A good status for a decent girl. Beautiful statuses for girls - cool and funny quotes! Original and funny statuses for girls

March 8

Yes, I am like that

Top statuses for girls are always bright, full of emotions and unique, choose the one that is close to you in spirit:

  1. Don't force me into your framework. My horizons are open.
  2. I don't chase fashion, freedom is important to me.
  3. Don’t advise me how to live, I deal with this life myself.
  4. I'm not proud of my appearance, although there is something to be proud of. My value is my soul.
  5. It's worth loving yourself, but it's more important to love those who are nearby.
  6. I don't need Louboutins, I don't even wear sneakers.
  7. Let the glamorous girls wear awesome pants, I dress the way I feel comfortable.
  8. It’s important to start dreaming; before you know it, it will become a part of your life.
  9. I always work on myself, because there are no barriers to perfection.
  10. There are no ideal people, I am an exception.
  11. Maintaining harmony in yourself means loving this life.
  12. I am grateful to all my men, some for finally falling behind.
  13. I’m a tough nut to crack, don’t break your teeth when you crack it.
  14. I'm not looking for beautiful brutals that are quite reliable.
  15. I try to overcome my fear, there are no problems with the rest.
  16. I never envy anyone, it’s enough that I myself suffer from envy of myself.
  17. You need to love yourself, understand that you are the only one.
  18. Learning to understand people is possible only after unsuccessful attempts.
  19. I’m not sad that I made a lot of mistakes - they are all mine, they brought me experience and knowledge.
  20. I won’t step on the same rake several times – blows to the head are enough.
  21. Men, do not be afraid of beautiful women, there are wise ones among them.
  22. I always withstand the blows of fate and am not afraid to make mistakes, maybe I’m a real man?
  23. I had to say goodbye to all my friends when I needed help - everyone disappeared somewhere.
  24. I am a self-sufficient woman - I will get a star for myself and give the moon.
  25. Everything is good in my life, just lonely.
  26. Every morning I get up with the words: “I am the happiest, most beautiful and healthy.” Helps you get through the day with a sense of self-confidence and a tolerant attitude towards the environment.
  27. I want to love deeply and selflessly, but so far it’s not possible - there is no prince on a white horse.
  28. It’s very unpleasant when a man doesn’t look into your eyes during a conversation, but lower down at his size 4 breasts.

There are no other things like this in the world

Top VK statuses for girls can be put both about the girls themselves and about their relationships with their loved ones or with people in general:

  1. Don't doubt me - I don't like doubting men.
  2. I am sure that a smile suits a girl better than multi-layered makeup.
  3. I will never disfigure myself with plastic surgery - what is given by nature is what you get.
  4. I always smile, even when it hurts and hurts - and people think that everything is rosy for me.
  5. I learned to enjoy everything - I even perceive failures as a gift of fate - if they exist, that means. I need to understand something.
  6. During the years of loneliness, I can earn extra money as a “husband for an hour” - I can do everything.
  7. Girls, don’t believe scales and mirrors, they sometimes lie, believe in your beauty - you will truly become beautiful.
  8. They say that girls love with their ears - this is not true. Girls love with all their heart and soul.
  9. I know my worth, but I won’t sell myself.
  10. I don't hide my age, I'm proud of my past.
  11. New wrinkles are not a reason to become depressed; today you can get rid of them in different ways, but you can also simply love every wrinkle you have.
  12. When you feel bad, don’t worry about your problems, go shopping for them and buy yourself some new clothes.
  13. For me, the main thing in a person is not appearance, but eyes - the mirror of the soul and actions.
  14. Don’t look for love and don’t beg for it – everything has its time.
  15. It’s so joyful at the age of 30, when they ask for your passport in a store, I love these moments.
  16. I have already experienced a lot, but again and again I open blank sheets of paper - many of them become drafts and are thrown into the trash. I would like to start writing my life on a clean copy.
  17. Your first love will always be in your soul, but don’t get hung up on it – move on.
  18. I can become an idiot - but only when I am surrounded by my friends who are idiots like me.
  19. I always try to be myself, but sometimes I still have to turn on the fool - especially at work.
  20. Run away from pompous smart guys - they will fuck up your brain and take it out.
  21. A smart person is always simple and sincere, a fool is always clever with pathos.
  22. I'm not afraid to laugh at myself, I just don't see any reason to.

Youth passes quickly

Top statuses for girls can relate to the meaning of life and discussions about its transience:

  1. Before I had time to look back, I was already 25, and I wasn’t married yet.
  2. My rose-colored glasses prevent me from facing the truth, but without them it’s scary - suddenly everyone is a freak.
  3. Over the years, you stop believing words and look only at deeds and actions, but somehow they don’t inspire...
  4. Girls, take care and appreciate your time - youth disappears somewhere so quickly.
  5. Don’t waste time on people unworthy of you, otherwise you’ll say later – I gave you all my youth.
  6. Few people learn from the mistakes of others, and in vain - there were fewer wasted years.
  7. Loneliness is when there is no one to call at all, everything else is a temporary respite.
  8. It is always painful to be disappointed in a loved one, but it is precisely this pain that makes us stronger and wiser.
  9. I don’t have a life, but a field filled with rakes.
  10. Draw conclusions after each miss, then you will become a real sniper.
  11. Falling in love always inspires, love makes the brain and soul work.
  12. Don’t believe the words, it’s just a shell of thoughts, get to the bottom of it.
  13. In order not to complain about fate, take it into your own hands and control it.
  14. Girls, we always have a choice - to go straight. Go right or turn left. Your life will depend on this.
  15. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it's better than just daydreaming on the couch.
  16. Girls at any age are still the same girls, with ponytails and pigtails, with whims and tears over trifles, with naive delusions and faith in goodness.

It hurts me, my soul is screaming

  1. Do not allow anyone to devastate your soul; faith and hope should always live in it, even when love has left it.
  2. Inner emptiness is what your wrong choice led to, turn around in the opposite direction and keep going.
  3. Even when it seems that you are at a dead end, do not allow yourself to feel empty in your soul - change at least something.
  4. To be offended and angry - these states necessarily end in powerlessness and inner emptiness, so let go and forgive everyone who offended you.
  5. Don’t lose your taste for life - even if it is bitter and disgusting.
  6. Smile and maintain inner calm, even when you are extremely unlucky.
  7. When it’s difficult, remember yourself as a child - after all, you were so sincere and cheerful, try to bring yourself back like that.
  8. Don’t let your soul be filled with what you don’t need at all, fill it yourself with only joy, positivity and love.
  9. No man deserves a woman to say - I'm completely devastated and I'm tired of everything. Even the betrayal of a loved one should motivate you to take action.
  10. When sadness overwhelms you, look around - there are clearly new people, emotions, events there - go somewhere you have never been.
  11. Mental emptiness gives rise to indifference even to oneself.
  12. A woman is always full of light and warmth, and whoever does not notice this must simply pass by.
  13. Don’t dare to be discouraged - not a single circumstance should unsettle you.
  14. When you start to feel sorry for yourself, you seem to yourself to be flawed and worthless - better feel sorry for those who really need it.
  15. It is very easy to become despondent after life’s adversities, and who will then live instead of you?
  16. Don’t waste time on quarrels, anger, insults - this is all temporary, but for some it takes too much of this precious time.
  17. Fill the inner emptiness with at least something - as long as it doesn’t start to destroy you.

For girls

When a girl is on the threshold of womanhood and is in the so-called teenage period, the eternal themes of love, friendship, and relationships are also important to her. Then you can put top statuses for girls - on different topics, top statuses for girls can be with sadness and laughter:

  1. It’s better not to have friends at all than to have anger breathing down your back.
  2. I never blame anyone for my mistakes - I’m a fool myself.
  3. When a person loves, he radiates this love to all other people.
  4. Look at your classmates and understand how diverse the world is with all sorts of freaks.
  5. I think that a lot of words is idle talk. Therefore, in class, when people ask me, I prefer to remain silent.
  6. I will never cry or suffer because of a guy, let him cry.
  7. When you are betrayed, do not cry - you are not the traitor.
  8. When I feel bad, I always look for someone who is worse off than me - and if I can, I help.
  9. So sometimes it’s difficult to overcome your bad mood, especially when every day at school you see the same boring faces.
  10. I'm glad that I have friends - they are the only ones who can shake me up when I'm sad.
  11. Betrayal by a friend is the best reason to break up with him, but it hurts so much, because we have been through so much together.

Collection title: Short statuses for girls. Nature is like a woman who, showing from under her clothes first one part of her body, then another, gives persistent admirers some hope of someday recognizing all of her. Denis Diderot

A woman is recognized as right when her eyes are wet. John Halliburton

In every woman's heart there is a special corner for sins that she has never committed. Cornelia Skinner

Any intelligent woman who, after reading the marriage contract, then gets married, deserves everything that follows. Isadora Duncan

There is nothing more destructive than a woman. Homer

The world was created for men, not for women. Oscar Wilde

A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.

Absence when a man wants her to be there is the greatest sin of a woman except her presence when a man does not want to see her. Helen Rowland

Only those who are man enough will liberate the woman in the woman. Friedrich Nietzsche

No wonder women’s fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are associated with their behavior. Heaven or hell in a family is caused solely by the rumor that goes around about women, and the rumor depends only on them. Pierre Beaumarchais

O woman!.. A weak and treacherous creature!... Pierre Beaumarchais

A woman’s words are lighter than falling leaves that water and wind carry wherever they want. Plutarch

A woman loves or hates: she has no third. Publilius Syrus

No one becomes a woman's friend if he can become her lover. Honore de Balzac

If women don’t love you, then prostitution will give you a hand. Georgy Alexandrov

A man marries a second time only if he truly loved the previous one. A woman will marry twice to take revenge on her ex-husband.

No matter how sharp and sophisticated a woman is, she is always subject to the deceptions of a man, and especially at a time when she is passionate about him. Mikhail Chulkov

The woman on the sand is fascinating - she looks like a newly dug up statue. Ramon Gomez de la Serna

For a woman - as experience teaches us - Health and beauty are inseparable. Lope de Vega

Having fallen in love, the most intelligent person no longer sees a single object as it really is. A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being. Stendhal

Women, speaking abstractly, have equal rights with us, but it is in their interests not to use these rights. Talleyrand

If there were no women, men would be godlike beings. Thomas Dekker

In response to love, a virtuous woman says: no, passionate - yes, capricious - yes and no, flirtatious - neither yes nor no. F. Soulier

Generally speaking, power does not spoil people, but fools, when they are in power, spoil power. The upbringing of a man or woman is tested by how they behave during a quarrel. George Bernard Shaw

Women don't like timid men. Cats don't like cautious mice. Henry Mencken

When you think that there are men so brave that they look into a woman’s face, come up to her, shake her hand and say without horror: Do you want to be my wife? - then you can’t help but be surprised at what human courage can reach. Stendhal

We men hate arrogance that goes beyond any measure - trust an experienced man! - and often, without even saying a word to a woman, we begin to hate her for her one look. Ovid

Respecting women is a duty that every honest man must obey from birth. Lope de Vega

Women were God's second mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche

Men always want to be a woman's first love. This is male rude vanity. The female instinct in these matters is subtler. What women want is to be a man's last passion. Oscar Wilde

Statuses for girls are short - A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.

Gold is tested with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Today is the graduation party. The girls look like real ladies, the boys are in tuxedos, everyone is beautiful. Congratulations! Good luck with your application!

A beautiful woman doesn’t need intelligence, it will distract attention from her!

There is no better compliment for a girl than to say: “It wouldn’t hurt for you to gain a little weight.”

He: “You are too beautiful for my taste.” She: “How do we understand this?” He: “I would be inflamed with passion for you and have sex with you, but I would not fall in love.”

Best status:
The more unavailable a girl is, the more passionate is the desire to make her yours.

How many beautiful girls mothers give birth to boys, try it, choose...

I don’t hold and let go! Feel free to leave! Am I cruel? I know about this... Sorry. You say I'm a princess. Well, that's enough, honey, don't be ridiculous. Most likely, I am the poetess of your wounded soul.

I was probably daydreaming a lot, but girls are not forbidden to dream.

I’m walking with a friend, I meet two girls, I draw his attention: “One of them is beautiful, and the second is for you!”

I will become the best for you, someday, when you are around... I will often powder my cute nose, or I will understand that I am beautiful without any tricks.

Breasts are silicone, lips are Botox, nails are acrylic, but here she is – the natural beauty of the 21st century!

Bloody spring sunsets... They evoke sadness and joy at the same time... Such beauty brings colors back to life!

Beauty requires sacrifice... Who will be my victim? 🙂

My name is Nastya, I have no problems. I drive a Honda, but I want a Porsche Cayenne. I believe in love at first sight. And in this situation, I don’t even need Porsche...

A woman's beauty is measured in Angelino Joules.

She is only 15, but she will prove her love, she will wait!

Still, it was good... everyone said that we were the most beautiful couple! Well, what were you missing? What?

Everything you look at with love seems beautiful.

A man's beauty is measured in Brad Pit))

Beauty will save the world. My friend says while tinting her eyes. “Aha, with your beauty, the most that can be done is to save you from hiccups through shock therapy,” I answer

To be beautiful and loved means to be just a woman. To be ugly and to be able to arouse love is to be a princess.

Plain women know more about men than beautiful women.

After all, we girls are geniuses! The guy cheated on us, what a jerk. The guy has a girlfriend, nothing will change)

Beauty is great power... But the soul is more important

Today I saw a very beautiful girl: neat makeup, stylishly dressed, wearing heels, a pretty face. And from her mouth came a three-story obscenity. “Ugly” was the first thought that came to me. Stop swearing!

- Girl, girl! You should have strong, healthy teeth! - How did you guess? “Are you going to eat such an ass with bad teeth?”

Beauty is only a promise of happiness.

One handsome guy suggested that I go for a walk at 12 at night. Me: “Why didn’t you write earlier? At least an hour ago. I was just put together...” He: “And I just wanted you to be without makeup, in home clothes. The most beautiful." Holy shit...

I’m a beautiful girl and I have a normal, sexually satisfied brain, I don’t need it so actively!

All…!! No more sincere confessions, smiles and conversations... Only a cruel and beautiful game. A game by my rules...!

That girl is truly beautiful and sexy... For this, she does not need to expose her breasts and butt.

Every girl has her favorite nail on her hands!

Be beautiful and sit silently. The first one is easier.

Natural beauty is much more beautiful than expensive mascara powder and gloss

A woman's beauty does not lie in the clothes she wears, or her figure, or the way she combs her hair. . The beauty of a woman should be seen in her eyes, because they are the way to her heart - where love lives

Beauty is when your legs go to your face.

We’re walking down the street with a friend, and after us some guys say: “Kitty, kitty.” As if unexpectedly, even for myself, I yelled: “I’m going to bark so hard that the meow will disappear!”

A bright woman, just a dream, Dive deeper, And there is beauty!

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it distracts attention.

If a woman considers herself sexy, she is sexy.

beauty will save the world, said Piglet, staring at himself in the mirror, but with such beauty, only toilets can be saved, answered Blame the Pooh))))))))

There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.

All girls are something, and I am something!)

A beautiful woman should not be too smart - it distracts attention.

From now on, I will do everything to make you regret two hundred times that you don’t have such a beautiful girl like me!

While I was putting on makeup, I fainted ten times. From your own beauty.

Beauty is a gift from a lover.

Only parents like beautiful, good girls. So let their parents fuck them))))))

Tell me where to find a stress reliever? After removing makeup...

The main thing is not beauty but intelligence! And don't look at me like that!

If a girl saves your time, energy and nerves, doesn’t get jealous and doesn’t make scandals, don’t worry, she’s just indifferent to you.

Less powder, less paint... Make the boys' eyes less! More pride, more intelligence - you will like yourself!

Beauty both inside and outside. But true beauty shines from within.

Beauty is a sense of self and it is reflected in your eyes.

If a beautiful girl was close to you, don’t flatter yourself. Maybe she wanted to know...WHAT’S IT ABOUT WITH A SUCKER?

To be beautiful and loved means to be just a woman. To be ugly and to be able to arouse love is to be a princess.

I'm happy by default. Please don't mess with my settings!

Eyes, mascara, lips, stilettos. Must be perfect, because he needs perfect...

Low-waisted clothes are usually worn by people with high self-esteem.

Believing in the beauty of a girl means following her with your eyes closed.

Beauty is power, just like money, just like a loaded gun.

I DID NOT go to uni today: my hair is dirty. I took a bath.. mousse foam.. creams.. scrubs.. put on makeup.. made myself beautiful) clean and beautiful) High) and 2 in cartography...

No external beauty can be commensurate with spiritual beauty. There are many beautiful people, but are they all beautiful at heart?

Beauty is not the main thing, money is not the main thing, breasts are not the main thing... if you have them!

I am so beautiful that I would fall in love myself...

Love and my beauty will save the world!

You constantly show off in front of your friends that I’m beautiful, so pretty... and there’s another reason why you’re with me?!

If beauty requires sacrifice, then it is better, without arguing, to fulfill its demands. Otherwise, who will save the world later?

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

Beautiful women today are considered to be the talents of their husbands.

Beauty is a terrible force. Especially in combination with a cunning ass.

It's not beauty that saves the world these days, it's foundation.

Why do we all chase beauty? Because the world is sickeningly ugly. We want to be beautiful because we want to become better.

Today I’ll put on a short skirt and stiletto sandals and go out to lure guys! And you sit and regret that you didn’t choose me!

The wind takes me to a place where handsome guys don't care!

Women who behave well do not have a chance to go down in history.

If beauty requires sacrifice, then it is better, without arguing, to fulfill its requirements. Otherwise, who will save the world later?

beauty causes sexual attraction, and the soul causes love.

Maybe I was too daydreaming, but a girl is allowed to dream.

Beauty requires sacrifice... Beauty is a sacrifice every day]..=)

Loving a girl for her beauty is like loving chocolate for its wrapper; to love a guy for his beauty... - guys are not loved for his beauty, they can only like him

I will give fidelity to my husband, love to my son, beauty to my daughter, and respect and honor to Mine and His parents!

physical beauty does not last forever. remember this. and never reject those who are close to you in soul.

Boys will never understand what periods are... How hard it is to walk in heels. And how hard it is to get up early. To be beautiful all day...

It’s so fashionable now: [beautiful girls smoke strong cigarettes and love weak guys]…

“What a beauty,” I said looking at my ava!)

Love will save the world... -Really? But it always seemed to me that beauty...

There was no trace left of the sunny weather. Her body lay on the wet asphalt, her breathing was even and only occasionally interrupted by her sobs. Now her life no longer mattered... She was raped and humiliated...

So I look at myself in the mirror and think: “Who would be interested in getting such beauty?”

Why did God create a beautiful woman? For a man to love her. Why did God make a woman stupid? So that she loves a man.

Beauty will never save the world. If you don't burden her mind.

You are as beautiful as everyone else... -Which one? …..-No…

How can you ask for hearts? This is the same as writing that I’m beautiful...

The best statuses for girls on Statuses-Tut.ru! The most beautiful creatures on planet Earth are, of course, women! After all, for the sake of beautiful ladies, men perform feats, dedicate poems and songs to them. All of you know the great heroines Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova and young Juliet from school. Thanks to them, the classics sang the purity, beauty, wisdom, playfulness, kindness, love of life, and sacrifice of women. And this is exactly what our statuses, carefully selected for this section, are about. And how many magnificent female portraits can be seen in the most famous museums in the world. Today the girl chooses her own path. Who should she become, what profession should she choose, should she be a housewife or a businesswoman. Do you want to be talked about? Then you need to look at our website and find the most interesting statuses for girls.

Original and cool statuses for girls!

The phrase in a status is often used to judge a person’s character. Therefore, incorrectly chosen words can cause a less than pleasant impression of you, to put it mildly. It is necessary to choose your status very carefully and thoughtfully, especially for girls! After all, the most important thing is that cool statuses for girls correspond to your personality. A wide selection of beautiful and original phrases from our website will help any girl choose the status she needs for the social network.

The coolest quotes for girls!

As you know, beauty is a very terrible force, and beautiful statuses for girls will allow any of you to find the perfect frame for your beauty. And let your friends envy your excellent taste and your excellent status. Girls are different, some like to read classics, while others can’t imagine themselves without a guy on a Harley. For you, brave young ladies, our cool statuses for girls. And let everyone know that you are the coolest in the area! Your friends always know that you are just a real sparkler. Not a single party can do without you, you are the life of the party and simply a real treasure. Your sense of humor amazes everyone; you are not afraid to laugh at yourself. Then our funny statuses about girls are for you! Visit our website Statuses-Tut.ru and you can change your status on the social network at any time.

Quotes for VKontakte for girls!

The girls are so different, your mood changes like the wind. Today you are funny, but by the evening you want to cry into your pillow. Or watch a romantic comedy for the soul with your best friend. Or maybe you decided to take up painting or learn to cook better than your mother-in-law. On our website you will find deep and wise statuses for girls with meaning. And let your envious people rack their brains over deciphering your status. Every self-respecting girl has a page on a social network, and perhaps more than one. With our help you can convey your mood. Tell about yourself briefly but succinctly, both in happy moments of your life and in difficult moments. Your friends and simply visitors to your page will have only a pleasant and positive opinion about you from the first seconds. And our VKontakte statuses for girls will try to help you with this. You will always find selected statuses for girls on our website Statuses-Tut.ru! Every girl should know that they think only positively about her and treat her with respect.
  • Those who loved us taught us nothing. We were taught everything by those who did not love us.
  • No matter how strong a woman is, she is waiting for a man stronger than herself. And not so that he restricts her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak.
  • It’s just great: to have a person in your life whom you call in deep depression... And you hang up with a crazy desire to live!
  • Beautiful statuses for a girl with meaning - There is no such thing as a happy life, there are happy days...
    • You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman...
    • To be angry with people means to consider their actions as something important in your life.
    • Over time, even the most long-awaited call may become unnecessary...
    • Not dresses... rings or rhinestones... not even a fashionable car... Nothing makes a woman look better... like the right man!!!
    • To look with love means to look with the heart. If you have love in your soul, everything that the eye sees is beautiful...
  • There are people who are like a pinch of cinnamon. In small quantities they add spices to life, in large quantities they spoil the whole dish...
  • Happiness is when your happiness is happy next to you!
  • By blowing men's brains out, women clear them out and fill them with the meaning of life.
  • Far from home at a late hour, we remember those who remember us, and if only we have enough strength to forget about those who forgot us.
  • One day you will believe that everything is over... That's when everything will begin.
  • Sometimes, to improve your life, you need a little: cross out a few people from it.
  • A romance has no prospects if the partners are not equal. Or the strong abandon the weak out of boredom and loss of respect. There is another option - the weak realizes his insignificance and leaves, realizing that there is nothing to catch. There is no third.
  • If you are disappointed in one, do not punish the other. All people are different. Don't lose your ability to trust, believe and love...
  • Personal strength is not measured by how many people love you, but by how many people hate you.
  • Smile, illuminating everyone with smiles! Make mistakes - it's more fun to live with mistakes. Don’t be afraid, in life anything happens, don’t give up, everything doesn’t work out right away...
  • Men's care in our time is such a rarity that it becomes uncomfortable and you want to thank them all the time.
  • There are three reasons why life cannot turn into a fairy tale: lies, time and fate! A lie cannot be forgotten, time cannot be caught up, and fate cannot be changed...
  • A man must fight, because a woman chooses the strong, brave and persistent, and not those who give up and leave at the slightest quarrel.
  • If a woman is angry, it means that she is not only wrong, but also understands it.
  • A smart girl will not look after her boyfriend, but look after herself...
  • What am I dreaming about?! Yes, just live... breathe... love... and know that I am loved! And appreciate every moment... Because our life is unique...
  • Who said it would be easy? Any relationship is difficult! But if you want to be there even when everything is bad, then this is for real!
  • To regain youth, you just have to repeat all its follies.
  • There are men with whom we live. There are men for whom we live. And there are those men, when we find ourselves next to whom, we understand that we are beginning to truly live.
  • How often it is easier for us to write what in life we ​​do not risk saying.
  • Beautiful statuses for a girl with meaning - When you write the story of your life, don’t let anyone take your pen...