Glaucoma treatment. Conspiracy to improve and restore good vision Conspiracies and prayers for glaucoma

For children

A conspiracy to improve vision has a positive effect if a person does not have the habit of telling lies and forgetting promises. Otherwise, the subconscious will perceive them as another deception. When the spell words are repeated several times, the images reach the subconscious and begin to be embodied.

Spell phrases are said for farsightedness, pain in the area of ​​the eye sockets and forehead, and strabismus. With blurry, unclear vision. Also for other eye diseases. For example, with color blindness.

Many of the ancient conspiracies that are mentioned in this article were shared in her books by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova.

How to pronounce

When you speak healing words, think only about good things. Something that will make you smile. Don’t let negative thoughts and fears enter your mind. Try to feel the surge of health in your eyes. Imagine them beautiful, young and with a healthy glow.

It is better to read conspiracies at a time of day when you have more energy. If healing words need to be read at a certain time, then try to get a good night's sleep before that. If you have weakness or any illness, it is better to get cured of it first.

Conspiracies that affect vision improvement

While saying the following text, look carefully at the surface of the water:

Usually this ritual is performed on odd numbers up to nine times in a row.

The next one also whispers over the water. After all, the healing power comes from her.

The water will acquire healing properties. Wash your eyes with it and dry your face with a clean towel.

The next conspiracy takes its strength from the sunrise. When whispering it, look at the rising sun.

Here, first a prayer is read, and then special words are spoken three times.

Say this short but powerful spell on Easter morning, looking at the icon.

Conspiracies for a specific eye disease

These words are intended to help you get rid of stye. Wash your hands before the ceremony. Spit on your thumb. Lightly touch the barley and say:

This conspiracy was shared by the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya. Read it three times in a row in the evening if you want to get rid of it.

The following words are intended to get rid of myopia. Whisper them at noon.

Visual perception is a person’s ability to receive up to 90% of information through complex transformations of the visual system. And when this system begins to fail, and there are many reasons for this, a person’s vision begins to deteriorate and eye diseases begin to develop.

Conspiracies for vision from a series of rituals carried out and a number of preventive measures will help to cope with problems associated with vision.

With the development of eye diseases or deterioration of vision, the quality of visual perception of the environment is lost. Accordingly, the quality of life is impaired. But modern ophthalmology has come a long way in its development and offers unique methods of restoring almost 100% vision.

But, along with innovative methods, there is traditional medicine, which helps in restoring vision with folk recipes and magical spells. Suffice it to remember that stye on the eye was treated by smearing it with morning saliva.

Methods for restoring vision:

  •  Computer programs;
  •  Gymnastics for the eyes;
  •  Folk remedies;
  •  Massage;
  •  Drug treatment;
  •  Diet;
  •  Hardware methods;
  •  Laser treatment;
  •  Surgical treatment.

The methods should be applied after visiting an ophthalmologist and his recommendations. To enhance the effects of therapeutic treatment, there are various magic spells. With their help, treatment and restoration of vision is faster and more effective.

Ritual for eye diseases

To carry out the ritual, a birch branch and spells for eye diseases are used. The ritual is performed both on oneself and on a person who needs help with treatment.

Actions are carried out at dawn, in front of an open window. A branch is placed on the table in front of the person and the words are spoken:

“As soon as the disease came to the pupil, let it go away. The twig will burn in the fire, the disease will not return to (name).

Take the charmed branch and apply it three times to your closed eyes with the words:

“I apply a twig to my sore eyes and conjure pain on it. From sight to branch, branch into fire. Fire turns branches into ashes and disperses them throughout the world. Let it be".

After the conspiracy, the branch is burned in the yard and the ashes are scattered in the wind with the words:

“Wind, you are a powerful wind, you disperse flocks of clouds, and it won’t be difficult for you to dispel the pain (name).”

Second option

To carry out the ritual you will need a glass of consecrated water and a church candle. At sunset, sitting facing the window, a glass of water is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to and a candle is lit. A conspiracy is read over the water:

“As this water is pure, like a tear, so may the eyes of God’s servant (name), be pure and clear.”

Bend over the glass and blink into the water, pour the waste water onto the tree and say:

“Forgive me tree, but take the disease out of my eyes. There will be no harm to you, and health will come to (name)’s eyes.”

If vision deteriorates

When a person feels that his vision is starting to deteriorate, there is no need to delay it. Sometimes it is enough to perform a magic ritual to improve visual perception in order to see 100% again.

For the ceremony you will need:

  •  Dry branch from a tree;
  •  A bunch of dry grass;
  •  Pebble stone, preferably white;
  •  A piece of red woolen thread.

At noon, sit facing the window, put the prepared artifacts in front of you, first tie the grass into a bunch with red thread. While reading the plot, whichever object is indicated, you must touch it, then immediately bring your hand to your eye. For example, stone-eye, grass-eye. After touching the named object, it must immediately be thrown under the table. The plot to improve vision reads like this:

“Blindness, blindness, go away from me, servant of God (name), onto the grass-ant, onto a forest branch, onto a white stone. Leave my eyes alone, let them see far and near, high and low, until the end of my years. Amen".

Go out into the yard to burn dry objects, then bury the ashes along with the stone under a tree and whisper:

“Branched tree, green tree, don’t armor me, but take my blindness for yourself. There will be no harm for you, but I will see you well.”

On the water

Carrying out a ritual to improve vision will require minimal preparation. Pour water into a plate, preferably consecrated; if you don’t have it, running water will also do. Read the spell on the water:

“Holy water, let me wash my face and recharge my health. And take away the blindness from me and take it with you, into the deep waters, far away. I will bow to the Lord three times so that he strengthens my eyes, I cross myself three times so that he strengthens my vision. Let it be. Amen".

Splash the charmed water on your eyes three times. Then bow to the ground and cross yourself three times. Repeat the ritual until vision returns completely.

Restore vision with milk ritual

A spell on goat's milk strengthens the optic nerve, relieves fatigue and eye strain.

Recipe for a folk remedy for the eyes: ferment goat milk, separate the whey and dilute it with cooled boiled water. Serum is diluted 1:1.

For age-related vision deterioration, rapid eye fatigue and for treatment, you need to use the following recipe: ferment goat milk, heat it, strain the whey and mix it in half with boiled water. While mixing the ingredients, read the plot:

“The goat walked in the field, chewed juicy grass, drank clean water and brought home healing milk. Milk gets into the eyes and relieves fatigue as if by hand, the power of the earth strengthens the eyes, and the power of water cleanses them. I will see far and walk wide. As I said, so be it.”

Place one drop of the prepared mixture into each eye. Put on the bandage and lie down for 30 minutes. The eyes should be relaxed while resting. Do the procedure in the evening throughout the week.

Goat milk whey has a beneficial effect on the eye lens, improves the metabolic process in the eyes and strengthens the eye muscles.

Conspiracy for squint

The ceremony is carried out using a church candle. A lighted candle is passed over the head of a person who needs to correct a vision defect and the words are said:

“The house of God, the eternal temple, stands firmly and is not subject to permission. So let the head of God’s servant (name) be like a stone, strong and unharmed. Let his eyes look straight at him, and not squint and droop. Just as the holy faces on the icons look directly at him, so let him answer them with a direct gaze. Lord help your servant (name) to get rid of oblique disease and begin to look straight, without a braid. I send glory to you. To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

For fish eyes for glaucoma

The spell for glaucoma is read when the moon is in its waning phase. The ritual requires a live fish; it will be good if it can then be released into the water. Take the fish with both hands, look into its eyes and say:

“I look into the eyes of the fish and see the young moon admiring its reflection in the water. Like the red sun in the evening dawn, it washes itself in the water. So I want to be reflected in your unblinking eyes, so that just as your body will not be warm, so I will no longer suffer and cry. You will swim deep into the water and take my illness with you. She will remain lying at the deep bottom, under a heavy stone, and will never be born again and will not disturb anyone. Key. Lock. Stone".

Release the fish into the reservoir; if this is not possible, dispose of it. It is not suitable for cooking.

From glaucoma to the dawn

Stand in front of the window and watch the sun rise. At the first rays, read the words of the conspiracy:

“As soon as the first rays appear, my illness will disappear. I command words and place a strong spell on them. So that from now on my eyes will blink and I won’t even remember about the illness. Together with the rays of the sun they sparkled, looked far into the distance, smiled and did not return to tears. Let it be so".

After the ritual, cross yourself and bow three times.

Making chickens blind

On the waning moon, in the evening, you need to go into the chicken coop, if possible, find seven chickens sitting nearby and say the following spell:

“Seven hens, fourteen eyes, I renounce my blindness and send it to you. It won't be worse for you, but great benefits will come to me. Just as the silver on the king’s table sparkled and shone, so let my eyes sparkle, shine and show their vigilance into the distance. You chickens take away my blindness and return my vigilance. May your eyes never hurt or sting again. Amen".

Thank the chickens for giving them your blindness, leave the chicken coop, wash yourself with water and thank the Higher powers.

Do not delay with glaucoma before blindness occurs. Take three coins of 5 kopecks, mention them and go to the cemetery. Find a grave with the same name as yours, bow, asking forgiveness for disturbing the peace. Cross yourself, make a commemoration, put in a nickel and say:

“You, dead, lie, don’t look with your eyes, don’t see. You have a nickel on you, take away the blindness from me, the servant of God (your full name). Until you get up, you won’t take the nickel, you won’t bring it back to the grave, until then no one will interrupt my work, no one will take away the sight of me, the servant of God (his full name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Walk away without looking back or speaking until you are out of the cemetery area.

Glaucoma ritual with icon

Before treatment, the one who will conduct it must fast for 3 days, then confess. After this, sit the patient facing east, hold the icon of Panteleimon the Healer in your hands and read:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Our Lord, teacher, and Panteleimon the healer, open the eyes of God’s servant (name), give all the strength to her alone. Let the eyes of God's servant (name) look at the light, let them burn with purity, let her open her gaze. Amen"

Fish spell to get rid of glaucoma

During the low month, go to the river, take a live fish that is still beating, and, looking into the eye that is affected by the disease (if the left eye is affected, then look into the left eye of the fish; if the right eye, then into the right), read special conspiracy. If both eyes are affected, look at the fish's eyes one at a time. The spell words are as follows:

“I look into the fish eye. As the moon is reflected in the river, looks at itself, admires how the sun rolls towards sunset, falls, washes off the evening dawn, splashes it, so I would be reflected in the eye of a fish. And just as a fish can’t blink an eye and never have a warm body, so my eyes can’t be sick, don’t cry, don’t suffer. Amen"

Conspiracy against blindness

To carry out the ritual you will need a glass of consecrated water and a church candle. At sunset, sitting facing the window, a glass of water is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to and a candle is lit. A conspiracy is read over the water:

“As this water is pure, like a tear, so may the eyes of God’s servant (name), be pure and clear.”

Bend over the glass and blink into the water, pour the waste water onto the tree and say:

“Forgive me tree, but take the disease out of my eyes. There will be no harm to you, and health will come to (name)’s eyes.”

Conspiracy on an aspen branch for vision

To perform this ritual, you will need a freshly cut (personally) medium-thick aspen branch. Bring it home and use a new knife to peel off the bark. Divide into four equal parts. At sunrise, light wax candles according to the number of members of your family and place them in the central room of your home on a wooden surface. Then take the aspen pegs and go to your plot, taking a hammer with you. Drive the first peg into the far right corner. Then to the far left, to the near right. And finally to the near left. At the same time, read the plot quietly 21 times:

“As this tree stands firmly in the ground with its roots, as a rock lies menacingly over the sea, as a hawk sharply cuts through the vault of heaven, so may I, (your full name), be firm and strong. May no misfortune harm me and my family, may no cruel illness touch me, may no hard time pass by. For today. For tomorrow. Forever. Let it be so! Amen"

Return to the house without looking back, and with each candle, go around all the rooms in the house, paying special attention to the corners, window frames, door jambs and making cross-shaped movements there with the burning candle.

Place the cinders in an empty travel bag. Then spray the room according to the same pattern, blessed during any church holiday with water and fumigate with incense. Immediately after this, go to the temple and light candle stubs for your health.

Conspiracies for glaucoma

Take a live fish that is still struggling in your hands, and look into the eye that is affected (in the left one, if your left one is affected). If both eyes are affected, treat the eyes one at a time. Looking into the fish's eye, read the spell: Looking into the fish's eye. As the moon is reflected in the river, looks at itself, admires how the sun rolls into the sunset, falls, washes off the evening dawn, splashes it, so I would be reflected in the eye of a fish. And just as a fish can’t blink an eye, can’t have a warm body, so my eyes can’t be sick, don’t cry,

don't suffer. Amen. After this, the fish are thrown away. The ritual is performed on the waning moon.

Get under a warm shower and close your eyes. Imagine how the negative flows away along with the water, and at the same time whisper: As a tear is pure, as the dew is transparent, so my body will be free from all vain. Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so.

Do not hesitate before blindness sets in. Take three coins of 5 kopecks, mention them and go to the cemetery. Find a grave with the same name as yours, bow, asking forgiveness for disturbing the peace. Cross yourself, make a commemoration, put down a nickel and say: You, dead, are lying there, you don’t look with your eyes, you don’t see. You have a nickel on you, take away the blindness from me, the servant of God (your full name). Until you get up, you won’t take the nickel, you won’t bring it back to the grave, until then no one will interrupt my work, no one will take away the sight of me, the servant of God (his full name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Walk away without looking back or speaking until you are out of the cemetery area.

To perform the ritual, you will need the candle with which you stood on the feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ. They light it when treating vision with the prayer Our Father, then: Lord, my God, Holy Parent and Holy Baptist of holy water, heal my eye sockets! Let it be so! Amen!

At home, light a candle, cut a piece of harsh thread and tie it in a knot in front of the sore eye, without blinking, looking into the loop. At the same time, say three times: Everything that bothered the eye was tied into a knot. Burn the thread over a candle flame, blow the ashes out the door or window. Then light three of your hairs, saying:

Fire, burn the sore, and take it away with the wind. My spell word is hotter than fire, harder than stone! Amen. Throw the ashes into the wind.

If you have fog in your eyes in the morning, and the objects you look at seem to oscillate and blur, then this condition is called unsteadiness (a type of evil eye). To free yourself from this scourge, do the following. Take a five-kopeck coin in your hands, go to the mirror and, beginning to sign the sign of the cross over and over again, read the Lord’s Prayer. The situation will become clearer immediately. Then, when you start leaving the house (don’t do this on purpose), go to the first intersection that comes along the way, throw a coin in front of you with your left hand and continue on your way without looking back. Fluctuation will not come again.

On the waxing moon, early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises, pick young nettles (without seeds). Tie nettles into bunches. When you go to the bathhouse, take one bunch with you each time. In the bath, throw nettles into a vat of hot water. Wash yourself with this water. In the same way, brew the collected nettles and drink them as tea. The healing drink should be drunk one glass three times a day before meals.

To perform this ritual, prepare in advance:

¦ 1 green candle;

¦ horse horseshoe;

¦ peppermint oil;

- a bowl of water;

¦ 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt;

- a piece of clean cloth;

¦ sheet of paper;

¦ a pen with green paste;

¦ green threads.

During the waxing moon, thoroughly clean the horseshoe with a brush and place it in a bowl of salt water. Coat a green candle with peppermint oil (from the wick to the base) and place it in a candle holder on the table. Light a candle and sit in front.

On a piece of paper, write down exactly how you would like your health to be, what heart disease you want to get rid of.

Then roll the note into a tube. Remove the horseshoe from the water and wipe dry with a cloth. Attach the paper roll to the horseshoe and tie it securely with green thread, tying the ends with twelve knots. Extinguish the candle (without blowing it out). Take the horseshoe out into the garden and bury it under your bedroom window, leaving the tips slightly peeking out of the ground. This way it will be charged with the power of the sun and moon. When burying a horseshoe in the ground, say the spell three times:

I, the servant of God (my full baptized name), ask the sun and the moon to endow this piece of iron with their energy so that he can transfer it to (the name of the sick person). As I, the servant of God (my full baptized name), ask, so be it! Let it be so! Amen!

Light the candle stub for 5-10 minutes in the following days (at dawn). And so on until it is completely burned out.

To perform this ritual, you will need a freshly cut (personally) medium-thick aspen branch. Bring it home and use a new knife to peel off the bark. Divide into four equal parts. At sunrise, light wax candles according to the number of members of your family and place them in the central room of your home on a wooden surface. Then take the aspen pegs and go to your plot, taking a hammer with you. Drive the first peg into the far right corner. Then to the far left, to the near

right. And finally to the near left. At the same time, read the plot quietly 21 times:

As this tree stands firmly in the ground with its roots, as a rock lies menacingly over the sea, as a hawk sharply cuts through the vault of heaven, so may I, (your full name), be firm and strong. May no misfortune harm me and my family, may no cruel illness touch me, may no hard time pass by. For today. For tomorrow. Forever. Let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Return to the house without looking back, and with each candle, go around all the rooms in the house, paying special attention to the corners, window frames, door jambs and making cross-shaped movements there with the burning candle.

Place the cinders in an empty travel bag. Then spray the room in the same way with water blessed during any church holiday and fumigate with incense. Immediately after this, go to the temple and light candle stubs for your health.

7-07-2010, 22:01


Conditions under which spells will be used

Firstly, For your words to have power, you need to unlearn lying. Yes exactly. And this is not always easy to do if you are used to composing.
No lies- neither in the name of good, nor in the name of evil, nor for the sake of words!

Second- never waste words. They said, they promised, they did.

By completing the first two points, you charge the words with an additional implementation program. The words “get used to” being performed after being pronounced. They will get used to being true.

Third. If you want to give words more intensity, strength and speed of impact, then you need to learn to be a strong-willed person. Anything is suitable - from doing exercises to repeatedly writing a phrase. Choose any activity through which you will train your will and assign yourself any number of sessions per day. When you see that you can cope, increase the “load”. And so on until you achieve your goal, which is best outlined in advance. In general, at least put your favorite cake in plain sight and wait until evening to eat the sweetness, but train your will.

Next rule- believe in yourself and in realizing your results! And it is natural - if you do not believe that you can - then how will you give the necessary power to your words and rituals.

Here's some advice right away. Always start with something simple so that you don’t get disappointed in yourself.

Fifth- train your imagination! It will help you out more than once. After all, in this way you learn to feel events, objects and people informationally and energetically. Your brain remembers this information and, when you are given any knowledge, it is quickly analyzed with the available “data”, and, as a result, you not only intuitively feel, but know everything you wanted to know.

Sixth- be persistent! This trait does great things! Even if talent is lacking, persistence will help. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: Patience and work will grind everything down.

Seventh. Accumulate energy. Without it, you cannot hope for the desired result. Your words will mean little and have little charge if you are sick, unhappy and weak.

And lastly- never read conspiracies or perform rituals in the presence of others. No one should hear, see what you are doing, no one should know that you are going to do it. An exception may be the sorcerer who recommended this procedure, or the one who will help.

So, let's begin?

Conspiracies to improve vision

For any eye disease perform such a ritual. Go out to the stairwell, wipe the healthy eye first with a slightly damp piece of toilet paper, then the sick one, throw the paper in the trash bin with the words:

“I hurt myself, I’ll help myself.
Whatever I hurt, that’s how I heal.
Where it came from is where it went."

At thorn read the plot, while the thorn must be traced with your hand and baptized.

"Saint Yegory rode on a white horse,
Three dogs ran after him.
One dog licks the dawn, the second the moon, the third - an eyesore.
Saint Yegoriy, with your holy spear, remove the evil eye from the slave (name), born, baptized, and praying. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Also for cataracts:

go to any body of water and, looking into it, read the spell.

“Water mirror, God’s water, give back what you took.
Reflect the thorn in the mirror, God's light will return to your eyes.
I unlock with spring keys,
from trouble a thorn in the castles
I'm closing.
Like sand washes in water,
such a thorn in the lake
Come back, God's light, to mine
eyes Amen".

Or stand facing east and read three days in a row several times:

"Twilight and half-twilight, the hour before sunset and the hour before evening,
Do not deprive the light of white.
Like an owl looks at night and sees everything,
so should the slave (name), so that the light is white
I was not walled up. Amen".

Conspiracies for glaucoma

To cure glaucoma, you need to go to the river and catch a fish there - it doesn’t matter what kind. While she is beating in her hands, look at her in the eye that is affected (for example, in the right one, if your right one is sick, and vice versa) and read the spell:

"I look into the fish's eye.
How the month is reflected in the river,
looks at himself, admires,
like the sun rolls and falls at sunset,
washes off the evening dawn, splashes it,
That's how I would be reflected in a fish's eye.
And how can a fish not blink an eye,
there is no such thing as a warm body,
so my eyes won’t be sore,
don't cry, don't suffer. Amen".

After reading, throw the fish away from you and go home, without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

Conspiracies against night blindness

From " night blindness"bend over the tar and say:

"Tar, tar, take it from me
night blindness, but give me some bright eyes.

Conspiracies for vision loss

At decreased vision Ask your youngest blood relative to blow into your eyes and read three times without hesitation:

“Eyes, you lead, you guard, you feed.
You are in the morning in the sun
open up
at night during the month
serve faithfully,
When you grieve, grieve with tears.
Be vigilant and strong,
keen, fast and
In the name of the Father and the Son and
Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and ever
forever and ever.

Conspiracies for squint

For strabismus: when the full moon appears, take the patient out onto the balcony or outside and ask him to look at the night star. In doing so, read:

“The month will be born, unwind, correct itself and get better, so that the eyes of the slave (name) will look correctly. Amen.”

How to put your eyes back in place

« Put your eyes back in place“This ritual will also help.

Light a candle, stand behind the patient and circle it around his head while reading the plot. At the same time, you need to make sure that he does not look at the candle or follow it with his gaze: he only needs to look forward, straight ahead.

"Like a house - the eternal temple of God,
strong and indestructible, we will not crush by heretics,
so may the bright head of God’s servant (name) be strong and unharmed.
Let his eyes not roll, turn or squint, let them look straight at the light of God,
how the holy faces on the holy icons look at us, sinful people.
Angels of the Lord, I will speak to the servant of God (name) from oblique disease, from his
from evil heretics. Lips, teeth, eyes in a pigtail, tongue with a stake. Forever and ever. Amen.
Heretic, be a heretic to yourself, cut your body, drink your blood,
squint your eyes. Amen".

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From the Cross of Jesus. From the first fast and the last fast, from my word, from holy help.
- Snag, do you see? - He doesn’t see.
- Stone, do you see? - He doesn’t see.
Swamp hummock, see? - He doesn’t see.

three-eyed reflection. Crooked, blind, dumb, and alien.
My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen".

"And ochushki kokhana, and ochushka kokhana, and ochuchka kokhapa from the servant of God (name),
Kohana's eyes, Kohana's eyes, Kohana's eyes, pure, immaculate, newborn,
baptized and praying. Swim out, splinter, and don’t prick (name)’s eyes,
swim out, little fish, and don’t hurt (name)’s eyes.
(name) has a pure and immaculate eye, newborn, baptized and prayerful.
Holy Great Martyr Barbara,
Holy Great Martyr Evdokia,
Saint Catherine, Holy Tikhvin Mother of God. Look, Lord, at the servant of God (name),
newborn, baptized and
Glory to the Father and the Son and
Holy Spirit.

"Heal the maidens, heal the eye of (name)
(cross yourself and say three times):
In the name of Jesus Christ, let the blood come out of this pupil."

Conspiracies for barley

For barley: you need to lightly spit into the Ash Eye or bring a cookie to it with the words:

"Barley, barley, here's a cookie for you,
whatever you want, you can buy.”

Bring a cookie to the barley with the words:

“The barley was growing, mowing was coming.
The barley was mowed, the sorcerer was begged.
Grandfather witch, speak barley.
Go to the forest, to the grass, to the cold water from the slave (name). Amen."

Spit on the barley and say over your left shoulder:

"Barley, barley, go under the stump,
laziness sleeps there. Lie down together, burn with fire. Amen".

"The water is swampy, the water is cold,
take thirty-three castles, thirty-three mountains, thirty-three roads, barley from slave (name).
Lock all the locks and all the keys.
Do not release slave (name) onto the body.
Century after century. From now until forever. Amen".

Moisten your index finger with saliva and anoint the sore eye, saying three times:

"Lord, bless! The sun is in the west, the day is ending,
the speck in your eye will disappear on its own as your forehead turns black
(in this case, the forehead is the mouth of the furnace).
The key and lock to my words Amen."

If your eyelid twitches

Brew three geranium leaves into a glass of water and drink this glass three times during the day.

Speak up a twitching eyelid you can do this.

Hold the eyelid with the little finger of the left hand and read:

“A dead horse will not gallop. Amen. Amen. Amen.
A strong conspiracy against eye disease In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from the Cross of Jesus, from the first fast and
last post,
from my word, from the saint
Snag, do you see? - Does not see!
Stone, do you see? - He doesn’t!
Swamp hummock, do you see? - He doesn’t see!
Then my blindness will not offend them.
Go, blindness, to a forest snag,
on a water hummock, on a one-eyed monster,
three-eyed reflection. Crooked, blind, dumb, and alien.
My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen".

Based on newspaper materials: Conspiracies, amulets, fortune telling. No. 12