Artistic and aesthetic development in preschool lesson notes. Open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group “Journey to a Fairy Tale”


Summary of continuous educational activities
in the pre-school group.
Educational field: artistic and aesthetic development.
Topic: “Invocation of Spring.”

Goal: development of cognitive interests in children and the formation of a caring attitude and love for the folk culture of the Ivanovo region.

— to intensify children’s knowledge about the folk traditions of invoking spring;
— improve communication skills, enrich vocabulary;
- develop the emotional sphere of the child, his sensory abilities;
- develop thinking, memory, imagination, fine motor skills;
— to form a holistic perception of folk culture through different types of musical activities;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards the natural world.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.

Equipment and materials: interactive whiteboard, projector, laptop, synthesizer, presentation “Spell of Spring”; folk costumes of the Ivanovo region: children's and adult's, box, folk musical instruments, salted dough, modeling boards, wet wipes, baking sheet, bread balls (according to the number of children), sun, drop, baked lark, apple.

Progress of continuous educational activities:

Children enter the hall, they are greeted by the music director in the Russian folk costume of the Ivanovo region, with an apple in her hands.
Musical director: Hello! I'm glad to see you, how cute and smiling you are. Look what I have in my hands? A ripe, poured apple is not at all simple; whoever gets it into his hands, he will call his name and sing. Pass the apple and sing your name.
Children pass the apple while singing their name.

Also an interesting activity for older preschoolers:

Musical director: I see you guys are cheerful and friendly. I invite you to take an unusual journey into the past and find out how our ancestors lived, what customs and traditions were in our native Ivanovo region. There will be both a fairy tale and a true story on our journey. Do you guys know how people dressed in the old days?
Children's answers.

Musical director: Girls wore sundresses and cotton dresses, boys wore shirts and blouses, and women in our native Ivanovo region wore sundresses and wore kichkas on their heads.
What do you think they used to store things in?
Children: In chests, boxes.

Musical director: If you pay attention, you will find a box in our hall.
The children find the box.

Musical director: I wonder what's in it? Let's take a look. What's in this old wicker box?
Children look at the objects lying in the box.

Musical director: Have you considered it? Let's sit down and think about who could have sent us these items? And most importantly, what are they for? What are they related to?
Children's answers.

Musical director: Will help us recognize the pouring apple. An apple rolls on a plate, a wondrous miracle appears.
On the screen, an apple rolls on a plate, a snowy field appears, and a voice sounds in the background of music: “Dear guys, I’m talking to you - Spring is red, my time has come, but Winter doesn’t want to leave, she locked me in seven ice castles. Help me find the keys. So that the sun will warm up, and the whole countryside will be warmed and nature will come to life. You guys need to remember spring chants, songs, spring games. In the chest I have prepared tips for you that will help you. I’m really looking forward to your help. Spring is red.”

Musical director: Guys, let's help Vesna?
Children's answers.

Musical director: The life of our ancestors was closely connected with nature, with the change of seasons. After a long, harsh winter, people were looking forward to the arrival of spring and calling for it. And the first clue will help us find out how they invited spring.

Children take bread balls out of the box.

Musical director: What are these guys? What are they made of? What are they like? (soft, warm). Why do you think bread balls are?
Children's answers.

Musical director: I’ll tell you an old Russian custom. In March, housewives baked small balls from leftover flour, and every day they threw treats outside into the cold. And they also said:
Frost - Red nose, here's bread and oats for you.
Now get out of here!
People believed that after eating bread balls, Frost would go away and spring and warmth would come.
Children repeat the words (2 times).

Fairytale music plays and 1 key appears on the screen.
Musical director: This is one of the rituals of invoking spring. And we have already opened one of the locks. What else is in the box?
Children take out a picture of a droplet.
Musical director: What is this?
Children's answers.

Musical director: The frost grew warmer from our treat, and icicles dripped from the roofs. Let's straighten our backs, straighten our shoulders and show how icicles drip.
Children perform articulation gymnastics (drip, drip, drip)

Musical director: streams began to gurgle, (talk chattering), a warm breeze blew.
Breathing exercise “Spring breeze”.

Musical director: And now let’s all smile together, stretch out our lips like spring droplets and smile broadly again.
Exercise “Smile”.

Musical director: From our smiles it became warmer, the snow began to melt. Key 2 appears on the screen.
Musical director: Let's look into the box. Look, what is this?
Children take out a picture of the sun.
Children: sunshine.

Musical director: Over the long winter months, people have missed the warmth of the sun. And they came up with catchy songs. What are nicknames?
Children's answers.

Musical director: From the word call, call. They sang these little songs and invited the red sun to visit. Our ancestors also turned to the sun, waiting for warmth and the arrival of spring.

Let us sing the song “Sunshine”:
“Sunny, show yourself!
Red, gear up!
Hurry up, don't be shy,
Warm us guys up!”
Children perform a chant.

The sun and the 3rd key appear on the screen.
Musical director: The sun is shining brightly and the birds are flying in with spring.
Look guys, what is this?
Children remove the baked “lark” from the box.

Musical director: On March 22, larks flew to our region, people believed that they brought Spring on their wings. In our native Ivanovo region at that time, housewives baked ritual “larks” cookies, and children took these “larks” and ran to a hill and threw them up while singing.

Let’s create “larks” ourselves. And before sculpting from the dough, wipe your hands with a damp cloth.
Children make “larks” from salt dough.

After sculpting, wipe your hands with napkins.

Musical director: Now go out, take your “larks” and we will play with this Russian tradition, we will sing and throw the larks up, as they did in the old days in our native land.

Children sing:
Larks, come to us!
Bring us a red spring!
We're tired of winter,
And she ate all our bread.

Musical director: Well done, put the “larks” on the tray and have a seat.

On the video screen of the lark's flight, the 4th key appears.
Musical director: Guys, let's get another clue.
The children take out a bell.

Musical director: The singing of a lark has been compared to the ringing of a bell. Let's play, guys, choose the lark.
Now we will choose the lark as a counting rhyme.

Counting: One, two, three, four, five, I begin to count,
I count to five, come on, fly lark!

Game with a bell “Lark”.

Key 5 appears on the screen.
Musical director: Guys, listen, another spring song.
On the screen there is a video of a spring forest, the voices of birds are heard.
Musical director: Spring songs are hidden everywhere, even in the spring forest. Who sings songs in the forest?
Children: Birds.

Musical director: Listen, what kind of bird is this?
The sound of a woodpecker sounds.
Children: Woodpecker.

Musical director: Right, and this is the song of what bird?
The voice of a magpie sounds.
Musical director: Well done, whose song is this?
The song of the lark sounds.
Children: Lark.

A video of a spring forest appears on the screen.
Musical director: Look how beautiful it is in the spring forest. Let's close our eyes and listen.

Musical director: Guys, let's compose a spring forest song together. Look, there are musical instruments on the table. Name them.
Children: Ratchet, spoons, whistle, bell.
Musical director: On what instrument can you depict the song of a talkative magpie?
Children: On the rattle.
Musical director: The sound of a woodpecker?
Children: On spoons.
Musical director: And the ringing trill of the lark?
Children: On a bell and whistles.

Musical director: And now we ourselves will compose the music of the spring forest. There is silence in the forest, you can’t yet hear the singing of birds, but then a woodpecker (spoon) knocked with its beak, followed by a talkative magpie (rattles), and a lark rang in the heights (bell, whistles). And then a bird choir began to sound in the forest.
Children play all instruments simultaneously, accompanied by music.

Key 6 appears on the screen.
Musical director: The Russian people were happy about the arrival of Spring, they danced in circles and sang spring songs! What is a stonefly?
Children's answers.
Musical director: This is a spring song that was used to invite Red Spring. People sang spring flowers and invited Spring to them. They rejoiced at the arrival of Spring and danced in circles. Tell me guys, what is the main element of a round dance?
Children: Circle.

Musical director: Correct, because the round dance was associated with rituals in honor of the sun, hence the main design of the round dance - a circle.
Also, what elements of a round dance do you know?
Children's answers.

Musical director: This is a snail, a snake, and many others. Let's get acquainted with a new element of the round dance - the snail.
Children, together with the music director, perform the Russian folk round dance “The winter is already passing.”
The 7th key appears on the screen, a round sun appears, and around it the keys form its rays.
Musical director: Guys, how many ice castles have we opened?
Children: Seven.

Musical director: For a real vein to come, let's remember how we called for spring, what did we do? To do this, let's play, make baskets from our palms and put everything we did today in them.

The children list: they treated the frost with bread balls, sang calls to the sun and spring, sculpted larks, played games, and danced in circles.
Music plays and an image of Spring appears on the screen.
Vesna: Thank you for freeing me from icy captivity. Thank you for the warm days, clean rains, silky grass, green oak groves.

Musical director: Well done guys for freeing Spring from the snowy shackles of Winter, traveling back in time and learning about the folk traditions of invoking Spring in our native Ivanovo region.

Title: Summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development at the preschool educational institution “Spell of Spring”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, folklore, School preparatory group

Position: music director of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" No. 1
Location: Navoloki city, Kineshma district, Ivanovo region

Olga Kostina

Artistic and aesthetic activities in the middle group.

Subject: "Fairytale bird".

Target: - Form artistically-creative abilities, emotional perception, imaginative thinking of children.


Exercise children in the technique of drawing ovals, circles, dots, straight and wavy lines, various techniques of drawing with the tip of a brush and flat.

Develop the ability to select colors to convey the desired effect.

Improve your sense of symmetry and rhythm.

To develop in children the ability to convey mood through drawing through use in work necessary artistic materials and tools.

Cultivate accuracy and the ability to express oneself.

Demo material:

A set of slides with the necessary illustrations that are included with occupation;

Audio recording of calm music for drawing;

Image fairy bird.

Handout: necessary artistic materials for children's creativity (gouache, brushes, paper, pencil, eraser).

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, drawing.

Educational areas: Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Reading fiction, Music.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Organizing time.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, today I suggest you go to fairy tale. What is this fairy tale? I'll tell you now I'll tell you: "In the distant in a fairy-tale land there was a Bird of Happiness. This the bird was not simple, but magical. Her beautiful long tail had bright, magical painted feathers. When someone has fabulous the country was in trouble or someone needed help, she flew Bird - Happiness to the rescue, gave me a magic feather and all the troubles went away. But the evil sorceress was jealous Bird - Happiness, caught her and turned her into a tailless creature. Sad bird and flew far, far away, away from the evil sorceress. And so, the residents fabulous countries are asking us to help them.” (Story teacher is accompanied by slides to the text).


Guys, let's help the residents fabulous forests bring back the magic bird. And for this, I suggest you paint feathers for Birds– Happiness with beautiful patterns and give them to her. Then she will be able to go back again and help the little residents fairyland.

And before we get to work, let's warm up!

Physical exercise "Walk in the woods"

Good forest, old forest, (arms wide to the sides, turns)

Full fabulous miracles!

We're going for a walk now (walking)

And we invite you with us!

I'm waiting for us at the forest edge (sit down, rise slowly)

Birds, butterflies, little animals.

Spider on a cobweb (run your fingers over your hand from

And a grasshopper on a blade of grass! shoulder to hand)

We walked along the paths, (walking, jumping)

They galloped through the clearings.

Goodbye, old forest, (waving hands "parting")

Full fairy tales and miracles!


Guys, I suggest you look at samples of feathers that are painted with different patterns. Let's remember what techniques can be used to decorate feathers birds? (Brush tip, dabbing, drawing wavy lines, etc.)

And you can color the feathers however you want, using all the colors of the rainbow, but choose them so that they convey your mood.

What colors should be used to convey joy and happiness? (Children's answers). What colors are needed to convey sadness? (Children's answers) You can start working.

Practical work.

(An audio recording sounds in the background, getting the children ready to work)


Has long been among the people birds were considered harbingers of warmth and spring. People believed that birds can bring happiness. Guys, Bird - Found out happiness that you decided to help her and came to visit us yourself.

So let's place your magic feathers on her tail and make a wish. Let this bird will bring you happiness.

Guys, let's look at what beautiful feathers we got and admire them. Bird– Happiness thanks you for your help and says goodbye to you, as it’s time for her to fly to fabulous country and continue to give happiness to its residents.

Publications on the topic:

Program content. Continue to introduce folk arts and crafts. Teach children to paint clay toys with Dymkovo.

The famous scientist A.V. Zaporozhets pointed out that the effectiveness of the development of preschool children depends on how teachers are able to use it correctly.

Summary of educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development in the secondary group “Ice cream” Program content: Expand children's knowledge about ice cream. Introduce children to the nutritional properties and types of ice cream. Pin with.

Notes on artistic and aesthetic activities in the middle group - decorating the Christmas tree "New Year's Tree." Application. Theme: decoration.

GCD plan for sculpting “Table” Outline of GCD of artistic and aesthetic orientation

Natalia Nizhevyasova
Open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

Target: involving children of senior preschool age in works of oral folk art, involving children in the dramatization of fairy tales.


Educational: to cultivate positive personality traits - self-confidence, courage, the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale, collectivism, tolerance.

Educational: introduce an everyday fairy tale; give an idea of ​​the composition of the fairy tale, show that despite all the simplicity of the narrative and deliberate invention, logic operates; expand children's vocabulary.

Developmental: develop children's speech, visual and auditory attention, memory, logical thinking, creativity, fine motor skills.

Integration of educational areas: Artistic and aesthetic development; speech development; social and communicative development.

Equipment and materials: Presentation for a Russian folk tale; attributes for a fairy tale; watercolor paints, paper, brushes. Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales.

Progress of the lesson

On the interactive board - (slide with images of fairy-tale characters).


Hello, dear guys. Today we are setting off on an unusual journey - to the “Land of Fairy Tales”. Tell me, do you like fairy tales?



: Well, then let's go:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

Find yourself in a fairy tale!


I see everyone loves it! Why do you love fairy tales?

(children's answers)


Fairy tales are works that are listened to. Grandmother or mother, grandfather or father, a kindergarten teacher tell you fairy tales out loud, and you sit quietly and listen...

Today we will talk to you about Russian folk tales.


: Guys, tell me, what kind of Russian folk tales are there?


Russian folk tales include fairy tales, everyday tales, and tales about animals.


Right. Transformations and miracles occur in fairy tales. Give an example.


The frog becomes a princess, and Ivan Tsarevich becomes a gray wolf, a magic wand makes any wish come true, a self-assembled tablecloth will feed everyone, an invisible hat will make you invisible.


What fairy tales do you know?


Sivka the Burka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Tom Thumb”.


Miracles also happen in everyday fairy tales, but earthly miracles that happen to us, in our lives. In such fairy tales, bad character traits such as cowardice, greed, and stupidity are ridiculed. Character traits such as resourcefulness, ingenuity, and intelligence evoke admiration and surprise. What everyday fairy tales do you know?


“Porridge from an axe,” “If you don’t like it, don’t listen,” “About need,” “What doesn’t happen in the world.”


: In fairy tales about animals, the main characters are animals and beasts. In these fairy tales they often speak like people, each animal has its own character: the fox in fairy tales is always cunning and crafty, the bear is lazy, the donkey is stupid, the hare is cowardly. Name the fairy tales.


“The Boasting Hare”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Winter Lodge of Animals”.


Now tell me, how does a fairy tale usually begin?


“Once upon a time there were”, “In a certain kingdom, In a certain state...”, “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman...”.


The beginning of a fairy tale is called a saying. How does the fairy tale end?


“I was there, honey, drank beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth”; “The fairy tale ends here, and whoever listened, well done.”


The ending of a fairy tale is always good; in a fairy tale, good always wins, and evil is punished. Well done.


I did not come to you empty-handed. There are fairy-tale characters in my basket. (slide) I’ll show them now, and you can tell me what fairy tales they are from? (slide show)

– What fairy tale does grandma live in? (drawing of a grandmother.)

– What fairy tale does the granddaughter live in? (drawing by granddaughter).

– What fairy tale does the chicken live in? (drawing of a chicken).

– What fairy tale does the mouse live in? (drawing of a mouse).

– What fairy tale does the bunny live in? (drawing of a hare).

– In what fairy tale do these heroes all live together? (slide of a story from a fairy tale)


: Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes.”


Guys, let's tell the story in person.

(dramatization of a fairy tale)


“Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a clumsy hen and a little mouse. Every day they went for water. The grandmother’s buckets were large, the granddaughter’s were smaller, the chicken’s were the size of a cucumber, and the mouse’s were the size of a thimble.

The grandmother took water from a well, the granddaughter from a log, the chicken from a puddle, and the mouse from a pig’s hoof mark.

They're going back, grandma's water is three-e-e-x, spe-e-e-e! My granddaughter has three! Plyoh! The chicken has three or three! Splash-splash! The mouse has three-three-three! Slap-slap-slap!

One day our water carriers went to fetch water. They collected some water and walked home through the garden.

And in the garden there was an apple tree, and apples were hanging on it. And under the apple tree the bunny was sitting. A breeze blew on the apple tree, shook the apple tree, popped the apple - and hit the bunny in the forehead!

The bunny jumped, right under our water carriers.

They got scared, threw the buckets, and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind her grandmother, the chicken flew up onto the stove, and the mouse hid under the stove.

Grandma groans:

- Oh! The bear almost ran over me!

Granddaughter cries:

“Grandma, what a scary wolf attacked me!”

The little thing on the stove cackles:

- Ko-ko-ko! The fox snuck up on me and almost grabbed me!

And the mouse squeaks from under the stove:

- What a mustachioed cat! I've had enough fear!

And the bunny ran into the forest, lay down under a bush and thought:

“What passion! Four hunters were chasing me, all with dogs; as soon as my legs carried me away!

It is true what they say: “Fear has big eyes: what is not there, they see.”


: Can we call it magical?


No, this is not a fairy tale.


That's right guys. This is a simple everyday tale. How does a fairy tale, the so-called saying, begin?


Lived once…


How does the fairy tale end?


The fairy tale ends with the proverb: “Fear has big eyes: what is not there, they see.”


(physical education minute) Show how the grandmother walks and how the granddaughter walks. Who will run for the chicken and the mouse? How did the wind blow? How did the apple tree rock? How did the bunny jump?


Well done, how well everything turned out for you! You were like artists.


And now I suggest you guys draw the heroes of the fairy tale. Go to the tables and think about which fairy tale hero you would like to draw.

(children’s visual activities)


Well done. We will take your drawings with us, we will definitely sign them and arrange the exhibition. Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to go back to kindergarten.

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

Find yourself in the group again!

Here we are again in kindergarten. Thank you guys for an exciting trip. Goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group Travel to the “Play Town” Goal: Continue to introduce the folk toy, expand knowledge about its appearance in Russia. Develop the ability to independently create a pattern.

Summary of educational activities in the middle group on speech and artistic-aesthetic development “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” Goal: to develop children’s speech activity, to consolidate children’s knowledge of Russian folklore using the example of fairy tales. Objectives: Educational: 1. Form.

Summary of educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior preparatory group "Gzhel" Progress of the lesson. Organizing time. Goal: to attract the attention of children, to interest them in further activities. Objectives: create a positive one.

Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group “Frosty patterns” Master class on Artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group on the topic: “Frosty patterns.” Educator: Alzheva O. V..

PURPOSE: Creating conditions for the manifestation of children’s creative abilities in the process of various types of artistic and aesthetic activities. TASKS:.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 1 “Beryozka” village. Nikolo-Berezovka"

Krasnokamsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Plan - outline

on artistic and aesthetic development

Conducted by the teacher:Afanasyeva I.P.

S. Nikolo-Berezovka 2014 – 2015 academic year

Subject: "Gift for Kids"

Children's age: Preparatory group

Target: Make a gift - a surprise for children of the first junior group.


    Develop the ability to make your own decisions, relying on your knowledge and skills, the ability to gain experience in fixing a difficulty and identifying its cause.

    Create conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials, tools, and visual and expressive means. Support independent artistic creativity.

    Develop moral values, a friendly attitude towards each other, children of another group, the desire to please them, and be attentive and sensitive to others.

Integration of educational areas: Social - communicative, cognitive, artistic - aesthetic.

Material: paper of different sizes, colored paper, colored cardboard, glue, paints, brushes for drawing and glue, felt-tip pens, pencils, scissors, cereals (buckwheat, rice, semolina, corn, peas), napkins, threads, plasticine, stacks, modeling boards , postcard.

Preliminary work: View drawings, paintings of gifts; reading fiction; demonstration of non-traditional drawing techniques, making appliqué (gluing threads, sprinkling cereals, rolling napkins, breaking applique, etc.);conversation with children about friendship, about attitude towards each other. Safety precautions when working with scissors and glue.

Progress of the lesson:

    Introductory part.

Greeting guests.

Educator: Guys, I received a letter this morning. Do you want to know what is written there and from whom this letter came?

Educator: “Hello graduates! We, the Karapuziki group, really, really want to meet you and make friends, become good friends. Therefore, we invite you to visit.”

What should you do if you are invited to visit? (Children's answers)

What do they bring when visiting? (Children's answers)

Let's make a gift - a surprise for friends with our own hands? (Children's response)

You will succeed!

    Independent work.

Observing the process of children’s work, helping in the implementation of their own ideas, using the “Situation” technology, praise.

Carrying out individual work.

What will you do now?

How will you do the work?

How did this happen?

What did you do to achieve the goal?

What knowledge and skills were useful?

It was a success because we learned and learned.

You did it!

    Final part

After the allotted time for the lesson, the children admire the work done. Analysis is underway. The result is summed up by the teacher. A positive assessment is given.

Educator: I also think that the work is original, unusual and very beautiful. I think our little friends will really like this surprise gift. Now let’s go visit you and give you gifts.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on artistic and aesthetic development - musical activity, for children of senior preschool age.

Target: comprehensive development of cognitive processes and musical abilities; create conditions for children to discover new knowledge.



Continue to develop children’s ability to navigate in space;

Continue to develop the ability for free improvisation in musical and rhythmic movements, ear for timbre, imagination;

Develop the ability to sing in an open voice, without tension and shouting, listening to each other;

To develop children’s pitch hearing through the musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?”

To develop children's understanding of three-part plays.


Improve vocal and playing skillsand dance skills.

Educational :

Foster independence and activity;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards comrades during personal judgments and answers in music classes;

Foster interest in preparing holiday concerts for parents.

Materials and equipment: Piano, magnetic board, magnets, pointer, reproduction of a portrait of L. Beethoven, card with the image of a piano, card with the image of a grand piano, card with the image of a synthesizer, card with the image of a children's piano, music center, audio recording of the play “Fun and Sad” by L. Beethoven, audio recording songs "Stork on the Roof" music. D. Tukhmanov lyrics. A. Poperechny, notes of the song “My Dad”, music. A. Komarova, T. Ryadchikova, notes of the play “Smile” by music. V. Shainsky, notes of Russian folk songs: “Oh, you canopy”, “Apple”, “A blizzard is blowing along the street”, “Like ours at the gate”, notes of the march “Bravely, comrades, keep up!” music D. Zhitomirsky, cards with images of birds: chicken, duck, sparrow, chickens, ducklings, sparrow chicks.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, to the music of “Smile” by V. Shainsky, enter a group with a teacher and sit down on chairs.

M.r..: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

M.r. . : I am very glad to welcome you to the music lesson . I I hope that the time we spend together in class today will bring a lot of joyful emotions to both me and you! Today we have a very important task to complete: we must continue preparations for the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday in order to hold a concert for our beloved fathers, grandfathers and boys. And today, very interesting surprises will await you. So, my first surprise, but first let’s remember how you and I are sitting in a music lesson. ( Children demonstrate a landing in which their backs are straight, their feet are on the floor, their hands are on their knees).

M.R.: Children, you already know that music can convey any mood of a person, as well as all his feelings and experiences: calm and excitement, joy and sadness. I suggest listening to the play we heard earlier, “Merry-Sad,” but before we start listening to it, remind me what the name of the composer of the play is?

Children: Ludwig van Beethoven.

M.R.: That's right, let's look again at the portrait of the great composer Beethoven. (The teacher directs the children’s attention to a magnetic board on which a reproduction of L. Beethoven’s portrait is attached.)

(an audio recording of L. Beethoven’s play “Merry and Sad” is heard»)

M.R.: Guys, please tell me what musical instrument the piece was performed on?

Children: Piano.

M.R.: Remind me what class of musical instruments does the piano belong to?

Children: keyboard family.

M.R.: Guys, which of you can name musical instruments that belong to the keyboard family?

Children: Grand piano, synthesizer, children's piano . (For each correct answer, the teacher attaches a picture of a keyboard instrument to the magnetic board: a grand piano, a synthesizer, a children’s piano.)

M.R.: Guys, tell me what the character of the play is: was it always the same, or did it change? "Fun-sad"

Children: At first the character of the play was cheerful, then it changed and became sad, then it became cheerful again.

M.R.: That’s right, children, at the beginning of the play the music sounded fun, carefree, playful , (musical director includes a fragment of the first part of the play) then she became sad and sad . (The teacher includes a fragment of the second part of the play) But now the sadness has passed, and we again hear joyful, cheerful music. (Includes the third part of the play) So how many times has the nature of the music changed?

Children: Three times.

M.R.: So, how many parts are there in the play?

Children: Three parts.

M.R.: Guys, now I suggest you play a little, or rather, imagine yourself as pianists. Children, show me how a pianist plays the piano?

Children: Imitate the movements of playing an imaginary piano.

M.R.: Now show me how the pianist plays cheerful music?

Children: Imitate jerky movements of the hands.

M.R.: How does a pianist play smooth, calm music?

Children: Imitates wave-like movements of the hands.

M.R.: Now, guys, I suggest you stand on your feet near your chairs, imagine that each of you is standing near a synthesizer, prepare your hands to play the instrument, are you ready?

Children: Yes!

(The teacher turns on an audio recording of L. Beethoven’s play “Fun and Sad”, children perform appropriate movements of their hands to a certain part of the play)

M.R.: Well done children, you all coped with my interesting task, and now I invite you to sit on the chairs. (Children sit down) I remind you guys that during a music lesson you and I should sit with a straight back, our feet should be firmly on the floor, and our hands should be on our knees.

At the end of the conversation, the teacher once again shows a reproduction of the composer’s portrait, and together with the children pronounces his first and last name, the title of the play and the components of the play.

M.R.: Children, now, I suggest you rest a little. We get to our feet and listen carefully to the pieces that I will perform on the piano, to certain music, you will have to come up with the appropriate dance or walking movements and show me.

The dance improvisation “Come up with an appropriate movement to the music” is performed. The march of D. Zhitomirsky “Bravely, comrades, in step” is performed - children are marching, the Russian folk play “Ah, you are the canopy” - children perform various dance movements, the Russian folk play “Like ours at the gate” - children perform jumps, Russian folk play “Apple” - children squat, and the Russian folk play “Along the Street, a Blizzard is Sweeping” - children restore their breathing.

M.R.: Well done, guys, each of you showed yourself very creatively and uniquely, please sit down. ( The teacher tells the children the correct posture: straight back, legs resting on the floor, hands resting on the knees)

M.R.: Guys, I have a question for you, what holiday are we preparing for now?

Children: We are preparing for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

M.R.: Guys, who are we congratulating on this day?

Children: Dads, grandfathers, brothers, boys and all men.

M.R.: Who can tell me what surprises we are preparing for our dads, grandfathers and boys?

Children: We are preparing a gift for our dads, grandfathers and boys, the song “My Dad”, poems and the dance “Stork on the Roof”.

M.R.: Well done children, but before we start singing our song, let’s sing a little and sing the song “Hello, how are you?”

The song is performed in different keys, in the ascending and descending movement of the notes “Hello, how are you?”

M.R.: Well done, you tried very hard, and now is the time to sing the song “My Dad.” I warn you that while singing, we must listen to the voice of our neighbor, do not shout or strain our vocal cords, and try to draw out the endings of words.

The song “My Dad” is performed by music. A. Komarova, lyrics. T. Ryadchikova.

Before performing the song, the teacher pronounces the basic positions for singing: “sitting” position - straight backs, legs resting on the floor, and hands lying on the knees (in this position, children sing the song once), and “standing” - straight backs, abducted shoulders back, heads raised, legs straight (in this position, children sing once or twice, depending on the quality of performance)

M.R.: Well done, guys, and now I ask you to sit down on the chairs (the teacher explains the correct seating position for the children).

M.R.: Guys, today I have prepared a surprise for you - a musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?”, now I will give some children cards with pictures of birds: chicken, duck and sparrow, and to other children, children of these birds: chickens , ducklings and chicks. Each bird and its child has its own specific voice, now I will demonstrate it to you. (The teacher plays the “voices of birds” on the piano several times until the children remember and say which bird corresponds to a certain sound. Each voice corresponds to one note: duck - “C” of the large octave, duckling - “C” of the small octave, chicken - “up to” the first octave, the chick – up to the second octave, the sparrow – “up to” the third octave, the chick – “up to” the fourth octave.

M.R.: Now I will distribute cards to the children, and as soon as the child hears the “voice” of his bird, he will have to stand up. Shall we try?

Children: Yes!

A musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?” is being held. The game is played 2-3 times, depending on the wishes of the children.

M.R.: Well done children! I am very pleased with your work. Remind and show me, please, how you and I should sit during a music lesson. (Children demonstrate the “correct” posture: straight back, legs resting on the floor, hands resting on their knees.)

M.R.: Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, but you and I haven’t done something yet, tell me what?

Children: Yes, we didn’t dance the “Stork on the Roof” dance.

M.R.: Guys, I suggest you go to the carpet, take your places to perform the dance, I warn you that while performing the dance, we must try to perform movements in accordance with the music, perform movements synchronously and keep our backs straight.

The dance “Stork on the Roof” is performed (audio recording “Stork on the Roof”, music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by A. Poperechny)

(The teacher, together with the children, recalls the basic movements of the dance. The dance is repeated 3-4 times, depending on the quality of the children’s dance performance.)

M.R.: Thank you, children, I suggest you take your seats in your chairs. (The teacher reminds the children about sitting: straight back, legs resting on the floor, hands resting on the knees.) Guys, tell me what we did in class today?

Children: listened to L. Beethoven's play "Fun and Sad", played the play "Fun and Sad" on an imaginary synthesizer, learned to find musical and rhythmic movements to the music, sang the song "My Dad", played the musical and didactic game "Where are my kids ?”, and danced the “Stork on the Roof” dance.

M.R.: That's right, children! I am very pleased with your work, you were real artists today. Goodbye, see you again!

Children: Goodbye!

To the music of “Smile” by V. Shainsky, the children and teacher leave the music group.