What should you do in the first week of the New Year? Go hitchhiking. Correct position for losing virginity

For a wedding

What needs to be done in the first week after the New Year to make your life better and better every day? We know!

1. Organize your daily routine

If you are used to waking up and falling asleep at very different times of the day and have not followed any schedule until now, it’s time to change this chaotic approach. Once you start falling asleep and waking up at the same set time, after a week you will notice changes for the better in your mood and well-being.

2. Regularly make to-do lists and see them through to completion.

Planning through to-do lists—from daily to monthly—is the easiest and most effective way to avoid getting overwhelmed by everything you want to do, whether it's time for family and hobbies, or time-sensitive work tasks and projects.

3. Visit a place you have long wanted to visit

In the new year, on weekends you can lie in front of the TV or sit in a chair with a joystick in your hands and endlessly play various games. Or you can carve out 1-2 days every week to travel to some unfamiliar place, city or country that does not require a visa to enter. Don’t waste your vacation on Egypt or Turkey: better go to a small country that everyone seems to know about, but which you can rediscover.

4. Organize your diet and go on a diet

The period of gluttony in the New Year will end - and it will be necessary to get back into a normal rut. Monitoring your weight and what you eat and how much you eat is not as difficult as you might think. If you think that to eat normally you will need a strict diet, giving up many foods, just read about how you can lose a lot of weight if you just eat thoughtfully and consciously.

5. Play sports

If you think that professional sports are not for you, and therefore you should not bother with training, it is in vain. Start simple: try running with the whole family. This will benefit every member of your family and you will immediately notice an improvement in your mood and general condition.

6. Give up television

TV is a universal time waster. Advertising of broadcast and cable channels, mixed with programs of dubious value and quality, low-grade humor and old films that are shown in a circle for weeks - do you really want to dilute your life with this every day? Of course, this does not mean that TV should be completely banned - just look at the program and choose what you would really like to watch tonight.

7. Start learning a foreign language

Today there are many online courses, services and even browser plugins for learning foreign languages. Why not take advantage of this? Take everything from life!

8. Find yourself a new hobby

Even if you weren’t interested in anything before, maybe you should start in 2015? Interests and hobbies bring novelty to life, add the opportunity to discover new facets in yourself and those around you and simply switch your attention and mental activity. And “a change of work is a rest,” isn’t it?

9. Give up the habit of judging people and arguing about unimportant things.

Make a small promise to yourself: no arguments about religion, politics, social system, no judging people for the length and color of clothes, hairstyles, presence or absence of tattoos, belief or disbelief in certain principles and ideas. Start seeing the world in its diversity - a seemingly simple, but at the same time complex task. It cannot be achieved in one day, but this is what, perhaps, is worth devoting to the new coming year. After all, all people are beautiful.

These simple tips will make your life better and more interesting in the new year!

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For me, the New Year is a time to take stock, think and ask myself... Ask what worked and what didn’t, think what could have been done better or faster. Unfortunately, time doesn’t add up, every year you get older and you realize that it’s time to think more intensively with your head, otherwise there’s no other way...

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that with the new year, each of us has the opportunity to start life with a clean slate. Well, there's something to it. Our holidays last a long time, some go farther away to celebrate, but I never saw much sense in this. It’s simple, sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity, what’s so interesting about celebrating the New Year underwater? Well, nothing, as for me. Although take your family and go on vacation to the mountains, why not...

And here’s another thing, the fulfillment of wishes... As the chimes strike, everyone says goodbye to the old New Year, and expects from the New Year that it will give them a magic wand that will do everything for them. But this is all a fairy tale, Gentlemen, an ordinary New Year's fairy tale... You have to really work hard, and there is no smell of magic here anymore.

Of course, no one will forbid you to make a wish, but you shouldn’t hope for a miracle. In general, it’s better to turn your dream into a goal, make a concrete plan, and while the idea is still clear and doubts are not filling your head, GET TO WORK.

In general, there is still a month until the new year, and we are already thinking about what and how to do...

It turned out to be a small list, only 100 points =) Some things are serious, some are funny, some are simply heartwarming. In general, I hope that those who read it will bring inspiration and new ideas for their future plans for the new year.

To-do list for the year! 100 things to do in the new year

  1. . It's no surprise that this item was number one on my list. After all, the development process involves constant improvement. Each of us knows what we need to change in ourselves to become better. So, we remember all such moments and make a list of 5-12 bad habits. And then, we move on to point 2, and work on them for a whole year.
  2. . The process is similar to creating a list of bad habits, only now we are thinking specifically about what needs to be done to become more disciplined or healthy, or to become an expert in some field. This is your flow of fantasy. Because It takes about a month to form a new habit. Over the next year, 12 new habits will appear in your arsenal that will make your life easier. Think about these habits in advance or you can take them from our list, because... The items in the list below can become your new habit.
  3. Come up with ways to implement them. Turn your dreams into goals, because this is what our action plan for the next year was created for.
  4. Write your plan for the year and follow it. If you have a plan, then you know where to go.
  5. Sometimes go to a quiet coffee shop to be alone and make a plan for the next month. It's better to choose your favorite cafe.
  6. Once a month, take some time to cook a new dish. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone: first, diversify your menu or find your signature dish that you will treat your guests to every time.
  7. Learn a new/or improve an old foreign language (English/German/Italian). What are the advantages of introducing this habit: firstly, you train your memory, and secondly, you train your brain. The main thing is to understand that the language requires constant daily practice.
  8. Learn poems. This point, like the previous one, trains our memory, and sometimes you can show off your intellect at a party. Those who don't like to learn poems can learn their favorite song. And remember that consistency is key.
  9. Read the minimum. Or maybe more, it all depends on your appetite. By the way, if you decide to read specialized literature, then within a year you can become an expert in your chosen field.
  10. Watch only. How do you know if a movie is good? Easy, ask your friends what their favorite movie is, or read reviews on the Internet before watching the movie. After doing this research, you can be 90% sure that the film is worth watching. Don't waste your time on stupid movies and TV shows. By the way, you can arrange to watch movies with friends on Fridays. 😉
  11. Start making sweets at home and completely eliminate store-bought baked goods.
  12. Pass a medical examination or simply make an appointment with the necessary doctors. Take care of your health, and it will thank you years later.
  13. . The ability to complain and feel like a victim is what you need to get rid of first. Of course, there is nothing wrong if you tell someone about your problems once. But when this is repeated constantly, it can ruin your positive aura and your friends will start avoiding you, so you need to start getting rid of this bad habit right now.
  14. (with vitamins and minerals) and stick to it. I don’t think it’s worth talking too much about the benefits of proper nutrition. The only thing I want to emphasize is that a planned menu will help you save time and money.
  15. Accustom yourself to a special regime (get up at 5-6 am, go to bed until 11 pm) Thanks to this mode, you will have a lot of extra time. After all, when the city wakes up, you have already done a lot of things.
  16. Say “I love you” every day. For yourself, those around you, your loved ones!
  17. Every month, plan who you need to meet this month. Don't forget old friends, even if you rarely see each other, call them, or even better, meet them.
  18. Plan a time when you can visit distant relatives. In case you rarely see them.
  19. Get to know your hometown as best you can. Cafes, exhibitions, buildings, secluded corners. Decide for yourself. Set aside a day once a month when you can explore your city.
  20. . When people complain about something, they don't value what they have now. And God takes it away from them sooner or later. So, start appreciating everything around you right now, without waiting for the new year.
  21. At least once a month, turn off your mobile phone for the whole day and devote the day to reflection.
  22. Learn to think at least once a week about ways to generate income (passive and active). Counting on retirement in our time is a very optimistic forecast. So, insure yourself and create passive income and save for the future yourself.
  23. Write your life story. Start writing a diary. If you read this article after the start of next year, then don't wait until next year to start. Start writing right now, everything that worries you motivates you. And don't forget to analyze every day.
  24. Take one characteristic photo per day. Memories are quickly erased, but if you can capture what was important to you on that day. You'll have something to remember later. Make a separate folder on your computer. And sign each photo in a special way. In addition, this task will teach you discipline.
  25. Learn all the capitals of the world. And make a plan of the places you want to see someday. Don't forget to explain why these particular places. Write a detailed description of each location. What places do you want to visit there? This will bring you closer to your goal.
  26. Make a list of 12 achievements for the year. It often happens that when you come to an interview, they ask you about your achievements. And you have nothing to answer. It seems like you’ve been running around all year like a squirrel in a wheel, but you can’t remember anything. Therefore, it is necessary to write everything down. Plan your achievements in advance. Think about the area in which you want to achieve something. And forward to achievements.
  27. Plan your budget(20% to save, 10% charity, 50% regular spending, 10% for entertainment)
  28. Create a personal budget. I think you have more than once discovered that the money has run out, and you still have to wait and wait until your paycheck, as if you didn’t buy anything, but the money has disappeared. Yes, they have such a property - to disappear. But you can take control of them. For this you need a personal budget. If anyone needs it, you can download the template .
  29. Buy things on sale. Save your budget. Usually in January and July you can buy things at the maximum discount.
  30. Get started. If you are not you, then who? We asked ourselves a question. Now start loving and pampering yourself.
  31. Stop putting things off for the future. This is probably one of the most difficult tasks for next year. But still doable. Try to do small things at once. You need to wash the frying pan, do it now, you need to finish the report, quickly get to work. Of course, if this is not a five-minute task, treat it like a game and do yourself an apartment cleaning project or a conservation project. And when the job is done, you will be proud of yourself, because you completed the whole project.
  32. Spend less than you earn. Living on credit is not living. Live within your means. Of course, there are force majeure events, but this happens only once or twice in a lifetime. If you want to spend more, find an opportunity to earn more.
  33. . Literally, mentally get rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you find it difficult to do this in your mind, write these thoughts down on paper and burn them. This ritual will help erase unnecessary thoughts from your memory. Don't rush to fill your brain with everything you see. Concentrate only on the necessary things.
  34. Learn to meditate. With our frantic pace of life, it is imperative to relax. The buzzword comes from yoga. If you don't have time to go to classes. Sit in silence or turn on instrumental music and try to get all thoughts out of your head. Enjoy the silence. Learn to relax and distract yourself from the outside world.
  35. Limit social media to an hour a day. Better yet, give them up. I just can't do it. Sometimes it's very important to keep in touch with old friends who are abroad. But you need to limit your time; an hour is enough to answer messages and look through your feed.
  36. Forgive yourself for mistakes. Everyone can make a mistake. We learn from mistakes. Stop thinking about them. Otherwise you will live in the past.
  37. Learn to remain silent. I am a very sociable person by nature. It's hard for me to understand how people can remain silent when they walk together. But we need to learn this. Because Silence also brings people together and you won’t have time to say anything unnecessary.
  38. . There are many methods of concentration. I recommend reading the book by L. J. Palladino - Maximum Concentration. It is freely available on the Internet. Perhaps in this book you will find your own way to concentrate. So far I have found one way for myself - this is the Pomodoro principle (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest)
  39. Stop going out in the sun without sunscreen. The sun is very dangerous for our skin. Take care of her.
  40. Feed your brain. In fact, there are now a lot of ways to develop our brain: games, crosswords, solving puzzles or logical problems.
  41. Surround yourself with successful people. The saying “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” was not invented for nothing. Do you want to be successful people? Chat with people like you. And you won’t notice how you begin to change.
  42. Watch the speeches of famous speakers, study their habits and intonations. I really like the Internet channel http://www.ted.com/. Famous speakers share their discoveries. It is very educational and in English. Although there are Russian subtitles.
  43. Stop communicating with people who treat you badly. In fact, why communicate with people who do not value you. Relatives are an exception. But you can safely say goodbye to the rest.
  44. . This is probably one of my bad habits that I carefully fight. Try to finish every task to the end. Don't start a new book if you haven't finished reading the old one.
  45. Play boardgames. Winter is coming and it's the best time to spend time with friends.
  46. Call your parents more often. Better daily.
  47. Learn to see the good in people. This is the quality that is more valuable than money. Even though you are afraid of many people, this should not stop you from seeing something good in them. You can learn something from every person, but what exactly is your choice.
  48. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you. And you will never become a different person. There is no need to compete with someone. Compare the results only with the past You. With what you were and what results you achieved.
  49. . This quality will be useful to you in many areas of life. While sitting on the subway, pay attention to details, or remember something along the way.
  50. Stop pouring out the ones you love. Let's admit it, everyone does this at every opportunity. For what? Unclear. Try to distract yourself from problems when you are around loved ones.
  51. Find a job you like. This is something everyone should do. Everyone has the right to a good job and to well-being and job satisfaction.
  52. Clean the apartment daily. In fact, this is difficult if you only dedicate 20 minutes a day to cleaning. Divide the apartment into zones. And clean one area every day.
  53. Find time to imagine. We are all children at heart, and it is very important for us to dream. Don't limit yourself to this. Fantasize.
  54. Focus on what you are really good at. This could become a new source of income.
  55. Get rid of clutter at home. If it's hard to throw everything away, give it to someone. The main thing is not to take it to the garage. It is designed for your Mercedes, not for storing rubbish.
  56. Get rid of the habit of replaying negative scenarios in your head. Don’t attract negativity, of course, it’s worth playing it safe, but you shouldn’t constantly think about it.
  57. Find a common interest with yours. Common things bring you closer together, make a common list with your significant other and gradually implement them.
  58. Learn to keep your word. If you want to gain respect among friends and colleagues, keep your word. If you can't do it, it's better to refuse.
  59. Introduce the 10 minute rule into your life. If you need to do something, but you have absolutely no desire, implement the 10-minute rule into your life. Dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to any task. After some time you will complete the task. Without making a huge effort. After all, 10 minutes fly by very quickly.
  60. Spend a weekend in another city or country.
  61. Have a professional photo session outdoors or in a beautiful studio.
  62. Green your apartment/house. After all, plants make a home more attractive and cozy.
  63. Plan your vacation in electronic form, make a list of things and necessary documents. Next year we will save time on planning.
  64. Pamper your body(massage, SPA salon, manicure, pedicure, etc.)
  65. Expand your social circle.
  66. Experiment with sex. Of course, if you are over 18 =)
  67. Try new entertainment(quest room or fear room, jump on a trampoline or something else.
  68. Help people in need. And it doesn’t matter what kind of help it is, charity or just moving a grandmother across the street. The main thing is a responsible attitude to business.
  69. Do something you never dared to do
  70. Learn to create something with your own hands.
  71. Surprise your loved one.
  72. Go camping with tents
  73. Spend your birthday in another country (or in the company of loved ones)
  74. Assemble a large puzzle (1000-3000 pieces). You are guaranteed employment for six months. 🙂
  75. Buy a diary for next year. I advise you to buy more than just a diary. And your diary. This is the one you will fill out. To do this, experiment for a year. If you abandon your diary after a week. This is not yours. Don't worry, look further.
  76. Prank your friends on April 1st
  77. Update your wardrobe and change your style.
  78. Go to a football game and cheer for your favorite team or just watch. This is an incredible release of emotions.
  79. Sign up for any training course from coursera.com or similar sites.
  80. Learn a new technology.
  81. Start creating passive income.
  82. Attend a conference in your specialty.
  83. Eat 5 kg of strawberries. 🙂 But seriously, take care of your nutrition and learn the principles of proper nutrition.
  84. Visit a new city in your country or abroad.
  85. Become an expert in one field
  86. Go out with friends to the camp site for the weekend
  87. Go skiing in winter and upgrade to a new ski suit.
  88. Ride a bike at least 100 kilometers. If you don't have a bike, then run. It's not that difficult.
  89. Get into the habit of walking more often. Anywhere, any place you like. Try to go out into nature every weekend.
  90. Go mushroom picking.
  91. In June, go to the forest to pick strawberries.
  92. Make dandelion jam. Useful and reminiscent of childhood.
  93. Go to the cinema for a good big film.
  94. Create your website or blog.
  95. Invest 10% of income in training. A person needs to develop. Buy books, take courses, attend thematic conferences.
  96. Do something selfless. You saw a girl crying on the street, give her flowers. If someone can't get on the subway, pay for it.
  97. Take a trial yoga class.
  98. Go to KVN
  99. Stand in plank position for 5 minutes

In general, there is no end to things to do :) But everything can be overcome, the main thing is that there is a desire.

The article is intended for those who want to know how pregnancy is carried out. We tried to reveal the most frequently asked questions about pregnancy: when and where to register, what tests and examinations a pregnant woman has to undergo, what rights and benefits are entitled to pregnant women, when to go on maternity leave, etc.

I'm pregnant, how do I know if I'm pregnant?

The first sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation (with a regular cycle). The simplest method that helps determine the presence (or absence) of pregnancy is pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies.

A more accurate method is a blood test for hCG (this is a hormone that appears in the blood already 6–10 days after conception). That is, it is possible to get a reliable result even before the delay of menstruation.

Ultrasound with a vaginal probe is an absolutely accurate method for determining pregnancy. It is advisable to do an ultrasound in the early stages to understand the location of pregnancy (uterine or ectopic) and the viability of the embryo - whether there is a heartbeat (visible from the 6th week of pregnancy from the 1st day of the last menstruation with a regular cycle).

Step 1. Make an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist

As soon as you find out you are pregnant, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with a specialist. This could be an obstetrician-gynecologist in a district antenatal clinic or your gynecologist in a private clinic.

When a woman first consults about pregnancy, the doctor at the appointment will definitely ask when the first day of the last menstruation was, about the characteristics of the menstrual cycle (regularity, pain, at what age menstruation began, etc.). They will also ask questions about your age, marital status, working conditions, existing diseases and any other health problems. What kind of pregnancy was there, were there any abortions, miscarriages, etc. Find out if relatives have diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tuberculosis, mental illness, cancer, multiple pregnancies, and the presence of children in the family with congenital and hereditary diseases.

Read more about registration in this article.

Step 3. Notify the employer

So, why notify your employer that you are pregnant? You registered with a medical institution and the obstetrician-gynecologist, as part of a mandatory medical examination, gave you a huge number of referrals for tests, examinations and visits to other specialists.

Step 4. Observation of pregnancy over time

According to the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2009 No. 808n, during the physiological course of pregnancy, examinations of pregnant women are carried out:

  1. By an obstetrician-gynecologist - at least ten times:
    • after the first examination, return 7-10 days later with tests, conclusions from a therapist and other specialists;
    • in the future - 1 time per month until 28 weeks,
    • twice a month - after 28 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. The frequency of observations can be 6-8 times when observed by a midwife every 2 weeks, after 37 weeks - every 7-10 days.
  3. A general practitioner, a dentist - at least three times (the first examination is carried out no later than 7-10 days after the initial visit to the antenatal clinic, and then in each trimester);
  4. An otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist – at least twice;
  5. Other specialists - according to indications, taking into account concomitant pathology.

The first sexual intercourse is a significant event for any girl. This is an experience that will allow you to further experience the joys of sexual life, and a lot depends on how it goes - bad or good.

What to do the first time you have sex?

If your loved one is your first boyfriend and you don’t know how to behave with him, don’t be scared. In order to make your first sexual experience positive and reduce discomfort to a minimum, you need to consider some rules of what to do and how to behave during your first sex. To begin with, of course, it is worth saying that the first sexual intercourse should take place in a comfortable and convenient environment, without haste and fuss and without unnecessary ears (such a place could be an empty apartment or hotel).

Both partners should take care in advance about the hygiene of the process and protection from unwanted pregnancy. It is important to try to ensure that the first sex goes without incident and does not leave behind unpleasant memories

When a couple decides to have sex for the first time, it is important that foreplay is not aimed at sexual arousal, but at instilling tenderness and trust in each other. Too sensual foreplay can provoke active blood flow to the genital area, and this can lead to unpleasant sensations during the first sexual intercourse. For the first time, a girl is unlikely to be able to experience an orgasm, since pain, even small ones, will block arousal.

In order to reduce pain during first sex, it is important to choose the right position. In the “classic” position – when the girl lies on her back with her legs straight and spread – the hymen is not tense and sag freely, which makes it difficult to break, since the man first has to pull it with his penis. During the first intercourse in this position, the defloration process is delayed, and accordingly, the girl’s pain increases.

In order to avoid such moments, sexologists suggest using the following position during the first sex - the girl lies on her back, a pillow or other comfortable object in the form of a cushion should be placed under the buttocks in order to slightly raise the pelvis. Your knees should be pressed as close to your chest as possible.

In this position, the lower part of the vagina opens, and the hymen becomes as tense as possible, and this facilitates the process of tearing it with the penis

A girl’s defensive reaction during the first sexual intercourse can significantly complicate the process, for both partners. When a girl feels pain, she instinctively begins to tense her hips and perineal muscles, while relaxing her hymen, begins to twitch, tries to move away and push her partner away. This, again, complicates the defloration process and increases the duration of pain. What should a girl do? When you feel pain, do not strain, but, on the contrary, try to relax your hips and move towards your partner - this way the hymen will rupture faster and the pain will be reduced to a split second. It is important to understand that all the stories about the loss of virginity that frighten young girls - terrible, unbearable pain and serious blood loss - are nothing more than fiction and exaggeration. Because of these stories, there is an unreasonable feeling of fear before the first sexual intercourse. But in fact, we are just talking about a slight unpleasant sensation, which, if you follow all the recommendations, can be reduced to a minimum.

Suitable positions for your first sexual experience

When having intercourse with a virgin, a man can be in the traditional position - lying down, resting on his knees and holding the girl by the shoulders to prevent her from moving away at the right moment. But it is more preferable if he kneels in front of his partner’s spread legs, holding her by the hips. This position will allow a man to be more in control of the situation and not move blindly.

When you have sex for the first time, everything will depend on both partners. A man must act decisively and confidently, manage the process and make decisions for himself and for the girl. And the girl, in turn, must put aside excessive fear, relax and trust her partner. In this case, everything will go well, and

The first sexual intercourse is remembered for a lifetime by both men and women. Many thick books have been written about how to prepare for the first sex, how to behave and what to do, which not everyone has the desire or opportunity to read. But in order for pleasant memories of the first intimacy to remain, you need to try. Therefore, we decided to help you, and in our article we will briefly tell you what to do for the first time.

Losing your virginity is an important decision that you should not rush into, you need to weigh everything and think it over. In addition to physical readiness, you need to be mentally prepared, have no doubts and be sure that it is at this moment that you want to surrender, say goodbye to the hymen and childhood. If you have already decided everything for sure, then start preparing for this day so that nothing can spoil the impression of the first intimacy and in the process you know what to do. To begin with, discuss with your boyfriend in what environment you would like to do this, so that you both feel comfortable. Next, take care of contraception, which plays an important role, because you have no need for an unwanted pregnancy, you just decided to give yourself to each other and enjoy the moment. You should take care of your health and go to a gynecologist to make sure that you do not have any pathologies, problems or contraindications. If everything is normal, that's great. Many people are very afraid of pain the first time, you shouldn’t do it and tell yourself that it’s a hellish sensation. In fact, if you are truly ready to lose your virginity and trust your sexual partner, then everything will be painless. The main thing is that your boyfriend is gentle, caring and affectionate with you, so that he can relax you. There should be no sudden quick movements in the process; your partner must take into account your wishes, so do not hesitate to talk about everything that you like and don’t like, what is pleasant and what is not so pleasant. The main thing is that your partner listens, because it is in your interests to have fun and keep this pleasant moment in your memory. Choose a comfortable position, relax and completely trust your partner. (it’s better, of course, if this is not his first sexual intercourse, and he knows what to do). Breaking the hymen does not have to happen right away; for many, it happens only after several times. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is not to be afraid - because because you are nervous and worried, the muscles contract and do not allow the penis to penetrate you, which is why pain occurs. But if you feel comfortable emotionally and calm mentally, then everything will go quickly, painlessly and wonderfully. Some women experience a little blood when the hymen deflorates, and for some only a few days after the first sexual intercourse. Be prepared for this and better put a towel under your butt in advance and carry panty liners with you.

Remember that the first night should be magical and remain in your memory, so approach your preparations responsibly and carefully.