How can you tell that you are pregnant? Diagnosis of an interesting position of a woman

For a wedding

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to find out that conception has occurred using methods other than a pregnancy test. Some want to quickly receive confirmation of the desired pregnancy, and those women who did not plan it need early diagnosis of the condition to terminate the pregnancy, because it is known that in the early stages it is easier to tolerate by the body. There are some specific signs that may indicate that you are in a position. Let's figure out how to determine pregnancy without a test, with a test and other methods.

Is it possible to find out about pregnancy before the delay?

Surprisingly, some women claim that from the first days of conception they feel it. As they assure, there are no methods that could accurately confirm conception before a delay. But there are some signs and conditions that may indicate conception.

A woman, before going to the hospital for consultation, wants to make sure of her assumptions about conception; the following signs can help her with this:

  • Basal body temperature may change. If you have previously kept a basal temperature chart, this may help. The fact is that the basal temperature during the period of ovulation rises to 37 degrees, but not earlier than a week before menstruation it drops to normal. If you notice that menstruation should come very soon, but the temperature is still at 37 degrees, then there is a very high probability that you are pregnant.
  • Few people know, but the level of hCG in a woman’s body during conception rises on the 10th day after conception, which is earlier than the onset of menstruation. Therefore, if you suspect that you are pregnant, you can buy the most sensitive test and use it strictly according to the instructions. Perhaps this method will help you find out about your condition. Even if the test shows two lines, this does not mean that you are pregnant. It is better to take it in the hospital on an empty stomach to determine the level of hCG, which will certainly show an accurate result.

Did you know? The first test for hCG in a woman's urine was done in 1927. To do this, female urine was injected into female rabbits. In order to see the reaction of the ovaries, the animals were killed.

Changes in body and well-being

The main ways to find out whether a woman is pregnant or not is to observe her own body and the state of the body. During pregnancy, a woman’s body immediately reacts to this condition; hormonal changes occur, which will definitely make themselves felt. These signs can be divided into primary and secondary. Let's take a closer look at them and what condition is typical for them.

Main signs of pregnancy

The main signs of pregnancy include:

  • Lack of required lines. This is the most important sign. But sometimes it may not indicate conception, but rather hormonal disorders in a woman’s body.

Important! If you are experiencing a delay, you need to take a pregnancy test to make sure. If the test is negative, you should consult a doctor to determine the reasons for the lack of menstruation.

  • Sensitivity of nipples and mammary glands. This symptom develops due to hormonal changes that primarily affect the female breast, preparing it for the period of milk production and.
  • Also, during the period of conception, the uterus enlarges, which a woman can feel as if it is slightly tense.

These signs can be called probable, that is, when they appear, you are most likely pregnant.


There are also presumptive signs that can also prompt the idea of ​​conception taking place; they are called secondary:

  • Increased salivation.
  • Nausea, sometimes in the morning.
  • or, on the contrary, indigestion.
  • Aversion to meat products and increased sense of smell.
  • You may want to eat chalk or clay.
  • to sour and spicy dishes.
  • Increased, morning weakness,.
  • Pigmentation of the nipple area, in some cases of the face.
  • A pregnancy streak (scar) may appear.

Important! These symptoms often appear not individually, but together, which is more likely during pregnancy, but may not always indicate it.

Misleading Symptoms

False pregnancy- this is also the name for a condition in which a woman is confident that she is pregnant, and physiological signs may also indicate this. This is a rather complex psychological state - a phenomenon that is quite difficult to accept and explain.. During this period, there may be no menstruation, nausea, and even an enlarged belly. The reason for this phenomenon is often the psychological state of the woman. Sometimes it happens that a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, and any change in condition is mistaken for pregnancy, and the woman gets used to this role so much that under the influence of psychological factors, the physiological processes of the body sometimes change. It often happens the other way around: a woman, very afraid of getting pregnant, constantly thinks about it and the process repeats, as in the first case.

  • Abdominal enlargement.
  • Changes in mood for no reason.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • women, which is perceived as pregnancy.

Determining pregnancy at home

In order to detect pregnancy, there are many ways and means that can be checked at home. We will determine how to find out and understand that you are pregnant using a test and folk remedies.

The most common way to detect pregnancy is a test. The test is a special strip that reacts to an increase in hCG in a woman’s body. Of course, you can donate blood in the hospital for a more accurate result, but often girls prefer to do a pregnancy test at home. This is absolutely easy to do. Once you have a delay, you can begin the test. To do this, you need to purchase a special test and carry out the manipulation the next morning. The instructions indicate what and how to do to get the most accurate result.

Without test (folk remedies)

There are definitions of pregnancy:

Did you know? The egg is considered the largest cell in the body; it is 85 thousand times larger than the sperm.

Am I really pregnant?

The methods for determining pregnancy that are discussed in this article cannot be considered a guarantee of conception. They are given as possible symptoms and signs that a woman may experience during the period of conception. But each organism is special and reacts in its own way to ongoing processes, and sometimes even a pregnancy test does not guarantee the reliability of this condition. Therefore, you should not rely on these methods to determine that you are “in the position.” To diagnose this condition, you must go to the hospital.

Thus, there are many methods and signs for detecting pregnancy at home, which may indicate conception. But if you want to know the exact answer to this question, it is still better to consult a qualified doctor for help.

Special rapid tests are available in every pharmacy today, they are inexpensive, and the results are reliable. But it happens that a woman finds herself in a situation in which she cannot purchase this product (she lives in a remote village, has a catastrophic lack of money, etc.). How to determine pregnancy without a test? There are home methods of determination, but doctors recommend that the reliability of the results obtained must be confirmed by medical means.

To determine pregnancy without a test, it is not at all necessary to conduct any intricate research. To begin with, it is recommended to take a closer look at your own body and pay attention to the sensations, because it is quite possible to recognize pregnancy by some specific manifestations.

  1. Delay. Usually, suspicions about possible conception arise after a missed period. It is from this time that women begin to think about a possible pregnancy. In rare cases, women continue to have periods for several months after conception, but they are not as heavy as traditional discharge.
  2. Swelling of the mammary glands. Perhaps the most proven sign of completed conception. The breasts become larger, the nipples enlarge and change shade, pain is felt on palpation - all this indicates that the body has begun preparing for the future feeding of the baby. Sometimes some mammary glandular swelling is observed during PMS, which must be taken into account when diagnosing pregnancy at home.
  3. Foggyness and dizziness. Foggy consciousness and slight dizziness often help, if not diagnose, then suspect the onset of conception. A woman feels as if there is some kind of veil before her eyes, which is associated with hormonal changes and correction of hormonal levels. But sometimes such symptoms are observed due to stress or overwork.
  4. Nausea and vomiting manifestations. Early detection of pregnancy is often based on this sign, which characterizes the onset of toxicosis in pregnant women. But a woman can also feel nauseous due to mild poisoning from poor-quality food, which also needs to be taken into account.
  5. Hyperthermia. If a woman experiences a persistent rise in temperature to 37.5° over several days, then such changes can be considered the first signs of pregnancy. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine endometrium, the immune structures perceive it as a foreign organism, so the defense system activates an increase in temperature to destroy it. A similar symptom may indicate the development of an infectious-inflammatory process; this factor must be understood.
  6. Pain in the abdomen and umbilical area. When the embryo comes out of the tubes and is implanted into the uterine endometrium, the girl feels heaviness and nagging pain in the abdominal area. Bloody spotting may appear, the general condition will worsen, and malaise will appear. It is quite possible to recognize pregnancy by these signs.

Additional symptoms

Exacerbation of taste buds and sense of smell. The manifestation of such signs in some cases helps to recognize the onset of fertilization. The woman notes the appearance of hypersensitivity to odors, her taste preferences change noticeably. This is the most possible symptom of conception.

Drowsiness and weakness. Pregnancy can be detected by the presence of such conditions. During the first days of gestation, the body spends a lot of energy on transformations for comfortable growth of the fetus. Therefore, a woman’s strength is quickly wasted, and she experiences weakness and drowsiness. An uncontrollable craving for sleep can haunt you all day, and the usual household chores cause severe fatigue. It is impossible to diagnose pregnancy without a test at home based on this sign alone, because such a condition can arise due to overload of the body or seasonal fatigue.

Excess weight. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages? Not all pregnant women experience nausea and lack of appetite in the first weeks. Being pregnant, some begin to eat and drink more fluids, which immediately leads to swelling, which is a factor in weight gain in the early stages.

Psycho-emotional instability, causing mood swings. One of the first signs of how to find out that you are pregnant without a test. Any minor incident can provoke a sea of ​​tears in a pregnant woman or a severe attack of irritation and anger. The concentration of hormones in the body simply goes off scale. If a woman has never suffered from depressive disorders or premenstrual syndrome, then the presence of pregnancy can be detected by the appearance of such signs.

Specific secretions. When conception has just occurred, the body is rebuilt. A “side” effect of this reconstruction is the copious secretion of mucus, which is odorless and has a special color. An increase in such discharge may indicate that conception has occurred, but if the mucus has an unpleasant odor, then there is a suspicion of a sexually transmitted infection.

Frequent urination is a sure sign of pregnancy. But in the early stages it does not work at all, because the mechanism of increased urination is determined by the enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder. A similar symptom is typical for the second or third period of gestation. If it appears at the beginning, then this indicates infection or inflammation.

What else to pay attention to

Pigmentation and the appearance of papillomas. This is also a sign characteristic of an interesting situation, but only for its later stages, so the onset of pregnancy cannot be determined by them either. Although some patients with papillomas and moles experienced a slight increase in them during pregnancy, which is explained by the same hormonal surge. But in general, it is impossible to understand from the appearance of papillomas whether conception has occurred or not.

Possible symptoms also include a sharp increase or decrease in libido. Such cataclysms with sexual desire are explained by hormonal explosions in the female body.

Nasal congestion. Some patients note the appearance of nasal congestion in the initial stages. Experts explain this phenomenon by increased blood flow, which causes the nasal mucous membranes to swell and interfere with normal breathing.

By the presence of such manifestations at home without a test, you can guess about pregnancy. Some deviations from the norm can only signal that metamorphoses are occurring in the body, but the final result can be obtained using express tests or in a antenatal clinic.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Home pregnancy tests are very convenient and allow you to confirm the occurrence of conception with maximum confidence. If you don’t have one at hand, you can determine that a woman is pregnant without a test. To do this, there are several proven, but not one hundred percent, methods that require drug confirmation of the results. How to determine pregnancy at home?

Iodine will help

A remedy such as iodine will help to detect pregnancy at home. Everyone has it at home, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties in preparing materials. There are two ways to understand the presence of pregnancy using an iodine solution.

According to the first method, a woman needs to collect urine in a container, and then drop a little iodine into it. Then carefully monitor the behavior of the iodine. How can you determine pregnancy? If the iodine drop has completely dissolved and spread in the urine, then there is no chance of pregnancy, but if it lingers on the liquid in the form of a floating speck, then the probability of pregnancy is high.

To maximize the reliability of the test, it is recommended that several conditions be met. The material for the study should be taken only from the morning portion, and the study should be carried out immediately so that the urine does not stand. Before collecting urine, be sure to wash yourself without soap; additional materials must also be clean. You need to drip iodine not from a height, but by bringing the pipette as close to the surface as possible.

Using iodine is another home diagnostic method. You need to take a small strip of paper and dip it in your morning urine so that it is well soaked. Then you need to drip iodine onto the paper. If the solution has changed the traditional brown color to a purple or blue tint, then you can hope for a successful conception.

Unfortunately, such methods are not supported by medical research and are therefore not scientifically justified. But in practice, many women have become convinced of the reliability of this technique.

Soda will tell

To dispel doubts about an interesting situation, a woman can take a pregnancy test at home using regular baking soda. The principle of such a study is as follows: when pregnancy occurs, the acid-base indicator in the urine shifts in the direction of alkali. Therefore, soda helps determine the fact of pregnancy.

  • To do this, you need to throw a spoonful of soda into a container with morning urine and observe the further reaction of the powder.
  • If there is a hissing sound with bubbles, as when preparing pop, then there can be no pregnancy.
  • But if after adding sodium bicarbonate no reaction followed, and the powder simply settled to the bottom, then this indicates alkalization of the urine - a sign of pregnancy.

But a similar principle can work for other reasons. Urine acquires alkaline properties in the presence of kidney infections, diarrhea, or an abundance of vegetables in the patient’s menu.

Basal temperature

If previous methods do not inspire confidence and you are still concerned about the question of whether it is possible to determine pregnancy using improvised means with maximum reliability, then you can turn to a technique such as measuring basal temperature. A similar study can be carried out by determining the temperature in the mouth, rectum or vagina. Such measurements should be taken two days before your expected period.

After ovulation, shortly before menstruation, the temperature drops slightly, staying below 37 degrees. If the measurements showed 37°C or more, then the probability of pregnancy is quite high. In order for the reliability of the results to be as accurate as possible, you need to know how to check pregnancy in this way. For measurements, it is better to take a regular mercury thermometer, which is kept in the mouth for about 5 minutes, and in the vagina or intestines for 3 minutes.

The timing of measurements is also important. You need to determine your basal levels in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. You can’t even make sudden movements, otherwise the results will be implausible. The day before, you should not take medications, drink alcohol or have sex, because such factors also contribute to an increase in the studied values. When conducting testing, it is necessary to exclude the influence of pathological factors such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, etc. The ideal option would be to measure basal temperature over several months and maintain a special schedule. As a rule, this practice is used when planning pregnancy.

Online tests

If special pregnancy tests at home are not available, then modern opportunities offer online testing, which, according to the author of this program, almost accurately determines whether a woman is pregnant or not. But if you look at things soberly, it is impossible to diagnose anything through a monitor.

Online tests usually contain a traditional set of questions, knowing the answer to which, one can assume that the woman is pregnant or not. Such a survey usually contains questions like: is there a delay, is there nausea, are your breasts swollen, does your stomach hurt, etc. Unfortunately, such projects are often not provided for free; they ask you to send an SMS and charge you money. You should not follow the lead of deceivers. How can this be avoided? You can easily answer such questions from a gynecologist, and he will give you a diagnosis for free, which will be 100% correct, and not an assumption, as is the case with the online version.

Popular questions

  1. At what stage can pregnancy be determined? The gynecologist will be able to diagnose the conception that has occurred after a two- to three-week delay. It is during this period that the uterus enlarges sufficiently to assess the presence or absence of pregnancy.
  2. Is it possible to get pregnant without tubes naturally? Theoretically, this is impossible, but in practice, doctors periodically observe such cases. Of course, this happens quite rarely, but such a fact cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in exceptional cases, pregnancy without tubes is possible.

These are the most popular options that help to some extent dispel doubts about pregnancy, but you can’t really trust them. It is much better to buy an express test and check your suspicions.

It is believed that the presence of pregnancy can be more or less reliably determined only if the first day of a missed period has already arrived. However, many women want to know as early as possible whether conception has occurred. Some are waiting for this moment with trepidation, dreaming of a new life and a miracle, while others, on the contrary, are afraid of this and mentally prepare for an abortion. Typically, this situation occurs if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs.

In both cases, early diagnosis of pregnancy would be very helpful. The sooner a pregnant woman registers, the greater the chances of a successful pregnancy. Everyone knows this very well that it is better to have an abortion at the earliest stages and there is no need to talk at all. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages and can it be done?

In fact, this can still be done with varying degrees of reliability. However, for this it is necessary to understand what happens in the female body before and after conception, because it is the changes occurring in the body at this moment that can tell whether pregnancy has occurred.

What happens in the body after conception?

Pregnancy is strictly tied to a woman’s menstrual cycle, and conception can occur on strictly defined days: 1-2 days after ovulation. It is not for nothing that the cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation. It is from this time that the new egg begins to prepare for release from the ovary. It ripens towards the middle of the cycle, usually around day 14, unless, of course, your cycle is 28 days. If your cycle is longer or shorter, you need to take this into account, especially if you are using a calendar method of contraception. It itself is extremely unreliable, but if you incorrectly calculate the day of ovulation, then its reliability completely disappears.

In parallel with ovulation, the woman’s body prepares for a possible conception: the endometrium softens and thickens, preparing to receive the fertilized egg, the follicle that released the mature egg degenerates into the corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone, necessary for successful implantation and maintenance of pregnancy, the basal body temperature increases to 37 degrees which are most comfortable for conception. The body remains in this state for a little more than a week.

If conception does not occur, then everything returns to normal: the temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, the endometrium exfoliates and comes out with menstruation. The cycle begins again. What if fertilization occurs?

The fertilized egg continues to move through the fallopian tube. Already on this path its division and development begins. A week or a little more later, the fertilized egg is implanted. From this moment on, the chorion, one of the fetal membranes, begins to produce the hCG hormone. Gradually, this hormone accumulates in the body.

Medical methods for diagnosing pregnancy

Determining pregnancy in the early stages is possible only after implantation. Until this moment, the fertilized egg has no contact with the parent body, that is, the body itself does not yet know about pregnancy.

Accordingly, no changes associated with pregnancy occur.

With one hundred percent probability, pregnancy can be diagnosed only in a medical institution. To do this, you need to donate blood no earlier than 7-10 days after conception. This analysis is based on determining the presence of hCG in a woman’s blood.

How to determine pregnancy before delay at home?

However, is it worth going to the doctor every month in the hope of getting the desired result?

Early pregnancy detection is also possible at home. Moreover, the hCG hormone helps women with this. You can purchase an express pregnancy test in almost every pharmacy. They may differ in appearance or price, but they all have the same operating principle: they determine the presence of hCG in the urine. True, provided that the concentration of the hormone is higher than the sensitivity of the test.

Standard tests are designed to be carried out on the first day of the delay, but if you purchase a more sensitive test, naturally for much more money, then the result can be obtained a couple of days before the delay.

However, it is worth remembering that for one reason or another, the test may give an incorrect result, and therefore before contacting a consultation, it is recommended to do 2 tests with a break of 2 days.

How else to determine pregnancy at an early stage? Basal temperature can help with this. This is also a fairly accurate method, although much more troublesome, since to obtain a reliable result it is necessary to keep a chart of basal temperatures for 2-3 months before conception in order to accurately know the behavior of your body. So this method is more suitable for those who, using a basal temperature chart, tried to determine the truly suitable time for conception.

However, any woman can use this method as an additional diagnostic method. As mentioned above, after ovulation, the rectal temperature rises slightly, and closer to menstruation it returns to normal. However, if pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature does not fall and continues to remain elevated.

Of course, an increase in basal temperature may be associated with other phenomena. However, they all require prompt consultation with a doctor, so it makes sense to attend a consultation in any case.

Determining pregnancy by sensations

In addition to the main ones, but not as the main way to determine pregnancy in the early stages, you can try to evaluate your feelings during this period.

Thus, it is known that at the time of implantation a blood vessel may be damaged, and then slight spotting bleeding may occur. It is usually mistaken for the beginning of menstruation, but this bleeding is one-time in nature and much less profuse than menstruation. But implantation bleeding is the earliest definition of pregnancy.

Toxicosis is often cited as an early sign of pregnancy. However, for up to 5 weeks this phenomenon is quite rare. So, as a rule, it takes place after a delay.

But breast swelling can occur quite early. Another thing is that for many women it swells even before menstruation. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen can also be considered an unreliable sign.

You can also pay attention to your sexual attraction. Often women note a sharp change in it from the earliest stages. But the nature of these changes can be very different. Some women during this period tend to give up sex completely, while others, on the contrary, experience simply unprecedented attraction.

As you can see, all these signs are indirect and very unreliable. Of course, if you have a combination of several of them, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. This may be a reason to conduct a test, but you should not draw conclusions only based on your feelings.

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy

There are also folk remedies for determining pregnancy in the early stages. Including pregnancy tests, which, by the way, also involve urine. For example, it is suggested to boil it. Immediately after boiling, the urine should be poured into a glass vessel. It is believed that in this case white flakes appear in “pregnant” urine.

You can also moisten a piece of paper or cloth with urine and drop some iodine on it. If iodine turns purple, then the woman is pregnant, if it turns blue, then not.

You can also tell fortunes about pregnancy. To do this, take 2 onions: on one they wish for the presence of pregnancy, on the other - the absence. Place both bulbs in glasses of water and see which of the two grows faster.

Many people suggest navigating through dreams. They say that if a woman dreams of fish in any form, then she is most likely pregnant. The same is said about water.

As you understand, determining pregnancy in the early stages using traditional methods is not a rewarding task. You could just as easily tell fortunes using cards or coffee grounds. The reliability of any of them does not exceed 50%. Given that we have only 2 options, such reliability is clearly insufficient.

It turns out that pregnancy can be determined in the early stages, even before the delay. However, the timing advantage will be very small: only a few days. Of course, for some people these days mean a lot, so it’s always worth trying.

After all, in a difficult situation, a few extra days can save your baby's life or save you from a lot of complications if you are planning an abortion. You should always remember that any home methods can give erroneous results, including for reasons beyond your control. Therefore, having received a positive result on the test, immediately go to the antenatal clinic to confirm the diagnosis.

I like!

Emotional changes. Often, from the first days of pregnancy, a woman experiences increased irritability and emotional lability—frequent changes of mood for no apparent reason. First, she cries over a heart-warming series, a minute later she’s laughing at her husband’s jokes, and after another two, she’s offended by him for unknown reasons.

Cause: Pregnant women experience either sadness or joy due to the hormonal changes that occur in the female body after conception.

It also happens: with increased anxiety (neuroticism).

Breast augmentation often begins early. The breasts may be slightly itchy and swollen. It gets heavier, becomes sensitive and even hurts a little.

Cause: increased production of female hormones.

Constant fatigue, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness during pregnancy can begin in the morning. It seems like you haven’t had time to do anything yet, but you’re already tired...

Causes: changes in hormonal levels.

It also happens: for neurological disorders. Perhaps you are really tired and need a long rest.

Particular sensitivity to odors: some suddenly begin to experience an inexplicable tenderness for the smell of gasoline, others feel sick from their husband’s favorite eau de toilette. Often, women who become pregnant become intolerant of tobacco smoke, even if they themselves smoke.

Cause: the beginning of hormonal changes in the pregnant woman’s body.

It also happens: there are no other reasons. This mainly affects pregnant women. But still the sign is a little dubious. You never know why you don’t like the smell of perfume today, which just yesterday delighted you. Maybe it's just a matter of mood?

Taste changes, including the classic “craving something salty.” Suddenly you want the strangest combinations of foods: for example, cheese and jam.

Cause: the level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother increases sharply, triggering the food intuition of pregnant women. Thus, expectant mothers who lack vitamin C often dream about pickled cucumbers. Those who need B vitamins want black bread, and fans of chalk or lime lack calcium in their bodies.

It also happens: in non-pregnant women with a deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals.

Dyspeptic changes. The most harmless thing is a metallic taste in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting in the morning may begin - that is, manifestations of early toxicosis. Toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy usually develops from four to five weeks.

Cause: the effect of changing hormonal levels on the digestive system.

It also happens: for gastritis, duodenitis, poisoning.

Frequent urge to urinate can be observed as early as the fifth week of pregnancy: every now and then you have to run to the toilet.

Cause: the uterus becomes larger, begins to put pressure on the bladder, the capacity of the latter decreases.

It also happens: for any infections of the genitourinary system - for example, urethritis or.

Possible signs of pregnancy

They are specific, but can indicate not only the onset of pregnancy.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

Happens only during pregnancy. You can trust them!

High level of hCG in the blood. A blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin in the event of pregnancy gives positive results already from one to two weeks. Even if there is no delay yet and the period is very short. When conception occurs, the fertilized egg divides, and during the division process it forms an embryo and membranes. One of these membranes is called the chorion. This is what produces hCG, which experts detect in the blood. In case of a positive result, the laboratory form will write: the hCG titer corresponds to one to two weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound results. The earliest time to determine pregnancy by ultrasound is 2 weeks. At this stage, the fertilized egg reaches a size of 4-5 mm, and your baby is already perfectly visible thanks to modern devices.

Comment on the article "Am I pregnant? Signs of pregnancy"

Delay 10 days, all my usual signs of pregnancy: sensitivity, moodiness, increase in size B to C... In the morning before work I bought a test at the pharmacy and now I’m sitting admiring the result, happy as hell: D I see a goal - I believe in myself! May the Force be with us! May we be lucky!

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1. One of the first signs of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. Of course, the cessation of menstruation, or rather a delay, can also occur due to some other reasons - not related to pregnancy (for example, due to illness, anemia, or due to severe mental shock, anxiety, as well as due to a sudden change in situation, etc.). etc.), however, it is never a bad idea to undergo a medical examination. 2. Morning sickness is a somewhat later symptom. Starts around...

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear? - gatherings. Pregnancy and childbirth. Still, the first time I was pregnant was at 21, the second at 25, now I’m 34 and my body isn’t getting any younger. but so far everything seems to be going well.

Signs of pregnancy. Girls, I thought of a question. As I understand it, after conception, about two weeks before the expected ones. Judging by this conf, then approximately every tenth of the “feelers” turns out to be pregnant, and the remaining 9 felt something else

first signs of pregnancy. Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. I had pain in my lower abdomen from the day of conception until 4-5 weeks, then I started taking Utrozhestan. but in fact, I just felt that’s all, I knew that I was pregnant 11/14/2006 14:03:51, Duvsi.

Girls, I have the most banal question - the first signs of pregnancy. PMS, as usual... I didn’t even think that I was pregnant, although the probability of getting pregnant was very high (I knew exactly the day of ovulation) 04/25/2005 15:17:25, Gvozdika.

girls and when side effects appear - signs of pregnancy - breast swelling, nausea and toxicosis - the attack of pregnant women. It's funny, but my signs of toxicosis began the next day, after the ultrasound showed that we were really pregnant.

But then, a year later, after a month, it seemed to me that that was it - I was pregnant. I felt nauseous, my chest hurt, my stomach was tight, in general, all the signs, but there was no pregnancy. But now I’m afraid to even think, maybe it’s false again, and there are 3 days until menstruation..

During my first pregnancy, I was so scared of this that I started visiting mammologist-oncologists, only after a week, or even more, everything became clear :)) There were no more visible, sensitive signs, except perhaps a premonition and the realization that you were pregnant. ..

Various sources write that obvious signs of pregnancy appear only before the expected date of the next menstruation, but my chest began to hurt and my temperature rose to 37.2 10 days before my “period,” which never came.

I began to experience the first signs of pregnancy approximately in the second week after conception - a strange swelling. My breasts began to hurt, although my period was still two weeks away, I began to feel unwell in the morning and generally just “felt like I was pregnant.”