Ideas and examples of bead earrings. Master Class


Earrings that others definitely won’t have can only be made by yourself. Today is the best day for this! Create together with the needlewomen of the “Women’s Hobbies” website.

If you are interested in creating jewelry and want to learn the basics of bead weaving, take note of this master class, which describes in detail how to make earrings from beads with your own hands. According to the proposed instructions, you can create several pairs of beautiful earrings - you just need to use stones of different colors and sizes as a basis. The weaving technique is very simple, so we strongly recommend that novice jewelers of all ages try their hand at it.

Preparation of tools and materials

To make earrings from beads in a short time, you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  • black pearl beads 3 mm – 82 pcs.;
  • wire 3 mm – 60 cm;
    connecting rings – 4 pcs.;
  • ear wires – 2 pcs.;
  • side cutters;
  • round nose pliers.

Please note that you can make jewelry from beads made from natural stones. These earrings will look expensive and stylish.

If you prefer large jewelry, then you need to take larger beads of 6 or 8 mm. But the weaving pattern remains the same. So feel free to experiment with size and color scheme. The only thing that is not recommended is to take beads of different diameters. The earrings will turn out ugly and crooked. If you are taking up bead weaving for the first time, we recommend that you get acquainted with

Stages of creating jewelry with step-by-step photos

Cut 30 cm of wire with side cutters and thread four black beads onto it.

String another bead onto the left end of the wire, and pass through it in the opposite direction with the right end. That is, criss-cross.

The result will be a circle that resembles a flower with five petals.

Now thread three black beads through the left end of the wire, and one through the right end.

Use the right end of the wire to pass through the first bead that was strung on the left end.

The result will be two “flowers” ​​in a semicircle.

Continue repeating the fourth and fifth points of the master class. As a result, you should have 7 “flowers”, as shown in the photo.

Next, thread two black beads onto the left end of the wire, and one onto the right end.

Then thread the wire through the bead of the previous circle. In the photo the required bead is marked in red.

Now, to form the last circle of bead earrings, you need to use the same right end of the wire to pass through the first black bead, which is located at the left end. It is also indicated by a red circle.

The main part of the earring is formed in a circle.

Next comes the final stage. String two black beads on both ends of the wire. And go in the opposite direction of each of them. In the photo the directions are shown by arrows. Twist the excess wire slightly and cut it off with side cutters.

Using exactly the same principle, you need to make a second blank earring from beads.

Now attach two connecting rings to the top formed “flower” using pliers.

And the final stage. Earrings must be attached to the earrings. Pliers will also help you do this.

These earrings are made from beads with your own hands, and you can safely wear them with a beautiful evening dress. They look great, even though they are ordinary jewelry.

If you like it, check it out. On the Women's Hobbies website you will find simple necklaces and beads, original earrings and bracelets, cute brooches and pendants. Visit us often and join our groups on social networks so as not to miss the next update.

A master class on how to weave earrings from beads with your own hands was prepared by Inga Polonskaya, especially for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”.

Elegant earrings made of genuine leather, beads and amethyst are a fashionable accessory that other women will not have. Make them as soon as possible and shine at parties!

Natural stones in jewelry have long been not uncommon. We are talking not only about jewelry, but also about costume jewelry. Bright and beautiful stones cannot help but attract the attention of ladies. One particularly beautiful and feminine stone is the lavender amethyst. It got its name from its pale lilac color. It is with this stone that we will make the decoration. These are small earrings with decorative bows.

What do you need for work?

The master class on making these beautiful earrings is quite simple, so it is recommended for beginner needlewomen who are just mastering it to take it on board. The technique used here is “bead embroidery”.

Materials for making earrings with amethyst:

  • faceted lavender amethyst beads (2 pcs.);
  • Japanese lilac beads No. 11;
  • Japanese purple beads No. 11;
  • tulle;
  • Czech bicones (4 pcs.);
  • gold-plated brass earrings (2 pcs.);
  • Genuine Leather;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • fishing line

Even if you have never done it, rest assured that the result will not disappoint you.

How to make earrings with amethyst - master class

Step one. We cut out two square blanks from leather. We glue lavender amethyst beads onto these blanks.

Step two. We trim the beads with Japanese lilac beads No. 11. For hints, you can use patterns of mosaic weaving with beads.

Step three. We cut out both lavender amethyst beads from leather blanks.

Step four. We seal the inside with genuine leather.

Step five. We sew the edges of the beads with Japanese purple beads No. 11.

Step six. We make small neat bows from tulle. We place two Czech bicones inside the bows. We fix them with fishing line. On the surface of the bows we sew lilac beads in scattered patterns.

Step eight. Trim off excess tulle. We wrap the “tails” of tulle around the knots and secure them with fishing line.

Step nine. Sew bows onto treated lavender amethyst beads. Using a fishing line, we attach gold-plated brass earrings.

The amethyst earrings are ready!

You can wear designer jewelry at work, at a party or at an educational institution. Be sure that your friends will begin to admire and ask how you turned out to be so beautiful! Perhaps there will be orders.

Try using the same simple master classes with photos to make stylish chains with your own hands.

Gone are the days when making your own jewelry was considered bad taste and a lack of money. Many designers are developing jewelry collections that are much more expensive than gold and diamond jewelry.

So, what is costume jewelry?

According to the definition, costume jewelry (from French bijouterie)- decorations made from inexpensive materials. A variety of metals and alloys, transparent and colored glass, plastic, ceramics, wood and leather can be used for production. But high-quality jewelry can consist of expensive crystals, gold or silver plated. Such costume jewelry may be indistinguishable in appearance from real jewelry, but cost much more.

In more complex leather jewelry, real patterns are created or figures are cut out.

Natural materials (wood, stones, shells)

Wonderful summer decorations can be made from shells coated with varnish and strung on a thread.

Ordinary pebbles can also be used to create jewelry. Most often, a stone of an interesting shape is braided with wire to create a pendant:

And wooden jewelry has long become a classic:


Felt is an excellent material for creating jewelry. The decorations turn out very bright and truly sunny.

Today we will talk about assembling earrings from beads, which you can do with your own hands without any special experience or knowledge of any equipment. For such work, you will need a standard set of accessories: beads, earrings, pins, caps, connectors, etc. In the master class we will also show one of the ways to assemble earrings from beads.

To make stylish and beautiful earrings with your own hands, you don’t have to master any particular technique. It is enough to purchase a small supply of jewelry accessories and show a little imagination. Even in the simplest design, earrings made of beads can look elegant and fashionable. Beads can be made of different types of material and have a variety of shapes.

An example of DIY bead earrings, where only earrings and beads are used. Just choose your favorite bead or earring, then connect them using a pin loop and your laconic and delicate earrings are ready.

Cups and caps for beads will help to highlight the bead.

Bead earrings can be made using wire.

Earrings made of beads, where the bead is made of beads, clay, glass, etc. If you do not know any of these techniques, such beads can also be purchased ready-made and simply connected to a hook.

Earrings rings. And everything is simple here. We string the desired beads onto the base and the decoration is ready.

You can make ring-shaped earrings from beads with your own hands using a cable or various wires.

Earrings made of beads in the form of clusters.

Elongated types of bead earrings. To do this, you can use a long pin, collect the required number of beads on it, or connect several pieces at once using pins and thereby lengthen the work.

Earrings made of beads with chains.

You can also decorate bead earrings with frames, unusual earrings or pendants.

Earrings made of beads in the form of bells.

And, of course, an easy way to decorate bead earrings is by using connectors.

In the master class we will assemble earrings from beads, where the bead will consist of the beads themselves.


Beads 4mm - 24 pcs

Pins with loop 2 pcs.

Ear hooks 1 pair

Moth pendant 2 pcs


Tools: Scissors, side cutters, round nose pliers.


To work we will need the following weaving pattern:

We string three beads onto a monofilament thread. We draw the edges of the fishing line towards each other through the fourth bead. We tighten it.

Now we string one bead on each edge of the monofilament and draw the edges of the fishing line through one additional bead. We weave a cross pattern three times. Then add one bead again to each edge of the monofilament.

We pass the edges of the fishing line through the very first bead in the pattern, rolling our weaving into a ball, which will act as a finished bead.

Next, we collect the earrings. We connect the loop of the pin with the loop of the shvenza. We string one separate bead, a blank of beads, and again one bead onto the pin. We move the beads to the shwenze. We shorten the pin column with side cutters and, using round pliers, shape the edge of the pin into a loop, connecting it with a pendant in the shape of a moth.

The bead earrings are ready!

Stone chips or chipped stones are a varied and fairly affordable material with which you can make a lot of beautiful jewelry, including unusual beads. They are easy and quick to make and look very nice.

All pictures are clickable (enlarge when clicked)

In order to make a bead from stone chips, we will need:

Chips of stones – 8 pcs.
- beads No. 10 to match the stone
- thin wire for beading (0.3-0.4 mm thick)
- rigid pin with loop
(master classes website website)
Operating procedure:

1. From a piece of thin wire 8-10 cm long, we make and shape a pin for chipping, as shown in the photo:

As you can see, a bead acts as the head of the pin here. You can, of course, use a ready-made nail pin for this purpose, but it has an ugly head, and the beads in this case will only decorate our future bead.

You can also take a pin with a beautiful cap, but again, you need to select it so that the cap decorates and does not distract attention from the stone - in this case, pins with a small ball instead of a cap are ideal.
(master classes website website)
For one future bead you need to put only 6 chips on the pins:

2. Then we put chips on a hard pin with a loop in the following order - first a chip without a pin, then 1 bead, then 6 chips on the pins we made, and finally another bead and a chip: