The strangest and most ridiculous actions while drunk. Stories of the Worst Consequences of Heavy Drinking The Man Who Woke Up with a Girl's Name Carved on His Shoulder


Here are 9 real stories from the “never get that drunk” series! In a state of severe alcoholic intoxication, a person cannot control himself and his actions, therefore the consequences of such dubious fun can be disastrous.

A drunk man woke up and discovered that he had bought a huge 3-meter python that was trying to eat his friend

A man woke up with a huge hangover after partying all night and came face to face with a 3m python he had bought the day before. The snake was just preparing to attack his sleeping friend. Dwayne Matthews quickly pulled himself together and decided to deal with the 14-pound snake named Bruce, which he bought from a gypsy during a party.
He placed the creature in the cage after throwing a blanket over it. His wound from his run-in with the predator was still sore when he brought it to a reptile store and got caught trying to sell stolen property.
Matthews, who lives in Coventry, planned to sell the animal for a profit to fund his guttering business. But when he went to the store, the staff became suspicious and called the police. Bruce was discovered to be one of nine snakes that were stolen from 24-year-old David Chance.
The magistrate gave Matthews eight weeks' imprisonment, suspended for two years, ordered him to pay a fine and placed him under supervision for eight weeks.

The man who woke up with a girl's name carved into his shoulder

One night a man experienced real horror. In the morning, he discovered that someone had carved the girl's name into his body using a drywall cutter while he was sleeping. On top of that, someone broke his arm.
Wayne Robinson met Dominique Fisher at the Syndicate nightclub in Blackpool. The couple "became drunk and took drugs and then engaged in a brief sexual encounter," according to subsequent police reports.
The girl claimed that the man agreed to the “tattoos,” but Wayne denied this and said that he would never have decided on it. It turned out that Wayne was so drunk that he simply didn’t feel anything.
As a result, the scars were so deep that the name is still visible on Wayne.

The drunken Chinese man who almost sailed to the US after mistakenly hitting a container at the port

Have you ever woken up after a wild night of drinking inside a sealed shipping container, just about to embark on a two-week trip to a foreign country? If this has happened to you, then you should tell your story to Wu Jiang, who also has a rather interesting story about his hangover.
A man in eastern China somehow managed to confuse a giant container with his room at a local B&B. Waking up the next day, Wu realized his grave mistake and began calling everyone he knew asking for help.
Little did Wu know that within an hour the container was about to be transferred to a cargo ship bound for Los Angeles (an entire two-week trip).
Even after Wu managed to contact the police about his predicament, he still faced a major challenge that needed to be resolved quickly as the man could not identify the container he was inside.
Fortunately, thanks to the fact that he was able to knock on its walls so that he could be heard over the background noise of the sea waves, Wu was found in a container that was standing on other containers 20 meters above the ground.

A drunk man who woke up with a tattoo of a penis on his leg

A man who drank a bottle of vodka in one evening and then fell asleep woke up to find a 15-centimeter tattoo of a penis on his leg.
The 27-year-old Swede, known as Joel, claims he has little memory of the night he had the body art done.
According to what he could remember and piece together into a story, he told a group of friends at a fast food restaurant that he wanted to get a tattoo after admiring the tattoo one friend had on his finger. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the tattoo artist himself was there and agreed to fulfill Joel’s wish.
Despite the problems this caused, the man said he doesn't feel angry towards the tattoo artist as he claims he asked for the tattoo.

The Man Who Blacked Out While Drunk and Woke Up Without a Penis

Do you think losing your car keys is bad? Now you will lose faith in this.
A Dominican man, Geraldo Ramos, told a local TV station that he passed out after drinking heavily and when he woke up, he was without a penis.
The 64-year-old man from Santiago says he has no idea where his penis went, although neighbors told reporters that Ramos was attacked by a dog while he was drunk. However, he does not remember this, and the supposed dog was not found.
Now he has to wear a catheter and film his recovery at home.

A drunk man who fell asleep in Norway and woke up in Sweden

A drunk man fell asleep in his car in Norway and woke up in Sweden after his car was stolen by two women.
A Norwegian man (whose identity has not yet been revealed) allowed himself to drink too much alcohol while having fun at a party in Oslo and decided to take a nap in his car. But while he was sleeping, his vehicle was stolen by two women. They continued driving to Gothenburg, Sweden with him before throwing him out of the car.
The guy called the police and reported that his car had been stolen, and therefore the police station provided him with a bed for the night. The next day, he went to the station to go home and noticed his car on the road.
Police arrested two women on suspicion of driving a vehicle without the owner's consent and took them to the station for checks.
The man was later given the keys back and allowed to drive the car back to Oslo.

A drunk man who had a full body scan after he passed out on an airport conveyor belt

You'd have to be pretty drunk to pass out at the airport just as you're checking in, like the rich guy did. He did not fall on the floor, not in the waiting room, I lay down on the conveyor belt.
One Norwegian man arrived at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport so drunk that he fell asleep on the aforementioned conveyor belt, where, along with his suitcases, he underwent a full-body X-ray scan while lying in the fetal position. By "full body," we mean that the result was that all of the man's organs were visible. He traveled the length of the tape, still sleeping, before he was finally spotted and given a security breach, forcing the terminal to close.

The Drunk Man Who Woke Up to Find Out He Killed 70,000 Chickens in a Drunken Stupor

Joshua Shelton was released on $75,000 bail after he collapsed at a farm in Delmar, Maryland. That seems like a pretty hefty fine for just being intoxicated in a public place, doesn't it? But there is one interesting fact...
Joshua Shelton had a special case because he killed 70,000 chickens! Although, to be clear, 21-year-old Shelton did not actually kill each chicken one by one, as that would be pure madness. He is accused of getting so drunk on a farm that he couldn't tell the difference between a light switch and a circuit breaker connected to three poultry houses. So he allegedly cut the power switches, thereby depriving the chickens of food, water and, most importantly, ventilation.
Shelton was found lying near the power control panel, wearing only a T-shirt and underpants and reeking of alcohol from a mile away. He reportedly attended a party, where he got pretty drunk and, in order to clear his head in his shorts and T-shirt, went to a farm...
In a word, the chickens died from simply suffocating.

The drunk guy who passed out and accidentally traveled 100 kilometers on a train for free

A young, drunken reveler had taken a very long route home when he curled up and decided to take a nap on a freight train in Osnabrück, Germany.
He had been drinking heavily on Saturday night and in the early hours of Sunday he thought he was too drunk to make it home. When he found himself near the railway, he saw a freight train, which he climbed into, and then fell asleep there. A few hours later, he woke up when he was noticed by workers unloading goods from a train arriving in Hamburg. He drove more than 100 kilometers in an unconscious state. Let's hope the long journey home allowed him to recover from his massive hangover.

Any person who likes to have a drink or two has been in trouble and done something strange. But the drunken antics of many pale in comparison with what these people did under the influence. Namely: they put pasta in the toaster, ordered a wholesale batch of Irish oatmeal on the Internet, jumped from the balcony and knocked out their teeth, and much more. No wonder the fairy tale says: “Don’t drink, you’ll become a little goat!”

One of the users drunkenly tried to cook pasta in the toaster. He put the dry, hard pasta in the toaster and seriously expected it to turn out to be paste.

Another user opened the refrigerator the next morning and saw this picture.

On the same day, only closer to noon, the man wrote to himself: “Yes, somehow. I went a little too far with drinking yesterday. How did it go for you?”

And the next message: "Damn, sorry haha, I didn't notice it was my own message."

Another user’s wife got to her Amazon password and ordered this fashionable tie for her cat.

Another guy drunkenly decided that such a strawberry house was what his cat needed.

The girl returned from a party and tried to get into the house through the cat passage. Catwoman.

Anything can happen when you're drunk: the guy tried to charge a chocolate bar.

Another successful user ordered a whole box of edible Lego bricks and tried to build a castle out of them.

Getting lost in textures is something like this. It’s amazing that even in this state the man carefully holds the beer so as not to spill it.

One Reddit user wrote himself a “letter from the past” by leaving a few bills for his morning beer. What is not a life hack?

Strange things happen under the influence of alcohol. A man ordered a wholesale batch of Irish oatmeal online.

You can tell by the dog: the owners had a great walk yesterday.

Having drunk a fair amount, the man decided to cook awesome snacks in the oven. This is what happened.

The most extraordinary actions of Russians when drunk,
some of them begin to be drawn to “exploits.”

Shot himself while playing Russian roulette

A 34-year-old resident of Stavropol, having returned home fairly tipsy, decided to demonstrate to his wife his dexterity in handling weapons: taking out a traumatic pistol, the man cocked the bolt and, apparently for fun, put the weapon to his head and pulled the trigger.
There was only one thing the poor guy didn’t take into account - the “toy” turned out to be charged. A Stavropol resident with severe injuries was taken to the hospital, where doctors did everything to help the unlucky shooter, but in vain - unfortunately, they could not save him.
Further investigation showed that the man did not intend to take his own life, and there can be no talk of illegal possession of weapons here: the “trauma” was, according to all the rules, registered in his name. Law enforcement agencies are now finding out what could have prompted the man to commit such an extravagant act, which ended in tragedy.

Stole a trolleybus

Who said you can't drink and drive? If it's a trolleybus, then yes! A resident of Kirov, with the firm intention of getting home after gatherings with friends in the area of ​​​​Avitek Square, boarded trolleybus No. 1 standing at the final stop, however, although the doors were hospitably open, neither the conductor nor the driver was in the cabin.
After waiting a little, the Kirov resident took the initiative - he took the driver’s seat, grabbed the steering wheel and pressed the pedal. The car started moving, but the newly minted trainee could not go far: after a block, the pantographs were disconnected from the power line, and the “unit” froze, and the perplexed driver and conductor were already running behind it, who, as it later turned out, had only left their workplace for five minutes nearby store.
The hijacker was captured and handed over to the police, but due to his poor condition, the Kirov resident was able to give evidence only in the evening of the next day and was released on his own recognizance. Now a criminal case has been opened against him under the article “wrongful possession of a vehicle without the intent of theft” (up to five years in prison), however, perhaps the court will take into account that he just wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

He stole a sign from the door of the President's public reception

Amazing things always happen on New Year's Day, one might even say miracles. So a resident of Tula, apparently feeling the atmosphere of the general holiday, decided to decorate his house with an unexpected souvenir and, properly “taking it to his chest,” the man came to watch the performance at the main New Year tree of Tula.
Apparently, he was not too interested in the show, because, succumbing to spontaneous temptation, the Tula resident suddenly entered the porch of the President’s public reception in the regional administration building, and tried to remove and take away with him a sign with the name of the institution - of course, the thief was immediately detained by law enforcement officers on duty nearby organs. It remained unknown whether he was going to give someone such an unusual gift or wanted to keep it for himself, but in any case, a case of hooliganism was opened against the Tula spree.

Stuck in the toilet

This case belongs more likely to the category not of strange actions, but of absurd coincidences.
At 17:20, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the city of Grodno (Belarus) received a call from an elderly woman, and rescuers immediately went to help.
As it turned out, a man born in 1969 (the caller’s son) came home “on edge,” and in the toilet, unable to stay on his feet, he fell into the gap between the toilet and the wall, and then... fell asleep. Waking up from sleep, the unwitting culprit of the commotion tried to get out, but found that he was stuck - his mother had to call qualified help. Upon arrival, the Ministry of Emergency Situations carefully and quickly freed the prisoner - fortunately, there were no injuries.

I dug up 34 rose bushes

One day, in one of the parks in Voronezh, located on Tchaikovsky Street, 34 bushes of perennial roses disappeared: the mysterious disappearance of flowers worth about 10 thousand rubles was discovered by an entrepreneur who took up the improvement of the park area, who filed a corresponding statement with the local police department.
The thief was quickly identified - he turned out to be a 32-year-old local resident, who admitted that she did not do this out of love for plants: having managed to dig up roses unnoticed, she planted them near a multi-storey building on Revolution Avenue, where she lived, and sold the bushes to raise funds for alcohol. It also turned out that before committing the offense, the citizen gave in a good deal - apparently, for courage.

Ride in an armored car

A curious incident happened in Cherepovets - the attention of local residents was attracted by an unusual vehicle near one of the city's restaurants: police officers who arrived at the scene found... an armored car in the parking lot.
The owner of the armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle (BRDM) turned out to be 39-year-old city dweller Evgeniy, who bought decommissioned armored vehicles from one of the military units.
In the process of “washing” such a successful deal, the Cherepovets resident decided to take a quick ride to the restaurant to continue the holiday. Of course, before the sale, all weapons and special equipment were removed from the BRDM, otherwise, who knows, suddenly the happy owner would decide to arrange a “ceremonial fireworks display.”
Evgeniy did not have a license to drive any vehicles - he was deprived of them, but his mother said that her son was interested in collecting military equipment and, in addition to the BRDM, owned two tanks.
As a result, the fan of heavy combat vehicles was sent to a special detention center for eight days, and the BRDM was sent to an impound lot.

Spent the night on the Ferris Wheel

Ten residents of the city of Korkino, Chelyabinsk region, after drinking alcoholic beverages together, had the idea to admire their native places from a bird's eye view: having entered the territory of the local amusement park late in the evening, a cheerful company of nine young people and a girl climbed onto the Ferris Wheel, but the return journey was not so something simple. At half past one in the morning they informed the emergency services about their difficult situation, after which a ladder truck was sent to their aid.
The car, however, was unable to get to the attraction, since access to the park was closed at night. As a result, the addicted extreme sports fans had to enjoy the panorama of Korkino until the morning, waiting for the park workers to arrive, after which the company was safely returned from “heaven” to earth.

Pretended to be a corpse

The following incident proves: “our” people, even if they take a taxi, will certainly not pay for it.
A 24-year-old tipsy guy from Temryuk, while in the Krasnodar Territory, in response to the taxi driver’s demands to pay for the fare, found an irrefutable argument - he pretended to be a corpse, completely not reacting to the driver’s justified claims, and he, having lost patience, dropped the “dead man” on the highway. Having walked some distance, the young man lay down to rest on the side of the road, where he was discovered by police called by motorists.
He told them about the reasons for what happened, after which he stated that he was also lying on the side of the road as a “dead man,” hoping that they would pick him up and take him home for free. He also reported a stolen mobile phone, but it was later found in his bag.

Pretended to be a priest

An ordinary incident involving the detention of a drunk driver on one of the roads in the Perm Territory received an unexpected continuation - when the offender was taken to the police station, he suddenly fell to his knees and began to cross himself, reciting prayers.
Later, the man introduced himself as “Father Nikolai” and tried to convince law enforcement officers that he should be released since he is a clergyman. The “Holy Father” refused a medical examination, which is why it was necessary to bring in witnesses to document the alcoholic intoxication of the imaginary “father.”
He made a whole speech, claiming that “God’s people” were entitled to a discount on their actions, and threatening the police with eternal hellish torment and God’s punishment, however, the report was nevertheless drawn up, and the car went to wait for its owner in the impound lot.

Collided with a nuclear submarine

This is an incident from the category of “it’s good that it turned out okay”: the fishing seiner “Donets” in the waters of Avachinskaya Bay (near Kamchatka) was peacefully diverging on a collision course with another vessel, when a nuclear submarine suddenly appeared in its path. A collision occurred, the consequences of which for the strategic missile carrier “St. George the Victorious” were, frankly speaking, insignificant.
The nuclear-powered submarine cruise was in the roadstead and was on the surface, but the crew of the fishing vessel managed not to notice its side lights, while on the submarine, having discovered the approaching Donets, they tried to attract the attention of the fishermen with signal flares and even tried to contact the seiner by radio, but to no avail .
Later, when investigating the causes of a small accident, it was discovered that absolutely the entire crew of the seiner was drunk, and there was no one on the bridge at the time of the maneuvers - it was lucky that no one was injured in the “shipwreck”.