Documents included in the pension file. Formation of pension and personal files, methods of storing them

Gift ideas

In order to do so, you need to submit documents to the pension fund at your place of residence. If you work, you can transfer the documents through an intermediary, and if not, then in person.

You must submit both copies and originals of documents. The latter will be returned after registration is completed.

The pension fund employee will check the submitted documents. First, he checks the consistency of your personal data by comparing them between the submitted documents and your passport. He also checks whether the applicant is registered with another pension fund. Also checks the grounds for receiving a pension. Availability of details. All numbers, dates, seals, organization names and signatures.

After the official has received the application and the necessary documents, he is obliged to transfer them within ten days to the authorities that are responsible for assigning pensions. The time it takes for authorities to review documents may vary. It all depends on the queue, as well as the data specified in the documents.

Payment of pensions is carried out no later than one month from the date of registration of the pension file.

Timely submission of necessary documents

After the fund employee is convinced of the correctness and authenticity of the documents, a statement is written. It needs to be logged.

The log includes the following data:

  • document serial number
  • date of presentation
  • type of pension
  • last name, first name and patronymic
  • pension date
  • wages
  • pension amount

Some data must be presented along with the application, and some after registration.

End of registration

When, the applicant is given back the originals of all documents, not including the work book. A receipt will also be issued. It will include your initials as well as documents that still need to be submitted. The deadline for their submission will also be indicated here.

Now the employee begins registration. When it is ready, the employee will double-check all the necessary data. After this, he puts his signature on the protocol. If the case does not raise any doubts, it will be referred to the head of the department. He also signs.

If everything is in order and the case has been assigned, it is transferred to the Center for payment of pensions. He issues a certificate. The applicant receives it along with the work book.

Refusal to register a case

If the registration of the case was refused or errors were found, it is transferred to the commission for further consideration.

Refused cases can only be considered in the presence of the applicant. The decision is made indicating the reasons for the refusal. If the applicant does not appear before the commission within five working days, he will be informed of the decision made.

Must be provided in writing. The reasons must be indicated. If the applicant does not agree with the decision, he has the right to submit documents directly to the social security department.

Lists of people filing pension files

At the beginning of each year, enterprises create lists of people who will reach retirement age next year. They will be created in an order that depends on the worker's date of birth.

The list contains the employee’s personal data, profession, name of the place where he worked and length of service.

For workers included in these lists, the company begins preparing documents for registering a pension file. The enterprise is obliged to inform the employee about the possibility of registering a pension file before reaching retirement age.

Disability pension case

Not only people with work experience have the right to register a pension file. Some may receive a pension. However, illness or injury can occur both at work and outside of it. What documents are needed for this?

The following documents must be provided:

  1. Identification code.
  2. Documents on work experience. Not always available.
  3. Salary certificate. Not always available.
  4. Documents about place of residence.
  5. Document confirming disability. In most cases, such a document is requested by the pension fund itself, directly from the medical commission.

The pension will be paid to disabled people from the date of receipt of disability, but only if the application for its receipt is submitted no later than three months from the date of receipt of the disability itself.

Survivor's pension

A pension can be received in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. The documents are the same, but you also need a death certificate of the breadwinner, a certificate of his family composition, as well as a document proving that the applicant was supported by the breadwinner.

A survivor's pension is received from the moment of loss of the breadwinner, but only if the application for its receipt is submitted no later than 12 months from the date of death.

The monthly pension is paid no later than the 25th. The pension can be handed over to the pensioner personally or to his authorized representative (if he has the necessary documents and powers of attorney). It can also be transferred to a bank account.

Transferring from one type of pension to another

There are times when you can switch from one to another more profitable type of pension. For example, a disabled person who has reached retirement age and has work experience. Or an old-age pensioner has lost his breadwinner.

A person who is entitled to various options for receiving pensions can choose one according to his desire. Again, you need to submit an application and everything to formalize the case.

As you can see, registering a pension file is quite simple. To do this, you just need to collect all the necessary documents and also verify their authenticity. It will take some time to complete the case.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    When creating a pension file, supporting certificates are provided. Question: Is the list of provided certificates kept in the pension file?


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    Even when hiring, the future employee is required to provide an insurance certificate. If there is no insurance certificate, then when concluding an employment contract or a civil contract, the employer sends the employee’s data and the completed questionnaire to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund within two weeks. An insurance certificate with SNILS is issued within three weeks and is first transferred to the employer, who issues it to the employee. You can also obtain an insurance certificate yourself - from the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence.

    To do this, you must present your passport and fill out a form. In this case, issuing an insurance certificate with SNILS takes three weeks. The same procedure goes through those who voluntarily make contributions to their future pension to the Russian Pension Fund for themselves or for another person.

    From the moment of registration, the Pension Fund opens an individual personal account for the citizen with an insurance number - SNILS.

    The insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (green plastic card) is a document confirming the registration of a citizen in the compulsory pension insurance system. It contains the following information:

    Individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);

    Last name, first name, patronymic of the insured person;

    Date and place of birth;

    Date of registration in the compulsory pension insurance system. Since 2014, the reception of personalized accounting information during the inter-reporting period for assigning a pension to an insured person upon his application is carried out using the SPV-2 form.

    Table 2

    Rules for filling out the SPV-2 form


    2.Filling rules

    3. Compulsory filling

    Policyholder details:

    Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia

    The number under which the employer is registered as a payer of insurance premiums is indicated, indicating the codes of the region and district according to the classification adopted by the Pension Fund of Russia

    Required to fill out.
    The registration number of the Pension Fund is communicated to the employer by the territorial body of the Pension Fund.


    The short name of the organization is indicated

    Required to fill out


    Indicate the taxpayer identification number and reason code for registration

    Required to fill out

    Insured person category code

    Filled in accordance with the parameter classifier of the same name

    Required to fill out

    Compilation date on

    The expected date of establishment of the labor pension is indicated. To be filled out as follows:

    DD month name YYYY

    Required to fill out

    Date of submission to the Pension Fund

    To be filled out as follows:
    DD name of the month YYYY. The date of receipt of documents by the territorial body of the Pension Fund is indicated.

    To be completed by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia

    Continuation of table 2




    Reporting period

    The period for which information is provided is indicated. Reporting periods are recognized as the first quarter, half a year, nine months of the calendar year, and the calendar year, which are designated respectively as “3”, “6”, “9” and “0”

    Required to fill out

    Information about the insured person:

    Last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

    Required to fill out

    Insurance number

    Similar to the details of the SZV-1 form of the same name

    Required to fill out

    Information type

    “corrective” - a form submitted for the purpose of changing previously submitted information about the insured person;

    Required to fill out

    If the original form submitted was returned to the employer due to errors, the original form will also be submitted in its place.

    If the original form contained information that does not correspond to reality, then the corrective form contains information in

    Continuation of table 2




    “cancelling” - a form submitted for the purpose of completely canceling previously submitted information about the insured person

    in full, and not just corrected ones. The information in the corrective form completely replaces the information in the original form.

    In the cancellation form, fill in the details up to the details “Period of work for the last three months of the reporting period

    Operating period for the last three months of the reporting period:

    Start of period from ( End of period to (

    The dates must be within the period from the day following the end of the reporting period preceding the reporting period on which the expected date of establishment of the labor pension falls, to the expected date of establishment of the labor pension.
    Periods of administrative leave, temporary disability, rotational leave, etc. indicated using parameter classifier codes (Appendix 1)

    Continuation of table 2




    Territorial conditions (code)

    Special working conditions (code). Calculation of insurance period basis (code). More information

    Conditions for early assignment of a labor pension. Base (code)
    More information

    Similar to the details of the SZV-1 form of the same name.
    If an employee performs work full-time during a part-time work week, periods of work are reflected based on the time actually worked.
    If the employee performs work part-time, the volume of work (share of the rate) in this period is reflected

    Similar to the details of the SZV-1 form of the same name. For insured persons employed in the work specified in subparagraphs 1-18 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (if the class working conditions at the workplace for this job complied with

    harmful and (or) dangerous class of working conditions established based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions), codes of special working conditions are indicated only in the case of accrual (payment) of insurance premiums at an additional rate. In the absence of accrual (payment) of insurance premiums at an additional tariff, codes of special working conditions are not indicated

    Filled out when the insured person works in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in the exclusion zone, zone of residence with the right to resettlement, zone of residence with preferential socio-economic status, zone of residence with the right of resettlement and the resettlement zone of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

    The assignment of a pension, recalculation of its size and transfer from one type of pension to another are made upon the application of a citizen. In this case, an application for a pension, recalculation of its size and transfer from one type of pension to another can be carried out at any time after the right to a pension arises, recalculation of its size or transfer from one type of pension to another without any time limit.

    An application for recalculation of the pension amount is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the location of the pension file of the pension recipient.
    Reception of documents at the territorial office of the Pension Fund.
    When accepting documents, an employee of the local pension authority sequentially (in stages) carries out an appropriate check of the submitted documents:

    1) identifies the applicant’s documents; checks the compliance of the applicant’s last name, first name, patronymic, entered in all documents, with the data of the passport, work book, documents on earnings, etc.; the discrepancy between the documents belonging to this person is established in court;

    2) checks the applicant’s passport data with the data in his pension application; checks whether the applicant receives a pension on another basis or from another ministry or department (the work book contains a note from the pension authority about the assignment of the type of pension); 3).checks the presence of all necessary details in the documents - document numbers, dates, names of organizations, surnames (I.O.), grounds for issuing documents, signatures, seals and other things;

    4) if documents are submitted by a representative of the organization, then he checks the timeliness of submission for the assignment of a pension.

    After checking all the documents, the application is registered in the register of applications and submissions for the assignment of a pension by the local pension authority. The log includes the following data:

    Serial number of the document;

    The date of its receipt;

    Last name, first name, patronymic;

    Type of pension;

    The date of her appointment;

    Protocol number;

    All types of experience;

    Amount of earnings;

    Pension amount.

    Some of the data is entered when accepting the application, and the rest - after the pension is assigned.

    After registration, the original documents (except for the work book and documents on work experience) are returned to the applicant or representative of the organization and a receipt is issued for the receipt of documents. This receipt indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, the date of receipt of documents, a note is made about the missing documents and the deadline for their submission. If documents that raise doubts are discovered during reception, they must be replaced or checked with access to the place where the documents were issued.

    After checking the documents, the employee of the local pension authority draws up a pension file and calculates the pension.

    Pensions are assigned using appropriate computer programs, where all the following procedures are performed automatically. A fully completed pension file is submitted for verification to a leading specialist, who checks the applicant’s right to a pension, its size, the right to its increase and bonuses, the term of appointment, the correctness of all documents and the pension file. After the inspection, the specialist puts his signature on the decision protocol. Next, the pension files are submitted for signature to the head of the pension authority, who signs the cases that do not raise doubts.

    After the pension is assigned, the files are transferred to the accounting department of the pension authority or sent to the center for the calculation and payment of pensions. An employee of the local pension authority issues a pension certificate, which is issued to the applicant or the responsible representative of the organization that submitted the documents, against signature, along with the original documents (for example, a work book, birth certificate, diploma of higher professional education, etc.).
    Formation of a pension case
    1) All data about the pensioner is entered into a single automated journal. After receiving the application and documents, the applicant and the representative of the organization are given a receipt printed on a computer.

    2) When making a decision to grant a pension, the date and number of the protocol are automatically recorded in a unified automated journal (in a special section for registering protocols). When a pension case is received for payment, it is automatically assigned a registration number and the date of receipt is recorded; in turn, all this data is transferred to the general pension information database.

    3) During the assignment of a pension, data on all types of work experience, earnings and other necessary information are entered automatically. At the same time, automated control is carried out over the entered data for a specific applicant. For example, in an automated mode, periods of work are compared and identified according to different documents (main work, time to care for a child, care for a disabled person, etc.), which have common time intervals that can be counted twice. As a result of this operation, all data appears on the computer screen. A printout of the length of service and other data is issued on the computer printer.

    4) When entering information on earnings certificates, all data is checked automatically to determine the availability of information about the payment of insurance premiums by the applicant and his employer.

    5) Using an electronic program, the length of service, average earnings, and amounts of insurance premiums are calculated. After determining the length of service and earnings, the pension is automatically calculated indicating the size and amounts of the basic part of the pension, the insurance part and the funded part of the pension. After that, the “Pension Calculation” and “Pension Assignment Protocol” forms are issued to the printer. They are filed into a single pension file and transferred for control.

    6) Subsequently, all changes in the pension case are recorded in a single automated journal.

    7) Fully completed pension documents undergo appropriate automatic registration.

    8) After completing all the necessary procedures, the employee draws up payment documents that are sent to the relevant organizations. These could be post offices, savings bank branches, or the local pension authority's own pension delivery service.

    The prepared documents are filed by a department specialist in the cover of the pension file in the following sequence:

    Protocol for assigning a pension;

    Form "Calculation of work experience";

    Pension calculation;

    Application for a pension;

    Submission and documents confirming the total length of service and length of service giving the right to a pension for work with special working conditions or for length of service;

    Certificate of earnings;

    Calculation of individual earnings ratio;

    Extract from the inspection report at MREC;

    Other documents required by law for the relevant type of pension.

    All sheets of the pension file are numbered, and the numbers of the sheets containing information about work experience are entered in column 1 of the “Calculation of work experience” form.

    Repeated MREC certificates are filed sequentially at the end of the pension file.

    Computer printouts on the assignment and recalculation of pensions received from the Center for the Accrual and Payment of Pensions and Benefits are pasted on the inside cover of the pension file on the left side. Requests and other correspondence regarding the pension file are stored in an envelope glued to the right cover of the pension file.

    Documents for assigning (recalculating) pensions can be executed on a computer.

    When assigning a pension to the family of a deceased pensioner, the pension file of the deceased and other documents necessary for assigning a pension are filed in the pension file in the order indicated above.

    If a pension is assigned to two or more dependents, at the request of the applicant, one or more (for each dependent) pension files can be filed. In this case, the primary documents about the length of service, earnings and death of the breadwinner are filed in one pension file, and copies of the named documents are filed in other pension files and the number of the pension file where the original documents are located is indicated.

    If dependents live in different areas, then copies of documents are certified by the social protection department, which was the first to accept them in originals.

    The prepared pension file is transferred to the chief specialist for verification. The chief specialist, having examined the documents and checked the correctness of the pension calculation and the registration of the pension file, signs on the “Pension Calculation” form.

    If an error is identified in the prepared pension file or the documents require additional registration, the chief specialist entrusts the elimination of deficiencies to a specialist at the site.

    The pension file verified by the chief specialist is transferred to the head of the department, and, if necessary, to the Commission. In this case, copies of documents not certified in accordance with the procedure established by law are certified by the head of the department with his signature and seal of the department.

    Original documents, with the exception of certificates of length of service and earnings and documents defining the grounds for refusal to grant a pension, after the decision is made, are returned to the representative of the employer, correctional labor institution or the applicant against a signature on the back of the application form. Copies of them are filed in the pension file.

    Refused pension files are filed in the manner prescribed above.

    After the decision to assign a pension is made, the pension file is returned to the specialist of the department (site), who enters into log of statements and submissions... relevant entries: the date of the decision, the duration of general and special work experience, the period for which earnings were calculated to determine the individual coefficient, the individual coefficient of the pensioner’s actual earnings and the amount of the pension as of the date of appointment, the period of its appointment (recalculation). Correction of entries is not permitted.

    After filling out the journal, the pension file is transferred within 3 days to the Center for the Accrual and Payment of Pensions and Benefits to process documents for payment of the pension.

    In cases where the paperwork for the payment of pensions is completed directly in the department, the procedure for transferring the relevant information to the Center for the calculation and payment of pensions and benefits is determined by the department in agreement with the Center.

    When transferring from one pension to another, the name of the previous type of pension is crossed out on the front cover of the pension file and the name of the new type of pension is underlined. The decision of the department or the Commission on transfer to another type of pension and additional documents submitted are filed in the case.

    Control and responsibility for organizing and complying with the procedure for registering and conducting business related to the assignment of pensions rests with the head of the department.

    Current pension files are stored in numerical order.

    Pension files of pensioners living in a boarding house (boarding house, territorial center) for the elderly and disabled, as well as pensioners in prison, are stored in the department of the district in which the boarding house (boarding house, territorial center) is located for elderly and disabled people, a correctional institution, and which pays pensions.

    Pension files of pensioners over whom guardianship has been established are stored in the department at the guardian’s place of residence.

    Pension files for which the payment of pensions has been terminated (suspended) are entered into the register of archival files of the department indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the pension recipient, pension file number, place of residence and storage period of the pension file. These pension files are stored in the archives of the department in alphabetical order.

    Refused pension files are stored separately in the department's archives in alphabetical order.

    Responsibility for the safety of archival documents is assigned to one of the department employees by order of the department head.

    The storage periods for documents and pension files in the archives of the department are determined in accordance with the procedure established by the state archival service.

    1. An application for the assignment of a labor pension to persons working under an employment agreement (contract) and members of their families (for the assignment of a survivor's pension) is submitted through the administration of the enterprise, institution, organization, cooperative at the place of last work.

    Applications for the assignment of labor pensions to members of cooperatives, including collective farms, and their families are submitted through the board of the cooperative.

    2. An application for the assignment of a labor pension to other citizens and their families, as well as for the assignment of a social pension, is submitted directly to the district (city) social protection authority at the applicant’s place of residence.

    In cases where the person to whom the pension is assigned is a minor or incompetent, the application is submitted at the place of residence of his parent or guardian.

    3. An application for transfer from one pension to another, for recalculation of a pension and for the resumption of payment of a previously assigned pension is submitted to the social protection authority at the location of the applicant’s pension file, and, if necessary, at the place of residence of his legal representative (parent or guardian).

    By decision of local government bodies, these applications may be processed according to the rules provided for the assignment of pensions (clause 1 of this Procedure).

    4. An application for a pension can be made at any time after the right to it arises, without limitation by any period.

    An application for an old-age pension can be made before reaching retirement age, but not earlier than a month before the right to this pension arises.

    5. The day of applying for a pension is considered the day the social protection body receives an application for assignment, recalculation, restoration of a pension or transfer from one pension to another with all the necessary documents (if they are not in the pension file).

    If the application is sent by mail and all necessary documents are also attached, then the date of application for a pension is considered to be the date indicated on the postmark of the application.

    In cases where not all necessary documents are attached to the application for a pension, the social protection authority informs the applicant which documents must be submitted additionally. If they are submitted no later than three months from the date of receipt of notification of the need to submit additional documents, then the day of application for a pension is considered to be the day the application for a pension was received or the date indicated on the postmark of the place where the application was sent.


    6. The following documents must be attached to the application for an old-age pension:

    a) about age;

    b) confirming work experience (general and special);

    In addition, if necessary, the following documents must be submitted:

    c) about earnings;

    d) about the birth of a child and his upbringing until the age of eight;

    e) confirming that the applicant’s child was recognized as disabled since childhood or a disabled child;

    f) recognizing the applicant as disabled due to a military injury;

    g) on ​​recognizing the applicant as a visually impaired person of group 1;

    h) about the presence of the applicant’s disease provided for in paragraph “d” of Art. 11 of the Law of the RSFSR "On state pensions in the RSFSR"<*>;

    i) confirming that the applicant has the right to early retirement as an unemployed person;

    j) about the applicant’s dependents of disabled family members;

    k) on recognizing the applicant as in need of outside care (assistance, supervision);

    l) on awarding the applicant with state awards listed in Article 110 of the Law;

    m) certifying that the applicant is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, including among civilian personnel, cabin boys, sons (pupils) of regiments;

    o) confirming that the applicant was unreasonably repressed for political reasons and was subsequently rehabilitated;

    o) certifying that the applicant is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

    p) on living or working in certain areas provided for by the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant”;

    c) refusal to receive a pension during the period of work (Part 2 of Article 22 of the Law).

    7. The following documents must be attached to the application for a disability pension:

    a) on recognition of the applicant as disabled;

    b) confirming work experience;

    c) about age;

    d) about earnings;

    e) about an accident at work;

    f) about the applicant’s dependent family members being disabled;

    g) on ​​recognition of the applicant as needing outside care (assistance, supervision);

    h) on awarding the applicant with state awards listed in Article 110 of the Law;

    i) certifying that the applicant is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, including among civilian personnel, cabin boys, sons (pupils) of regiments;

    j) confirming that the applicant was unreasonably repressed for political reasons and was subsequently rehabilitated;

    k) certifying that the applicant is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

    l) on living or working in certain areas provided for by the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;

    m) on the timing of completion and the basis for dismissal from military service.

    8. The following documents must be attached to the application for a survivor’s pension:

    a) about the death or unknown absence of the breadwinner;

    b) the date and cause of death of the breadwinner;

    c) certifying the age of the person to whom the pension is assigned or recognition of him as disabled;

    d) confirming the family member’s relationship with the deceased breadwinner.

    In addition, if necessary, the following documents must be submitted:

    e) about the age of the breadwinner;

    f) confirming the work experience of the breadwinner;

    g) about an accident that occurred to the breadwinner at work;

    h) certifying the causal connection between the death of the breadwinner and the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

    i) about the earnings of the breadwinner;

    j) about family members of the breadwinner who were dependent on him;

    k) certifying that the person to whom the pension is assigned is undergoing vocational training in full-time educational institutions;

    l) confirming that the parent, spouse, grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister of the deceased, who is engaged in caring for his children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren under 14 years of age, do not work;

    m) on recognition of the person to whom the pension has been assigned as needing outside care (assistance, supervision);

    o) certifying that the person to whom the pension is assigned has been awarded government awards listed in Article 110 of the Law;

    o) certifying that the person to whom the pension is assigned is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, including from among civilian personnel, cabin boys, sons (pupils) of regiments;

    p) confirming that the person to whom the pension was assigned was unreasonably repressed for political reasons and was subsequently rehabilitated;

    c) certifying that the person to whom the pension is assigned is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

    r) on the residence or work of the person to whom the pension has been assigned in certain areas provided for by the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant”;

    s) about the loss of a source of livelihood;

    t) about the terms of completion and the basis for dismissal from military service.

    The application for a pension to the family of a deceased pensioner must be accompanied by the documents specified in subparagraphs "a" - "d", and, if necessary, also the documents specified in subparagraphs "h" and "j" - "y" of this paragraph. A pensioner's earnings are determined based on the documents available in his pension file.

    If a deceased pensioner had the right to recalculate his pension in the manner prescribed by Article 106 or 107 of the Law, but did not apply for such a recalculation, then the relevant documents on the pensioner’s length of service or earnings after the appointment or previous recalculation of his pension are submitted.

    9. The following documents must be attached to the application for a pension for long service:

    a) confirming special work experience;

    b) about earnings.

    In addition, if necessary, the following documents must be submitted:

    c) about age;

    d) confirming the total work experience;

    e) on recognizing the applicant as disabled due to a military injury;

    f) dismissal from flight work due to health reasons or illness (Part 1 of Article 79 of the Law);

    g) certifying that the applicant has been awarded state awards listed in Article 110 of the Law;

    h) certifying that the applicant is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, including among civilian personnel, cabin boys, sons (pupils) of regiments;

    i) confirming that the applicant was unreasonably repressed for political reasons and was subsequently rehabilitated;

    j) certifying that the applicant is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

    k) on living or working in certain areas provided for by the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”;

    l) certifying that the applicant is a 1st class test pilot.

    10. The following documents must be attached to the application for a social pension, depending on the category of the applicant:

    a) the age of the person for whom the pension is assigned;

    b) on recognition of the person to whom the pension is assigned as a disabled person since childhood or a disabled child;

    c) confirming the family relationship of the children with the deceased breadwinner;

    d) about the death or unknown absence of the breadwinner;

    e) on the residence of the person to whom the pension is assigned in certain areas provided for by the Law of the RSFSR of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.”

    11. Recalculation and renewal of payment of a previously assigned pension, as well as transfer from one pension to another are carried out according to the documents available in the pension file.

    When recalculating a pension in accordance with Articles 106 or 107 of the Law to the available documents, the applicant submits documents on additional work experience or earnings determined according to the rules of Article 107, and when switching from one pension to another, he can submit documents on work experience not taken into account in pension case, and about earnings, determined according to the rules of articles 102 or 107 at your choice.

    In addition, if necessary, documents are submitted on the occurrence of other circumstances affecting the amount of the pension: on the establishment, removal or change of a disability group, the appearance of disabled family members dependent on the pensioner, the loss of the right to a bonus for these family members in connection with the pensioner’s admission to work or for other reasons, classifying the applicant as needing outside care (assistance, supervision), recognizing the applicant as disabled due to a military injury, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, repressed for political reasons and subsequently rehabilitated, rewarding the pensioner with government awards listed in Article 110 of the Law and others.

    12. Anyone applying for a pension (regardless of the type of pension) must present a passport proving the identity and place of residence of the applicant.

    A copy of the guardianship authority's decision to appoint a guardian is attached to the guardian's application. Parents and guardians provide documents about their place of residence.

    13. A document confirming the age of the person to whom the pension is assigned is his passport.

    For minor children who do not have a passport, the document certifying their age is a birth certificate.

    The age of the deceased breadwinner is determined on the basis of a death certificate or other document containing the necessary information (if the age is not indicated in the death certificate).

    14. Documents that can be accepted to confirm work experience (general and special) are determined by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

    15. The form of the certificate of earnings submitted for calculating the pension, and the rules for filling it out, are approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

    The specified certificates are issued on the basis of personal accounts, pay slips and other documents on wages paid by the enterprise, institution or organization in which the person applying for a pension or the deceased breadwinner worked, and if it was liquidated or ceased to exist for other reasons, then applications are issued by its legal successor or archival authorities, depending on where the accounting archives of a given enterprise, institution or organization are deposited.

    In cases provided for by law, the following are also accepted for calculating pensions:

    a) certificates of average earnings of a worker of the relevant profession and qualification in the Russian Federation - when calculating pensions for Soviet citizens - immigrants from other countries who did not work in the USSR or the Russian Federation, or for citizens sent to work in institutions and organizations of the former USSR and the Russian Federation or to international organizations;

    c) pay books or certificates issued by trade union bodies, with whose participation work contracts were concluded, indicating the earnings of workers and employees of the relevant profession and qualifications employed at state enterprises and in public service organizations - when calculating pensions for persons working for individual citizens (domestic workers, nannies, secretaries, typists, stenographers, watchmen, gardeners, drivers and others);

    d) certificate of tariff rate (salary).

    Establishing earnings based on testimony is not allowed. Extracts from the staffing table regarding salary by position and union cards cannot serve as documents confirming actual earnings.

    16. Recognition of a person as disabled, as well as the group, cause and period of onset (establishment) of disability is determined on the basis of an extract from the examination report of the medical labor expert commission (VTEK). This extract, after receiving it from the VTEK, is attached by the social protection authority to the pension file.

    Recognition of a child as a disabled child under the age of 16, the period for which the disability is established, is determined on the basis of a medical report from a health care institution.

    When disability occurs (death of the breadwinner) due to a work injury, an accident report (or other official document) is also submitted.

    17. When assigning pensions in accordance with paragraph "a" of Article 11 of the Law, the fact of the birth of a child is established on the basis of a birth certificate, and his upbringing until the age of eight - a passport, death certificate, certificate from housing authorities or rural (settlement) Councils of People's Deputies and other documents.

    Recognition of the applicant's child as disabled since childhood or as a disabled child is certified by an extract from the examination report of the medical and labor expert commission (VTEK), a medical report from a health care institution, a certificate of the recipient of benefits, a certificate from the social security department about the period of receiving benefits and other documents.

    18. The right to early old-age pension in accordance with Part 2 of Article 35 of the RSFSR Law “On Employment in the RSFSR” is established on the basis of the “Proposal of the state employment service to assign an early old-age pension to the unemployed.”

    19. A certificate in the prescribed form is accepted as a document confirming that the applicant is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    20. Residence in certain zones provided for by the RSFSR Law of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster” is confirmed by certificates from local government authorities.

    Work in these zones is confirmed by certificates, certificates and other documents containing the necessary information issued by government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and district (city) military commissariats.

    21. The fact of death, its cause and date is established on the basis of a death certificate issued by the civil registry authorities, and in relation to military personnel whose death occurred during military service - the corresponding document received from the military unit, district (city) military commissariat, Ministry of Defense of the USSR or the Russian Federation, hospital or other military institution.

    In cases where the breadwinner died 3 months after dismissal from military service (from the internal affairs bodies) and his death occurred as a result of a wound, concussion, injury or illness that occurred during the period of service, the social security authority also attaches an extract from the conclusion about the cause of death.

    The unknown absence of a citizen is confirmed by a court decision.

    22. Vocational training of persons aged 18 to 23 years for whom a survivor’s pension is assigned in full-time educational institutions is confirmed by certificates from colleges, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, postgraduate schools , doctoral studies, clinical residencies.

    23. As a document confirming that the parent, spouse, grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister of the deceased, who are caring for his children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren under 14 years of age, are not working, certificates from housing authorities or rural (village) ) Councils of People's Deputies.

    24. The loss of a source of livelihood is established by a decision of the social protection body.

    25. Belonging to those in need of outside care (assistance, supervision) is confirmed by certificates issued by medical advisory commissions (MAC) of health care institutions.

    26. As a document confirming the dependent status of disabled family members, certificates from housing authorities or rural (village) Councils of People's Deputies are accepted. This certificate must indicate: last name, first name, patronymic, year and month of birth, relationship to the applicant or deceased breadwinner of each family member, indicating that they were jointly registered and were dependent on him.

    In the absence of the specified document and the impossibility of obtaining it, the fact of being a dependent may be established by a court decision.

    27. As a document confirming that the applicant was awarded the state awards listed in Article 110 of the Law, certificates for them, order books and other documents containing the necessary information are accepted.

    28. The following documents are accepted as a document confirming family relations: passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate from housing authorities or rural (village) Councils of People's Deputies on family composition, and in certain cases - a court decision.

    29. An extract from a certificate of the established form or a certificate of entitlement to benefits issued by to internationalist soldiers.

    30. As a document confirming that the applicant was unreasonably repressed for political reasons and subsequently rehabilitated, certificates of rehabilitation issued by internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office, the court, as well as copies and extracts from court decisions that terminated criminal proceedings against the applicant are accepted affairs.

    31. The period of completion and the basis for dismissal from military service is confirmed by a certificate from the district (city) military commissariat.

    32. The period during which a pensioner, while working, does not receive a pension, having the right to it, is established by the social protection body on the basis of an application for refusal to receive a pension during the period of work.

    33. The documents required for the assignment of a pension can be submitted both in originals and in copies certified by a notary or a social security authority.

    Documents on work experience are presented only in originals. However, in cases where a work record book serves as evidence of length of service, an extract from it certified by the social protection authority is provided.

    34. At the beginning of each year, for all workers, employees, members of cooperatives who reach retirement age next year, the administration (board) of the enterprise, institution or organization<*>where they work, special lists are compiled based on their personal cards and work books.

    The lists include all employees of a given enterprise who acquire the right to a pension on a general basis, as well as those who have the right to a pension at a reduced age.

    The lists are compiled in chronological order, depending on the employee’s date of birth.

    The list must indicate: last name, first name, patronymic of the employee; year, month and day of birth; name of the structural unit; position (profession); grounds for assigning a pension; total work experience confirmed by documents; special length of service giving the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms or a long-service pension.

    <*>Hereinafter referred to as the administration of the enterprise or the enterprise.

    35. In relation to employees included in these lists, the administration of the enterprise carries out preliminary preparation of documents for the assignment of pensions to them. If necessary, measures must be taken to obtain missing documents and, in appropriate cases, to search for witnesses who, in the employee’s opinion, could confirm the periods of his work.

    Based on all the collected documents, the administration of the enterprise draws up a proposal for granting a pension. The submission form and rules for filling it out are approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation.

    By decision of local government authorities, the preparation of documents necessary for assigning a pension can be carried out in the form of a layout of the pension file.

    36. The administration of the enterprise is obliged, no later than 10 days before the employee reaches retirement age, to notify him of the emergence of the right to a pension.

    If an employee submits an application for a pension, the administration, within 10 days from the date of registration of this application, finalizes all the necessary documents and its submission, familiarizes the applicant with them (against a signature in the submission) and considers the possibility of submitting this employee for a pension.

    If the issue is resolved positively, the documents and presentation, together with the employee’s application, are sent to the social protection authority at the applicant’s place of residence. In the event that the administration of the enterprise has not collected all the documents necessary for assigning a pension, the available documents are submitted to the social protection body, and the missing documents are additionally submitted within the time limits specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure.

    By decision of local government bodies, employees can be submitted for pensions to the social protection body at the location of the enterprise.

    If an employee’s application for a pension is denied, he is notified of this in writing, indicating the reasons for the refusal. In cases where the person applying for a pension does not agree with the decision of the administration, he can submit an application for a pension directly to the social security authority.

    37. Citizens listed in paragraph 2 of this Procedure are provided, if necessary, by the social protection body with assistance in obtaining documents that are missing for the assignment of a pension.

    Social protection authorities are required to provide explanations and information on the assignment of pensions.