Game "Secret Friend" in a family camp. How to write a “letter from a secret admirer” to the person you like Game secret friend at camp what to give


Lifehacker's selection will help you please a person you don't know much.

So that in a large group of colleagues or friends no one is left without a gift, many resort to playing “Secret Santa”.

The meaning is simple. Each player receives the name of the person for whom he must prepare a gift. You can carry out this stage - using names on pieces of paper and a hat - or use a special application with mailing or mailing.

If you want to receive useful gifts, then, in addition to names, you can indicate your hobbies and interests. It is also worth setting a limit on the value of the gift in advance, so that there are no offenses because you were given a coupon for shawarma, and you bought a collectible bottle of wine as a gift.

One of the main conditions is non-disclosure of your name. After all, this is Secret Santa! Take pride in your gift somewhere deep within yourself. Well, or at least wait until the chimes strike.

On the one hand, such a game makes the task easier: you only need to buy a gift for one person. But what if you don't know him well? Lifehacker has collected 25 ideas for you.

1. Board game

11. Bath bomb set

Original, beautiful, fragrant - this gift will please any girl.

What to buy

12. Anti-stress toy

This toy is suitable for both a housewife and a business woman. The most popular options are toys in the shape of animals.

What to buy

13. Bath accessories

Many people like to go to the bathhouse or sauna, so a set of bath accessories will come in handy. You can choose a steam room hat, a broom or a set of oils. Or you can give the whole set as a gift.

What to buy

  • Bath station “Doctor Bath”, 1,268 rubles →

14. Pocket USB cooler

This refrigerator can easily fit a bottle of soda, a candy bar, or a sandwich with perishable ingredients. Not exactly a winter option. But you don’t give a gift for one day.

What to buy

15. Multitool

A gift suitable for active young people - those who are used to spending their free time hiking or traveling.

What to buy

16. Certificate

Impressions are a very valuable gift. Give a certificate for a photo shoot with a husky, a cooking master class, a trip to a private cinema or go-karting.

17. Constructor

The constructor is entertainment not only for children, but also for adults. It develops logical thinking, ingenuity and fine motor skills.

What to buy

18. Fun socks

Socks are the most primitive gift if you choose them without imagination. But bright New Year's socks with Christmas trees, Santa, reindeer or gingerbread cookies will please everyone. These cannot be given as gifts on February 23rd!

What to buy

19. Notebook

A great gift for managers and just those who like to take notes and make plans. If you can’t decide on a style, give a plain classic one.

Unfortunately, our life is not only a pleasant walk through a beautiful flowering meadow, inhaling floral aromas and observing the beauty of nature. This is a much more complex process associated with overcoming certain problems and difficulties. Therefore, it is simply wonderful that on this difficult path we are accompanied by friends who are ready to provide any help and support in difficult times. And for this reason, sometimes you just want to give an original gift to a friend just like that, for no reason, in order to cheer him up and give him a little joy and positive emotions.

By the way, in fact, choosing something unusual and non-standard for your good friend or friend is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, it’s always much easier to buy a traditional gift, like a bottle of eau de toilette or a shaving set.

When trying to find something extraordinary and exclusive, remember that any item you donate should have a practical application. After all, otherwise, it will quickly take its place among the pile of old rubbish on the balcony or attic and will be forgotten. If the practical side of the issue is not paramount for you and your friend, then the surprise for him, at least, should be unexpected and spectacular.

So, in order not to get lost in the abundance of all kinds of gifts that can be purchased in modern stores or ordered online, they need to be divided into several main categories, from which you can then choose something most suitable for your occasion.

Art objects and interior decorations

If your friend happily fills his home with all sorts of “interior things” and decorations in the form of elegant figurines, paintings or tapestries, a gift of this type will certainly please him and give him a lot of pleasure. It could be:

  • A photo collage made up of photographs of you together or a portrait painted from a photo of your friend. This present clearly claims to be original and creative. Especially if you take a creative approach to making it. You can order such a “creation” in an online store for souvenirs and jokes, or you can put your own hand into its creation by “working” on a friend’s photographs in Photoshop and printing the resulting image at the nearest printing house.
  • Figurine from photo. Another cute and quite original type of gift of this type, which will definitely bring a smile to your friend’s face. And, of course, it will take its rightful place on his bookshelf, next to other souvenirs.
  • Portrait in pop art style. If your friend is interested in modern trends in art and knows firsthand who Andy Warhol is, a personal portrait painted using the technique pioneered by this artist will make an indelible impression on him. To order it, you only need a photo of a friend. Believe me, he will be very pleased.
  • Wall Clock. Of course, in this case we are not talking about boring “office type” options, with a strict, laconic form and a standard dial. Fortunately, today you can find a large number of very unusual, beautiful and stylish models of wall clocks on sale, from which you can choose something worthwhile. For example, a tire watch as a gift for a car enthusiast or an elegant mechanical watch for a true aesthete. In general, there are a lot of options, all that remains is to purchase the one that seems most optimal to you.

Useful and necessary

If your friend is by nature a rational and sensible person who prefers functional and practical things that bring real benefits, then when choosing a gift for him, it is better to move in a completely different direction. And buy a really necessary and “serious” thing for him. Such as:

  • Heated slippers. Now your friend won’t have to freeze while sitting at his favorite computer on long winter evenings. Your useful and cute gift will give him a feeling of comfort and coziness, which will allow him to achieve much greater success in completing the next game and conquering a higher level. And, of course, he will only be grateful to you for this.
  • Automatic knife. Many people face the problem of unsharpened knives in their daily lives. Some people simply don’t know how to sharpen them, while others are simply too lazy to do it, so they have to suffer with dull blades, which make it difficult to peel potatoes, not to mention more “delicate” kitchen work, such as slicing bread, ham or expensive cheese. Having received such a functional gift, your friend will forget about this problem forever. This version of congratulations is especially relevant for family people (there will be no reason for the wife to reproach him for being a bad owner). So such a gift will come in handy for your friend.
  • Car DVR. This present cannot be called cool or funny. But you definitely can’t deny him practicality and usefulness. A very necessary thing for any motorist, which is usually a waste of money to purchase for your own use. Therefore, having received it as a gift, your friend will be very happy.

"Children's Pranks"

However, in honor of some event happening in his life, a close friend can be given something more fun and pleasant as a gift. Something that will remind him of his childhood and make him feel free, carefree and happy. Well, let's say:

"Rare things"

If your friend has some kind of personal passion or hobby, it will be even easier to please him with something original and enjoyable. To do this, you just need to purchase some interesting thing that can be an excellent addition to his collection or an “assistant” in his interests. For example:

  • A fan of gambling can be given an exclusive deck of cards, a set of dice or chips. This unusual and extravagant present will blow his mind, especially if you choose these products in some special design.
  • For a fan of science fiction series like “Star Wars” or “Star Trek,” some accessory with the symbols of these epics could be a good gift.
  • Or a copy of some rarity used in the film. For example, Darth Vader's helmet or the famous Jedi laser sword. Of course, in order to find these unusual items, you will have to “crawl” a lot of thematic sites and shell out a fairly significant amount of money, but the response will be worth it. Alternatively, you can chat with science fiction fans on social networks. They already know exactly where to look for these “rarities.”"The One Ring"

- something similar can be given to an avid “Tolkienist” who is interested in the famous trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” and other works of the author. An excellent gift for him could be the “Omnipotence Ring” or a map of ancient lands indicating the places where the book took place. A good alternative to a present for a person who is interested in certain works of cinema or literature can be collectible figurines depicting their characters. Such gifts are a real blessing for fans and collectors.

Another option for an original gift can be seen in this video.

In a word, by turning on your imagination and fantasy, you can impress any person, including your closest friend who has known you since childhood. And for this you do not need to spend large sums of money and spend a huge amount of time. The main thing is that your congratulations are truly sincere and come from a pure heart.

Ethical and psychological exercise-game "My Secret Friend" Target:

facilitating the transfer of methods of communication and manifestation of friendly relations into life.


    help students understand the value of unconditional love, the value and joy of giving without expecting anything in return;

    develop the ability to interpret the behavior of others;

    help the children accept self-commitment and take responsibility for its fulfillment;

cultivate deep feelings of affection and emotional closeness to each other.

Materials: small identical sheets of paper, pens.

All group members write their names on separate pieces of paper, wrap them up and put them together, then each group member pulls out a piece of paper with the name of another member, who becomes his “secret friend.” For your secret friend, you need to make various pleasant surprises and small gifts, but unnoticed by him.

Core values:


  • goodwill


Key competencies:

    provide all possible assistance to people, take care of family and friends;

    build friendly relationships with yourself, with people and the world around you;

    maintain friendly relations at home, in the immediate environment, in joint activities based on the principles of morality and norms of spirituality; be aware of the negativity of quarrels and conflicts, be able to overcome them and interact on the basis of cooperation and agreement;

    value friendship and communication, be patient, forgive insults and misunderstandings; be able to listen and understand another person.

1. Organizing a conversation “What does it mean to be friends?” During the discussion, the guys draw conclusions about what friendship is, what qualities a friend should have, what friendship gives a person, etc. Thus, preparatory work is underway for the start of the ethical-psychological exercise-game “My Secret Friend.”

2. Write down the first and last names of each person on a separate piece of paper, including the teacher. Fold the sheets so that they cannot be read.

3.Place notes with names in a casket (open box) and walk around the room so that each child pulls out a note. Having seen a name on it, the child should not tell it to anyone. If someone draws out their name, they must roll the piece of paper again, put it back and pull it out again.

4. Explain to the children that the person whose name they drew out becomes from now on their “secret friend.” The counselor pulls the last note from the box.

5. Explain to the squad that over the next week everyone should, without giving themselves away, show as much attention as possible to their “secret friends” so that they feel like the most needed people in the world. You can write poems for them, give small gifts, treat them, do everything to make your friend feel needed and loved.

6. Every day you need to give at least one pleasant surprise to your friend. Explain to the children that the more they invest themselves and their souls in caring for a secret friend, the greater their joy will be when they see how their attention and care bring happiness to others.

7.Development of rules for participation in the exercise-game.

Approximate rules for participating in the game

    Mandatory activity for each participant;

    Guessing the “Secret Friend” is prohibited;

    Show signs of attention not only to your “Secret Friend”, etc.;

8. Conduct a reflection of the participants on the last day of the exercise-game

What is a gift, what is it for?

New Year, name day, registration,

Admission to the University. Christmas:

Give something to your loved ones -

Any celebration will do here.

In general - to make life bright

For both women and men,

We need to give gifts to loved ones

Every day and for no reason

A gift is a thing (flowers, souvenirs, books, etc.) that is a sign of attention shown to you. Gifts play a special role in a person’s life, because they are designed to bring a person joy, a smile, and lift his spirits.

There are many ways to tell a girl that you like her. The truth is, girls of all types love to feel beautiful and loved—whether they admit it or not. Help a girl feel more confident in her attractiveness with the help of the techniques and tricks that we will tell you about in this article.


    Start by writing a simple note. Write carefully - the text should not resemble a maniac's note. Girls these days don't really like that. Don't make the note "mysterious" or "scary" like you're watching it. Try to explain your feelings simply and subtly and make an attempt to write your name. For example, write something like: “Hi, (girl's name). You are the most beautiful girl in school. Remember this and don’t trust anyone who says otherwise. Sincerely yours (write your name and shade it or, if it is written in pencil, erase it with an eraser - this will show the sincerity of your feelings and that you are not some maniac).” This is a great way to cheer up a girl. This sign that there is someone who thinks she is beautiful and wants to love her will bring a happy smile to your girl for a long time.

    If you're in an elementary school where every student in the class has their own locker, slip your note into that girl's locker.

    You can go a more creative route and include a note in one of her textbooks. Just be careful and don't put the note in some weird place where the girl won't be happy to find it. Leave a subtle hint that it's you - don't leave her completely unknown.

    Write “meet me in chemistry” or “see you in the cafeteria” to leave her guessing. Try leaving notes where you are.

    You can do this, for example, in a class you attend together, especially if the girl is sitting next to you. If she is excited about a letter from a secret admirer and is happy that someone has such feelings for her, then she will tell you everything - this is a good sign. If she looks annoyed, you've probably gone too far and need to stop. But don't stop writing notes immediately after talking to her, otherwise she will realize that it was you. Try to observe her reaction.

  1. If she looks happy, trust us, it's a good sign. Whether she likes you or not, she appreciates the efforts you make to make her feel happy and loved. If the girl seems irritated and unhappy, it is better for you to gradually stop writing notes. Try apologizing in your last note and see what her reaction is as you read it. If she likes the extra attention, she will try her best to find out who her secret admirer is. If she feels relieved while reading, then you have gone too far and you should forget about the notes. If she immediately tells her friends about everything, it means she likes it and wants to continue.

    • If a girl likes you, she will try to get more information from you (asking for your opinion on the situation or who you think it might be). Don't give a specific answer (neither positive nor negative) to her assumptions, otherwise she will understand that it is you. Instead, respond to her assumptions with sarcasm or a joke (“of course you do,” “noooooo, of course you don’t!” etc.). If a girl hopes it was you, she won't ask you directly, but will ask if you know anything about it. Subtly hint to her that you know something. Show interest in her thoughts and hopes for who it might be. If a girl looks at you like she wants to know more, look back at her, subtly hint that you know who she is, but don't give it all away at once. Don't tell anyone what you're up to - this will increase your chances of success. Also, be firm in your decision not to tell her who it was - this will leave her guessing and hoping that it was you after all.
    • It will be easier for you if you are friends with this girl. If she is excited, scared, or disgusted by what is happening, she will certainly share her feelings about the note with you. And your task in this case is to understand the hints as to whether you should continue or not.
    • Try to leave notes in public places so that you can observe her reaction (described above) and your presence does not seem strange. If you left a note in her locker, be nearby when she opens it - open your locker for camouflage, or talk to friends while standing nearby. Don't look directly at her, otherwise she will understand everything.
    • Don't say anything rude or offensive to her.


    • Don't write (or act) like a maniac.
    • If it turns out that she doesn't like you, it's not a big deal. Maintain your composure and let her know that you are there if she needs a friend. If you still like her, chat with her, compliment her outfits. If you communicate with her more often, she will become more interested in you. If she starts teasing you, this girl is not the best candidate in principle.
    • Don't say yes or no when she asks you for your opinion on prospective guys.
    • If she asks you out, don't turn her down. If you really like her, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Whether you are her secret admirer or not, always protect the person you love and don't reject him. At the end of the day, your love can handle anything. Remember this before it's too late.
    • If you have agreed to meet with her, you must come.

The experiment lasted four days in our team. During this time, each employee became a “secret friend” for one of the team members. The mystery lies in discreetly presenting surprises to your “object”.

Who will become who's "secret friend" was decided by drawing lots. Each one pulled out a piece of paper with the name of the person whom he had to please for four working days - give gifts. Based on the gifts you receive, you need to guess who your “secret friend” is.

Like any game, “Secret Friend” was played according to the rules.

Firstly, the surprise must be done discreetly so as not to give yourself away. As it turned out in the process, this is a special drive for the giver!

As a scout, I had to choose the moment when the “target” left the workplace.

Sometimes you had to deliver a gift in a matter of seconds - it's just a guaranteed adrenaline rush!

Secondly, it was decided that everyone should prepare at least one surprise a day for their recipient. The gift should end up at your friend's workplace.

True, during the game, the participants got so carried away that several gifts appeared on the tables of some employees a day.

The only condition that was accepted by everyone was that gifts should not be expensive. Everything else is limited only by the possibilities of imagination.

In terms of the number of positive emotions, cheers and collective discussions, the experiment quickly became new name "Office Trouble".

What our colleagues didn’t receive. Our “secret friends” had in their arsenal: virtual individual gifts, cakes and other sweets, flowers, homemade cards, mugs, paper holders, lottery tickets, a handmade hare, unusual soil for cut flowers, and even a crown!

This game is definitely aimed at team building. It is especially relevant where new employees have appeared.

“Secret Friend” will help them quickly adapt to the new team.

The initially unpromising bag with contents that looked like beads caused great delight among the entire team. From the virtual message they found out that the “beads” needed to be poured into the water, where they turned into beautiful balls of unknown purpose. But the balls turned out to be quite funny to the touch, and the whole office came to relax with the owner of the miracle balls, site correspondent Elena Kostyuchenkova.

Later we found out that this is a decorative primer for cut flowers, which is used to fill transparent vases.

It would be logical to assume that the game will reduce labor productivity. But that's not true!

The positive emotions that charged the participants increased their communication abilities and relieved fatigue and tension.

The short positive distraction felt like a half-hour rest for the participants.

At the end of the work week we gathered to sum up the results of the game. Everyone came with an armful of their gifts. Everyone remembered “Office Trouble” with delight.

Some of the employees identified their “secret friends” during the game, but some managed to keep the secret and were declassified only during the summing up.

To consolidate the positive effect, our commercial director Olga Zhukova (a great entertainer and inventor who turned out to be Olga Amelina’s “secret friend”) prepared prizes for the most inventive “secret friends.”

Olga Zhukova, commercial director of KIT MEDIA: “ When I first heard about this game, I immediately liked the idea. The team, in my opinion, was wary of the idea. But after the first gift, everyone received great emotions, and it was clear that the experiment would be a success.
The employees showed their unexpected side, showed their imagination, and generally had a lot of fun. I recommend adopting our experiment and carrying it out in your companies.”