Hospitalization during pregnancy: what you need to know. What to take with you to the maternity hospital? a complete and detailed list of things to take to the maternity hospital. What to take with you to the maternity hospital during hospitalization

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Childbirth for an expectant mother is no less important and exciting event than pregnancy itself. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this is the first birth or not, the feeling of trepidation of some kind of fear will always be there. Starting from the 39th week, a woman should prepare for the fact that her water may break at any moment and she will have to urgently go to the hospital.

Usually, pregnant women are admitted to the hospital in advance when there are any indications for hospitalization. Such indications can be considered pathology or deviations in the health of the baby or mother. Also during post-term, which is also not favorable for the baby.

The best option is prenatal hospitalization, which in the last stages will be like reassurance for the mother. At the clinic, the pregnant woman is under the constant supervision of doctors and in case of premature birth she will always be able to provide first aid. But let's consider everything in order.

It is impossible to accurately determine the day of birth; it all depends on the woman’s physiology and the desire of the baby itself to be born. Therefore, it will not be possible to make plans that it is possible to calmly get ready before the date indicated by the doctor and come to the maternity hospital. This is only possible with a planned caesarean section. As you know, starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, any subsequent date can become a happy birthday. Naturally, the attending physician names a specific date on which the mother should give birth, but this is all very approximate.

Very often there are cases when premature birth occurs and at this moment the woman is completely lost and, of course, does not think about what she needs to pack for the maternity hospital and what documents she needs to take.

It is in such cases that it is better to prepare in advance and collect everything you need. First of all, you need to get a referral for prenatal hospitalization from your attending physician. Without such a document, unfortunately, doctors have the right to refuse to stay in the hospital. Usually pregnant women are admitted in advance, with any contraindications, so that the woman in labor is under the supervision of doctors.

In addition to the referral, the pregnant woman will need to take with her a passport, a health insurance policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate and a contract with the hospital (if available). In addition to the above documents, you must take personal belongings and things for the unborn child.

It is very important to be prepared for future births and under no circumstances go on long trips out of town during the final stages. It is necessary to choose in advance the maternity hospital where the birth will take place and it is advisable to visit it in advance. It should be noted that each maternity hospital has its own restrictive requirements that relate to sanitary and hygienic standards. Therefore, it is better to find out everything in advance.

Prenatal hospitalization before cesarean section occurs 1-2 weeks before the specified date of birth itself. This is done so that the doctors can carry out all the necessary procedures on the spot and slowly, such as blood tests, ultrasound, CTG, and at the same time, it is possible to help the mother with medications to prepare the body for the upcoming operation. In such cases, doctors try to carry out such an operation as late as possible, bringing it as close as possible to the scheduled date of birth, but in most cases everything happens before contractions begin, since they can significantly harm the baby’s health.

Antenatal hospitalization at 39 weeks is entirely appropriate, even if there is no compelling reason for it. The doctor has no right to refuse this. If timing allows, then it is not necessary to bring all the things to the maternity hospital at once; those that are intended for the baby can be brought later, immediately before the birth itself. You shouldn’t buy mountains of clothes in advance, as your baby won’t need all of it. Don't forget about such little things as a pacifier, bottle and diapers, as these things can always find their use. Regardless of the time of year, it is necessary to take both warm clothes for the baby and lighter ones.

A pregnant woman is quite unpredictable and no one knows how she will behave before giving birth.

If a woman continues to tell you throughout her pregnancy that she will go to the hospital only when contractions begin, you should not believe her. After all, there comes a time when a woman in labor begins to panic a little about whether the ambulance will have time to come for her and take her to the maternity hospital, whether everything will be fine on the way and whether she will give birth in the car. Hospitalization of pregnant women can be carried out at a variety of times and for a variety of circumstances.

Hospitalization does not have to be for medical reasons. It happens that a woman in labor simply lives very far from the chosen maternity hospital, and there is a possibility that there will be no time to pick her up from home. In order for mommy to feel good again and not create panic, it is better to follow her lead and take her to the maternity hospital in advance. After all, her excitement is quite understandable, since she worries not only about herself, but first of all about the health of her baby.

Approximately in the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to decide what to take to the maternity hospital. This must be done in advance so that by 36-37 weeks the necessary things are collected. After all, labor may begin earlier than expected. And getting ready on the day of birth is fraught with the fact that you can forget many important and necessary things. Before you start packing, you can check with your maternity hospital about what you need to take with you and what is unacceptable.

Each maternity hospital has its own rules and recommended lists.

  • Basic principles
  • Collect the necessary documents in a separate folder or file.
  • You need to collect things strictly in plastic bags or bags. According to the sanitary and epidemiological regime, it is unacceptable to bring things in fabric or leather bags in maternity hospitals.
  • We are preparing 3 packages for the maternity hospital: for the delivery room, postpartum ward and for discharge. This distribution will help you quickly find the right thing at every stage of your stay in the maternity hospital. It will be even better if the bags are transparent.
  • Place a piece of paper with a packing list in each bag.
  • You can leave the package intended for discharge at home and tell your relatives to bring it on the day of the special event.

If you plan to give birth together with a relative, then we also prepare a duffel bag for him.

List of required documents

  • We take with us:
  • Identification document (passport).
  • Compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance) policy.
  • Birth certificate. It is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic at 30 weeks during a singleton pregnancy. If the pregnancy is multiple, the certificate is issued at 28 weeks.
  • Sick leave opened at the antenatal clinic. It is usually issued along with the birth certificate within the prescribed time frame.
  • Contract for paid management of childbirth and the postpartum period (if the contract was concluded on an individual basis).

Putting together the first package: what should you take with you to the birth?

This group includes things necessary for a woman during childbirth and for a child immediately after birth.

We take the following for ourselves:

  • Cotton robe and shirt. You can purchase the kit immediately.
  • Two pairs of warm socks (woolen ones are not allowed). Chills often occur during childbirth. They can also be useful after childbirth.
  • Washable flat shoes.
  • Pure drinking still water. Take 2 bottles of 0.5 ml. You can take a thermos with herbal tea, if this is not prohibited by the rules of the maternity hospital, as well as light food. But, as a rule, there is no particular appetite during childbirth.
  • Small towel (terry). Useful for wiping your face with cold water.
  • Hygienic lipstick. During childbirth, lips dry out very much, and lipstick will help avoid drying out and the formation of microcracks.
  • If your hair is long, don't forget to add an elastic band or hair clip.
  • Elastic stockings or bandages for the lower extremities. Especially if you have varicose veins in your legs.
  • Disposable toilet seat covers.

In the maternity room for the baby we take:

  • Diaper size NB (for children up to 5 kg).
  • A cap with ties or a thin cap.
  • Anti-scratch socks and mittens.
  • Flannel diaper.
  • Flannelette blanket.

Baby clothes are needed immediately after the baby is born. They must be washed and ironed on both sides except the diaper.

If the birth is planned with a partner, then he needs to take the following:

  • Passport.
  • Conclusion of fluorographic examination. Other tests may be needed. This must be clarified in the maternity hospital in advance.
  • Clean clothes (light pants, T-shirt or surgical suit), change of shoes.
  • Disposable mask and cap.
  • Camera or video camera (optional).

We are collecting the second package: things for staying in the postpartum ward

2 hours after successful delivery, mother and newborn are transferred to the “mother and child” ward, where they stay for about 3 days. For this period you need to take with you the following:

What should I take with me for my child?

Some maternity hospitals prohibit bringing any supplies for a newborn, and only allow disposable diapers and creams. But many institutions do not prevent this, and even recommend bringing personal items for the child, even diapers.

Therefore, it is better to check with the maternity hospital in advance what you can take with you. If there are no special restrictions, then for a newborn we take the following:


  • hats or bonnets – 3–4 pcs;
  • anti-scratch mittens and socks - 2-3 pairs each;
  • thin and warm vests - 4 pcs.;
  • rompers or overalls (thin and warm) – 4 pieces each;
  • flannelette blanket.

All items for the baby must be washed and ironed on both sides.

If the expected weight of the child is between 3 and 3.7 kg, then size 56 can be taken. If the baby is expected to be large, then it is better to take things a size larger (62).

We collect the package for discharge

For a newborn we prepare:

Things for mom:

  • cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics;
  • hair dryer or curling iron (according to preference);
  • unscented hair gel or spray;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, hair decorations;
  • We take clothes (preferably looser ones), shoes;
  • You should not take perfume or eau de toilette; they can cause allergies in a newborn.

It is imperative to take care of transporting the newborn from the maternity hospital home. Purchase a child seat or infant carrier for your car in advance for children from birth.

If you plan to transport a child by taxi, you need to notify the dispatcher about the need for a child seat.

When leaving the maternity hospital, do not forget to take away all personal belongings, and most importantly, documents:

  • medical birth certificate for registering a newborn in the civil registry office;
  • discharge summary from the developmental history of the newborn for the local pediatrician;
  • an extract from the birth history for the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

If labor begins unexpectedly and the packages have not yet been collected, then there is no need to panic. Many maternity hospitals provide women and newborns with everything they need. The main thing is to take the necessary documents for admission to the maternity hospital. Relatives can collect the remaining things and bring them a little later.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, and very soon you will meet your baby. It is important that everything is ready by this time. If you are 34-36 weeks pregnant, most likely you have already chosen and purchased some things: a crib, a stroller and many other important household items that you and your baby will need at home.

But before the baby appears in your home, there will be one more important stage for which you must be prepared - childbirth and postpartum stay in the maternity hospital. It is very important that the first hours and days of your baby and your motherhood pass in comfort and tranquility. It is important that everyone is calm: both you and your loved ones. Therefore, you should prepare for this period in advance.

There are many lists of items for the hospital, especially on the Internet, and many of them are completely different. It is advisable to clarify in advance what list of things is recommended in your maternity hospital. It can be found on the website of the maternity hospital (if there is one) or checked by phone.

You can use any source of information, but often lists contain the minimum necessary list of things, and as experience shows, there are things that are worth taking with you, but nothing is written about them.

Our list is perhaps the most complete and has a description of why this or that thing is needed. So, in short, by the time you give birth you should be ready

More likely, the bags for the maternity hospital that you prepare will not be one hundred percent packed (there may not be things you use every day, such as a comb or slippers.) You should not put clothes in advance for discharge - they may get wrinkled, their place in the closet is not hanger. Our advice: write little cheat sheets on the partially assembled bags and attach them. For example, “for bag number four, add a blue dress (hanging in the closet in the bedroom) and boots.” When all the bags are ready, be sure to show them to your loved ones, this will make it easier for them to figure out which bag and when to bring it to you.

The first bag is intended for the prenatal department (you will go with it to the birth). It should contain the following things:

Bag 1: bag for the antenatal ward

  • Documentation:
    • passport;
    • medical insurance policy (compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance) (if you make a photocopy of your passport and policy, the maternity hospital staff will be very grateful to you);
    • pregnant woman exchange card;
    • referral to a maternity hospital (agreement with a maternity hospital or doctor);
    • birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic, if not, it will be issued at the maternity hospital after childbirth);
    • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (where SNILS is indicated).
  • Mobile phone and charger (if allowed).
  • Washable slippers. The rules of maternity hospitals prescribe washable slippers. This is justified for hygienic reasons: they are easier to keep clean. Then, in the postpartum ward, you will put on regular ones, and you can go to the shower in these ones.
  • Bags for clothes. Upon admission, you will need to change clothes, and your clothes will need to be given to the relatives accompanying you or deposited. It will be very convenient if you have bags in which you put everything.
  • Shoe covers (one or two pairs). When you arrive at the emergency department, you will need to change your shoes, but you can put on shoe covers. They may also come in handy if one of your loved ones needs to pass. If they are not useful upon admission, give them to your loved ones accompanying you. Perhaps they will visit you in the postpartum ward and they will definitely come in handy there.
  • Disposable razor. Many maternity hospitals still require perineal shaving. If you don’t have time to prepare at home and so as not to be tormented by a hospital razor, take a disposable one.
  • Disposable toilet seat covers and a pack of wet toilet paper: these will come in handy after a procedure such as an enema and during childbirth.
  • Disposable paper tissues and wet wipes may be useful in the prenatal ward for personal hygiene.
  • A bottle of still water. They won't let you eat, but you can and should drink. Take a bottle with a sports neck.
  • Compression stockings. Increasingly, doctors are mandatorily recommending that pregnant women wear compression stockings during childbirth, or wrap their legs with elastic bandages. Compression stockings are designed to protect the legs and significantly reduce the risk of complications by preventing blood clots from forming in the veins of the legs.
  • If you are expected to give birth by cesarean section, you MUST have elastic stockings and a postoperative bandage with you.

All these things should be put in a plastic (washable) bag: you will not be allowed in with a cosmetic bag or handbag.

Bag 2: maternity hospital bag

The second bag is intended for the postpartum department (it will be brought to you after the birth). Now there are two of you, and the things from this maternity hospital set can be divided into 4 categories. Look at the picture below. Also note that all things must be packed in bags or a special transparent bag for the maternity hospital. They will refuse to hand over things in a regular bag and your loved ones will have to repack everything into bags.

  • For you (everything for personal hygiene, breast care, cosmetics, personal care and important little things):
    • sanitary pads (it is better to take special urological pads). If you change pads every 3 hours for a standard 3 days in the hospital, you will need approximately 24 pads;
    • panties. It is better to take mesh disposable panties (3-5 pieces);
    • disposable breast pads (3-5 sets), antiseptic nipple cream and postpartum bra;
    • liquid hand soap (preferably antibacterial);
    • For the toilet: toilet paper (choose the softest), disposable toilet seat covers and wet toilet paper;
    • solid baby soap;
    • handkerchiefs, hand sanitizer if necessary;
    • disposable absorbent diapers (for procedures such as perineal ventilation);
    • a cosmetic bag with everything you need (shampoo, shower gel, cotton pads and cotton swabs, cap, cream, comb, toothpaste and brush, hygienic lipstick, antiperspirant);
    • a robe and nightgown (if the maternity hospital you have chosen allows you to use your own clothes);
    • towels: one for the face and hands, the other for the body. Disposable paper towels (in rolls) are very convenient;
    • socks;
    • house slippers;
    • trash bags (there are no trash cans in maternity hospitals; the maternity hospital employees take the garbage or mothers take it out themselves);
    • pen and notepad for writing down valuable advice;
    • cup and disposable tableware (for gifts from your loved ones);
    • disposable mask (for guests);
    • You can immediately put a makeup bag with decorative cosmetics in your maternity hospital bag for discharge (on the day of discharge, your relatives will bring you bags 3 and 4, but you will see them only 10 minutes before leaving to see your loved ones, this time will only be enough for you to change clothes , and this way you will have cosmetics with you and you will easily have time to prepare for discharge);
    • postpartum bandage. The sooner you “take hold” of your figure, the faster it will return to normal and your tummy will tighten;
    • electric kettle (boiler), if allowed. This device will provide you with boiling water not only for tea, but can also be useful for sterilizing a pacifier;
    • for free minutes - a book or magazine, or a tablet computer;
    • bed linen and favorite pillow (if allowed).
  • For baby:
    • diapers (packs of 25-30 pieces will last you 3-4 days);
    • wet wipes;
    • diaper cream;
    • moisturizing cream or oil (baby’s skin dries very much in the first days and needs special care);
    • disposable absorbent diapers (for air baths and for examinations by doctors);
    • clothes for the baby (if allowed);
    • bottle and pacifier (may not be useful in the maternity hospital, but if you have it with you, you will be calmer).

Clothes for baby and mother

Your doctor came to you and said: “Today you are discharged!” You call your loved ones and ask them to bring bags 3 and 4. Before you go to meet your loved ones, you must be given all the documents. Be sure to check the correctness of the documents:

  • Birth certificate (your baby will be registered at the registry office on the basis of this certificate).
  • Children's and Mother's parts of the exchange card. You will then give the children's part to the children's clinic, and the maternal part to your doctor at the antenatal clinic.
  • Other documents (if any): part of the birth certificate remaining with the woman; a copy of the voluntary health insurance policy, the concluded contract (agreement) for obstetric care, etc. These documents confirm the fact that medical care and services were provided to you and may be useful in the future if complications arise.

Bag 3: items for the baby for discharge

Place your baby's discharge items in this bag. You must decide for yourself, in accordance with the time of year, what your baby will wear. It is better to prepare several options, especially if the time of discharge falls in the fall or spring, when it can suddenly become colder or, conversely, warmer.

  • Diaper (preferably two).
  • Underwear (bodysuit, blouse and rompers or overalls, thin hat).
  • Suit.
  • The diaper is thin and warm (if you swaddle).
  • Outerwear: envelope, overalls or blanket with corner and ribbon, warm hat.
  • Car seat. If you are going home by car, be sure to keep in mind that, according to traffic rules, you can only transport a child in a car with the use of special restraints. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a car seat or car seat in advance.

Bag 4: things to take home for mom

When you pack this bag, remember that your stomach and hips will not yet be in perfect condition; if you have gained a lot of extra pounds during pregnancy, then it is better to take loose clothes.

  • Lingerie. You need to put on underwear while still in the room. On discharge you will only wear tights if you are wearing a dress.
  • Corset: If you wear a corset under a dress or blouse, your not yet toned tummy will not be visible in the photographs.
  • Cloth. It's up to you to decide what to wear! It is better to wear a dress, as pants will not be very comfortable.
  • Outerwear for the season.
  • Shoes. Of course, it’s more convenient to wear shoes without heels, but if you want to look your best, you can also wear heels, especially since dad will be carrying the baby.
  • Cosmetics and jewelry. It’s better to put on makeup in advance, while still in the ward, but you can put on jewelry when you’re discharged.

Things for dad

It should be taken into account that if you are planning a joint birth with your husband, you need to prepare things for the future dad. To be present at the birth, your spouse must have the following documents:

  • Test results (specify exactly what tests will be required in your maternity hospital and when they need to be taken).
  • Passport.
  • Comfortable clothes and spare shoes.
  • Sterile kit for dad (surgical kit for joint childbirth).
  • If your spouse remains in the maternity hospital for a joint stay, then he will need personal hygiene items: a towel, shaving accessories, a change of clothes and underwear.

If your relatives and spouse will visit you in the postpartum ward, prepare shoe covers and masks.

And most importantly: your loved ones must know how to contact the maternity hospital and your doctor. Therefore, provide them with the appropriate contacts in advance.

In order not to run around collecting these bags, you can purchase already (bag 1 and 2): they contain everything you need from the best manufacturers. The packaging of each set is thought out to the smallest detail: it is a transparent, washable bag, which is allowed in the maternity hospital (basic); two cosmetic bags with handles for mother and baby (inside the bag); a small cosmetic bag with empty bottles and important little things; branded opaque bag (the bag is packed in it). The set contains everything for your comfortable childbirth and postpartum period. Having bought a ready-made bag, you can safely go to the maternity hospital!

From us you can download a list of necessary things that you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, print and mark what else you need to buy. Those things that are already in our sets are marked in the list. List to the maternity hospital.

Have an easy birth and happy motherhood!

You can see what the maternity hospital bag consists of in our videos, which we filmed especially for you.

An expectant mother may need hospitalization in a maternity hospital for examination or treatment at any time during pregnancy. And of course, it will be necessary to go to the maternity hospital at the first signs of labor. To make your hospital stay comfortable, you should pack your hospital bag in advance.

When going to the maternity hospital, it is very important to think through your “baggage” down to the smallest detail. After all, your mood depends on whether you have everything you need. And the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period largely depends on the mood of the expectant mother.

So, let's start collecting luggage. The contents of the bag may vary slightly depending on which department of the maternity hospital you will be admitted to.

Department of Pregnancy Pathology

You can take the most things into this department: the “pathology” regime does not differ from the usual general hospital, and hospitalization can last longer than in other departments of the maternity hospital. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance what important things and cute little things will brighten up your time in this department.

1.Personal hygiene items- toothbrush and paste, comb, soap, shower gel and washcloth, shampoo, creams (for face, hands and body); hair styling products, hair dryer and cosmetics; manicure set, cotton pads and sticks.

2. Intimate hygiene items- sanitary pads for every day, gel or liquid soap for intimate hygiene, wet wipes; if necessary - a razor and shaving gel.

3. Disposable diapers- useful for visiting the examination room, ultrasound, CTG and other diagnostic procedures.

4. Face towel and bath towel.

5. Slippers- for the pathology department it must be clean, preferably new. In addition to regular slippers, it is convenient to take washable shower slippers.

6. Several changes of linen- cotton socks, briefs and a pair of bras.

7. Prenatal bandage and compression garments- of necessity.

8. Leisure wear- if the pathology department of the maternity hospital you have chosen allows you to take your own clothes, you can take pajamas or a nightgown with a robe for sleeping and relaxing in the ward. There are usually no special requirements for leisure clothing: it must be clean, comfortable and made from natural fabrics.

9. Daytime- things that you will wear before visiting auxiliary rooms, an examination room, a buffet, before visiting a doctor or visiting visitors, as well as for obstetric exercises. A knitted lounge suit or tracksuit is ideal.

10. Clothes for walking- Some maternity hospitals practice daily walks around the surrounding area. For walking you will need comfortable, stable and easy to put on shoes, seasonal outerwear, a hat and an umbrella. Of course, for a walk you will need to change your day clothes.

11. Leisure items- in the prenatal department, patients have a lot of free time. To avoid getting bored, take with you books, magazines, a player with your favorite tunes, or a portable DVD player with a selection of movies. If you want to make the most of your time, take some literature with you on how to prepare for childbirth. In addition to preparing for childbirth, reading and watching movies, in your free time you can do handicrafts: knitting, sewing, embroidery. If you don't have any of the skills listed, it's time to learn. If you wish, you can take a laptop to the antenatal ward.

12. Household items- usually, when hospitalized in the department of pathology of pregnant women, there is no need to take bed linen or cutlery with you - all this will be provided to you by the hospital. However, if you want to sleep on your own set of linen or eat from homemade dishes, your desires are quite feasible. “Family” things will remind you of home, make your room more comfortable, and your stay in the maternity hospital more comfortable. You can definitely take your favorite cup and wedding photo with you!

13. Food, drinks- You can bring your favorite crackers, dried fruits, yoghurts, milk, cheese, tea, sugar, juices and mineral water to the pathology department room.

14. Mobile phone and charger for it- indispensable attributes of modern life, communication with the “outside world”, which cannot be avoided in the pathology department.

15. Medicines and medical reports received before hospitalization. If before hospitalization you were prescribed any medications to correct pregnancy complications, you need to take them to the maternity hospital and consult with the ward doctor about further therapy. The same applies to therapy for diseases not related to pregnancy (asthma, diabetes, kidney pathologies, etc.)

Maternity ward

Things that may be useful from the moment labor begins can be divided into two categories. One category of “maternity” things - those that will be needed at the initial stage - for the road to the maternity hospital and the emergency department. The second, and main, category is things that can be taken to the maternity ward. For convenience, we recommend that you collect these items in two separate bags and put them in your “birthing” bag.

In the “travel kit” - a package that may be needed before the delivery room, you can put:

1. Blanket and small pillow- it makes it more convenient to sit in the car on the way to the maternity hospital. You can put a pillow under your back or side, and cover yourself with a blanket if it’s cool (sometimes you feel cold during contractions).

2. Pads for heavy discharge- in case of water breakage. Special pads for childbirth, postpartum pads or products for heavy menstrual flow are suitable. The best option is “adult” disposable diapers (it is not advisable to buy a whole pack of them).

3. Disposable waterproof diapers.

4. Razor and shaving foam- if you did not have time to shave your perineum yourself. You can ask the maternity hospital staff to use your personal hygiene products.

5. Shower gel and/or intimate hygiene product: in the emergency department, after shaving the perineum and a cleansing enema, the woman in labor is offered to take a shower.

The list of “allowed” things for the maternity ward is much shorter than for other hospital departments: in the interests of women in labor and newborns, strict sanitary and epidemiological regulations are observed here. Before packing your bag, you should call the information department or the insurance company of the maternity hospital to find out what you are allowed to take with you to the birth at the hospital of your choice: today the rules in maternity hospitals vary, and sometimes significantly. We will list the things that you will definitely be allowed to take to any maternity hospital; These are little things that can significantly ease your well-being during childbirth and make your stay in the delivery room more comfortable:

1. Washable shoes(plastic or rubber flip-flops). Textile shoes are not suitable: bacteria linger on the fibers of the fabric. In addition, during the birth process you will take a shower, at some stage of the process water will come out - it will be much more comfortable in washable slippers.

2. Toilet paper or wet wipes- for intimate hygiene after a cleansing enema and during the entire birth process.

3. Compression stockings or elastic bandages- leg bandaging is indicated for women in labor with varicose veins; bandages can be replaced with therapeutic compression stockings. For childbirth, you need to purchase sterile stockings (sold in pharmacies; called “compression stockings for surgical interventions,” there are also special “stockings for childbirth”).

4. Water without gas- 2 bottles of 0.5 liters. You should not drink during labor, but you can rinse your mouth between contractions: this will help cope with the feeling of dry mouth. For convenience, you should take a couple of disposable glasses (to spit out the water after rinsing).

5. Nasal spray- will help ease nasal breathing and relieve dryness; AQUAMARIS, AQUALOR, etc. are ideal.

6. Thermal skin spray- used instead of washing; used instead of washing; During childbirth, a woman loses up to 8 liters of fluid - through breathing, sweating and water. Rinsing the mouth, syringing the nasal passages and moisturizing the skin with a spray or wash can partially compensate for the loss of fluid and relieve the feeling of discomfort, tightness and dryness of the skin.

7. Chapstick- moisturizes lips, which is also necessary when losing fluid.

8. Mobile phone with the sound turned off (so as not to disturb other patients and not interfere with the work of the staff).

All of the listed items will fit in a small plastic bag, which you will be allowed to take with you to any maternity hospital.

Perhaps, in addition to the listed things, you will be allowed to capture:

Player with headphones, laptop.

A book, magazine, or notes from a childbirth class.

Photo and video camera.

Fitball is a gymnastic ball on which you can sit and take various comfortable positions during contractions.

If you are having a partner birth, you need to take care of food, drink and clothing for your partner.

A birth assistant will need:

Cotton socks.

Washable slippers.

In some maternity hospitals, clean cotton clothing, such as a T-shirt and summer trousers or medical pajamas (in most maternity hospitals, the partner is provided with a sterile surgical suit).

Food and drink (sandwiches or cookies, water).

In almost all maternity hospitals, sterile diapers, caps, shoe covers and masks are provided in the required quantities free of charge, so there is no need to buy them and bring them with you.

Postpartum department

In addition to personal items and the usual hygiene items listed for the delivery room (which, of course, will be needed after childbirth), special “postpartum” items should be included in the postpartum bag. The fact is that this period of a woman’s life is characterized by special physiological changes that require a new regime of hygiene and body care.

Almost immediately after childbirth, postpartum women begin to experience specific discharge from the genital tract - suckers, reminiscent of heavy menstruation. In this regard, in the postpartum department you will need:

1. Postpartum sanitary pads or night pads- two packs of 7-10 pieces.

2. Disposable non-woven panties- 5-7 pieces; they do not get dirty, provide air exchange and hold the gaskets well.

3.Disposable waterproof diapers- they can be placed on the bed during rest and sleep.
Approximately on the third day after birth, lactation begins - milk comes in. In the first days of lactation, it is especially important to pump the breast in a timely manner and maintain hygiene for the nursing mother, so after giving birth you will need:

4. Nursing bra- at least two pieces; Convenient models with detachable cups. The bra should be made of cotton with the addition of elastane, without wires or foam rubber.

5. Bra pads- disposable, one pack; Used between feedings to absorb leaking milk.

6. Towel or disposable napkins- a separate towel must be allocated for the breast so as not to accidentally introduce an infection into the ducts of the mammary gland.

7. Means for the prevention and treatment of cracked nipples. In the prevention mode, apply to the nipple and areola twice a day after a shower; Each feeding is used to treat cracked nipples (does not require rinsing before applying to the breast).

8. Breast pump - mechanical or electric. If a woman does not comply with the drinking regime
Before the milk comes in (drinks more than 800 ml of liquid per day), more milk may be produced than the baby needs; If you don’t get rid of the excess, you can provoke lactostasis (milk stagnation).

9. Silicone nipple covers- used when cracks form, as well as in the presence of flat and inverted nipples.

A newborn may also require a dowry - hygiene items and personal items.

In many maternity hospitals, the baby is provided with sterile clothing; in this case, there is no need to take children's wardrobe items with you. If the maternity hospital you choose allows you to dress your newborn in your own clothes, you need to take with you:

Bodysuit - 3-4 pieces.

Overalls made of fine knitwear - 3-4 pieces.

Socks or booties - 2 pairs.

Knitted hats (without seams or with seams facing out) - 2 pieces.

Thin diapers 2-3 pieces.

Warm diapers 2-3 pieces.

And also care items:

Disposable diapers for newborns - 20 pieces.

Wet baby wipes - 1 pack

Children's nail scissors with rounded edges.

Moisturizing cream.

Baby soap.

Diaper cream.

For discharge, the baby will need overalls and a hat according to the season. Such clothing will allow you to transport your child in a child car seat, as required by traffic rules and the safety of the baby.

Documents for hospitalization

Another important point in preparing for the maternity hospital is preparing the necessary documents. Collect medical documentation in advance in a separate folder or file. To register for hospitalization in a maternity hospital, you must submit:

1. Passport- Necessarily; You can also make a photocopy of the photo spread in advance.

2. Compulsory health insurance policy and if available, a voluntary health insurance contract is mandatory.

3. Exchange card- after 30 weeks of pregnancy, in case of planned hospitalization, the doctor of the antenatal clinic will issue an exchange card earlier - after 14 weeks of pregnancy.

4. Birth certificate- in the presence of.

5. Referral from antenatal clinic during planned hospitalization in the pregnancy pathology department.

6. Research conclusions and analysis results, as well as extracts from previous hospitalizations and recommendations from specialists given to you. These medical documents will help the attending physician in the maternity hospital get a more complete picture of your health and the course of your pregnancy, choose the right therapy and make a prognosis for the upcoming birth.

Before you start “packing your luggage,” you should once again clarify what items are allowed to be taken to the departments of the maternity hospital you have chosen: requirements may vary in different medical institutions. Information about permitted items and products can be obtained by calling the information or insurance company of the maternity hospital.

Waiting for a child is an unforgettable time, and preparing for its arrival is a pleasant and entertaining experience. Many mothers, having just learned about pregnancy, cannot resist shopping for the baby in their tummy. Little by little, such things accumulate, and now everything indicates that a new family member should soon appear in the house.

Every woman carrying a child, of course, worries about the upcoming birth. A calming moment is packing your things for the maternity hospital; you want maximum comfort and convenience. You can start collecting bags for the maternity hospital after approximately 32-34 weeks, when you already have all the necessary documents on hand. And the possibility of premature birth cannot be ruled out; it would be better if all things were prepared in advance. You should not rely on your husband and relatives to collect the items you need; in a hurry and from stress, your loved ones may give you something completely wrong. There were cases when husbands forgot to bring trousers to their wives at discharge, or grabbed the first things they came across that the woman could not fit into.

Here you will find an approximate list of things that you need to take to the maternity hospital.

Documents for the maternity hospital:

  1. Medical policy
  2. Exchange card
  3. Passport
  4. Birth certificate
  5. Contract for childbirth (in case of paid childbirth)

You will have the documents in your hands after the 30th week, and it is better to always have them on hand in case of unforeseen situations.

After arriving at the maternity hospital with contractions or referral, you will be taken to either the prenatal ward or the antenatal ward until labor begins or the date of your caesarean section is scheduled.

In the prenatal ward directly for childbirth you will need:

  1. Change of clothes for childbirth: robe or shirt, cotton and warm socks, rubber slippers.
  2. If the husband is present, he will need to take shoe covers, a cap and a robe.
  3. Water and snack. You can grab a couple of sandwiches, cookies, chocolate.
  4. Hygiene products: soap and towel, comb, wet wipes.
  5. If video recording is allowed in the maternity hospital according to the rules, then you can bring a video camera or camera.
  6. A phone with a charger, a player with favorite songs, for some, listening to music helps them relax and tune in to the process.

If you are admitted to the maternity hospital with a referral, for example, you are about to have a cesarean section, or the due date has already passed and you are not giving birth, then, as a rule, you will have to lie down for several days in the antenatal department.

The following items will be useful in the antenatal department:

  1. Additional change of clothing: comfortable tracksuit, underwear, robe, pajamas, warm and thin socks, slippers.
  2. Hygiene supplies: toothbrush and paste, soap, toilet paper, wet wipes, towel, shampoo.
  3. Food: sandwiches, cookies, chocolates, water or juice. If you lie longer before giving birth, you can take yoghurts, fruits, vegetables, cheese; as a rule, in the antenatal department there are refrigerators in which pregnant women put their products. In general, in the maternity hospital they feed you, and you don’t have to carry anything at all.
  4. Phone with charger, maybe a tablet, books or magazines.
  5. Utensils: cup, spoon, maybe a small knife.
  6. Notepad and pen.

These items will help pass the slow time waiting for the birth, and will also come in handy in the postpartum ward.

After your baby is born, you will need a few more things for both mother and newborn.

List of things needed in the postpartum ward:

  1. Money (maybe you will thank the medical staff)
  2. Bottled water, some food that won’t affect the quality of the milk, don’t forget that you will be fed.
  3. Panties, preferably disposable ones, that you don’t mind getting stained with blood - 4-5 pieces.
  4. Pads, either special postpartum ones, or simply with a large number of drops.
  5. A nursing bra and nursing pads are absorbent as the milk will begin to flow on its own.
  6. Postpartum bandage (optional)
  7. Clothes: You can take an extra nightie and your clothes from the prenatal department will remain with you.
  8. If you went to the maternity hospital in advance, then all the things from the prenatal department smoothly move into the postpartum department. If you arrive with contractions, do not forget: a cup, a spoon and a knife.
  9. You can use breast pads if your child has chewed on it a lot, they can help at least a little.
  10. Cream for cracked nipples, it is also suitable for a child if skin irritation appears.
  11. Hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, soap and towel (bath and face), shampoo and comb, cream and tonic with cotton pads, toilet paper.
  12. Equipment: telephone, player, camera (will remain from the prenatal department).
  13. You may need a razor, deodorant, and hygienic lipstick (optional).

For each maternity hospital, the list of permitted items is individual, so find out the information directly from your medical institution. In some places it is generally forbidden to take your own things and things for the baby; pads, diapers and a first aid kit are issued by the maternity hospital.

For a newborn in the maternity hospital you will need:

  1. The smallest diapers are from 3 to 6 kg, taking into account the fact that up to 10 pieces will be used per day.
  2. You can take diapers (2 thin and 2 flannel), but they are usually given out in maternity hospitals
  3. Rompers (2 pcs) and side vests (2 pcs), you can take several slips
  4. Socks - 2 pairs, cap - 2 pieces, scratches - 2 pieces
  5. Hygiene products: wet wipes, cotton balls or swabs (they are convenient for treating the navel), towel and soap.
  6. Manicure scissors for babies, because often babies are born with rather long nails and scratch themselves while waving their hands.
  7. If you wish, you can take powder or diaper cream, but this is not necessary; it’s easier to wash your butt with soap in the sink.

There is no need to take things with you immediately for discharge; relatives can bring them later. To do this, prepare a package at home in advance with the things you and your child need for discharge.

Things that are needed for discharge from the maternity hospital:

  1. Comfortable and elegant clothes for mom, replacement shoes for the season.
  2. Decorative cosmetics: foundation, mascara, lipstick (optional or if there is a photo shoot).
  3. For the baby according to the season: a beautiful suit, overalls and a blanket with a ribbon, in winter a warm envelope + hat.
  4. A camera or video camera if you plan to capture the moment of discharge.
  5. If you wish, you can bring flowers and sweets to the medical staff who discharges you.
  6. Car seat for newborn.

Based on reviews from women who have given birth, we can conclude that there is no need to pack huge bags and suitcases; now most maternity hospitals give out almost all the necessary things. You don’t need to take anything from cosmetics and medications to care for stitches, the baby’s navel and intestines, the medical staff gives everything and teaches how to treat the child.

The main thing in collecting things for the maternity hospital is to take the necessary minimum. If you need anything additional, you can always ask your relatives to inform you. Be prepared for the fact that you will spend very little time in the maternity hospital, do not drag around too much.

To ensure that everything at home is ready for the baby’s arrival, arrange and buy a family member in advance, this will make you feel calmer and more convenient.

Have an easy birth!