Day school camp quest game lost treasure. Game-competition “In Search of Treasure”

For a wedding

Quest game for younger preschoolers in preschool educational institutions “Find the treasure”

Prepared by: teacher Moiseenko Marina Evgenievna.
Description: Treasure hunting is one of children's favorite games, which promotes team unity. The game continues until, step by step, the participants reach the treasure. The tasks are intended for children of primary preschool age.
Target: physical and psychological relaxation of children, receiving positive emotions.
1. Develop in children the ability to navigate the terrain using a map diagram and determine the direction of the route.
2. Form friendly and friendly relationships.
3. Develop strength, agility, endurance, logical thinking.
4. Foster independence and responsibility to the team.
Materials and equipment: map, notes with tasks, audio recording of “Boogie Woogie”, treasure – sand toys.

Educator: Guys! Today we will take you on an exciting journey! I suggest you go in search of the treasure, which is located on the territory of our kindergarten. To find it, you need to complete different tasks at each stop. Only after passing all the obstacles will it be possible to get the treasure.
Educator: A map of the territory of our kindergarten will help us in our search. To find the treasure, you need to follow the map exactly. If we go astray, we will not find the treasure. Let's take a closer look at the map.
Children look at the map and recognize familiar places located on the territory of the kindergarten.

Educator: We will look for treasure today
And, of course, we will get it.
You just have to
Complete all tasks carefully.

Task No. 1
To enter our kindergarten,
You have to go through the gate.
If you look for the note,
You can get to another stage.
Children in a flowerbed near the gate find a note with riddles.

Riddles of the Grandmother-Riddles:
Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit)

“We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf - clicking teeth"
This song was sung loudly
Three funny...(Piglets)

She was a friend of the dwarves
And, of course, you are familiar with... (Snow White)

Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled... (Kolobok)
Q: Well done, guys. Let's see where we should go next, what's shown on the map.

Task No. 2
Where to look for another letter,
I'll tell you the secret now.
We have a fireman's shield in the kindergarten,
You are looking there now,
Look carefully at everything
Don't miss anything
And it will open for you
Our secret at the same time.
Children are looking for a fire shield on the territory of the kindergarten, in which they find the following note.

Physical exercise “There is a pine tree in the yard”
There is a pine tree in the yard, it reaches towards the sky.
Poplar grew up next to her,
He wants to be more authentic.
The wind was blowing strong,
All the trees shook.
The branches bend back and forth,
The wind shakes them, bends them.
Let's squat together -
One two three four five.
We warmed up from the heart
And we rush to the place again.
Educator: Well done!!! And you completed this task!
Task No. 3
Educator: We set off further on our journey. We need to find a pine tree. Children, where are our pine trees?

The children go to the site where the pine trees grow and find the following note with the task in the birdhouse.

We love the dance floor
They must dance on it.
Today we have to try
To rush to another stage.
Children dance to the song "Boogie Woogie".

Task No. 4
We have a veranda in the kindergarten
There is a task hidden for you.
The children go to the veranda and there they find the following note.

Task No. 5
There is a sandbox in the kindergarten,
Look for treasure there.
Carefully and intently
Look around you.
And maybe then
You will find him suddenly.

In the sandbox, children find a treasure - a set of sand toys.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. Together we overcame all the difficulties, together we had fun and interesting completing the tasks.

Goal: strengthening the physical health of children, developing intelligence, and the ability to work together.

Time: 60 min.

Number of participants: from 8 to 40.

Age: from 7 years.

Venue: the entire camp area.

Materials: several sheets of paper, one prize.

Preparing the game: the counselor writes notes that covertly (in verse, allegorically, encrypted) describe the places of the camp territory. Each new note sends participants to the next one. Then the counselor must hide these notes in certain places in the camp. Now you can start the game.

Each team receives the first message and sets off on a signal. Each team runs along its own route, but there is only one note with the “treasure”. You must go through all the stages. At the end, the fastest team finds the final note with the inscription “Treasure” and goes to the counselor for the prize. Optimal number of teams: 3-4.

The sports event scenario is suitable for different ages. The goal of the participants in the sporting event is to win and find the treasure hidden in the camp (the legend of the treasure can be invented depending on what the treasure is). At the beginning, the teams come up with names for themselves and choose captains (1 minute).

I. Only the fastest will find the treasure - relay races (for each stage 1, 2 or 3 points (0 if the team failed at all))

  1. Relay race with a jump rope - jump to the checkpoint and return back, the team whose participants overcome the distance the fastest wins.
  2. Relay race with a skipping rope - take the skipping rope in one hand and jump over the rope to reach the control point, the team whose participants overcome the distance the fastest wins.
  3. Ball relay - bring the ball to the control point and return; the team whose participants cover the distance the fastest wins.
  4. Relay race with three balls (Cheburashka) - 1 ball is held in your knees, the other two in your hands - you need to run to the checkpoint and return with 3 balls in your hands.
  5. Ball relay - bring the ball around the pins with your feet to the control point and return with the ball while running; the team whose participants cover the distance the fastest wins.
  6. Relay with the ball in pairs - hold the ball between your heads and run to the control point, return with the ball sandwiched between your heads.
  7. Relay race with a hoop - jumping over a hoop to get to the checkpoint, return running, with a hoop in hands, the team whose participants cover the distance the fastest wins.
  8. Relay race with a hoop and a ball - one team member (captain) stands on the control line with a hoop, team members take turns dribbling the ball to the control point and throwing from there, trying to hit the hoop (basketball) - you can catch balls with the hoop, the team that throws the most wins balls.
  9. Relay race with a hoop and pins - roll the hoop around the pins, trying not to knock them over, to the checkpoint, then run back with the hoop in your hand.
  10. Relay race with skittles (collect all the skittles) - at the checkpoint there are skittles (you can paste pictures of things necessary when searching for treasure and things that are useless - choose what you need (for speed and intelligence, “wrong” pins can be discarded so that other participants spend less time on choice)) participants run up, take 1 pin and return, the team that collects all the pins wins.

II. Search for a map. Team members must find map pieces (hints) hidden in various objects on the camp territory (each in their own square) (teams must be clearly instructed where to look and what to look for). By collecting these pieces together, you can read the clue (riddle) and determine where there is a treasure. At this stage, teams receive 3, 2 and 1 points.

III. Search for treasure. Using the map (based on a hint), team members search for the treasure - the team that finds the treasure wins.

Travel game "Treasure"

Rules of the game: The game consists of 2 stages. At the first stage, the team collects chests (10 pieces), which at the end of the game must be exchanged for a key. At the second stage, the team collects clues that will need to be used to guess the password word. All competitions are completed within a certain period of time. At each stage, 1 person participates, and the team monitors the time, supports and advises.

Stage 1.

1. Labyrinth

In the playroom, a ball of thread is wound across the tables and chairs. At the start there is a chest tied to a string, and at the finish - scissors. The child must temporarily run the scissors along the thread to the chest, cut the string and pick up the chest.

2. Swamp

There are circles (bumps) with numbers from 1 to 20 laid out on the floor. On some of them the words are written: “only” (3), “attentive” (7), “will receive” (10), “chest” (12), “in” (15), “end” (18), “game” (20). You need to move to the other side only along them, otherwise you will drown. On the other side there are 20 cards with words, including the ones you need. You need to make a phrase out of them (in the order the words appear on the bumps) and glue them with tape. On the back it will be written where to look for the chest. (The chest is in the bottom drawer of the teacher's desk).

3. Lock and keys

The room is locked. A bunch of keys is connected to an apple. Two members of the team need to eat the apple, without using their hands. Take the key, open the lock, take the chest from the room.

4. Guess the riddle in 1 minute. “We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And every moment it becomes less and less" (time)

5. Float

There is a chest in a cut-off plastic bottle with a mark on the foam. You need to pour water into it with a spoon. You can pick up the chest only when the float reaches the mark.

6. Chips with numbers float in a basin of water. You need to catch the chip with a spoon, holding it in your teeth. The chip must be transferred to another player in the spoon. The player carries this piece through the team's obstacles. The team tells the number to two other players who are near the tree with the capsules. They need to cut off the desired capsule. There is a chest in it.

7. There are bags hanging on the tree, one of them contains a chest. A bag of pine cones, a jar of water, a bag of leaves, a jar of coins.

8. Each team member must find a special task and complete it.

9. The team must knock down all the wooden pins.

10. Guess the riddle in 1 minute. “Sometimes there are two of me, and I can’t tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can’t. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I’m racking my brain: who is it?” (mirror reflection). (For younger children, you can use simple riddles: “What sprouts in the field, What are they filling pies with, What did Antoshka want to eat? We call her...” (potato).

Individual tasks:


How often have we walked here?

Now the task before you is -


Stands calmly in the shade.

He looks at the kids.


Where the water falls like a waterfall,


When April takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me.




AT 3































26, 3, 6, 5, 19, 12, 1, 33 19, 20, 6, 15, 12, 1


We tumble on it,

It doesn't matter if we fall.

I'm so happy to lie here

Because it...


In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.


Find hidden objects in the pictures.


Find 5 differences in the pictures.


Guess the rebus.


Resonant, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
Jumping loudly in the yard.

Find the biggest one.


They left me in the forest
They forced me to hang around for the whole century:
In a rabbit earflap - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head.

Stage 2

2. Listen to the poem and find a word that does not have the letter “s”.

The sun has set behind the village,

Tits are sleeping, jays are sleeping,

A mustachioed catfish sleeps in the river,

The forest, the steppe, and the garden are sleeping.

The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog,

The dream took him to his country


Answer: the word "river". Hint - print.

3. Caches

The team is given a map of the area, on which the areas where caches are located are marked. In each cache, the team finds a clue word that needs to be crossed out from the list of suggested words. If all the caches are found, then all words except the correct one will be crossed out from the list, which will be useful when guessing the key word at the end of the game. (information)

4. You need to find a clue in the tent with balls. (Mouse).

5. There are a lot of folded pieces of paper in the box; find a clue among them - sheets of paper with letters (mat).

6. The ball needs to be burst with a dart. (Mo)

7. Hoop and airplanes. The paper airplane needs to hit the hoop 5 times. (Nor)

8. Threes are daring. Participants get to the place like frog travelers. At the meeting point they must construct a means for carrying objects (then)

9. There are 9 squares with different signs drawn on the board. For a few seconds, the child looks and remembers their location, and then must reproduce everything from memory. (Your clue is on the table)

10.Pour water into the bottle so that the hint appears. Two people carry water in a glass using two sticks. The third person pours water into a bottle. (R)

What do you need:

10 chests, thread, scissors, 40 circles, lock with key, 2 tents, apple, 2 riddles, plastic bottle, foam, basin, coins, 2 spoons, obstacles, capsules with numbers (10), 2 packages (cones, leaves) , 2 cans (water, pieces of paper), wooden skittles, individual tasks, 14 stars, riddle, mirror, card + 5 words + set of words, balls, pieces of paper with letters without, balloon (2) darts, hoop, paper airplanes- notebook, task with pictures, newspaper, gymnastic sticks, glass.

We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And every moment it becomes less and less.


Sometimes there are two of me, and I can’t tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can’t. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I’m racking my brain: who is it?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








Here is our beautiful front entrance.

How often have we walked here?

Now the task before you is -

Find the way to the Island of Wonders on the veranda!

Stands calmly in the shade.

He looks at the kids.

Two standing stumps and a board on them,

Look for the scroll, it is with them!

Where the water falls like a waterfall,

There is a loophole with a hint again.

When April takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me. (Search)



AT 3



























They left me in the forest
They forced me to hang around for the whole century:
In a rabbit earflap - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head. (search)

Find 5 differences in the pictures.

Guess the rebus.

Resonant, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
Jumping loudly in the yard.

Find the biggest one.

Guess the rebus.













July 1st, 2016 , 02:07 am

Come to think of it, searching for treasure with coded notes was one of my favorite pastimes as a child! And I don’t understand why I still deprived my children of this.

Well, that is, I didn’t completely deprive him... Actually, I already used this method once, when I tried to make Maxim want to read). A STIMULUS was needed. And then I began to hide sweets from him and write notes where to look. Well, like there: “Sofa”. And somewhere on the sofa there is the next note, and so on about 7.
The clues gradually became more complex, turning into sentences and entire paragraphs.
Well, then Maxim began to read well, and the entertainment was forgotten.
Maya showed no resistance, she immediately began to read herself)))

And then suddenly in one of our establishments they began to conduct this kind of quests for children, with riddles, puzzles, etc. We went a couple of times and everyone liked it. And I thought - why am I being stupid? I can do it myself! And she got down to business.

The first treasure was looked for at friends' houses. Max and Maya (7 and 5 years old, respectively), and friends’ daughter Arisha (6) took part.
The tasks were not very difficult. And as a result, the children cracked them open in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to drink tea)). But everyone, of course, liked it.

The assignments were compiled on my knee, I don’t have them in electronic form, but I’ll remember now from the photo and write briefly. If it is useful to someone, I will be glad)

1. Gaps in the wrong places: POS MOTR ITEPODRA KOVI NOYVK UHNE. The children were stunned at first, but they figured it out quickly. The task is good, but one-time).
2. Mirrored phrase (there it is, above the coins). At the bottom there was a note - like look, the letters are all backwards, what object will help you read this? But there was a failure - Maxim read everything without a mirror))))
3. Anagrams: PDKZOKASA IN KLYAKSOYE. We thought it would be difficult, so we left the first and last letters in their places. In vain)). It took about two seconds to decide)
4. Replacing letters (note at top right). "A is I, I is A." And thus the “washing machine” turns into an “aging bowl”. Also lightness, of course. But it's fun)
5. Rebus. We had “Misha’s chair” (this is Arishkin’s younger brother). Below we specifically wrote that there was no need to touch Misha, because Misha was sleeping in the crib at that time, but this did not help us)). Seeing the word “Misha”, the children immediately shouted: “Why guess, let’s just go and look near him!”))).
6. Cardano grille - my favorite from childhood). Card with holes. We put it on a piece of paper with chaotically scattered letters, and in the “windows” we see the necessary ones. The children encountered this for the first time, so we simplified the task as much as possible for them by putting the grate and the encryption itself in the same place (and even signed where it was on top). All that's left is to figure out how to combine it.
7. Ordinary riddles. We had one about an apple, and the following note was lying next to the apples in the refrigerator.
8. Cipher with simple replacement. Each of the encryptions was accompanied by a small piece of paper with a letter and number (and the note “save!”). The last task is encryption consisting of numbers.

I forgot something else). If I remember, I'll add it.
And the prize was chocolate coins and ice cream in the freezer)

To say that the children liked it is an understatement!
Max was even inspired to do a similar quest for me myself). I made several puzzles, placed signs around the house and asked to go to the store under the windows to buy me a prize with the money from the piggy bank))
Just need to work a little on the conspiracy))) “Mom, I’ll buy you ice cream.... oh, that is a prize! Did you hear what I said? Didn’t you hear? Oh, okay!”)) And “Mom, I won’t tell where's the prize, just don't look in the freezer")

I wanted to write about the next quest right away (we did it today), but I didn’t have the energy left for it, I’ll write another time. It was many times more difficult. Even too much. In fact, it is very difficult to maintain a balance and stick to the golden mean. You won’t guess what will be very easy for them and what will lead to a dead end.
I’ll show you the picture, and all the details later)

Search game "In search of treasures"

Target: organizing and conducting leisure activities for orphanage pupils.Tasks:- develop the outlook and creative abilities of students;- attract pupils to an active lifestyle;- instill in children a sense of camaraderie and team cohesion.The meaning of the game is to find a treasure, and the treasure is on a sunken ship. By completing tasks, the guys receive fragments of the ship, from which they must put together a picture at the end of the game.

Duration: 1 hour.

Preparatory work:- draw a colorful ad and convey information to the children;- students dress according to the theme, pirate makeup is encouraged;- prepare certificates and “treasures” - sweets;- prepare stations for competitions;- draw a map - route sheet; - cut the picture of the ship into as many parts as there are stations;- make a chest (you can wallpaper the box and glue a paper lock on it, or use an old suitcase);- prepare a soundtrack of marine-themed music files.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear boys and girls! Good evening, the bravest people of our school. We are very glad that you were not afraid and came to us to go in search of pirate treasures. Are you ready to go on a long journey to meet dangers and adventures? There is not a single person who did not read novels about pirates in childhood, who did not dream of finding treasures buried by pirates. Today we are going for pirate treasures. But unlike many treasure hunters of the past, we will definitely be lucky today. Luck will certainly smile on us. It cannot be otherwise, because you are so brave, smart, and friendly.

Presenter 2 : Do you know what language the word “pirate” comes from and what it means? Word"pirate" (in Latin pirata) comes in turn from the Greek “to try, test.” Thus, the meaning of the word would be "trying one's luck." This word came into use around the 4th-3rd centuries BC.

Presenter 1: What is the name of the pirate flag?(The presenter listens to all the answers of the travel participants) That's right, Jolly Roger. There are several versions of where the Jolly Roger came from. According to one of them, “Jolly Roger” comes from the French “Joyeux Rouge” (beautiful red flag). It was a blood red flag raised by pirates that meant they were going to kill anyone on board the ship they were attacking. Later, the British remade “Rouge” into the more familiar word “Roger”, and “Joyeux” into “Jolly”, that is, “Jolly”.

Presenter 2.Can you name the pirates’ favorite way to fight?(The presenter listens to the responses of the travel participants) The most common method of conducting naval combat among pirates was boarding (French abordage). The enemy ships approached as close as possible, usually side by side, after which both ships were tightly coupled with the help of cats and tackle. Then a boarding team landed on the enemy ship.

Presenter 1: Well done. You have read a lot, you know a lot. Knowledge and friendship are what will help us in our journey to overcome all obstacles and find the treasure. You are now not classes, but crews. Brigantines are at your disposal. During the voyage you will visit four islands. A challenge awaits you on each island. If you successfully deal with it, you will receive a piece of the map. Only by putting all four pieces together, you will get an old pirate map. When all the islands are behind, we are waiting for you in the hall again, because you will probably want to show off your trophies. Crew commanders, receive route sheets.

Presenter 2: So, seven feet under the keel and may the Jolly Roger help you!

Each team goes along its own route according to the route sheets

Mermaid Island.

Mermaid meets the children and offers to complete several of her tasks. She says that she loves to sing, that she knows many different songs, and she wants to know if the guys know the songs.

Game "Guess the song". The mermaid says any line from the song, and the children must say the name of the song and sing the verse and chorus.

- “The river begins with a blue stream…..” - “Smile”;- “The snowstorm sang a song to her, the Christmas tree slept bye-bye...” - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;- “The blue carriage is running, swaying, the fast train is picking up speed...” - “The blue carriage”;- "Chunga-Changa? There is no better place..." - "Chunga-Changa";- “If you walk along the path for a long time, if you stomp, jump and run for a long time ...” - “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”

The mermaid says that on her island there live many different animals - her friends, they are also very musical and love to sing together. The mermaid invites the children to turn into animals and sing a song in their voices.

Game "Singing with the voices of animals." Children sing Crocodile Gena's song in animal voices. Boys sing "Woof-woof-woof", girls sing "Moo-moo-moo"!The mermaid thanks the children for their good performance and gives a fragment of the ship.

Fishermen's Bay

Here they are met by a fisherman:

Game "Water - land". If the fisherman says the word “water” or the name of a body of water, the children jump forward, if “land” or the name of a part of the land, they jump back.

Game "Get the Apple"

Water is poured into the basin and the participant must catch three apples.

Wild coast.
Savage meets children. He says that he has a fragment of the ship, but he won’t just give it up. First the children have to do something for him.The savage says that his younger brother sent him a letter, but he cannot understand what is written there and asks the children to help him figure it out.A fairy tale is encrypted. Guess which one

Game "Decipher your little brother's letter."

"According to De Re. You are re bo - prebo. Sta De re from ze tya. Tya is sweat, and you are not mo. According to De Ba. Ba is for De, De is for Re, tya is sweat, and you are not mo!"

“Zhi – would be De and Ba. And neither would Ku-Rya. Sne ka-to Ku yai, not about, but about.”

After the letter is finished, the savage invites the guys to have a little fun and be a monkey.

Game "Merry monkeys". We are funny monkeysWe play too loud.We clap our handsWe stomp our feetPuff out our cheeksJumping on your toesAnd even to each otherWe'll show you the tongues.Let's jump to the ceiling togetherLet's put our finger to our temple.Let's stick out our ears,Ponytail on top of head.Let's open our mouths wider,We'll make all the faces.When I say the number three,Everyone, freeze with grimaces!

Children repeat after the leader all the named actions, and after the word “freeze” everyone freezes. The presenter says that everyone stands like this until he counts to 10Saying goodbye, the native gives the children another fragment of the ship.

Island of secrets and mysteries. Meets childrenmistress of the island . She says that she would be glad to give away a fragment of the ship, but she cannot. Otherwise, the god of the seas will be very angry and will not forgive her for this, so in order for her to give the key back, the children must complete several tasks.

Game "Decipher"


Game "Go Around the Reefs". Reefs - pins are placed at a certain distance from each other. The captain is blindfolded and must guide the team without hitting a single pin - the reef. The rest of the team actively advises him.

Meets childrenlighthouse keeper . She says that she has the last fragment and in order to get it, the children need to pass a series of tests.Game "Tricky Questions". Guys, today I am for youI'll ask tricky questions.If the answer is negative,Please answer with the word "no"And affirmative - thenSay the word "yes" out loud.I have no doubt, guysEvery mind has a chamber,But I have some advice for you:Answers "YES", answers "NO"Don’t rush to give instantly,After thinking hard, speak.

1. Tell me one secret:Do giraffes live in the TUNDRA? ...

2. YOU WILL SEE a mole on a clear day,Soaring IN THE SKY, right? ...

3. The builder builds cities.Do wasps build honeycombs? ...

4. Orange and red colorAre they considered HOT? ...

5. Cars are given the green light,IS IT POSSIBLE TO FOLLOW A ZEBRA? ...

1 In the morning there is sunshine in the window,NIGHT is coming, right? ...

2 There is WARMING water in the river.And in the hole like this? ...

3. And we will see a star,What if the sky is cloudy at night? ...

4. Forest - habitatFor squirrels, hares, woodpeckers? ...

5. The reader, having read, alwaysEATS THE BOOK, right? ...

6Carrots with cabbage in a turnstile,

When entering the metro, shall we lower it? ...

7The monk makes a vow to himself.

Does he spoon it? ...

8A thin boy, like a skeleton,

Will you lift the barbell EASILY? ...

9There are many planets in the sky,

The Moon is a PLANET! Right? ...

10 Roofing felt roll

GOOD for dessert for us? ...

11Herds grazing in the ARCTIC

Horned cows and goats? ...

6Seeing a fisherman, “Hello!” -

Is a roach screaming from the river? ...

7What does a frog eat for lunch -

Elephant with peas, right? ...

8The toad definitely doesn’t have a tail.

Does a cow HAVE one? ...

9In the shadows - “plus thirty”, and then

Do we wear FUR COATS? ...

10Mom will buy me some sweets

Because I was lazy? ...

11On the trolleybus, having bought a ticket,

Do you need to ride on the ROOF? ..

The questions are over, friends!

And I praise everyone, guys.

The test has come to an end.

Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!

And who made a mistake even a little,

Not a good guy, but a hammer!

Game "Riddles"

1. I'm sailing on a ship,Sometimes I lie at the bottomI keep the ship on a chain,I guard the ship at sea,So that the wind doesn't blow away,I just rocked on the waves.(ANCHOR)

2. I'm puffed up by the wind,But I'm not offended at allLet him fool meThe yacht speeds up.(SAIL)

3. Storm at sea or fog,But where is the edge of the earthEvery captain knows.What is burning in the distance for them?(LIGHTHOUSE)

4. This ship is at the pierOil was pumped into the holds.More hold than tanks in a tank.And the ship's name is...(TANKER)

5. He is standing on the bridgeAnd he looks through the sea's binoculars,The ninth wave is not scary -He holds the helm tightly.He is on the ship - king and master.Who is this? ...(CAPTAIN)

6. He is both a cook and a sailor.Tell me what is his name?Everything is naval style, porridge, juiceWill cook delicious...(COOK)7. If this fleet is military,Then certainlyOn the ships are his sailors

1 Breaking thick iceHe goes forward aloneAnd only then after himThe ships are moving in single file.(ICEBREAKER)

2 He gallops and gallops along the waves.
What kind of friend is this?
The fish will pull the hook -
He lies down on his side.

3 He is the king of the seas,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the ruler of the mermaids.

4. Summer is here, vacation is coming soon,
Mom and I will go to the mountains,
We'll definitely turn to the sea,
And where will we end up?
This is not the north, I know for sure
What is this point called?

5. Number one city in China.
It's simply called...

6. We couldn’t get there,
Where is the edge of the sky and the edge of the earth.

7 There are roads - you can’t go,
There is land - you can’t plow,
There are meadows - you can’t mow them,
There is no water in the rivers or seas.

They wear it with ribbons.

After all completed tasks, children receive the last fragment of the ship.

With all the fragments, each team runs to the beginning of the competition and folds the ship.

The first team to complete the task receives a Treasure Map and goes in search of treasure.