasons. Often, when he called me, he threw out meaningful phrases: “Now I’m never bored,” “Don’t worry, I’m having a great time.”
With my new admirer, I often visited the bar, where I spent time with my boyfriend. And somehow we collided! I introduced Sasha as a colleague, but just the sight of him next to me was enough to make my handsome man noticeably nervous. The next day, he himself came to my house and invited me... to live with him, although before that he sacredly protected his male freedom! Needless to say, inflamed by mutual jealousy, we simply attacked each other..."

Conclusions. Jealousy is a powerful and fast-acting remedy! An ideal option if your new fan is superior to your old one in some way. The result will meet your expectations: your rival will evaporate by itself, and your loving friend will begin to conquer you again. Q.E.D! However, don’t go too far: let him only guess about your adventures, but have no real evidence of them.

Disadvantages of the strategy. If your loved one turns out to be a real jealous person, subsequent life with him can turn into hell: he will always suspect you of everything. On the other hand, in this case you will definitely not be bored!

For lovers, but offended. Change yourself

As the classic said, if you want to change the world, start with yourself! First of all, calm down and analyze your actions. If your chosen one, no matter what the reasons, has gone to the left, it makes sense to completely reconsider your attitude towards him and... towards yourself. You may well turn to a psychologist for help. Better yet, become a psychoanalyst yourself.

Maybe you just spoiled him? At the first call, were you eager to fulfill his every whim? Then don’t be surprised that he went looking for extreme sports. But there is a way out of this situation.

Egoism instead of altruism

For a while you will have to forget about everything except yourself. The secrets of the science of self-love and self-respect are revealed by 28-year-old Dina: “I was too attached to my husband, and literally could not take a step without him. Therefore, his betrayal was a big blow for me and... served as an excellent lesson for the future. I admit, I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time and even consulted a psychologist. Together we developed a self-affirmation program, let's call it that.
Point #1 was: “Get busy and stop suffering.” I usually refused business trips, because Igor didn’t like it. Now I started traveling to different cities, meeting and communicating with people. Then I completed additional courses. Less than a month later, I was offered the position of head of the department. At first it was difficult, I often had to stay late at work, but I stopped thinking about my husband all the time.
Point No. 2 provided for a qualitative change in bad habits. Previously, it seemed to me that the more I gave to him, the more I would receive in return and the more deeply he would love me. But my system has cracked! I offered to share household responsibilities - and he was forced to agree. I stopped washing and ironing his clothes, serving him coffee in bed, and spending half the day at the stove on weekends.
The next item on the program is changing your appearance. I got a fashionable haircut instead of the usual “shell” haircut, and bought two expensive pantsuits. Yes, with my promotion, my financial situation also improved. Previously, I bought gifts for him, now I began to give luxurious gifts to myself.
The slogan “My desires are the law” also helped me in intimate relationships. In two years of marriage, I refused him for the first time! I think he was in shock. “The man of my dreams” realized that he might just lose me. Now he tried to please me, took care of me. Finally I felt loved and wanted! And our relationship gradually recovered. And I not only returned my beloved, but also discovered a new life for myself.”

Conclusions. Golden rule: if you love and respect yourself, then your man will treat you the same. Don’t get hung up on your loved one, no matter how good he is, otherwise he will simply become bored with you. Live a bright, rich life, expand your social circle, spend money on yourself and don’t let your sweetheart think that you belong to him completely. Let him strive to conquer you every time! Then he will have neither time nor desire left for other women.

Violetta Levina, psychologist, Family Development Center
Change your attitude!

For any woman, the betrayal of a loved one is a severe stress. And most girls immediately begin to blame themselves: “If he found someone else, that means I’m worse, I’m not suitable for him.” It is not right! It's not your fault that the man wanted vivid exotic experiences.

Therefore, do not allow yourself to suffer and cry. Better do something nice for yourself, realize what you have long dreamed of. Take care of yourself! Imagine that you need to undergo a rehabilitation course, a kind of therapy aimed at love and respect for yourself.

And after you feel confident again, you can begin programs to eliminate your rival. If you don’t believe in yourself, your attractiveness and uniqueness, no one will appreciate you.

Another important point is the analysis of the reasons why the man started the affair. The list may include a desire for strong emotions, a taste for a “forbidden” situation, and an opportunity to once again assert oneself. Therefore, take a sober look at the relationship: try to understand how much it has changed, what he wanted from you and what he lacks. Maybe he lacks your attention, tenderness, care? Or are you used to leading in relationships, but he only agrees with you? Or is your sex life too boring and prosaic?

Of course, there is no universal recipe, and every situation is individual. But give your sweetheart a slight shake-up: become new to him! Get rid of any stereotypes, your weapon is unpredictability. Moreover, qualitative changes should affect all aspects of life: everyday, personal, sexual.

5 Signs He's Unfaithful

He can come home in a shirt stained with lipstick, talk on the phone for half the evening with a certain Alena and fail in bed - but at the same time remain faithful to you. Because his shirt got dirty in a trolleybus, Alena is his new colleague, and the lack of an erection is a manifestation of fatigue. Signs of betrayal are often hidden in completely innocent phrases and actions. Be alert if you notice the following.

  • He has become more attentive to you: he gives flowers without obvious reasons, makes presents. At the same time, he somehow smiles guiltily and reluctantly mutters: “I always knew that you were better than me.”
  • I stopped arguing with you. Even when you offered to pay a courtesy call on your mother, he dutifully kept you company.
  • At parties he starts talking about topics of open marriage, “physical” and “moral” betrayal, the ability to love two people, etc.
  • He began to attach exceptional importance to his appearance: he carefully thinks through his wardrobe, spends a long time in front of the mirror, pestering you with questions: “Does this suit me?” - although before he almost didn’t care what he looked like.
  • He experiences a hitherto unnoticed zeal for work: he lingers in the service and often goes on business trips. At the same time, he constantly complains that he is being “loaded.” He has new friends who can call him for help at any time, although he was not previously into philanthropy.

Typology of mistresses

Before starting a cold war and developing a plan, gather as much information as possible about your rival. Try to understand what goals she sets for herself and how difficult it will be to cope with her. So, who is your boyfriend's new crush?

  • Essence
  • Appearance
  • What to expect
  • Her weak points
  • How to cope


It can look whatever you want. She is easy to recognize: she is self-confident, arrogant and peremptory. Hunter of "men's scalps". She doesn't need your friend, she's only interested in winning. You can't be frank with her. Put her vigilance to sleep, let her not expect decisive action from you.

The best way is to use strategy No. 1 or No. 2. It can only be eliminated by cunning.


Very impressive, extravagant and sexy. He quickly gets carried away, but just as quickly finds a replacement.

Get acquainted and ask to be your girlfriend. Her weak link is intelligence and intrigue. Follow strategy #2. Introduce her to a macho buddy or a heartthrob.


Prefers “classic” or sporty style in clothes. Recognizable by complex speech patterns. Most likely, she is sincerely attracted to your boyfriend. He may not be aware of your existence. He does not forgive men lies and deception. She will not fight for a man or date a rival.

Strategy #3 is quite suitable. By the way, intellectuals hate scandals and showdowns.


Cute and moderately charming “gray mouse”. She is dressed modestly and does not stand out in any way. She can become a “lady of the heart” for years: she is unpretentious and accepts a man for who he is. She lacks independence in judgment. Clearly loses to strong, smart and uninhibited women.

Any of the strategies listed above will work. No. 3 and No. 4 are especially good.


There are women who, in their jealousy, are similar to the ancient Greek goddess Hera: if they find out that they have rivals, they unleash megatons of anger and rage on their competitors, wanting to destroy them. The divine wife is merciless to other goddesses, nymphs and earthly women who have received the attention of her most loving husband Zeus. But she never touched him himself - he is too valuable for her.

Modern Hera, at best, strive to harass their rival with barbs, make her look funny and absurd to others, and highlight her shortcomings. In more severe cases, they are ready to grab their hair, and we read about the saddest examples of “herina’s” jealousy in crime chronicles.

Their motivation: they do this because they are convinced: a man is the main, most valuable resource in life. He gives money, status, support, protection. The Avenger only feels valuable if she holds on to him. And he perceives all other women as potential enemies who dream of taking him away.

Avoiding competition

There are those among us for whom any competition with other women for a man is unbearable. Before risking getting closer, such women carefully find out whether the man they are interested in is definitely single. Are you sure you're not married? And there's no girl? Did he finally break up with his ex, without periodic attempts to start all over again?

Noticing next to a man at least someone who resembles a rival - just a girlfriend, an ex-wife, a casual lover - those avoiding take to their heels. They are confident that a decent man can allow them to show signs of attention only if he is absolutely and unconditionally free. And if not, then he insults them with his advances, they should be offended by him, turn around and proudly leave.

The problem is that men are living people. And even if the place of the main woman in their life is still free, there is no serious relationship with anyone, he nevertheless continues to walk the earth and breathe the air. He is friends with someone, has sex with someone from time to time, and just has fun with someone.

And even if one day he meets the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world, it will be difficult for him to predict that just before her appearance all his old acquaintances will suddenly disappear. Moreover, if he does not immediately understand that you are “the one.”

Their motivation: they behave this way because they want to protect themselves from suffering. They are vulnerable, and it will be very painful for them to lose if they get involved in a fight. Those who avoid competition subconsciously do not believe that they are valuable to a man. And they believe that someone more successful, beautiful, smart or energetic will come and take him with her, simply because she seems more worthy.


They are confident that a man’s love and devotion can be earned by becoming the best for him in every way. Such women perfectly know how to fit into “harems” and come to terms with the fact that her chosen one has others, but do not give up hope of one day gaining the status of “beloved wife.”

They can be a married man’s mistress for years, delighting him with beauty, exquisite caresses and culinary masterpieces in the hope that he will appreciate them and give them preference. Or, if the lover is married, they simply resign themselves to their role as second or third in his harem.

Their motivation: they do this because they believe that if you “be good,” you can work to earn happiness. And without work, they are somehow not even interested in living and loving.


Unlike avoiders, they are attracted to unfree men because they give them the opportunity to fight and win. So what if he has a fiancée? This was before me, and now I will come and prove who is the best woman in the world and who has the most rights to him.

It is competition, victories over other women that raise their self-esteem. Predators do not sit and feed their victims like patient ones. They attack in one jump. Well, if you missed, then you can grieve a little in your hole and go on a new hunt, which will be more successful.

Their motivation: desire to increase self-esteem. It is competition and victories over other women that give them strength and confidence.

A “collaborator” is a type of woman who thinks outside the patriarchal paradigm. They stopped looking at a man as the main prize, and at potential rivals as enemies who needed to be defeated on the distant approaches to him. And therefore they do not see other women as dangerous competitors.

The “cooperator” will not be embarrassed if she sees a man with someone else. She will try to find out what kind of relationship they have and whether there is a place for her there. It is unlikely that she will have a desire to defeat, expel, or eliminate anyone. Most likely, she will simply try to come to an understanding with everyone.

Their motivation: the need to solve any situation sensibly, logically. It may seem that the “cooperative” type of woman does not need a man at all. This is not true, it is very necessary. She just knows how to see women not as competitors, but as people like her. She knows how to take into account the interests of everyone involved in the problem. Men know how to agree with each other about which woman will be one of them, they respect their friends and do not pretend to belong to someone else. “Cooperative” women do the same.

In the life of every couple, sooner or later there comes a crisis in the relationship: the first love and romance of the candy-bouquet period of courtship is behind us, and now it’s the turn of everyday life, which kills feelings. Relationships are becoming more monotonous: you know each other to the core, it’s becoming more and more difficult to surprise your partner, and there seems to be no need anymore, there are fewer and fewer new interesting topics for conversation. This is when the most dangerous moment in a relationship arises, when rivals appear in your life. Your man, who just recently was at your feet, no longer belongs to you, there is someone else in his heart and thoughts. The first reaction of most women is despair and resentment. At this moment you need to tell yourself “Stop!” and carefully analyze the situation. If you have been together recently or this is not the first betrayal of this man in your life, it is definitely worth thinking about the value of such a relationship: are you ready to endure his adventures forever, does such a relationship have a future?

In the case when this betrayal occurred for the first time, and you value the relationship and strive, at all costs, to preserve it, it’s time to fight for your love. After all, after all, you put so much effort into them, spent a lot of time, cared for your man, and now you’ll just give him to another woman?! Never! The algorithm for your further actions is very specific and directly depends on the individual characteristics of each participant. Below are the main tips and recommendations from family psychologists and experienced wives with experience on how to defeat your rival.

What not to do:

  • Do not be nervous! You should not consider your beloved a scoundrel and a traitor, and yourself an innocent victim. Firstly, male affairs on the side often do not mean anything serious. Secondly, look critically at yourself: are you really so sinless before your spouse?
  • Even if you are absolutely sure that your husband is cheating and know exactly who she is, do not create scandals. Control yourself. Your hysteria and nervousness will only worsen the situation.
  • Don’t have a noisy showdown with your rival, otherwise in the eyes of a man you will look like a hysterical bitch, and she will look like an innocent victim who needs protection.
  • Don't spread gossip. If such a situation has already occurred, keep it secret, there is no need to dedicate all your relatives, friends and acquaintances to this: sooner or later this information will reach your man and you will lose your main trump card.

Tips for eliminating a rival:

  • Accept this situation. And get ready for action. If you find it difficult to control yourself, take a sedative. Your husband should not see you nervous and twitchy, as well as with red, swollen eyes full of tears. You should exude calm and self-confidence. Let her be nervous!
  • Look after yourself. Get rid of your house robe and buy a light silk sexy peignoir. Update your wardrobe with fashionable items that highlight your femininity. Try to avoid dark colors; light and bright shades are better. Go to the salon, get a fashionable haircut, dye and laminate your hair - you should look young and fresh. Especially at home. Buy new revealing underwear.
  • Play sports. Buy a membership to a fitness club or swimming pool. Sport will not only help you maintain an ideal figure, but is also known to release the “happiness hormone” - you will not only look better, but also feel better.
  • A great idea would be to take up oriental dancing or strip dancing. Men are incredibly excited by graceful women who perform a personal sexy dance for them. This way you will diversify your intimate life.
  • Even if you are very shy, visit an intimate goods store and pick up something for yourself. This will surprise your man, he will begin to rediscover you, and the image of his rival will fade.
  • Strive to diversify your leisure time together as much as possible. Organize a romantic dinner in a restaurant, a passionate night in a hotel, an outing into nature, or even an extreme mountain hike or rafting - a surge of adrenaline and shared emotions will bring you closer together and awaken old feelings.
  • Make your opponent nervous! If you are sure that he intends to spend the evening with her, try to keep him at home, but not with household chores, of course. Prepare his favorite dish for dinner, offer to watch a movie together that he has long wanted, prepare theater or football tickets in advance, organize a surprise party with his friends. Then he will stay at home with you, and she will begin to get nervous, seeing how your bonds strengthen and she weakens. As a result, her nervousness will soon come up in their relationship, and men don’t like that.
  • Make her jealous! As paradoxical as it may sound, your mistress should be jealous of your husband. Achieving this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As a rule, the man tells her that there is practically no relationship between you, and that feelings have long cooled down. Prove to her that this is not true! On the eve of their meeting, give your loved one a surprise: a passionate night of love, after which he should not be able to even get out of bed. Then their intimate plans will fail.
  • Act as if your lover is you. Try to leave scratches on his back as evidence of a stormy night, lipstick marks on his neck. The smell of your favorite perfume on his jacket will not only show her how you feel, but will also remind your man of you throughout the day.
  • Praise him, express your boundless trust, casually emphasize that one can only dream of such an attentive, loving and faithful husband. This will not only flatter his male ego, but will also awaken his conscience: it is hard to deceive someone who completely believes you.
  • Make him jealous. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Your husband should under no circumstances suspect you of cheating, but should suspect that other men are interested in you. Jealousy revives feelings.

Using these and other little tricks, you can easily eliminate the third wheel from your relationship and refresh your dormant feelings. However, we should not forget that in order to prevent the recurrence of this problem, you should analyze the situation and understand the reasons that gave rise to it. Keep the fire of love alive, do not forget that you are not only husband and wife, but first of all passionate and ardent lovers, and then other women will not be afraid of you.

If a rival appeared on the way. At the very beginning, you need to figure out who your opponent is. She could be a work colleague, a virtual romance, or a woman from the past. In any case, there is no need to get into a fever and immediately put your husband out on the street with his suitcases. The opponent is just waiting for this. You must recognize your enemy by sight, that is, look at her at least from afar, in order to then begin “military actions.”

Gently ask your spouse about his life outside the family. What's going on at his work? How does he live and breathe outside the home? Most likely you will learn a lot of interesting things, if of course you have enough wisdom and patience for questions and answers.

Of course, it’s very ugly to go through other people’s pockets, and especially to read other people’s letters. We were taught this since childhood, but as they say in war, all methods are important. Stealthily look through his diary or notebook on his cell phone. It is there that you can find a lot of interesting things for yourself, if, of course, you want to know everything about your husband. The most important thing is that if you are forewarned, you are forearmed.

Having calculated the passion of your spouse, looking at it not with a critical eye, but with a simple layman. You can choose tactics to return your spouse to their previous place. And start fighting his passion.

If she turns out to be a work colleague, a sort of young girl. Who just came to work. Then you can calm down, it won’t be difficult for you to overcome it. She is stupid and naive, and you are wise and smart. Your wisdom can boldly combat her naivety. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and get to work. Spend a certain amount to restore your previous appearance, do not spare money, your spouse will not regret anything for you now (he feels guilty towards you and will appease you with money).

If you wear a robe at home, throw it away. Nowadays the fashion industry offers a huge range of home clothes. A robe, of course, wouldn’t hurt either, but not flannel or calico, but silk. When you go to bed, don't wear your husband's T-shirt, but wear a nice nightgown. This will attract your spouse's attention.

Do not in any way advertise what you know about his mistress and what you know about her in general. Better refresh your senses in bed and beyond. Come up with something new, diversify your sexual games. This will only benefit you. If you were too flexible a wife, then show your “claws”, but don’t get carried away. If you were too bitchy, become exactly the opposite, flexible and affectionate. This will surprise your spouse and at the same time inspire new feelings for you.

Go to a beauty salon and change your image, hair color, haircut. Change your clothing style, start dressing not like an old lady, but more youthfully, but not pretentiously. Strive to create the style of a lady, then your husband will only have your beautiful legs.

Take a closer look at your rival, what might interest him in her. Maybe you haven’t flattered your spouse for a long time, haven’t spoken kind words to him. After all, not only women love with their ears, but men too. Praise your spouse for any work he does. For his masculinity, determination, speak and give him compliments, but only within reasonable limits.

In order for your spouse to think about you every second, come up with something interesting every day. Better yet, bring your spouse to mind-blowing ecstasy every night, and then success is guaranteed. Your spouse will not be able to think about anyone else but you. After all, you are the one and only mystery for him.

If this is just a virtual romance, then it can be stopped very quickly and easily. At home, try to keep your husband away from the computer by coming up with various tricks. Another way out of this situation is to register on a website where your husband communicates under someone else’s name and someone else’s photo. Communicate with him virtually, that’s where you can understand your spouse thoroughly. Find out all his fantasies and problems with you. On the Internet, a person reveals himself completely, it’s like being on a train to a fellow traveler. And bring all his fantasies to life, but gradually, so that he does not suspect you of fraud. This is how you solve this virtuality problem.

The most unpleasant thing is if your rival turns out to be your husband’s ex-lover. Which will suddenly appear on the horizon. Most often, men do not hide communication with their former lovers, because they often do not consider them a threat to your well-being. But you still need to take a closer look at it.

Ask your husband why they separated, who initiated the divorce. Based on this, choose a tactic, but you cannot resist their communication. Otherwise, they will start communicating without your knowledge. And ask your spouse to put himself in your place, he would be pleased that you communicate with your ex-man. If all else fails, you just need to make friends with your husband's ex-girlfriend. And get to know her better and thereby take her away from your home. Having gotten to know the enemy closely, you can find a way to move him further, the usual wisdom of women.

Many women, when they find out about the betrayal of a loved one, do not know how to behave correctly. Some try to get rid of their rival, some attract a man again, and some do nothing at all.

To understand how to behave in such a situation, you need to understand what a man means to you and whether you need him at all. Of course, if you love your boyfriend, then you should definitely get rid of your rival. How to do this will be described below.

If you don't want to change anything in your relationship, then it's safe to say that there's nothing good in your relationship and you don't love your partner.

In general, as statistics show, then relationships in which complete trust and mutual understanding are rare. More and more often, partners begin to cheat, and most of all this concerns males. Therefore, every lady needs to know how to eliminate a rival in order to be armed at any time.

What not to do

If you truly love your partner and don’t want him to exchange you for another, you need to fight for him. But it’s worth knowing how to properly fight off a man from your rival, because you can mess things up and then it will be difficult to return to your previous relationship.

Your future relationship depends on what method you choose to return your partner. This option as the physical use of force should not even be considered. Yes, in this way you can drive your rival away from your man, but if he finds out about the method you managed to eliminate your rival, he is unlikely to want to continue the relationship with you.

And in general, this method has many disadvantages, because surely any girl, if they beat her, will write a statement, and you may be put in a pre-trial detention center for several days, given a fine, or forced to work for free. Do you need it? Probably not. Therefore, it is better not to resort to this method at all.

Another common mistake made by women who want to return their loved one is attracting otherworldly forces or magic. Thus, you may get your soul mate back, but you will ruin the life of yourself, your man, and your rival. And this is always punishable, and can affect your children and close relatives.

Another option is also possible: that the magicians will extract all your money from you, but you will not get any results, since you simply contacted charlatans who need your money. They don’t care at all about your problems and spiritual experiences, they only pretend to help you, and also worry about your family relationships.

How to get your relationship back and get rid of your rival

If you want to get your relationship back, first of all you need to analyze what kind of relationship you developed with your partner and what kind of person you have to deal with. You need to understand why a man has a desire to cheat on you, maybe the whole reason lies in you, and it will be enough to just change. Or perhaps it’s all the fault of your rival, who turned your partner’s head. When you understand the reason for the appearance of this person, you need to begin to act.

First of all, you need to look at yourself and your relationship from the outside. But we need to take into account the period of time when there was no betrayal. Men do not like boring relationships, and begin to look for places where they can relax and unwind. You need to please your man with a romantic dinner, devote more time to him and get involved in his activities. All this needs to be done in order, so to speak, to prepare the ground for further restoration of the family.

Then you need to analyze the personality of your opponent. You need to find out who she is, what she is interested in, try to understand why she is better than you and what attracted your man about her. You need to understand that in almost all cases the rival is in the close circle of your partner. That is why it is not at all difficult to find out who she is. No need to be surprised, but it could be your friend.

How to get rid of your rival depends only on your imagination. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Make her a laughing stock in front of the public so that they feel ashamed. You can say something about her past life and say that she loves men very much and constantly changes them.
  2. You can prank your opponent. Create a male profile on a social network and seduce her. If you know what kind of guys she likes, then you will quickly be able to deceive your rival, and maybe she herself will leave your man. But you should be careful with your words and actions, as you can make a mistake at any moment.
  3. Also one of the effective ways can be called: to get acquainted and even make friends with a rival. This can be done in different ways and it is not entirely difficult. And then later in the conversation, talk about who you really are.
  4. But you don’t have to get to know your rival, just write her a letter. But to achieve a good result, it must be compiled correctly. There is no need to insult or humiliate your opponent. You just need to write that a person already has a family and it is worth destroying it. It is necessary to warn that if the lady does not come to her senses, then the consequences of an affair with a family man may be far from good. If a girl is smart and respects herself, then she herself will refuse the man.

In conclusion, we can say that there are many ways to get rid of your rival, the most important thing is to determine the one that is suitable for your situation. After all, there are different situations of betrayal. Before you take action, you need to analyze everything and choose for yourself the most favorable way to eliminate your rival.

But it is worth remembering that this is not as simple a matter as it seems, so you need to be patient, wise, and confident in yourself, this is the only way to achieve the desired result. But the first question you must answer is whether you want to stay in a relationship where cheating has occurred. If not, then you shouldn’t get on your nerves and pester your rival. Let her stay with this man, who may soon cheat on her.