How to fill yourself with energy. How to fill yourself with inner strength How to nourish yourself with vital energy

To mom

According to esotericists, all diseases are not from viruses and microbes, not from bad ecology or personal experiences, but from disturbances in the flow of energy inside the human body. To get rid of physical illnesses, it is important to learn to feel pleasant, warm waves inside the body and be able to control them.

A reasonable question is, where to start studying bioenergy? From the very beginning! It is important to understand what it is and how to manage the great gift of nature, which is inherent in every person from birth.

Babies are pure souls that have not yet been affected by the prejudices of civilization; they easily perceive and emit streams of energy. But as soon as the material laws of the world are instilled in a child, he closes himself off from the energy-information field and “forgets” that he is not only a physical being, but also an energetic one.

Basics of bioenergy for beginners

It is important to know that the word “bioenergy” comes from the Greek language and consists of two parts: bio - life and energy - the ability to act. The meaning is inherent in the concept itself; without the movement of energy inside the body, life cannot exist.

The term was introduced in 1956 by American biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. He was the first to put forward hypotheses about the functioning of living beings and the provision of life-giving energy to their bodies.

Every person must realize that all organs inside the physical body are connected not only by the circulatory and nervous systems, they have strong connecting bioenergetic threads. Treatment of any disease with medications makes no sense if the natural force field is not restored.

How to restore a person's energy? At first, people believed that nutrition could only be obtained from food. Now the idea of ​​energy sources has expanded, flows come from the vast Universe, from the power and light radiation of the Earth and the Sun, from Mother Nature itself. Our planet is designed in such a way that it fully provides a person with everything necessary - nutrition as a building material for cells and energy for their existence.

Feeling your energy body

A person may not know about the existence of an energy shell and the movement of flows inside the body. People may deny extrasensory perception and not believe in what is not visible to the eye. But the energy information field will constantly remind itself and manifest itself in everyday life. The entire space around is permeated with flows, and man himself is a carrier of enormous energy. It’s not for nothing that in the acclaimed film “The Matrix” robots used people like ordinary batteries, sources of constant and inexhaustible current.

To understand the basics of bioenergy for beginners, is it enough to do a simple exercise?

When in a room, on the street or in nature, you need to straighten up and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Select a remote object for training. It could be a wall, a door or a tree. Extend your hand towards the selected object and begin to mentally lengthen it.

The etheric body can expand to enormous sizes, and very soon a tingling sensation will appear on the fingertips. The energetic “hand” touched the surface and transmitted a signal to the brain about its structure.

On a note! When Doctor Strange came to Tibet, he did not believe that his hands would be restored. But suddenly I saw how a master without upper limbs easily creates portals for movement, and became convinced of the power of his energetic self.

Bioenergy exercises start small. It is important to realize the capabilities and dimensions of your etheric double. Mentally, you can grow to the size of a house, shrink to the size of a pea, travel without leaving the couch, and look at your physical body from the outside. Anyone can easily do these exercises, and it will not be a game of imagination, but real practice with their energy body.

It is necessary to do one more exercise in order to feel the aura on the physical level - the outer energy shell of the physical essence.

You need to sit on a chair, relax and bring your open palms to your head. Hot spots will immediately appear on your palms. According to reviews from practitioners, there are sensations of warmth or cold, pressure is felt on the temples and a slight tingling on the cheeks.

The integrity of the external aura is important for human health. Any damage to the shell is fraught with the penetration of energy entities, negative manifestations of other people and, as a result, the occurrence of fatal diseases.

Filling the body with energy and treating physical ailments

From popular practices it is known that 7 types of energies move inside a person. The cone-shaped energy system is divided into spheres, the so-called chakras, and in a healthy person there is a constant movement of currents through all vital points.

The development of human bioenergy depends on two main flows. They move in different directions: one flow goes along the spine from top to bottom and breaks out at the lower chakra, the other moves through the stomach up and exits through the upper chakra. You can easily feel them if you do a simple exercise.

You need to stand up straight, relax and immerse yourself in your inner world.

Mentally you need to walk along the spine parallel to the upward flow. Do this procedure several times and enter the pleasant thermal flow that comes from the lower chakras to the head.

If you completely immerse yourself in these sensations, the flow will first move like a thin stream, and then turn into a stormy hot river.

This practical bioenergy exercise helps pump stagnant energy inside the body and fill the upper chakras in the chest, throat, bridge of the nose and crown.

A powerful flow of Earth energy also passes through the body. It is important to be able to use it and pass the life-giving force through every cell of the human body.

Another exercise will easily teach you how to control the flow of internal energy. Mentally, you need to install a lever or arrow in your head and tune in to your upward energy flow. When it becomes strong and quite perceptible, you need to move the arrow, as if directing the flow to a certain point. An open lever will allow internal force to radiate outward, a closed arrow blocks the flow and directs it in the opposite direction.

After several workouts, you will experience real sensations of pleasant warmth and relaxation. Managing the upward flow will help remove blocks, cut off outside influences, and even allow you to manage the people around you. For example, you can try to concentrate, turn on a strong upward flow and make the person turn around. After 2-3 workouts you will definitely succeed and you will be able to feel the true power of your energetic self!

The third exercise will allow you to work with downward flows of energy. It is necessary to relax again and mentally direct the currents along the spine to the lower chakras. Pleasant sensations will immediately arise in the pelvic area, warm waves will warm the internal organs and cause a relaxing hot rush.

Filling the pelvic area with energy is equally beneficial for both men and women. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity close the lower chakras, the energy system does not update, and work “freezes.”

It is not for nothing that a person consists of 70% water. He was created by higher powers as an excellent conductor, and currents constantly pass through his body, escaping from the earth, nature and space. It is important to understand that the study and constant development of the human energy ecosystem is necessary for his health and long life.

Managing your internal energy flow is as important as eating, sleeping and studying. To form a holistic energy body, daily practices, healing procedures and prayer mantras will help. Man, with the help of the forces of nature and internal capabilities, will be able to achieve true highest perfection!

It fell to a critical level.

What depletes a woman’s precious energy?

How not to lose driving force? What can you do to charge the “battery” and fill it with feminine lunar energy? Where is this energy located?

As you know, energy is an integral part of the other world, freely penetrating and filling our world. That is, it is everywhere, in everything living and even inanimate. So you can access it anytime and anywhere.

If you are apathetic or unwilling to do anything, you can start filling your body with energy by taking care of your own body. This includes proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, massage, and self-care.

As for nutrition, you need to remember that only living food contributes to the flow of energy in order to normally renew, grow and reproduce.

An unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits have a detrimental effect on women's beauty and energy. For example, smoking destroys a woman’s natural aroma, which attracts the attention of men. (Read also)

A woman's body just needs touching. It needs to be kneaded and moved, otherwise energy stagnation will occur, which manifests itself in various ailments. Visiting a beauty salon, bathhouse or hairdresser is not only a way to cheer yourself up. A woman’s psyche strengthens when she feels beautiful and well-groomed.

Any woman simply needs to communicate with another woman to discuss her affairs or talk about something interesting. In this case, a mutual exchange of energy occurs. A man needs peace and quiet to realize himself.

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How to replenish energy? How to feel cheerful and energetic every day?

Here are some tips that you can use, you can use them all, but I would caution you against using all the tips at the same time. I am a fan of single-tasking, that is, doing one task at a time. Choose one or more tips that are suitable for you, try them on yourself, then you can choose others and try them the same way. We are all different and at different stages of development, choose what you like best and use it in everyday life.

1. Cold shower. Few people know that life energy is cold energy. A cool shower in the morning will charge you with vital energy and awaken you from sleep. A warm or hot shower will deprive you of vital energy because it is the energy of a different nature and in the morning it will only relax you. Train yourself to take a cool or cold shower and within a few days, you will understand what I'm talking about.

2. Healthy breakfast. The morning meal is the success of the whole day. Probably many of you have encountered the fact that after breakfast you felt overwhelmed, felt discomfort, heaviness and a strange feeling of weakness. I would advise you to pay attention to what you eat. The healthiest breakfast is oatmeal in all its forms. My favorite dish is oatmeal with berries.

3. Evening walks. We spend too much time on the road. In the car, on the bus, the subway, and during all this we stop being in the fresh air. Walking in the evening has a very beneficial effect on your health, and your sleep becomes sound. A sound and restful sleep is the key to a cheerful morning.

4. Song. The song helps us build and life - that’s what they told us in Soviet times from TV screens, and it’s true. Try humming a song when you wake up that would evoke the joy of the morning and lift your spirits. For me, this song: “Morning paints the walls of the ancient Kremlin with a gentle light...”, firstly, I imagine how patriotic it was and the whole country woke up to this song, as well as the wired radio in which morning exercises were broadcast, it all evokes such joy that the morning was definitely a success!!!

5. Internal clock. Monitor changes in your body, analyze the periods when your energy level and performance are at their peak. Use your observations to plan your day. Do the most difficult things possible during peak periods. Monitoring your condition will greatly help you raise your energy level and save you from wasting time.

6. Chocolate. A piece of chocolate will give you a lot of pleasure and energy, but eating a whole bar of chocolate will take away the remaining energy that you have. Chocolate must contain at least 70% cocoa beans, that is, dark chocolate. Milk is completely different, and it has zero effect. So I'm for dark chocolate. I don’t want to advertise, but there is one brand that produces 90% dark chocolate, in a box in small bars, very practical and convenient. Especially if you can't stop yourself.

7. Afternoon nap. The most beautiful thing that can happen during the working day, and even after lunch, is sleep. Few people manage to sleep or take a nap during their lunch break. But I know people who sleep at lunchtime in any environment. Some people sleep in their work chairs, despite the fact that there are crowds of people around, an open office with no partitions, and they sleep. I prefer to lay out a yoga mat in my office after lunch and take a nap for 10-15 minutes, just notify the secretary or close the office, otherwise you will scare the entire staff.

8. Afternoon snack. There is nothing more pleasant than having a snack during afternoon tea. Eating low in sugar and high in protein and fiber will help you get through the rest of the day. Now you can buy a muesli bar, a mixture of nuts, apples, low-fat yogurt, a cocktail of frozen berries (smoothie).

9. Eat more berries. The berry contains a lot of antioxidants, and they, in turn, are the strongest accelerators. Of course, this valuable product has its seasonality, but there is also an alternative - frozen berries from which you can make accelerator cocktails.

10. Dress in light clothes. Try to dress in light colors or white. Everything bright looks festive! For your business partners, you will always look festive, energetic and instilling confidence. On the contrary, dark tones in clothes influence, which look dull, gray, and also depressive.

11.Aromatherapy. Sometimes use an aroma lamp, drop a couple of drops of lemongrass oil into it. The aroma of lemongrass actively affects the energy, awakening and charging with its freshness. Do not overuse aromatic oils, some of them can cause the opposite reaction. Experiment with aromas and choose what really invigorates you.

13.Caffeine. Using coffee to wake you up and speed up your morning is a very common method. It is undoubtedly effective, although many experiments now prove the opposite. Laboratory wars between coffee and green tea are most likely ideological wars on the world market. Caffeine heightens sensitivity, making us more active and easily irritated. Therefore, drinking a large amount of espresso can cause insomnia. So early in the morning or before lunch is the time to resort to the help of this drink, but after lunch or in the late afternoon, use something else.

14. Water. Drink water, water is full of pranic energy. Lack of water in the body causes dehydration, which in turn leads to a slowdown in all processes. We have no need for this, we want to be cheerful and energetic. Drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day will do a great job for our body. Just keep in mind that by water I mean plain water, without gas or other fillers. Drinking 2 liters of cola during the day is easy, only the sugar it contains has a very short-lived effect.

15. Avoid energy drinks. Energy drinks have a very dramatic short-term effect. They definitely work, I've tried various combinations of drinks that are commercially available. But I also managed to notice the negative effect that has the ability to accumulate. This effect results in nervous exhaustion, which you will then have to deal with somehow. Be careful to use plant-based alternatives instead of the chemicals found in energy drinks.

16. Ginseng. A very interesting herbal product, and unlike energy drinks, it has a long-lasting and mild effect. Dosage is very important, as excessive consumption leads to drowsiness. I prefer to use concentrated ginseng, either Chinese or Korean in origin. The consumption of this product in China or Korea is elevated to the rank of a cult, and they know exactly how to properly prepare and consume it.

17. Eleutherococcus. Sold everywhere, it is of plant origin and is similar to ginseng. During the experiments, I did not notice his activity, perhaps due to the raised activity bar. For some people, it is overly powerful; activity and energy just flow out of people like a fountain.

18. Vitamin C. There are conflicting reports about the effects of vitamin C. But I would advise taking your daily dose of vitamin C in the morning. The best way is freshly squeezed orange juice, but if you have difficulty with this, you can just eat an orange. One glass of juice is approximately 2.5-3 oranges. Although you can buy effervescent vitamin C tablets at the pharmacy and dilute them in a glass of water.

19. Eat less, but more often. Practicing the method of eating smaller portions at a time will have a positive effect on your well-being. Overeating is very difficult for us, we become lethargic and only want to quickly get to a soft sofa. Limit your portions, but do not miss the opportunity to snack in long breaks between main meals. Eating an apple, orange, or a handful of nuts between breakfast and lunch will help you reduce your lunch portions without noticing.

20. Tea. Try switching from drinking coffee to tea during the day. It makes no difference what kind of tea you drink, black or green, or maybe white or red. But scientists have proven that 4-6 cups of tea during the day reduces stress levels and increases the body’s recovery rate. So, do not ignore such a traditional drink as tea.

21. Warm up. You all probably remember how kindergarten teachers encouraged everyone to do warm-ups between classes, or at school between lessons. I had such a warm-up at school between 4 and 5 lessons. But in high school everyone forgets about this, but I had a physics teacher who understood the relationship between exercise and interest in the lesson. He always did a 3-minute warm-up with stretching elements before his lessons, and this had a fruitful effect on mastering the material. Having completed one task, get up from your workplace, stretch, walk around a little, maybe do squats. This will fill you with energy and you will be ready to take on the next task.

22. Ablutions. Wash your face and hands with cool water. Firstly, this method will remove from you the negative energy that you took upon yourself when communicating with an irritated client, or manager, or after difficult negotiations. As I wrote earlier, water is saturated with prana; after washing away the negative energy, you will replace it with positive energy. The result will not be long in coming.

23. Organized. Try to be more organized. When you have everything in its place, the files are neatly laid out. On your computer you can easily find a file or a contact on your phone, this will save you from unnecessary waste of energy, including mental energy. During the concentrated execution of a task, involuntary distraction to search for the necessary paper or file has a destructive effect on the entire process of completing the same task, because switching occurs. Switching is a waste of energy.

24. Walks. If you have the opportunity to take a walk during the working day, do not deny yourself it. I don't mean jogging to the metro from the office and back. Sometimes a 10-minute walk in the park will make the rest of your working day several times more productive. While walking, you can also think about work, ideas, and ways to implement them, but what you definitely shouldn’t do while walking is worry about the fact that you’re gone and answering calls to no one, or maybe your boss called you, and you are not at work. Experiences during a walk mean negative consequences after it. So try to make her more peaceful.

25. Closed on weekdays. Practice taking one day at a time sometimes. You can call it a fasting day, but it has nothing to do with diet. On this day you will unload from everything, from work, clients, goals, tasks, managers, etc. Decide to do it and make yourself happy. You can go out of town on this day, you can do whatever you want. When you return to work the next day, you will be active, alert and energized.

26. Music. Listening to music while working has a positive effect. Choose your favorite songs and start working, and you will see how your productivity will increase.

27. Sports activities. Lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise at least occasionally. Physical exercise will speed up your metabolic processes, which will have a positive effect on your well-being.

28. Sex. Endorphin, which is produced by our body, is energy in its purest form. So don't forget to have sex regularly.

29. Regular training. The key to health, activity and longevity is regular early morning exercise. About the most positive aspects of training,

30. Sleep. Get yourself a good 8 hours of sleep. I know how difficult it is, but it should not be neglected. The productivity of your day depends on good sleep; if you don’t get enough sleep, you will feel exhausted all day.


31. Yoga. Using various assanas (postures) in everyday life will help you restore the balance of your body. will help you stay energetic for a lifetime.

What is your secret to staying active, alert and energetic? Share your secret with us, write about it in the comments.


Feminine energy is the energy of life, it is the engine, it is the source of joy and happiness. I have already said many times that no matter how beautiful a woman is on the outside, without inner fullness it makes no sense.

She will not be able to attract the right man, nor keep him, nor motivate him to do some deeds and exploits. You must not only be able to fill yourself with energy using various practices, but also be able not to lose it and manage it correctly.

Positive energy is love. What is love? This is not just a man's interest in a woman. This is the WORLD's interest in you as a result of your sincere interest in HIM!

So how can you fill yourself with positive energy and protect yourself from the negative influences of the world and people around you? How to make the whole world, and, of course, your only and beloved man love you? The fact is that interaction with society is fraught with some dangers that we are not aware of, but which result in a lack of love for us from the world and from men.

Today I want to give you some advice that may seem banal and boring to you, but it is on following these simple rules of a happy life that your global happiness and prosperity in all areas depends. Try living like this for at least a week and you will definitely see changes.

How to protect yourself from negative influences and attract positive energy

Step one. Stop supporting gossip and meaningless chatter.

This happens not only in women's, but also in men's companies (although much less frequently). As soon as people you know start talking, slandering and judging other people, “disconnect” from this conversation, no matter how difficult it may be for you to do so. Just know that by gossiping and backbiting, you WASTE your life energy, which you could spend on better things. With such chatter you take your nervous system out of a state of harmony and balance, swing the pendulum of emotions and waste your energy.

Step two. Don't discuss what you can't change.

This also applies to idle chatter and discussion of negative news. Today people discuss politics and the situation in Ukraine as if it is the most important thing in their lives and they have nothing else to do. Everyone has become patriots and even those who have never watched the news watch the news. The question is: “What can you personally change? How can you personally help?” Absolutely nothing except an empty shaking of air, the release of negative energy into the world and the loss of one’s vitality. Understand one thing : If you are not able to change anything in a situation with words or deeds, if you cannot do something specific to resolve it successfully, then do not discuss it. Unpromising aspirations and complaints destroy and deprive one of strength.

Step three. Don't scold the man you live with.

You yourself chose him as your life partner, so why do you constantly criticize him harshly? This applies equally to men. If your criticism is not constructive and it turns into a constant and monotonous release of negativity, your energy field changes. When nagging wives throw negative energy at their husbands, they believe they are doing “educational work” that can improve their marriage.

Step four. Don't try on someone else's share.

If you see a beggar woman on the street with her hand outstretched, under no circumstances imagine yourself in her place. Or when someone you know is in trouble, don’t imagine yourself in “their shoes” and don’t try to imagine what you would do in their place. The fact is that “absorbing” negative information (even for the most humane reasons) leads to the flow of negativity into your life. Empathy is wonderful, but completely meaningless. After all, you don’t know what brought this beggar woman to the porch, what HER actions, words and deeds were. Or WHY this happened to your friends. In this case, just help them in word and deed, but do not indulge in someone else’s grief and do not try to live and share what is not destined for you.

It’s enough just to think about what led these people to such sad events and what you need to do to never find yourself in such a situation (purely hypothetically). I thought about this topic for a long time, and it resulted in a poem, you can read it if you’re interested. Remember that everything that is around you greatly affects you. Therefore, if you want to be rich and successful, then communicate with such people. If you want to be loved and happy, then also communicate with such people. To put it more simply: living in a beautiful garden, you yourself will smell fragrant, but living in a garbage dump... I think that comments are unnecessary.

Step five. Do not communicate with “pseudo-friends” and other unnecessary people.

Each of us has such pseudo friends and girlfriends who pull us down and suck the energy out of us. It is inconvenient for us to offend them and therefore we have to “tolerate” them next to us. There are no common topics, interests and goals for a long time, but we just can’t stop this empty communication that takes up our time and energy. Of course, there is no need to be rude to these people, much less condemn them. In this case, it is important to simply learn to say “no” and choose to communicate only with people who are tuned in to your wavelength. With whom you feel at ease, who understand you, who have already acquired some important values ​​for you and you have something to learn from them.

To summarize the above, the essence of all these steps comes down to transforming one’s consciousness and building one’s life in accordance with “world harmony.”

And the most powerful source of energy is kindness and love!

Do good to people, love them, love life, and the more you do good (selflessly, from the heart), the more miracles will happen to you, and the more your life will be filled with positive events and favorable opportunities!

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