Facial biorevitalization - everything you need to know about the injection and non-injection procedure. How often to do biorevitalization - the optimal number of procedures How many times can you do biorevitalization of the face

For teenagers

If the question arises about how many biorevitalization procedures need to be done, this means that the person interested already knows enough about this rejuvenation technology, and now he is simply clarifying the details.

The article will help you learn better about this ultra-modern way to regain your youth.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a modern injection technique for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body.

As a result of the procedure, a kind of “hydro reserve” is created in the cells; they receive deep and long-term hydration. Therefore, biorevitalization is often called a hydroreserve.

The technique gives a quick rejuvenating effect and helps solve a whole range of skin problems.

The structure and water balance in the dermis are restored, and the fibers responsible for facial elasticity are stimulated.

Hyaluron, used in this technique in the form of injections, has strong antioxidant, that is, anti-aging properties.

After biorevitalization with hyaluronic serum, the skin becomes smooth, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, sagging and pigmentation disappear, scars and stretch marks are smoothed out.

How long the result of biorevitalization will last depends on how many procedures are completed.

The wrinkle smoothing effect is noticeable after just one treatment, but it disappears after about 10 days.

Elasticity and hydration will remain for about six months, and if you follow a healthy lifestyle, then for a year. And vice versa - a strong tan, anxiety, nicotine shorten the duration of the procedures.

Important! Most patients who have undergone biorevitalization note its strong rejuvenating effect.

The beneficial effect that a course of biorevitalization procedures has on one’s appearance is noted by almost everyone who has undergone it.

Moreover, most clients continue to turn to cosmetologists for this service, which indicates its effectiveness.

The technique improves the skin in general, but it can also be used to solve specific problems, for example, how to remove nasolabial folds.

In this case, it is necessary to inject into the skin not the usual quickly disintegrating, but a special hyaluronic acid that can remain for a long time at the injection sites and fill folds and wrinkles.

If you just need to deeply moisturize the skin, then use an acid that can quickly break down into molecules and release the moisture contained in them, transferring it to skin cells.

In different cases, biorevitalization must be carried out using different drugs.

In some cases, injection marks will last longer, in some less - it depends on the concentration of hyaluronic acid and the consistency of the drug.

If the product is enriched with biologically active compounds and peptides, it can have an irritating effect and cause redness or the appearance of a bump at the injection site.

In this case, you just need to wait - the injection mark disappears after 1 - 3 days. Viscous drugs, injected deeply enough, do not leave a visible trace of the injection at all.

During the course of biorevitalization and a week after its completion, you should avoid procedures that accelerate blood circulation.

This includes massage, visiting the bathhouse and sauna, sports training, and physiotherapy.

If physiotherapy or massage is prescribed as a course that cannot be interrupted, then biorevitalization should be postponed until these procedures are completed.

How does biorevitalization work?

During biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid must be injected with a syringe directly into the skin of the problem area. The volume and concentration of the drug is selected individually for each patient.

Beauty clinics offer therapeutic and preventive courses of rejuvenation with hyaluronic serum. Treatment courses should be given to patients with a significant decrease in turgor and elasticity of the dermis. They last longer than preventative ones.

The procedure begins with cleansing the face of makeup. If the client is afraid of injections, then an anesthetic is applied to his face. The injection package is opened before the procedure in front of the patient.

The drug for injection must be certified. It is administered with a disposable syringe, and when the package is unsealed, the drug should already be in the syringe.

That is, the cosmetologist does not need to draw the drug himself with a syringe from somewhere in a bottle or jar.

Hyaluronic acid must be injected with a thin needle directly into problem areas, and at strictly defined points.

The required amount of the drug is injected into each point - exactly how much, the doctor must decide - it all depends on his experience. The entire session takes no more than one hour.

Why do you need to use hyaluronic acid for rejuvenation? This substance is not at all foreign to the body; it is produced within the body itself.

The peak production of hyaluronic acid occurs in the 20s, and then its natural content decreases over the years. The lack of this substance leads to drying of skin tissues and a decrease in their elasticity.

The consequence of this will be sagging of the oval of the face, sagging, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Injections lead to the fact that dermal cells begin to work again in “youth mode”, regeneration and renewal begin in them, collagen fibers are restored, as a result of which the skin regains its former elasticity and becomes youthful.

After completing biorevitalization procedures, you should not visit the solarium and gym for two weeks, and also postpone peelings, plastic surgeries, and the introduction of implants for the same period.

This is necessary so that the acid can more fully exert its positive effect on the cells of the dermis.

After administration of the drug, individual reactions of the dermis are possible, expressed in its redness or blanching.

The injection site may appear swollen above the rest of the skin. Hematomas, swelling, and mild pain may occur. These phenomena should pass in 1 – 3 days.

How many procedures need to be done?

A course of rejuvenation using hyaluronic acid injections consists of four procedures, but after the first visit to the doctor a positive result will be noticeable.

Procedures should be done at intervals of several weeks. The doctor decides exactly how much time should pass between procedures.

The older the dermis, the more procedures need to be done to restore elasticity.

In such cases, between the main courses of injections it is necessary to do maintenance biorevitalization.

Usually, up to 40 years of age, you need to do one course a year; after 40, biorevitalization is carried out twice a year. Single additional sessions between two courses prolong the rejuvenation effect.

If you are planning a trip to a southern country, it is recommended to take two maintenance injections before the trip and two after.

They will help prepare the skin for excess sun exposure and prevent cell dehydration by creating a moisture reserve in the thickness of the skin tissue.

The question may arise: at what age should you start a course of rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid? The indication for biorevitalization is not age, but the condition of the dermis.

Hyaluronic acid prevents photoaging, from which even young girls who love to sunbathe on the beach or in a solarium are not protected.

Indications for the start of procedures will be pronounced aging of the skin, its dullness and lifelessness, loss of elasticity, sagging, pigmentation.

The course can be taken even by young women after sudden weight loss, facial surgery, or any long-term diseases of the internal organs, as a result of which their appearance always suffers.

Biorevitalization preparations are produced for young and aged skin. In the first case, you need to use a lighter drug, in the second - a denser one.

The time has come to think about rejuvenation using this method after 30 years, but if you have the above problems, then you can do the course earlier.

For rejuvenation, one procedure is absolutely not enough. For a good result, you need to take a whole course.

Only in this case will the dermis be saturated with hyaluronic acid and its quality will change, and not just improve its appearance.

After a course of procedures, the rejuvenation effect will be prolonged, as all cellular structures will be renewed. The rejuvenation effect becomes especially pronounced after 3-4 injections.

With subsequent courses, the effect increases, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, and its color becomes more radiant.

However, in the case of biorevitalization, “more” does not mean “better”. There is no need to inject too often, otherwise the body will stop producing its own hyaluron.

The effect of each course of rejuvenation with hyaluronic serum lasts up to six months. To prolong it, you need to carry out supportive measures, which the doctor prescribes taking into account the age and condition of the skin.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is similar to seasonal vitamin intake, but its effect is much stronger and deeper.

Biorevitalization is the most effective method of facial skin rejuvenation, which involves the introduction of injections of hyaluronic acid. This technology is very popular among women who want to have tight and healthy skin for a long time. The procedure is performed on different parts of the body: face, neck, décolleté and even hands. In a short time it restores, moisturizes and rejuvenates the dermis. It can be performed at any age, but most often it is used after 40 years.

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    What is biorevitalization?

    The term “biorevitalization” was first used by Italian professor A. Di Pietro. Its literal translation means "bio-revitalization". In other words, this is “skin restoration”. The biorevitalization method is used on any area of ​​the skin. Most often this is the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. This procedure will help preserve the youth and beauty of the skin.

    During this procedure, hyaluronic acid is introduced into the dermis. Hyaluronic acid is produced independently by the body. After the age of 20, the body produces much less of it. The aging process of the skin begins, and deep wrinkles appear on it.

    Hyaluronic acid performs important functions in the human body. It collects and transports moisture, stimulates natural collagen production. After the procedure, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and deep wrinkles become less noticeable, natural rejuvenation of the skin occurs, it becomes beautiful and smooth.

    Features of the procedure

    Biorevitalization is carried out by a cosmetologist. Although the procedure is considered safe, injections should still be given by a specialist with a medical education in order to avoid possible negative consequences and complications after the manipulation.

    The procedure is prescribed for patients with visible signs of aging. Usually, irreversible age-related processes in the female body begin after 25 years.

    Stages of the session:

    Stage Description
    CleansingThe cosmetologist cleanses the facial skin of impurities and makeup. To do this, use gels or milk. In case of increased sensitivity to pain, the area to be corrected is anesthetized. For this purpose, use ice or ice cubes from chamomile infusion, which soothes the skin. The cosmetologist can offer the patient a special anesthetic cream
    Antiseptic treatmentMiramistin or Chlorhexidine is used to wipe and disinfect the skin
    Administration of the drugA biorevitalizant is used for the procedure. The product is injected under the skin using a needle in certain areas. These include the nasolabial folds, forehead, cheeks or neck. After manipulation, the puncture sites are treated with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs to prevent infection and bacteria.

    Indications and contraindications

    Usually biorevitalization is carried out after 30 years, but the procedure can be carried out earlier, the woman’s age does not matter. If there are signs of skin aging, the procedure will help get rid of them.

    Indications Contraindications
    DehydrationInfectious diseases and inflammations on the skin of the face
    Dry skinPossible formation of keloid scars
    Lack of moistureAllergic reactions and hypersensitivity to biorevitalizant components
    Skin burnsHerpes
    Consequences after laser or chemical peelingImmune system pathologies
    RoughnessPresence of certain chronic infections
    Changed complexionMental disorders
    Expression wrinklesOncology
    Acne and pimples in remissionDiabetes
    Tired lookTaking blood thinning medications
    PigmentationPregnancy status and breastfeeding

    The number of sessions required to obtain a stable result from a biorevitalization course depends on the woman’s age, the drug used and the desired effect.

    The patient herself decides how many times a year to carry out a course of procedures for facial skin rejuvenation, depending on how long the results last.

    The result will not be noticeable immediately after the procedure, but only after a few days. The best time to carry out such manipulations is autumn and winter. In the cold season, the active component will not evaporate under the influence of high temperatures, the effect is more noticeable and stable. After several sessions, the woman will look much younger than her age.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The procedure has the following advantages:

    • Stimulates the skin to produce its own hyaluronic acid and collagen. The amount of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for elastic and tightened skin, also increases.
    • It is well tolerated by patients and does not require time for rehabilitation.
    • Allows you to rejuvenate your skin at any time of the year, including summer.
    • Restores skin after winter cold and frost.
    • Once injected under the skin, hyaluronic acid acts on the outer and inner layers of the skin. Tissue regeneration occurs.

    There are few contraindications for the procedure; allergic reactions occur extremely rarely. An important property of hyaluronic acid is its rapid elimination from the body.

    The disadvantage of biorevitalization is the short-term effect, which lasts 6-8 months. Over time, the results become less noticeable. As a result, many women are forced to repeat the procedure again.

    Types of biorevitalization and number of procedures

    There are two types of biorevitalization. Each has its own characteristics, differs in the method of implementation and the number of procedures.

    Name Description Number of procedures Stages of implementation
    InjectableThe procedure is similar to a medical one. It is accompanied by pain, but has a pronounced strong effect. A biorevitalizant is injected under the skin with a very thin needle. The product is injected in the required quantity to the required depth.The full course of biorevitalizant injections includes 4 procedures. The process lasts about an hour. The effect will be noticeable after the first procedure. Between sessions you should maintain an interval of 2-3 weeks. Repeated courses are possible no earlier than after 6 months. Some cosmetologists advise repeating the course after a year to prevent the body from getting used to it and stopping the natural production of its own hyaluronic acid.
    1. 1. Applying a special cream to the skin, which serves as anesthesia. It will either completely eliminate the pain or dull it.
    2. 2. The disposable syringe for the procedure is individually packaged and already filled with hyaluronic acid. It is taken out and heated to room temperature.
    3. 3. Injection of a certain amount of the drug through a very thin needle into the desired points.
    4. 4. At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist prescribes antiseptic or anti-inflammatory drugs
    Laser (non-injection)The patient does not experience pain. During the manipulations, effective penetration of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is ensured. Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using a low-intensity laser beam. No needles are used. The skin is not injured. As a result, the skin is naturally moisturized and its tone increases. The procedure is suitable for young skinThe standard course is 4 procedures every two weeks. The positive effect appears only after the 3rd session. In rare cases, the effect will be noted only after completing the entire course. If you repeat the course, the effect will become noticeable much earlier. The skin will become hydrated after the first session
    1. 1. Cleansing the skin of the face, neck, décolleté.
    2. 2. Applying a gel that contains hyaluronic acid.
    3. 3. Laser facial treatment.
    4. 4. Elimination of excess gel from treated areas.

    To consolidate the action, apply a mask

Many women ask the question - what is biorevitalization, how many procedures do you need to do to become young and beautiful again? After all, over the years, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, becoming drier and less toned.

These problems can be solved with the help of modern anti-aging procedures. One of them is biorevitalization.

Most women refuse so much effective care only because they are afraid of injections. But, in fact, the procedure is painless, since a competent specialist will always offer the client suitable anesthesia.

Biorevitalization and its features

Many women are hesitant to undergo biorevitalization due to the lack of necessary information about the procedure.

What is biorevitalization? And how is it made?

Facial biorevitalization is the process of introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin. This substance is considered the safest and most beneficial for humans, since natural hyaluron is found in living organisms. Due to the effect of this acid, the skin becomes more toned, elastic and moisturized. By filling subcutaneous voids, hyaluronic acid smoothes out fine wrinkles and makes deep ones less noticeable. In addition, preparations based on hyaluron provoke the natural production of collagen and elastin, which become less and less in the body over the years. These substances prolong the youth of the skin; the smaller their amount, the older the dermis looks.

Indications for this cosmetic procedure are as follows:

  • flabby, thin and dry skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • swelling, bruises under the eyes;
  • blurred facial contours, etc.

There are two main methods of introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin - injection and laser.

The essence of the injection method is the distribution of hyaluron in the layers of the dermis using special syringes or injectors. This method can be painful. In addition, after exposure to a needle, redness, bruising and even hematomas may remain on the skin for some time. Nevertheless, this method of introducing acid is considered the most effective - it allows the drugs to be distributed evenly and deeply in the layers of the dermis. The cost of one procedure depends on the condition of the skin and the amount of hyaluronic acid used.

The second method is laser biorevitalization. Less painful and faster compared to injection. In this case, hyaluronic acid enters the epidermis with cold laser radiation.

But like everything in this world, the effect of biorevitalization wears off over time. For this reason, the procedure must be repeated periodically. How often should biorevitalization be done? The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, in particular the woman’s age, the condition of her skin and the type of drug used.

The average biorevitalization course consists of 4 sessions. The amount may vary in one direction or another depending on the individual characteristics of the client’s dermis.

How long does the effect of biorevitalization last? Usually the effect lasts for six months, and if the procedure was carried out using hardware, even longer.

To obtain a rejuvenating effect, it is necessary to complete the entire course of biorevitalization. Those with mature skin are usually prescribed a larger initial number of sessions than young girls. Subsequently, the procedure must be repeated approximately once every 3-4 months.

A cosmetologist can specifically answer the question of how often you need to do facial biorevitalization. Therefore, it makes sense to first visit a specialist to clarify such details.

A cosmetologist's answers to popular questions

Women who decide to undergo a biorevitalization procedure usually have many questions about the procedure, its features and results.

At what age is it permissible to apply for the biorevitalization procedure?

In general, there are practically no age restrictions for injections. However, young women under 25 years of age are usually recommended a nourishing and strengthening mesotherapy procedure. It is believed that after 25 years, skin aging mechanisms begin. Therefore, most women begin to undergo biorevitalization after approximately 30 years.

Of course, each woman decides for herself when to start anti-aging procedures and whether to do them at all. However, it is worth considering that early prevention of skin aging will make it easier to combat age-related changes in the future. In other words, a woman who started taking care of her face at thirty has every chance of maintaining a youthful face longer than a woman who decided to get injections for the first time after 40 years.

In addition, how many courses of biorevitalization you will have to undergo during the year - one or several - depends on the age and condition of the dermis.

Will biorevitalization have an effect after 50 years?

Is it worth doing biorevitalization for women who have crossed the 50-year mark? Yes, it's worth it. This could literally be your last chance to make your skin look younger, firmer and more attractive. But, as practice shows, biorevitalization in tandem with preliminary systematic care gives a much better result. In addition, biorevitalization itself at this age may not have the effect of significant rejuvenation. In this case, the client should resort to additional anti-aging procedures.

Since this procedure is done in courses, those with mature skin should plan on systematically visiting a cosmetologist. How many courses of biorevitalization should women undergo after 50 years of age? Of course, everything is individual, but on average you need to carry out from 5 to 10 procedures with a break of 10-15 days. To consolidate a permanent, sustainable result, you need to apply for anti-aging injections every 3 months.

How often can facial biorevitalization be done?

Since hyaluronic acid is a safe and extremely beneficial substance for the body, there are no special restrictions on the number of sessions. The only difficulties may be the cost of the procedure (the more often it is done, the more expensive it will be) and possible physical inconvenience during the injection process.

Anti-aging facial injections - how many times a year should they be done?

To determine how many biorevitalization procedures need to be done during the year, you need to take into account the age-related characteristics of the skin, as well as the nature of the biorevitalization itself. The procedure can be both preventive and therapeutic. So, for women aged 25-30 years (with very good skin condition - up to 35 years old) it is enough to do preventive biorevitalization. This approach will help to shift the signs of early skin aging. It is enough to do this type of biorevitalization once a year.

How many sessions do older ladies need to do? Starting from 30-35 years old, it’s time to do therapeutic biorevialization. Since the mechanisms of aging have started, it’s time to start fighting skin aging. To improve the appearance of the skin, as well as to consolidate the effect obtained, it is worth visiting a cosmetologist once every six months (that is, twice a year).

How many injections do women who have obvious signs of facial aging (wrinkles, sagging, age spots) need? Here, of course, you can’t get away with periodic visits to the salon. Such women will need much more courses of the procedure, and the frequency of injections reaches approximately 3-4 times a year.

What drugs are used and why?

Having learned how to do biorevitalization, it’s time to check with the cometologist who is going to inject the client with biorevitalizant about the product used. After all, the final result of the procedure largely depends on the chosen drug for facial biorevitalization.

Injections should be carried out as correctly as possible on the face. This takes into account the depth of the injection, the amount of hyaluronic acid injected and other factors. The volume of acid ampoules produced by manufacturers varies; usually 1-2 ml is enough for the face. Of course, for mature skin these figures may increase.

The most popular drugs for biorevitalization are:

  • Meso Wharton P199 is an American drug based on hyaluronic acid and many other useful substances.
  • Teosyal Meso is a product developed by Swiss scientists; the drug is based on pure hyaluronic acid.
  • Juvederm is an American innovative development. The company has released a line of products for the biorevitalization of young and more mature skin.

What complications can there be and how to recognize poor quality work?

Lack of hyaluron in the body leads to early aging. But a poorly done anti-aging procedure will not only not add beauty, but can lead to disastrous results.

Thus, improperly administered hyaluronate can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • tissue hardening (fibrosis);
  • Tyndall effect (blue and pink stripes appear under the skin - the result of too superficial injection of acid);
  • granulomas (nodules on the surface of the skin);
  • white spots on the skin (depigmentation);
  • tissue necrosis;
  • keloid scars.

If, after the first time of performing the procedure, one or more signs from this list were noticed, one may doubt the qualifications of the cosmetologist. Perhaps in the future the client should contact another specialist.

How long does the effect last after the procedure?

Usually the effect of the procedure lasts for about six months. This time period may vary depending on how much of the drug was injected under the skin. And again, do not forget about age. In young women, the result can remain on the face for a whole year.

How much should high-quality biorevitalization cost?

The facial biorevitalization procedure, in general, is not the cheapest event. Of course, you can find a master who will do everything at a very reasonable, literally budget price. But facial rejuvenation is not a procedure worth saving on. If the declared price is very low, then most likely we are talking about a novice cosmetologist. Or the master saves on the administered drugs by using low-quality raw materials.

How much does facial biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid cost? On average, the cost ranges from 4,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Facial biorevitalization is a modern cosmetic procedure that helps achieve stunning results. It can be used both for preventive purposes and to eliminate existing signs of aging. The main condition is the choice of a competent specialist performing the injections.

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What is facial biorevitalization and how effective it is is of interest to many women today. This is a new non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation, which is used in exceptional cases when cosmetology products, special exercises or do not cope with the signs of aging.

Features of biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is considered a field of aesthetic medicine. This gentle technique was created to combat skin aging. It allows you to restore the oval, improve complexion and nasolabial folds, and stop the aging process.

Facial biorevitalization is an injection method for which specially processed hyaluronic acid is produced in the laboratory.

It is distributed in the skin (not as quickly as in mesotherapy injections) and promotes tissue regeneration.

What is it, hyaluronic acid? This is a useful component, a hydrocolloid, which is found in intercellular tissues. It is considered an excellent natural moisturizer that helps tighten the skin. After turning forty, the amount of the beneficial component decreases, and the skin becomes dull, losing beneficial moisture and elasticity.

In this case, different types of drugs are used, for example, Aquashine. The viscosity of the inner layer of the skin and its natural hydration are achieved due to the ability of the active substance to attract.

Benefits of the procedure

The advantages of the technique include high-quality results and high efficiency. There is no pain when it is performed.

In addition, biorevitalization does not require a long recovery period. The technique is in demand by women for rejuvenating the hands, décolleté and eye area. These areas are particularly exposed to the sun's rays, so they age much faster.

The effect of biorevitalization is not just good, but even excellent - fine wrinkles and unpleasant folds are smoothed out. At the same time, the process of collagen production continues plus another six months.

According to patient reviews, results after the session can be seen on days 3–4. Then the effect only improves. The skin becomes elastic and well hydrated.

Differences from mesotherapy

When choosing whether biorevitalization or mesotherapy is better, you need to know how both methods differ. There are several types of biorevitalization technique depending on the desired result. The first good effect is observed immediately. All wrinkles on the skin are smoothed out. After two weeks, the final desired effect appears and the cells begin to independently produce hyaluronic acid.

Mesotherapy is carried out using useful components that are poorly produced by the body. So frequent sessions (once a week) are required to maintain the effect. This technique can be used from the age of 25. Biorevitalization courses are recommended for women over 35 or after 40 years of age and are carried out once a month.

In the second case, financial expenses are significantly reduced.

In addition to injection, laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is also used. Under the influence of the laser, the complexion is evened out and the processes of collagen and elastin production are launched. Infrared laser is used:

  • for rejuvenating the skin of the face, hands, neck and décolleté;
  • narrowing enlarged pores;
  • smoothing scars;
  • eliminating peeling and dryness;
  • relief leveling;
  • eliminating dark circles and...

Before the session, a gel containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is applied to the surface of the skin. With the help of a laser, it penetrates tissue and starts tissue regeneration processes.

Indications for use

Indications for biorevitalization injections:

  1. Dehydrated and overdried skin that needs intense hydration.
  2. Decreased firmness and elasticity.
  3. The appearance of pigmentation and...
  4. The recovery process after plastic surgery.
  5. Damage to the skin by ultraviolet rays after prolonged use in a solarium or in the sun.

To ensure that the results after such a serious procedure do not turn negative, you must first familiarize yourself with the features of the course and contraindications of biorevitalization. The specialist will determine how many procedures need to be done.

At the age of 30, one session is usually sufficient. After 40 years, a full course should include about 7 – 8 sessions. In this case, procedures are carried out no more than once every three weeks. Over the entire period, the active component manages to stimulate the cells that are responsible for the restoration of elastin and collagen.


To find out more information about what this procedure is, you need to study its contraindications.

Injections should not be given in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of inflammatory processes in the treatment areas.
  2. Pregnancy or lactation period.
  3. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  4. Allergy to certain components of the drug.
  5. Using medications that thin the blood.
  6. The appearance of keloid scars on the surface of the skin.
  7. Herpes infection in the acute stage.
  8. Colds.
  9. Malignant tumors.

Many women are interested in what is the whole truth about biorevitalization or how cosmetologists deceive us. You should not believe those who claim that the technique is completely safe and can be carried out in any salon. This is far from true. Biorevitalization can only be carried out by a specialist with a medical education. In this case, sterile conditions must be observed and high-quality anesthesia must be performed.

To prevent you from being deceived, you should definitely ask for special permits to conduct such a practice.

Taking into account the individual properties of the skin and certain problems, the doctor will determine the required number of sessions, the drug and the method of carrying out the procedure.

What drugs are used?

To carry out the procedure, various biorevitalization preparations are used, one of which is Aquashine. Interested women should know their names and beneficial properties. The entire arsenal is represented by drugs in the list.

  1. IAL – SISTEM is produced in Italy. Such drugs are safe and have no side effects. The components in the composition moisturize the skin, correct wrinkles and have a lifting effect, which is confirmed by reviews.
  2. Restylane Vital consists of stabilized hyaluronic acid. This composition is suitable for women over 40 years old.
  3. SKIN P can be used by girls from 30+. The drug has an amazing lifting effect.
  4. Meso – Wharton presents a combined preparation that, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains numerous useful additives. It is recommended for use in patients over 40.
  5. The drug Aquashine can be divided into two different formulations. This product was made in Korea. Aquashine is made on the basis of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, and also contains more than 50 other useful components.

Qualified cosmetologists will help you decide which drug to choose for the procedure. Aquashine and all other professional products, without exception, are effective when prescribed correctly. You can see what popular drugs look like in the photo.

Carrying out the procedure

The method of biorevitalization is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First, the surface of the skin is thoroughly cleaned and treated with antiseptic preparations.
  2. Local anesthesia is performed.
  3. The injection sites are marked.
  4. The procedure is carried out from the edge of the jaw and then performed on the remaining areas. The distance between injections does not exceed more than one millimeter.
  5. A soothing composition is applied to the surface of the skin.
  6. The skin is treated with sunscreen.
  7. The course may consist of 3-8 sessions. Positive changes are noticeable within a day.

The average price of the procedure varies from 6 to 12 thousand rubles.

Cosmetologists distinguish two types of procedures: preventive and therapeutic. In the first case, the biorevitalization technique is necessary to prevent early aging, dryness and destruction of hyaluronic acid components. The course includes two procedures three weeks apart. During the procedure, active saturation with moisture and nutritional components occurs, which stops the aging process.

The therapeutic option is aimed at eliminating skin problems that appear with age-related changes. In this case, a more thorough effect on the skin is applied. This course is suitable for patients with loose skin and decreased turgor. After the procedure, visible signs of aging are removed, which is confirmed by reviews. The treatment consists of three procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks.

What is better to use

In addition to biorevitalization, other procedures are used to rejuvenate and heal the skin. To choose the best option, you need to study the features and effects of other options.

  1. During mesotherapy, a mixture of various vitamins is used, and hyaluronic acid is used in smaller quantities than during biorevitalization.
  2. Bioreparation is often done after biorevitalization. It allows you to preserve beneficial components under the skin for a long time.
  3. Plasmolifting is a procedure with the introduction of human plasma to improve skin, hair growth and recovery processes.
  4. Botox differs in its mechanism of action and complex of drugs.

Numerous reviews testify in favor of biorevitalization, which not only saturates the skin with hyaluronic acid, but also promotes its slow distribution.

After injections, papules may remain, which after a while completely disappear. These are compactions that arise due to the tension of the skin tissue at the puncture sites. They have different sizes, depending on the amount of substance injected.

In places where subcutaneous adipose tissue has a small volume, the substance is injected to a depth of 1 mm. In this case, the diameter of the papules does not exceed 2 mm.

In some cases, pale skin and swelling are observed. Pain and slight swelling may be bothersome. If such symptoms do not go away within a few days, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is worth remembering well what you cannot do after biorevitalization. There are special recommendations for this case:

  1. For the first two days, you are not allowed to touch the surface of your face.
  2. It is prohibited to wear makeup or use cosmetics.
  3. If hematomas occur, it is recommended to use arnica-based cream.
  4. You cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, or play sports during the week.
  5. Take Nurofen or acetylsalicylic acid, which promote bruising.