How to crochet a bead: photo, description, master class. Crochet beads

March 8

Master class: How to crochet a bead.

Yarn: optional. I use Iris or Narcissus.
“Iris” is a thinner yarn than “Narcissus”, which is why it takes longer to knit with it.

Hook: selected according to the yarn. I have number 1.5.

Bead: wooden or plastic. I have a plastic bead with a diameter of 2 cm.

Make a ring of thread.
1st row: In the middle of the ring, knit 6 single crochets.

Tighten the ring by pulling the non-working end of the thread.

Next, knit in a spiral, i.e. without connecting loops and without lifting loops.

2nd row: In each column, knit 2 single crochets

3rd row: in every second column 2 single crochets
(in one arch - 1 single crochet, in the second - 2 single crochets).

4th row: in every third column, 2 single crochets.

Let's try it on the ball.
The diameter of the connected circle should be a couple of mm larger than the diameter of the ball.

If the diameter of the circle is sufficient, then we begin to knit rows without increments,
those. in one arch we knit 1 single crochet.

(If the diameter of the circle is insufficient, then we continue to knit according to the pattern of 4 rows
until we get the required diameter.)

Let's try on the ball.
If the cup for the ball is sufficient, insert the ball and begin to decrease the loops.

We knit through one column.
Those. We knit a single crochet into one arch, *skip the next arch,
in one arch - 1 single crochet, in the next one arch - 1 single crochet *.
Repeat from * to *.

When the ball is completely tied, pull the thread into the last loop and tighten.

We hide the ends of the threads inside the ball.

The bead is ready!

It often happens that there is no jewelry to match a new outfit. The thought arises: “Shouldn’t I make such a decoration with my own hands?” You start going to handicraft stores and looking for beads and accessories of the required color. I very often come across a situation where I can’t find beads of the required color. This is where beads tied with yarn can help out. The color range of “Irisa” alone is very large and you can always choose the yarn of the required color. But for tying beads you can use other yarn: with the addition of lurex, shaped with knots, sectional dyeing, “grass”, etc. You can create melange compositions of the required color yourself by connecting two threads of different colors or shades.

Examples of where you can use a yarn-tied bead:
"The sea is agitated once..."

Today I will tell you how to crochet a bead, a Kinder Surprise container or something similar... You can, of course, take some magazine with a detailed description of beads or toys and try to repeat it... or you can try to understand the principle and not use any other descriptions anymore)))

So, to understand how to crochet a bead, I suggest you do the following:

  1. Find an old bead at home, preferably a fairly large one...

2. Choose a thread for tying... There are no recommendations on this matter at all... everything is according to desire and taste, the only thing is that the thread should not be too thick. For training, iris or microfiber, or whatever, is quite suitable, just don’t take something too thin at first... (so as not to bother yourself again)))

3. Now we remember how it fits and proceed by analogy...

How to crochet a bead - master class

We make 3 and, first from the beginning of the set, we knit 6 (we looked at this knitting ring earlier))), close the ring.
4. The next row, as when knitting a circle, 2 tbsp in each loop. We close the SS.
5. Next, 2 tbsp. b/n in every second loop, and between them 1 tbsp/n. (all as usual). We close the SS.
6. Now take a bead and try it on... For my bead, these rows are enough to complete the rounding, if your bead is larger or the thread is thinner, then repeat step 5, if less, then experiment when knitting, or step 5 do not knit or omit step 4

7. Then we need to connect the straight part, i.e. several rows without additions (1 st.b/n in each loop). To understand how many such rows to knit, you need to constantly try on a bead)))
8. For my case, 5 rows are enough.
How do you know when enough is enough?

Purely visual...

Before starting straight knitting, I knit three rows with increases - that’s how many more rows should fit after the straight fabric. but with reductions. Now we will knit decreases, but before that, insert the bead into its “clothes” and tie directly along it.
Only instead of increases we make decreases. First, we knit a row through one two st.b/n together(1st.b/n., 2st.b/n.with a common top), in the next row, every 2st. b/n. we knit with a common top and in the last row we decrease everything that remains (I generally do everything there chaotically, just to pull the loops together so that it looks good, that is, I do it “by eye”)))

Crochet Bead

And here it is - our first bead, tied experimentally, is ready))).

We need to remember, or better yet, write down how we tied it, so that we can repeat the same steps to tie the remaining beads)))
Tying the container from the Kinder Surprise takes place using almost the same technology, with only one difference, the container has a flatter bottom than the bead, so... we think...))) and we knit step 4 twice and do not forget to take this into account when decreasing: wink:

An option for creating a simple decoration from tied beads

Now you can tie and put beads on it. It will look like a decoration... I’ll say right away that I’m not a fan of this kind of accessories, so I didn’t bother myself with various decorations for this craft, I’m displaying it like this... just for the sake of an example and to explain how to crochet a bead)))
P.S. if you wish, you can find a lot of pictures for inspiration on creating knitted beads on the Internet... I am not copying them here for the reason that these are pure works of authorship))) But I can offer you. .. remember “Monsters, Inc.”?)))

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The sling bracelet is both a decoration and a toy for a newborn baby. It is a bracelet made of beads tied with yarn, diluted with ordinary wooden beads. Using the example of a sling bracelet, we will show how to crochet a bead.

You can vary the order of such beads on the ribbon as you like. The rainbow color of the bracelet is universal in terms of design. For such a bracelet, you need to select 7 skeins of yarn in all colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

We also select a suitable hook for the selected yarn. For tying, we choose larger beads, and for dilution, we choose smaller beads. We will string the beads onto a thin satin ribbon.

The beads are first tied with a set of 4 air loops (ch), which are closed in a circle using a connecting post (ss).

In the next row you need to knit 2 sc in each loop from the previous row. In total, in the second row you should get 8 sc.

In the next row we repeat in the same way - 2 sc in each loop of the chain of the previous row.

In the next row we alternate - 1 sbn, 2 sbn, 1 sbn, 2 sbn.

The created case is evenly stretched over the volume of the bead.

Leaving a little distance to the end of the bead, we begin to decrease the loops in the same way as increasing them, i.e. First, through 1 loop we knit 1 sc, 2 sc with one vertex, 1 sc, 2 sc with one vertex.

In the next row we decrease in each loop.

Thus, we tie all 7 large beads with yarn of different colors in turn. We string the tied beads, alternating with smaller wooden beads.

A plastic table tennis ball or wooden ball can be crocheted and used for children's educational toys or crafts for young mothers. Knitted beads of various diameters are made using a hook and 100% cotton thread and strung on a ribbon or wax thread.

Materials and tools:

To work we need:

  • - yarn, preferably cotton;
  • - plastic or wooden bead;
  • - tape measure;
  • - scissors;
  • - hook matching the yarn;
  • - a needle with a large eye.

Abbreviations used in the text:

  • RLS – single crochet;
  • VP – air loop;
  • DC – double column;
  • Runway is an air lift loop.

We start work with the Amigurumi ring. It was invented by Japanese knitters to create small amigurumi toys. We call it a sliding or magic ring: we lay the thread so that the end of the thread is in the palm of our hand, and wrap the working thread around the index finger (away from ourselves), insert the hook into the resulting ring, pick up the working thread and, pulling the loop into the ring, knit a half-stitch . The ring is fixed.

You can start knitting the first row, but before that you need to determine the diameter of the ball. This will be useful to us when tying. Measure the circumference of the ball and divide by pi. It turns out to be approximately 4 cm.

1 row. We knit 6 sc on the ring.

Pull the free end of the thread tightly. We close the circle with a connecting loop.

2nd row. 2 runways. We knit 2 sc into each loop of the previous row. We close the circle with a connecting loop.

3rd row. 2 runways. We alternate the entire row with 1 RLS and DC. We end the row with a connecting loop.

4 row. 2 runways. We knit * 2 RLS, 1 DC. From the star we repeat the entire row. Let's close the circle. We get a circle with a diameter of 4 cm. We do not add any more so that the binding tightly clasps the ball.

5 row. 2 runways. We knit the entire row in single crochets, without additions. Let's close the circle.

We knit the 6th and 7th rows similarly to the fifth row.

We put the ball into the resulting cap and begin to decrease the loops.

8 row. 2 runways, * 2 sc, 2 loops together (In order to knit 2 loops together, insert the hook into the base loop, pick up the working thread and, pulling it out, leave it on the hook. We do the same with the next base loop. We knit with a single crochet three loops formed on the hook). Repeat from star to end of row.

9 row. In this row we knit according to the following pattern: 1 sc, 2 stitches together.

Hi all. Today I'll show you how to crochet a bead. Such beads can be used in jewelry - beads, bracelets, in various decor. In this MK I'll show you how to tie a bead tightly.

So, for this we need: yarn (preferably thinner than “iris”), a bead (preferably with a diameter of 15 millimeters, because they are easier to tie. If the bead is even larger in diameter, then you can use “iris”), hook No. 1.

Armed, let's start knitting. We will knit in a circle in a spiral. We make a ring and tie it with 6 double crochet stitches. The row is not washed with a connecting stitch, but we immediately knit two more single crochet stitches in the first stitch - this is the second row. In it you need to double each loop = 12 loops. In the next row, double each other to make 18. In the next row, 24 and 30.

It turns out this is the bottom. The number of rows depends on the diameter of the bead and the thickness of your yarn. That is, the diameter of the bottom should be approximately equal to the diameter of the bead. When we have achieved this, we begin to knit further single crochets, but without any additions.

It turns out to be such a hat. We insert our bead into it.

And then we very carefully begin to knit, decreasing the rows and not removing the bead. First, we decrease six loops in each row (the same way as we added), that is, we knit two double crochet stitches together = minus one loop.

We tie it in this way, decreasing until the end, until the bead is closed.

We cut the thread and carefully hide it. The bead is ready! You can make striped beads, just change the colors of the yarn while knitting. You can take already colored (melange) yarn and tie a bead with it.

Let's be patient and move forward! Crochet a bead- very painstaking work, but the result is worth it. good luck in your creativity!

We crochet the bead. Openwork version.

For tying, we will need thin yarn (the thinner the better), hook No. 1, and a bead.

First, we make a ring and knit single crochets into it. The number of stitches depends on the size of your bead. I have 12 double crochet stitches. We do not close the row with a connecting stitch, but immediately begin to knit arches from 3 chain loops, attaching one double crochet stitch to each stitch of the previous row. Once again, I repeat that the number of arches and columns depends on the size of your bead


Place the bead into the resulting hat and continue knitting the arches further.