How to read a person’s character by facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of men and women by face shape: examples with descriptions, photos


    cutting- SHARP, sharp, sharp; sharp, sharp, sharp. 1. Active, manifesting itself with great force, sharpness, piercing. Sharp cold. Sharp pain. “There is slush and a sharp wind outside.” Pomyalovsky. “It was cold, there was a sharp, unpleasant feeling... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    cutting- adj., used very often Morphology: sharp, cutting and cutting, sharp, cutting; sharper; adv. sharply 1. Wind and cold are called sharp if they appear with great force and sharpness. The radio promises a strong drop in pressure, sharp winds and thunderstorms.… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    CUTTING- SHARP, oh, oh; zok, zka, zko, zky and zky; sharper. 1. Manifesting with great force and sharpness. R. wind. R. cold. 2. Sudden and very significant. R. decline. Sharp cold snap. Sharp pain. 3. Too strong. R. light, smell. R. voice. 4.… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    Moebes, Grigory Ottonovich- Grigory Ottonovich Moebes Aliases: GOM Date of birth: 1868 (1868) Place of birth: Riga, Livonia Date of death: 1934 (1930)? Place of death: in exile in ... Wikipedia

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    Narni, Erasmo yes- Donatello. Statue of Gattamelata. Padua Erasmo da Narni (Italian Erasmo da Narni) nicknamed Gattamelata (Italian Gattamelata; 1370 (1370 ... Wikipedia

    Children of the rain- The style of this article is non-encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to the stylistic rules of Wikipedia... Wikipedia

    en coeur- *en coeur. With my heart. For their evening attire, young girls can use a dress made of light silk, poplin, even light cashmere and dress collars, carré or en coeur cut, elbow-length sleeves. 1881. Good tone 334. Rich... ...

    bush en coeur- * la bouche en coeur. Mouth, lips with a heart. Monsieur Grandot was very busy with himself and considered himself irresistible; Unfortunately, his entire personality was at odds with this immoderate desire to please and win. Short, squat, sharp features... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    STOMACH- STOMACH. (gaster, ventriculus), an expanded section of the intestine, which, due to the presence of special glands, has the significance of a particularly important digestive organ. Clearly differentiated “stomachs” of many invertebrates, especially arthropods and... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia


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A well-known Russian proverb says that people are greeted by their clothes. Life says that facial features are of great importance when meeting for the first time. What they are like is interesting not only to artists. Any mortal would not mind admiring the beauties.

Concept of human appearance

There is an infinite number of variations in human phenotypes and variability within individual groups. Physical appearance significantly influences personal development and position in society. Although the degree of emphasis on external appearance and its importance for social status differs significantly in different cultures.

On physical appearance influence such factors:

  1. Genetic-ethnicity and geography of habitat. Thus, a person’s weight varies significantly from 40 kg among small tropical peoples to 80 kg among northerners. Among the inhabitants of the south, dark pigmentation of the eyes, skin and hair predominates;
  2. Floor. Sexual dimorphism in humans is more pronounced than in chimpanzees, but to a lesser extent than in gorillas;
  3. Physiological changes. Long-term: Aging causes hair loss, changes skin flexibility. Short-term: redness, chills, influence of temperature changes, etc.;
  4. Physical injuries and injuries (amputation, scars, burns and wounds) significantly change the appearance;
  5. People can make changes as they wish. Clothes, hats, hairstyles, cosmetics, plastic surgery, regular exercise, medical devices (braces, contact lenses), decorative items (jewelry), etc. help with this.

Subtle facial features

According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, the expression “facial features” is often used as a synonym for the word “appearance.” Most often it goes along with the epithet “thin”. This is a portrait characteristic that refers to nobility and aristocracy. To get a more specific description, let's turn to works of literature:

  1. Greek nose (“Drama on the Hunt”, Chekhov) - a classic straight nose;
  2. Thin lips (ibid);
  3. Refined neck (“Network Notes”, Evgenia Nepomnyashchaya);
  4. Slender and correct facial proportions (mentioned in one scientific work published under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);
  5. Not too prominent cheekbones (D. Zhuravlev, “Riddles of History”).

This image is considered truly European. Moreover, it is attributed to Jesus Christ (“Revelations of Guardian Angels”, Renat Garifzyanov). Such a person is easy to paint with a thin brush, which is where the name of the expression comes from.

There are many celebrities among these people:

  • Angelina Jolie;
  • Polina Gagarina;
  • Renata Litvinova;
  • Nastya Kamenskikh;
  • Jennifer Aniston;
  • Cindy Crawford.

What other types are there?

Facial features can be like this:

  • Soft- the contours of the appearance are quite smooth. Juicy lips, arched eyebrows, beautifully defined mouth;
  • Sharp- represent the opposite of the previous type. Angular “geometric” lines catch the eye. The mouth resembles a straight line. The wrinkles on the body stand out clearly;
  • Rough- prominent large jaw, sharp chin, massive nose, narrow forehead, pig-like eyes. The most striking example in this category is Sobakevich, the famous hero of Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”;
  • Large- on a relatively small face there is a large nose, lips and eyes.

To adjust the features of your physiological structure, you need to know how to dress. If you have an “aristocratic” appearance with refined contours, it is recommended to emphasize your image with your hairstyle and large details of clothing. If nature “cut from the shoulder,” then you should adhere to the opposite tactics: avoid fluffy hair, avoid contrasts. The latter may attract unwanted attention.

Physiognomy: what is it?

There is a whole field of knowledge - physiognomy - which directly connects a person’s appearance and his character. Face shape is one of the most important criteria:

  • Pear. People with this physiognomy are distinguished by fantastic long-suffering and the ability to do long and painstaking work. They are not prone to dominance, and therefore make good friends;
  • Circle. Speaks of external and internal spiritual harmony. Almost everything comes easy, be it study, work or love relationships. Such people are deeply positive and free from bouts of causeless depression;
  • Oval- this form was considered the standard of beauty at all times. However, a carefree life can significantly relax a person, and less attractive peers may overtake him if they wish;
  • Square conceals remarkable strong-willed abilities. Many businessmen, athletes and military men have this appearance;
  • Triangle speaks of high sensuality and emotionality. The bearers of such qualities can be both musicians and artists, and inveterate losers.

Ideal facial features: what are they?

Everyone knows the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Each person has his own ideas about beauty. But this does not mean that there are no standards of beauty and common features among everyone who is admired by others.

Plastic surgery specialists believe such proportions are ideal:

  • The ratio of the length of the face to its maximum width should be the golden ratio - in other words, expressed as a decimal fraction of 1.61;
  • The measure of beauty is the width of the eye (the length between its inner corners). It is this value that should be equal to the distances between the organs of vision, between the eye and ear, the height of the chin and the size of the nose. The width of the face in the area of ​​the pupils should be five times greater than the specified standard;
  • A horizontal imaginary line passing through the pupils should divide the face in half;
  • Correctly set ears are located in height between the eyes and nose;
  • If you connect the top points of the eye sockets and the middle of the lips, you should get a regular triangle (all sides of which are equal);
  • The width of the mouth and the distance between the pupils should match.

100% does not have this appearance no living person. But such celebrities have come as close to the ideal as possible.

According to modern psychologists, the saying that “you meet people by their clothes” is beginning to lose its relevance.
After all, scientists have proven that in fact, when meeting people, people pay first attention to the appearance of their interlocutor, and only then to what he is wearing. In this regard, we decided to figure out how facial features affect female attractiveness.


It is believed that a few fractions of a second are enough for a person to form an opinion about a person. For example, women with big eyes seem much more attractive to men than girls who cannot boast of wide eyes ala Twiggy or Audrey Hepburn. Therefore, if you want to visually enlarge your eyes, try “highlighting” the lower lash line with a light pencil. As for the arrows on the upper eyelid, it is best not to make them too long, and point the tip in the corner of the eye upward, thereby, as it were, lifting it.


The second thing a man notices when meeting a girl is a smile. If you want to charm your interlocutor, then slightly lift the corners of your lips up. As psychologists note, in this way you will show your interlocutor that you are a reliable and responsive person. In addition, women with slightly raised eyebrows are able to win over representatives of the stronger half of humanity from the first seconds.


Clear, even somewhat masculine facial features can serve you well when applying for a job, as people will see you as a reliable person, capable of making independent decisions and taking responsibility for their actions. In addition, people with a broad face seem to others to be more competent specialists than others.


If you want to instill confidence in your interlocutor from the first minutes of communication, then tilt your head slightly to the side when talking. Scientists also believe that women with dark skin are very popular with members of the opposite sex. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it; overly tanned girls seem too frivolous to men.

Facial features can be sharp and soft.

Soft facial features are distinguished by smooth lines: a soft curve of the eyebrows, plump lips, an arc-shaped mouth line, even wrinkles have smoother outlines. If we talk about sharp facial features, then the name itself tells us: eyebrows are a house or a straight line, the outlines of the lips are rather angular, the line of the mouth is straight, wrinkles are outlined more directly. You should pay attention to these features when you choose accessories, bags, belts, jewelry, as well as when you choose the shape of the neckline, the shape of the collar and lapels, decorative details and fabric patterns. Moreover, the greatest attention should be paid to those details that are located closer to the face.
If you have soft facial features, you should choose rounded collars and smooth contours of glasses frames. The same lines can be shown in jewelry, hairstyles and patterns on fabric.
In the case of sharp facial features, the internal lines in the suit should be clearly defined, geometric: sharp necklines and collars, earrings and brooches, linear or graphic patterns on the fabric will organically combine with your external characteristics and emphasize individuality.
For greater integrity of the image, it is important to repeat the shapes that naturally suit you in accessories located further from the face: in a belt buckle, watch or cutout on shoes. Just keep in mind that too many identical elements (for example, square-shaped clips, glasses, buckles on bags and shoes, patterns on clothes, etc.) look annoying and monotonous. Count the close ones, but

objects distinguishable by shape. In form, as well as in color, the nuances look much more interesting.

If everything is mixed up

I am often asked whether, for example, it is possible for a person to have a smooth, rounded face shape, but sharp facial features. It happens, it happens! It happens by nature, and it happens that a person has lost weight, for example, and the contours of the face have become sharper. Or vice versa - I gained weight and my face became rounder. In this case, facial features usually do not lose their sharpness or softness.
If, suddenly, it happens that you have both sharp and soft facial features, then you are a mixed type. Perhaps, at first glance, the selection of accessories looks more complicated, but you have more opportunities for transformation.
In any case, it is worth changing and adjusting your facial features with the help of makeup and accessories only when there is a “production” need for it. If there is no such task, it makes sense to emphasize and show in a favorable light what nature has given you. Just remember to follow the rules of harmony, proportionality and unity of all details of the image.

Beautiful - ugly

For some reason, it is believed that only an oval face shape can be the most attractive. I wonder what percentage of people are the owners of such happiness? And for some reason it is believed that any face shape must be adjusted towards the ideal. To debunk this persistent myth, you can view any chart of the most beautiful people.

Try to find among them at least one owner of an oval-shaped face. Therefore, we conclude: any face shape can be attractive and stylish, not just oval, you just need to choose a hairstyle, glasses, jewelry, etc. But this is not the most important thing. In addition to choosing the right accessories, I also advise you to gain self-confidence and a positive attitude towards your appearance.

This gives special attractiveness to any face. Let's remember Jacqueline Kennedy - the subject of admiration for many connoisseurs of beauty and style, but her face had a pronounced “square” shape. She just didn’t try to copy someone else’s style, but rather emphasized her uniqueness. This is how she left her mark on history. By the way, if a person clearly adheres to his own unique style, this indicates self-respect and high self-esteem. For some reason, I remembered an American program where participants underwent plastic surgery to become doubles of movie and pop stars. I wonder what they wanted to achieve? All the same, the world needs only one Brad Pete and only one Marilyn Monroe...

Good luck in finding your image and be yourself! Write to me by e-mail:[email protected]
and we will think about your style together!

Sincerely yours, Marina Kostina.

Dear readers! “Like” and “tweet” are the best ways to say “thank you” to an Internet resource: . Probably every woman strives to make her face as beautiful as possible. But what is needed for this? It is generally accepted that correct facial features are the most pleasing. This is the common opinion. What do people with regular facial features look like? Plastic surgeons are convinced that the beauty of the human face lies in maintaining certain proportions between the cheekbones, eyes and lips. These three parameters must be of a certain size and at the appropriate distance

And then your face will look perfect.

Much depends on the shape and expression of the cheekbones, since they directly take part in the formation of the shape of the face. They represent a clearly defined line, which is part of a large circle that frames the face. It is generally accepted that the most beautiful cheekbones are those located below. But there must be harmony here. If the face has a pronounced round shape, then the cheekbones are hardly noticeable. If the face is thin, then they may stand out too much, which also will not create a beautiful face with regular features.

The correct line of cheekbones can make a big difference. If by nature a person does not have a pronounced line, then you can get it thanks to a few simple tricks.

How to highlight cheekbones?

To show cheekbones on your face, you need to visually stretch it out. This can be done with the right hairstyle. A ladder or cascade haircut will give your cheekbones a more defined look, especially if your hair is straight. But light waves will also remove excess volume. Properly trimmed bangs can help visually lengthen your face. But it should be straight, so this option is suitable either for those with naturally manageable, heavy hair, or for girls who will straighten and make their bangs heavier, for example, using special hair oils. But those with round or bangs should be careful because bangs can have the opposite effect. So you should consult a professional before doing this.

There is also a very common and well-known method - cheekbones can be easily highlighted thanks to makeup. To do this, you will need a bronzer or dark powder and an angled face brush. An important point here is the correct selection of the shade of the product with which you will highlight your cheekbones. It should be the same color as the natural shadow on your face. This shade is easy to recognize. You just need to lightly press your finger on your cheek, and the shadow that forms around your finger will be the color you want. You should create a shadow carefully, as it is easy to overdo it and make this line sloppy and unnatural, which will immediately ruin your makeup.


The eyes are also an important component. Their beauty depends not only on color and shape, but also on the location and depth of planting. Ideally, the eyes should be positioned this way: the index finger should be placed from the iris towards the temple through the entire corner of the eyebrow. It is also important what condition the skin around the eyes is in. Drooping eyelids or even minor wrinkles noticeably change the overall appearance.

How to highlight your eyes correctly?

Eyes are usually the first thing we pay attention to. Therefore they require special attention. Symmetrically located, beautifully shaped and normal-sized eyes, in fact, make up the correct facial features. Photos in which a person has an expressive look always attract a lot of attention.

If there is such a problem, it is better to avoid a large number of shadows, especially on the upper part. This will make your eyes even heavier. It is better to give more importance to your eyelashes by emphasizing them with black mascara or using false eyelashes.

If your eyes are too far apart, you can change the situation by emphasizing the inner corners of your eyes. This can be done using eyeliner or a special pencil. When applying mascara to the eyelashes, you should not forget about the inside of the eye, and when using false eyelashes, it is not recommended to choose options that extend to the edge of the eye, as this will visually spread them even further.

The situation is exactly the opposite. Do not focus on the inner corners. To bring the correct facial features closer, highlighting the outer corner of the eye using an arrow of dark shadows applied to the edges of the eyelid will help. When applying mascara, you need to use a brush to slightly move the eyelashes to the outside, and when applying them, pay special attention to the edges.


Full lips are considered the most attractive. Moreover, the top one should ideally be about 25% smaller than the bottom. Thin lips are considered less feminine and take away the softness and tenderness of the face.

Lip care

Correct facial features will fade into the background if the lips are in poor condition. Such a problem as dry lips with cracks is familiar to everyone, especially in the cold season. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to care for them. The most common thing is to regularly use moisturizing gloss or hygienic lipstick. A simple application of this product will make your lips much more attractive and pleasant.

Many women, before applying lipstick, outline the contour of their lips with a pencil to match the lipstick. This helps make lips visually fuller or correct their shape. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this, because if you go beyond the edge of your lips a little more than you should, it will already be noticeable and will immediately ruin your appearance. You should not draw thick lines - everything should be neat and even. It is also best to slightly shade the pencil so that the outline is not so obvious and completely unnatural.

Correct facial features in men

As for male facial features, everything is much simpler. Rough lines are considered to be the most attractive. The right facial features for a man should show his masculinity and strength. For example, pronounced cheekbones look very attractive. Also, many male representatives have stubble and a beard. The correct facial features in women are more clearly defined, since it is no secret that the fairer sex pays more attention to their appearance, so the question of ideal facial proportions is more pronounced for them.

The connection between facial features and character

It turns out that a person’s appearance can say a lot about his inner world. There is even a separate science called physiognomy. She studies the connection between human facial features and character.

For example, large facial features mean that a person has willpower and Such people usually stand out for their determination and rapid achievement of success. They are more reliable.

But a correct, straight nose speaks of a person’s openness and sincerity. Snub-nosed people are more cheerful and prone to excitement. A small nose is most common in pessimistic people, while a hooked nose is most common in hot-tempered people.

A round face shape characterizes optimistic people who constantly enjoy life. They are always ready for change and it is unlikely that any difficulties can scare them. An oval face shape speaks of determination, and a square one speaks of modesty and calmness.