Original teasers about a boy and a girl. Baby name teasers

Gift ideas

Do you think children only learn to swear from adults? No, they themselves have something in stock. Teasing, calling names, hurting others with offensive words - kids learn all this already in kindergarten from their peers.

Of course, “in the beginning there were adults,” but even if they teach, they teach the most harmless things, like the pedagogically justified “greedy-beef” or “sneak-sneak.” And it’s a rare parent who will teach their baby something like: “Alla, Alla, Alla, I stuffed matches in my nose.” However, children prefer exactly this – more assertive! So that, like a joke, like hooliganism! For adults to react. Well, more offensive, of course. Is it good? At a minimum, this is natural, psychologists say, and in general, it’s even good.

Children's folklore - teasing and name-calling - was, is and will be, because without it there is no childhood. Yes, this is a manifestation of verbal aggression, the first scolding of children, but from this experience children learn to understand what it is like to be the object of someone's ridicule, and learn to resist it.

Whoever calls names calls himself that...

What it is? Children's teasing and name-calling are a phenomenon of children's folklore, an obligatory part of the children's subculture; they naturally reflect all human shortcomings. This genre reflects children’s life, their attitude to the world around them, the relationships between them, and child psychology.

Children's teasing and name-calling are aimed at identifying some characteristic that a person does not like - glasses, hair color, fatness, thinness, height, a name that rhymes with something. Or behavior that goes beyond the boundaries of morality accepted in society is humiliated: sneaking, greed, tearfulness. Name-calling based on nationality is also common; it exists and has existed everywhere, in all societies. And in children's too.

Linguists believe that offensive words such as name-calling and teasing have existed since very ancient times - from those very times when people tried to intimidate enemies with words, tore their shirts, smeared their faces and used other various military traditions.

What are they needed for? Children's teasing can be called a kind of elementary school of life morality. A child who finds himself in a group of his own kind understands that this is not a home where there are only affectionate parents, here is life, with all its difficulties and even sorrows. And, alas, you also need to get used to this. And learn to fight back! Usually the offender tries to call the person “weak”, thus outlining for himself the psychological boundaries of what is permitted, and provoking the other to defend, build and defend his boundaries. Mutual education, training, hardening takes place. Thus, teasing and name-calling perform an educational function, helping a child who is being offended to defend himself in the form of verbal defense, training emotional stability and self-control. It is also important that teasing verbally removes children’s aggression - they speak out and go their separate ways. Children's teasing and name-calling are a way to establish norms of behavior in the children's community. For example, they can tease in order to warn about something: “Snatch-snatch, Pickled cucumber, Lying on the floor, Nobody eats it.” In other words: if you tell lies, no one will be friends with you.

What should someone who is being teased do? Firstly, you should behave correctly within your community, for example, a kindergarten group. Don't stand out! Then there will be no chance of even teasing by name. (Although the variant of teasing, as flirting or coquetry, also, of course, takes place, such as pulling girls’ pigtails). And if you stand out, know how to stand up for yourself. Secondly, parents need to teach children to perceive teasing correctly and adequately. The goal of all teasing is to hurt your opponent by making him look funny, which means this goal should not be achieved! The best option is to respond to a tease with a tease, to “make excuses”, to give verbal change. And under no circumstances should you give in to fear, anger, or resentment. Parents of offenders, in addition to the need to rein in estranged offspring, being upset about this, should take into account that a large vocabulary (in poetry, especially) is a sign of the high intelligence of their children, because memorizing or even independently selecting rhymes is a rather difficult task. Another thing is that the channel of this intellect should be redirected.

Variety of species

Precise in sound and maximally offensive in essence - this is the ideal of children's teasing and name-calling. The genre of children's folklore, the teaser, assumes almost any rhymed form: from more or less aesthetically complete - in two words, to full-fledged teaser-verses. By the way, teasers in verse help speech therapists a lot in developing and correcting the speech of their little charges, because they are remembered quickly and with pleasure. And how they are used later!

The most common subject of children's teasing is names. Fortunately, you can find a rhyme for any name. They call people names based on their appearance, behavioral characteristics, mental characteristics, character traits. The so-called absurd teasers are very interesting. The random stringing of words here is not at all accidental. Here, humor is carved out of the absurd, which children understand perfectly well. Such teasers can be compared to Kharms’s poems, so beloved by children.

Teases are used:

* as a habitual appeal to someone who is always offended (for example, to a fat child);
* as a way to attract attention (for example, from people of the opposite sex);
* as a randomly coined rhyming, well-suited and funny definition of a shortcoming or situation.

Teasers that make fun of this or that quality and teaser warnings:

These teasing and name-calling are aimed at ridiculing specific negative, from the point of view of the offender, qualities. And also warnings.

Give me some milk.
What is the price?
Three spots.

Greedy beef, pickled cucumber
You lie on the floor, no one eats you.

I imagined the first grade,
I took it and went to the resort,
I got sick at the resort
And he died under the bench.

I imagined my tail between my legs
And she ran under the stove,
And there's a crocodile under the stove
I swallowed the imaginary.

There is a Jam in our class -
Instead of a nose - a nail puller!

Repeat - Uncle Piggy
I licked the whole trash heap
And he didn't say thank you.

Repeat - Uncle Piggy,
And the name is Turkey.
I licked all the plates,
And he didn’t say thank you!

Stuffed with sausages
She's angry with me.

Evil chocolate.

Who doesn't eat it?
Well done!

Lying on the floor
Nobody eats it.

Crybaby, polish, shoe polish,
There's a hot pancake on your nose!

Salty sneak,
Boiled over the fire!

Cockroach food!

Bass drum,
Who plays it?
That nasty cockroach.

Teases making fun of appearance:

Fat, fat,
Passenger train!

Fat-industrial plant,

The fat barrel gave birth to a son,
And my son has no ears,
At least sew on the ties.

Fat donut
Give me a ticket:
There is nothing to light the stove!

Who has 4 eyes?
he looks like a diver.

Regimental commander -
Nose to the ceiling
Ears to the door
And he himself is like a sparrow!

Red-red, freckled,
killed my grandfather with a shovel.

Toothless hag,
The cat gave birth to you
The priest baptized you
And he pulled down his pants.

shameless redhead!

Name teasers:

Agashka - Dirty shirt.

Akulina from above
Strangled the gander.
The gander squeaks
He's carrying a hundred rubles.

Andryukha - pig's ear.

Anna - Banna,
The leg is wooden
Damn fat
Drive, don't stop.

Alka is a jump rope.

Anna-bath, shoe polish,
There's a hot pancake on my nose.

Boris is the leader of the dead rats.
And his wife, Larisa, is a wonderful rat.

Valyuha - without an ear.

Vasya with a scythe,
Don't run in a lane
Run on a perch
Shake your face.

Vladik is a pancake.

Vovka is a carrot.

All Veras are fools beyond measure.
Varvara - Higher than the barn!

Curious Varvara's nose was torn off at the market!

Verka is a snuffbox!

Jackdaw jump rope

Dinka is a piece of ice!

Dina - rusty trolley

Dunka is a bloke,
Blow up the fire
Kiss Me.

Zinka - basket,
Elastic band in front
Rear drum -
In all cities.

Inca pig.

Inca picture.

Irka is a hole.

Katya, Katya, Katerina,
A picture is drawn,
And from a painting to a portrait,
There is no better Katya than ours.

Katerina - kitten,
Fat pig,
Rolled down the hill
Salom choked.

Kostik is a rusty nail.

Lena - snot up to her knees!

Lenka - foam, sausage,
wasp on a string.

Larisa is a rat.

Lidka - snail,
Pull out your horns
I'll give you a piece of the pie.

Lisa is a suck-up.

Maha Dashing - crushed the rooster
She went outside and killed a chicken.

Masha let go of her braids,
And behind her are all the sailors.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
He threw his fur coat onto the barn,
The fur coat is spinning, Kolya is angry!

Natasha is a poop.

Olga is a fool
I blew into the forest,
I went to the forest
I found a penny
I bought soap
I washed the stigma.

Fields, Fields, Pelageya, Three buttons on the neck, Four on the side, The nose is full of tobacco.

Sonya is Monya.

Sonya is a fool, Sonya is a fool, I fell in love with a plasterer,
The plasterer is not a fool,
I bought Sonya a cap,
Sonya began to put on
Kiss the plasterer.

Sveta is candy.

Sergey - sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons!
The pigeons are afraid
They sit on the roof.

Tanya - sour cream,
The cat ran
I licked the sour cream.

Thekla, Thekla
I baked pancakes,
Dropped the frying pan
She broke her head.

Fedya - copper,
Ate a bear.

Shura is a fool
I blew into the forest,
I ate bark
She told everyone.

Julia is a saucepan.

Universal name teaser for boys:

(any name) - raven-raven-sparrow
I drank a jar of snot.

Absurd teasers:

Whoever has a checkered shirt looks like a stool.

It's Sunday
Girls - jam,
And to the stupid boys -
A thick stick on the sides.

I'll tell you in your ear
About the green frog.
Do not tell anybody,
Because it's you.

Your eyes are wet.
If you cry for a long time,
You will begin to croak like a frog.

Lips, lips two arshins,
A car runs across your lips,
Head of the machine - driver:
“Lips stop, stop!”

Strongman Bambula lifted four chairs!
But he barely lifted the match in three weeks!

Say “glue” - drink a jar of snot

Say “basement” - the skeleton kissed you.

Say "towel"! – You have two Germans in your nose!

Situational teasing

They deceived a simpleton
Four fists
And one more fist -
It turns out to be a fool!

Fool fooled
Four fists
And the fifth one blew away,
May you be inflated!

Fool fooled
Four fists.
Another fist, completely stupid.

Crybaby, polish, shoe polish
There's a hot pancake on your nose!

Bride and groom,
Suddenly the bride is under the bed,
And the groom is looking for her!

Bride and groom,
Let's go for a swim -
They started kissing!

Bride and groom,
Rolled on the floor
They kissed hard.

Teasing excuses, defensive:

The crocodile walked and walked, swallowed your word, but left mine and put a seal on it!

Nothing hurts, the chicken is happy

And I’ll put up a ladder and rearrange all the letters

Black cash register, and I have the key, stop calling yourself names!

Whoever calls you that name is called that himself!

If you speak to me, you translate to yourself!

I'm the same ten times over!

Don't teach a scientist, eat some smoked shit.

It's funny to you, but it's offensive to me. It's shit for you, but it's jam for me!

If you hit me in the head, you'll fly away on a potty!

Repeat, Uncle Piggy,
And the name is Indian,
Who repeats after me,
he dives into the restroom.
And in the restroom there is a red light,
You dive, but I don’t!

Do you think children only learn to swear from adults? No, they themselves have something in stock. Teasing, calling names, hurting others with offensive words - kids learn all this already in kindergarten from their peers.

Of course, “in the beginning there were adults,” but even if they teach, they teach the most harmless things, like the pedagogically justified “greedy-beef” or “sneak-sneak.” And it’s a rare parent who will teach their baby something like: “Alla, Alla, Alla, I stuffed matches in my nose.” However, children prefer exactly this – more assertive! So that, like a joke, like hooliganism! For adults to react. Well, more offensive, of course. Is it good? At a minimum, this is natural, psychologists say, and in general, it’s even good.

Children's folklore - teasing and name-calling - was, is and will be, because without it there is no childhood. Yes, this is a manifestation of verbal aggression, the first scolding of children, but from this experience children learn to understand what it is like to be the object of someone's ridicule, and learn to resist it.

Whoever calls names calls himself that...

What it is? Children's teasing and name-calling are a phenomenon of children's folklore, an obligatory part of the children's subculture; they naturally reflect all human shortcomings. This genre reflects children’s life, their attitude to the world around them, the relationships between them, and child psychology.

Children's teasing and name-calling are aimed at identifying some characteristic that a person does not like - glasses, hair color, fatness, thinness, height, a name that rhymes with something. Or behavior that goes beyond the boundaries of morality accepted in society is humiliated: sneaking, greed, tearfulness. Name-calling based on nationality is also common; it exists and has existed everywhere, in all societies. And in children's too.

Linguists believe that offensive words such as name-calling and teasing have existed since very ancient times - from those very times when people tried to intimidate enemies with words, tore their shirts, smeared their faces and used other various military traditions.

What are they needed for? Children's teasing can be called a kind of elementary school of life morality. A child who finds himself in a group of his own kind understands that this is not a home where there are only affectionate parents, here is life, with all its difficulties and even sorrows. And, alas, you also need to get used to this. And learn to fight back! Usually the offender tries to call the person “weak”, thus outlining for himself the psychological boundaries of what is permitted, and provoking the other to defend, build and defend his boundaries. Mutual education, training, hardening takes place. Thus, teasing and name-calling perform an educational function, helping a child who is being offended to defend himself in the form of verbal defense, training emotional stability and self-control. It is also important that teasing verbally removes children’s aggression - they speak out and go their separate ways. Children's teasing and name-calling are a way to establish norms of behavior in the children's community. For example, they can tease in order to warn about something: “Snatch-snatch, Pickled cucumber, Lying on the floor, Nobody eats it.” In other words: if you tell lies, no one will be friends with you.

What should someone who is being teased do? Firstly, you should behave correctly within your community, for example, a kindergarten group. Don't stand out! Then there will be no chance of even teasing by name. (Although the variant of teasing, as flirting or coquetry, also, of course, takes place, such as pulling girls’ pigtails). And if you stand out, know how to stand up for yourself. Secondly, parents need to teach children to perceive teasing correctly and adequately. The goal of all teasing is to hurt your opponent by making him look funny, which means this goal should not be achieved! The best option is to respond to a tease with a tease, to “make excuses”, to give verbal change. And under no circumstances should you give in to fear, anger, or resentment. Parents of offenders, in addition to the need to rein in estranged offspring, being upset about this, should take into account that a large vocabulary (in poetry, especially) is a sign of the high intelligence of their children, because memorizing or even independently selecting rhymes is a rather difficult task. Another thing is that the channel of this intellect should be redirected.

Variety of species

Precise in sound and maximally offensive in essence - this is the ideal of children's teasing and name-calling. The genre of children's folklore, the teaser, assumes almost any rhymed form: from more or less aesthetically complete - in two words, to full-fledged teaser-verses. By the way, teasers in verse help speech therapists a lot in developing and correcting the speech of their little charges, because they are remembered quickly and with pleasure. And how they are used later!

The most common subject of children's teasing is names. Fortunately, you can find a rhyme for any name. They call people names based on their appearance, behavioral characteristics, mental characteristics, character traits. The so-called absurd teasers are very interesting. The random stringing of words here is not at all accidental. Here, humor is carved out of the absurd, which children understand perfectly well. Such teasers can be compared to Kharms’s poems, so beloved by children.

Teases are used:

* as a habitual appeal to someone who is always offended (for example, to a fat child);
* as a way to attract attention (for example, from people of the opposite sex);
* as a randomly coined rhyming, well-suited and funny definition of a shortcoming or situation.

Teasers that make fun of this or that quality and teaser warnings:

These teasing and name-calling are aimed at ridiculing specific negative, from the point of view of the offender, qualities. And also warnings.

Give me some milk.
What is the price?
Three spots.

Greedy beef, pickled cucumber
You lie on the floor, no one eats you.

I imagined the first grade,
I took it and went to the resort,
I got sick at the resort
And he died under the bench.

I imagined my tail between my legs
And she ran under the stove,
And there's a crocodile under the stove
I swallowed the imaginary.

There is a Jam in our class -
Instead of a nose - a nail puller!

Repeat - Uncle Piggy
I licked the whole trash heap
And he didn't say thank you.

Repeat - Uncle Piggy,
And the name is Turkey.
I licked all the plates,
And he didn’t say thank you!

Stuffed with sausages
She's angry with me.

Evil chocolate.

Who doesn't eat it?
Well done!

Lying on the floor
Nobody eats it.

Crybaby, polish, shoe polish,
There's a hot pancake on your nose!

Salty sneak,
Boiled over the fire!

Cockroach food!

Bass drum,
Who plays it?
That nasty cockroach.

Teases making fun of appearance:

Fat, fat,
Passenger train!

Fat-industrial plant,

The fat barrel gave birth to a son,
And my son has no ears,
At least sew on the ties.

Fat donut
Give me a ticket:
There is nothing to light the stove!

Who has 4 eyes?
he looks like a diver.

Regimental commander -
Nose to the ceiling
Ears to the door
And he himself is like a sparrow!

Red-red, freckled,
killed my grandfather with a shovel.

Toothless hag,
The cat gave birth to you
The priest baptized you
And he pulled down his pants.

shameless redhead!

Name teasers:

Agashka - Dirty shirt.

Akulina from above
Strangled the gander.
The gander squeaks
He's carrying a hundred rubles.

Andryukha - pig's ear.

Anna - Banna,
The leg is wooden
Damn fat
Drive, don't stop.

Alka is a jump rope.

Anna-bath, shoe polish,
There's a hot pancake on my nose.

Boris is the leader of the dead rats.
And his wife, Larisa, is a wonderful rat.

Valyuha - without an ear.

Vasya with a scythe,
Don't run in a lane
Run on a perch
Shake your face.

Vladik is a pancake.

Vovka is a carrot.

All Veras are fools beyond measure.
Varvara - Higher than the barn!

Curious Varvara's nose was torn off at the market!

Verka is a snuffbox!

Jackdaw jump rope

Dinka is a piece of ice!

Dina - rusty trolley

Dunka is a bloke,
Blow up the fire
Kiss Me.

Zinka - basket,
Elastic band in front
Rear drum -
In all cities.

Inca pig.

Inca picture.

Irka is a hole.

Katya, Katya, Katerina,
A picture is drawn,
And from a painting to a portrait,
There is no better Katya than ours.

Katerina - kitten,
Fat pig,
Rolled down the hill
Salom choked.

Kostik is a rusty nail.

Lena - snot up to her knees!

Lenka - foam, sausage,
wasp on a string.

Larisa is a rat.

Lidka - snail,
Pull out your horns
I'll give you a piece of the pie.

Lisa is a suck-up.

Maha Dashing - crushed the rooster
She went outside and killed a chicken.

Masha let go of her braids,
And behind her are all the sailors.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
He threw his fur coat onto the barn,
The fur coat is spinning, Kolya is angry!

Natasha is a poop.

Olga is a fool
I blew into the forest,
I went to the forest
I found a penny
I bought soap
I washed the stigma.

Fields, Fields, Pelageya, Three buttons on the neck, Four on the side, The nose is full of tobacco.

Sonya is Monya.

Sonya is a fool, Sonya is a fool, I fell in love with a plasterer,
The plasterer is not a fool,
I bought Sonya a cap,
Sonya began to put on
Kiss the plasterer.

Sveta is candy.

Sergey - sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons!
The pigeons are afraid
They sit on the roof.

Tanya - sour cream,
The cat ran
I licked the sour cream.

Thekla, Thekla
I baked pancakes,
Dropped the frying pan
She broke her head.

Fedya - copper,
Ate a bear.

Shura is a fool
I blew into the forest,
I ate bark
She told everyone.

Julia is a saucepan.

Universal name teaser for boys:

(any name) - raven-raven-sparrow
I drank a jar of snot.

Absurd teasers:

Whoever has a checkered shirt looks like a stool.

It's Sunday
Girls - jam,
And to the stupid boys -
A thick stick on the sides.

I'll tell you in your ear
About the green frog.
Do not tell anybody,
Because it's you.

Your eyes are wet.
If you cry for a long time,
You will begin to croak like a frog.

Lips, lips two arshins,
A car runs across your lips,
Head of the machine - driver:
“Lips stop, stop!”

Strongman Bambula lifted four chairs!
But he barely lifted the match in three weeks!

Say “glue” - drink a jar of snot

Say “basement” - the skeleton kissed you.

Say "towel"! – You have two Germans in your nose!

Situational teasing

They deceived a simpleton
Four fists
And one more fist -
It turns out to be a fool!

Fool fooled
Four fists
And the fifth one blew away,
May you be inflated!

Fool fooled
Four fists.
Another fist, completely stupid.

Crybaby, polish, shoe polish
There's a hot pancake on your nose!

Bride and groom,
Suddenly the bride is under the bed,
And the groom is looking for her!

Bride and groom,
Let's go for a swim -
They started kissing!

Bride and groom,
Rolled on the floor
They kissed hard.

Teasing excuses, defensive:

The crocodile walked and walked, swallowed your word, but left mine and put a seal on it!

Nothing hurts, the chicken is happy

And I’ll put up a ladder and rearrange all the letters

Black cash register, and I have the key, stop calling yourself names!

Whoever calls you that name is called that himself!

If you speak to me, you translate to yourself!

I'm the same ten times over!

Don't teach a scientist, eat some smoked shit.

It's funny to you, but it's offensive to me. It's shit for you, but it's jam for me!

If you hit me in the head, you'll fly away on a potty!

Repeat, Uncle Piggy,
And the name is Indian,
Who repeats after me,
he dives into the restroom.
And in the restroom there is a red light,
You dive, but I don’t!

Funny name-calling (teasers) is part of folklore, dating back to the times when people tried to intimidate their opponents with words and actions. Using a name is an attempt to cause tangible personal harm. Over time, the use of teasing became the property of children aged 6 to 12 years (children's satire), contributing to their personal development, and in older companies - a manifestation of a sense of humor and a decoration for any party.

Children's teases

Children begin calling names in kindergarten, carrying out a kind of psychodiagnostic procedure: they determine the place of the object of ridicule in the social hierarchy. If a child fights back, he is usually left alone. They tease those who are weaker emotionally: they get offended, cry, and run to complain to adults. It is important for parents to support their child, which includes the following points:

  • Explanation: funny name-calling is often just a way of playing, where it is not the content that is important, but successful rhyming (“ Arkhip - old mushroom», « Natasha is a blotter»).
  • Anti-teasing training, which is the most correct response to verbal aggression (“ Whoever calls names calls himself that,” “Ha-ha! It doesn’t hurt me - the chicken is happy»).
  • If the teases concern appearance (fat, thin, long, club-footed) or character traits (sneak, mischief, greedy), it is necessary to analyze why this is happening.

This may be a signal to correct something in the child’s behavior or change his reaction to teasing. If the child does not show the expected emotions, the meaning of the name-calling disappears.

Teen teasing

And after 12 years, children call each other names. There are three types of teasers:

  • Mockery (funny name calling): “ Lisa - queen of striptease».
  • Underdresses (teasers designed for simpletons): -Say “glue”! -Glue! -Seal your mouth with a bow!
  • Teasers revealing socially condemned character traits: “Julia is a capricious person”. The poem presented in the picture above tells how Oleg stands out among his friends.

In adolescence, the latter type of teasing is more common. It is capable of causing serious distress in the person being teased if he has not mastered it at an earlier age. From this period, everyone knows the common name-calling in poems that are passed down from generation to generation (shown in the picture below).

Funny name-calling for adults

The use of teasing by adults is a game, a return to a happy childhood, a demonstration of a sense of humor and the ability to rhyme. During children's quarrels, poetic lines were the most convincing arguments. The winner was not the one who was more right, but the one who knew more rhyming phrases. During the verbal battle, the reason for the disagreement was forgotten, and the children again resumed the interrupted activities, spending time together. The quarrel grew larger if the teasing was offensive.

It is unacceptable for adults to use offensive statements about a person’s appearance or character, but the funniest name-calling is those where there is a subtle hint of the addressee’s personality traits. That is why in friendly companies the ability to cause laughter with recognizable teases without harming those present is valued. Where should you start to master the ability to write name-calling (teases tied to your friends' names)?

Selection of rhyme

The first step is the ability to choose an interesting rhyme. To do this, it is necessary to consider all options for using the name, which will give scope for creativity. For example, Mikhail ( crushed), Misha ( poster), Mishenka ( darling), Mishutka ( joke), Mishulya ( grandpa), Mikha ( hype); Ivan ( pocket), Vania ( bathhouse), Vanyusha ( ears), Vanyatka ( bribe), Vanek ( trickle); Irina ( painting), Ira ( bully), Irinka ( speck), Irisha ( roof), Irusya ( grandma), Irene ( businessman). To make funny name-calling, you need to decide what disapproved personality quality or behavior the rhyming line will be aimed at.

One of the most common faults is drunkenness. How can different names approach the same problem from unexpected angles?

  • Valera drinks excessively.
  • Tolik is a 100% alcoholic.
  • Gena loves drinking and cheating.
  • Vasya will certainly ferment.
  • Vadim is the master over the bottle.
  • Ivan likes to look into his glass.
  • Anton drinks champagne in the car.

Before the name you can use a common phrase, then you get a short poem: “ They named you Matvey, pour it to your friends quickly”, “If your name is Tolik - a 100% alcoholic».

Homemade preparations

If competition is expected in a friendly company, you cannot do without universal rhyming lines, where you can substitute almost any name. The following template is suitable for the topic of drunkenness:

Pasha (Seva, Igor, Petya) is no fool for a drink, drinks buckets of cognac To.

You can compose blanks for consonant names. For example, to the following: Roman, Ivan, Kolyan. Stubbornness can be ridiculed.

A guy named Ivan is not a sheep in life - he is a ram.

For Misha, Grisha and Tisha, funny name-calling has many options:

But Misha’s friend is going crazy.

I often see my friend Grisha only on clown posters.

If you want to borrow from Tisha, he will definitely not hear your request.

If there are established couples in the company, it is appropriate to unite loving hearts in a teaser:

If your friend's name is Sasha, Natasha is waiting for him in the bedroom.

Topics for name-calling

If a single theme is chosen for all the names of friends, it will look original:

What Seva has in his trouser leg on the left, Slava has in his trouser leg on the right. Our Stas will break all records - he is an ace for women in bed. Maybe, however, Sergei can catch up, if, of course, he is not gay. If speed is needed, Eduard will try like a cheetah. For smoke breaks lovers, Yura is always ready here.

Funny name-calling for friends can relate to getting them into funny situations: losing pieces of clothing, being called “on the carpet” to the boss, being caught by surprise:

Grishka, Grishka, lost his pants. But now, without words, he walks around without any pants at all..

The funnier it is:

Elena got a wasp on her nose by a mosquito. For violence, she... ate an evil mosquito!

But there are topics that are inappropriate in friendly companies. This is ridiculing physical disabilities, using offensive nicknames, discussing situations unknown to the majority of those present. The main criterion for choosing a topic should be the intended attitude of the recipient himself to the teaser.

Akulina from above

Strangled the gander.
The gander squeaks
He's carrying a hundred rubles.

Anna - Banna,
The leg is wooden
Damn fat
Drive, don't stop.

Alka is a jump rope.

Anna-bath, shoe polish,
There's a hot pancake on my nose.

Nyura walked into the water,
Tied my head
How about Misha, Mr.
I wanted to take one out
And how does Manka come to the rescue -
Nyurka's leg was torn off.

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said: “Delicious!”

Valya is a fool, she blew into the forest,
She ate cones, she told us to.
We don't want, we want:
"Hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha!"

Valka is a fashionista,
Vegetable gardener!

Varvara -
Higher than the barn!

Jackdaw jump rope

Dunka is a bastard,
Blow up the fire
Kiss Me.

Zinka - basket,
Elastic band in front
Rear drum -
In all cities.

Inca Pig,
Inca picture

Katya, Katya, Katerina,
A picture is drawn,
And from a painting to a portrait,
There is no better Katya than ours.

Katerina - kitten,
Fat pig,
Rolled down the hill
Salom choked.

Lidka - snail,
Pull out your horns
I'll give you bread
A piece of pie.

Aunt Malanya -
Lamb's head
Damn fat
Fresh loaf.

Ninka is a basket!
Elastic band in front
Behind the drum
A cockroach is playing.

Olga is a fool
I blew into the forest,
I went to the forest
I found a penny
I bought soap
I washed the stigma.

Fields, Fields, Polagea,
Three buttons on the neck,
Four on each side
Nose full of tobacco.

Sonya is a fool
Sonya is a fool
I fell in love with the plasterer
The plasterer is not a fool,
I bought Sonya a cap,
Sonya began to put on
Kiss the plasterer.

Tanya - sour cream,
The cat ran
I licked the sour cream.

Thekla, Thekla
I baked pancakes
Dropped the frying pan
She broke her head.

Shura is a fool
I blew into the forest,
I ate bark
She told us
We didn't eat.

By boys' names


Costs three pennies:
The neck is a penny,
Altyn - head,
Two money per leg -
That's all his price is.

Alyoshka is good,
Covered in leather.

There's a louse.

Aleshka's mother
She was going to die.
Didn't die to die
Just spent time.

Andrey - sparrow,
A frog is on the move.

I made a hat out of nails.
He goes to boast
The nails are falling.

Alyoshka - flatbread
Mother is a potato
Father is a cucumber.

Alyosha - three pennies,
The neck is a penny,
Altyn - head,
Three money - a leg,
The back and the peritoneum -
Four altyns.

Alekha - Alexey,
The bosom is full of mice.

Andrey - sparrow,
Don't peck hemp:
The hemp trees are crackling,
Sparrows squeak.
Don't bite the sand
Don't get your socks dirty.

Andrey - sparrow,
Don't bite the sand
Don't dull your toes.

Andrey - sparrow,
I slept on the Povet,
Vorobyov carried.

Anton is a hedgehog!
Where are you crawling?
You crawl into a hole -
You won't crawl out.
Anton sells a bathhouse,
Anthony doesn't give
Antonia is crying,
They jump in Spanish.

Arkashka - cockroach,
Arkan - cockroach.

Antoshka - potato,
straw leg,
Himself from the nails,
Elbow head.

Boris - barberry,
Chairman of the fat rats!

Boris is the leader of the dead rats.
And his wife, Larisa, is a wonderful rat.
And his son, Ivan, is a wonderful idiot.

Borka - Boris
Hanging by a thread!
The thread is cracking
And Borechka squeaks!

Pinocchio - long nose,
Picking up the dung!

Borka - Boris
Hanging by a thread!
The thread is cracking
And Borechka squeaks!

Borka - Boris
The market has gone sour!
I took the carrots to the market,
They don’t take it at the market
They fight for the ears.

Borka oblique
I went to the salt
I didn't buy salt
And he laid the mare down.

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
I bought a horse without a tail!
Sat backwards
And I went to the garden.
Ate a pumpkin of cabbage
He growled: “How delicious!”

Like on Vanka’s nose
The devils ate sausage.

Gena-foam, give me a log,
There is nothing to light the stove!
And smoke comes from the stove,
Gena is leading the young lady.

Ivanushka the Fool
Got into the habit of going to a tavern,
Tyatka will come -
He'll give it to you.

Ivan is a fool
Fell from the bell tower
I've been rolling for three years,
I choked on dust.

Vaska - Vasyuk,
Fly to bitches
They're fighting a cat there
They'll give you a paw.

Vaska - Vasenok,
Skinny pig
Stuck in the grass
Shouts: "Meow"
I won’t get out!”

Vasya with a scythe,
Don't run in a lane
Run on a perch
Shake your face.

Vitya-titya - toddler
I ate a watermelon from my grandmother,
Grandma swears
Vitya unlocks it.

Vitya, Vitya is a little king!
Mom doesn't give titi!
Vitya cries and yells -
Everyone is invited to the factory!

Vovka - carrot,
There's a rifle in front
Rear drum -
In all cities!

Like a mountain eagle
At the top of the Caucasus,
Our Vovan is sitting on the edge of the toilet!

Grishka - yaryzhka,
Bare ankle.

Grishka, Grishka
Stole an ax
Escape to the yulelet;
Escape to my brother
Stole a hut;
Escape to father
Stole a sheep.

Grishenka the Fool
Got into the habit of going to a tavern,
They beat him there
They beat him
With four clubs,
Heel - aspen -
I drove it on the sides.

Our Danila was driving
On a gray mare;
The mare fell
The skin is not lost:
Boots made from skin,
From the hooves - scallops,
It was twitching from the tail,
He played the violin.

Guard! Guard!
Uncle Mitya drowned!
Neither in the swamp, nor in the river,
Just in sour milk.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Yegor is coming.
The girls loved him
They fed us butter porridge;
Buttered porridge, painted spoon,
The spoon bends, the nose shakes, the soul rejoices.

Our Yegorka is a hero,
A blister appeared on my nose.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
Stay at home, don't go out,
Don't look out the window
Don't tease girls.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
He threw his hat on the barn,
The hat is spinning
Kolya is angry.

None at Luke's
No salt, no flour,
No butter for pancakes.

Oh, Grandpa Martyn,
Don't go to the tyn:
The weather there is great
Will carry the old man, -
The kids will be sorry -
More often they will beat them with a stick.

Mironov's children
They sit on the poveti,
Little shoes are weaving.
Who wants some paws?
To the fat master -
Myron the Red.

"Mishka is a bear,
Teach me to roar."
- “I can, but I don’t dare,
I'm afraid of the owner."

It's rotten at the dump,
laid the egg,
He took him to the market,
They don’t take it at the market
They pull Petka by the ears.

Necessary, red face,
She looks like a Tatar.
Seven hundred piglets
Everyone is hanging on...(name).

Called names with her tail between her legs
And she ran under the bench,
And there's a crocodile under the bench
I swallowed Aunt Motya.

Petka is a fool
Smokes tobacco
Doesn't sleep at home
Steals matches
Kisses girls
His mom is looking for him
And he whistles through the trash heaps.

Sanya is a fool
I bought a talyanka
With a fist,
Climbed into a hole
Blows into the talyanka.

Senka - monk
In cashmere pants
Who will pull the string?
Who will remember the parents?
Remember the slave
Seru mouse in a coffin.

I was taking the woman on a sled,
Sleigh - hop,
Senka - in the forehead!

Sergey - sparrow,
Don't chase pigeons.
The pigeons are afraid
They sit on the roof.

Sergey - bergey,
Red nose,
He stole the priest's pie,
He went to the market
I told all the traders.

Fedya - copper
Ate a bear!
Fell into a hole
He shouted to his mother.

Owl nose
Grew up under the stove!

Yurka, Yurchonok,
White pig!

And very unique genres that reflect not only children’s life or attitude towards the world around them, but also the relationships between children, child psychology. These are the so-called satirical genres: teasers and teases.

Children's teases

Teasers are short, mocking poems that ridicule this or that quality, and sometimes are simply tied to a name. It is believed that teasing passed on to children from an adult environment and grew out of nicknames and nicknames. Later, rhyming lines were added to the nicknames, and teasers were formed. Now a teaser can not only be associated with a name, but also make fun of any negative character traits: cowardice, laziness, greed, arrogance. However, causeless teasing also persisted.


Eaten to the hole,

Somewhat dressed

Your song is sung!

Lisa the suck-up

Bow down!

Suck up, smile

And stay alone!

Beautiful beauty

Everyone likes it from afar

And if you come closer -

You will fall from fear!

Chatterbox, chatter,

Yes, know when to stop!

Chat, chat,

Don't lose your tongue!

Rolling, rolling

Pink dress

Who is this, my friend?

Maybe it's a little bun?

No! In a beautiful dress

Our Masha is rolling!

Come on, bunny, get out!

Why are you hiding in the bushes?

Lower your ears

Otherwise you'll be bruised!

Rolling, rolling

An egg from the hill!

Fashionista imagines

And the whole face is covered in dirt!

Greedy, greedy

Hands are covered in lipstick!

Eat, eat quickly,

But be careful not to get fat!

Gossip girl, gossip girl,

Don't trip on the stairs!

Wrapped up in gossip

And I got confused myself!

Sloth, ha ha ha,

I lay down on my sides,

I wanted to eat

But he can't sit down!

Excuses for teasing

However, for every teaser and name-calling there is an excuse-answer:

Call me names, call me names!

I'll give you change, don't hesitate!

Name-calling, like jackdaws,

They perked up and returned to you!

Call me names, call me names,

Stay without girlfriends!

Call me names until I drop

If you fall, I'll be glad!

Call me names, even make me hoarse,

Nothing sticks to me!

You call yourself like that

Because I'm a weakling myself!

On your name-calling

I have an answer!

Call me names, call me names,

Blow up like a frog!

Kva-kva, kva-kva -

That's all your words!

Answer me, I will answer

I'll meet you around the corner with a baton!


Another form of ridicule is teasing - a kind of verbal games. They are based on dialogue, and dialogue is designed to take a person at his word. Most often it begins with a question or request.

Say: "Doe"!

Get off, leave me alone!

Say: "Zhora"!

Stop eating, glutton!

Say: "Tit"!

It's time for you to get married!

Say: "Cucumber"!

You're not great!

Say: "Forest"!

Your brother is a fool!

Say: "Oh"!

Your sister with a beard!

Say: "Three"!

Wipe your nose!

Say: "Birch"!

Dry your tears!

Say: "Oats"!

Grab your nose!

Say: "Night"!