What to write to a girl after 4 months of relationship. But what if a guy says he doesn’t want a serious relationship, but his actions indicate otherwise?


Never part with your loved ones,
And even if our time is very short,
Years follow months
The fourth month is not the end.

Half a year is just around the corner,
We can keep love without difficulty.
I've been next to you for four months -
Years always follow the month!

Not even half a year has passed,
When fate decided to bring us together,
But I think we're incredibly lucky
We have found true love with you!

For 4 months of our wonderful relationship,
I had the best time
Many happy moments await us,
It’s so good that it all started then!

Congratulations on your 4 months of relationship together. And on this little date of yours, I wish that all 4 elements help you continue to build strong, sincere, warm relationships. I wish you to be incredibly happy and constantly in love with each other. Good luck to you in all your endeavors and great joint victories!

Flew by unnoticed
Our good meetings are warm.
We feel good with each other
All four months.

We did not deceive our hearts,
These are sweet days.
Take my hand now
We will touch the clouds.

Four months together
Sadness and joy in half,
I want it to always be like this
I will give everything for you and me.

We found love in each other
And we found happiness in our hearts,
Let the fate that brought us together
And she will continue to be nice to us!

Four months may not be enough
We will have a billion of them!
After all, this is just the beginning,
We have a happy start!

Although time is very fleeting,
We have many happy days ahead!
We will love each other forever,
After all, there is no stronger love in the world!

For four months we share happiness,
We are two equal halves!
With you we shine like suns,
Love covered us like an avalanche!

You give me wonderful moments
They are valuable and so unique!
With you, life has become a pleasure,
After all, we are devotedly loved to each other!

Four months with you, the two of us,
It’s so good that fate brought us together!
Let our hearts burn with fire,
May our love for each other only grow!

Let everything you dreamed of come true,
After all, the path to true happiness is open!
So that your eyes always shine with joy,
May the Lord bless us!

I want to say thank you
And also grateful to heaven.
For having met together,
These happy times.

4 months of fun
Smiles, joy, love.
It's like we drank a magic potion
We can achieve everything we want.

Happy holiday, my love!
Glad we met:
Happiness smiled on us -
We stayed together!

You're four months old
You please my eyes.
I'm crazy about you
I'm so lucky!

These months are wonderful
Unearthly tenderness.
You are my half -
The heart knows it...

Four months of love
A beautiful life gives us...
We enjoyed them to the fullest,
They loved and kissed passionately.
We met late in the evenings,
Feelings burned between us,
We had fun, sang songs,
We had such a good time together.
We became very attached to each other,
And they never parted.
Four months of hope
Desires, inspiration, faith,
And now the anniversary has come,
Let's celebrate, my love...

Four months is not the longest period, but for true lovers, every day nearby brings happiness, so you can celebrate any dates. It's good if you have a wonderful tradition of giving each other gifts for any occasion, but each time it becomes more and more difficult to choose them. If you can’t decide what to give a girl for 4 months of a relationship, use our tips. They include the experiences of many lovers and will definitely help you win her heart forever.

How to choose the right gift for a girl?

In 4 months, you have probably already learned each other’s tastes and interests. When choosing a gift, you need to start from the girl’s personality, and not from generally accepted stereotypes. If “standard” gifts go off with a bang in the first month, then over time they should become more personalized. You can also bring wine and sweets, but these should be her favorite treats, and not just a box of chocolates from the nearest store. The same applies to flowers. The girl should see that you are trying to study her tastes and please her.

Try to surprise your beloved every time. Don’t be afraid of original gifts; it’s much worse to bore a girl with monotonous gifts on all occasions.

Be sure to consider the age of your loved one. Traditional soft toys are best given to very young girls. And wine can only be given to an adult friend. It is also important to remember about her occupation, for example, a girl who works a lot at the computer will need special glasses to protect her eyes, and an athlete will need new equipment.

Try to make gift giving interesting too. You can pack it beautifully or, conversely, hide it. A good option is a quest to find a gift according to the instructions left. But at the same time, you must choose the right time for delivery. If a girl is busy at work, and she is asked to drop everything and look for gifts, this can ruin the whole holiday.

TOP 10 gifts for a girl for 4 months of relationship

  1. Flowers
  2. Sweets
  3. Compositions of balls, toys, sweets, etc.
  4. Joint extreme adventure
  5. Pair dance master class
  6. Cute little things, for example, a vase or box
  7. Joint photo shoot
  8. Hobby items
  9. Live butterflies
  10. Dinner in an unusual setting

Cute and romantic gifts for a girl

An anniversary in a relationship is an excellent occasion to give something impractical, but very sweet and romantic. Of course, when choosing such a gift, you must take into account that not all girls appreciate such things. If your beloved is practical, it is better to choose something that has application. For example, instead of a figurine, present a beautiful vase or a small lamp that creates soft diffused light.

And, of course, we must not forget about the most romantic gifts:

  • Flowers. This could be a luxurious basket of lilies, delicate daisies or one scarlet rose, depending on the girl’s tastes. You can also collect a whole message in the language of flowers, although you will have to give it along with the decoding.
  • Box with live butterflies. If a girl is not afraid of insects and has a romantic nature, this will definitely please her. Be sure to record the moment of opening the gift on video so that your loved one can then brag to her friends.
  • Balloon composition. It could be a bouquet or just a huge bunch of balloons that are trying to carry you beyond the clouds. It is advisable to give them on the street, then all eyes will be focused on the girl.
  • Declaration of love on canvas. This, of course, is not a painting, but a romantic girl will definitely decorate her home with it.

Many girls like original bouquets, for example, from toys or sweets. You can decorate them with ribbons and hearts, and also add a cute card with recognition. Bouquets and fruit arrangements look good. They are suitable for a sporty girl who adheres to proper nutrition or is a vegetarian.

A very romantic, at first glance, gift - a flower in a pot. You can choose a bright rose or a delicate violet. But do not forget that giving land is a bad omen. In addition, the flower may dry out and this will cause unpleasant associations for the girl.

A shared adventure is the best gift

To really impress a girl, you can arrange an adventure gift. But be sure to take into account her tastes and health when choosing a gift. If the girl is not a timid girl and loves extreme sports, she will definitely like:

  1. Paragliding or hang gliding;
  2. Extreme off-road driving lesson;
  3. Kart racing;
  4. Riding a buggy or quad bike;
  5. Playing paintball or laser tag;
  6. Bungee jump from a height.

There are many such adventures. Choose something that suits the season and the girl will like.

Be sure to warn your loved one that a surprise awaits her so that she dresses accordingly for the date.

Adventures don't have to be extreme. You can choose something romantic:

  • Attending a tea ceremony. It will appeal to a girl who is interested in oriental culture and simply loves everything unusual.
  • Dance master class. Why not dance a waltz with your girlfriend? Even if you've never done this before, there are workshops for beginners.
  • Joint photo shoot. Typically, such gifts are given for more significant anniversaries, for example, the year of a relationship. And you can arrange photo sessions every month and make your own calendar with photos.
  • Ice skating or roller skating. This is an interesting and useful pastime that almost all girls like.

Original romantic date

Four months together is not very much; a date in an unusual environment will help you get to know each other better, as well as just have fun. It is not necessary to organize a dinner in Paris; not everyone can afford such romance. You can find more budget options for romantic evenings:

  • Room for two. If a girl lives with her parents or relatives, you can rent a room in a good hotel or an apartment for a day and organize an evening there. Be sure to decorate the room with flowers and candles, select suitable music and prepare a treat for your loved one.
  • Dinner in nature. Organize a small picnic in the park or outside the city. The scale of the event depends on your financial capabilities. You can simply pick up a girl with a picnic basket, or set up a tent in the forest with a set table and waiters.
  • Date on the roof. A very economical option, you just need to find a suitable roof and bring everything you need in advance.
  • Dinner in the greenhouse. Organizing it is a little more difficult, but the girl will be delighted when she finds herself among rare plants in an unusual atmosphere.

Budget gifts for a girl for 4 months of relationship

If you can’t afford expensive gifts yet, you need to come up with something inexpensive, but at the same time pleasant. If you have creative talents, this will help you get out of the situation with dignity. You can write a poem for the girl, sing a song or draw something. Don't be shy to show off your skills and talents, even if they are far from perfect.

A good and inexpensive gift is originally designed sweets. You can make a wrapper for a chocolate bar in Photoshop with a portrait of a girl and a congratulation, and present your beloved with a personalized chocolate. Also, small chocolates and sweets can be attached to wooden sticks and “planted” in a pot. This will create an original sweet flowerpot.

If you don’t have enough time and money to prepare a gift, trinkets with hearts will help out. This could be a small pocket mirror, a comb, a sofa cushion, a cosmetic bag or a photo frame. Be sure to complement your gift with a beautiful card and kind words. Try to write something from the heart, without using platitudes from the Internet. This will show your feelings and make the holiday truly meaningful and unforgettable.

Four months - the beginning
Our road to “forever”.
And let them flash in our lives
Minutes, months, years.

After all, the main thing for us is not to part
And always be happy.
Four months will last,
Merging into long years.

Today is a small anniversary, but still.
4 months of a magical relationship.
120 happy days and nights.
I want to ask fate for a gift,
Multiply these days by a million.
So that our happiness does not end,
And it didn’t pass like a summer dream.

Four sweet months we meet with you,
What could be better in life, my love, tell me.
I feel great with you, I feel great with you,
And there is no better couple in the world, no matter how hard you look.

Four months doesn’t seem like a long time,
And I, leafing through the past, get lost:
How could I live without you before in my life?
Now I'm having a hard time finding the answer...

Four months with you
It passed after we signed.
During this time we are more
They became attached to each other.

I completely understood you,
What a blessing it is to live in a family.
Divide all troubles in half,
Love can only be multiplied by two.

Four months have passed -
And the doors of happiness opened wider.
I will never deceive you
I will love you more for everyone in the world!

All the same tenderness and love with you,
You look so sweet for four months now,
Let that trembling story go on,
And may the world around you be wonderful forever!

You will carry this fairy tale through time,
And little angels will protect your world,
And the little universe will be happy,
As inaccessible to evil as that hot mirage!

May I not be with you for long -
Only one hundred and twenty nights and days,
But, following fate,
We are becoming closer and closer.

And it’s no longer possible to imagine
These months without each other.
We managed to leave it in the past
And a blizzard, and a freezing blizzard.

Let the sun shine above us
And spring warms with warmth.
The whole world congratulates you and me
And friends are already waiting at the table.

Day after day, and we became closer,
The feelings became stronger and higher...
Four months, a short period of time,
But he united you and me!

May our wishes come true
Aspirations, dreams come true,
May our love be happy
Long, rich and beautiful!

I like your smile
And the tenderness of your graceful hands,
So sweet, like a chocolate bar,
Your kiss, short, passionate.

You showed me happiness in life,
Gave love, instilled faith,
With you I felt that thoughts
Material and priceless.

And let there be only joy in the future,
Freedom surrounds us,
I give you my whole soul and gratitude,
Mine is stronger every year.

For four months we hover above the earth -
Whoever loves will understand
Every moment is important here,
My dream and life goes with you
And you give me the whole world.

Congratulations on 4 months of relationship - poetry, SMS, prose
4 months of relationship - poems, SMS, prose how to congratulate?
text of congratulations for 4 months of relationship - poetry, SMS, prose

4 months of relationship - poetry, SMS, prose

Good morning. P Please allow me to answer your questions based on the experience of professional relationship psychotherapy.
Your question: “Should I move in with my boyfriend after 4 months of relationship?”
Answer. No, it's not worth it. Take your time, because cohabitation is recommended after the end of the candy-bouquet period, which lasts up to one year.
Your question " Is it really too early to move, because we don’t really know each other yet, and it’s better to get to know each other better”
Answer. Each person determines the timing of moving for cohabitation for himself. At a minimum, you need now:
a) be sure to talk with a man, excluding illusions, dreams about the future and empty promises. about specific “pitfalls” that destroyed many relationships:
about the rules of cohabitation,
*on the distribution of household and household responsibilities (so as not to become a free servant for your roommate)
*about interaction during your stay,
*about your requirements for his behavior and attitude towards you during your stay,
*about how controversial and acute and conflict situations will be resolved, etc.
Your question: “Am I correct in thinking that it’s worth moving in a year, a year and a half at best?”
Answer. Yes you are right. At a minimum, you should:
a) look at the man’s attitude from a different angle (We see each other very rarely. Once every 2-3 weeks. Usually I come to see him... At the beginning of the relationship, I expressed a desire for him to come. He did.
He offered to move in with him, but it seems too early to me... only 4 months together. But we both get very upset when we are at a distance, he didn’t write me a message, or something else.
), because you have not described a single act of love towards you;
b) change your distorted settings:
*in relation to the indicators and criteria of love, which can always can and should manifest itself, regardless of the weather and place (“it’s raining, sometimes I wanted to kiss, but it’s uncomfortable in public places”), in actions and actions, and not just in stereotyped ones , non-binding words (“he is very serious about me. He talks about the future, how he wants it with me, about children”), which are not an indicator of love;
*in relation to your own age (“we are no longer supposed to be old enough”), you are both still old enough, and in general there are no legislative (if these are not Muslim countries) or social restrictions in showing love for each other.
Wisdom to you.
P.S. Dear customer, our experts have spent their time and professional knowledge to answer your question. Please follow the request of the site administration: select the best answer and mark the answers of other experts

Four months is a whole hundred and twenty days spent together or thinking about each other, and, of course, you will not forget about this date and congratulate your loved one on it. If you just have to figure out what to give your guy for 4 months of relationship, we will try to help you. Unusual and bright, cute and modest, sexy and playful - gifts in honor of this small date can be absolutely anything!

No need for expensive gifts

Four months of a relationship is not the case when you should save money in advance and present your loved one with something mega-cool and expensive. Very small things and gifts made with your own hands can bring even more joy and tender feelings to the person in love with you. Pleasant little things that can be given as a gift:

  1. Joint photo. For example, in a beautiful frame. Well, if the frame is unusual, you can make it yourself, and creativity is welcome. You can buy a simple wooden frame in the store and paint it, cover it with buttons or beads, another option is to wrap it with jute rope or simple knitting threads. You can make the frame yourself, for example, from a wooden ruler, it looks unusual and funny. Or you can not make a frame at all, but make a slide show for your boyfriend and turn it on during an evening together.
  2. Any items with your image. A T-shirt or mug, a diary, when opened, he will see your photo and a declaration of love, or maybe a smartphone case with photo printing. If you want the gift to be more intimate, give him a pillowcase with your image, let him always fall asleep with you, even when you are not around.
  3. A beautiful men's trinket. Keychain, bracelet (silver or simple bauble, or something symbolic, with engraving). You can give him a pen in a beautiful box, a ring (a good option is paired rings that both lovers wear, and when combined they form one), an amulet. Other options: a wallet, a key holder, a diary with a leather cover (for a cool and informal guy, a notebook with a cover made of ripped jeans, which you can make yourself, is suitable).
  4. Useful and pleasant little things for your computer or smartphone. For example, a mouse pad (of course, an unusual design is welcome), headphones, a small desktop speaker or a funny animal that is attached to the monitor and will always remind your boyfriend of you. You can give your loved one a new phone case, with a funny picture, or vice versa, a classic and very “masculine” one.
  5. Sweets. Many guys love sweets, and if your loved one is also not a fan of sweets, give him something tasty - a chocolate bar (you can hide a note with nice words under the wrapper), a kilogram of his favorite chocolates in a beautiful or funny box, a block of chewing gum " Love is...", or maybe a heart-shaped cake made by yourself. Whatever you have enough imagination and skill to create, you can rest assured that the simplest cookies in the shape of hearts will please your soulmate.
  6. Some men's cosmetics and care products. Of course, not shampoo or shower gel, such a gift may offend a particularly impressionable macho, but a set of gentle and hypoallergenic shaving foam and a softening after-shave balm will definitely come in handy and should please him. Especially if you tell him how much you like the soft skin on his face after using these products. You can choose his favorite eau de toilette as a gift (and if he is not very picky in this matter, just buy him the scent that you like).
  7. Everything for his car. If you don’t know what to give your boyfriend, give him everything for his car. A person who has a car and pays a lot of attention to it will be happy with any car trinket, keychain, or at least a fragrance.

A gift that you make with your own hands is perfect, and it doesn’t matter what it is: a knitted scarf, handmade soap or a T-shirt painted with acrylic paints. The guy will love it!

Give him a good mood!

Four months of a relationship is a date when you shouldn’t get hung up on material gifts, but a romantic surprise that you give your guy can be another highlight in your relationship. Of course, arranging pleasant surprises and giving romance is only worth it to the person who appreciates it and who himself loves to please you in this way. Options for romantic surprises:

  1. Traveling together. It could be anything: a walk through the streets, relaxing by the fire on the river bank, or an unusual quest through a city park searching for notes and solving riddles. The main thing is to think through the main stages of such a joint walk in advance so that it becomes exciting, and you can also make it so that at the end of it your boyfriend will receive a small pleasant gift.
  2. Going to a master class. If you approach your shared adventure with humor, you can give your loved one a master class, for example, in clay modeling or sand painting, barbecue cooking or Greek dancing.
  3. Concert tickets. A great way to celebrate this small anniversary is to go to a concert of your favorite band together. Just try to make the invitation a surprise for him, it’s much more interesting. And yet, it is important that this is your boyfriend’s favorite band, first of all. After all, this is his gift. You can buy him movie tickets, and if he is into sports, give him tickets to a match. If you don’t want to go into the crowd of fans yourself, let him go with a friend; rest assured, your boyfriend will appreciate such care.
  4. Let another person bring your gift to him. You can simply hire a courier, or you can negotiate with a pizza or roll delivery person so that he brings you your order and includes a romantic or humorous message you prepared in advance for your boyfriend. You can simply send a letter to your loved one in a beautiful envelope; it is unlikely that he received something like this in person and not by email.

You can give him a whole box of nice words: write them on beautiful pieces of paper, roll them up and tie them with ribbons.

TOP 10 gifts for a guy for four months of relationship

  1. Joint photo in a beautiful frame
  2. Mug, T-shirt, pillow with a photo of your beloved girl
  3. Paired gifts - amulets or rings in the shape of halves of a heart
  4. Bracelet, wristwatch, bauble
  5. Cool accessories for your computer and smartphone
  6. Sweets (sweets, cakes, chocolates in unusual packaging)
  7. Handmade gift
  8. Tickets for a concert or cinema
  9. Keychain, pendant
  10. Men's cosmetics

Don’t be afraid to give gifts and be sure that your boyfriend will be happy with any of them if you give it with all your heart, because the most important thing for him is to see your sincerity and care.