How to lubricate the stomach for stretch marks. What is the best way to smear the stomach for stretch marks?


The topic of the article is how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. We will discuss effective creams and oils to prevent stretch marks.

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

Pregnancy means not only 9 months of waiting to meet your baby, but also radical changes in appearance in the form of excess weight gain and, as a rule, the formation of stretch marks.

Stretch marks, also called striae, are a peculiar defect of the skin, expressed in the form of narrow wavy stripes of different widths. The stripes can range from white to red-violet.

Most often they are localized in areas of greatest stretching of the dermis (chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks).

As a rule, they occur in the 5-6th month of pregnancy, that is, during active weight gain. In some cases, a harbinger of stretch marks is severe itching in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

The remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy presented in the article can be used to eliminate stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, and thighs. Creams and oils are completely safe for the health of the pregnant woman and the baby inside her womb.

What stretch marks look like during pregnancy

In the photographs below you will see what stretch marks look like during pregnancy.

What to apply to the stomach during pregnancy for stretch marks

In order to avoid the occurrence of stretch marks, you should use special products.

Most often, creams, gels, factory-made and natural oils are used to prevent stretch marks.

Each of these means has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

Which cream to choose for stretch marks during pregnancy

When choosing a cream for stretch marks, you should proceed from the characteristics of the female body and the perception of aromas.

During pregnancy, many of a woman’s senses and sense of smell are heightened, so when choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account its smell.

Also, when choosing a product, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Purchase the product at a pharmacy or store that is an official supplier of cosmetics to the domestic market.
  2. Carefully study the packaging with the drug. It must be marked “For pregnant women”,
  3. Buy a hypoallergenic product, since during pregnancy the sensitivity of the dermis often increases.
  4. Carefully study the composition of the cream. It is desirable that it contains wheat germ oil, jojoba or avocado. It is also important that the product contains vitamins, collagen, elastin, and retinoids.

A good cream for stretch marks during pregnancy cannot be cheap. It’s normal to evaluate your financial capabilities when choosing a product. But you should not resort to extremes, risking your health and the baby inside the womb by purchasing a product from an unknown or unreliable manufacturer.

How to apply stretch mark cream

Systematic use of the product is the best prevention of stretch marks.

The cream should be applied to those areas of the body that are most susceptible to the appearance of subcutaneous scars - the chest, abdomen and thighs.

The cream should be applied with gentle massage movements so that the product is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body and can be absorbed faster.

Experts advise all pregnant women, without exception, to use cream for stretch marks while carrying a child. The effectiveness of the product can be increased through additional measures such as:

  • daily massage of problem areas of the dermis;
  • peeling of areas prone to subcutaneous scars.

You should start using the cream from the 2nd month of pregnancy. By this time, the female body begins to gradually change shape, as a result of which there is a need for preventive measures. It also contributes to the early preparation of the dermis for future loads and gives it elasticity.

Below is a list of products that help prevent the formation of subcutaneous scars.

Before applying the products, be sure to read the contraindications for use.


Collistar is a cream with a white tint and a delicate texture reminiscent of body milk.

The composition contains beeswax, jojoba oil, amino acids, vitamins, silk proteins and hyaluronic acid.

The product is applied very easily, after use there is no feeling of stickiness or heaviness. It is absorbed quickly, so it can be used not only at night, but also in the morning.

The drug helps prevent the occurrence of subcutaneous scars on the dermis and eliminates peeling. Effectively moisturizes the epidermis, gives firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Available in a 400 ml jar. The average price is 2500-3000 rubles.

Baby cream

Baby cream is actively used not only to care for the delicate skin of a baby, but also during pregnancy.

The product has a greasy texture, so after applying it you should wait until it is completely absorbed. Otherwise, you risk staining your clothes and bedding.

The advantage is low price and availability.


Bepanten cream is a product manufactured by the Swiss company Bayer.

The active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol, which penetrates into the deepest layers of the dermis, activating the natural recovery process. The product also contains lanolin and almond oil.

Bepanten's action is aimed at regeneration and healing.

Average price - 400-500 rubles.

Gel Lierak for stretch marks

Lierac is a French-made product.

Effectively moisturizes and softens the dermis, giving it elasticity. Lierac should be applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day. Excess product must be removed with a paper towel.

Average price - 1500-2000 rubles.


Mustela (Mustela) is a French product that contains an elastoregulator, Japanese sophora extract, hydrolyzed avocado and soy proteins, and shea butter.

Mustela must be rubbed twice a day, morning and evening, while the drug has a greasy consistency and is absorbed for a long time.

The benefits of the product include activation of the process of formation of natural collagen, relieves itching that forms during the development of stretch marks, and makes the dermis elastic.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of eliminating existing cosmetic defects of the dermis and the high cost.

The price is from 1500 rubles per 150 ml tube.


Vichy (Vichy) is a complex action cream that helps improve the tone of the dermis.

Main objectives of the product:

  • prevention of stretch marks;
  • reducing the severity of cosmetic flaws on the epidermis;
  • improvement of the condition of the dermis;
  • increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin.

Vichy has therapeutic and preventive effects. It perfectly moisturizes and tones the dermis. Thanks to it, the skin adapts to stretching, as a result of which stretch marks do not occur.

Vichy contains thermal water, silicon, glycerin, tocopherol, basia oil, and hydroxyproline.

Vichy helps eliminate existing stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones.

The average price of a 200 ml tube is 1200-1500 rubles.

Cream for stretch marks during pregnancy - reviews

Violetta, 25 years old

I used baby cream during pregnancy. I thought he could protect me from ugly multi-colored stripes on my stomach. Unfortunately, I did not notice any effect from the use; stretch marks appeared on my stomach and chest.

Inga, 30 years old

During the 9 months of waiting for the child, I used Collistar for subcutaneous scars. Either I was lucky, or the product was really good, but during the entire pregnancy only a few unnoticeable stretch marks appeared.

Marina, 42 years old

When I was pregnant, and this was 20 years ago, the only thing that could prevent stretch marks was baby cream. Well, natural oils, peach and almond, I often bought them at the pharmacy. I constantly smeared my stomach with all these 3 components and you know, not a single white stripe appeared on it during the entire pregnancy.

Oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Oils are no less effective in the fight for a beautiful body and preventing stretch marks.

Their main advantage is diversity. For use, you can purchase not only specialized cosmetics, but also ordinary natural oils.

Bio oil

Bio oil (Bio Oil) is an oil-based suspension that helps eliminate cosmetic skin defects in a short time. Bio Oil does not leave a greasy film on the skin after use.

The composition contains retinol, tocopherol, rosemary, calendula, lavender and chamomile oils.

Systematic use of the product makes the epidermis smooth, elastic and smooth. It helps prevent the formation of new stretch marks and make existing ones less noticeable.

Average price - 400-700 rubles.


Weleda oil (Weleda) - perfectly nourishes the dermis and keeps it in good shape. Weleda gradually prepares the skin for even greater stress that occurs as a pregnant woman’s belly increases.

The basis of the product is vegetable fats of wheat germ, extracts of almonds and arnica flowers.

Penetrating into the skin cells, the active substances begin to act almost immediately and improve metabolic processes.

Weleda works well to eliminate cosmetic blemishes of the skin, for this reason it is recommended to be used as a prophylactic agent at any week of pregnancy.

Johnson baby

This universal oil perfectly tones, regenerates, moisturizes the dermis, activating cell microcirculation. It also helps renew the cellular structure.

Johnson baby oil can be used in conjunction with other natural oils.

To do this, mix the components in equal proportions and rub them daily into problem areas. And don't be afraid of an allergic reaction.


Lika, 19 years old

By nature I am plump, and during pregnancy I gained another 20 extra kg. I was afraid of the appearance of unsightly stripes on my skin, so I used various cosmetic oils every day. I liked Weleda and Vichy the most. True, the price for them is steep, but the effect is amazing.

Zhanna, 26 years old

Before pregnancy I used Johnson Baby, I liked its scent, and my skin became so soft after it. While carrying a child, I decided that I would only use this product for body care. For 8 months I rubbed it into problem areas every day. The result is the absence of stretch marks.

Natural oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Natural oils are products that help moisturize and soften the dermis.

They also help prevent the occurrence of subcutaneous scars during pregnancy.

Below we will look at the most famous and frequently used oils for caring for problem skin.

Linseed oil

The product contains fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin. relieves the dermis of dryness and increases its elasticity.

The product can be used in pure form or in combination with other ingredients.

Almond oil

A harmless product for caring for the dermis during pregnancy.

It contains B vitamins, tocopherol (vitamin E), retinol (vitamin A), vitamin F.

These microelements activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen and restore the water-lipid level of dermal cells. The active substances present in the oil strengthen the epidermis, minimizing the occurrence of stretch marks.

Olive oil

It is considered the most sought after all over the world. This product has a beneficial effect on the body both when used externally and internally.

Due to the presence of a large amount of oleic acid, olive oil effectively fights stretch marks during pregnancy.

Penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, the oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, enriches cells with beneficial microelements.

Peach oil

Contains retinol, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, as well as vitamins C and E, which have antioxidant and rejuvenating effects.

B vitamins support the metabolic process in the dermis, nicotinic acid reduces the fragility of blood vessels.

The acids present in the composition improve the general condition of tissues and reduce the risk of inflammation.

The product can be used in its pure form or when added to other cosmetic products.

Coconut oil

The product copes well with stretch marks that have already appeared, and is absolutely harmless to the expectant mother and fetus.

Tocopherol present in the composition protects the skin from degenerative cell changes and atrophy.

After using the oil, the skin becomes soft, firm, elastic, and its contours smooth.

Coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy - reviews

Wanda, 26 years old

I really love the scent of coconut, so I use the product’s oil for skin and hair care. During pregnancy, I constantly smeared it on my stomach, not a single white stripe formed on it.

Alena, 32 years old

Coconut oil is an effective drug in the fight for a beautiful body. Helped me prevent stretch marks while pregnant. Which makes me incredibly happy.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

The main prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy is proper nutrition. Only it can protect you from gaining excess weight, as a result of which your skin will be elastic and without unpleasant multi-colored stripes.

  1. Include dishes made from white meat in your diet. The product contains proteins and other substances that prevent collagen from being destroyed.
  2. Eat fatty fish - salmon, trout. They contain Omega-3, Omega-5 and Omega-9 acids, which make the skin elastic.
  3. Eat as many greens as possible, fresh fruits, and drink freshly squeezed juices, as they contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which speeds up the process of collagen synthesis.
  4. Reduce the amount of granulated sugar you consume. It binds collagen fibers together, which helps them become rigid. And this negatively affects the elasticity of the dermis.
  5. Include fermented milk and dairy products in your menu, as they enrich the body with calcium.
  6. Consume cereals periodically as they contain large amounts of potassium.


  1. A good remedy for cosmetic defects will not have a low price.
  2. Regular use of oils and creams for stretch marks helps prevent and eliminate them.
  3. Before using any product, you should read the contraindications.

Thinning skin on the abdomen and thighs is a familiar problem for most women experiencing pregnancy. Stretch marks that appear at the site of the epidermis or stretch marks remain with the woman for the entire time. However, such an unpleasant restructuring does not necessarily occur during the first or second pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to know what to apply to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy, and how to prevent their further formation.

Striae are areas of skin on the body. The formation of a thin line with smooth edges occurs on the hips, abdomen (especially on the lower part), on the chest and even on the ankles. If initially they have a reddish or bluish tint, then over time such transformations change, stretch marks become lighter, but do not disappear completely. The skin on this area of ​​the body becomes thin, and its pearlescent lighting (due to the stretching of epidermal cells) attracts attention.


Stretch marks do not disappear after they form, and when tanning, their visibility becomes greater.

Why do some pregnant women experience such changes from the early stages of gestation, while others have no trace of stretch marks? It's all about taking care of your skin while you're expecting a baby. If you take care of your skin correctly, follow all the requirements and moisturize it, then stretch marks will not form so quickly, and their appearance in the initial stages can be foreseen.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks on any part of a pregnant woman’s body, it is worth taking measures to moisturize the skin and nourish it. Proper nutrition, the required amount of fluid and healthy habits are the key to excellent appearance not only during pregnancy, but also after it. You can also use homemade cosmetic products, creams and lotions to help.


Expensive creams from the pharmacy are not a necessary guarantee of excellent appearance during pregnancy. You just need to constantly moisturize the epidermis, not necessarily with expensive branded creams.

Composition of stretch mark cream: basic requirements

The main priority of any cream for stretch marks is to prevent the formation of thin skin and stretch marks. Naturally, such products should include components whose main purpose is adequate hydration and nutrition of the skin, its deep saturation with moisture, as well as its retention and uniform use in the dermis.

  1. Natural oils are the most popular components for use in creams, lotions and are an excellent product for independent use. Oils, penetrating through the intercellular substance, act on the deep layers of the epidermis. They also increase the hydrophobic layer, help protect against moisture evaporation, and help increase the number of cells in the epidermis.
  2. Glycerin and silicones. Such components have properties similar to the previously mentioned oils. However, their disadvantage is their poor supply of skin nutrition. In addition, long enough use of silicone masks or suspensions can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of dryness and flaking. Therefore, such elements are not used as an independent component.
  3. Vitamins that enrich not only skin cells, but every organ, are indispensable components of creams for stimulating adequate metabolic processes in the epidermis. By accelerating regeneration, it is possible to ensure the maturation of new cells, thereby increasing the hydrophobic properties of the epidermis. Due to the thickening of the skin, its main function – protective – is preserved.
  4. Hyaluronic acid. A component that works to increase hydration. It is actively used for cosmetic purposes to improve the elasticity of the skin, including after 50 years.
  5. Hydrolyzed proteins help, in combination with other components, to retain moisture more efficiently.
  6. Retinol is necessary to stimulate and regenerate skin cells, improve skin health, and maintain weakened epidermis. Under the influence of such a component, the synthesis of components responsible for better ensuring skin elasticity is activated.
  7. Plant extracts or also esters, which are actively used for cosmetic purposes. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to special elements of the cream, which should not contain oregano, cinnamon and mint oils. Such components are unsafe for the unborn baby, and in the mother they can provoke uterine contractions and premature birth. But, as a rule, a separate line of cosmetic and medicinal products for pregnant women excludes such assistance. Essential oils increase skin elasticity and enhance metabolism at the local level.


Jojoba or shea butter, wheat germ oil helps to activate the regenerating properties of the skin, provides intensive nutrition and hydration.

  1. Elastin and collagen are components responsible for the necessary elasticity of tissues. In combination with oils, they guarantee moisture retention and nutrition in cells.
  2. Algae extracts are now used in elite creams that contain exclusively herbal ingredients, natural oils and hypoallergenic components. Algae are needed to increase the regeneration of damaged areas of the epidermis, to nourish and accelerate metabolic processes in general.
  3. Antioxidants are divided into fat-soluble vitamins and synthetic ones. A person receives such elements in combination with other vitamins, minerals and animal products. It is immediately absorbed by the body and helps slow down the process of withering and aging. It is important to note that the carotenoid, which is found in greens and vegetables, is absorbed only after processing by the gastrointestinal tract.

It will not be possible to study the label in detail and recognize all the necessary elements in the composition of the product. After all, many natural components are indicated by abbreviations, in the form of encrypted icons. Therefore, even an exclusively natural product can cause concern. But if the product is really high quality, you can ask about the necessary components and properties in the store or directly from the manufacturer. As a rule, high-quality creams from a trusted manufacturer have their own consultation centers and online support.

Creams and oils for the prevention of stretch marks

Depending on the weight gained and dietary habits, the location of stretch marks on the body will differ. So, for example, if a thin woman risks getting stretch marks only on the lower abdomen, then a girl with initially extra pounds can get unpleasant changes both on her ankles and on her chest and arms. If you smear your belly with oil during pregnancy, moisturize it with cream, and smear newly formed stretch marks with simple baby cream, then the risk is minimal.

Nature has made sure that a woman feels not only desired, but also beautiful at any time. Therefore, changes in hormonal levels also affected skin elasticity. For example, the hormones estrogen and progesterone also increase the flexibility of epidermal cells, which reduces the likelihood of stretch marks. But, if you do not moisturize the skin, then even such help will be ineffective. Today there are several ways to reduce the likelihood of developing stretch marks during pregnancy.

List of pharmaceutical creams and ointments:

  • Weleda oil.
  • Sanosan cream.
  • Mom Comfort.
  • Hendel`s Garden garnat.
  • Avent cream, which is also suitable for baby skin.
  • Lifting cream Mom and baby from a Belarusian manufacturer.

There are also inexpensive creams made from coconut or coconut oil that you can use on your stomach, legs, and arms. Castor oil (castor oil) helps increase elasticity and reduce possible discomfort of itching and burning.

To get a cheap remedy that can be used at any time of the day at any stage of pregnancy, you should prepare a simple and effective cream at home:

  • baby cream (any fat content, but preferably odorless);
  • add jojoba, olive, rose and tea tree oils, 2 drops each (per tube of cream);
  • mix everything until smooth and mix with 2 tablespoons of solid unrefined coconut oil. Liquid oil mixes better, but it is the solid mass of unrefined oil that contains the necessary elements that will protect the skin from drying out and losing moisture.

The composition of homemade creams may differ; to prepare your own individual remedy against stretch marks, you should be guided by the characteristics and description of a specific oil. It is worth considering contraindications for pregnancy and the beneficial characteristics of the components.

Olive oil for stretch marks

If you don’t have time to prepare creams and oils, you can use a simple and proven remedy - olive oil, which is sold in a pharmacy with a spray bottle for ease of use. It is enough to apply it to damp skin after each bath, waiting until it is completely absorbed.

Can also be replaced with almond oil for use on the stomach. Many pregnant women wonder whether it is possible to smear their belly with almond seed oil, because it contains hydrocyanic acid, which is harmful to the child and the mother’s body. However, there is no need to worry. Its content there is insignificant, and its amount is safe for external use.


Popular home remedies against stretch marks are based on peach oils, olive oil and cocoa.

Use cosmetic products for stretch marks

Cosmetics sold in stores and pharmacies also contain the necessary ingredients to nourish the skin on the abdomen and thighs. However, when choosing such a product, you should pay attention to such a feature as the composition. After the word “composition” there should be water or fragrances. The first components are contained in larger quantities, and everything that comes next is contained in smaller quantities. Therefore, when choosing a water-based cream, you should understand that its medicinal properties are low, it is more like a cosmetic product.

If you need to purchase a high-quality cream that will help in the fight against stretch marks, then it is important that glycerin, oils, extracts or petroleum jelly come first. In this case, the quantity of useful elements is higher here, and, accordingly, the quality and efficiency are also higher.

How to make cream for stretch marks

Preparing creams at home requires adherence to production technology and ensuring subsequent temperature conditions. Thus, storage of the finished cream or lotion is ensured exclusively in the refrigerator on its side. Temperatures above 5 degrees will ensure the development of bacteria in a favorable environment.

List of homemade stretch mark cream recipes:

  • Mix jojoba, shea butter, olive, rose and tea tree oils in equal proportions with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Rub in overnight and rinse with warm water.
  • Mix glycerin with drops of vitamin C and E (5 drops each), rub in after shower.
  • Mix wheat germ oil and peach oil with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:4 (a smaller proportion is oil). Apply at any time.
  • Geranium oil (3 ml), frankincense gum (2 ml), myrtle (3 ml), immortelle (2 ml), rosewood (3 ml) and rosehip oil (30 ml) mix and rub into the chest area against stretch marks.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy: advice needed

A pregnant girl rejoices at her new condition and prepares for the arrival of her baby. But, along with pregnancy, you don’t want to lose your femininity, beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, the question of how to remain desired and just as beautiful after childbirth is relevant at all times.

Stretch marks cause disgust and form a complex of imperfections, but such problems can be dealt with if you follow the advice:

  • The main “helper” of stretch marks is excess weight and its rapid gain. If a pregnant woman eats a lot of sweets and does not limit herself in portions, then you should soon expect unpleasant consequences in the form of stretch marks.
  • Drinking clean, flavored and sugar-free water is extremely important. Cell nutrition also occurs through hydration. At the same time, it is important to drink water in the first half of the day; before going to bed, you should limit your intake of water and food.
  • Starting from the 20th week of gestation, it is important to pay special attention to moisturizing the skin, regardless of whether there are now prerequisites for the formation of stretch marks or not.
  • Avoid unnecessary walks in the open sun. Tanning negatively affects the condition of the skin, causing it to dry out.
  • Apply the cream without fail before going to bed, and additionally throughout the day.

Advice for pregnant women is the same as for other girls who want to maintain their attractiveness. How often to smear the stomach, whether it is worth doing it if stretch marks have already appeared, and how often to do it throughout the day, you should check with your doctor. However, timely help and adequate hygiene will help maintain youth and prevent the formation of stretch marks on the abdomen, chest or body.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 16 minutes


One of the most “popular” reasons for the formation of stretch marks in women is, as you know, pregnancy. Typically, stretch marks appear in the second trimester of pregnancy (in most expectant mothers or after childbirth due to severe stretching of the skin.

However, it is worth understanding that the appearance of stretch marks is most often associated with genetic characteristics (not all expectant mothers are prone to stretch marks), and with proper self-care, these unsightly “scars” can be completely avoided.

How to choose the right cream for stretch marks during pregnancy?

In the process of bearing a child, significant changes occur in the mother’s body, many of which create the basis for the appearance of “scars”.

Stretch marks - or, as they are called in medicine, stretch marks - are essentially tissue tears(namely, collagen fibers with elastin), appearing in the form of stripes on the skin. They can be of different lengths, depths and widths, and be pink or red in color.

Over time, stretch marks acquire a blue tint, then turn white, and then remain in the form of scars - or, if small in size, become almost invisible.

The main areas of manifestation of stretch marks are the abdomen, chest and thighs with buttocks.

There are many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks, but the main one remains genetic disposition.

In addition, the following factors influence the formation of striae:

  • Highly dry skin.
  • Rapid weight gain or, conversely, rapid weight loss.
  • Hormonal "jumps".
  • Prolonged stretching of the skin.
  • A small amount of elastin fibers with collagen. The older the expectant mother, the higher the risk of stretch marks.
  • Humidity level. The more intensely the collagen fibers are hydrated, the higher their elasticity and the lower the risk of stretch marks.
  • Medicines taken.
  • Age of the expectant mother.

Many manufacturers promise naive mothers 100% results after using stretch mark cream. But you should understand that no cream gives such guarantees if you are genetically predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks.

However, a woman is quite capable of reducing the risk of their occurrence, or at least reducing the intensity.

Cream for stretch marks - how does it work?

When stretching the skin for a long time, the degree of hydration of the dermal layer of the skin. After all, the full hydration of collagen fibers and, of course, elastin will depend on the presence of moisture in the dermis. Minimal hydration leads to loss of elasticity and, as a result, to the risk of fiber breakage.

The purpose of the stretch mark remedy is...

  1. Intensive skin hydration.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  3. Retains moisture in the skin.
  4. Increasing elasticity, softness and firmness of the skin.

The composition of the cream for stretch marks - what should it be?

Naturally, first of all, it should include components whose task is intensive skin hydration, deep saturation with moisture and retention of this moisture in the dermis.

  • Natural oils – one of the most popular components of the cream. Oils penetrate perfectly through the intercellular substance, but only to the depth of the epidermis (note - they cannot penetrate through water near the basal layer, lacking the ability to dissolve). Oils increase the hydrophobic layer, protect against moisture evaporation, retain water in the dermis, and help increase the number of cells in the epidermis.
  • Glycerin and silicones. Components that have properties similar to oils, however, are not capable of nourishing the skin. In addition, long-term use of creams with silicones can lead to certain unpleasant consequences.
  • Vitamins. They are necessary in creams to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, accelerate the maturation of new cells, and increase the hydrophobic properties of the epidermis due to its thickening.
  • Hyaluronic acid. A component that works to increase hydration.
  • Hydrolyzed proteins. They also work in the epidermis to retain moisture.
  • Retinol *** . Needed to stimulate skin regeneration, heal weakened epidermis, activate the synthesis of components that are responsible for improving skin elasticity.
  • Plant extracts. Safe and effective components with various properties.
  • Essential oils. Needed to increase skin elasticity and metabolism, nutrition, care. For example, jojoba or shea butter, wheat germ oil or apricot kernel oil.
  • Elastin with collagen. One of the most important components responsible for the elasticity of fabrics.
  • Algae extracts. Needed to enhance the regeneration of weakened or damaged areas of the skin, to nourish it, and to accelerate metabolic processes.
  • Antioxidants.

*** It is worth noting that there is two types of retinol: fat-soluble vitamin A - and water-soluble provitamin A, a carotenoid .

If a person receives a fat-soluble vitamin from products of animal origin, from which it is immediately absorbed by the body, then the carotenoid supplied with vegetables, fruits and herbs is absorbed only after it is processed in the human gastrointestinal tract and converted into ready-made vitamin A.

Consequently, an overdose of vitamin A is possible only when it is consumed in a fat-soluble form, and in the case of a carotenoid, an overdose is practically impossible - the body absorbs it as much as required and no more.

An overdose of this vitamin is especially likely if a pregnant woman uses it in the form of a pharmaceutical oil solution - or when using cosmetics containing pure vitamin A, retinol, for a long time.

What are the dangers of retinol during pregnancy?

  1. Teratogenic effect on the internal organs of the fetus - kidneys, liver, heart. A child may be born with pathology in the development of these organs.
  2. Negative effect on the central nervous system and brain of the fetus.
  3. Causes pathologies in the development of the child’s limbs.
  4. Excess vitamin A leads to improper development of the genital organs of the unborn child.
  5. Chronic overdose of vitamin A causes vitamin D deficiency.

But it is also worth understanding that fears of overdosing on vitamin A should not lead to the other extreme - complete exclusion of it from the diet of a pregnant woman. The lack of this vitamin entails even more serious consequences for the mother and unborn child.

There is only one way out- Take vitamin A only with food, focusing on freshly prepared and raw vegetables and fruits. Any vitamin intake should be agreed with your doctor. During pregnancy, it is better not to use cosmetics containing pure retinol - Look for carotenoids on pregnancy product labels, but not retinol. . Trust only certified products, buying them in specialized stores or pharmacies.

It is worth remembering that the daily requirement of vitamin A for a pregnant woman is 2500-3200 IU. It is this norm that must be relied upon when choosing a menu and vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Cream for stretch marks - rules for choosing wisely:

  • Hypoallergenic composition! One of the most important rules of choice is the absence of “harmful chemicals” in your cream. That is, the absence of parabens, fragrances and dyes, and also, preferably, silicones. Remember that the components of the product can penetrate into the blood and be transmitted to the baby.
  • Cream for use after childbirth or during pregnancy? These are 2 different groups of products with different compositions - warning stretch marks or masking them. The first products are used during pregnancy to significantly increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. After childbirth, the skin should return to its original state. And the second option should help reduce the intensity of stretch marks that appear after childbirth, make them less noticeable, and lighten them. In addition, there are universal remedies used in both periods.
  • Allergy test. This is a mandatory measure to avoid unpleasant consequences associated with individual intolerance to the components. First, smell the cream and apply a drop of the product to a sensitive area of ​​the skin. If there is no negative reaction, use it.
  • Best before date. Naturally, it should not be violated.
  • Period of use. Read the instructions carefully! If the cream is intended for use after childbirth, then it makes no sense to use it during pregnancy (and vice versa). The specific period of use is also important - for example, “only from the 2nd trimester until childbirth.”
  • Harm to the components of the cream for the fetus. Everyone knows that the baby’s organs in the womb are formed during different periods of pregnancy. And the effect of specific components of cosmetics can become dangerous for the baby’s health and development. In particular, some essential oils can cause serious problems with their constant use (this applies to creams, massages, baths and wraps). Read the ingredients and do not neglect the instructions. In addition, it is important to consult your doctor in a timely manner about the use of a particular product.
  • Regular cream during pregnancy or a special remedy for stretch marks? A traditional moisturizer for an expectant mother is, of course, better than nothing (if it has a safe composition). But stretch mark cream doesn't just moisturize the skin - it helps increase its elasticity and protects against weakening of collagen fibers. The choice is obvious.

10 best creams for preventing stretch marks in pregnant women

Today, the shelves of cosmetic stores are practically filled with products created to prevent stretch marks.

How to choose “the one”, your remedy that will really help?

  1. Consider the condition of your skin, age, and allergies to specific components.
  2. Study the composition of the cream - the presence of useful components (their order in the list of ingredients; the closer to the beginning of the list, the greater the percentage of the component in the composition), the presence of harmful components, the presence of components responsible for the strength of collagen fibers.
  3. Study the reviews of expectant mothers on the selected cream.
  4. Find a sample of the product - do an allergy test.
  5. Evaluate the smell of the cream. It may be too intense, and you may need to use it every day throughout your pregnancy.
  6. Read the instructions! If you are pregnant, look for a cream that is used specifically during pregnancy, and not after childbirth, otherwise you simply will not be able to assess its effectiveness.

And, of course, consult your doctor!

Here are the most effective remedies for stretch marks, according to future and established mothers:

Cream Sanosan

Cream Mama comfort

Hendel`s Garden pomegranate emulsion

Avent cream

Vichy cream

Cream Clearvin

Of course, the list of products in this TOP 10 is not exhaustive - there are other effective creams.

Updated: 09/19/2019 00:12:13

Expert: Boris Kaganovich

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Stretch marks, or stretch marks in scientific terms, are often the subject of panic for many not only pregnant women, but also those who have become overweight or who have quickly lost weight. The stretch marks themselves are linear micro-tears in the connective tissue, when the macromolecules of elastin and collagen gradually “diverge to the sides” under the influence of external forces. At first, stretch marks appear as bright red stripes in pregnant women, as they are accompanied by microhemorrhages. Then they turn blue, then become white and flabby, and finally resemble scars with a slight shine on the surface.

If stretch marks are small, then after a few years they become almost invisible, but in the first months after pregnancy they bring a lot of cosmetic distress to their owners. Most often, stretch marks appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, less often on the buttocks and thighs, and on the chest. The main factor in the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen will be the gradual enlargement of the pregnant uterus, and the special genetic predisposition of women. In addition, stretch marks appear faster when the skin is very dry, when the pregnant belly is rapidly enlarged, and when there is a small amount of collagen in the connective tissue structure. This means that the older the expectant mother is, the higher the risk of stretch marks.

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of different creams, oils and emulsions against the appearance of stretch marks in pregnant women. Many of them contain various components, which include various antioxidants, fat-soluble vitamins, skin-moisturizing glycerin, hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. But many of these ingredients, such as vitamins in large quantities, should not be taken during pregnancy, or even applied to the skin.

Therefore, in order to avoid an overdose of substances such as vitamin A or retinol, local prescriptions for pregnancy creams differ in their special composition. A pregnant woman choosing a cream for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks and stretch marks should pay attention to its composition. It should be hypoallergenic, and preferably consist of natural ingredients. You need to carefully study the instructions; the cream or emulsion for stretch marks should not contain harmful substances for the unborn child and the pregnant woman. And, of course, this cream must not cause allergies when tested on the skin, have a pleasant, not pungent odor, and must not have contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.

This rating includes the most popular and effective local remedies for stretch marks and the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, which are over-the-counter remedies. And first we will consider creamy products.

The best remedies for stretch marks

The best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy

All creams for stretch marks in pregnant women are emulsions, that is, insoluble suspensions of active substances enclosed in micelles in the base substance of the cream. Therefore, they all have a light consistency and pleasant aroma, are quickly absorbed when rubbed in, do not stain clothes, and can be used as many times as needed. The rating presents the most effective foreign and domestic parapharmaceuticals for stretch marks during pregnancy.


Avent body cream is considered a complex product that is designed specifically to give elasticity to collagen structures. It contains seaweed extract, which contains elastic substances, amino acids and trace elements, almond and papaya oil, shea butter and a small amount of grapefruit and lemon extracts.

Stretch mark cream must be used in pregnant women after a warm shower and washing the desired area of ​​the body. After this, you need to dry the skin, apply the cream, and thoroughly rub it into problem areas. It is necessary to use this cream, first of all, for prevention, and it must be applied for preventive purposes twice a day. The only exception is that you cannot apply the cream to the nipple area after pregnancy and childbirth, or while breastfeeding. This cream is produced by the English company Avent Philips, and a package of 30 ml of cream costs around 830 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this cream is its well-chosen composition, the absence of a strong odor that pregnant women cannot tolerate, good absorption and the ability to moisturize the skin for a long time. This remedy can be used during pregnancy and lactation. However, this cream has incomplete information in Russian, which is applied in the form of a sticker directly on the packaging; it costs quite a lot, given the small volume of the tube, is not available in all pharmacies and is most suitable for prevention. In the same case, if a pregnant woman who has given birth already has stretch marks, and especially old ones, then he is unlikely to be able to cope with them.

This cream for pregnant women is produced by the German company Mann and Schroeder. It contains jojoba oil, as well as an extract from hibiscus seeds. These active components help increase capillary blood circulation, intensively moisturize the skin, and maintain its firmness and elasticity. This cream can also be used as an anti-cellulite product.

Sanosan mama must also be applied to the skin twice a day; it does not contain any mineral oils or artificial dyes. The drug has been tested by the dermatological community and has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance in pregnant women. The average cost of a 100 ml tube is about 470 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of this cream for stretch marks is the fairly large volume of the tube, and compared to the previous cream, such a purchase will be more affordable. The cream is capable of leaving it smooth and soft for 12 hours even when applied once to healthy skin; it can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The drug has been tested, is hypoallergenic, and in laboratory conditions it has shown the ability to induce the production of its own collagen.

However, this cream is considered too thick, like any good German cosmetics. Therefore, the product must be spread over the surface of the skin for a long time and it will be absorbed for a long time. The product also has a strong smell, and not everyone may like it. In addition, this cream does not fight old stretch marks, but only slightly reduces their color intensity. But at the same time, it slows down the formation of new stretch marks and prevents their appearance, so it is ideal to use it in the same way as the previous cream, as a means of prevention.

Mustela 9 months double action

This cream is indicated for all skin types, and just like the previous product, it is able to prevent the occurrence of new stretch marks, and slightly reduces the width and intensity of old ones. This cream contains natural ingredients: avocado fruit extract containing peptides, skin moisturizing shea butter, Japanese Sophora extract, arabinogalactan and a special patented elastane regulator. The cream is hypoallergenic, tested, and safe for the body of the unborn baby.

This cream is used for the prevention of stretch marks and stretch marks from the very beginning of pregnancy, and up to one month after childbirth. The drug is also used to treat stretch marks that have already appeared.

It should be applied to clean skin two to three times a day. This cream is produced by the well-known French company Laboratorie Expanscience, owner of the Mustela trademark, and the average cost of one 150 ml tube is 1,300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Mustela cream will be its fairly high activity not only in relation to prevention, but also in relation to fresh stretch marks. This cream is able to intensively moisturize the skin, it has a light and pleasant scent that is well tolerated. You only need a small amount of cream per use, and the packaging volume of 150 ml allows you to use it for quite a long time. The cream is well absorbed and safe for the child's health. The disadvantages of this product still include the rather high cost, and not availability in all pharmacies. You can remain silent about individual intolerance, since it can occur with any cosmetic product, and even with ordinary water. Therefore, Mustela cream for stretch marks is one of the leaders in the rating in terms of effectiveness and balance between price and quality.


This stretch mark cream from the famous French brand Vichy consists of proprietary ingredients. This is chemically pure glycerin combined with Vichy thermal water taken from a French spring. The cream contains silicon, which is indicated for the weakened epidermis surrounding stretch marks. The presence of silicon allows you to increase elasticity and give additional tone to the skin. This cream also contains a small amount of tocopherol or vitamin E, bassia oil, and the amino acid hydroxyproline. It stimulates collagen production.

This product can be applied to any type of skin, but you must first clean it and then rub it intensively into the problem area. Vichy cream best copes with stretch marks when applied for preventive purposes, as well as after a contrast shower. To improve blood circulation, you can intensively rub the problem area with a massage sponge, scrub or even your palm while taking a water procedure. The product can be applied to intact skin, as well as directly to fresh stretch marks and stretch marks twice a day until completely absorbed. The cost of this cream ranges from 1125 rubles per 200 ml tube

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this cream is the intensive prevention of stretch marks. It is indicated not only during pregnancy, but also during a sharp decrease in body weight. Despite the dense consistency of the cream, it is absorbed very well and quickly, has a subtle and pleasant smell, is hypoallergenic and safe for the baby. However, it is very difficult to measure the minimum effective dose, since it is instantly absorbed, and even when doubled or tripled, it is absorbed just as well. Therefore, the cost-effectiveness of this drug is low. Just like some other creams, Vichy does not cope with old stretch marks.

Finally, the rating of creams for stretch marks during pregnancy includes the drug Bepanten, which contains Dexpanthenol and is a tissue regeneration stimulator. It is indicated for a wide range of diseases and conditions accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. Dexpanthenol is considered a provitamin, which in the skin is converted into another molecule, pantothenic acid, and it, entering the Kebs cycle, plays a very important role in the normalization of tissue structure and in the healing of various cracks, wounds, ulcers, including stretch marks and stretch marks, normalizes tissue metabolism.

Bepanten cream is indicated, in addition to fresh stretch marks, for the prevention of intense dry skin, for nipple dermatitis, and even for daily care of the face and hands. It should be applied by rubbing lightly into the problem area two to three times a day. Bepanten is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Grenzach, and the cost of a 100 ml tube of cream is about 860 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Bepanten is its good tolerability, rapid absorption, it can also be used by pregnant and nursing mothers. There are a variety of volumes on sale, from 30 to 100 ml, and you can choose the amount you need. Bepanten is also sold in the form of an ointment, and therefore it can be applied at night for fresh stretch marks under a bandage. Bepanten fights dry skin very well and is also indicated for caring for baby skin, for example, for diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. However, Bepanten is unable to eliminate old stretch marks that have already appeared, and therefore it should be used only for prevention.

The best emulsions, oils and gels for stretch marks

In addition to creams, various oil emulsions, as well as essential plant oils diluted in a necessary manner on a base basis, will be a good help for the prevention of stretch marks and in the fight against fresh elements that have already appeared. Essential oils should never be used in their pure form, as they can cause an inflammatory reaction, allergies, redness of the skin, and increased blood pressure in a pregnant woman. And being absorbed into the blood and entering the placental bloodstream, they can have a negative impact on the unborn baby. Therefore, you need to use only special emulsions and oils for pregnant women, and not prepare them yourself, especially with the use of potent ingredients.

Of the oils used in folk medicine, the safest ones are olive oil, almond oil, sea buckthorn oil, and other remedies, which will be discussed below. And in this section we will name those popular oil-based products that are widely used in pregnant women for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks and stretch marks.

Weleda oil for the prevention of stretch marks

Weleda special oil for the prevention of stretch marks is produced by the manufacturer of the famous Weleda line, the German company of the same name. This oil contains only natural ingredients. These are sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, and wheat germ oil; the product composition is additionally enriched with arnica extract, which gives the oil a delicate and pleasant aroma. Weleda oil for the prevention of stretch marks does not contain mineral components, synthetic derivatives, preservatives or dyes.

This oil should be used in conjunction with a light massage on problem areas, or in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and chest. The manufacturer allows the use of this massage oil in the very early stages of pregnancy. In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, you can use this oil with a light massage until the baby is three months old, that is, within 3 months after birth. This oil helps maintain skin elasticity not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation. One 100 ml bottle of Weleda oil for the prevention of stretch marks costs an average of 1,260 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of this perfume and parapharmaceutical composition is its natural composition, pleasant smell, easy absorption, good tolerance and safety for the baby. However, the price of more than 1,200 rubles is very high for a volume of oil of only half a glass (100 ml), taking into account that it is recommended for daily and repeated massage. Even taking into account economical consumption, this oil may last no more than a month of regular use. In addition, this oil is positioned by the manufacturer only for prevention, and therefore it is ineffective for the treatment of stretch marks.

The following remedy for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks and stretch marks is a nutritional emulsion produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Bayer. It can also be used in pregnant women, starting from the first months, it improves the elasticity of the skin, makes it velvety, silky and smooth. It is intended mainly for the prevention of stretch marks, for moisturizing the skin, strengthening and for regular care, but is also used to treat fresh formations. The emulsion is hypoallergenic, tested by specialists, and does not contain artificial additives, dyes or various preservatives.

The emulsion contains such effective components as collagen and elastin, various vitamins, soy glycine, glycerin and silicone, essential oils that help improve skin elasticity, as well as purified water. The emulsion is used from the first days of pregnancy, and is applied to common problem areas with light movements until completely absorbed. According to reviews, usually one 150 ml bottle is enough for a month of regular use in all areas, and if stretch marks have already formed, then you need to apply this emulsion to the stretch marks in the form of applications, and keep it for half an hour twice a day. Since in this case the drug is not absorbed, it is then simply removed from the surface of the skin. One bottle of emulsion with a volume of 150 ml costs around 1100 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this emulsion will be its high activity, and not only preventive, but also therapeutic. On the other hand, this emulsion may be contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and various skin lesions. These include wounds and pustular formations. The manufacturer also recommends refraining from using this drug in case of pregnancy pathology, which is manifested by late toxicosis, nephropathy and edema.

The well-known pharmaceutical concern Johnson's Baby acted in an original way. It produces about 6 varieties of different oils for the skin of newborns (basic, with aloe, with chamomile). And the manufacturer also recommends using them to moisturize the skin of pregnant women. Each of the oils can retain 10 times more moisture in the thickness of the skin, and, according to the manufacturer, provide intense hydration. Unlike children, adults can use the oil not only on dry, but also on wet skin.

Any of the oils can therefore be used, among other things, for the prevention of stretch marks; all products are hypoallergenic and safe for both pregnant and lactating women. You need to rub the oil onto problem areas with light movements; to prevent stretch marks, a course of rubbing twice a day is recommended for several months, starting from the first day of pregnancy. Basic oil, which is simply called baby oil, is quite inexpensive. For one bottle of 200 ml you can pay only 240 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, in each of these oil formulations there is no special prescription, which is intended for the prevention, and, especially, for the treatment of stretch marks. Of course, the cost of these oils is low, but it is also due to the fact that the main component here is not vegetable oil at all, but mineral oil obtained from petroleum. Despite the fact that this petroleum jelly oil is highly purified, it has no advantages over specially selected natural formulations, and especially the creams described above. But there are much more side effects and allergic reactions with mineral oils, as clinical practice shows. In addition, these oils are absorbed very slowly, and it is often necessary to remove excess with a napkin.

Baby Line for stretch marks before and after pregnancy

Unlike creams and emulsions, the gel is absorbed very quickly, leaves a protective film on the skin, and does not stain clothes. This water-based gel contains glycerin, panthenol, soda, tocopherol and a special perfume, in addition to additional components. It is specially designed for women carrying a child and is indicated for stimulating metabolism deep in the skin; its regular use helps improve elasticity. According to the manufacturer, the product is excellent for preventing stretch marks, and can improve the softness of the skin and even relieve muscle tension. This gel must be used twice a day, applying after a shower to problem areas. This product is produced by the German company Nolken GMBH, and one 150 ml tube of gel costs 350 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this gel include fast absorption, conveniently selected components, and safety for mother and child. In addition, its price is low and consumption is minimal. But on the other hand, this gel has a specific smell, and may not be suitable for all pregnant women. In addition, as is often the case with gels, it contains denatured alcohol, and this is not always acceptable given the increased sensitivity of this period of a woman’s life.

Using simple oils and aromatic compositions for massage against stretch marks in pregnant women

In conclusion, it should be said about some simple vegetable oils that women can independently purchase in pharmacies and beauty salons. For stretch marks, it is preferable to use vegetable oils that contain unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, penetrate deeply into the skin, and improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

  1. Such natural and hypoallergenic oils include olive oil, which can be taken orally, and sea buckthorn oil, which remarkably improves the elasticity of the skin and increases its firmness. It is recommended to use almond oil a little less often. But those vitamins that are included in its composition make it possible to perfectly prevent the destruction of collagen and elastin, and at the same time restore the water-lipid balance of the skin. In addition, coconut oil, corn oil, flaxseed oil and even cocoa oil are actively used.
  2. Typically, olive, corn or flaxseed oil can be used as a base oil, and various essential oils that work well on stretch marks are diluted in it.
  3. Pregnant women should not use more than one drop of essential oil per 10 drops of base, and the following are safe during pregnancy: rose, sandalwood, orange, anise, juniper, ylang-ylang.
  4. After preparing the mixture of base and essential oil, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test by intensively rubbing the mixture of oils into the elbow area and waiting 15 minutes. If everything is in order and there is no redness or itching, then you can use this mixture as a massage of problem areas.
  5. In order to make the process of preventing and treating stretch marks even more comfortable, you can mix the finished oil with various neutral creams to improve absorption. In some cases, you can even use yogurt or natural kefir instead of the base. If you add a mixture of essential oil for stretch marks and base oil to medicinal clay or seaweed, the result will be an excellent material for wrapping against stretch marks.
  6. Of course, there are also essential oil crops that should be avoided by pregnant women, despite their high effectiveness. They can increase the tone of the uterine muscles, and even promote premature birth. Such remedies include wormwood and sage, parsley and rosemary, fennel and nutmeg. Therefore, in no case should you use these essential oil crops on your own, even for topical use during pregnancy to treat stretch marks and stretch marks.
Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Every mom has her own story... of stretch marks. Some got them as teenagers, some during pregnancy, and some never had anything to do with it. How to apply to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy in order to maintain a girlish figure and silky skin?

About stretch marks in a nutshell

They don't hurt, but they look terrible. This is where striae like to settle: on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, chest. These parts of the body change volume during pregnancy, but the breasts run the risk of becoming covered with stripes even during feeding. The more your weight changes, the greater the risk of getting stretch marks. But that's not all, pay attention to this:

  1. Did you have stretch marks as a teenager?
  2. If the women in your family have stretch marks?

If yes, then fighting stretch marks during pregnancy is a must for you. And you need to start as early as possible. For other women, prevention wouldn't hurt either. After all, the appearance of stretch marks depends not only on genetics.

Diet for stretch marks

There is an opinion among our people that a pregnant woman should eat a lot and whatever she wants. Encouraged by numerous nannies, the woman rapidly gains weight and gets stretch marks as a souvenir of nine months of waiting. But it’s much easier to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy than to worry about how to get rid of them afterwards. A diet for pregnant women is not a diet at all, but a diet - balanced, healthy, tasty.

  1. Listen to the recommendations of your gynecologist. He already knows everything about your weight.
  2. Increase the proportion of protein-rich foods in your diet. Treat yourself to cottage cheese more often.
  3. Drink vitamin E.
  4. Take sea buckthorn or olive oil: 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. Introduce nuts and olives into your diet.

The diet should also include other benefits for pregnant women against stretch marks:

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

Doctors claim that women over 27 years of age are less likely to get stretch marks. This is due to the fact that by this time the skin accumulates a sufficient amount of collagen and resists stretch marks more actively.

Cosmetics for pregnant women against stretch marks

Cosmetics for stretch marks for pregnant women do not have to be expensive. Many women successfully do prevention using simple baby cream, baby care oils and moisturizing milk.

You can also pamper yourself with complex products; the following components are desirable in their composition:

  • Moisturizing and restoring collagen: essential oil of lemon, rosewood, mint; vegetable oils of nut and wheat germ.
  • Preventing skin tension, moisturizing: soy, biosaccharides, carrot proteins, etc.
  • Cream BoroFresh "Eraser".
  • Cream for stretch marks “9 months”.
  • Serum for the whole body “Mama-Comfort”.
  • Johnson's Baby Oil.
  • Mustela cream.
  • After childbirth: Collistar cream.

Oils for stretch marks for pregnant belly. Memo

Oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Oils are combined with a light massage (circular stroking with the palm in a clockwise direction; gentle pinching with all fingers in a clockwise direction). Or apply immediately after a shower, when the pores are still open. The following vegetable oils provide good prevention:

  • extra virgin olive oil (unrefined);
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • hazelnut;
  • jojoba;
  • mint;
  • grape seeds;
  • rosewood;
  • lemon

Oils can be used individually or in mixtures. Mixtures need to be alternated.


A mixture for the prevention of stretch marks, which should be applied from the very first days, as soon as you find out that you will soon become a mother: mix peach oil with warm milk. Gently rub into body.

How to get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy if you already have them? Mix wheat germ oil with St. John's wort oil (1:1). Rub into skin.

Other remedies for stretch marks

Cream with mumiyo gives a very good effect during pregnancy against stretch marks. It also helps after childbirth. True, you should not apply it to your chest - the cream has a specific smell, which the baby may not like.

Dissolve a piece of mummy in warm water and add to baby cream, stir. Apply to body 1-2 times daily. The treatment is long, but the effect is good - the stretch marks are almost smoothed out and become invisible. You need to act until a satisfactory result.

Video. Effective remedies for stretch marks

One of the reasons for the phenomenon of rashes and abdominal itching during pregnancy is called means for combating stretch marks. If such a problem has overtaken you, try to maintain the elasticity of your skin with something else. Moreover, now you have a large choice!

I have 8 years of experience in medicine. I provide full qualified assistance to patients who apply for acute and chronic skin diseases of any etiology. I constantly attend scientific international conferences and symposia in order to improve my professional level, and regularly take certification courses in my specialty.