What will you do on February 14th? What not to do on Valentine's Day: the main prohibitions of the holiday

For teenagers

One of the most romantic holidays of the year is Valentine's Day. They prepare for it with special care, although they often forget about some important rules. Further in the material, read about what you should not do on Valentine’s Day so as not to spoil the holiday.

While our readers are actively studying and focusing on, the editors of I WANT have prepared information about the main prohibitions of Valentine’s Day that should not be violated.

Of course, you can do everything your own way, but there are things that are simply contraindicated to do on this day, otherwise you can ruin the holiday for yourself and your loved one. So, what not to do on .

What not to do on Valentine's Day 2019

  • You cannot pretend and express resentment or dissatisfaction. Even if your lover didn’t give you what you wanted, you shouldn’t express your resentment and ruin your holiday mood. After all, it is much higher than confetti and tinsel.
  • You can’t be late, just like on any other day: it’s rude and impolite. In addition, it may spoil the surprise, if one was intended.
  • You can’t give a ring (advice for guys) if you don’t plan to ask for your hand in marriage, otherwise you risk running into, if not rudeness, then a spoiled mood.

  • Don't give trivial gifts just for the sake of giving. Be creative in your selection process.
  • You can’t give too much so as not to embarrass your significant other. Perhaps your loved one has prepared a very modest gift; this also needs to be taken into account so as not to spoil the holiday.
  • You shouldn't give banal roses. There are a million colors and ways to present them. Therefore, you should not get hung up on a relic of time, unless the girl loves these flowers.

  • Do not check the page on the social network of your loved one, and even more so, do not go to the page of your “ex”.
  • Do not compare the current day with previous days of previous years. This can cause discomfort and frustration. The only thing you should remember on this special day is your feelings.
  • Don’t radically change your appearance before the holiday, because you can’t always get the desired result the first time, and it’s very easy to ruin it with your bad mood.
  • You should not experiment with erotic lingerie if you have never tried wearing it. As a last resort, it is better to find out whether your partner likes this.
  • You should not go to a restaurant unless you have reserved a table in advance. Most likely you will no longer find free space. However, you can always organize a romantic dinner at home.
  • If you don't have a partner, then you shouldn't spend this day alone. Organize a small party with friends, go to the cinema or theater, arrange a home movie show.

  • Don't copy banal poems from the Internet to congratulate your loved one. It’s better to express your deepest feelings in your own words. Sincerity is the main thing.
  • You shouldn't drink alcohol before a date if you're very nervous, otherwise you might embarrass yourself at the most inopportune moment.
  • Don't be obsessed with the holiday and don't do things for show. Remember that Valentine's Day is a holiday for two, and not a competition for a beautiful bouquet or the best gift.

Photo: Pinterest, pixabay.com, open sources on the Internet

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If there were no such holiday, it would have to be invented. Necessarily. After all, the most wonderful feeling in the world has the right to its own special day of the year.

Don't miss the opportunity to congratulate your soulmate on Valentine's Day, and website will tell you how to do this.

1. Come up with as many compliments as you can.

Write them on sticky notes and stick them in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Your significant other will definitely appreciate this start to the day.

2. Create talismans that only you two will know about.

3. Organize a romantic dinner in the place where you had your first date.

The more unusual the place, the more interesting the meeting will be. If you still can’t get out, remember the circumstances of the date and reproduce them at a table in a restaurant, because on the first date there are always special situations that are remembered for a long time.

4. Order or make your own birthday cake with your names on it.

A trifle, but what a pleasant one! And although it is not customary to set the table on Valentine's Day, having tea with such a wonderful treat will make your day.

Something as seemingly mundane as cooking can be made fun and inspiring. Show your loved one that you are ready to share the joys of everyday life with him.

6. Finally learn to dance tango.

In every major city there are tango parties that regularly gather for milongas - open events where everyone dances as they want and with whomever they want. Try joining and believe me: it will be unforgettable.

7. Say an original hello on his/her favorite radio.

Find out in advance what programs your significant other listens to and how to get on the air (you can find this out on the forums). Well, only you know what to say to your loved one so that he does not remain indifferent.

8. Make a colorful confession poster and decorate your front door.

Find the coziest photos together, remember a special expression that only you two know, and off you go! Freelance resources will help you find a suitable designer, and you can print your masterpiece in any digital printing house or photo salon.

9. Book a massage master class for two.

Prepare slippers, terry robes and your favorite oils and go to a spa salon or find a one-time massage training service in a professional salon. It’s great if there’s a sauna or bathhouse with a plunge pool nearby: you can immediately try out new skills.

10. Pamper your significant other with new bedding.

Buy a set of new linen for your bedroom, and let it be the most unusual set of all: silk, absolutely black or with lace frills.

11. Place tiny valentines in the most unexpected places.

Can you imagine how your loved one will smile when, some time after the holiday, he finds signs of your attention in his linen closet, purse, handbag or in the toe of his own boot?

12. Record his/her favorite song with a backing track and your own vocals.

This can be done both in the studio and at home on the computer. And then “accidentally” play your song during a romantic dinner. Neither the idea itself, nor your ability to laugh at yourself (if singing is not your thing) will definitely go unnoticed.

13. Order the creation of a film about your life together.

Collect your childhood photographs, videos and photos together, select musical accompaniment that would mean something to both of you, come up with a plot, or find a performer on special resources who will solve all the creative and technical problems for you. And don’t forget that you should watch this movie strictly together on the couch.

14. Sit down together and write a message to the future for the two of you.

Share your common dreams, plans, ideas, and tell us about what you would like to change. Make your most trusted friends the guardians of the letter and agree in advance with them on the date on which they will have to return the letter to the authors. Or keep the letter at home and simply re-read it in moments of dissatisfaction with each other. Remembering the day when you wrote a message together will make you softer, more tolerant and make you fall in love with each other again and again.

How do you spend time together and remind each other of your most tender feelings? Share in the comments.

The most romantic and most annoying holiday of the year is approaching -. If you are still turning away crowds of fans, because there is not a single young and handsome oligarch among them yet, and you are left to your own devices - here is a rough plan for February 14th. Not without adventure and definitely fun.

You need to start the day with the words “well, please, I didn’t really want to” and with the encouraging songs of the lady Lolitas(53) from the series “ I'll send it to" Sing along loudly and persistently so that all your neighbors know how free and independent you are.

For breakfast, treat yourself to half of the huge chocolate cake that you naturally bought the day before. Today, anything is possible, so to get in the mood, drink a glass of champagne - your eyes will sparkle, everyone will think that you are incredibly happy and are dating at least.

You go to the spa and spend at least four hours there - so that all the unworthy ghouls you met before cry and bang their heads against the wall: how did they miss this? Well, as a bonus, you are preparing your body for your future oligarch husband.

Of course, you need to show off your makeup to your girlfriends - just very unobtrusively, as if you go with it every day, and don’t need the services of a cosmetologist at all. So, feel free to organize a bachelorette party - let your friends quietly turn green with envy while drinking collectible champagne (which, of course, you were given as a gift at work, but they don’t need to know about it). Feed them the other half of the cake and unhealthy eclairs - you managed to have breakfast before 12, so your figure is in no danger. And then let them puff away in the gym.

You definitely can’t do without a movie on this day – run to “”. We don’t promise an interesting and exciting plot, as well as super-sexy scenes (memories of the first part of the trilogy are still fresh), but throwing popcorn from the last row of the cinema and laughing at your lip Anastasia, which will soon tear from her constant biting, no one forbids.

While your makeup and hair are still in place, put on your most seductive dress (to make your girlfriends even greener) and go with them to a male striptease. Another plus of Valentine's Day without a boyfriend is that no one will grumble in your ear and try to take you away from the club in the most interesting place. You can feel the oil dancers - today you can, but they get paid for it. In many strip bars, by the way, but we won’t advise this - who knows what sexually transmitted disease you’ll wake up with in the morning. Or at least take precautions. But we still don't recommend it.

In general, the occasion for celebrating Valentine's Day is not the most joyful - in 269 Roman Empire rules Claudius II. He forbade his legionnaires to marry, because a married man would think about how to feed his family, and not about praising the empire. So the priest Valentine began to secretly marry legionnaires in love. Claudius found out about this and executed Valentine. He was later canonized and February 14 was declared Valentine's Day. Well, don’t forget that the popularity of Valentine’s Day is greatly exaggerated by talented marketers - sales of flowers and cards on this day are simply off the charts. Happy holiday!

Venice, water, breathes romance and mystery everywhere. Imagine the picture when you walk through Venice, with a mask on your face, no one recognizes you, girls waiting to meet Casanova. And the guys just feel like Casanova. If you like this prospect, then we recommend that you go to Masquerade Ball in the foyer of the Russian Drama Theater!
Ticket price: 600 soms per person, two tickets - 500 soms each, five or more - 450 soms
The start of the holiday is closer to 22:00
ATTENTION!!! Strict dress code! The Ball is allowed only in: ball gowns corresponding to the fashion of the 18th century; carnival costumes; tuxedos + carnival masks.
For questions about purchasing tickets and choosing carnival costumes, call: 0555 296 294, Andrey.
_Part of the money received from ticket sales will be used to organize a summer trip to the IK for disabled children. Everything will take place under the supervision of the NGO “Rainbow of Life”. The people of the NGO “Rainbow of Life”.

funny and humorous party "Love and Football" in Greenwich Bar. Entrance 200 som. The ticket price includes dessert and champagne Tel.: for inquiries 0312 53 01 53

If you believe in love at first sight, as well as in the purity and sincerity of relationships, then we invite you to visit “Love at first sight - 2” in Entertainment center ARBAT
Couples in love will receive gifts from the Russian Traditions brand, a romantic night from the Club Hotel Dostuk and luxurious flowers from the Cactus salon. Hosts of the KgClub evening! Starts at 21:00.
Inquiries by phone: 51 20 94

INDUSTRIAL ZONE and that's it!
"Hula Hoop" and "Halligans" are playing for you. The program includes competitions and prizes. Help by phone 900-244

You are a brutal man and a real bitch, then we recommend that you visit F^ck Valentine's Day on Tequila Club!
They play “Scarlet”, “Plane One”, “A.R.T.eriYa”.
Dress code - people with the word F^CK or with an image of the male genital organ on clothing (the size of the inscription is larger than the palm) enter FREE!
Starts at 21:00. Entrance 150 som

You lack of love and romance, we advise you to go to City skating rink and get a charge of passion.
"Live Beer" invites all lovers of outdoor activities to spend February 14th with them.
A great mood and a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed!

There are many types of expressions of love, one of them is to invite your significant other to an unusual and romantic event, such as Romeo and Juliet Day in Retro Metro.
Every visitor will feel the breath of love and romance! The spirit of Shakespeare's times will take you back to the times when knights fought for the fallen handkerchief of their beloved lady. On this day, all visitors are given a rare chance to find out their destiny and find their soul mate! Cupids will not leave any heart indifferent on this day!
Established couples or those who found their soul mate on this day will have a chance to get closer, and the most romantic couple will receive an exclusive gift from Retro-Metro!
Retro-Metro will be reigned by love and, of course, the best music!!!
Inquiries by phone 54-15-62

Oh, Is romance such an unusual mise-en-scène, where alluring intimacy stands and awaits you and you don’t know how to resist? And everything around you floats, glows, flies and becomes so bright and completely different. If you are on this wave, then come to Hotel Jannat for an evening of romance!
Restaurant Club “Royal” - 19:00 “Romantic Mood Party”.
Detailed information about the terms of the promotion by phone: 909 750 (Marketing department)

You You are surrounded by cuteness and calf tenderness, but you have no time for candy snot! F^ck them all! Come to the Annual festival f^ck valentine's day in American Metro Pub
As usual, a lot of rock, free piercing from Dior, free tattoo, a lot of party people and no hearts and pink snot.
Address of the American Pub: Chui Ave., 168a - Turusbekova (building of the Tunguch Puppet Theater) tel: 0 700 156867 Inna

Wherever you are, whatever you do, the main thing is to love and be loved. With sweet love Owl Event Group.

After all, hand-made is a unique thing; no one else will have such a postcard. You will be able to put your whole soul into it, and in your congratulatory message you will be able to pour out everything that you have long wanted to tell him, but for a long time did not dare.

You can spend the evening in different ways. Everything will depend on your income and the degree of originality and ingenuity.

If you like an active lifestyle and have some savings, then you can go snowboarding or play in the snow somewhere high in the mountains, and then in a separate room, drinking hot mulled wine and eating it with delicious chocolate or pudding. It all depends only on your imagination.

The next option is to go to an amusement park. Remember your childhood - ride a Ferris wheel, ride a pony on a children's carousel, eat ice cream. You can go to the skating rink and have a fun and exciting time there. Sometimes you can be a little crazy and happy.

If you prefer a relaxing holiday, have a romantic dinner at home. Prepare your own meals, decorate the apartment with hearts, balloons, and rose petals. Don't forget about scented candles. Create a cozy, intimate environment. Halftones, dim lighting, favorite music. After dinner, you can watch a movie that you both like. While watching it, you can give your chosen one a relaxing massage that will not leave him indifferent.

If you have any talents, for example, drawing, playing the piano or guitar, or rhyming, then you can try to draw his portrait, write, set them to music, and play the song on a musical instrument. This, indeed, will be a real surprise and pleasant surprise for him.

If you are both avid theatergoers, then on this day you can go to the theater to watch a romantic production or a performance you already love.

If you are people who appreciate clubbing and glamorous life, then on this magical night you can go to a club where a great DJ will play and spend this evening dancing until you drop on the dance floor.

Tip 2: How to prepare a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day

A good menu for a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day should be composed of dishes that are appetizing, beautiful to serve, and easy to prepare. It is better to serve a few pieces of a delicacy than a hefty baked ham.

Strawberries are an absolute favorite among foods suitable for romantic meals. This is precisely what makes dessert dishes with her “participation”, although no less tasty, but somewhat banal. Surprise your lover by serving strawberries as a snack for dinner. You will need:
- ½ cup balsamic vinegar;
- 100 grams of soft cream cheese;
- 60 grams of blue cheese;
- 16 large fresh strawberries;
- 3 tablespoons chopped and toasted pecans.

Pour the vinegar into a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook until the volume is reduced by half. Cool to room temperature. Place the cream cheese in a mixer bowl and crumble the blue cheese, beat with a mixer. Remove the stems from the strawberries, using a sharp fruit knife, remove the core of the berries, making “cups” out of them. Fill with cheese mixture, place on a plate and sprinkle with nut crumbs. In this form, the dish can be stored in the refrigerator for several hours, covered with plastic wrap. Before serving, pour the reduced balsamic vinegar over the appetizer. You will get an elegant dish worthy of a romantic dinner.

As a main course, you can serve breaded chicken fillet. To make this simple dish a delicacy, use not only bread crumbs for breading, but also fragrant “petals” of almond nuts. Prepare:
- 2 chicken breasts;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 2 spoons;
- ½ cup of chopped almond “petals”;
- ½ cup bread crumbs;
- 2 teaspoons of rosemary leaves;
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
- 1 head of shallot;
- 8 cups of fresh spinach leaves;
- ½ teaspoon of salt.

Cut each breast in half crosswise. Place each half between sheets of plastic wrap and pat lightly. In a wide, deep bowl, beat the egg and buttermilk. In another similar bowl, combine the bread crumbs with the nuts, rosemary leaves and ¼ teaspoon salt. Dip the beaten breasts first into the egg mixture and then into the nut crumbs. Breasts breaded this way can be kept. This way, you won’t have to rattle a meat mallet in the kitchen just before a romantic dinner.

Fry the breaded breasts until golden brown in hot vegetable oil. In another pan, fry the shallots cut into rings, add the spinach and the remaining salt, cook, stirring, for about 2-3 minutes. Serve the breasts with a side of spinach.

For dessert, chocolate truffles are perfect for a romantic dinner. They are a great addition to chilled champagne. Take:
- 250 ml heavy cream;
- 225 grams of dark chocolate;
- 55 grams of unsalted butter;
- natural cocoa powder.

Break the chocolate into pieces, place it in a blender bowl and pulse. Warm the cream, add it to the chocolate and mix into a homogeneous, smooth mixture. Add butter while continuing to mix. Pipe the chocolate mixture through a pastry bag onto a tray covered with parchment paper. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Sprinkle with cocoa.

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