Children's camp. Children's camp "Madagascar": active recreation on the Gorky Sea Children's sports camp on the Gorky Sea

February 23

Children's camp "Solnechny" (Gorodetsky district, Gorky Sea)

Age: 7 - 15 years

Location: Children's health camp "Solnechny" is an area for the development, health and recreation of children, the realization of personal potential and the success of children, the high efficiency of pedagogical work.

The camp is located 700 meters southwest of the village of Lisino, Gorodetsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, on the picturesque shore of the Gorky Reservoir.
The camp area is 12 hectares.

The camp capacity is 250 people.

Thanks to the efforts and professionalism of teachers and counselors, the children do not have time to get homesick during the 21-day shift.

Daily sporting events at the stadium, basketball and volleyball courts, classes in numerous clubs and various developmental programs do not allow the child to be bored for a minute. A variety of creative programs allow you to discover new talents in your child.

Accommodation: On the territory there are 8 one-story brick buildings with a capacity of 30 people each. The rooms accommodate 7-8 people. The rooms are equipped with the necessary furniture (beds, wardrobes, bedside tables, tables, chairs), bed linen and accessories.
Electric convectors are installed in the heating rooms. All buildings are equipped with sanitary facilities, a hygiene room and hot water supply.
In a separate building there are two showers with 20 stalls.

Nutrition: At the Solnechny children's recreation center, 5 meals a day are provided in a separate canteen building with seating for 300 people; meals are taken in one shift.
The diet includes a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat dishes, balanced and fortified nutrition.
The camp provides round-the-clock drinking regime for all campers.

Medicine: On the territory there is a one-story brick building - a medical center, an isolation ward, equipped with all the necessary equipment and medicines. Medical support is provided by a doctor and a nurse, who are located on the territory of the children's hospital 24 hours a day.
If necessary, urgent hospitalization is carried out at the Central District Hospital of the city of Gorodets.

Bright summer holiday in “Solnechny”!

Leisure: Rest in “Solnechny” - a variety of active activities, a series of creative, educational, health, sports and leisure activities.

The detachments are staffed by 25-30 people. Highly qualified employees from among the teachers of the Gorodetsky district work with children.
In “Solnechny” the guys find new friends, get a lot of bright impressions and a boost of energy!

Circle work:

During the implementation of the summer health campaign, educational programs are implemented every shift, during which club work is conducted in the following areas:

  • sports (“Football”, “Volleyball”, “Tennis”, “Judo”, “Hand-to-Hand Combat”);
  • military-patriotic (“Courage”);
  • moral and aesthetic (vocal group “Merry Notes”, dance group “Expression”, “Colors of Summer”, “Crazy Hands”, “Isothread”);
  • technical (“Water rescue”, “Rowing”).
Features of our camp:

On the territory of the Solnechny recreation center there is a pier of the Gorodetsky Children's River Shipping Company, whose vessels are actively used for boat trips along the reservoir and the implementation of the Rowing club program. The shipping company includes: motor ship “O. Stukolov", motor boat "Radilov", motor boats "Progress" and "Kazanka", 6 six-oared sloopboats.

Sport: Much attention is paid to sports and sporting events in the camp. Sports and recreation area: football, basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, “Fun Starts”, table tennis, badminton, checkers, chess and much more.

Morning exercises, various martial arts, football competitions between children and counselors, friendly matches in football and volleyball with neighboring camps - increase sports passion, the desire to get ahead and win.

Territory of a happy childhood!

Sun, air and water are our best friends!

Fresh air, trees, cleanliness and space allow you to renew all the energy reserves spent during the school year, and the friendly atmosphere will provide vacationers with a lot of positive emotions. We will be very glad to see you at the Solnechny Children's Village and give you our warmth!

Cost of tickets for summer 2019

Change Dates Price
click on the cart and submit your request
Seat availability

01.06 - 21.06.2019
20,000 rubles
24.06 - 14.07.2019
20,000 rubles few
17.07 - 06.08.2019
20,000 rubles

A children's health camp is an ideal summer pastime both for children who take a break from everyday worries and parental care, and for fathers and mothers who entrust the care of their children to teachers and counselors.

Children's health camps in the Nizhny Novgorod region offer a variety of recreation programs for boys and girls: sports and educational activities, adventure games and creative competitions, various living conditions - just choose!

Traditional camps with a “line”, flag raising and excessive ideology have been replaced by modern ones - combining active recreation with educational programs. A striking example of such a children’s camp of a new format is camp "Madagascar" which began operating at the Magistral recreation center on the Gorky Sea.

He talks about the advantages of a new approach to organizing children's recreation and what a modern children's health camp is. General Director Elena Bogomolova.

website: - What is a new format camp? How is it different from other children's camps?

Children's camp "Madagascar" is a new project, unique of its kind for the Nizhny Novgorod region, although such projects exist both in Moscow and abroad. Its program successfully combines entertainment and learning: for example, they study English here, and they do it in a playful way, which children really like. Moreover, the emphasis is on spoken English, that is, there is no task of memorizing new words - the children are taught to use the base that they already have, and they are helped to break the language barrier. We teach children to communicate in English.

We have a very active entertainment program using modern sports: at the camp, children learn rock climbing, yachting, windsurfing, and conquer the rope city. Fashionable sports attract children and teenagers, and we help children master them. After all, it is better to let children do this under the supervision of experienced instructors who have undergone special training, than to do this in secret and away from adults.

All of our instructors and educators have a pedagogical education and know how to find an approach to teenagers; many are masters or candidates for master of sports, which evokes special respect from their students. And most importantly, our teachers and instructors pay maximum attention to the safety of all games and events, using only proven equipment and equipment. In addition, all children are insured during their stay in the camp.

A very rich program awaits boys and girls at the camp.: if they have training classes in the morning, then in the afternoon they hold various master classes. Moreover, this is not just one activity, but six or seven, so that the children themselves can choose what to do: these can be dance, creative, sports master classes or classes where you have to do something with your hands, for example, beadwork, pottery, modeling, drawing. All the kids really like it.

website: - Where do you place the guys?

This summer we chose the site of the Magistral recreation center, which is located on the shores of the Gorky Sea. There are very good conditions for the children: a room accommodates 2-3 people, amenities (including modern showers) for 3 rooms. The children are fed very well there. The camp has a large area, and the guys have room to spread out. And the pine forest, clean air, and the general atmosphere of the camp allow them to truly relax!

website: - What age are children accepted to the camp? Are they divided into squads? How many teachers and educators care for children?

The camp accepts children from 7 to 16 years old. They are divided into groups of 10-12 people according to age. Each squad has one teacher and one instructor. The instructor, who is responsible for the sports part of the program, also looks after the children - it turns out that we have one teacher for every 5 children, although in other camps usually one teacher is responsible for 10 or even 15 children.

website: - Do you have experience conducting such shifts in the children’s camp “Madagascar”, or is this the first time you are doing this?

- “Madagascar” was launched for the first time in the spring of this year. Then the camp worked on Puzhalova Mountain, where children were taught skiing. We did similar projects at the Dzerzhinets camp - there were also autumn and spring shifts. So we have experience in conducting children's camps.

website: - When was the first race in the camp and how many will there be in total?

The first race took place from June 5th to 14th. A total of 8 races are planned. Our shifts are short - 10 days each, so that the child does not get tired, because he simply does not have a free minute to laze around and fool around. Children are constantly under unobtrusive control and participate in the active life of the camp.

website: - Will the camp accept children in the fall and winter or is this just a summer project?

We plan to make the camp year-round, accepting children for the autumn, spring and winter holidays. We know for sure that we will continue to take care of the children, but we don’t know whether we will stay on this site or look for some other options. It all depends on how this summer goes. Most likely, we will consider cooperation with Magistral as long-term.

I want to emphasize that we carry out many different projects and we have a lot of experience in this area. Children's recreation is an area that we will continue to pursue with pleasure. We will make every effort to ensure that the guys like us and want to come to us again and again. We are currently working on a family vacation project so that children can relax with their parents, and so that both will have fun.