DIY ribbon bow: step-by-step instructions. Elegant bows Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

Church holidays

In our schools there are no strict requirements for girls’ bows, but it is still recommended to tie not multi-colored bows on their pigtails, but those in shades that repeat the color shades of the uniform itself - dark blue, gray, burgundy, and classic black and white. Such bows add completeness and rigor to work clothes. But, since the girl still braids her hair and wears bows, it means she is not yet big and wants to look fashionable regardless of the situation, and who doesn’t want to look beautiful, elegant and sophisticated in any situation? These bows are just for such girls - both strict and elegant.


  1. Black lace 4 cm wide
  2. Threads with a needle
  3. Black half bead measuring 1.4 cm (can be replaced with a transparent rhinestone, black bead or double center)
  4. An elastic band, a piece of black felt and a small piece of black satin ribbon 1.2 cm wide.


  1. Cut 3 pieces of 23 cm long from the grosgrain ribbon with the pattern (this is needed for one bow). Find the middle of the segments and bend the edges to this center. We fix it with a thread and a needle, but do not tighten it. We get 3 blanks in the form of 2 loops (a ring fixed in the center).
  2. Take a piece of black lace 30cm long and gather one edge onto the thread. We tighten and connect into a circle.
  3. From the grosgrain ribbon we cut 6 pieces 8 cm long and form petals. The photo shows the sequence of bending a segment using another tape as an example, but the principle remains the same. When the first petal is bent, we string it on a thread, then we form a second petal and also string it on a thread, then a third, etc. You need to prepare and string 6 petals, after which the thread is pulled together and secured. As a result, we get a flower with 6 petals.
  4. We collect all the details. First, we place 3 blanks of rep tape, gluing them in the center (as in the photo). Glue a lace rosette on top. We glue a rep flower onto it, and place a black half-bead in the center.
  5. Now you need to take care of the fastening. When the threads are pulled together when forming a bow, it is more convenient to simply glue the elastic band, and then wrap the entire bow with a piece of ribbon, grabbing the fastening as well. But in this case, we did not tighten the thread to form a bow, but simply glued the loops one on top of the other. Therefore, it seemed to me that it would be more practical to use the fixation of the elastic band on the felt (but this is my personal opinion. You may think differently). To do this, I took a felt circle and made 2 cuts on it. I glued an elastic band between the cuts, and then threaded a piece of ribbon through the same cuts. On the front side the ribbon lay on the elastic band, and on the back side the ends of the ribbon were glued in different directions. We glue the finished mount from the inside of the bow.

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Today you can find a wide variety of hairpins, bows and hair ties. Agree, girls with bows look very elegant and elegant. You can make a beautiful bow yourself. This process will not take much of your time, and all the necessary materials, as a rule, can always be found at home. So, let's make a beautiful ribbon bow together with our own hands.

DIY ribbon bows: step-by-step instructions

Bows can be made from various materials, for example, from satin, nylon or grosgrain ribbons. Let's look at how to make a bow from a satin ribbon.

Necessary materials:

  • satin ribbons of any color (5 and 2.5 cm wide);
  • silver satin ribbon (0.3-0.4 cm wide);
  • felt circle;
  • flower for decoration;
  • threads, needle;
  • glue gun;
  • rubber;
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

  1. Take a satin ribbon 5 cm wide and cut it into 6 pieces (each should be 14 cm long).
  2. The resulting pieces should be folded in half and gathered onto a double thread, making a strong knot at its end.
  3. We have petals that need to be connected into a flower and secured with thread.
  4. Now the same actions need to be done with a satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide. Thus, we have two flowers: large and small.
  5. You need to glue a felt circle to the large flower on the back side to make our bow stronger. This can be done using a glue gun.
  6. We cut the silver ribbon into six pieces 15 cm long, fold them into ears and glue the ends together, as shown in the photo.
  7. Now we cut the silver ribbon into six pieces 8 cm long and also make ears out of them.
  8. All the preparatory work has been completed, it's time to assemble our bow. To do this, you need to glue 15 cm long ears onto a large bow using a glue gun.
  9. Glue a small bow on top.
  10. You need to glue the remaining ears onto the small bow. To make our bow look impressive, you need to attach any small decoration, for example, a heart, to the middle of the resulting flower.
  11. The last thing we need to do is glue the hairpin. And our satin ribbon bow is ready!

DIY nylon ribbon bows: master class

DIY bows made from nylon ribbons look original and beautiful.

Necessary materials:

  • nylon tape 8 cm wide;
  • 45 cm satin ribbons 5 cm wide;
  • simple hair elastic;
  • nylon braid – 40 cm;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • glue gun

Stages of work:

We make beautiful bows from grosgrain ribbons with our own hands

We have learned how to make bows from satin and nylon, now we will try to create an original hair decoration from grosgrain ribbon. We will look at the easiest and fastest way to create a bow.

Necessary materials:

  • grosgrain ribbons 20 mm wide and 12 cm long – 2 pcs.;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • rubber.

Stages of work:

DIY ribbon bow: master class

There are a lot of options for making bows from grosgrain ribbons. So, if you want your product to be more lush and colorful, combine bows made of satin and grosgrain ribbon. In this case, you need to take a satin bow as a basis, and attach a rep bow on top of it. You can also decorate such a bow with braid and make a center for it. Moreover, we already know how to do this.

We learned how to make bows from different ribbons with our own hands, now you can safely fantasize and try to create your own masterpieces. By the way, such bows are used as decoration not only for hair, but also for gift wrapping. I wish you creative success!

Good mood to all readers of the site. Summer is in full swing and it's time to think about suitable accessories and jewelry. Today we will create beautiful lush, I would even say fluffy, bows from ribbons with our own hands. This means that this article will be especially interesting to mothers of girls.

But even if you have a son, then know: if suddenly... someday... you need to surprise and please the neighbor’s girl or niece with something, then why not try to sew such small bows from nylon ribbons?

Moreover, they are sewn very quickly and easily. And they look very cute and perky. For example, we have already managed to conquer not only the neighboring boys with our bows, but also the girls!

In order to get such fluffy bows, you need to prepare:

nylon tape of the desired shade 8-10 cm wide - 3 meters
small pieces of felt or any other non-woven material of sufficient density.

The main thing is that the material should not crumble and preferably should not stretch. From this point of view, fleece will not be very convenient to work with. It doesn't crumble, but it stretches, and that's not good. But if nothing else is at hand, then you can use it. You can also try using thin, soft leather. Or a piece of felt. Or, at worst, glue ordinary cotton fabric with PVA glue. In general, there are a lot of options - take your pick.

I’ll explain why it’s thin later. But if you don't read to the end, you can find out for yourself. Especially if, without listening to the advice, you take not the needle that I recommend, but the one that has long taken root in your sewing accessories box.

We will also need hot glue, a lighter, a couple of beads to match the ribbon (preferably with a wider hole so that the elastic can fit in) and the hat elastic itself, approximately 30-40 cm long. Also matching the ribbon. All. Let's start our master class.

DIY fluffy ribbon bows. Master Class

The first thing to do is to prepare the nylon tape for further work. Iron it at a very, very low temperature setting with a heated iron to eliminate possible wrinkles, folds and other disgraces. The ribbon should be perfectly ironed. I do not recommend using steam, as some ribbons may become very wavy or even stained by moisture as a result of steaming. Therefore - only dry ironing. For fans of steaming, I advise you to try it first on a small area from the edge of the tape.

Next, we singe the sections of tape inserted between the pages of a thick book with a lighter. If you have a special soldering iron or burner, you can process the sections with them. And the good thing about the book method is that when special devices and tools are not available, you can melt the sections without fear or reproach, or rather risk, and not be afraid that the edge will be even worse than before processing. Thick sheets of the book will not allow the flame to spread beyond the required level, and the cut line will be smooth and neat.

Now let's start the sewing process. We bend the tape in half and sew small stitches approximately 0.3-0.5 cm long along the fold line at a distance of 0.3 cm from it. It's possible to do less, but it's not very convenient. But it’s very beautiful.

I tried to sew at a distance of 0.1 cm. However, it was a little awkward to assemble later. In general, okay. Section by section, folding the tape in half, we lay a stitch with a “needle forward” seam.

Secret No. 1 It is better and easier to assemble the tape initially on a double thread. So, thread it through the needle, bring both ends together and tie a knot

Well, without going far, secret number 2. Pull the thread together, gathering the tape each time, sewing a small area with straight stitches. Don't wait until you reach the end of the tape. This way you will avoid the possibility of thread breaking when pulling a long strip of tape, and you won’t have to take the length of the thread too long. All these little tricks will help make your ribbon bows even and neat.

Now is the most crucial moment. And labor intensive. In principle, nothing complicated, but it will require effort. And... tact. You need to pull the thread tightly, but at the same time be tactful so as not to break it. Otherwise... Uuuuu... it’s scary to even talk about it.

Your thread will break, and not only will you have to start all over again, including ironing the tape, by the way. So, in addition to everything, you will get a lot of puffs, hooks and holes that can’t be removed with anything, but you can sew and tighten them again... Well, in general, of course, you won’t have anything else left, but these are the qualities of bows , of course, it won’t add. In general, we work extremely carefully. Without too much enthusiasm.

So here it is. I got distracted. After the entire ribbon has been assembled, we secure the thread with a few stitches and begin, nice and slowly, twisting the assembled ribbon in a spiral (starting from the end on which we just finished working), stitching the edge assembled into an accordion. It’s a little problematic to show this in the photo, but it seems like you can see something.

At the same time... Attention!!! ...we help with our fingers, pulling down the free edge of the tape so that only the stitched edge gets into the spiral. Well... if possible, of course.

So, let's flash it. In a spiral, turn by turn. Try not to form a hill or something resembling a cone when you pull it together, but rather get a flat base. If it doesn’t work out, then in principle it’s not scary. But it’s still better if it works out. Therefore, connect the turns as if “superficially”. In the sense that the stitches should be of high quality, but lie on the surface, and not turn into a point when tightened. In other words, they must be visible.

If you do everything correctly, then the result should be a not very fluffy and not quite round, and also not at all fluffy, but absolutely crumpled ribbon bow. And so, this is what the output should be.

This is of course not as ideal as I described and advised you here for half an hour, but something like that. We fasten the thread. Let's cut it off. We string (in my case, somehow twist) the beads onto a rubber cord.

What are beads even for? The fact is that their presence on the elastic greatly simplifies the task of securing this same elastic to ponytails and braids. This wonderful and, more importantly, useful know-how has long been used with great success in the manufacture of all kinds of hair ties. Well... actually, why am I worse? I also now hang beads on all rubber bands. Whoa! And by the way, I advise you!

In general, we string beads, then tie a cord into a knot, get a closed ring with a diameter of approximately 5-6 cm and cut off the excess elastic, leaving free ends no more than 0.5 cm long. We melt the braided threads with a lighter.

Sew the elastic to the assembled ribbon. At the same time, make sure that the stitches are located on top of the rubber cord, otherwise you will injure it and render it unusable. We sew, naturally, from the side of the knot. At this moment, the bead dangles freely below.

We work, again, with a double thread. 4-6 stitches. 2-3 stitches on each side of the knot. Try not to grab the tape itself, but work only with the assembly area. Thanks to this, the lower tier of the frills will not become shorter and the finished nylon ball, or rather the bow, will be evenly fluffy.

Ready! Finally. All that remains is to put a pre-prepared felt circle with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm with a longitudinal cut for a bead in the center of this circle onto the elastic band. The length of the cut is equal to the diameter of the bead or slightly less (1 mm). From a technological point of view, the second option is even more correct than the first. I am telling this to you as to my beloved readers.

Once you have threaded the bead and placed the circle where the rubber cord meets the bow, you can glue it on. This can be done with ordinary transparent glue Moment Crystal, but I prefer a silicone glue gun. A couple of small drops at the base of the elastic and a thin line along the entire perimeter of the felt circle.

We fluff (or fluff? Whoever answers, well done!) our nylon ball and get a wonderful fluffy, bright ribbon bow!!! Beauty! You like? Yes, for me.

As you can see, sewing ribbon bows with your own hands is not at all difficult and, most importantly, it doesn’t take long. 30-40 minutes and two handsome Bantau boys are ready for fitting and new hairstyles on your baby’s head!

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I wish you creative success and a great mood!
