Tickets for the Christmas tree. Unusual New Year's gifts if you have no money No money for gifts ng

For men

Financial difficulties during the holiday period are an excellent reason for depression. When you look at an empty wallet, you want only one thing - to run away somewhere far away and wait until all this fuss is over. Since this is most often impossible to do, choosing gifts when there is no money turns into a real torment. But still, to prevent this from happening, I recommend reading the article on the Sunny Hands website “Why you can’t save money.” On one of these wonderful days, I decided to give up tedious shopping trips and see what I could order online. The search results shocked me to the core. I couldn’t even imagine that there are so many original, useful, and most importantly, inexpensive things in the world! It was from that moment that I became interested in the topic of gifts and found many interesting options for all occasions and for any budget. It turns out there are a lot of gift options when there is no money.

If your finances sing romances, I offer you 15 ideas, tested from my own experience, the implementation of which will require minimal costs - from 0 to 300 rubles.

    1. Photo collage. If you are looking for an answer to the question of what to give if you have no money, then this is one of the ideal answers. To make this gift, you will need Photoshop and a medium-sized frame. You can buy the cheapest one for 20-30 rubles, since all the “taste” will be in the picture. We load the image of the person being congratulated into the program and perform some metamorphoses with it. For example, you can “fulfill” a person’s dream (draw him in an expensive car, in the boss’s chair, etc.); send on a trip; exaggerate his style (just so that he doesn’t get offended). In general, it all depends on your imagination. Understanding how Photoshop works is quite simple; there is a lot of information on this issue on the Internet. For example, I painted my first masterpiece in just 5 minutes, and it was a great success. This was a gift for March 8th to my aunt, who dreams of losing weight. Read about what to give to relatives and friends on March 8th in the article at the link. I found an image on the Internet of a slender beauty walking along the beach, and I put my aunt’s head to it. Then I downloaded the file onto a flash drive, went to a photo store and asked to print it. I also bought a frame there. The total price of the gift was about 80 rubles. Later, I often used this method when I wanted to surprise someone.
    2. Music disc. Also a great gift when you have no money. People who are very busy at work often cannot find time to burn a CD for their car. At least, I periodically hear similar complaints from my friends. If you have an empty blank, this gift won't cost you a penny. Record a collection of your favorite songs and give it as a gift. Believe me, you will be very grateful.Once we made such a disc on February 23rd for my friend’s boyfriend. For a long time he dreamed of “getting hold of” old French songs, but he kept postponing this matter until later. We recorded the most popular compositions, and to make the gift seem more original, we made an exclusive cover for the disc in Photoshop - we placed a photo of them together against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower and wrote “With love from France.” The young man was very pleased and was in high spirits for several days. By the way, about what is best to give to men, read the article by Rashid Kirranov “What to give to a man” or watch his video.

      This option is perfect for the older generation. A colleague once complained to me that she couldn’t choose a gift for her grandmother. She accepts household items without enthusiasm, refuses to take money and says that she doesn’t need anything at all. After quite a long brainstorming, I suggested recording old songs for her. There was an MP3 player in the house, and this idea was received with enthusiasm. We selected suitable compositions and made the cover in the style of the USSR. Since the grandmother was from the village, we placed her photograph against the backdrop of collective farmers harvesting their crops. This gift moved the old lady to tears, and she learned to use the newfangled record player with great enthusiasm.

    3. Vacuum cleaner for keyboard. Every computer user will be happy to receive this gadget as a gift. Personally, I gave it for a variety of holidays to people from 15 to over 50 years old, and it was always received with joy. The price of a vacuum cleaner is from 110 rubles.
    4. A laptop fan is another useful device. Since it is shaped like a flower, it is most suitable for ladies. You can even hold it out instead of a bouquet, it turns out very funny. This gift can be purchased at a price of 70 rubles. There may be models with a different design, but I have not seen them. It was the flower fan that my brother liked when he was choosing a gift for a girl for Valentine’s Day, having only 200 rubles in his pocket. He decided to replace the bouquet with it, and bought a box of chocolates for the rest. Read about what you can give him to a girl at the link
    5. Living landscape. A great gift when money is short. Changing pictures will be a great decoration for both your desktop and your home interior. Watching the metamorphoses taking place, you can have a great rest and tune in to a positive mood. I was once given a living landscape on March 8th, and it became one of my favorite gifts. Small pictures can be bought for 250-300 rubles, and I periodically give them to relatives and friends.
    6. Plate. Since giving mugs as gifts is trivial, one day I decided to replace them with plates. I unexpectedly needed to congratulate one girl on March 8th. The holiday budget was already exhausted, besides, the gift was needed immediately, and there was no way to order anything on the Internet. By inertia, I ran into the first dishware store I came across and began to study the assortment of mugs; nothing else came to my mind. But then I saw cute plates with vegetables on them. They cost only 120 rubles, and were also packaged in decent cardboard boxes. It was simply impossible to think of a better gift. Beautiful, unusual and inexpensive. The girl liked the gift, and I still use this option from time to time.
    7. Pineapple. This exotic fruit is perfect for any holiday table. You can buy it in almost any store for 150-200 rubles. Pineapple is the best option for unfamiliar people and emergency situations. He has helped me out more than once when I was short of time and money.
    8. A folding soft bucket is the best solution for practical older family members. Do your parents or grandparents have a dacha or like to go mushroom picking? They will definitely love the collapsible bucket. I advised my mother to give it to a friend who is very passionate about household chores and cannot imagine her life without a dacha. She was delighted with him. The price of a bucket is 300 rubles.
    9. Miracle plant. This cute gift will impress any girl and woman. It is a seed that needs to be planted in the ground and watered. After a few minutes, the plant will grow, and on one of its leaves there will be the inscription “I love you.” My brother gave this gift to his friend on March 8th and she was very pleased. The price of a miracle plant is from 90 rubles.

  1. A paper holder is a great gift for people whose work involves documents. Online stores offer a fairly large selection of these gizmos with different designs at prices starting from 200 rubles. One day, my friend asked me to find a gift for her child's teacher. I ordered a holder in the shape of a man. In the greeting card we wrote the following: “May the little people you teach bring you only joy!”
  2. Emergency charging unit for a mobile phone. This device looks like a battery with a small wire and connector. Every person needs it and it can be given for absolutely any occasion. Internet price – 300 rubles. I once gave it to my husband for his birthday, he was pleased and still uses it to this day.
  3. Audiobooks. Due to lack of time, many of us have already forgotten the last time we read, although we love this activity. Audiobooks that you can listen to in the car or at home while doing household chores will help solve the problem. They will also be a wonderful gift for people with vision problems. Price – from 100 rubles. I gave audiobooks to both my parents and friends who spend a lot of time driving. The most important thing is to know exactly what interests them.
  4. Suitcase lock. This item will definitely appeal to travel lovers. Firstly, it will reduce the likelihood of property theft, and secondly, it will become an excellent distinctive sign, and the suitcase can be immediately noticed during baggage claim at the airport. Its price is 170 rubles. I gave these locks to all my traveling friends for the New Year. About how to celebrate the New Year at home.
  5. Original passport cover. On the Internet you can find a huge number of options at a price of 200-250 rubles. For my brother who loves to tinker with his computer, I bought a Windows-themed My Documents cover; for a friend who periodically travels abroad - “Walking across Three Seas” for a foreign passport.
  6. Tabletop punching bag. This cool toy comes in different sizes. If large models are quite expensive, then small ones can be bought for 250-300 rubles. I have given them several times to colleagues and friends who are into sports or have a short temper. And we bought a large, luxurious copy for our boss’s birthday.

I offer you the following options:

Lack of money is not a reason for despair, but a great opportunity for creativity. After all these experiments, I made a very important conclusion for myself: people expect from us not so much expensive gifts, but rather attentive attitude and bright emotions. If we show that we are listening to their words, or put on a little show, then the price of the gift will not matter. And one more important point: if possible, do not delay choosing gifts until the last minute. Thanks to this, you can purchase the items you like at reasonable prices while they are still in stock.

It is also worth saying a few words about online shopping. Gifts in virtual stores are much cheaper than in regular stores, but we are often afraid that they will send us low-quality items. I solved this problem for myself as follows:

  • Before placing an order, I try to find a similar item in a regular store and evaluate its quality. If it suits me, I make a purchase online.
  • I order gifts only from stores that have been operating for a long time and have a good reputation.
  • I try to choose online stores in my city. If problems arise, I can return the goods to the warehouse, and in most cases delivery is free.

I wish you a pleasant shopping and happy holidays!

Best regards, Irina Donskaya.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


New Year is literally on the doorstep, gifts for children have not yet been bought, and salaries have been delayed. And they don’t promise it before January. And money - “butt”. And there is no one to borrow from, because on the eve of the holiday no one has extra funds.

Is this a familiar situation?

We don’t give up and don’t panic – there is always a way out!

First of all, you should remember the most important thing: you can save on yourself, cut the budget for the New Year's menu (it's okay if you drink juice instead of champagne, and there will only be one bowl of Olivier), and bake dessert yourself.

And in general, the most important thing is create an atmosphere of magic for a child. And all she needs is imagination and the attention of her parents.

And yet – what to give your child? After all, without a gift from Santa Claus, a holiday is not a holiday...

Small toy + chocolate

We pack our mini-gifts in a large plastic jar and paint it like, for example, a Ladybug. There are also a couple of tangerines and a handful of sweets bought by weight.

We tie a knitted colorful scarf around the neck.

And don’t forget to put a small card in the jar (you can make it yourself, fortunately, there are a lot of master classes on the Internet), which will say how much you love your child, how smart he has been all year, and that the most important gift is waiting for him January 1st.

Surely the child has a little dream - to go to the zoo, go skiing, make 20 snowmen, etc. Be a fairy for your baby - fulfill his whim on January 1st.

A trip to the “fairy forest”

It is better to choose the most picturesque place for such a trip. Preferably with infrastructure nearby.

While mom is sledding and skating with her child, throwing snowballs and making an “angel” in a snowdrift, dad goes “on business” and quickly prepares a “clearing” in the forest: signs on the trees, scattered cereals, giant traces of the “goblin,” paths of confetti etc. With the help of mom and dad, these traces should naturally lead the child to the gift. And of course - from Santa Claus.

The main thing is, don’t get too deep into the forest, and don’t dare “spoiler” - it’s a surprise for the child! You just went for a walk with the whole family in the forest, and suddenly there are such interesting oddities - footprints in the snow, arrows on the trees... Obviously - New Year's miracles, and nothing else!

And it doesn’t matter what gift the child will receive at the end. The main thing is the feeling of a fairy tale that he will carry through his entire childhood.

Of course, such a surprise will not work with a teenager, but the kids will really like it.

DIY gift

Why not? If your “baby” has already grown out of rompers for 13-15 years, then he understands perfectly well that his mother has no money and cannot jump out of the skin. Therefore, remember all your talents and start making hand-made gifts.

You can knit a sweater or hat with mittens and a scarf. You can sew a bedspread from multi-colored scraps or a fashionable skirt (for your daughter), weave pleasant trinkets from beads, and make fashionable jewelry.

Or you can draw a picture or even write a song. If only from the heart.

Photo album

A wonderful gift option for a teenage child (or almost a teenager), which does not even require accompanying bags with all sorts of goodies.

Although chocolate and tangerines will never be superfluous.

So, we take children's and family photos, take out a basket for needlework, pull out drawers with a variety of stationery and forward - to the best of our imagination, to the best of our abilities.

You can make the basis for the album yourself or use an existing one. For example, an old and outdated photo album, or an ordinary children's book with pages made of thick cardboard.

Remember: your album doesn't have to hold a whole bunch of photos. It can only fit 8-10 of the most important photographs, the main thing is that the design is original and from the heart.

By the way, the design of such albums is usually much more interesting than the photographs themselves. There are, again, plenty of master classes on the Internet. And this child will keep this gift all his life.

Sweet set for fortune telling

  • With our own golden hands we make a gift box (we are looking for master classes or photos on the Internet!), and we beautifully place delicious chocolates in it on top of the Christmas tree tinsel. Just not the usual ones, but with a surprise: each candy should contain “predictions” under the candy wrapper. Naturally, kind and bright, not too blurry and foggy (a little more precision). This box can be given to an older child.
  • We put other candies in the second box, but not with predictions, but with tasks. A sort of sweet “forfeits” for kids. We choose the most fun and funny tasks. This box is for the youngest child.

DIY Christmas balls

We take the simplest foam plastic balls in the store and paint them based on our son’s favorite cartoons (movies, hobbies, etc.).

Age does not matter: these can be balloons with SpongeBob for the baby, or balloons with funny pictures that the eldest son collects on his page on the Social Network.

And for your teenage daughter you can make absolutely masterpiece balls, a real work of art! Knitted and patchwork balls, soft balls sprinkled with beads or buttons, transparent balls made of thread (they are made using glue on a balloon), balls with decoupage or felt flowers, with embroidery, applique, or even felted wool and in the form of funny animals.

Small but a lot

For a child of any age, a huge bag of gifts is a joy. Even if there are ordinary little things that cost a penny, the effect of the big bag will be strong and will smooth out possible sadness from the lack of another console or interactive hamster.

The key point is packaging. Each of your small gifts (chocolate, a beautiful pen, a new notebook, an original keychain, etc.) should be packaged beautifully and originally. So that the child can stretch out the pleasure by unpacking surprises one after another.

The older the child, the easier it is for him to “collect” such a bag (hair bands, coasters, pencil cases, favorite books, sketch books, etc.).

And be sure to mix the gifts with the sweets and tangerines scattered in the bag.

When your child grows up, he will not remember what exactly was packed in those beautiful wrappers, but he will definitely remember the smell of this bag of gifts and his joy from it.

Mom and dad as a gift

Give your child a day “just for him.” Take them for a walk, build a snowman together, eat ice cream in a cafe, go ice skating, look at the city square - there are probably pre-holiday festivities with entertainment for children. In general, find places where you can entertain your child with a minimum of money, and draw up an itinerary - let the child be breathtaking with the amount of entertainment and your attention.

By the way, this walk around the city can also be turned into a treasure hunt. But then draw a treasure map in advance (with places for entertainment), naturally thrown by Santa Claus into the mailbox, and hide a gift in the right place (even a bag of candies).

Magic tree

Your baby will definitely love this gift. The tree can be a real strong plant - or a hand-made masterpiece from mom (it doesn't matter).

The magic of a tree is that every morning something unusual grows on it. Today, lollipops have grown, and tomorrow a sandwich with caviar or an apple may grow (the tree is capricious, and decides on its own what fruits to produce).

It is worth noting that older children also love such gifts as a reason to smile once again in the morning.

Meeting with the real Santa Claus

Agree with a friend who can convincingly play the role of the Old Wizard with a Red Nose, rent a suit for Grandfather from someone, prepare a gift using one of the methods described above. All.

Should come as a surprise. A great option is if you quietly let your friend into the apartment and hide your friend on the balcony (for example, while the child is changing clothes for the festive table), and after 5-10 minutes (so that the friend does not freeze) he will “magically” ring the bell outside the window.

Just let Santa Claus tell the baby that he has sent his tired reindeer home, otherwise your friend will have to leave the child through the balcony.

Spray can with artificial snow

With magical snow, of course!

With this spray can you can create stunning patterns on glass. So that Santa Claus, when he flies by from January 5th to 9th (when mom is finally given her salary, bonus or debt), sees this stunning beauty and leaves a gift on the balcony.

Set of dishes

For example, a mug and a couple of plates (deep and dessert).

We draw a sketch ourselves in accordance with the child’s hobbies (no age restrictions), add an original inscription (quote, wish, etc.), scan our creativity and send it to one of the companies where clients’ sketches are printed on dishes.

If you have very little money, you can limit yourself to a mug (it will cost you 200-300 rubles with printing). The child will be happy to receive a gift that is made especially for him.

The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of design.


If your child has been dreaming of such a friend for a long time, it’s time to make his dream come true. Many people give puppies, kittens, mice, etc. into good hands. The child will be happy.

If the topic of animals in the house is a categorical taboo, buy your baby a fish. For example, fighting. This cockerel is unpretentious and does not require serious care - an ordinary jar of water is enough. And it’s inexpensive - about 200 rubles.

“May your life be sweet!”

We make such an inscription on a gift box, which we fill with all possible sweets - a jar of jam (don’t forget to decorate!), sweets, tangerines, cockerels on sticks, homemade cookies in the shape of Christmas trees/snowmen, etc.

And you don’t have to buy all this (except for tangerines, of course) - if you have an oven, then you can prepare all the sweets yourself, including Raffaello, Petushkov, etc.

Tickets for the Christmas tree

Their cost is usually not too high, and finding funds for such a gift is not so difficult.

True, a toddler and a teenager will not appreciate such a gift. Age category (on average) – from 5 to 9 years.

Tickets, of course, need to be packaged in an original way and be sure to add sweets to the gift.

"Not enough money" - This is not a tragedy and not a reason to give up! This is an opportunity to discover the talents of a creative person.

Experiment, use your imagination and, most importantly, create gifts with love. After all, it is your attention (and not the cost of the gift) that is valuable to the child.

And, of course, don’t put everything off until December 30th– start thinking about gifts in advance.

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Christmas holidays are a period when you want to do good and create big and small miracles. Most often they are expressed in gifts, but not every budget is able to withstand the pre-holiday desire to give gifts to everyone and everything, so it is better to wisely think through economical gifts in advance. We will share with you good ideas of what you can give for the New Year 2020 if you have no money. Stock up on a good mood and go ahead in search of a successful, cheap gift.

Universal options

Despite the variety of modern gifts, there is an undeniable classic of an inexpensive New Year's gift, always relevant and for everyone. If you want to please your close friends, relatives and colleagues, take these gifts, they will not be superfluous. They will definitely emphasize the atmosphere of the celebration and will not hit your wallet:

  • – anything from a classic ball to an original wooden figurine that will symbolize you or the recipient of the gift will do. Toys for the holidays are presented in a wide range, are inexpensive and will definitely suit everyone as a gift!
  • Little Christmas tree. Choose small decorative living trees for your friends and acquaintances; they will always find a worthy use as a decoration for a work or holiday table. The decorative tree looks very beautiful and exudes a wonderful aroma.
  • Scented candles with Christmas scents. A set of candles will definitely be appropriate for the holidays, especially if you choose warm and pleasant scents, such as orange, cinnamon and other symbols of the upcoming celebration.
  • Dated diary or notepad– it will definitely come in handy in the coming year for useful notes and planning meetings. All you have to do is choose an interesting design, and you have already decided on gifts for your friends.
  • Cases for gadgets– choose thematic options with New Year’s pictures, and you will like the gift and lift your spirits.
  • Cool selection of New Year's films- This is a great way to decorate the holiday of your family and friends, adding home comfort to them.
  • Themed mugs and plates- beautiful and pleasant gifts, even if they are used only a couple of weeks a year. But how nice it is before the holidays to find your favorite cup with reindeer or snowman and enjoy hot chocolate.

Note To make a modest and inexpensive gift look more impressive, take care of decent packaging and add a personalized card, so even the simplest thing will seem individual and unique.

Delicious gifts

New Year and Christmas are always associated with all sorts of delicacies and goodies. This is that magical period when even adults do not hide their love for chocolate and other “goodies”, so you can safely choose an appropriate tasty and inexpensive gift for the New Year 2020 to your friends and loved ones. Among the most appetizing and successful ideas:

  • – this is a classic of the genre!

  • Themed chocolates with congratulations and wishes– it’s tasty, beautiful, and meaningful;
  • Set for making mulled wine– the most Christmas drink is always relevant, so the set of spices and wine will appeal to every recipient;
  • Hot chocolate and marshmallow- a classic of American holidays, which is becoming increasingly popular in our country.
  • Fruit basket– oranges, tangerines and pineapples have long become a symbol of the holiday, so such an appetizing, bright, vitamin-rich gift will definitely not be out of place, and most importantly, it can be presented to the whole family. Both economical and beautiful!
  • Homemade cookies. Many housewives prepare all kinds of New Year's gingerbread cookies, so package them in beautiful bags and pleasant surprises for friends and family are ready!
  • Champagne decorated with Christmas tree branches and artificial snow. There is never too much champagne on New Year's holidays, so feel free to give a stylized bottle and you will definitely please!

General gifts for family and friends

You need to save wisely on New Year's gifts; a great way to cut costs while pleasing your loved ones with surprises - these are common gifts for families or all friends. Even if such a solution seems expensive in terms of amount, but if you divide its cost by the number of people it will unite, you get a ridiculous amount. Believe me, sometimes it’s even cheaper than trinkets! So what are we talking about? And we are talking about the following ideas:

  • – this idea is designed for 4 – 10 people; present such a fun New Year’s treat to colleagues, a group of friends or acquaintances. They will have fun, and all you need is one not-so-expensive gift!

  • General photo session- another fun idea for spending time. Such a gift will cost several thousand rubles, but will be able to unite your entire large family, including grandparents, aunts and uncles, and emotions and photos will remain as a keepsake!
  • Going to the skating rink. Take your friends, buy everyone tickets to the skating rink, as well as warm drinks - you'll have a fun vacation and a cool gift that will cost you mere pennies. Especially taking into account all kinds of New Year's promotions and discounts.
  • Rent a bowling alley for a few hours– another great option for relaxing from the pre-holiday bustle, which at the same time will serve as a wonderful gift for a cheerful group of friends!

Symbolic gifts

Inexpensive, symbolic New Year's gifts are the easiest way not to deprive anyone of attention, without going broke on gifts. Every year has its own symbol and the approaching 2020 will be held under the auspices of the White Rat. All you need to do is find cool souvenirs with her image, and the presents are ready! Please note the always current options:

  • Piggy banks in the shape of a rat with funny inscriptions: “I’m saving for a car”, “I want to go to Bali”, “I’m packing for the dacha”, etc.
  • Small coasters for cups or plates with the image of a rat– cute and useful in everyday life;
  • Funny masks rats for New Year's Eve.
  • Key rings– a classic unobtrusive gift for colleagues or distant relatives. Naturally, it’s worth choosing the cute little rats.
  • Funny calendars with motivational inscriptions for every day or month. A perfect present on the eve of the New Year.

Advice Take advantage of the American way of saving on gifts - congratulate your loved ones on Christmas, and not on the New Year; by that time, pleasant discounts are announced on all gifts and symbols, so you can safely save a lot of money, while at the same time extending the feeling of the holiday to your loved ones.

DIY crafts

The simplest, most pleasant and thoughtful way to save money is to create inexpensive New Year's gifts with your own hands. There are a million solutions, and the Internet offers step-by-step instructions, which greatly simplifies the matter. And most importantly, such gifts are remembered best and carry maximum sincerity and energy. Here are some win-win options:

  • . If you are a needlewoman, then it will not be difficult for you to make a pair of bright knitted mittens or a scarf for your loved ones. You can also always present a beautiful embroidered picture, the idea of ​​which is tailored to a specific person.

  • Handmade soap- a very fashionable and popular gift that you can easily create with your own hands. Choose Christmas scents and molds to make the soap symbolic and ensure the joy of its recipients!
  • Homemade Christmas trees from scrap materials. Such hand-made jewelry is very expensive and incredibly popular now, so everyone will appreciate your imagination! Moreover, you can create Christmas trees from anything, from coffee beans to buttons, tinsel and paper with glitter.
  • Postcards- a beautiful and very interesting gift, especially if it is not a store item, but an original work with warm and sincere wishes. Creating such postcards will already be a pleasant pastime, and the result will definitely please your friends.
  • Homemade decorations. If you are creating crafts from polymer clay, bead weaving or floss, pamper the girls and ladies you know with beautiful, exclusive jewelry. This will definitely please the recipients of such a non-trivial and definitely unexpected surprise.
  • Boxes for storing tea and coffee. You can make them using any available materials, and such a gift will look very beautiful and unusual, especially if you put a fragrant drink with a Christmas smell inside.

Interesting For people endowed with talent, there is always the opportunity to record a song for friends, or write their own poem. There are never many such gifts, and they are always especially appreciated. So if you happen to have a penchant for singing, writing poetry, or drawing, then creating the best possible Christmas surprise won't be difficult for you!

Cool gift ideas

New Year is a time of jokes, entertainment and a wonderful occasion to fall back into childhood. Therefore, feel free to give up necessary and useful things in favor of cool pranks and funny surprises that will not cost much, but will bring a lot of positive things. Among the cool and inexpensive gifts that are always relevant:

  • , such crafts are inexpensive and bring a lot of pleasure. You can make one general cartoon for your company in the image of the heroes of a movie or fairy tale. Friends will definitely like it!

  • T-shirts with funny slogans- a very non-trivial and inexpensive gift for the New Year 2020, because the inscriptions and pictures depend solely on your imagination! Always an up-to-date solution for everyone!
  • Visit of Santa Claus. The best gift is a festive atmosphere, so visit your friends dressed as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden; they will definitely never forget such a surprise, especially if you finally persuade them to recite a poem for a chocolate bar!
  • Calendar with photo of the recipient. You can even make this thing yourself with basic Photoshop skills, and the present will turn out to be very interesting; all you have to do is print out a couple of small calendars and give it as a gift!
  • New Year's crackers– sets of similar products flood pre-holiday stores, so you can easily select a set for everyone, and most importantly, there is never too much brightness in a celebration, so everyone will like cute gifts and bring even more color to the holiday.

Choosing New Year's surprises is also part of the holiday, so put aside worries and irritation - enjoy the process! We have offered you many ideas that you can either use in this form or develop further, in search of even more interesting things. Just enjoy the process, and ideas will come to you, because the New Year is a time of miracles!

Let's start thinking about this matter with the banal but rational thought that a gift is, first of all, a manifestation of attention. This means that even an inexpensive item, if it is chosen taking into account the hobbies and tastes of the person for whom it is intended, can create a festive mood and be remembered for many years.

Buying the cheapest gift

If you have very little money, but you have it, you can buy nice souvenirs like Christmas tree decorations, New Year’s decorations, and souvenirs depicting the symbol of the coming year. Bath sets, cups and other small items, sweets in elegant packaging are suitable.

Helpful advice: If you have constant problems with money before the New Year, do not throw away gift bags or elegant ribbons from the gifts you received. You shouldn’t set up a large warehouse of this kind of packaging at home, but save the best copies to make your inexpensive gift more impressive next year.

We are looking for a gift in our property

If you have absolutely no money for this kind of purchase, think about it, maybe you already have things that can serve as successful gifts. Books and unusual souvenirs will be most appropriate, but new clothes, shoes, and accessories will also be very appropriate. New or vintage dishes and serving items will also work well as gifts.

When choosing a gift from among your own items, be extremely critical so that it does not look like you are getting rid of useless or used items. The gift must necessarily meet the needs and tastes of the future owner!

Making a gift with your own hands

Depending on your skills and abilities, you can give a variety of things as a gift that can truly please the recipient. Warm mittens and scarves, hats and shawls, carved boxes and photo frames, unique handmade purses and wallets can make a greater impression than banal items produced in a large series.

Let someone lazy say that attention is more important than a gift, but on New Year’s Eve everyone is looking forward to the surprise under the Christmas tree. And it doesn’t matter that your husband is a respectable business man, your friend runs her own company, and your mother’s life experience is enough for three more - for a second we all turn into happy children, receiving a New Year’s gift. Therefore, try to please your loved ones with something unusual.

The pig is a symbol of luxury and wealth. She loves everything that is practical, expensive, beautiful and brings joy. It is not necessary to spend your last money on an expensive gift; it is enough that it is useful and of high quality.

Gifts for the stronger half of humanity

It’s most logical to start choosing gifts for the men you love, because it’s on them that you have to spend the lion’s share of time and effort. Father, husband or boyfriend, friend, often also boss - what to choose for each?

New Year gift ideas for husband or boyfriend

Let's start with the most common question: what to give your husband for New Year 2020? The situation is complicated by maintaining a general budget, from where it is difficult to quietly take money to buy a surprise. Therefore, there are two options: either start quietly accumulating the required amount in the fall, or give something that does not require special spending of money.

If finances are not a tough issue, you should purchase something from the list below:

  • universal gifts(wallet, key holder, notebook, thermal mug, perfume, belt, cufflinks, set of ties, e-book);
  • gifts based on hobbies(tackle, bait and other useful things for fishing, various holders, organizers and gadgets for the car, warm clothes for hunting, mice, flash drives, cool things powered by USB for the computer);
  • romantic gifts(a trip to the SPA for two, a private dance, a game with erotic overtones);
  • gifts-emotions(tickets to a concert or exhibition, hot air balloon flight, extreme driving lesson, paintball for company).

What to give your loved one for New Year 2020 if there is no desire or opportunity to secretly take money from the family budget?

Here are some great homemade gift ideas.:

  • surprise him with your knitting talent - present him with a hand-knitted sweater or scarf;
  • make a romantic present: declarations of love in the form of many small notes, a collage of your romantic photos, an original quest to places dear to you;
  • please with a culinary masterpiece;
  • sew mittens for lovers;
  • grant the fulfillment of any desire.

If you have small children, come up with them together, what to give dad for New Year 2020. Offer to make a beautiful postcard, make a figurine of a pig (the symbol of 2020), or make some kind of craft. The husband will be delighted with this manifestation of creativity.

New Year gift ideas for father, father-in-law

Older men appreciate practical gifts that reflect their status. So the question is what to give your father for New Year 2020 has the only correct answer - something that will emphasize his status as the head of the family, a successful employee or boss.

Practical gift ideas:

  • collection alcohol;
  • a set of crystal cognac glasses;
  • branded sweater, scarf, vest, hat;
  • stylish lighter;
  • accessories made of genuine leather: business card holder, wallet, belt;
  • gift editions of books on topics of interest to men;
  • humorous gifts: a certificate for “The Best Father”, a certificate for an ideal father-in-law, an Oscar for the best role of the head of the family.

New Year gift ideas for male colleagues

Usually in a team it is customary to make small gifts, no matter how closely you communicate with the person. And if it’s easier for a good friend to choose a gift based on his interests and hobbies, then the task what to give to colleagues for New Year 2020 sometimes it seems overwhelming.

Here inexpensive universal gifts for men will come to the rescue:

  • original office items: cups that change color with hot water, USB hubs, table calendars, original stands for paper clips, paper, pens;
  • delicious gifts: personalized chocolates, small baskets with cakes or fruits, sweets in gift boxes;
  • fun surprises: board games, funny cards, anti-stress pillows, personalized plates and cups, anti-clocks.

When the question what to give employees for New Year 2020, solved, often you have to come up with a gift for your boss. It is customary to give it to the entire department, so you can choose something expensive that corresponds to the status of the boss.

Possible gift options for the boss for the New Year:

  • a set of cigars or expensive bean coffee;
  • special stones for cooling alcoholic drinks;
  • florarium;
  • a certificate for an expensive spa or fitness center;
  • mini aquarium or tabletop fountain.

In general, coming up with what to give a man for New Year 2020 is not so difficult. Remember: men either like gifts that are practical or ones that affirm their value in society.

What to give your loved ones for New Year 2020

The next stage is to prepare pleasant surprises for family members. You may not see some of them on New Year's Eve, but that's no reason to get by with a box of chocolates. Take our ideas and surprise your loved ones.

What is unusual to please the most needed people in the world? The cost of the gift, and often its practical value, is not at all important to them. With age comes awareness of moral values, therefore, when deciding what to give your family for New Year 2020, try to move away from the gift-thing in the usual sense. The following gifts are much better suited.

Gift ideas for mom and dad

  • photo albums with those photos that are not in the family archive;
  • collection of favorite films;
  • a board game for a large number of players that will bring the whole family together for one activity;
  • tickets to a movie, concert, circus or dolphinarium;
  • drive.

Of course, you can present household appliances, household items, and personal care products - but they will not replace real emotions. Therefore, it would be ideal to give parents a joint emotional gift, and then please each individual separately with a more “down-to-earth” surprise.

For example, to understand what to give your mother for New Year 2020, carefully find out what cosmetics she needs or what household appliances she has been dreaming of for several years. Be smart: start this conversation a couple of months before the holiday so that she doesn’t guess anything.

Gift ideas for sister

If you can give your brother any item from our list of gifts for your husband, then the question is what to give your sister for New Year 2020 at the same time necessary, beautiful and original often leads to a dead end. Especially if you have had your own families for a long time, but your interests do not intersect much.

To avoid getting into trouble, bet on “eternal values”:

  • jewelry;
  • household appliances;
  • certificates for home goods stores;
  • certificates for lingerie, clothing or cosmetics stores.

Gift ideas for grandmother, mother-in-law

For distant relatives, save not so much gifts as attention. You are bound by family ties, not interests or hobbies, so don’t try to guess with some narrowly targeted gift. How can you find out what to give your mother-in-law for New Year 2020, if you communicate with her only occasionally? Or what to give to your grandmother?

For such delicate cases, it is better to choose universal “female” gifts:

  • for the kitchen: napkin holder, multi-tiered stand for candies and fruits, a set of containers for bulk products, original potholders;
  • self care: shower gel, gift soap, universal creams;
  • beautiful textiles: towel, blanket, bed linen, tablecloth;
  • fresh flowers in pots;
  • panels, paintings, embroidery.

Gift ideas for friends

Since you know these people from “A” to “Z”, problems like panic what to give friends for New Year 2020 there shouldn't be. Remember their hobbies, casually dropped phrases, dreams and give them an awesome gift. And if finances do not allow you to implement too bold ideas, you can get by with a cool surprise.

Here is a list of answers to the question of what to give a friend for New Year 2020:

  • anti-stress coloring book;
  • a pendant with an image of a zodiac sign or a beautiful pendant;
  • sweet gifts: bouquet of sweets, personalized chocolate, gingerbread house;
  • subscription to a beauty salon;
  • costume jewelry;
  • everything that will help you survive the cold: soft pajamas, a thermal mug, a blanket, a fur hat, cool mittens.

And finally, a small list of unwanted gifts:

  • figurines of angels, zodiac signs, etc.;
  • watch;
  • knives;
  • perfume (if you don’t know the recipient’s tastes 100%);
  • money;
  • clothes (suitable only as a gift for those closest to you);
  • gifts hinting at a person’s health or financial situation;
  • any items of poor quality purchased at a discount.

Try to give fewer banal gifts, unnecessary and impractical things, meaningless figurines and piggy banks. Spare no money, time and effort to please your loved ones with pleasant surprises for the New Year 2020. But don’t forget – the best gift will be your attention, care and love.