What is it to love life example. What does it mean to love your life and enjoy it? What is it - a sea cruise


Loving life means loving what is. See and feel the meaning in everything that is right now. Live “here-and-now” or “take everything from life” - this does not mean that right now you need to choose the first entertainment or pleasure that comes to hand. Loving what is means accepting all that is as a manifestation of the highest good. Including the grief of losses, discomfort, rejection and rejection of one’s personality, anxiety... How can one love this and why, thinks consulting psychologist Igor Chaturov.

Dostoevsky, it seems, said that in life, happiness requires as much unhappiness as happiness. The modern culture of narcissistic avoidance attempts to deny this truth. All that is offered to us is a means of avoiding discomfort and distraction, so that our sensory “machine” feels only pleasant things while it is possible. It costs us dearly. We pay for this with the loss of intimacy, sincerity, love... This is a paradox: the more opportunities a person has to get distracted and have fun, the more he avoids facing discomfort, the more lonely, artificial and internally weak he is. A person turns into a prosthesis of himself. And in the end, life still deprives us of comfort, no matter how much we run away from it. The loss of comfort in the future and the loss of meaning in the present is the price to pay for avoiding the “misfortune” that the classic spoke about.

A person is designed in such a way that he values ​​only what he has received through overcoming, into which he has invested his labor, impulses of the psyche and mind. Only overcoming difficulties gives us a sweet feeling of meaning and fullness of life. For example, 30 years ago, finding and reading a good book required a lot of physical and mental effort. And in order to assimilate what you read – mental ones. Nowadays, few people risk spending 5-10 minutes of their life to assimilate a text that causes ambiguous experiences, stretches their worldview, and does not evoke simple positive associations. Our brains have already been trained to look only for superficial and comfortable verbal symbols that automatically reinforce the very personality structure that is actually the cause of our suffering. And the brain, trained by narcissistic avoidance, inspires us with the opposite - that the cause of suffering is supposedly external discomfort. Have you lost a loved one? Have you been betrayed by your loved one? Are you sick?... It only seems to us that suffering is outside (this is how our brain is trained). The reason is inside me, in my “I”, in my habit of running away from the fullness of life, in the inability to expand perception, to make efforts to justify and glorify what seems “bad” to me, but in reality is necessary for assimilating life , true love for her here and now.

Meaning is a feeling. Perhaps the sweetest, most intimate and therefore so sought after. It is not scattered on store shelves and social media pages. You can only create it yourself, in the melting pot of your soul and mind. It requires stopping, attention, deep contact with experiences, clear guidance. I have to learn to distinguish not only between “bitter-sweet” and “true-false”. And learn to recognize and make a choice in favor of the fact that the truth, although sometimes bitter, is still more valuable and useful. This is how I learn to create a sense of meaning within myself - the source of love for life in its fullness.

Our brain is already wired to deceive. He automatically works in the mode “if only nothing happens, if only I don’t lose what’s mine, if only they don’t treat me badly.” You shouldn't blame him, or yourself, or anyone else for this. It's part of the game. This is also the fullness of life. But still, we always have the choice to wake up and say our firm “yes” to reality! Open up and let through yourself the entire stream of released experiences, go towards fear, remembering the Goal. The goal is Life itself, its law and meaning, its mystery and completeness, hidden from us, but towards the disclosure of which we are constantly moving, whether we realize it or not. This is our common destiny.

Life is perfect. This is not easy to discover in moments of loss, disappointment, doubt, when there is no clear vision of the next steps and prospects. The ego wants to break out of the cage it has created. This is the time for miracles, for overcoming and transformation. Here you need to stop, open up and trust in something greater than “me.” Here we need “ecstasy in battle,” the courage to be, to feel, to know. Loving what is, discovering the true, hidden meaning of what is happening is a step towards the perfection of love in life. Live, explore, find what you are looking for!

Many people have difficult periods in life when it seems that everything is not going well, life ceases to be enjoyable, they give up, and it gets worse and worse every day. What to do in such situations? How to love life, even when all sense of moving on disappears?

Some people stay positive all the time, you might think it's a gift, but in reality they just enjoy their lives. For others, it is difficult to find anything positive in their life, and even the best events seem to them not good enough, and sometimes even negative. However, there are several options for learning to love life, because it is the love of life that will help you direct it in the direction you need, don’t oppress yourself more than you already are, stop, think, work on yourself and your perception, and everything will work out!

Techniques: how to love life

  • Don't compare your life with your dreams and ideals, accept it as it is. If you focus on the ways in which your real life differs from your desired life, you will only drown yourself. Focus on your victories and learn from your mistakes.
  • Also, don't compare it to other people's lives. If only because everyone has different ideals, desires and possibilities. In addition, the part of the lives of others that is visible to you may in fact not be so ideal, and especially not suitable for you.
  • Enjoy every little thing, focus on the positive. Start each morning with a smile, a real open smile to yourself. And then the world will begin to smile at you. If you notice more positive things around you, then your positive emotions will attract more and more positive events into your life.
  • Stop complaining. Your complaints only attract the troubles you complain about. Stop paying attention to them and getting annoyed at every occasion, and gradually all these squabbles will leave your life.
  • Do what you love and what brings you joy. It is not always possible to change your occupation, but even if your job is not your dream job, you can always find a hobby that will bring you a lot of joy and give you strength and energy to move on.
  • Remember that life is full of opportunities, and any opportunities bring changes to your life. Therefore, every new second of your life is an opportunity to change it for the better, the main thing is to react to this opportunity in time and be open to it. That is, at any moment in your life, everything can change for you, and in which direction will depend on you and your mood. It is quite possible that behind the veil of negativity you have already missed many opportunities, but do not be discouraged and cry about the past, look forward, and then a good future awaits you.
  • It is easier to love life when someone helps you with this. Surround yourself with good people, those who bring you joy. Friends are an acquired family that will always support and help. If you cannot cope with negativity, pain, oppression, tell it to your loved ones. They will definitely respond and help you in how to love life.
  • Stop watching TV. It carries a lot of negativity, besides, it imposes its ideals on life, makes you think that your life is not so good. This is not right, everyone has their own ideals and their own lives, remember, you are unique, and so is your life. However, you should not distance yourself from cinema. Watch joyful, warm, positive films.
  • Love yourself. Without this, you will never be able to love your life. Love always brings even more love into life, so you should start with self-love, thereby you will become attractive to others. And romantic feelings always fill life with new bright colors. How to love yourself is written in another article by Elhau - “”.
  • Look around often. The world around is beautiful and interesting. Try to return from your negative thoughts to the real world, observe other people, natural phenomena, perhaps go on a trip to the sea, lake, mountains, or just outside the city for a picnic.
  • Enjoy and live life to the fullest. Don’t let your life pass you by, don’t be a spectator, because you are the main character in it, which means everything in it should be the way you want.

And in conclusion, to summarize: love life as it is. And only when you accept it, find bright and good sides in it, it will begin to change for the better. Try it and see how powerful thoughts can be, and remember, they will materialize, so think positively!

Love is often thought of as a strong emotional attraction and a feeling from the heart. However, not everyone fully understands what it means to truly love. Even in their youth, boys and girls form an image of an ideal soul mate at the subconscious level. Not only personal characteristics play a role here, but also social attitudes to which a person is exposed throughout his life. However, ideals do not exist, so love is always directed towards a real object with all its advantages and disadvantages. Loving means accepting your partner for who he is and skillfully resolving conflict situations.

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    Definition and signs of love

    The feeling of love is familiar to every person. It can visit both a young girl and a lady of Balzac's age. On the one hand, everyone knows about such a feeling as love, but on the other hand, it is incomprehensible to no one. Love is often defined as a very bright feeling, thanks to which a person can “grow wings.” If two people are in love with each other, then friendship, affection and sexual attraction usually arise between them.

    If the lover is not reciprocated, then this causes strong feelings. And if the chosen one is infatuated with someone else, then the girl develops resentment, anger and other negative emotions. But people often do not understand what it means to truly love a person, because love can take different forms.

    How to understand if you love a person

    Love and chemistry

    Scientists have tried to find out what is happening in the body of a lover from a scientific point of view. The results were as follows: when a person looks at his beloved, his heart rate increases because the brain begins to produce dopamine. Together with other hormones, it contributes to a special perception of the world during experiences.

    Since the human body maintains a metabolic balance, it independently regulates life support processes. Therefore, dopamine cannot be produced for many years, it only happens for a certain time. If this hormone is constantly formed, it will have a detrimental effect on the psyche. Not all lovers were happy about this discovery.

    How to fall in love with a guy

    Social attitudes

    There is no one definition of what it means to love and be loved. Everyone will answer this question in their own way. After all, for the answers to be the same, people need to receive the same upbringing, experience similar emotions, and feel, which is completely impossible. If this were so, man would turn into a robot and lose his individuality. People live, not exist, as long as they can feel. This means that a person begins to realize tenderness, affection and sympathy from infancy. Emotions and mental qualities are formed under the influence of life circumstances and contribute to the formation of personality.

    Education and religion instill some concepts of love, but people still perceive them in their own way. One young lady may believe that a guy in love with her is obliged to give her gifts every day. After all, she is sure that this is the only way a young man can show himself positively in a relationship. Another girl will be happy from the compliments and kisses of her chosen one.

    The same applies to men. If a guy was raised only by his mother, then he will expect special care from the girl in any situation and will assume that the girl loves him if she cooks different dishes every day, irons his clothes and constantly admires him.

    Man's love

    Working on yourself and signs of fate

    If a guy or girl initially creates a portrait of their soulmate in their imagination and characterizes it with valuable qualities, then the subconscious will attract such a partner. When the meeting happens, there will be a surge of bright emotions between the couple. And strong feelings will guide both until they get to know each other better. If they turn out to be incompatible, then mutual dissatisfaction awaits them.

    This relationship will not last long, and in the event of a breakup, both the girl and the guy will suffer. This will happen for the reason that the lovers initially idealized each other. But since there are no ideals in reality, you will have to pay for broken illusions with peace of mind.

    But there are also couples who live well together from their wedding day until old age. This is the result of working on themselves, because they learned to make mutual concessions and solve family problems together.

    What is women's wisdom?

    From the very beginning of a relationship, two people must learn to love. After all, the pleasure of falling in love will pass, but the real world with its everyday tasks and pressing problems will remain. A strong family will be possible if the wife and husband have a clear understanding of what loving spouses are.

    The ideal wife is the woman whose merits her husband can boast to others. This girl:

    • combines intelligence and beauty;
    • skillfully hides his shortcomings and favorably emphasizes his advantages;
    • does not allow conflict situations and gives a man the opportunity to feel like the main one in the family;
    • is in no hurry to show herself smart and wise in front of her spouse and other people.

    If a woman loves her husband, then she will not allow the fire of the family hearth to be extinguished. For this rather rare skill, spouses value and honor their wives all their lives.

    What does it mean to “love in French”?

    There is an opinion that the French are liberated in intimate relationships. Therefore, love in French is considered to be receiving various sexual pleasures without any complexes.

Love life, and life will love you too.

A. Rubinstein

...Those who do not value life do not deserve it.

Leonardo da Vinci

Erase random features

And you will see - life is beautiful.

A. A. Blok

No matter how much we talk about the emptiness of life, sometimes just one flower is enough to dissuade us.

A. France

Life will win - no matter how many hands are laid on it, no matter how many madmen try to stop it.

L. N. Andreev

The imperishable spirit is sick with love of life,

For now he is a prisoner of the mortal coil.

Al Ma'arri

Life should and can be unceasing joy.

L. N. Tolstoy

The hallmark of wisdom is a consistently joyful perception of life.

M. Montaigne

Take a closer look - true life is next to you. She is in flowers on the lawn; in a lizard that basks in the sun on your balcony; in children who look at their mother with tenderness; in lovers kissing; in all these little houses where people are trying to work, love, have fun. There is nothing more important than these humble destinies. Their sum constitutes humanity. But people are so easy to deceive. A few vague words can lead them to murder, enmity, hatred.

...I ask you once and for all to throw out of your heads the far-fetched neo-romantic pessimism that has poisoned an entire generation. You have been told that the world is absurd... The world is what it is. He obeys neither reason nor common sense. The world is a starting point, a certain given... The world is neutral. It is neither friendly nor hostile to humans. You have been taught that a person is born in order to die, and that you must be tormented by this thought all your life. For what? Death is not a fact of consciousness. You have been told that we live on the edge of an abyss and that the consciousness of mortal danger is robbing us of the last crumbs of reason. But people have always lived on the edge of an abyss, and this did not stop them from loving, working, and creating. Why don't you follow their example?.. Don't forget, with common efforts we can prevent a catastrophe and prevent the globe from perishing at the hands of its inhabitants; Don’t forget that even if we walk along the edge of an abyss, nothing pushes us down.

You have been told that old moral values ​​are a thing of the past. This is a lie. If you take a closer look at modern man, then under the husk of words you will find a man as he was at all times.

A. Maurois

He who carries the sun and life within himself will not look for light somewhere on the side.

R. Rolland

Anything that is too long becomes boring, even life; however, she is loved.

L. Vauvenargues

We often neglect the good of this life, hoping somewhere, someday to receive a greater good. But such a greater good can never exist anywhere, because in our life we ​​have been given such a great good - life, beyond which there is no and cannot be.

L. N. Tolstoy

There is enough light for those who want to see, and enough darkness for those who don't want to.

B. Pascal

Whatever life teaches us,

But the heart believes in miracles:

There is endless strength

There is also imperishable beauty.

F. I. Tyutchev

To love something more than life is to make life something more than it is.

J. Rostand

A person only truly values ​​life when he has something immeasurably more valuable than his own life.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

And life is good with a change of joys.

I. Goethe

Earthly joys

There are so many of you around!

Meadow, element of flowers,

The meekness of sweet hands.

Bach cantata

Cinnabar sunset,

Eyes to heaven.

Blue abyss,

Flight of clouds,

To heavenly joy

Quiet transition.

L. I. Boleslavsky

Life without joy is already half death.


What a precious gift to have your own, personally special, one-of-a-kind, obedient and disobedient body, to listen to it all your life in order to master its mysterious laws and subordinate them to the laws of the spirit! What a precious right to transform it into a true symbol of your spirituality, and finally, when it becomes exhausted, to leave it for a better, freer and more spiritual life!

I. A. Ilyin

Yesterday I ran to get a tooth filled

and I laughed as I ran:

all my life I've been dragging around my future corpse

and cherish it zealously.

I. Guberman

Good is not every life, but a good life.

Seneca the Younger

A person cannot live in the world if he has nothing joyful ahead of him.

A. S. Makarenko

Because people die, life does not cease to be funny, because because we laugh, life does not become less serious.

B. Shaw

I believe in a life that constantly cuts off dead organs and, reviving matter, heals wounds; I believe in a life that, no matter what, in the midst of decay and death, strives for universal health and continuous renewal.

E. Zola

According to false teaching, life in this world is evil, while goodness is achieved only in the future life.

True good is always in our hands. It, like a shadow, follows a good life.

L. N. Tolstoy

If you value your life, remember that others value theirs no less.


Life is not bitter for someone who is firmly convinced that not living at all is not a problem.


If you think sensibly, nothing belongs to a person, except perhaps his life.

A. France

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil coexist in it.

O. Balzac

All strong people love life.

G. Heine

And isn’t it smarter: to live praising life rather than scolding it - and still live!

L. N. Andreev

Loving life means being able to forget all the bad... and retain all the good.

M. M. Prishvin

Suffering is a worthless fund. And you shouldn’t complain about life to anyone.

M. Gorky

It’s bad when everything about a person is gray: his soul, his thoughts, his look. Only gray quails are good.

M. A. Stelmakh

Everyone looks at life from their own bell tower, but sometimes the bell tower is at the zero level.

I. N. Shevelev

The world appears completely different if you look at it not only from your bell tower.

V. Raabe

Without despair in life there is no love of life.

A. Camus

The fire will not be satisfied with wood,

The earth will not be satisfied with rains,

Drops - a roaring stream,

Life - living on earth.

Middle Asian

...Let them say that poets lie, that they embellish life, but I think that there is more poetry in life than in the poetry of life.

V. N. Krachkovsky

This world is not a joke, not a vale of testing and transition to a better, eternal world, but this world is the one in which we now live, this is one of the eternal worlds, which is beautiful, joyful and which we not only can, but also must make through our efforts more beautiful for those who live with us and for everyone who will live in it after us.

L. N. Tolstoy

Only when you have called upon death a hundred times do you begin to understand the beauty of life and then, very often, it leaves you.

K. Silva

What is the sweetest thing for a person? Life: because all our joys, all our happiness, all our hopes are connected with it.

N. G. Chernyshevsky

The brevity of life can neither dissuade us from its joys nor console us from its sorrows.

L. Vauvenargues

Only then does a person understand his life when he sees himself in every person.

L. N. Tolstoy

O true and deplorable picture of life! Joy enters where grief came from; happiness is located where despair fled.

A. Lamartine

Human life is more valuable than a gold mine.


A life well described is as rare as a life well lived.

T. Carlyle

Our life would become beautiful if we only saw all its baseness.

G. Thoreau

You can only hate life due to apathy and laziness.

If life does not seem like great joy to you, it is only because your mind is misdirected.

L. N. Tolstoy

Enjoy life, enjoy every minute of it - after all, pleasures end before life.

F. Chesterfield

The closest and dearest thing to a person is man and human life.

N. G. Chernyshevsky
J. Labruyère

Everyone loves themselves, but not everyone loves their life.

Some love life for what it is given, others for what it gives.

G. N. Matyushov

The love of life is not separate from the fear of death.

R. Rolland

It is permissible to regret life, but only out of love for it, and not out of fear of death.

L. Vauvenargues

He who neglects his life values ​​his life.

Lao Tzu

Desire is half life, indifference is half death.

D. H. Gibran

A person who is not surprised by anything lives in a state of dullness.

G. Hegel

Cheerfulness is an innate trait, in contrast to skepticism, which is an acquired quality.

G. Mann

Only those who are able to feel life are often on the verge of death.

J. Nehru

We hope to reach old age, but we are afraid of growing old. This means that we love life and fear death.

J. Labruyère

To be able to enjoy the life you have lived means to live twice.


If we know that we are doomed to death, why don’t we now live for our own pleasure?


Life should be enjoyed like a fine wine, sip by sip, with a break. Even the best wine loses all its charm for us; we stop appreciating it when we drink it like water.

L. Feuerbach

Excessive jubilation and desperate grief are equally unworthy of a thinking person.

J.-J. Rousseau

The higher a person’s mental and moral development, the freer he is, the more pleasure life gives him.

A. P. Chekhov

There is only one virtue - justice, one duty - to become happy, one conclusion - not to exaggerate the value of life and not to be afraid of death.

D. Diderot

Love of life is almost the opposite of love of longevity. All love thinks about the moment and eternity, but never about “duration.”

F. Nietzsche

Life. I understand her less and less and love her more and more.

J. Renard

I still love life. This absurd weakness is perhaps one of our most fatal shortcomings: after all, nothing can be more stupid than the desire to continuously carry a burden that you want to throw off to the ground, to be horrified by your existence and drag it out.


...The hosts of people who left you,

Moaned about death, loving the worldly!

Y. Balasaguni

Life is now harsh, but it enriches a person with experience; for a person with a strong spirit, it is beautiful and interesting, despite all the difficulties.

R. Rolland

Life is alive and beautiful through energetic work, life is not a burden, but wings, creativity and joy, and if anyone turns it into a burden, then it is his own fault.

V. V. Veresaev

to live as the One who sent us into it wants.

L. N. Tolstoy

There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it.