Diet for breast enlargement. What to eat to make breasts grow: healthy and useless foods

February 23

Breast growth in women is determined by several factors. Some of them cannot be changed, but others can be successfully influenced. Before you try to stimulate breast enlargement, you need to understand how they work. Women are advised to make changes to their diet and use special medications. You can use massage and exercises that help improve blood circulation in the pectoral muscles.

What determines breast size

The size of a woman's breasts is determined primarily by heredity. In this case, the daughter will not necessarily borrow the genes responsible for the formation of the mammary glands only from the mother. They can ultimately be influenced by the genetics of paternal relatives.

A clear relationship can be seen between the size of the mammary glands and the structure of the body. Typically, girls with a fragile build have small breasts, while overweight girls have larger breasts. In rare cases, a thin girl will have a full bust.

Obese women almost always have significant breast size, since they consist of adipose tissue. Their size is also determined by connective and glandular tissues.

Structure of the female breast

Adipose tissue can change simultaneously with nutrition. If a woman eats a lot, gains weight, and the mammary gland grows, weight loss leads to the opposite effect. Glandular tissue depends on the level of hormones, which can be seen by changes in bust size during menstruation. These processes can vary greatly in each individual case, since the ratio of glandular and adipose tissue varies.

Breast growth occurs as you get older. The development of the mammary glands begins at 10-12 years of age - a period when the amount of female hormones in the body increases.

From the age of 13, the breasts actively grow, by the age of 16-17 they are almost completely formed, although in the next 3-4 years there is a slight increase in their size. During sexual activity, a subtle change in size is observed.

There are other periods during which women's breasts grow naturally. These include pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnancy is associated with an increase in the level of female hormones, which affects the enlargement of the glands. During lactation they become even larger as they produce milk. After breastfeeding ends, the breast shape becomes the same, but this does not happen in all cases.

How to enlarge your bust

Women can use several methods to increase breast size. It is recommended to make certain changes in your diet. This method is associated with an increase in overall fat mass, so may not be suitable for everyone.

Another way is to perform special massage and exercises. The most effective is taking hormonal drugs.

Women are advised to stop wearing a bra. Medical studies have found that this wardrobe element negatively affects breast growth. It has been revealed that when you refuse to use a bra, the glands become elastic. Women who have never worn this type of underwear have nipples that are on average 7mm higher than those who regularly wear a bra.


The mammary gland consists of adipose tissue, so when reviewing your diet, you should focus on monounsaturated fats. They can be supplemented by eating olive oil, nuts (cashews, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), sesame seeds, herring, red fish, avocado. Salads with the addition of unrefined vegetable oils are recommended. Monounsaturated fats are also beneficial for a woman’s body because they prevent the formation of cholesterol and help improve vascular tone.

You can also eat polyunsaturated fats, which are found in foods such as white bread, butter, and lard. But an increase in tissue will be observed not only in the chest, but also on the stomach and hips.


With the help of nutrition, you can help not only increase the fatty component of the mammary glands, but also the glandular one. To do this, it is recommended to enrich your diet with foods that contain estrogen, the main female hormone.

  • soybeans, legumes (peas, beans, beans, chickpeas, lentils);
  • dairy products (sour cream, hard cheese, cottage cheese, milk);
  • grain crops (rice, oats, barley);
  • fennel;
  • sunflower, flax, pumpkin seeds;
  • hops (must be brewed with boiling water and drunk like tea).

You should also eat foods rich in proteins. This is necessary to increase the muscle layer of the chest.

Vegetables and fruits

The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, as they help maintain natural hormonal balance and saturate the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Fiber effectively affects breast growth. Vegetables and fruits help regulate the level of testosterone, the main male hormone. When it predominates in a woman’s body, the amount of estrogen decreases.

This method of breast enlargement is more suitable for women under 18 years of age, since vegetables and fruits only have a supporting effect and increase the effect of hormones. Therefore, teenage girls are recommended products such as:

  • cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomatoes.

Healthy fruits and berries:

  • blueberry;
  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • plums;
  • dates;
  • grenades.

Spices and herbs

You can add spices to your food. Dried plants such as:

  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • ginger;
  • red and black pepper;
  • carnation;
  • turmeric.

They increase libido, which stimulates the growth of mammary glands. For the same purposes, you can use fenugreek or wild yam.

Exercises and massage

To enlarge your bust, you can try the following exercises (the pectoral muscles should be involved when performing them):

  1. 1. Finger stretch. You need to clasp your fingers, keeping your elbows at chest level. You must try to spread your arms to the sides.
  2. 2. Squeezing your palms. They are raised to chest level, in front of you. You need to use the bases of your palms to influence each other. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  3. 3. Push-ups. The exercise may seem difficult for some women, but it is very effective on the pectoral muscle. To begin with, you can use a gentle method - lean on your knees or do push-ups from the back of a chair or bench. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  4. 4. Exercises with dumbbells. Do not use too much weight. You need to raise your arms in front of your chest, then lower them behind your head, and then slowly return to the starting position. Number of repetitions - 10 times.
  5. 5. Exercises with dumbbells while lying down. You need to lie on a horizontal surface (bench), spread your arms to the side and bring them in a position perpendicular to the floor, and then slowly lower them. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

To stimulate breast growth, you can use a simple massage technique:

  1. 1. Apply cream or special massage oil to the chest.
  2. 2. Using the index, middle and ring fingers, perform circular movements clockwise for 2 minutes. There is no need to touch the nipples.
  3. 3. Perform stroking movements from the nipples up to the shoulders and back.
  4. 4. Use your fingertips to imitate sawing movements from the nipples to the outer part of the breast.
  5. 5. Cup your chest with your palm and lightly pat it with the other hand.
  6. 6. The massage ends with light strokes.

These methods of breast enlargement are based on maintaining skin tone and improving blood circulation. There are other massage methods that promote breast growth. These include Japanese or vacuum. But these techniques are not recommended to be practiced without qualification. Such procedures should only be performed by professional massage therapists.


When choosing a medical method of breast enlargement, you need to be careful. Hormonal drugs have the following advantages:

  • increase breast size by at least 2 sizes;
  • help prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  • have a quick effect;
  • affect the shape of the breast, which becomes more rounded;
  • improve the condition of the hair, make the skin more elastic and rejuvenate it.

But when taking hormonal drugs, side effects may occur:

  • change in body weight;
  • nervous disorders;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraines, stress and depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • allergy;
  • unstable pressure.

If any side effects occur, the drug should be changed. When choosing products, you need to take into account that not all hormones contribute to mammary gland enlargement. It is desirable that the products contain:

  • progesterone is a hormone produced during pregnancy, which causes breast growth;
  • estrogen - is responsible for primary and secondary sexual characteristics in women, but if there is an excess of it, the growth of the mammary glands can stop or have a reverse effect;
  • prolactin is a hormone produced during lactation that enlarges and prepares the mammary glands for breastfeeding;
  • gestagen - promotes the development of the mammary gland and prepares it for breastfeeding.

There are a large number of gels, creams and tablets that can accelerate breast growth in women:

A drugDescription
YarinaRefers to a number of contraceptives containing estrogen and gestagen. Contraceptive action is not the only effect of this remedy. It helps prevent the accumulation of extra pounds, normalizes metabolism in fatty tissues and relieves swelling due to the presence of drospiren. Yarina is prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women
Regulon, JanineThey consist of synthetic analogues of female sex hormones, are used as a contraceptive, but also contribute to the enlargement of the mammary glands
ByzanneComplex drug. The main active ingredient is gestagen. Visanne accelerates the growth of endometriotic tissue, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before use
MaxibustThis product contains phytoestrogens, which are close to estradiol. It is used to tighten the bust, increase the volume of the mammary glands, improve the condition of the hair, nails, skin and skeletal system. Intended for long-term use (up to six months) 4 tablets per day with meals
Push Up naturalThe drug is in tablet form, intended for nutrition and breast tightening. Take 5 tablets per day with meals, with plenty of liquid.
Coffee MaxibustMade in powder form. Helps stabilize the menstrual cycle, improve a woman’s well-being and enlarge her breasts. This product reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. Coffee needs to be brewed, infused and drunk every day. To obtain noticeable results, take the product in a course of 4 months.
FeminalConsists of red clover extract, which promotes breast growth. Take 1 capsule for 4 months. The course can be extended, but continuous use should not exceed two years
Soy isoflavonesMade from soy extract, rich in phytoestrogens

The use of hormonal drugs has a positive effect on the general condition of a woman. She becomes more attractive because the structure of her hair, skin, and nails improves, her breasts become larger, and her buttocks and hips are properly formed. Contraception helps ensure the normal course of the menstrual cycle. But Before using this method of breast enlargement, you should consult your doctor.

One of the main complaints about one's appearance among the fair half of humanity at all times has been the size of the bust. Many owners of modest forms secretly envy busty ladies, dreaming of becoming the owner of a chic bust.

Today you can enlarge your breasts using plastic surgery - but this is expensive and not always possible. Therefore, myths about miraculous products that make breasts larger without surgery and exercise are still alive among women, the main thing is to eat them regularly.

The cabbage myth

Many mothers and grandmothers told girls in childhood, “eat more cabbage, then your breasts will grow,” and many of us believed in this, leaning on cabbage soup, solyanka and cabbage salads. But for most, cabbage did not help them get chic shapes.

Scientists assure with a smile that this statement can be considered true only with great reserve, and only for teenagers. Why? It's simple: cabbage is a source of valuable fiber, vitamins, and minerals, while also being low in calories. During the period of active growth and development of the body, a teenager needs to have a healthy intestine, regularly emptied, and also constantly replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, it is useful to eat cabbage as a natural vitamin and mineral supplement, but you can just as well eat tomatoes, cucumbers or garlic. But cabbage cannot influence hormonal metabolism and the genetic program of the body, which together, in fact, determine breast size.

The myth about phytoestrogens

Almost all women know that breasts grow thanks to estrogens, which the female body secretes during puberty. In addition, many of us have heard that some foods contain phytoestrogens, plant analogues of the female sex hormone. If these products are consumed, some believe, perhaps the phytoestrogens will have an effect similar to real estrogens?

Of course, if you consume a large amount of products with phytoestrogens, they will have some effect on a woman’s body - weight gain and rounding of shape, but an excess of these substances can also have side effects including cancer, stomach ulcers, metabolic disorders and obesity.

Phytoestrogens are found in foods that are quite high in calories and heavy for the body, and you need to eat a lot of them to achieve breast enlargement. In physiologically acceptable quantities, phytoestrogens do not have an active effect on breast growth.

What experiments are generally prohibited?

  • yeast

Breast enlargement products: myths and reality

For example, you should not experiment with the use of yeast - dry or pressed. They are credited with the property of enlarging the breasts, but this is nothing more than a myth; they will not cause anything other than diarrhea. Also, for the same reasons, you should not eat raw yeast dough, it can lead to constipation and bloating.

  • light beer

Light beer is considered another “famous” way to enlarge breasts. However, modern beer, even draft beer, is far from a real intoxicating product, and if you manage to find one, you are more likely to get a beer belly and liver problems than to grow breasts. In addition, beer alcoholism develops very quickly, especially in women, and this complex disease is practically incurable.

  • compresses and rubbing

You should absolutely not resort to dubious recipes such as rubbing the juices of various plants into the skin of the chest, applying mustard plasters and applying iodine mesh. This can lead to mastitis.

How to enlarge breasts?

If you want to improve your shape a little, start eating right, gain a little weight and load your abs. If a woman gets fat, her chest, hips and stomach become evenly fuller. But if you actively engage in sports while gaining weight, you can enlarge your breasts. Try to slightly pump up your chest muscles, which will make your bust size larger.

Breast enlargement products: myths and reality

What should you eat?

For the health and beauty of the breast, foods such as soy, ginger, turmeric, cloves, pumpkin, tomatoes, apples and papaya are useful. Try to include these products more often in your usual diet.

Legumes can contribute to breast growth: beans, peas, lentils. Prepare soups or main dishes with them, but remember - legumes are high in calories and are hard on the intestines, you should not consume them every day - limit yourself to one or two days a week.

One of the traditional medicines for breast enlargement is tea made from strawberry or oregano leaves with milk. Drink about 100 ml of this tea on an empty stomach and then have a hearty breakfast.

Nuts and honey can help breast growth. Take a jar of peeled walnuts, pour lemon juice and liquid honey over them, mix and consume a tablespoon twice a day: in the morning after meals and in the evening before bed.

The chest really “loves” porridge, especially oatmeal, rice, corn and wheat. Cook porridge from cereals, do not use quick breakfasts - they will not be beneficial. You can add a portion of milk or cream to the porridge.

For breast enlargement, vegetable oils are used - flaxseed, olive or sesame. They can be used to dress salads or take a teaspoon in the morning after breakfast. Another product that is beneficial for breasts is fish, especially salmon. It should be eaten at least once a week.

Of course, it is unlikely that you can enlarge your breasts by 1-2 sizes with the help of nutrition. But you can improve your skin tone and breast firmness with a healthy diet and exercise.


Many girls would like to know what foods to eat for breast enlargement. Not everyone will decide to go under the knife and undergo plastic surgery and insert silicone implants into themselves. It's both a bit expensive and scary. In our article we will talk about products that promote breast enlargement.

Of course, you can do exercises to strengthen your pectoral muscles, which will lift your breasts, making them visually rounder and fuller. You can also use masks for breast elasticity and enlargement, which will help the mammary glands acquire beautiful shape.

But you want to achieve your goal, hitting on all fronts to be sure. Therefore, it is worth reviewing your diet, saturating it with exactly those foods that actually help increase breast volume without adding it to the waist or hips.

After all, as soon as you gain weight, your breasts will increase in size. And all due to the fact that most of the breast is represented by adipose tissue. And now you won’t have to sacrifice your entire figure in order to get beautiful and large breasts. Just look at the list of products that will increase the volume of your mammary glands.

But you must understand that simply by changing your diet, you will not get a 100% guarantee that your breasts will begin to grow. To increase it, you only need to use a complex: food + exercises to strengthen the muscles of the thoracic region + masks to strengthen the skin (making it firm and elastic) and enlarge the breasts.

What foods promote breast enlargement:

  1. The growth of the mammary glands depends on hormones. More precisely, from estrogens. It is logical that if you eat foods that either contain estrogen or stimulate its production, then your breasts will slowly begin to grow. But you should understand that the level of testosterone in the body will begin to change. So, soy and dairy products contain estrogens to one degree or another. It’s clear about the latter, because milk is the secretion of the cow’s mammary glands. A cow produces estrogens in its body, just like any other female mammal.
  2. . Flax also contains estrogens. For this reason, it is recommended to drink a tablespoon of flax seed oil on an empty stomach in the morning to keep the menstrual cycle smooth. The seeds themselves can be crushed both in a mortar and in a coffee grinder, then sprinkle them on food. Eat flaxseed daily. If you were unable to purchase flaxseeds, you can replace them with sunflower ones. In extreme cases, anise will do.
  3. Let's talk about . Some have excellent breast enlargement properties. In addition to this task, they also do an excellent job of enhancing sexuality and attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex: ginger, cloves, sage, thyme, red clover, pepper, oregano and turmeric are a list of spices that stimulate the growth of the mammary glands.
  4. Legumes. Some of the most affordable natural breast enlargers. Peas, beans, asparagus, chickpeas, split peas, lentils - you can easily find them in any grocery store. It is enough to eat at least a little bit of legumes every day for breast enlargement. Moreover, beans can be very diverse: red, lima or regular. It is important that legumes are cooked correctly to ensure better digestion. To do this, they must be soaked overnight in cold boiled water, and in the morning the liquid must be drained. It will contain “bad” substances that will not allow the legumes to be completely digested.
  5. Herbs. They can be added, just like spices, to any of your dishes. These “miracle” herbs include wild yam, saw palmetto, and fenugreek.
  6. Unsaturated fats. At the very beginning of the article it was said that breasts are mostly made up of adipose tissue. But this does not mean that you need to eat fatty foods all the time. Of course, the breasts will grow, but along with them the waist, butt, legs, arms, and face will also become rounder. And the indicators on the scale will increase along with the size of your breasts. And all because you chose the “wrong” fats. So what are the right fats that will allow you to enlarge your breasts without overall weight gain? These unsaturated fats are found in nuts, avocados, seeds, even herring or olives.

Fruits and vegetables for breast enlargement

Fruits and vegetables themselves are full of nutrients. Therefore, you need to use them daily, regardless of the goal you have set for yourself: to lose weight, get healthier, or enlarge your breasts.

So, what will help to enlarge your breasts:

  • Vegetables. Many have heard that cabbage is for the chest. However, some joke that it only helps if 2 heads of cabbage are placed in the cups of the bra. In fact, you need to eat cabbage every day. But not just white cabbage. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, and broccoli are perfect. If you want to crunch not only cabbage, then tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, alfalfa, carrots, and eggplants are also suitable vegetables.
  • Fruits and berries. Even your favorite sweet fruits can help you get those treasured and desired breasts. Eat apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates, blueberries, strawberries, dates, plums, and dried fruits as often as possible.

Video: Breast Enlargement Products

The main reason for small breast size is a lack of the hormone estrogen. In the female body, it is he who is responsible for the beauty of female forms. When there is little estrogen, a woman acquires a “boyish” figure: her chest becomes flat, her hips become skinny. So if you want to enlarge your bust a little, add estrogen-containing foods to your diet. Please note that we are talking about natural products, and not about tablets or dietary supplements. So what should you do to make your breasts grow?

Breast enlargement products with estrogen

Spices and herbs: fenugreek, fennel, hop cones

Fenugreek contains phytoestrogen, a substance similar to the natural female hormone. Its content is especially high in fenugreek sprouts, which are recommended to be included in the diet.

Fennel has long earned its reputation as an excellent “supplier” of estrogen. It is often used in the production of teas for nursing mothers (to enhance lactation) and breast growth pills. Breast enlargement at home using fennel will be simple and tasty: brew the dried herb as a tea and drink the drink a couple of times a day.

The phytoestrogen content is especially high in hop cones. That’s why, by the way, the belief arose that it is advisable for ladies to regularly drink beer to enlarge their breasts. However, it is important to remember that beer producers often do not follow production technology. And instead of a natural fermentation product from hops and malt, you can drink a chemical substance, the benefits of which are extremely doubtful. Therefore, it is advisable to use hop cones “as is”, brewing them with boiling water and drinking the drink for one week every 1-2 months. This is exactly what our grandmothers did, who successfully used folk methods of breast enlargement.

Legumes and soybeans

These beneficial breast enlargement products are available to everyone. And besides, many of them are very tasty. Both regular peas and beans, as well as lentils, chickpeas, and red beans, are suitable. The estrogen they contain is perfectly absorbed by the female body. But it is impossible to isolate it in the laboratory and “enclose” it in a tablet. Therefore, feel free to consume natural products.


Vegetables and fruits

Eat everything! Although most do not contain natural estrogen, vegetables and fruits allow the female body to maintain natural hormonal balance. And they do not allow testosterone to increase - the male hormone, which in excess amounts makes a woman’s figure masculine and causes dark hair to grow where it should not be.

Healthy fats

Does fish oil promote breast growth? Breast enlargement without surgery is possible with regular consumption of monounsaturated fats, which are found in flax seeds, olives, avocados, nuts, sesame seeds, as well as vegetable oils from these products. Valuable varieties of sea fish also have a high content of healthy fat. If you can’t afford red fish, eat fatty Kerch herring. The resulting fat will not be deposited on the waist.

Fatty foods for breast growth

As you know, it is adipose tissue that gives a woman’s breasts a pleasant roundness. By feeding it with calories, you can achieve breast enlargement. But it is worth remembering that along with the breasts, the size of the waist will increase, and then the hips. And it will be very difficult to correct your figure in the future.

Therefore, get acquainted with fat-containing foods for breast growth. And decide whether you should use them:

  • white bread and bread crusts,
  • bananas,
  • milk,
  • salo.

In limited quantities, all these products are very beneficial for health. Therefore, they should not be completely avoided. But you shouldn't expect that one banana a week will help your breasts grow.

Foods that do NOT help breasts grow and that make breasts grow

Products for breast enlargement and what is good for the mammary glands. There are many myths regarding breast enlargement products. This mainly applies to those who are on a diet. Here are some of them.

  • Cabbage. This vegetable does not have any effect on the breasts. But you definitely need to eat it. Raw cabbage perfectly cleanses the intestines. And against the backdrop of a slimmer waist and chest, it looks somehow bigger.
  • Still mineral water. Its influence is also indirect. Each person is recommended to drink up to 1.5 liters of mineral water per day. This norm ensures normal metabolism in the body and the removal of excess fat. Slender figure, beautiful breasts... Maybe the nature of the delusion lies in this analogy?
  • Raw dough.
  • A very harmful product that will not bring you anything good. Just don't use it.

Fatty food. Another harmful thing that brings 980 grams of weight to the stomach and hips, and only 20 grams goes to the chest. You can get unhealthy fats from margarine, store-bought cookies, cakes, fried potatoes, and mayonnaise. If you want to experiment with increasing breast fat, eat healthy fats. We have already talked about them above.

Proper nutrition combined with exercise can do wonders for your body. This also applies to the bust, which can be “fed” with healthy foods, strengthened with massage and physical exercise. And then - enjoy its attractiveness! Read reviews on the Internet, maybe there are some serkets there.

Every representative of the fair sex dreams of sexy hips and breasts. But nature, unfortunately, does not give everyone the desired bust size.

  • In this regard, women:
  • decide to have breast augmentation surgery;
  • someone is engaged in active physical exercises to give it more voluminous and attractive shapes;

someone switches to a special diet.

This begs the question – are there really breast enlargement foods?

It is necessary to provide and analyze as much information as possible regarding this topic in order to obtain a competent and accurate answer to the question posed.

Myth or reality

It has now been precisely proven that breast size is determined by the level of a hormone such as estrogen in the body.

The attractiveness of a female figure depends on it. When a woman has a deficiency of this hormone, she becomes flat in all places where there should be certain rounded shapes.

Accordingly, if the body receives the required amount of estrogen, then the female breast will increase in size and volume.

The important point is that estrogen is produced in the female ovaries, and obtaining this hormone from the outside is only an artificial replacement for the lack of one’s own.

  • You can supplement the missing amount of estrogen in two ways:
  • use of hormonal therapy (tablets, dietary supplements);

The first method carries with it a lot of contraindications and side effects, so such methods are approached very carefully and are used exclusively in special cases, strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

As for the second, this is the safest and most useful way to increase the necessary hormone.

By including foods containing estrogen in your diet, you can increase its level in your body, which will subsequently lead to a certain result, namely, breast enlargement.

But you shouldn’t indulge yourself in advance with stunning results. When receiving certain foods, they still do not have a direct effect on the growth of the mammary glands.


Many common foods consumed almost every day contain phytoestrogens, similar to human estrogen.

Once in the human body with food, the latter are easily absorbed and can replace and eliminate the deficiency of their own hormone.

The main groups of products containing phytoestrogens:

  • legumes– beans, peas, various types of beans, lentils;
  • products containing soy– soybeans, flour, cheese, yoghurts, butter, tofu, etc.;
  • vegetables– tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, broccoli and cauliflower;
  • fruits and dried fruits– dried apricots, dates, peaches, red grapes, raspberries, strawberries;
  • certain seeds and grains– flax, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, rice, barley, wheat, oats;
  • spices– cloves, oregano, thyme, ginger;
  • herbs– mint, clover, fennel;
  • animal products– meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, lard.

From the presented list it is clearly seen that there are quite a lot of products containing plant estrogen, and we actually use many of them every day.

But at the same time, not everyone has the desired breast size.

It should be noted that many of the above products, which are a source of additional phytoestrogen, are not able to affect the change in breast volume to a greater extent.

And excessive consumption of some can cause significant harm to your health.


Regarding yeast, it should immediately be noted that here we are talking mainly only about brewer’s yeast, which is used in the production of beer.

It is thanks to beer that the opinion has developed that, consuming it in large quantities, many men begin to acquire female breasts and hips, therefore, it should promote the growth of mammary glands in women.

But yeast does not play any role in this case.

Beer can:

  • firstly, lead to excess weight gain, and therefore you get additional fat deposits everywhere, including in the bust, since beer is a very high-calorie product that can increase metabolism and appetite.
  • secondly, in reality, the change in breast shape, towards its enlargement, in this case is influenced not by yeast, but by hops, with a high content of the same phytoestrogen. And yeast is nothing more than ordinary mushrooms, and has nothing to do with bust size.

Video: In consultation with a specialist

What foods should you eat for breast enlargement?

It can be said with certainty that many products generally cannot directly affect breast growth.

But they are able to indirectly influence the desired process, namely, lead to the production of its own estrogen in the female body, which in turn is decisive in this matter.

In addition, many of the products containing phytoestrogen are useful for improving overall health, which is also important in achieving the desired breast shape.

The most important thing is not to abuse some of them, and approach your diet wisely.

The most favorable food products for breast enlargement have been identified, which provide the maximum benefit in this matter, if consumed correctly.

Legumes and soybeans

These products, in many respects, or more precisely due to the large amount of phytoestrogen they contain, can affect breast growth.

Include in your diet:

  • porridge from peas and lentils;
  • soups with beans and peas;
  • various kinds of salads, where the main ingredients will be legumes and healthy vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed).

Also, do not forget about soy, which contains the missing hormone.

It is better to consume it in its usual form, and not in products containing it, since they are all currently GMOs, so there may be more harm than good.

You shouldn’t overuse legumes every day, otherwise you can easily gain excess volume in all places, and not just where you need it.


Oatmeal, famous for its benefits, promotes breast growth. You can eat it every day for breakfast using it as an additional source of energy. This is the most harmless and very effective product.

Excellent foods for the mammary glands are grains such as rice, corn and wheat.

Having compiled a daily menu for the week, where for breakfast there will be a variety of porridges from these cereals, you:

  1. ensure good digestion;
  2. put your diet in order;
  3. enrich your body with additional estrogen.

All this will have a positive effect on the shape of your body as a whole.

An important point in preparing grains is that they must be cooked strictly from cereals, and not from semi-processed instant porridges, to preserve the benefits.

Vegetables and fruits

They have a direct effect on the production of much-needed estrogen by a woman's ovaries.

By enriching your daily diet with vegetables and fruits, focusing on certain types, you will be able to notice the desired changes in your bust.

During the summer season, try to eat more:

  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • cherries.

Dried fruits are also very good: dried apricots, dates.

They are good antioxidants that help cleanse and heal tissues and the body as a whole.

Vegetables are the richest source of fiber. Increase your consumption of fresh tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers.

Excellent sources of phytoestrogen are:

  1. pumpkin;
  2. eggplant;
  3. potato;
  4. beet.

Healthy fats

Since the fatty tissue in the mammary glands determines the overall size of the breasts, some foods containing fats will be very beneficial for breast enlargement.

The latter, in turn, are able to give and add the desired volume.

List of foods fortified with healthy fats:

  • salo;
  • bananas;
  • walnuts,
  • olives;
  • flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • fish;
  • dairy products.

All this is affordable and easy to eat daily.

The main thing is to know the measure and portions so as not to lead to unwanted weight gain, which will be difficult to remove from the stomach, hips and arms.

It is in these places that adipose tissue is deposited more and faster than in the breasts.

What doesn't help

All presented products can indirectly affect breast enlargement, having a general stimulating effect on certain processes in the female body.

Some very famous and popular products, even if they are enriched with phytoestrogens, have absolutely no effect on the volume and size of the mammary gland.

These include:

  • cabbage– the main representative of myths about products that can enlarge breasts significantly;
  • still mineralized water– it can only normalize intestinal function and improve metabolism;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates (rolls, pastries, sweets) and fatty foods– do more harm than good.

What experiments are generally prohibited?

Some of the products are not only completely useless for breast enlargement and growth, but can also cause significant harm to overall health.

Certain points must simply be excluded and under no circumstances should you experiment on yourself, despite any advice.

Among these are:

  • the use of various ointments, rubbing and lotions prepared on the basis of folk recipes;
  • abuse of beer, hoping to get the desired volume;
  • consumption of various types of yeast;
  • eating raw dough;
  • excessive consumption of any phytoestrogens.

Many people prepare various compresses, lotions, creams, apply leaves of various plants, etc.

Beer can cause the development of female alcoholism. It has a detrimental effect on the health of your liver, one of the main blood filters.

With the help of beer, you will quickly gain volume in your waist and hips, if they are where you expect them to be.

Yeast and raw dough are a strong blow to the digestive system. You risk becoming hostage to diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and dysbacteriosis.

Their consumption causes enormous harm to the intestines and its inherent microflora, which subsequently requires long-term recovery.

Under no circumstances should you consume excess amounts of certain foods, for example, legumes - this is a very heavy product.

Any abuse of seemingly harmless food can lead to unpredictable consequences - allergies, stomach upset, hormonal imbalance, bowel dysfunction, insomnia, etc.

After analyzing all the points, we can conclude that breast enlargement products have an indirect positive effect.

Basically, they contribute to the normalization and restoration of the lost process of estrogen production by the female body, which is the determining hormone for growth and development of the mammary gland.

To enlarge the breasts to the desired volume, it is necessary to use an integrated approach.

It should include a proper diet, with a reasonable emphasis on the above food groups, additional physical exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.