Once again about levitation. Flying girl in Russian forest

To mom

Flying Girl in Russia, Super Sensation on Video The video presented here has recently attracted a lot of attention from Internet users. It shows, neither more nor less, a flying girl.

The video, entitled "Flying Girl in a Russian Forest", was submitted to Youtube by user Jevgenij2000 on March 2, 2009, and has so far attracted over 137,000 viewers. Most views were after January 4, 2011.

“I was filming while walking my dog. I cannot explain what happened there,” wrote author Evgeniy.

The video is only 44 seconds long and initially shows the creator of the video playing with a dog. When the camera moved to the right, a silhouette of a girl floating in the air in a horizontal position, with her upper body raised, appeared on the screen. There appears to be a parent standing on the ground, watching her. The dog barked and, seeing that the camera was turned on them, the girl quickly sank to the ground, after which they quickly left the place.

In the schools of Buddha and Tao, it is assumed that people who have improved well in their practice have open meridian channels, and they can soar and fly. Many religions talk about reincarnation and perhaps the ability to float is due to abilities brought over from a past life.

Translation by Daria KHAZANOVA

What the Mahatmas say. Book 4.

About levitation.


Council of aliens from the planet Veda, constellation Orion (full contact with them is described in the second book).

The main point of levitation is to turn off the gravity mechanism. In humans, there is a center near the cerebellum that is responsible for regulating a person's attraction to the earth. In order to carry out levitation, you need to concentrate your attention in the cerebellum, making maximum use of your mental energy.

You need to look at the gravitational center in the cerebral cortex with your eyes closed, mentally (Headaches associated with changes in pressure often occur there). At the same time, repeat one phrase for 15 minutes, being in the lotus position, half-lotus or lying on your back, without a pillow so that the spine is completely straight. The phrase expresses the desire that gripped a person and consists of only 2 words: “I’m flying.”

Initially, the body will be lifted off the ground for a short period of time. And these will be the most time-consuming and difficult seconds in working on yourself to regulate the gravitational field of the Earth relative to yourself. Then a certain skill will appear and the time of weightlessness will lengthen, and your energy costs will decrease.

The first moments of levitation will last 1-2 seconds, then you can develop this state for any desired time. It can stop on its own. But then you learn to regulate the duration by saying, “I am standing on the ground.” You can use other words that express the emotion of stable attraction. And most importantly, in your mind you need to see yourself standing firmly on the Earth.

Classes should be daily. Any time of the day or night. Time for self-study, training, time to obtain results - from one month to several years.

On our planet Veda, control of the levitation center is taught in school.

Human teleportation is associated with the same center, but this is a more complex process that requires a person to have certain skills in meditation, in his ability to control space and time.

Anyone who really wants to can learn to fly without causing harm to themselves. Moreover, a person’s weight does not matter.

We would like to note that during the period of work on acquiring the ability to control the gravitational field of the Earth, the scales may deceive you; they will not indicate your exact, true weight, but deviate in one direction or another.

The center does not turn on or off, but obeys the will of the person who has learned to control it. A person will never completely lose gravity. He can only subordinate his connection with the gravitational field of the Earth to consciousness.

The video presented here has recently attracted a lot of attention from Internet users. It shows, neither more nor less, a flying girl.

The video, entitled "Flying Girl in a Russian Forest", was submitted to Youtube by user Jevgenij2000 on March 2, 2009, and has so far attracted over 137,000 viewers. Most views were after January 4, 2011.

“I was filming while walking my dog. I cannot explain what happened there,” wrote author Evgeniy.

The video is only 44 seconds long and initially shows the creator of the video playing with a dog. When the camera moved to the right, a silhouette of a girl floating in the air in a horizontal position, with her upper body raised, appeared on the screen. There appears to be a parent standing on the ground, watching her. The dog barked and, seeing that the camera was turned on them, the girl quickly sank to the ground, after which they quickly left the place.

In the schools of Buddha and Tao, it is assumed that people who have improved well in their practice have open meridian channels, and they can soar and fly. Many religions talk about reincarnation and perhaps the ability to float is due to abilities brought over from a past life.

LEVITATION- walking on water, on nails, and so on, without touching them, or simply staying in the air for a long time without support; fixation in a state of weightlessness of one’s own body or other objects by force of suggestion or subconsciously (non-contact and without the use of mechanical devices).

Everyone who is familiar with physics will say that no one on Earth can have such an ability. Because there is gravity, that is, gravity. The law about it was formulated by the great English scientist Isaac Newton (1643-1727). According to this law, in order to push off from the ground and hang in the air like a balloon, a person must change his weight and become as light as this balloon. However, there are amazing facts that indicate that people, under certain circumstances, have overcome gravity. Are they reliable?

Evidence of levitation has been accumulating in the history of human development since ancient times. So, for example, like a bird, the Catholic preacher Joseph (1609-1663) sat on a thin tree branch, but it did not even bend under him. An hour or two passed, he did not move, and the concerned novices brought the longest ladder to the tree to remove him from there. How did Joseph from Copertino get onto the tree, why did the branch not bend under him, and what did it all mean? Later canonized, Joseph entered such ecstasy during prayer that he lost contact with the outside world, literally and figuratively. The soles of his feet ceased to feel the floor - he slowly rose into the air, hovered in place, or flew some distance. These miracles were witnessed by parishioners, monks and many authoritative people of that time, among them the German scientist and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. In total, Saint Joseph took to the air about 60 times, or so says his biography compiled during his lifetime. Besides him, according to church documents of those times, the founder of the Jesuit order Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Teresa of Avila, and Saint Adolphus Lijori soared in religious ecstasy. Religious sources tell of 230 Catholic saints who were credited with this ability.

In the 19th century, the English psychic Daniel Douglas Hume amazed many famous people with his experiments. In Russia, his experiments in 1874 were observed by the outstanding Russian chemist A.M. Butlerov and the writer A.K. Tolstoy. For 40 years, Hume practiced levitation, controlling it at will. From the descriptions of an eyewitness we learn: “Completely unexpectedly for most of those gathered, Hume rose into the air, his legs hanging at a distance of a foot [ft = 0.3048 meters] from the floor. He soared from the floor several times, until the third time he was lifted to the ceiling, with which his hands and feet softly touched." Writers Mark Twain and William Thackeray, the President of the British Academy of Sciences William Crook and the French Emperor Napoleon III came to see Douglas Hume. They were all stunned by the rare sight and left written evidence of what they saw. Hume himself claimed that he was not afraid of falling during the experiment, because he trusted the invisible force that lifted him above the floor.

Much evidence of soaring above the earth comes from India. There, local fakirs (as magicians are called in this country) perform their favorite act - they rise into the air. "Flying" yogis, being in the lotus position - that is, sitting and crossing their legs - seem to jump, flying a distance of up to two meters during one jump. Researchers who observed such flights believe that the issue here is not levitation. The jump and jump in this case is accomplished due to the strength of well-developed muscles of the legs and back.

In the modern world, the phenomenon of levitation has not escaped the attention of scientists. An experiment was carried out in one of the scientific centers. A group of subjects were told that they were in a spaceship and were entering a state of weightlessness. The scales on which the chairs with people were placed during the experiment showed the disappearance of the weight of the imaginary astronauts. It only lasted a second and a half. But the result of the experiment prompted researchers to assume that the human body is still capable of independently changing its weight, while momentarily freeing itself from the force of gravity of the Earth. True, for now this is just a hypothesis that requires repeated testing. Scientists have yet to prove, if at all possible, that people can in some cases acquire abilities that contradict the known laws of nature.

In the section on the question Video "Flying Girl in a Russian Forest" - is it a fake? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is I think it's fake. Anyone who has a dog will agree with me.
The person filming is not the owner of the dog, this is immediately obvious - the dog is sitting, but listening very carefully, turning its muzzle slightly to the side. She glanced at the person filming, dogs don’t look at their owners that way. The dog did not comply with this man’s commands and very quickly rushed in the direction where the girl and woman were. But! If the dog were interested in a new object, it would not disappear from the frame in seconds, it would sniff the woman. But there was no dog. Question: where was she, because her barking could be heard nearby? And with the owner. It was he who called the dog so that there would be an opportunity to unobtrusively turn the camera to “miracle”, it was he who rushed towards him without even stopping near the woman, it was near the owner that she barked, rejoicing, and it was the dog who listened to him at the very beginning of the shooting, when he was leaving.
And now the conclusion: if the woman and the girl were hiding from people, as shown at the end, that they left so hastily, then how could they not be hiding from a stranger, and they heard the dogs barking - after all, they are not deaf. And they are not blind, I hope - if a dog runs past, then it is clear that the dog’s owner will appear next, but the woman’s reaction to this is 0. My conclusion is that this recording is a fake.
Nadezhda Yablokova
I watched it :) Well, what can I say - people have fun, but some take it seriously :)

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is the video “Flying Girl in a Russian Forest” a fake?

Answer from Darkness[guru]
No. These are real shots.

Answer from Legal capacity[guru]
cool.... to see this! Where was it?

Answer from Ђamis[guru]
Judging by the UNPLAYED intonation of the young
person - seems to be true. . Levitation however.. *)

Answer from Stretch[guru]
Cool I liked it.