“There is contact!!!” – Channeling from the point of view of practical psychology. What is channeling? What does the word channeling mean?

Choice of colors

Anyone who is even slightly familiar with esoteric teachings and terms has obviously at least once had the experience of observing the so-called messages from mentors through energy channels, that is, channeling.

This article describes the concept of channeling itself. What is it and how does it work. Also about people who have the ability to lay energy channels in search of answers to questions. Receiving information through direct energetic contact with consciousness and superconsciousness. And much more.

The term channeling

Channeling is translated from English as laying a canal. And in the traditional esoteric understanding it means receiving information from mentors, teachers, elders of other dimensions, realities, worlds, planets.

Thanks to psychic abilities contactee it is possible to sense and transmit information into the present from the ancient past or from the distant future. Also get in touch with ancient civilizations and find out, for example, how humanity came to such a life.

All this is quite interesting to many and it is not surprising that it is popular in narrow circles. In the course of researching this issue, I came to the conclusion that channeling is written about mainly as something supernatural. It's actually not as mystical as this presented the people themselves (perhaps in order to attract attention).

The term channeling has been closed into a narrow framework and is attributed to esotericism and for society to a greater extent perceived as entertaining and frivolous content. Although channels are available not only to a person initiated into the mysteries of the subtle plane (or, as many believe, people with a mental disorder), but also to any creative person who strives to bring something new into this world, to reveal himself, to realize himself.

Perhaps there is an unwillingness to understand these issues or an unwillingness to conscious the study of such contacts does not allow at this stage to draw parallels and understand that all the most grandiose discoveries, consciously or not, are received from a space beyond the mind. The mind only acted as a mediator between the worlds.

Messages have been received since ancient times by oracles. Any religion, movement or scientific discovery appeared in the world thanks to contact with the information fields of the Earth, Space or the entire Universe.

“My brain is only a receiving device. There is a certain core in outer space from which we draw knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

The ability to be a conductor of knowledge into the world depends on the level of a person’s access to certain areas of consciousness. All the most revealing books about the divine, the laws of the universe, the laws of physics were initially received, often spontaneously connecting to certain areas of consciousness, which can be reflected in Space, distant Galaxies."

Nikola Tesla

Even in the traditional (esoteric) sense, Channeling attracts the attention of people, because for many it is an opportunity to gain unique knowledge, as it seems to them, from more developed entities.

This is an opportunity to communicate, for example, with alien life forms who are observing the evolution of man for a millennium, as well as with prophets, Gods and rulers.
Mystery shrouds the "incredible" abilities of contactees, and this excites people's minds. Contactees get in touch with entities, spirits and other energies of the subtle world, and this has a place in the dense, dual world.
But what does a person know about this, with whom does he communicate and how do these processes occur?
Is it really as it is understood and presented in books?

Is channeling dangerous?

It turns out that many, being in search, relying only on other people's experience of contacts, clog the mind, and in the future, reproduce " your channeling"with color, which has little to do with receiving information in the stream.

People receiving messages from the strong channel distortion, can have quite unpleasant mental illnesses, adding mental and emotional inclusion. This is where conversations arise that channeling is dangerous, scary, wrong, wild, a great delusion.

Everything in the world has a place to be. You have to come to terms with this, and understand the information not with your mind, but with your heart. Realized by the heart, a person can receive both inspiration and the discovery of unknown areas of consciousness will occur. In any case, everything comes when ready, and harm can only be caused by artificial attempts to get in touch with something unknown, unknown under what, and unclear why.

Probably some of you know that the mind performs a protective function, thereby allowing a person not to explode from information fields that are everywhere. A genius is able to receive very powerful insights and inspirations in a dream or in meditative states.

When attunement with the channel occurs, a person simply realizes how it works, can see images or hear music or voices, depending on the type of activity and goals set.
Such people do not become asocial (although there are exceptions), but still, to many they may seem crazy or insane.

Insights cannot be separated from the concept of channeling, just like the creative impulses of writers, poets, choreographers, artists, screenwriters, directors, designers, scientists. People gave the concept of channeling a narrow designation and classified it as mysticism, but it is much broader and more multifaceted. There is nothing dangerous if you understand the very essence of the phenomenon. Any fear is a blockage of the channel.

Channeling in esotericism

The information that I had the opportunity to get acquainted with on the Internet, in my opinion, reflects the essence of channeling very superficially and with a rude personal coloring. But receiving information and disclosing it are quite deep processes; they are beyond the scope of ordinary perception.

In the classical sense, channeling is perceived as a direct dialogue with entities, higher intelligence, and alien life forms. If a person is comfortable accepting knowledge from opened corners of your consciousness, calling them Guides or Angels, teachers, then so be it. This will be true for him and for many who will feel resonance with the information they receive.

Personal coloring is felt in many contactees, and this can lead to a discrepancy between the information and reality. For example, if the contactee’s goal is to sell information profitably, then the texts may carry energies that evoke emotions, and the emphasis will be placed on this. In order to more impress the audience, the person himself (without realizing it) will embellish somewhere, and, having played too much, he can create more entertaining literature than educational literature.

If a person is driven by vices, for example pride or a sense of self-importance, then there will be attempts to stand out and create for oneself mystical image. In this case, there is a high probability that sooner or later the person will reach a dead end and, most likely, will be disappointed. Further, as a result, forums are filled to the brim about how to channel destroys the fate of people and how fabulous this is a manifestation of information from unknown sources. It is worth learning that messages received on the basis of the egoism of the contactee take on the form fairy tales and have no other purpose other than to amuse the author.

All absurdities arise due to a purely personal, selfish perception. Everything around is one, and the feeling of duality arises only in a person’s head. Each contactee is inseparable from his Guides and Mentors, teachers on the subtle plane.

It is necessary to realize that any information is transmitted and received from the space of the Universe and absolutely any person, as they develop, draws it from there. A person does not perceive, does not remember, does not use the information to which he himself does not have access, no matter how many people try to convey it, no matter how many books he re-read. Only what has already happened will be assimilated. open in his consciousness, and circumstances outside only influenced its manifestation at the level of the mind.

Man, like any manifestation of energy visible or invisible to the eye, is much deeper than it is possible to imagine. It contains a huge amount of information limited by personality and genetic programs. Lots of people right now are awakening and through insights, layers upon layers realize their presence on Earth, understand the laws of interaction, with all the ensuing difficulties of personal development.

It is important to understand that each person has his own idea of ​​a certain game in how his individual learning process occurs. No matter who writes or says, a person, among other things, is also channel, and the received information is not limited to the brain in the understanding of the only storage device and data keeper. The brain has still not been fully explored by science, and I am sure that a huge number of incredible discoveries are expected in the near future.

Channeling - a source of information

All that a person sees is a projection of his consciousness, unfolded from the miniature Universe within. Man, as spiritual, is everything and cannot be divided into forms. Guides and Mentors exist in the microuniverse, in the human mind.

Consciousness is infinite, and the physical body does not have access to all areas. But in every manifestation of life on Earth there are channels with access to certain areas of consciousness.

From my experience with Elmira, I will write that when we requested information, we often asked the teachers: “Where are you? Are you with us? And the answer was without unnecessary explanation: “We are in your heart and bring light from there, watch.” Each of you will realize this for yourself when the time comes.

Everyone who consciously walks the spiritual path will sooner or later discover the source not somewhere in space, but will discover the entire cosmos within themselves.

A person, identifying with the mind, considers himself an imperfect being, and he will always be in search of something more perfect. Some find perfection in other people, masters, others - in messages from above, in the ascended Masters, Guides. And, in any case, a person learns in this way his internal.

Those mentors who convey messages are parts of consciousness that have come to him to open new experiences and teach.
Again, I repeat that someone perceives these streams or channels as Mentors, and this is normal at a certain stage.

Channeling is a natural process of obtaining information from the depths of consciousness, superconsciousness. Without it, life and development of humanity is impossible. It doesn’t matter in what form a person recognizes contact with God or what he calls it - inspiration, creative impulse or insight. This will happen, one way or another, when ready.

Activation of new areas of consciousness always occurs in people who intend to bring unique ideas, projects, knowledge, and technologies into this world. It doesn’t matter in what way, consciously or not. There is something greater in man that unites everything in the Universe.

Everyone draws knowledge from the Source, and it is not in the sky, not in the ocean, not in the mountains and steppes, not on other planets, but it is closer than it might seem. It is inside everyone. To come to it, you just need to stop and feel. Everything has its time, everything has its own experience. Be more tolerant of each other, love and protect the light of your hearts, whatever it may be.

Regarding channelings, many of us, wittingly or unwittingly, are in an illusion. It has been noticed that people often tend to call any intricate stream of consciousness captured by the receivers of their brain as channeling. This is probably why the information space is so abundantly flooded with what are commonly called channelings. Below are some of the features that distinguish true channeling from mass pseudo-contacts.

From the contactee's diary

In the space of the universe, there are different Minds, of different levels, and goals that are pursued by certain structures of intelligence; they can be completely different and completely beyond logical explanation from the point of view of the Earthly mind. There are ordinary structures, or you can call them, no matter how strange it may sound, - earthly civilizations, echoes of the information field, which thicken intelligence into a certain cluster and influence certain event backgrounds, energy processes of the Earthly world and the human being.

A group of people are given multi-level illusions in order to somehow develop, as it seems to them, a human being or direct it to a certain energy production and certain radiations, which, accordingly, feed these earthly pseudo-civilizations.

There are Higher Minds and states of fields that know their own worth and know the price of their own power and their own cosmicity and the purity in which they reside. The earthly world for them is something similar to the torment or hell that they experience when they come into contact with our vibrations. These Minds are the purest consciousness, and its ethics and high-vibrational nature do not allow this Mind to touch a human being or those groups that lead a spiritually developing lifestyle on a mass scale, therefore the “real” Higher Minds are the Minds that can really give the hidden sacred knowledge of a human being is in a certain state of pre-filtration, and, going through this pre-filtration, the human being completely changes its appearance and image, completely changes its train of thought and structures its personality according to the laws of cosmic currents, according to the laws of cosmic ethics. What does it mean? This means that the state of contact with true Higher Minds can only take place with a person who has the internal ethics of the soul and is, at least periodically, his being and consciousness merged with the mind of his own monad.

The Monad and the field of our divine cell guarantee the ethics and divinity of those thoughts, concepts and decisions that the physical personality of a person produces, therefore, when in contact with the True Higher Mind, a person can feel only the single support of high and bright feelings, the state of the information field and those messages that this the mind is capable of conveying, that is, a single and true contact of a human being with the real Supreme Mind, capable of influencing a person constructively and really adding a certain step, a certain transformation to his evolution, is possible only if a person is in fusion, or at least in collaboration, with the consciousness of his own monad, he accepts and promotes cosmic ethics, he is the standard of cosmic laws and is the standard of the purest crystal through which pulses of light and information waves pass without delay and without distortion - only in this case is a person able to truly make contact with The True Higher Mind, aimed at the evolution of this person or group of people, striving along the level of the hierarchy of intimate and sacred knowledge of the space of the universe.

A contactee's diary is personnel sketches of consciousness in the process of spiritual phenomena and observations, recorded by a practicing contactee. The essay does not call for action, is not any kind of guidance or opinion, and has no practical value. Whether the sound of these lines turns out to be empty or full for those seeking - the soul will reveal. The recorded phenomenon simply is and does not need to be evaluated or looked at. But to trust what is written or not - there is only one indicator - the heart.

In modern esotericism there are many different directions, and each person chooses from them what is closer to him.

The topic of our article today is the whole truth about channeling, one of the most popular teachings today about self-knowledge and contact with Higher Powers. Let's figure out what this unusual trend is and how to use it to change your life for the better.

What is channeling

The word itself came to us from the English language. In translation, “channel” means “channel”, but, naturally, what is meant here is not a channel related to water, but a channel through which certain information is transmitted. At its core, channeling is the creation of a channel between a person and the Higher Powers, and the transmission of important information through it.

In Russia, the word “contacter” is better known. This is what they call people who know how to communicate with certain entities that are at a higher level of development than humanity. It is believed that these entities convey important and useful information to people, thereby helping them to develop.

Universal Mind and Mentors

Those who have just learned about the existence of channeling are most concerned with the question of who the information comes from through this amazing channel. To understand this, you first need to define all the direct participants in this process.

Anyone who is at least superficially familiar with esoteric teachings knows that there is a so-called Universal Mind, which is a huge repository of all the information that exists in nature. This Mind can be compared to an immense library of cosmic size, where information is stored about all phenomena, events and their causes, and about anything else.

A person can consciously set up a communication channel with this library and obtain from it any information that interests him. The one who opens this channel and receives information from the Higher Mind is called a contactee, a channel or a person engaged in channeling.

During such contact, a person connects to entities or Higher Powers that have access to the library of the Universal Mind and during communication with them receives the necessary information. These entities are called Mentors. Since humanity cannot directly connect to the Universal Mind, it acts through intermediaries, who are the Mentors.

Angels, gods, spirits, demons, entities living in other galaxies, elves and any other creatures that are not of human, but of divine nature can act as Mentors.

Sometimes mediumship is also equated with channeling, when a person makes contact with the souls of deceased people and receives information from them.

The main task of mentors is to teach people self-awareness and self-improvement, give them tips, and help them resolve difficult life situations. Mentors have enormous spiritual experience and have a broader vision than people, therefore, in order to accelerate the development of humanity, they help him in this way.

In what form does information come from Mentors?

A person engaged in channeling, through regular training, learns to clear his consciousness of extraneous thoughts and tunes it to receive information from the Mentors. This information can come in various forms.

Some contactees simply hear a voice in their head that mentally talks to them, others receive information through the method of automatic writing, and some themselves act as a channel, and then the entities speak to them through their own voice, temporarily inhabiting the human body. Mediums can receive information through a Ouija board.

Sometimes information comes not in the form of words, but in the form of feelings, thoughts, emotions, and then the contactee needs to make an effort to convey it in a language understandable to people.

History of Channeling

People have used connections with Higher Powers since ancient times. Proponents of channeling believe that the Bible, the Koran and other sacred texts written by saints and apostles were actually dictated by entities that had access to the Universal Mind. The shamans of ancient times also knew how to enter into a conscious connection with the spirit world and convey their messages to people, putting them into verbal form.

A surge of interest in channeling occurred after the publication of the works of the famous Russian philosopher, medium and occultist Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya. Her books “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled,” which were written precisely on the basis of information received from the Higher Powers, created a real sensation in the esoteric society.

After Blavatsky's death, Helena Roerich continued her work. Her multi-volume teaching "Agni Yoga" is also considered indispensable literature for all students of channeling. At the end of the 20th century, interest in contacts with the Higher Mind increased in Europe and the USA.

Today this is one of the popular and effective methods of spiritual development and self-knowledge. Every year more and more books are published, dictated to people by the Higher Mind.

Can channeling be dangerous?

The only danger that awaits a person who begins to practice communication with the Universal Mind is the possibility of “connecting” to the wrong channels.

So, for example, angels and other divine entities cannot bring any harm to humans, but representatives of alien civilizations or dark demonic entities can be dangerous, since we cannot know their true intentions.

How to use channeling

Anyone can tune into a communication channel with the Mentors to receive information; to do this, you just need to set such a goal. It is recommended to start by reading the most famous books on channeling, and then start practicing with a good teacher.

However, you can master channeling on your own, but for this you will have to work hard on yourself. As you can see, the whole truth about channeling can easily fit into a few paragraphs, however, for practical work a deeper immersion into the topic is necessary.

In the book of American esotericist Shepard Goodwin “The Journey of Your Soul. Channeling and the Teachings of Michael" states: "Channeling is a way of communicating with any kind of consciousness that is not in human form. Such consciousness can be given the opportunity to express itself through a person - a channeler, or a channel.”

We live in a multidimensional Universe, and the physical plane is only the first of many planes of existence. They are not separated from us by a blank partition: through channeling we can establish conscious contact with other planes and entities living in other worlds.

Most often, the term "channeling" refers to communication with astral spirits - mentors and teachers from higher planes. Although there is an infinite variety of consciousnesses available for channeling in the Universe, in practice channelers usually only tune into those types of consciousness that are “closer” to them and that are well suited to the channeling process.

"The most common form of communication with non-physical consciousness is communication with deceased people, but this is usually called mediumship rather than channeling. Although there is no clear boundary between the two concepts, channeling usually refers to gaining access to higher knowledge to support spiritual growth and to gain greater clarity regarding life on the physical plane. A medium can also provide this kind of information, but people usually go to a medium to communicate with a specific person who has passed away and who does not necessarily have easy access to this information. It is not at all possible to be non-physical. means automatically to be knowledgeable, skillful, wise or loving

* * *
"In the process of channeling there are many unknowns and many things that are difficult to convey in words, and besides, each experience is unique, but still some generalizations can be made. Channeling occurs through the so-called higher centers, which are dormant for most of us, but can be opened through practice.The higher centers are like radios that can be tuned to the frequency of the entity that wishes to make contact. Usually the crown chakra receives the signal first. When channeling verbally, the signal then stimulates the sixth chakra (third eye) and the brain, scanning the subconscious. where the entity, or the channeler, or both, consciously working together, searches for certain words that best express the thoughts being conveyed. But even if the entity itself chooses the words, the channeler usually does not perceive this as hearing a voice from outside.

Some people channel or tune into higher sources without realizing it. They believe that the thoughts that appear in their heads are their own, although in reality this is not the case at all. This can explain the simultaneous creation of similar inventions or works of art by different people. In this case, some source from the higher planes is trying to place his idea on the physical plane and is working with several people at once - probably in the hope that at least one of them will make this idea accessible to other people. Not all inspiration, of course, is due to channeling, because each of us is a full-fledged creative being, but to a very large extent, all creativity is associated with collaboration. We are helped a lot more than we realize.

* * *
In general, the term “channeling” did not introduce anything fundamentally new into the problem of contacting, and not only with “brothers in mind,” but as a global phenomenon. Special mental states of a person and various visions, hallucinations, images, dreams, etc. associated with them have always attracted us. People have long known that there are a great many such mental states: sleep, clinical death, various somnambulistic states, stress, alcohol and drug intoxication, prophetic dreams, trance states and other borderline states between life and death.

The channeling craze should not be viewed as something new, but as something old that has long been forgotten. “Almost the first contactees-parapsychologists,” writes Evgeniy Sidorov, president of the Latvian Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (UFOlats), “we can safely call shamans, magicians and sorcerers. Later mediums and psychics. It was they who, performing cult, magical and sacrificial rituals, falling into a religious trance, for the first time purposefully called invisible spirits to a “frank conversation”. The technique of such psychic contacts was based on the state of drug intoxication. Coca leaves, opium and other intoxicating herbs and drugs, together with a psychological mood, quickly put initiates into a state of trance. In this state, a person came into contact with another reality, conducting a dialogue with unknown out-of-body entities. I received various information about the past, present and future of my loved ones, the tribe and the world as a whole...

“Later, with the development of civilization, research into the phenomena of parapsychology, one of which is contact with another reality, became widespread. Occultism, spiritualism, theosophy, esotericism, channeling, yoga, transcendental meditation, various teachings of the enlightened, controlled dreams, a lot of sects and communities , practicing self-contemplation, divided people by religion, but united in one thing: the desire to understand and understand the invisible otherworldly reality at all costs, to become its full member. What laws govern it? How and by what technology to communicate with unknown spirits? entities, etc."

* * *
Real life channeling or contacting is provided by the special abilities of our subconscious. It is the device through which contacts with another reality occur. It was not for nothing that the circle of people’s access to all kinds of contact techniques was limited for a long time. Only since the 20th century has every person had the opportunity to experiment with them. There are many known cases when entities from another world penetrated very deeply into a person’s subconscious and even seized control over it. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to distinguish who has taken control of you and is giving commands directly under the guise of an inner voice, or is slipping in the “correct” thoughts and decisions. These are all different degrees of obsession, a well-known mental state from ancient times. But let us now return to our UFOs and aliens.

The mythology of our time is based on an idea that many deeply believe in: the cosmos is inhabited by other intelligent beings. And if they have mastered the technology of interstellar travel, it means they are a more advanced race than us. Enormous amounts of money are spent on attempts to discover “brothers in mind” in the depths of space. And if physically scientists were unable to obtain evidence that would be recognized by the entire planet, then psychic contacts with aliens are in full swing. But in reality, no one knows with whom contactees communicate. How true is the information we receive: it varies from complete nonsense (or maybe it is the truth?) to information that is quite similar to the truth.

A number of esoteric teachings of our time claim that there is a way to connect to the universal mind, more ancient than life itself on Earth. The omnipotent global intelligence has existed since the birth of the Universe itself, and it is possible to find contact with any mind, but not a human one, thanks to a special practice called “channeling”.

Channeling - what is it?

The term “channeling” comes from the English. the word “channel”, literal translation – “laying a channel”. Previously, it was called “contacting.” Followers of this teaching believe that certain entities “guide” humanity and send information in the form of various revelation messages. Channeling is an opportunity to find stable contact with the Global Mind and “mentors,” who are sometimes called “elder brothers of humanity.” These mentors can be different:

  • extraterrestrial objects (UFOs);
  • perfume;
  • angels and demons;
  • gods, etc.

For many centuries, humanity has been trying to find the path to the truth. Millions of people claim to communicate with beings from the invisible world who “guide” them. Those who have managed to find a way to communicate with the Higher Mind are called contactees or mediums. Often their stories are written according to templates: some entity has chosen them as a messenger, and they speak in the words of Reason. Unfortunately, most of the information is false. The whole truth about channeling is that not everyone is able to know the Higher Mind, and you cannot speak to it directly.

The role of contactees can be, for example, shamans and practicing yogis who know how to enter a deep trance. Mediums are also able to build a channel with otherworldly forces. There are many charlatans among them, and it is practically impossible to prove the reality of what is happening. In addition, contacting refers to different phenomena:

  1. Telepathic communication with someone or something.
  2. Receiving information in the form of a drawing or letter.
  3. A state of trance when the contactee speaks “in a voice other than his own.”

Channeling - pros and cons

The practice of channeling has its supporters and opponents. On the one hand, interaction with Higher powers will help provide answers to many questions that concern humanity. This technique also allows you to:

  • gain spiritual strength;
  • gain wisdom;
  • transform consciousness (go into trance);
  • find a mentor;
  • improve creativity.

On the other hand, channeling higher powers is not an activity suitable for everyone. A person must pass all the information received through himself, his soul. Experienced contactees claim that this practice is contraindicated for young people (under 21 years of age) and people with psychological disabilities. In addition, while in a trance it is impossible to perceive critically open messages.

What is channeling and how to use it?

Channeling is a popular practice with many followers. For those who want to find a connection with the channel of the Mind and translate the language of vibrations into the understandable language of consciousness, there are many tips, “how-tos” and practical literature. To find a mentor from another world, you need to consciously ask him to appear. And to enter a special state, you must have the following:

  • knowledge about the nature of the Universe and the possibilities of consciousness;
  • skills for entering a meditative state;
  • the required level of sensitivity;
  • openness to new knowledge.

How to start channeling?

If you want to build communication with the Universe itself, you can try to become a “channel” using special literature and regular practice. Or you can take training in a group, which is much easier. The path to comprehending the Higher Mind is different for everyone. At the first stage, channeling for beginners involves the following actions:

  1. Preparing a place - quiet, away from people, at home or in nature.
  2. Assuming a meditation pose: straight back, comfortable sitting, conscious deep breathing, eyes closed.
  3. Entering a trance state.
  4. Building communication with unattainable entities. It is not necessary that a person will immediately feel their presence, but it is important to tune in to a certain “wave” and imagine that he is surrounded by the other world with its inhabitants. The heart must be open to love.

Channeling - how to open a channel?

The technique of channeling is to become aware of what frequencies need to be tuned to and imagine that many beings of Light are approaching the contactee. It seems to open the door to a new world. The main thing is to believe in what is happening, to abstract from reality. To achieve interaction with an imaginary mentor, it is important to provide answers in advance to questions such as:

  1. What do you plan to learn in the communication process?
  2. What should a mentor be like? His qualities.
  3. What kind of relationships are you planning to develop?

Channeling Your Higher Self

The phenomenon of “contacting” implies the existence of several worlds. However, not all supporters of this practice are trying to get in touch with otherworldly or extraterrestrial intelligence. Much more interesting than channeling entities is contact with the Higher Self - hidden forces and capabilities that a person may not be aware of. Sometimes this term is understood as the divine essence that is invisibly present in everyone. Channeling the Higher Self is an attempt to connect with one's own Spirit and connect to the subconscious.

Channeling - books

The development of your own channel is facilitated by studying specialized literature. Many authors are personally familiar with this practice and have tried (successfully) to establish contact with the Global Mind. World channeling is thoroughly studied in popular publications by Russian and foreign authors. Some of them:

  1. “Channeling. Theory and practice". Rydall Catherine.
  2. “Open up to the channel. Theory and practice of channeling." Sanaya Rowman and Dwayne Packer.
  3. “Is it possible to become a contactee?” O.A. Krasavin.
  4. “Ask your mentors.” Sonya Choquette.
  5. "Sphere of the Mind" A.G. Eye.

All the literature presented was written at different times, starting from 1988, and analyzes different aspects of contacting. One of the most recent publications, dated 2012, the book “Sphere of the Mind,” examines channeling from a special perspective. The publication presents readers with an alternative view of the events taking place in 2012, the supposed End of the World, and suggests steps that need to be taken immediately.

Like any esoteric practice, channeling finds its followers and those who are extremely skeptical about this phenomenon. Believe it or not is everyone's business. People don’t know whether there is an other world and higher powers, but the capabilities of the human brain are sometimes amazing and you can use them to cross the fine line of consciousness and open up to new things.