How to clean a drape coat. How to refresh a cashmere coat


A coat is an indispensable item of clothing in the life of every metropolitan resident. Despite the increased popularity of outerwear made from waterproof materials, classic models do not lose their relevance. And even complex care does not scare buyers. Thanks to the large selection of styles, colors and styles, most people in the demi-season period prefer this particular outerwear.

In order for your favorite coat to last for many years, you need to properly care for it. And you don’t always need to go to expensive dry cleaners; you can restore the original appearance of outerwear yourself at home.

Improper cleaning at home can ruin your coat. A chic item requires a careful approach. With regular care and the right cleaning choices, your favorite coat will last for many seasons.

The coat must be cleaned not just once a season when changing outerwear, but every day, especially if you wear it daily. To remove dirt and dust accumulated during the day before it becomes a problem, simply run a dry brush over the fabric in the evening. This regular procedure alone is enough to maintain the original appearance of clothes even at the end of the season.

A special device will help you not only clean the fabric and remove lint, but will also prevent the appearance of pills that can ruin the appearance of even the most expensive and sophisticated coat.

But only “general” cleaning will help remove significant stains. This type of care must be carried out at least once a season and even when there are no particular complaints about the quality of the coat.

Types of cleaning

There are three main types of cleaning. It is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for caring for fabric in advance; you must take into account the composition of the fabric, the recommended water temperature and acceptable drying and ironing options. For each product, the cleaning method is selected individually depending on the material and contamination.

Main types of cleaning:

  • When dry cleaning, use a soft bristle brush or sponge. And using special powders and aerosols, you can treat the coat and remove small dirt, dust and hairs. Contact with water is not allowed.
  • Wet cleaning is used on certain areas of the coat when it is necessary to get rid of a stain or clean the collar, sleeves and pockets. This involves using cleaning products and a damp sponge with soft bristles. Wet cleaning also includes the use of a steam iron, which can be used to clean a coat without washing.
  • Washing is only suitable for certain types of coats, which contain at least 30% synthetic fibers. This will definitely be indicated in the manufacturer's recommendations. For some items, you can select a delicate machine wash cycle in combination with cleaning powders or liquid detergents. Therefore, before washing your coat yourself, read the manufacturer's recommendations on the label.

For items made of cashmere, drape and wool, only dry or wet cleaning is suitable. But, as a rule, manufacturers combine several types of threads when making clothes, so Some models can even be machine washed on a delicate cycle. And gel-like liquid cleaners are better suited for this.

If you decide to wash your coat yourself, then select the optimal temperature based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. As a rule, the water temperature should not exceed 30°C. And if the pollution is not so strong, you can use cooler water. Cleaning products must be dissolved in water so that powder particles do not cling to the fibers of the fabric.

Carefully and carefully lower the coat into the solution with powder or vanish. Do not make sudden movements during washing, so as not to deform the fabric; hard brushes and strong friction are also prohibited. After this, rinse the coat thoroughly without using strong water pressure.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze it out; you can use a large dry blanket to remove some of the water. And after that, place the product on a horizontal surface, but in such a way that the coat does not stretch under its own weight, and wait until the water drains. This way you will not wrinkle or deform the material, and the product itself will not require ironing even after washing. Avoid direct sunlight and contact with heating devices.

If the manufacturer has not excluded machine washing from the care recommendations, then choose delicate mode at 30 degrees and turn off the spin mode.

How and with what to clean it?

To properly and quickly put your winter coat in order or clean your autumn coat from dirt at home, you need to follow a few simple rules. But before that, you need to properly prepare your clothes:

  • Check the contents of all pockets and shake the clothing. Remove the detachable parts and belt, dye buttons.
  • In bright daylight, inspect the coat for dirty spots. As a rule, the most contaminated areas are sleeves, collars and areas near pockets. Also carefully inspect the inner lining - it requires separate additional cleaning.
  • Using a brush, adhesive tape and special rollers, you need to remove lint and small pellets.

  • And no matter how trivial it may sound, carefully read the care recommendations indicated on the coat label. Because for each individual type of material it is necessary to apply certain methods.
  • Before using the cleaning product, test it on a small area of ​​the material; the fabric should not change color, texture or appearance.
  • When removing a single stain, apply the product from the edges to the center to avoid spreading the stain.

An alcohol solution will help you wipe off your demi-season coat from food and drink stains yourself. Mix alcohol and water in a ratio of 2:1, apply the resulting composition to the stain using a sponge and remove drops smoothly, with light circular movements, until completely cleansed. If this method does not produce results, mix glycerin (can be purchased at a pharmacy) with ammonia in a 1:2 ratio until a mushy substance is obtained. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to the stains and leave for a while. Next, scrub the area with a brush, treat the stain with soapy water, and finish by thoroughly cleaning the coat with a damp brush.

Also, using ammonia and saline solution (proportions 1: 4) you can remove greasy shine and even out scuffs. The resulting solution is applied to the area for 20-30 minutes, after which it is removed with a brush. A solution of ammonia and vinegar will also work well. But remember that When working, it is important to avoid contact of such mixtures with exposed skin., so wear rubber gloves and use sponges and brushes designed specifically for this purpose.

You can clean a bologna coat from difficult stains and get rid of shiny, shiny, greasy areas with vinegar and ammonia. This solution is mixed in a 1:1 ratio and applied liberally to all areas that require cleaning. The smell will be very persistent and unpleasant, so After the procedure you need to wash your coat, if permitted by the manufacturer, or wipe with a damp sponge and air in fresh air.

You can remove old stains with a gentle shampoo or a non-aggressive chlorine-free stain remover. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations and there will be no trace of contamination left. Before this, you can use a steamer - hot, directed air will make the stain more pliable and help you get rid of it faster.

If soap stains form, they can be removed with a soft, damp sponge.

A suede coat is susceptible to moisture, so use a sponge soaked in soapy water. This cleaning must be done very quickly so that the material does not lose its shape and color. Use a special suede brush, it will help lift the fibers and make the material more velvety and attractive.

To keep your favorite leather coat happy for a long time, it is important to properly care for it and periodically treat the surface with a solution containing glycerin. Particular attention should be paid to areas that are subject to high friction: collar, sleeves, cuffs and areas near pockets. A soap solution will help restore the original shine to an old genuine leather coat. To do this, mix a gentle cleaning agent that does not contain aggressive substances and chlorine with a small amount of ammonia, and wipe the entire product completely. Then get rid of soap stains using a damp soft sponge dipped in water.

The pellets artificially “age” the coat, and the unkempt appearance of the clothes affects the general condition of the person. At home without dry cleaning, you can get rid of pellets in two ways: using a shaving machine or a special machine. When working with the blade, it is important to work very carefully so as not to cut the material. Using the machine, you don’t have to worry about safety, a special device cuts off only the pellets and leaves behind a smooth and beautifully treated fabric.

Coats made of polyester and bouclé are very popular among modern designers. During the demi-season period, this type of outerwear can be found in every brand store, as well as a velor coat, which, although not included in the list of items for daily wear, is in the wardrobe of every fashionista. Velor, polyester and bouclé are less demanding to care for. These items can be machine washed on a gentle hand cycle. But it is important to maintain the temperature within 30°C and use the spin cycle at minimum speed.

But if the product contains natural fibers, as, for example, a bouclé coat has natural and synthetic threads, then you should care for the clothing more carefully and carefully.

Polyester coat

Bouclé coat

A 100% cashmere coat can only be cleaned with a damp sponge. Before this, it is necessary to completely treat the product with a dry soft brush, and then treat the entire surface with a weak soap solution.

To clean a drape coat, you must use special wool cleaning products. The dry powder is applied to the product, which has been previously cleaned with a brush, and after a couple of hours, the remaining product is shaken off with a sharp movement. This simple method does not require much effort and helps you properly and quickly put your winter coat in order. It's important to remember that drape and cashmere coats require gentle and careful cleaning, therefore, if the recommendations received do not produce results, then it is better to contact a dry cleaner.

How to remove stains?

In most cases, there is no need to clean the entire product; often it is enough to remove only individual stains. For partial cleaning, the sleeves, cuffs and areas near the pockets require special attention.

Helps get rid of fresh stains salt. If you just got your coat dirty, sprinkle salt liberally on the stained area, the crystals will quickly absorb the dirt and all you have to do is clean the fabric with warm water, but only if the manufacturer allows wet cleaning.

Traces of fuel oil or oil will help remove dishwashing detergents, which are known to do an excellent job of cutting fat. To do this, apply generously and rub the liquid product onto the contaminated area, lather and leave for half an hour. If the coat is not afraid of moisture, then you can use warm water for subsequent soaking of the product. Brush the stain vigorously, but not harshly, and remove excess cleaner.

Cleaning a coat stained with gouache can be difficult. Water-based paint is absorbed into the fabric very quickly. Most of the color pigment can be removed with cold water; use a damp sponge and dry paper towels. Carry out cleaning in several stages: you need to moisten the stain generously, then remove excess water with a napkin - and this must be repeated several times. After this, use any liquid cleaner on the area.

A saline solution helps get rid of shine. You just need to dissolve the salt in water and apply the resulting liquid to the contaminated area using a sponge. Then remove excess with a dry cloth.

Kerosene or gasoline will help remove greasy stains and clean shiny areas. But it is necessary to use solvent only from the wrong side. Before you start cleaning, have a paper towel ready, be sure to wear gloves, and use a sponge. Apply a napkin to the stain on the outside of the coat and apply talcum powder or baby powder. This will allow the powder to absorb the greasy stain, and all the dirt will be absorbed into the napkin. Carry out these manipulations until the contamination is completely removed. Then use a stiff, dry brush to brush off any remaining powder.

A coat is a must-have item for a classic wardrobe. Most people prefer this type of demi-season clothing because it does not go out of fashion and fits into any style. But it has to be cleaned, since even on black fabric traces of dust and dirt become visible over time. How to properly refresh a coat at home, as well as maintain its original appearance, we will learn in this article.

How to clean a coat at home

There are several types of home cleaning of outerwear. Depending on the degree of contamination and type of fabric, you should choose the best option.

  1. Dry cleaning. This is done using a soft bristle brush and cleaning agent. Suitable for removing dust and hair from any type of fabric.
  2. Wet cleaning. It can be used to remove individual stains or dirt on collars, sleeves and pockets. For this purpose, special anti-stain products are used, selected according to the type of fabric. Before wet cleaning, it is recommended to carry out dry cleaning.
  3. Wash. Applicable to products that have a corresponding mark on the label. This is usually a coat made of synthetic fabric.

It is important to choose the right drying method. To prevent the product from losing its appearance, first lay it out on a towel or natural white fabric, squeeze it lightly, and after a while hang it on hangers.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is a very delicate fabric that requires delicate wear and cleaning. When purchasing a coat made from this type of wool, many people wear it only on special occasions in order to maintain a clean and neat appearance for as long as possible.

Be extremely careful if you want to clean your cashmere coat yourself. Be sure to study the manufacturer's recommendations, which are usually written on the label. If machine or hand washing is allowed, it must be done in water whose temperature does not exceed 30 degrees. It is also worth putting the machine on delicate mode and removing the spin function.

To remove individual stains, hang the dirty coat on hangers and use special products. If you don’t have them at hand, try proven home methods.

  1. Traces of coffee, tea and food. They are removed using vinegar or ammonia diluted with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio. Then the stains are wiped with soapy water.
  2. Oily spots. Gasoline will come to the rescue, and if the cashmere is light, then talc. Treat the coat with gasoline from the wrong side, placing it under face paper or fabric. Wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline until it disappears. You can simply sprinkle talcum powder, and after a few hours you can clean it with a brush.
  3. Fresh contamination. If you have just put a stain on your coat, sprinkle it with salt and leave until it is absorbed. Then clean with a brush, cloth, and, if necessary, wipe with soapy water.

If your coat has dried dirt and old stains, it is better to take the item to a dry cleaner, where it will be gently cleaned with professional products.

Drape coat

Products made from drape are more practical than cashmere, so you can safely clean them at home. For the standard procedure for removing dust and dirt accumulated on the lint, you will need a sponge and warm water. Hang the item on a hanger and wipe until it is clean. Then wait until the coat is dry and put it on. To ensure that drape clothing lasts longer and gets dirty less, it is recommended to treat it with products for suede products.

If there are stains left, bread will help remove them. Lay the coat out on the table and roll the crumb over the dirty areas. Then remove any crumbs that have settled on the fibers with a brush.

The advantage of drape fabric is that it can be treated with a steam cleaner. This device will simultaneously remove dirt and smooth your coat.

Wool coat

If you want to remove dust and lint from your coat, use a clothing roller. Run it over the fabric without pressing. If necessary, repeat cleaning several times.

You can use gasoline, thinner, talc or starch against greasy stains on woolen fabric. How to do this correctly was described above. Stains caused by food or drinks are removed using a mixture of vinegar and ammonia, taken in equal parts.

A wool coat can be easily washed in a machine if you select the hand wash mode without spinning. For this purpose, liquid powders or synthetic detergents for woolen fabrics are used. After washing, rinse the coat several times in cool water and place it on a towel or plain cotton fabric. This coat should be dried without using heating devices or an iron.

Synthetic coat

The advantages of such coats are that they have a long service life and are easy to care for. A quality polyester coat will last you for several seasons and you can wear it as long as you like as it will never go out of style.

To refresh the appearance, just wash the product in the machine on a delicate setting with minimal speed. Use detergents with a liquid consistency; they do not leave streaks and make the fabric softer. If, after drying, the coat looks wrinkled, then you can iron it on the first setting, placing gauze or cotton cloth on the surface.

Tips on how to wash synthetic coats:

  • observe the temperature of the water. Usually it is no more than 30 degrees;
  • do not wash your coat with other things;
  • turn on the extra rinse function;
  • spin the product at minimum speed;
  • dry the coat on a horizontal surface, straightening the fabric thoroughly.

If the composition contains wool in addition to polyester, then use the tips for woolen products to clean it.

Remember to clean your coat when it gets dirty or at least once a season. This will help avoid stubborn stains and scuff marks. Store the product in a closet in a special outerwear case to avoid the penetration of unpleasant odors and protect against moths.

Video: how to iron a coat at home

When going to the store for a new purchase, every woman wants to buy something elegant and beautiful. So she once again prefers light colors to dark ones. After all, you really want to brighten up the gray everyday life and make your life more festive. You should not deny yourself such pleasure. You just need to find out how to clean it at home. Believe me, every housewife can do this.

In order to know exactly how to clean a coat at home, you need to pay attention to its label and strictly follow the marks on it.

Any cleaning product must be tested first. To do this, you need to apply it to the wrong side of the clothing and make sure that it does not spoil it in any way.

Any stain must be removed, starting from the edges and gradually moving towards the center, so that a halo does not remain after such a procedure.

For those who do not know how to clean a drape coat, let us explain: you should trim its lining. Then you need to place a cloth under the place where the stain remains to absorb excess moisture.

If you need to remove a greasy stain, then purified gasoline will come to the rescue. But they need to be cleaned from the inside out, and you need to put a paper napkin on the stain.

How to clean a drape coat at home from coffee or tea stains? You can suggest a solution of ammonia and glycerin in a 1:2 ratio.

The simplest hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of beer stains.

You can try to remove fresh greasy stains with a warm iron. To do this, cover the contaminated area with a paper towel and iron it. The action can be repeated several times, but it is necessary to change the towel frequently.

There is another way to combat greasy stains. Before you clean your drape coat at home, you need to prepare a solution of detergent, ammonia and half a glass of water. Soak a cotton pad in this solution and wipe the stain, and then iron it through gauze.

A solution of salt in a 4:1 ratio will help clean a greasy collar.

In fact, cleaning such products is not a very difficult process. The main thing is to adhere to some rules. Before you clean your drape coat at home, you need to hang it up and brush it well. A ball of rye bread will help get rid of minor dirt. They can go over the entire product. You can also use a dry wash. To do this, the coat needs to be laid out and sprinkled with washing powder. After half an hour it can be cleaned with a brush. Then the product can be steamed and dried well.

Cleaning a light coat

Happy owners of a white product should not despair if it gets dirty. It can also be cleaned. First you need to soak it in water with a liquid product. It is better to use rinse aid for rinsing. To prevent yellowing from appearing, it is better to do this in cool water. When the water has drained, wrap the coat in a terry towel. When excess moisture is absorbed, you can hang it on hangers. Now we know how to clean a drape coat at home. You should pay attention to the above recommendations, and then it will last for quite a long time in excellent condition.

A coat is a must-have item in every wardrobe. It requires special and careful care. Proper cleaning can prolong the life of this outerwear and maintain its decent appearance.

Cleaning a coat is sometimes simply necessary because this outerwear becomes unusable very quickly. The reason for this is either too sensitive material, weather conditions or incorrect wear. During the existence of this clothing, savvy housewives have come up with many ways to clean it: from chemical treatment to traditional methods.

Spools - This is a kind of piece of a coat that has become unusable and remains on the surface of the clothing. It’s not uncommon for the pellets to be called “pilia,” a professional name for those involved in making and cleaning clothes. Taking your coat to the dry cleaner is a sure way to get rid of external imperfections, but it is not the cheapest and not everyone can afford it.

There are several interesting ways to get rid of pills on a coat using traditional methods, and they will be no less effective than cleaning with chemicals.

One of the surest and simplest ways is Clean the coat with a special machine to remove pellets. It is not difficult to purchase; it is often sold in stores. You need to look for it in departments where you buy brushes for shoes, dishes and household items. It is not uncommon for such stores to be called “A Thousand Little Things”. It is not expensive at all, but it is capable of dealing with unsightly pellets in any area of ​​the coat. It runs on batteries and is quite small in size.

  • As practice shows, the most susceptible fabric is wool. Synthetic fiber is often added to such fabric. Knitwear is also very susceptible and often forms pills on the surface. Natural fabrics are not prone to pilling and this is their main advantage.
  • Pills most often occur due to frequent friction of fabric with other surfaces: fabric on fabric, on a bag, on the body. Therefore, the most frequent. susceptible areas are: sleeves, pockets, collars, cuffs, belt area, shoulders.
  • Often the cause of pilling is the washing itself. Not every coat owner knows that coats cannot be washed in a washing machine. During washing, fabric rubs against fabric and forms piliae. The coat should be cleaned either by hand or by dry cleaning.
  • Pellets are formed due to incorrect selection of powder, inappropriate temperature conditions during washing and non-compliance with coat care standards.

folk methods for cleaning coats from pellets
  • You can try cleaning your coat using pumice, its uneven surface with numerous holes and slightly sharp surfaces can effectively “catch” pieces of pellets and fold into a larger lump that is easy to remove by hand.
  • You can also clean your coat using a razor. machine To do this, you need to lay out your coat and use a new razor to walk with gentle pressure over the “shaggy” places. Anything that the razor collects must be put away from the coat by hand. This cleaning is very effective, but unfortunately the effect is not long-term and you will have to clean it again soon.
  • Another unusual way to collect pellets is rye bread crumbs. To do this, crumble the dried rye bread onto the area with the pellets and rotate it in a circular motion over the surface. Along with sharp and coarse crumbs, pellets also fall off, and it becomes very easy to remove them manually.

Video: “5 ways to get rid of pills from clothes”

Outerwear such as coats is extremely sensitive to the adhesion of hair and fur. Because of this, clothes look extremely unattractive and create the feeling of an old “shaggy thing”. Not a single owner of even the most expensive coat can avoid hair. Owners of dogs and cats suffer from a greater problem, as they leave a “piece of themselves” on any surface at home.

how to clean hair from a coat?

Fortunately, cleaning and removing hair from a coat is not difficult. There are at least four main ways to do this:

  • By using damp cloth: the hair clings to the wet material and lags behind the surface of the coat. This method is only suitable for clothes that are not heavily loaded with hair.
  • By using special coat brush: it is created from soft bristles that carefully clean the material and do not damage it. You can buy such a brush in any store; it is always in stock and always in demand.
  • By using roller with replaceable adhesive tape: This is one of the most effective ways to clean a coat not only of hair and fur, but also of all debris, dust and pellets. To do this, run a roller over the surface of the coat and all unwanted particles will stick to the tape.
  • By using stationery tape: If you don’t have a roller with adhesive tape, you can use regular stationery tape, which works on the same principle. Tear off small pieces and stick them to the material several times; all the debris and hair will remain on the adhesive side of the tape.

Video: “Coat cleaning brush”

How to clean a coat from dust?

  • Modern living conditions in a big city, the saturation of vehicles and a huge number of roads make clothes look very unattractive. Those clothes that have light colors are especially affected. You should clean your coat from dust and dirt twice a year: before the start of the spring season and the fall. Even if you don’t visually notice dirt on your clothes, cleaning them from dust will keep your clothes in attractive condition for as long as possible.
  • Any coat should be cleaned with a special velor brush, which can be purchased at the store. If this cleaning is not enough, try a more modern method. In a container, mix water with table vinegar in a ratio of one to one. Use a clean kitchen sponge (soft side) to go over the coat, dipping it into the solution and squeezing thoroughly.
  • It is necessary to move the washcloth in the direction of the villi and not to wet the coat too much. After this, if the coat remains very wet, wipe it carefully with a clean cloth in the direction of the lint. For dark colors: black, dark blue, brown, you can use tea leaves rather than vinegar solution.

How to properly clean a coat from dust at home?

How to clean a white coat?

A white coat is a spectacular outerwear, but along with its beautiful appearance, it has one unpleasant property - it gets dirty quickly. Any factors can stain it: dust from the roadway, dirt from hand luggage, travel on public transport, food and hot drinks on the street, careless passers-by.

It is possible to clean a white coat. To do this, there are a number of useful tips, invented by those who were looking for a way to properly care for their outerwear:

  • Try cleaning dirt from a white coat with hydrogen peroxide. Do not pour the bottles onto the stain or contaminated area first. First, try it on that part of the coat that is hidden from view and check the reaction of your material to peroxide. If you don’t notice any negative effects, pour a little peroxide onto the dirty area, let it dry and clean it with a brush.
  • A dirty collar or stains that appear on pockets can be easily removed using table salt and ammonia. These components are mixed in a container in a ratio of four to one and applied to the contaminated area with a cotton pad. Use small circular movements to clean the coat, then air it and let it dry.
  • Fresh contrast stains on a white coat from food and drinks can be removed with a mixture of vinegar with table salt in a one to one ratio. The stain is rubbed and then cleaned with a solution. The coat must be ventilated from the pungent odor and the remaining solution must be washed off with water.

How to properly clean a white coat from stains and dirt?

How to clean a black coat?

A black coat does not require such careful care as white and light colors. However, along with the purchase of a black coat, you should immediately purchase a brush or a glue roller for caring for outerwear. These devices do an excellent job of removing lint, debris, hair and dirt. Removing small lumps from a black coat is not difficult using nail scissors or a sharp blade.

You can clean a black coat using a sponge and a mild soap solution. You should ensure that the solution does not leave strong stains on the material, so carefully wash off every suspicious spot. After you clean your coat, be sure to comb it with a coat brush so that when it dries it has a decent, well-groomed appearance.

How to properly care for a black coat?

How to clean a leather coat?

A leather coat requires special careful care, because genuine leather is a special material. It can look perfect for a long time if you put effort into its preservation. A leather coat requires frequent maintenance, at least twice a year after the spring and autumn seasons. A leather coat should be washed with a special solution:

  • in water, mix liquid soap with ammonia in equal proportions
  • use a sponge to thoroughly wash the coat and rinse off the solution with clean water
  • dry the coat and rub it with castor oil using a cotton swab

Keep your coat in its case while you are not wearing it. Periodically, while wearing, lubricate particularly “active” parts of the coat with glycerin:

  • gate
  • cuffs
  • elbow bends
  • elbows
  • belt area

It is also effective to regularly lubricate a leather coat with orange zest.

leather coat, care and cleaning of leather coat

How to clean a drape coat?

  • The drape coat is made of dense, heavy material. It warms perfectly not only in autumn, but also in winter. However, before you think about cleaning such a coat, you should carefully read the manufacturer's label. Often it is simply impossible to wash a drape coat. Therefore, you should learn about ways to clean it.
  • First of all, try cleaning your drape coat with rye bread crumbs. Crumble a piece of bread onto the coat and roll into balls. Bread crumbs will absorb all the debris and collect lint. After bread crumbs, the coat should be thoroughly brushed.
  • Lather shampoo with water in a bucket or basin. Apply the foam from the solution to the coat and wait until it dries completely. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining shampoo, then dry the coat with a dry cloth. Brush the coat with a coat brush and let it dry at room temperature.
  • It is very good to clean your coat with a steam cleaner, which is often present in modern irons. Set the iron temperature to no more than two hundred degrees and run the steam over the entire coat. After this, comb the coat with a brush and leave it to dry.

How to properly clean and care for a drape coat?

How to clean a wool coat at home?

A wool coat is very demanding and difficult to care for. It is not washable, so you need to clean it very carefully. It is advisable to clean a dark coat with a sponge dipped in strong tea leaves. It will add shine and color to your clothes. A light coat can be cleaned with a special solution:

  • mix a little liquid soap in water
  • add ammonia bottles to the solution
  • soak the sponge in the solution and wipe the coat with it
  • After washing, comb the coat with a brush and let it dry at room temperature

It would not be superfluous to purchase for such a coat not only a brush, but a glue roller. These are essential tools for caring for such outerwear.

proper care and cleaning of a wool coat

How to clean a cashmere coat at home?

  • A cashmere coat is not only very beautiful, pleasant and practical to wear, it is also easy to clean. As a rule, manufacturers indicate recommendations for washing coats in washing machines. They can be washed in automatic machines, but only at a minimum temperature not exceeding thirty degrees.
  • The detergent compartment does not contain ordinary powder, but a liquid gel or a product for cleaning and washing outerwear. A cashmere coat should only be dried at room temperature on hangers or by laying it flat and neat on a terry towel.
  • If you don't find any information on the label about washing the product, try cleaning it with a steam cleaner. Grease stains, only if they are fresh, will help remove soda, which has adsorbing properties. Along with the coat, purchase a special velor care brush and a glue roller.

Video: " How to care for your coat? How to clean a coat? How to store a coat?

It is very convenient to dry clean your coat. Usually dry cleaning your coat is even better than cleaning your coat at home. But if you don’t have the time and money for dry cleaning, you can clean your coat at home without making any special efforts, and get an excellent result.

Many housewives doubt whether it is possible to clean a coat at home efficiently, and whether cleaning the coat will spoil the appearance of the product, because, as you know, the material from which coats are made is quite capricious to use.

In this article, we decided to collect useful tips on how to clean a coat at home, as well as answer questions on how to clean a coat from grease, coffee or tea stains, how to clean a coat carefully, and how to clean a coat made of cashmere, wool, or drape.

How to clean a coat at home: ways to clean a coat

Cleaning a coat or any other product should begin by reviewing the information on the product label. Manufacturers briefly inform the user how to clean the coat and how to wash the item.

It is better to clean the coat from stains if a small part of the product is dirty, partially, because frequent washing of the coat can quickly ruin its appearance.

The shelf life of the coat is approximately five years. If you care for your coat carefully and you don’t wear your coat often, you can easily wear your coat longer.

Before you clean your coat at home, inspect the coat. Most often, this type of outerwear gets dirty on the sleeves, elbows, collar area, pockets, and in places where loops and button fasteners are located.

When using stain remover to clean coats, test the product on a piece of the item by turning the coat inside out before cleaning the coat.

You need to clean your coat from stains from the outer edge of the stain to the center of the stain. If you clean your coat from stains differently, streaks may remain.

Cleaning a coat will be effective if you place a cloth under the dirty area on the coat. Using a backing cloth will help catch any excess liquid.

To clean the coat collar, take salt and ammonia, preparing the product in a 4/1 ratio. A cotton swab soaked in the solution is used to wipe the greasy collar over the pile. This will perfectly clean your coat collar.

Another way to clean a coat from small dirt on the sleeves and collar involves using a soap solution, an iron and a cotton cloth.

Place the fabric marked in the solution over the stains on the coat. Then iron the fabric using the temperature specified for the coat. Dirt is absorbed into the fabric, leaving your coat clean.

The spots on the coat can be large. In this case, use a brush to pre-dry clean the coat.

Many may be interested in the question of how to clean a suede coat. The answer is that you can clean a suede coat with rubberized sponges or brushes.

If you spill coffee or tea on your coat, don't be upset. Try cleaning your coat from coffee or tea stains with a prepared cleaner made from glycerin and ammonia. Prepare such a solution in the proportion of 2 tsp/1 tsp.

To clean tea or coffee stains, housewives recommend using a solution of vinegar mixed with alcohol in a 1/1 ratio.

Cleaning coats from greasy stains. How to clean a coat from grease stains

To remove grease from your coat, you can use talcum powder or baby powder. Apply a layer to the greasy coat and leave for 12 hours to allow the grease to be absorbed into the talc or powder. After the talc (powder) has cleaned the stain, you need to remove the talc with a dry brush. If grease stains are ingrained, perform the procedure several times.

The second effective way to clean a coat from grease and grease stains involves using high-quality gasoline.

To clean a grease stain with gasoline, prepare a cotton cloth and cover the stain. Then rub the greasy or greasy stain with a gasoline-soaked swab, using a circular motion. It is important to clean the stain with gasoline from the edges of the stains to the middle of the stain.

You can clean grease stains with an iron, but only if the coat is allowed to be ironed.

To clean a coat with an iron, you need regular napkins. Place a paper towel on the stain and iron it. You can change the napkin several times if necessary until the napkin has absorbed all the dirt.

How to clean a cashmere coat

While a cashmere coat isn't cheap, the material it's made from is quite versatile. It is quite possible to clean a cashmere coat at home.

You can even wash your cashmere coat using the optimal temperature setting.

You can clean cashmere from stains at home using a special store-bought product for cashmere items. Don't forget that after washing or cleaning your cashmere coat, you need to hang it out so that it returns to its usual shape.

A simple way to clean a drape coat

A drape coat can also be cleaned at home. To ensure proper cleaning of a drape coat, place the coat in a vertical position. Take the brush and carefully brush off the dust and dirt.

Then the drape coat needs to be sprinkled with washing powder. Using a coarse sponge, wipe the coat. Next, use a stiff brush to remove any powder from your drape coat.

You need to complete the procedure using an iron. Steam the coat from the drape with an iron, drying it.

How to clean a wool coat: rules for cleaning wool products

You need to clean a wool coat carefully so as not to spoil the color of the coat. Test any wool coat cleaner on a small part of the coat, turning the coat inside out.

To clean a wool coat at home, it is better to purchase a special product in the store, improving it with two spoons of ammonia.

We hope that our tips on how to clean a coat from stains of grease, coffee, tea, as well as how to clean a coat made of cashmere, suede, drape, wool, will help you clean the stains on your coat, and you will put it in the closet for the next one with a clear conscience winter.