Emerald is a semi-precious stone. Beautiful emerald stone

Church holidays

The green emerald gem is a variety of beryl. Initially, beryl is colorless; it acquires color due to the presence of certain trace elements in its composition. The green tint of the mineral is given by chromium, and occasionally by vanadium.

The richest deposits of the stone are India, Colombia, USA, Pakistan, Australia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Depending on the place of extraction, minerals have different colors and features.

In Russia, the stone is mined in the Urals. It is considered good in quality, but not the best. The Colombian gem is recognized as the most popular.

As a sign of well-being and prosperity, this mineral is revered by many peoples. He is credited with many powerful magical properties. And some of the healing abilities of the mineral have been proven by science.

A little history

“Green stone” is a literal translation of the name of the mineral from Greek. The beautiful gem has long fascinated people's eyes and has been popular at all times.

The strong mystical and healing properties of the mineral, as well as its incomparable beauty, have allowed it to become the most revered gem in many countries. It is especially valued in the Muslim world because green is considered a color belonging to Islam.

During the times of the Aztecs and Incas, emerald was classified as a sacred mineral. Various mystical characteristics were attributed to him. He was loved and worshiped.

The gem was given as a sign of love and fidelity; it was believed that it guaranteed happiness and good luck to its owner. Women who had this mineral claimed that childbirth was painless and quick.

The oldest finds of stone were made in the Red Sea area. The deposits began to be developed by the Egyptian pharaohs. And these days they are almost exhausted.

The world's largest emerald weighs 217.8 carats. It was found more than three hundred years ago.

Modern technologies make it possible to create an artificial emerald, which in its characteristics is in no way different from natural one. It is impossible to notice the differences with the naked eye, because both in composition and in other parameters the synthesized mineral is identical to the natural one.

Now, as before, this gem is used to create jewelry. It is customary to give beautiful sets, rings, earrings and much more to beloved women as a sign of great love and boundless fidelity. Many loving couples exchange jewelry with this mineral to ensure their love lasts forever.

Varieties and colors

Typically, emerald is green in color. In Colombia, stones of a bright grassy green color are mined. These gems are especially valuable.

Green Trapiche gems are also mined in this country. This variety has one distinctive sign - six amazingly beautiful rays extend from the center of the crystal.

Zambian stone is transparent. These minerals are also known for their clear green hue. The gems are darker than Colombian ones. Zambian stones may have a bluish tint.

In Zimbabwe, the most common gemstone is considered to be the main distinctive feature of which is the presence of a yellow tint. The amazing combination of green and yellow is highly valued in the jewelry industry.

Often an emerald has many microscopic cracks. Even despite its hardness, this mineral can easily crack. Therefore, when making emerald jewelry, strict rules must be followed.

The excellent properties of this mineral allow it to be classified as a first-order gem along with diamond, ruby, sapphire and some others. Many large green stones sell for much more than diamonds.

Properties: healing and magical

This beautiful gem has at its disposal an inexhaustible supply of healing and mystical functions. The unique properties of emerald have allowed people to use it for their benefit for thousands of years.

It is believed that the mineral helps cure various ailments. The main “field” of its activity can be considered the stomach, bladder, head and joints.

This stone is often used to purify drinking water: to purify one glass of liquid, you need to keep the mineral in it for at least 1 hour.

In ancient times, even epilepsy was successfully treated with the help of this gem. And with such diseases as night blindness and eyesores, the powerful properties of the gem, according to some reports, were coped with a bang.

Until now, many healers advise purchasing the mineral to get rid of nightmares. It is believed to be useful for insomnia and other disorders of sleep and wakefulness.

In the old days, a stone was even hung at the head of the bed to protect oneself or children from nightmares and bad thoughts. Nowadays there is no such practice, but the belief remains.

The powerful magical properties of the mineral allow it to maintain its reputation as a good helper during various life troubles. This gem seems to re-educate the owner: it helps to remain faithful to one’s spouse, protects against committing crimes and following the wrong path.

Other magical functions of the mineral lie in its ability to bring good luck and prosperity to the owner. It does not tolerate evil and two-faced people, attracting serious illnesses and failures to them. But the mineral is designed to protect pure-hearted owners from everything bad. As a sign of its loyalty to its good owner, the gem protects him and his family and promotes the birth of healthy children. Sorcerers of all nations use this stone for occult purposes. With its help, they make contact with the deceased and unravel many mysteries. Thus, the possibilities of the gem are almost limitless.

This interesting stone can serve as an excellent talisman for anyone involved in creative activities. It helps to better express oneself in art and generally favors creative people.

In addition, emerald has a positive effect on the well-being of anyone who possesses it. It needs to be felt, but it is almost impossible to convey in words.
But there is no doubt that this gem is able to calm frayed nerves. Such properties can be observed in all green stones.

Stone in astrology

Whatever zodiac sign you belong to, remember: emeralds love kind and honest people. Those living in discord with their own conscience will not be able to wear this mineral as a talisman, even if their horoscope allows it.

According to its affiliation with the signs of the Zodiac, the mineral belongs to Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius.

With its help, Geminis acquire the composure they so lack. They begin to better navigate difficult situations and resolve problems and difficulties more easily.

Sagittarians wear the stone more for self-affirmation. Eternal warriors, they strive for superiority over everything, but this does not always work out. To get rid of worries about unjustified hopes, this stone will be your best helper.

Emeralds are of particular importance to Virgos. This, one might say, is their true talisman. With its help, those born in August-September begin to better control their weaknesses and do not succumb to bad habits. Prone to despair and disappointment, Virgos, with the acquisition of a green gem, begin to look at the world more optimistically and enjoy life in all its fullness.

A bright, noble and very principled emerald has conquered the hearts of millions of our contemporaries and ancestors. It continues to delight the eye with its magical and bewitching radiance, incomparable to anything.

According to Russian Law, there are only five precious stones. Emerald is second only to diamond. The will of domestic legislators is based on the experience of human civilization: a strict hierarchy of precious stones has been developed over several millennia. Consumer preferences only confirm government regulations.

We love emerald! But how much do we know about him?

In the mineralogical aspect...

...emerald is beryl. And beryl is a stone with many faces. It tends to be uncolored (goshenite), golden yellow (heliodor), blue (aquamarine), pink (morganite). However, the most beautiful of beryls is emerald! The brightness of its green color is determined by the presence of vanadium and chromium oxides, more or less evenly distributed throughout the aluminosilicate crystal.

The uneven color of emerald is as well-known a distinctive feature of the stone as its fracturing. In nature, it is almost impossible to find a green beryl crystal that is equally colored along its entire length and is completely devoid of cracks. Therefore, an emerald is considered ideal if it has no visible damage or color deviations to the naked eye.

Price and quality of emerald

And although in most cases the emeralds presented on the jewelry market are not free from defects, they are snapped up like hot cakes. The volume of global emerald trade exceeds the total sales of rubies and sapphires. Moreover, the price of a carat of a good quality emerald exceeds the price of a carat of diamond!

The increased demand for stones sparkling with fresh greenery forced artisans to carefully develop technologies for refining defective crystals. Centuries of practice have led to the development of effective techniques. Today, in the market of countries with poor populations (including Russia), more than 95% of emeralds sold are refined.

This is both good and bad.

The worries and joys of wearing emeralds

A naturally flawless emerald can cost five or twenty-five thousand dollars per carat. More affordable prices for green stone mean: cracks in the crystal are filled with either oil, silicate glue, polyester resins, or even adhesive silicone (an option is natural latex).

Treated stones look good, but require care when setting, wearing and caring for them. Many jewelers are reluctant to set an expensive but fragile stone into a setting. Special methods of fastening emerald require increased consumption of metal and often require blind (without bottom clearance) setting.

A stone fixed in this way allows less light to pass through it, and therefore loses its shine at the slightest contamination. However, it is not recommended to wash jewelry with emerald-enhanced soap (any soap): surfactants can wash away the oil embedded in the cracks of the crystal.

Volatile solvents are even more detrimental to materials used to repair defects. However, the greatest danger lies in the use of ultrasonic cleaning devices. High-frequency vibrations imparted to a naturally fractured stone can simply split or even crumble an emerald.

Deposits and preferences

Colombia is a recognized champion of emerald mining. The capital's Muso deposit is especially famous. Emeralds found in the vicinity of Bogota are distinguished by their rich color and enviable purity.

The highest-grade Colombian stones are not bad either. True, most emeralds mined from any mine in Colombia are opaque. However, the color characteristics of these gems are worthy of the most exalted epithets.

Zambia is actively developing its emerald mines. The best Zambian emeralds are even more beautiful than Colombian stones! However, quality stones are so rare in Zambia that the superiority of African stone over South American stone is not always easily confirmed. Due to their beauty and rarity, the best Zambian emeralds sell for more than Colombian emeralds.

Southeast Asian emeralds are distinctly blue, reducing demand for the stone. The presence of impurities in concentrations sufficient to degrade color, tone and clarity makes demand for Central Asian emeralds limited.

The low quality of semi-precious stone sometimes makes development unprofitable. Only a few amateur prospectors mine the placers of the alpine rivers of Europe and make pits in the Norwegian fiords and Irish hills.

Perhaps descendants will learn to make low-quality emeralds beautiful?

Fakes and imitations

Emeralds are successfully grown in laboratories. However, the process is expensive, which is why scammers often resort to more crude methods of deceiving the buyer. Two barely greenish beryls can be glued together with an aniline green layer. Such a stone, being hidden in the metal frame right up to the pavilion, gives the impression of a real emerald.

Even more rude are attempts to pass off painted glass as an emerald. Despite the fact that high-quality crystal is used to imitate emerald, the difference in the optical properties of the materials prevents a natural stone from being confused with a fake.

The high price of emerald allows scammers to offer the buyer natural gems that are similar to emerald, but are completely different minerals. An uninformed person cannot distinguish a tsavorite from an emerald. It is very similar to emerald and chrome diopside, but its color is thicker and its hardness is lower.

Green tourmaline was previously called the Ural emerald (as, indeed, chrysolite) - despite the presence of real emeralds a hundred kilometers from Yekaterinburg. However, the structural features of tourmaline will not allow it to be confused with an emerald even with minimal knowledge of the buyer.

What is trapiche?

In fact, the word “trapiche” in South America refers to a press for processing agricultural crops. The important - and most noticeable - parts of this press are the cast iron gear drive wheels.
By chance, it is in the places where trapiche presses are used that emeralds are found, the structure of which makes them similar to the cast iron wheels of presses. Six thick spokes converging in the center are the hallmarks of both trapice emeralds and trapice wheels.

The exoticism of emerald splices is the only advantage of trapiche. These stones, as a rule, are not of high quality and are extremely rarely used for making jewelry.

Photos of emerald

Even the highest quality photographs of emerald are not able to fully convey the magic of the green stone. The enchanting shine of the imperishable beauty of the emerald bewitches even inveterate skeptics. It is useless to resist the desire to buy an emerald...

Emerald crystals – photo

Photos of processed emeralds

Photos of jewelry with emeralds

Emeralds are gemstones that have been in great demand for over 4,000 years. Many historians associate emeralds with Queen Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt. Cleopatra was so obsessed with emeralds that she often decorated her clothes, jewelry and crowns with them. Emeralds are almost 20 times rarer than diamonds and are highly valued. Although you are probably not looking for an emerald to adorn your crown, you may still be in the market to buy or sell a high quality gemstone. Before you buy or sell an emerald, it is important to know the characteristics that affect its price.


Evaluation of clarity, cut and size

    Check for inclusions. Inclusions are any material (such as gas bubbles or tiny crystals) that was trapped inside the stone during its formation. Almost 99% of all emeralds contain inclusions that are visible to the naked eye or through a jeweler's magnifying glass.

    • Due to the predominance of inclusions, emeralds are classified as Type 3 gemstones, which means that inclusions visible to the naked eye are almost always present.
    • An emerald with excessive inclusions that reduce the clarity or clarity of the stone is worth less than an emerald with fewer inclusions.
    • Be especially careful about inclusions located near the surface of the stone, as they can cause the stone to break.
  1. Carefully inspect the cut of the emerald. Emeralds can be difficult to cut as the prevalence of inclusions makes them vulnerable to breakage during the cutting process. Emeralds are often cut in a rectangular shape (known as a "straight edge" around the center or "emerald cut"), making the color of the stone appear uniform.

    Keep in mind that emeralds come in a variety of sizes. Like most gemstones, emeralds can be found in a wide variety of sizes, from 0.02-0.5 carats (1mm - 5mm) accent stones to 1-5 (7mm - 12mm) carats center stones in rings or necklaces .

    Don't equate stone size with price. Indeed, larger stones are more expensive than smaller stones. However, quality is just as important as size, and large emeralds are much more likely to have large visible inclusions, which reduce the clarity of the stone. Smaller but higher quality stones, as well as larger emeralds, are more likely to have large or visible inclusions, which reduce the clarity of the stone. The cost of a smaller, higher quality stone will likely be higher than the cost of a larger, lower quality stone. In addition, the color of the stone greatly affects its cost.

    Color rating

    1. It is important to understand the meaning of color. The color of emeralds makes up a whole range of colors inherent in them. Color is one of the most important factors in determining the value of an emerald. The variety of colors of emeralds is due to varying amounts of chromium, vanadium and iron in the environment in which the stones were formed. Color can be divided into the categories of hue, hue and saturation.

      Determine the shade of emerald. Hue is probably what you think of when you hear the word “color.” The shade of emerald is its special type of green color.

      Look at the tone of the emerald. Tone refers to how light or dark the color of the emerald is. Emeralds vary in tone from very light green to very dark green. The relationship between tone and price is quite complex. Darker emeralds are often considered more valuable, but if an emerald becomes too dark, its value decreases.

      • Medium to medium-dark tones of emeralds are considered the most valuable in the market.
      • Emeralds in pure green or blue-green tones are the most desirable, partly due to the fact that blue-green emeralds are associated with a very famous and highly prized gem mine in Colombia called the Muzo Mine.
      • Keep in mind that emeralds that are too yellow or too blue may not be classified as true emeralds, causing their price to be much lower.
    2. Assess the saturation of the emerald. Saturation is related to the transparency of the gemstone. Emeralds with a high level of saturation (which means they are very transparent) are valued more highly than emeralds with a low level of saturation.

      • Saturation can be related to both inclusions and tone; stones with too many inclusions may appear less transparent. Likewise, very dark green emeralds do not absorb much light, so they appear duller than lighter emeralds.

    Buying an emerald

    1. Use the services of a reputable jeweler. Buy jewelry from a trusted supplier. Make sure the jeweler has a strong reputation. Your best bet would be to find a jeweler that has a return policy for products that are sold with inaccurate descriptions of transparency and quality.

    2. Ask for an independent evaluation of the stone. It is a good idea to have high-value jewelry (jewelry 3 carats or more) appraised by a third party. It is best to invite an appraiser who is a member of the national society of appraisers:

      • Check the website of the relevant national surveying society.
      • Find an appraiser in your area.
      • Contact a qualified appraiser in your area.
    3. Ask for a report from a reputable gemological laboratory. To properly determine the value of the emerald you are considering purchasing, you can ask for an AGL report that details the type, size, cut, clarity, color and origin of the emerald you are purchasing.

      • This report will give you some peace of mind about the quality and value of your jewelry before you receive a third-party appraisal.
    4. Study the price calculation. Before you buy an emerald, you need to be sure that you are getting a good quality piece of jewelry for the money you spend. A gemological laboratory's report will provide you with the perspective you need, but such laboratories typically cannot provide an accurate market price (reported prices are often inflated). To get a better sense of a fair price, you could visit various jewelers and pawn shops and write down details about the color, cut, and quality of each gemstone you're interested in pricing.

      • Keep in mind that pricing a gemstone is a highly subjective process, so there is no specific “formula” for calculating the exact price of a stone.
    5. Learn about the lubrication process. Emeralds are often treated with oil to increase the clarity of the stone. Oiling is an established practice and is considered a minimal enhancement to the appearance of the gemstone.

      • Ask if the emerald has undergone procedures that have caused minor, moderate, or significant changes. Minimal enhancements such as oiling are quite common, while major enhancement procedures (such as rosin or paint) alter the appearance of the stone and disguise its true value.

Emerald, together with diamond, sapphire and ruby, forms the four most beautiful minerals of the first row. Cleopatra's favorite gem has a controversial magical reputation. However, emerald is a highly moral stone, and this must be taken into account.

History and origin

The magical emerald was known throughout the ancient world. For the Egyptians, it was a symbol of the patroness of motherhood and femininity, the goddess Isis.. Emeralds were used by representatives of the upper castes and the wives of high priests. Not far from Aswan were the famous emerald mines of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra.

This is the third gem on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah.

Stones such as emerald were a profitable investment for the Babylonian elite. The Greeks called it the stone of radiance. Arab sheikhs collected piles of green gems of impeccable quality.

In the Islamic world, the magical properties of natural emerald made it the main stone of adherents of occult practices.

For Christians, emerald and the meaning of the stone evoke mixed feelings. According to the Old Testament, an emerald fell from Lucifer's helmet when he was banished to earth. Therefore, this is the embodiment of the forces of darkness. But the Holy Grail is made from it, which means it is a light stone.

In Persia, the concept of “emerald” meant “green stone”. In Rus', the gem was known as emerald; in the English-speaking world, the mineral is called emerald.

Europe became acquainted with the gem in the 16th century: conquistadors returning from America told about the deposits of Colombia. Soon the Old World was overwhelmed by a flood of stones captured from the Indians. In Russia, the Ural emerald deposits were discovered in 1831 by Maxim Kozhevnikov and the commander of the Yekaterinburg lapidary factory, Yakov Kokovin.

Geologists believe that as a stone, emerald is not yet “ripe”: its hardness increases.

In modern Russia, the value of stone as a currency value is legally defined.

Physicochemical characteristics

Emerald is a green variety of beryl. Occasionally complemented by blue or yellowish tint. First class gem.

It is formed as a result of the destructive effects of hot thermal spring water on granite rocks.

At temperatures above 700°C, the color of the emerald may disappear.

Description of the standard quality stone: a transparent mineral the color of green grass.

Place of extraction

Emeralds are found all over the world, but there are several large centers for the extraction of high-quality raw materials.

The world market leaders are Colombia (90%), Zambia, Russia, Brazil, Afghanistan.

The cost of emerald from Colombia is the highest. Analogs from Brazil or Afghanistan are a third cheaper.

In Russia, the main emerald deposits are concentrated in the Urals. They are developed by the Ural Gem Company. It provides high-tech extraction and only primary processing of the rock, so Ural emeralds retain their natural beauty.

Varieties and colors

The main characteristic of natural emerald is its green color. The base ranges from light tones to shades of dark green foliage. The mineral can simultaneously reflect tones of green, yellow, and blue.

The types of stone are determined by the place of extraction:

  • Colombian - the most perfect type of mineral with minimal defects; transparent grassy green stones; the second type is “trapiche”: six rays diverge from the center of the gem like spokes in a wheel;

    Colombian emerald

  • Zambian - the most beautiful, ideal in purity and transparency, darker than Colombian; come with a bluish tint or yellowish tint;

    Zambian emerald

  • Zimbabwean - a combination of yellow and green, valued by jewelers;

    Zimbabwean emerald

  • Brazilian - yellowish-green, lighter and purer than Colombian emeralds;

    Brazilian emerald

  • South African - stones from South Africa are light, but cloudy, used for cabochons;

    South African emerald

  • Russian (Ural) - large, distinguished by a thick green color, which is created by a high concentration of iron and chromium; opaque.

    Russian emerald

When assessing the cost, it is the color of natural stones that comes first. A bright green specimen with minor defects is more valuable than a transparent one, without cracks, but pale.

There are no blue emeralds: they are beryls or artificially created specimens.

The so-called red emerald is actually bixbite from the same beryls as real emerald. Emerald can have a very dark green hue, but is not black.

Artificial emerald

The terms “hydrothermal” or “nano-emerald” mean that the crystal was grown in a laboratory. The exact technology is a trade secret. But it is known that the hydrothermal method is used. Emerald powder is immersed in hot water, additives are added, and transferred to the cold. Crystals are deposited onto a substrate with specified parameters. The cycle lasts a month.

The first artificial emerald was produced in Germany in 1935, called “igmerald”. Five years later, industrial production was established in the USA.

Ring with artificial emerald

Artificial stones of the latest generation are of higher quality than natural stones in terms of strength, richness, purity, and size. The leading manufacturer is the Russian-Thai company Tyrus. Its specialists synthesized emerald, identical in composition to natural Colombian.

Medicinal properties

The natural mineral has a complex effect on the body:

  • regulates blood pressure;
  • soothes headaches and migraines (earrings are especially suitable for this);
  • treats arthritis, arthrosis;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heals the genitourinary system;
  • has a beneficial effect on women's health;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • calms the psyche.

This is a bactericidal mineral. The water in which it lay overnight can be drunk without boiling or washed with it for skin problems.

If you apply emerald to your eyes for 15–20 minutes, your vision will improve.

The healing properties of a pristine stone are stronger than a cut one.

Magic properties

The magical properties of green stone are of particular importance to spiritualists and esotericists. It is believed that he sends prophetic dreams and helps them come true.

Emerald bracelet

To enhance the prophetic properties of the emerald, it is dipped into a bowl of red wine. Yogis use it as an energy stimulant.

The stone is considered the embodiment of vitality, harmony of soul and body, and purity.

Owning an emerald is a test for the owner. This is a stone that stops deceit, infidelity, scams, and bad habits in the bud. A person will unwittingly follow the right path. If virtue is not part of your plans, it is better to take another gem.

The main magical influence of emerald:

  • patron of the family hearth, amulet of marital feelings, talisman of lovers ( emerald wedding is the 55th anniversary of marriage);
  • an attribute of travelers and people associated with the sea: helps to pacify the elements on land and sea;
  • suitable for creative people to implement projects or activate inspiration;
  • green stone is an amulet and talisman of business people, attracting good luck;
  • the stone resists the blows of fate, takes away aggression directed at the owner, nullifies negativity, stress, cleanses the biofield;
  • will help people endowed with intuition and superpowers to communicate with other worlds.

An emerald gift will bring good luck and a bright mood.

Smaragd was associated by different peoples with the image of mature femininity and beauty. In Kievan Rus, it was an attribute of married women who had more than three children.

Today it is also a ladies' stone. As a girl's talisman or amulet, it will protect against temptation and help you become a worthy wife and mother. The stone is suitable for a woman expecting a child.

It relieves men of harmful habits and character traits, replacing them with positive ones.

Emerald protects the home and its inhabitants from dark forces and witchcraft. To do this, it is stored at home in a secluded place.

Only strong-willed individuals can wield a stone. Before purchasing, you should consider whether an emerald is suitable for a particular person.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

It has been established that emerald is not suitable for everyone according to their zodiac sign. Scorpio has zero horoscope compatibility with him.

If the stone is prohibited by astrology, jewelry is worn from time to time. For example, to important meetings on financial topics.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

This is a stone of the air element. Its interaction with “water” minerals (opal, pearls, topaz, heliotrope, alexandrite) is undesirable.

Green emerald crystals

According to Pavel Globa, emerald conflicts with amethyst.

Where is it used?

Almost all emeralds are taken by the beauty and luxury industry. Less aesthetically pleasing, with weakly expressed color or artificial specimens are of practical importance for other branches of industry and technology.

Jewelry sector

The main area of ​​use of the gem. The jewelry mineral is reserved for premium-segment products and expensive orders.

Stone evaluation

The price of an emerald depends on its qualities:

  1. Color. Bright and rich colors are the most expensive. A specimen of a deep green tone, even with inclusions, is more valuable than a lightly colored transparent stone.
  2. Purity and transparency. Only unusual inclusions are welcome. A high-quality copy must be clean: cracks or inclusions are not visually noticeable.
  3. Processing quality. For jewelers, cutting is more valuable, for collectors - pristine specimens.
  4. Weight. The heavier the stone, the more expensive it is.

According to Russian standards, the color description of emerald involves five groups. The tags on the jewelry indicate this (the highest rating is 5).

Mineral sizes (in carats):

  • small (up to 0.49);
  • average (0.5 - 1);
  • large (up to 10);
  • very large (over 10).

The most desirable stone for connoisseurs is the six-carat stone.

They are willing to pay exorbitant sums for it.

Cut and setting

The green gem perfectly complements the white metal of the frame: gold or platinum. Silver is awarded to artificial stones or custom-made jewelry.

It is one of the few minerals to have a cut named after it. Stepped (emerald) processing is applied to most stones. Cloudy specimens with defects become cabochons.

Assortment of jewelry

Smaragd is used for jewelry of all types. They are worn on special occasions, with a wardrobe of the same level.

Jewelry with emerald

Pairs with rubies or sapphires. The height of chic is a scattering of diamonds around a stone in gold or platinum.

Gold jewelry is the best gift for a woman on a special occasion. Earrings, bracelet or necklace are given for the birth of a child. An emerald ring is bought for an engagement or wedding.

Men's assortment - a massive platinum or silver ring, tie clip, cufflinks with a rectangular translucent emerald.

The modern bohemian trend is deliberately careless large jewelry with unpolished inserts. Silver is light or blackened.


The stone is valued based on color and origin (stone cost per carat):

  • bright green - $2,000;
  • pale - $500;
  • artificial - $200.

Price of emerald jewelry (thousand rubles):

  • in gold: earrings - 7.5–25, ring - 4.3–15;
  • with diamonds: ring - 11–25, pendant - 3.5–10, earrings - 10–40.

Silver accessories are equipped with nanocrystal inserts. The price of such emeralds is several times less than natural material. For example, a ring costs 1.7–1.9 thousand, earrings - 1.5–1.7 thousand rubles.

Other areas

Natural minerals are used to create solid-state lasers, while synthetic ones are used in quantum electronics.

How to spot a fake

Artificial stones are sold as “igmeralds”, but this is not always indicated. Instead of emerald, they also offer glass, refined peridot, chrysoberyl, verdelite, corundum, jadeite, tourmaline or zircon.

The imitations are of high quality, but it is not difficult to recognize a fake.

The sample can be checked using several parameters:

  1. Color. Emeralds are often muted, but always green (not bottle green or swamp green). The light shade is beryl. Synthetics shine like a diamond.
  2. Edges. In a natural mineral they are clear, sharp, and well-defined. The fake ones have smoothed edges.
  3. Dichroism. When turned, the stone changes its golden hue to bluish or vice versa.
  4. Internal structure. In natural stone it is homogeneous and uniform. A large gem may have cracks and small internal defects. Layering means fake.
  5. Ultraviolet. Synthetic crystals glow brownish-orange when exposed to rays, emeralds do not react. The method is not one hundred percent: sometimes natural stone looks like artificial.
  6. Chelsea color filter. An emerald will be pink or reddish, an artificial emerald will be intense red, a fake will be green.

Peridot (evening emerald) turns yellow during the day and turns greenish in artificial light.

A real emerald does not darken in water or in the sun for a long time.

When evaluating a crystal, you need to take into account that specimens with a flawless surface are rare. Therefore, to give an aesthetic appearance, most emeralds are treated with chemical compounds. The stone, enriched with colored resins, is placed in a solution of washing powder or detergent. The filler will dissolve, revealing the natural color.

How to wear and care

Emerald is durable and difficult to damage at home. However, it does not tolerate cosmetics, water, or household chemicals. Loves darkness and coolness. Pebbles and jewelry deserve proper care:

  • When washing, cooking, or other household work, jewelry is removed;
  • put on jewelry when makeup is applied: powder, eye shadow, blush are destructive to the gem;
  • store jewelry in a casket or other durable closed box; Alternatively, wrap each item in a soft cloth.

Contaminated jewelry is soaked in warm soapy water. If necessary, rub lightly with a soft cloth or brush.

It is worth investing in a special protective layer - it is applied to items with emerald by jewelers.


If you constantly wear an emerald on your body, after two to three months your character and soul will be cleansed of negativity.

Favorable time to buy

It is better to buy an emerald or jewelry with it on the first or second lunar day. N

start using or arranging a “presentation” of jewelry - on the 16th day of the lunar cycle, that is, in half a month.

Celebrities love jewelry with emeralds:

  • the stone of wisdom and composure is inserted into the ring that A. S. Pushkin owned;
  • a gold cross with emeralds became a wedding gift from Marlene Dietrich to her friend Edith Piaf;
  • Lyudmila Zykina’s collection includes three pieces of jewelry with Ural emerald: a yellow gold ring with a scattering of diamonds and a silver set (ring plus earrings);
  • Store-bought Soviet jewelry from the 1940s to 1970s contains synthetic stones.

Emerald is the stone of those born in May and a regal birthday gift.

Silver with emerald is used as a magical artifact, making it a family talisman.

The green color of minerals initially indicates their magical and healing properties. Green symbolizes life, growth and rebirth. Extraordinary, its properties, who it suits according to their zodiac sign - esotericists are still studying all this and discovering something new. The green glow from inside the crystal is mesmerizing.

Astrologers claim that emerald is under the protection of the planet Mercury. Based on the characteristics of this planet, the magical and healing properties of the mineral are determined. Its second name comes from Greece – smaragd, which means “green stone”.

Purpose of the mineral

Emerald is a symbol of rebirth, justice and purity of thoughts. People gave him significant names - “heart of spring”, “discoverer of truth”, “guardian of love”. The special properties of the emerald stone give a person patience, the ability to make concessions and restrain excessive nervousness when communicating with loved ones. All this helps to preserve true love between spouses. No wonder it is responsible for the heart chakra.

Green Crystal Magic

In addition to Mercury, the crystal received its magical properties and significance in interaction with people from the Moon and Venus. They added special magical energy to their pet.

  • The stone reveals abilities and desire for learning and development. And reduces the craving for gambling and kleptomania.
  • Women note how strong the healing effect emerald has on the skin. There is rejuvenation of the face and the body as a whole.
  • Esotericists claim that all diseases occur in the body due to a lack of one of the colors. So emerald is responsible for green color. It affects the human heart chakra, which is responsible for compassion and love for people.
  • The mystical properties of emerald are associated with its influence on its owner. There are examples when a person who wore a gem product for 3 months changed, became more restrained and friendly. The stone makes its owner better, relieves the desire for adventures and bad deeds.
  • Able to cleanse a person’s aura and protect his biofield from evil forces. For the same purpose of protection from dark human thoughts, the gem is hidden in the house in a certain place so that it protects the home.
  • The magical properties of the stone are often used in rites and rituals; emerald helps to establish connections with deceased relatives during spiritualistic sessions.
  • His main value is that he never helps people whose thoughts are dishonest.
  • The magic of emerald is ideal for people who make a living with their minds - inventors, scientists, as well as students. It enhances their sharpness of thinking and increases their perception of the material.
  • The crystal is suitable for teachers and lecturers. He will give them the power of persuasion and ease in presenting new knowledge.

Emerald and its mysterious properties have long been used in witchcraft to communicate with the afterlife. At the same time, religious leaders believed that green gems personified spiritual beauty and strength.

The healing properties of the mineral

Esoteric literature talks a lot about the healing capabilities of the stone. It has the ability to bring harmony to the work of all body systems. The gem helps people with speech impediments become more confident and overcome their illness, in particular stuttering and even deafness.

The healing properties of emerald are manifested in different areas:

  • The mineral is used in the treatment of mental illness. It is practiced to wear gem jewelry and use specially made medicinal powders with the addition of crystal particles.
  • Emerald stone has antibacterial properties.
  • Maintains normal blood pressure.
  • The healing and health properties of emerald help relieve pain in the joints and stomach. Even severe symptoms of bladder disorders can be alleviated by crystal.
  • A gemstone amulet will reduce the level of anxiety, especially in suspicious people, and protect them from stress.
  • It helps older people retain memory and flexibility of thinking longer.
  • The healing properties of the stone alleviate the suffering of people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. In these situations, it is better to wear an emerald on a chain at chest level.


The emerald stone has strong energy, so it is important to know whose zodiac sign its properties are suitable for. Not everyone can handle an emerald as a talisman. Only those for whom emerald is suitable will benefit from it. It is even contraindicated for some zodiac signs. Let's take a closer look:

  • According to the zodiac sign, emerald is most suitable for Aries, Capricorn, Virgo and Libra.
  • The crystal will channel the excess energy of Sagittarius and Cancer women into the right, calm direction.
  • He will help Taurus women realize the most incredible projects. The mineral will give family happiness and sincere friendship to the zodiac signs Aquarius Leo and Pisces.
  • For the Virgo zodiac sign, emerald promises career advancement, respect from colleagues and a solution to many health problems.
  • He has good compatibility with Gemini. He will bring them seriousness and the ability to concentrate on important matters.
  • Zodiac signs, in whose horoscope the influence of Mercury is weakened, will nevertheless receive from the crystal an optimistic view of the world, a desire to develop and learn new things.
  • The Aquarius gem will guide, as they say, on the true path. He will teach them to appreciate the main things - the love of loved ones, peace in the home. Encourages you to be more restrained.

For a person whose horoscope matches emerald, the value of the stone increases several times. He receives a powerful amulet and activator of mental development. But if this is not your stone, it will bring confusion into your life, and it will be difficult for you to understand your true goals. Therefore, it is so important to know which zodiac sign is recommended to wear it.

Emerald will show all its best qualities in magic in relation to pregnant women and children. He will protect them well from the evil eye, strengthen the family, and support love. Expectant mothers can wear jewelry with the mineral right up until childbirth.

According to books on astrology, people born under the sign of Scorpio should not wear items made from emeralds. This is the only sign for which this gem is contraindicated. If the amulet is made of artificial emerald, then none of the beneficial properties of emerald will work.

How to wear stone jewelry correctly

Talismans and amulets made from gemstones do not depend on the growth of the lunar disk, but they also need recharging. At least once a week, place the stone in a glass of water and place it on the window overnight. This way the stone will throw negativity into the water and recharge itself. The water must be drained in the morning.

The most powerful effect comes from the crystal located on a chain at chest level. Magic also works in a ring, but only taking into account which finger you will wear it on:

  • If you put a ring on your little finger, your heart and blood vessels will become healthy.
  • A ring on the middle will give protection and turn you away from adventures.
  • On the index finger - it will develop oratory talent and determination.
  • On the ring finger - will ensure reciprocity in love.
  • Crystal jewelry is not worn on the thumb.

Smaragd is among the ten most sought-after precious minerals. Therefore, he needs a frame that matches his status. He reveals his splendor by dressing in gold, platinum or silver of high quality.

If you see an emerald in a dream, it means that a great joyful event awaits you in the near future. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the most vividly magical qualities of a crystal will appear if you place it in the southeastern or eastern parts of your home. It is designed to maintain harmony in the family, bring prosperity and health.