What to give a 9 year old girl. New Year's gifts for girls

Other celebrations

Thinking about what to give a 9-year-old girl? We have 55 wonderful gift ideas for you this birthday. They are divided into sections: favorite games and toys, fashion accessories and beauty products, for handicrafts and creativity, original ones, for physical development, pets, and also those you can make with your own hands.


Favorite games and toys

They are intended for both role-playing games with friends and for independent play. Let the girl enjoy her childhood longer thanks to such gifts.

  1. Fashion doll.
  2. Every year brings its own surprises - the toy trend is constantly changing. Therefore, if you want to please the birthday girl with a good doll, find out about new products. They are usually sold in a set with accessories. Price from 500 rubles. Clothes for dolls.
  3. Buy things according to the size of the girl's favorite doll. For baby dolls - children's sandboxes and overalls, for a toy fashionista - various dresses, hats or even high-heeled shoes. Cost from 300 rubles. House with furniture for dolls.
  4. Nowadays, roomboxes are in fashion - these are separate rooms in which you can organize the interior and furnishings at your discretion, a kind of construction kit for the future designer. They even have lighting. Price from 1000 rubles.
  5. Beauty saloon. With it you can bring beauty to all your dolls. The set contains everything - from a comb to a hairdryer; by the way, there are also bottles of perfume. Well, the coolest gift would be a beauty salon along with a dressing table. Price from 700 rubles. The mannequin doll has long hair, on which you can practice hairdressing - do hairstyles, decorate with accessories. You can also wear makeup. Cost from 800 rubles.
  6. Products for the game in the store. First of all, you need a cash register that works like a real one, even sounds the same. There are also toy plastic products on sale - from sausages to vegetables, carts and even counters. Cost from 500 rubles.
  7. Talking hamster repeat. He is so funny - he repeats what he is told, only in a funny, squeaky voice. A hamster can easily cheer you up even on the saddest day. The price is around 700 rubles.
  8. Board game. These can be “Monopoly” in the “glamor” style, logic puzzles, such as mahjong or jigsaw puzzles, gambling ones - lotto or dominoes, in general, all those that can captivate the birthday girl and her girlfriends for a long time. Price from 300 rubles.
  9. Interactive toy. The most interesting thing for girls is a baby doll that behaves like a real child. But there are others that are no less fascinating, for example, a desktop robot that will become a friend for the birthday girl. Price from 800 rubles.
  10. Big soft toy. A teddy bear or a hare is needed not only for toddlers, but also for schoolgirls. Such toys serve as a kind of antidepressant; they are so nice to hug! Cost from 500 rubles.

Fashion accessories and beauty products

9 years old is already time to be fashionable, to show off in front of classmates and friends from the yard. And such gifts will help the girl find her own style.

  1. It is believed that such a talisman protects its owner from all kinds of adversity. This could be a symbol denoting a zodiac sign, or images of Leo, Virgo, Gemini, and so on. Cost from 100 rubles.
  2. Accessories that are fashionable these days are rings, pendants, bracelets and earrings. Most often they are made in the form of two halves, pieces or slices. Price from 100 rubles.
  3. The choice of gift depends on the girl's style. For a romantic nature, a crocheted or straw hat is suitable, and for a restless girl - a cool biker bandana. Price from 150 rubles.
  4. Mittens are for children, but a young lady can already buy gloves, for example, demi-season ones for spring-autumn. Or trendy “fingerless” mitts - fluffy wool or thin lace. Cost from 500 rubles.
  5. Pendants, bracelets, beads, laces for sneakers and even curls of hair. They have a soft neon glow or flickering lights thanks to special impregnation or tiny batteries. Price from 150 rubles.
  6. The set is almost the same as for adults, there are several levels in the box - there are eye shadows, lip gloss, and nail polish. The composition of the cosmetics is hypoallergenic, harmless, and the colors are not very bright. Cost from 400 rubles.
  7. Perfume or eau de toilette should have a subtle, slightly sweet aroma with notes of fruit or vanilla. A good choice would be the children's perfume "Malizia Bon Bons", designed specifically for young people. Price from 100 rubles.
  8. This is a mandatory attribute of style, especially since it is very practical - you don’t need to fill your pockets with all sorts of little things. A bright handbag with a shoulder strap is suitable for a young fashionista. Cost from 300 rubles.
  9. The range of girls' umbrellas is huge: classic with patterns, transparent, with animal faces and ears on the dome, folding and canes. But the main criteria when choosing are light weight and dome size of about 90 cm. Price from 500 rubles.
  10. It could be just a fluffy tail or a soft faux fur toy. The keychain can be attached to a bunch of keys, to the strap of a handbag or backpack - everything is in keeping with the theme and for a “cute” style. Cost from 200 rubles.

Gifts for handicrafts and creativity

If the birthday girl is quite diligent and has a creative streak, then the next ten gifts will be interesting for her. Let him discover some new hobby or improve in his favorite hobby.

  1. Is it possible to grow a tree in a pot in one day? Of course yes, if it is artificial. The set contains everything you need - a glass of cement “for planting” and decorations for the trunk and crown. Price from 300 rubles.
  2. There are many options: bead embroidery, sequins, cross stitch and diamond embroidery. The kits contain all the necessary materials and tools; you don’t need to buy anything additional. Price from 100 rubles.
  3. The girl will be able to independently assemble a beautiful stained glass window for her window. The set contains a transparent mosaic base, elements of different shapes, a template, 4 suction cups and instructions for making. Cost from 200 rubles.
  4. Not a toy, but a very real one that makes lines. Usually the kit contains scraps of fabric, threads, ribbons and patterns, and the machine itself is equipped with a drawer for storing materials. Price from 700 rubles.
  5. A great gift for a birthday girl who has a younger brother or sister - there will be someone to sew toys for. Each set contains ready-made patterns and decorations. Cost from 200 rubles.
  6. Gifts for a girl who grows indoor plants and makes flower arrangements. Give decor for a florarium or a special multi-faceted glass vase. Price from 350 rubles.
  7. Set with pencils, paints and markers or easel. And you can give a painting by numbers to a beginning artist - it will become her first masterpiece. Cost from 400 rubles.
  8. Nowadays, “light” plasticine for filigree modeling or “plush” - soft and fluffy - are very popular. Well, multi-colored mass is also in great demand due to its elasticity. Price from 100 rubles.
  9. To practice music, you can buy a synthesizer starting at 3,000 rubles. Well, if a girl wants to practice vocals, then a microphone is in her hands. Wireless costs about 1000 rubles.
  10. How can a girl overcome her fears and complexes before the stage if she dreams of becoming an actress? The set will help her. It contains a CD for developing speech techniques, a ready-made script, props and even an Oscar. Price from 300 rubles.

Original gifts

Presents that will cause surprise or laughter. In addition, they are all quite practical, and the girl will be interested in using them.

  1. It is quite small, measuring 40x21 cm, but nevertheless you can quickly prepare a whole portion of sweet or salty popcorn in it. This is also a wonderful decor for a girl’s room. Price from 2000 rubles.
  2. And this is a gift for the sweet tooth. It is very simple to use - you need to pour a spoonful of sugar into a special hole, and then wind the “web” onto a stick. Safe to use. Price from 1800 rubles.
  3. Another gift for preparing a treat, it is also called chocolate fondue. Warm chocolate cascades down the fountain and you can dip pieces of fruit and berries strung on a skewer into it. Cost from 1000 rubles.
  4. A lightbox with her photo would be a wonderful gift for a girl. This is a backlit painting, and it can be made in some image, for example, in the image of a little princess. The price is around 3000 rubles.
  5. This is not just a pillow, it is a real bed, but without legs and body. For example, this “Alligator”, made of plush with a recess for sleeping on the back, is a luxurious sleeping place, albeit non-standard. Price from 5000 rubles.
  6. A gift for a romantic person or for a girl who is afraid to fall asleep in the dark. Stars can be glued to the ceiling and walls and they will glow with a soft, light green light. The price is about 400 rubles.
  7. For example, neogam, an elastic hand ball, is fashionable among children. But there are other options - a pleasant-to-touch toy filled with granules, or a desktop pear on a spring for a little rebel. Price from 150 rubles.
  8. Sometimes a girl has to return from school or from a walk alone, and the lights in the entrances are not always on. Such a rabbit can light the way and also declares his love, saying: “I love you.” The price is about 150 rubles.
  9. In order to have a pajama party with your girlfriends, it is not at all necessary to turn on the stereo. Simply insert your smartphone into this device and the sound will increase. The price is about 700 rubles.
  10. Girls at this age already have their own secrets - joys, disappointments and even their first crush. In order not to keep everything to herself, she can write them down in such a diary. Cost from 300 rubles.

Gifts for physical development

Very useful gifts for simultaneous sports and games, which allows you not to allocate special time for training. Here are the best ideas for such gifts to give you a hint.

Before the New Year 2019, all friends and parents are trying to prepare a special gift for their girlfriends, acquaintances, and daughters. Now, probably, you will no longer meet a girl who would not want and wait for the arrival of the New Year, at the moment of which, under the carnival extravaganza, the most wonderful and beautiful transformations from ordinary girls into Fairies, Cinderellas, princesses, Snow Whites, and other similar fairy-tale characters beloved by the girl.

And the final moment, one might say the chord of New Year’s Eve itself, is considered to be a gift under the New Year’s tree, which appears as if by magic. Naturally, absolutely every parent wants to see that bright and colorful splash of happiness and joy on the faces of their daughters, granddaughters, goddaughters and nieces, at the moment of receiving a long-awaited surprise on New Year's Eve.

Gift ideas

Before choosing a gift for a girl in the New Year, you need to take into account all her wishes, and not only; The age of the child is also considered an important factor. In some cases, so to speak, “girlish desires” go completely in the wrong direction and naturally do not suit the age of the young beauty.

If you know the character, inclination towards something, temperament and psychological characteristics of your child at the appropriate age, then all this will greatly help you in choosing a gift on New Year's Eve.

What to give a girl aged seven to eight years old on New Year's Eve?

At this age, or more precisely in the period from seven to eight years, a girl undergoes an easy adaptation from kindergarten to school.

During this period, the girl will not yet say goodbye to her dolls and favorite toys, and this has its own plus - you can add another gift to her plush family, or give another doll, which will be much more beautiful and functional than all the others and will become a favorite among the entire puppet society.

You can also solve the problem of housing for dolls by buying a doll house for a girl. There is an option to purchase a doll made not from soft plastic, but from porcelain, which will look very beautiful and elegant with a lot of clothes for it.

Believe me, there are gifts that a child can remember for the rest of his life, for example, you can give a Barbie doll that will be fully dressed in candy made in the form of a dress.

Such a gift will be double, you are giving not only a future best friend for your daughter, but also a large number of sweets, which will be very harmoniously combined in such a very unusual design. We promise that your daughter will be delighted with this gift.

Also an irreplaceable gift for a little beauty would be a doll house with various kitchen sets and furniture.

The girl will arrange furniture according to her taste, thereby practicing her own design of the future home interior. Such “children's” household appliances will delight your daughter indescribably.

Thanks to this method, you will watch how the child will try to imitate his mother and, at the same time, acquire the skills of a housewife, which will undoubtedly be needed in the girl’s future. Often girls at this age dream of a stroller, and not for themselves, but for their favorite doll.

If your daughter is quite involved in the art of music, then there are special musical instruments for children just for such a girl, or you can give her real ones - this way she will learn all the necessary skills much faster.

At this age, some children also dream of going in for sports or dancing.

This is mainly rhythmic or artistic gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, and this is not the limit of a child’s dreams.

For example, you can give a new and quite beautiful sports uniform that will match the color of your daughter’s eyes, for her to practice any dance or sports activities.

A new ball, sports bike, roller skates or skates will become indispensable in her active leisure time.

The mirror is capable of playing some kind of blitz game with the child, what does this mean? The game implies the presence of a bright hobby and interest; the girl will be able to ask the mirror one of the ten questions proposed, to which she will receive an answer accordingly.

What to give a girl aged nine to ten years old on New Year's Eve?

If your child is very passionate about creating certain models of clothes for their Barbies, then there is an option to give this young fashion designer a sewing machine in a children's version, with the help of such a machine the child will be able to realize all his existing and future ideas about clothes for Dans and Barbies.

If a girl is interested in creating different kinds of hairstyles for dolls, then a New Year’s gift in the form of a special children’s mannequin for makeup and hairstyles will be very useful.

When a girl dresses up her dolls, she will also want to feel like she is wearing their clothes and become a charming princess. You can please your child not only with beautiful carnival clothes, but also with beautiful cosmetics specially made for children, or a fashionable handbag.

At this age, a large number of children quite ardently show interest in some kind of creativity. Therefore, a good gift for my daughter would be excellent polymer clay for sculpting small figurines and figurines.

Also a good gift would be an excellent set for handicrafts, embroidered paintings, boxes, ikebana, macrame, or other various kinds of elegant home interior decorations, you can also create ordinary jewelry, for example, pendants, bracelets, earrings from different colored rubber bands will undoubtedly lead to your child's indescribable delight.

Another important factor on New Year's Eve is to create a beautiful and homely, and most importantly, festive and creative atmosphere.

Therefore, you can please your daughter when she is old enough, and most importantly, with natural cosmetics: face and hand cream, neutral nail polish, eau de toilette with a delicious aroma, light lip gloss.

A children's manicure set that will teach your daughter how to take care of her own hands will make such a wonderful gift.

Or an option with beautiful bright jewelry: brooches or earrings, a set of hair bands of different colors. Silicone bracelets that have the ability to glow, pendants on a chain - such gifts will greatly delight your daughter in the New Year.

To store some kind of decorations, it is advisable to give a bright box with New Year's melodies or simply in New Year's decoration.

A rather unique gift for a girl in 2018 will be a beautiful notebook or notebook with a picture of the symbol of the coming year (2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog), an interesting and beautiful photo notebook “My Image” or an anti-stress toy.

The notebook (“My Image”) can be made with a photo of your daughter on the cover of the notebook. Such a gift will delight your daughter, as well as her classmates. A beautiful cup or mug, plate with your daughter’s name or photo will be an excellent gift on New Year’s Eve.

Special kits that make it possible to paint ceramic figurines, boxes, dishes, or kits for creating decorative soap will be excellent gifts on New Year's Eve.

Most girls at this age show an interest in cooking, and they spend most of their free and non-free time in the kitchen, helping out with their mother, so for such girls, a gift like a cookbook is simply necessary with the help of which she can learn exquisitely at her age cook simple meals.

In the coming year of the yellow earthen dog, it is very important not to forget to include in your New Year's gift a small souvenir with the image of the symbol of the year.

Such a souvenir can be a magnet, a notebook, an original talisman, a small figurine, a laminated calendar, or a Christmas tree decoration.

Before you start choosing a gift for your daughter, you need to observe her in order to find out about her desires and interests; you won’t succeed if you don’t show your imagination.

If you do everything right, you will definitely make your daughter happy on such a wonderful New Year's Eve.

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A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

I greet my readers! Admit it, you are probably tormented by the question of what to give a 9-year-old girl, for fear of not pleasing her? This is a really difficult task. Especially when it comes to a gift for a child from not very close people. A nine-year-old lady already has her own tastes and her opinion must be taken into account.

The best options for a gift for a 9 year old girl

Personally, I give girls of this age a book for their birthday. I don’t know about you, but I have always considered a book to be the most successful gift.

Of course, here you need to know what literature to buy. But if in doubt, contact the bookstore clerk.

  • Nine year old girl getting carried away by reading, will be delighted with adventure stories about pirates or useful tips on beadwork, as well as other types of needlework. Will interest her encyclopedia about the plant or animal world.
  • Suitable for a quiet little girl handicraft kits, the choice of which today is many and varied. With their help, a girl can learn ribbon embroidery, soap making and everything else that will definitely be useful to her in life. And now they will teach her perseverance and the ability to concentrate on her work.
  • Give certificate for classes for modeling from polymer clay or any type of drawing.
  • Is your girl highly active? Give her skates– it doesn’t matter whether it’s ice or roller. As you know, at this age they are very popular. Just check in advance, if you are choosing a gift for the daughter of friends, whether there are any medical contraindications for figure skating lessons and, of course, the size of the girl’s legs. It's easy to buy a gift for a lover of skiing or cycling, including a variety of sports accessories.
  • An excellent gift from parents could be subscription to attend classes at a dance school, rock climbing or martial arts school, or a swimming pool. If you are not buying a gift for your child, this should also be discussed with the girl’s parents first.

9 years old is still the same child or children's gifts

A nine-year-old girl is the same child who still loves the usual children's toys.

  • So if you buy soft toy, a knitted dog, a fabric tilde doll, then you’re unlikely to go wrong. For her, they now become an additional bright decoration for her own room.
  • Pick up doll for a girl you need to be careful, taking into account age. But she wants to receive not a simple doll, but an exquisite one, so that she can brush her hair and sew clothes.
  • Amazing modern dolls with all kinds of accessories are watching us from store shelves. You can buy it for them houses, clothes, dishes.
  • Became popular toys that repeat individual words and phrases. "Talking" hamsters, dogs and bears...
  • And for the same baby dolls In general, you need to look after them like little children - they are fed, watered, taught to speak.

In general, giving one of these toys to a girl for her birthday will give you an explosion of emotions.

Update your wardrobe

A child’s 9th birthday is a reason to update her wardrobe. Girls not only pay attention to their changing appearance - they are already big fashionistas. Many of them imitate famous singers and actresses.

But give not simple sweaters or jeans, but elegant dresses - the same lush ones that princesses wear, beautiful and graceful shoes.

In general, gifts for beauty that will find their application for the New Year and any other celebration! Complete the look with a small handbag with a shoulder strap, a stylish hairpin or bracelet.

Separately, it is necessary to say about donating bags. This will be a pleasant and practical gift for my daughter, who already has a great desire for fashionable things. She doesn't need just one bag, but a whole collection. Therefore, you can give them several times: for school, outings, everyday life and holidays. Let her always and everywhere feel like a real little lady.

I advise you to refrain from giving clothes that require trying on to a girl you don’t know - even if you know her tastes, you risk making a mistake. When choosing this option, it is better to visit the shopping center with the birthday girl and invite her to make her own choice from the options you offer.

“Like mom…” or encouraging responsibility

Do you want to become a good witch for your daughter? It's not as difficult as it seems. Nine-year-old princesses like to be like their mothers in everything. For her, every mother is a standard of beauty and generally the best!

The girls are already actively interested in their mother’s cosmetics: they secretly tint their lips, ask to varnish their nails or line their eyelashes. So support her wonderful desire to take care of herself. Your girl is growing up - give her her own cosmetics. Today, shadows and lipsticks in delicate shades are produced especially for children - they are not harmful to the delicate children's skin. If you wish, you can even find children's perfumes.

Try to make her birthday especially memorable and the great emotions you will receive will help with this.

Trips to the zoo, aquarium, amusement park, or to see a new cartoon in the cinema will leave a vivid impression. A visit to the dolphinarium will be interesting for a girl. And if you manage to swim with dolphins, it will be a real adventure!

Well, what child will remain indifferent if on his ninth birthday you make him happy with a four-legged friend - a hamster, rabbit, kitten or puppy? Only when you plan to give such a gift to someone other than your own child, agree on your decision with the girl’s parents.

How to choose a gift for a girl who has everything?

You can only please such a girl with something amazing. How can you surprise such a child? That's right, give an unusual thing:

  • piggy bank ATM– a funny toy in the form of an ATM. The child will be able to save money and see on the screen the amount of the “deposit” she made (the device recognizes coins). There is also a “real” plastic card that you can encode yourself. With her help, the hostess will be able to withdraw money;
  • machine for making popcorn or cotton candy– will be able to entertain your girl for more than one day, most importantly, provide her with the ingredients;
  • perfume making kit- another interesting present. The nine-year-old birthday girl will receive a lot of useful knowledge from the history of the development of perfumery, will be the first to learn the basic principles of creating perfumes, and will also conduct experiments on creating her own exclusive fragrance. Who knows, perhaps this game will turn into a life's work in the future, and she will become famous as a perfumer;
  • snow blaster– our time when in winter we made and threw snowballs is far in the past, not only because of the past years, but also thanks to new opportunities. Now you don’t need to sculpt anything by hand, or throw anything. The snow blaster is a special device for creating “snow projectiles” and throwing them;
  • a memorable gift for the birthday girl who has everything will be her oil portrait in a fabulous outfit. Placed in a colorful frame, it will wonderfully decorate your apartment.

I hope I was able to present interesting ideas that will help you in finding the most amazing gift.

What not to give

I want to clarify about those surprises that are not recommended to be given.

  1. So, I think it’s the worst idea present money. I am sure that no matter how much money you give to your daughter or a girl you don’t know well, she is unlikely to appreciate the significance of such a gift, because it is difficult for a child to understand its value.
  2. I have an equally negative attitude towards gift cards for the purchase of any goods. In such cases, there is a danger that the girl may like something that she will not be able to buy, because the denomination of the certificate will be for a smaller amount. The result will not be a gift, but a disappointment for the birthday girl.
  3. Gifts in the form of jewelry are also not the best solution. Adults may be delighted with gold earrings, but for a little fashionista, it still doesn’t matter whether they are gold or plastic. For her, the main criterion is that it should be beautiful, and according to her own concepts of beauty. In addition, generous gifts can become an object of attack by street hooligans, and even more often they are simply lost.

With a minimum of costs or inexpensive surprises

In each specific case, you need to select a gift for a nine-year-old girl individually. Of course, if you have enough money, you can afford a lot, but with limited financial resources, things become more complicated.

But don't rush to get upset. The best way out here is to look for budget options. In the end, you can do something worthwhile with your own hands.

Today, the Internet provides enormous opportunities in this regard. Even without knowing what and how to do, thanks to video tutorials, you can learn handicraft. Find an interesting homemade product, download the course and start creating. You can prepare a gift inexpensively from scrap materials.

  • Sew it yourself a series of fashionable clothes for your favorite doll. There is no need to buy expensive fabrics and threads. Use your reserves, which sometimes turn out to be much more if you look carefully in the bins.
  • Do exclusive box for the birthday girl. She will be delighted - now her “jewels” will be stored not in a box, but in a real box. You can even make such a present from ice cream sticks.

For every girl, her ninth birthday is a holiday that they look forward to with bated breath and hope for miracles. It is in your hands to make your child's dreams come true. And, of course, don’t forget to take a beautiful photo of the traitor on her holiday.

The 10th anniversary is ahead, so read the article about it - you will find a lot of useful information.

With this I say goodbye to you - until we meet again! If you liked the post, then advise your friends to visit my blog. And subscribe to the newsletter.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Vika Di October 30, 2018, 11:02

Remember the children's song: “What are our girls made of? Our girls are made from flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances!” Actually interests modern girls much wider, and this must be taken into account when choosing a gift.

What can you give a 9 year old girl for her birthday? Girls of this age are already very different from boys in their interests, but, as experience shows, choose a gift it's much easier for them.

Of course, a lot depends on the budget, as well as family or friendly ties

Thus, grandparents often believe that the best gift for a 9-year-old child is gold jewelry (earrings, chains, etc.), so that the girl will have a long-lasting memory of her grandparents. It is unlikely that she will be able to fully appreciate this gift, although many young fashionistas already know that gold is prestigious.

Photo of a birthday gift for a 9 year old girl

We offer you gift ideas for children 9 years old that will surely please the girl, but first let’s talk about what it is better NOT to give.

What gifts should not be given to girls?

Here are our ideas:

  1. Money. Nine-year-old girls don’t yet know their value and will most likely spend it on unhealthy chips, cola and sweets to treat their friends.
  2. Pet. Such a gift can only be given in agreement with the parents, because a pet requires care and generally changes the life of the family in many ways; in addition, one of its members may have allergies.
  3. Gift certificate. It happens that a thing that a girl likes in a store will turn out to be much more expensive than the amount indicated in the certificate, and then instead of joy, the result will be only disappointment.

But these gifts will certainly come girl likes.

Birthday gift certificate

Children's cosmetics

At 9 years old, a girl wants to become as beautiful as her mother, which is why she is so lively She is interested in her mother’s decorative cosmetics: lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish, in short, the entire arsenal of modern women that helps them “beautify”.

Needless to say, all these facilities, not intended for children's skin, only harm it.

Therefore, a set of children's cosmetics will be a wonderful gift for a girl, and will help her mother teach her the first lessons in proper makeup

It is better not to give shampoo, hair conditioner or cream - these are products everyday care, and they are not so interesting for a girl.


Yes, yes, at this age girls really love to play with toys, they just need to choose them correctly. A huge soft toy is not the best choice: it is more likely to be a dust collector and a source of allergens.

Give a soft toy for a 9 year old girl's birthday

It is better to choose toys related to your favorite cartoons:

  • movie heroines Disney,
  • fairies, monsters and other characters from your favorite cartoons;
  • Barbie with everything she deserves: a dollhouse, a car, a groom, girlfriends, a set of dishes, clothes, etc.

Will be a wonderful gift interactive baby dolls that need to be looked after, because every girl has a maternal instinct, and with such a doll she will be able to realize it, albeit in a playful form.

Also very popular among girls are:

  • dress up games;
  • mannequin doll to create hairstyles with appropriate accessories;
  • DIY kits perfume making.


Once upon a time, a book was considered the best gift, but today, unfortunately, there are not many children who love to read. And yet it is possible choose a book with good illustrations, which will interest the girl in its theme: something about adventures on land and sea, especially stories with pirates, princesses, etc.

They will be a wonderful, and most importantly, useful gift. encyclopedias for children, for example, about the animal and plant world.


  • Beautiful diary with a lock, which also contains profiles for girlfriends, fortune tellers, etc., where she can write down her secrets;
  • large sets for drawing pencils, felt-tip pens and/or paints;
  • originally designed 3D pens with a girly theme (this is more of a souvenir in addition to the main gift;
  • modeling kits from plasticine, kinetic sand, polymer clay, etc.;
  • building kits sand pictures.

Give a drawing set to a girl for her 9th birthday

Educational games

These games are meant for development of logical thinking, attentiveness, ability to concentrate, that is, everything that will help the girl study better. Today they are offered in a huge range, so we will list only the main ones:

  • puzzles big size;
  • « Erudite"(a game for two or more people, in which you need to form words from individual letters; it is advisable that a competent adult supervise the game so that the words are formed without errors);
  • logical board new games;
  • a variety of constructors, including Lego.

Microscope, binoculars or telescope will certainly arouse great interest among girls, as they will open up new horizons for them in the literal sense of the word.

Sports gifts

Even if a girl does not attend the sports section, a good gift for her would be:

  • roller skates;
  • protective accessories for roller skating, cycling, etc.;
  • subscription to visit the pool;
  • gift certificate to a climbing school, etc.


Modern girls are no worse than boys at using a computer, which is why computer games and various gadgets would also make a good gift, as well as a smartphone case in a girly design, headphones for your phone, etc.

Give headphones for a phone to a 9 year old girl for her birthday

For young needlewomen

Sewing, knitting, embroidery, beading - mastering these exclusively useful skills The girl will find it very useful in the future.

In addition, they perfectly develop fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, the ability to concentrate and help develop good taste.

The girl will learn to sew outfits for her favorite doll, make soft toys, and create beaded jewelry so beloved by girls, following simple and understandable instructions.

What to give to the girl who has everything?

Perhaps the most difficult question is what to give to the girl who has everything? Then you need to choose a gift that will surprise her and arouse interest, for example:

  • portrait of the birthday girl in a princess outfit, made from a photograph on canvas in a beautiful frame;
  • projector for smartphone;
  • ecocube for growing trees at home;
  • ant farm and other unusual and original things.

What to give a 9 year old girl a birthday present from her parents?

Relatives and friends will probably give the girl various toys, games, and sets; a good book as a birthday gift, but only parents can do it for a girl's 9th birthday unforgettable, giving her and her little guests a vivid impression.

Give a book as a birthday gift for 9 years

They could be:

  • birthday celebration in the children's entertainment center, where children will be offered a lot of entertainment: quests in accordance with their age, a trampoline, attractions, etc., and you can end such a holiday in a children's cafe;
  • joint trip to amusement park, water park or dolphinarium;
  • photoshoot from a professional photographer with costume changes.

Wardrobe replenishment

Which little fashionista doesn’t dream of a beautiful dress like a princess? Sometimes parents give a nine-year-old girl some practical thing, forgetting that the holiday is the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, it is best to select several models of beautiful dresses in advance, and then buy from preliminary fitting whatever the girl chooses.

She can wear this dress to her friends’ holidays and birthdays.

A complement to the “princess” dress will be beautiful shoes that definitely need trying on, as well as accessories(handbag, cosmetic bag, etc.).

What to give your 9 year old friend for her birthday?

A gift for a 9-year-old girl from a girl friend should not be too expensive so as not to put her parents in an awkward position, but she knows best what the birthday girl will like. The choice here is very wide:

  • a set of jewelry with earrings, chains, rings, etc.;
  • handbag;
  • diary.

And much of what is listed above. An inexpensive joke gift from a friend, for example, a set of comic fortune telling or funny souvenirs.

Give souvenirs to a girl for her 9th birthday

What to give to a 9 year old girl with your own hands?

Here are some ideas on how to give a girl a birthday gift with her own hands:

  • thought pillow: sew a cover from a beautiful silky fabric (for example, for curtains), knit a simple chain from colored wool or synthetics and sew it in the form of the birthday girl’s name; fill the pillow with foam rubber;
  • doll with a skirt from candies: take an ordinary Barbie, attach a fabric cover to her waist so that it stands like a bell, and attach the candies to the top of the candy wrappers with threads so that you get several tiers, preferably in different colors;
  • edible bouquet: take some small stick or straw for cocktails and attach the ends of candy wrappers to it to make a bouquet, wrap it in beautiful paper and tie with a ribbon;
  • put in a basket kinder surprises for girls, decorate with bows and roses from colored ribbons.

Both the birthday girl and her guests will like such an original birthday gift for a 9-year-old girl, because all the girls are famous sweet tooths!

Your little princess is slowly growing up. She already chooses what to wear, who to be friends with, forbids coddling with her and shows remarkable independence. At this age, girls are drawn to girls and best friends appear. And 8-9 year old girls love to dream, so it is advisable to have a corner of privacy in the house to read a book or just wander into the clouds.

So to your girl 8-9 years. How to guess with a gift? He must:

  • Be aesthetically beautiful or terribly fashionable among her friends
  • Inspire experimentation, promote self-expression, develop creativity

Everything for beauty and style

All girls tend to doubt their beauty. And during growing up this happens especially acutely. Therefore, from a very tender age, emphasize your daughter’s virtues, raise her to be a beauty. Let him study himself in the mirror, get used to loving himself, and take care of his appearance. What will she need for this?

Construction sets and puzzles

We choose thematic construction sets and puzzles as a gift for an 8-9 year old girl. Of the construction sets you can buy - the girl's series, which allows you to build an entire town with a hairdresser, cafe, houses, shops, ranch, etc. And also with your favorite Barbie doll in different images.

A good educational gift for a girl would be 700-3000 pieces. Choose beautiful landscapes, animals, fairytale castles, and favorite characters. Puzzles captivate young ladies, just like needlework.

Sports toys

But our young beauties love not only to do needlework, but also to roller skate, jump on a grasshopper, play badminton and Cossack robbers. And they shoot with a slingshot no worse than boys! We don’t recommend a slingshot... But a bow, like Princess Merida’s, why not)) with colored soft arrows - a stylish weapon especially for girls over 8 years old.

Board games

Girls of this age are attracted to everything mystical. They tell fortunes, believe in predictions and magic. You can't go wrong if you give the birthday girl a fantasy game or. Now there will be something to do with your friends at a pajama party)) At the age of 8-9, girls are actively interested in adult life. Therefore, games in which you can get into various life situations are very useful. In the game everything is like in life - players give birth to children, quarrel, get divorced, make peace, work, go on vacation and plan their family budget. Interesting and educational!