Abstract tattoos. Abstract style tattoos for girls and men: playing with shape and color

For a wedding

Tattoos in the abstract style are not particularly popular, but they are appreciated by connoisseurs of the art of body painting. This direction is an ideal option for people who love experiments and are not afraid to turn even their wildest fantasies into reality. What subjects of abstract images are better to prefer, what meaning do the images embodied in the composition carry?

A little history

The word “abstraction” literally translated from Latin means “distraction, removal.” The art movement of the same name appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century and became popular in painting, architecture, and sculpture. The main idea of ​​abstract art is to achieve a harmonious image using geometric shapes and unusual combinations of colors and shades. Outstanding representatives of this type of art are Kazimir Malevich, Natalia Goncharova, Wassily Kandinsky.

In tattoo culture, fancy pictures and original patterns appeared in the times of ancient peoples. For example, the Scythians applied a similar body pattern to show their belonging to a certain social class, to emphasize status or personal achievements. Each ornament had a sacred meaning and told others about the personal qualities of its owner. For example, the abstraction on the hand testified to the courage, courage and belligerence of a person.

Who is it suitable for?

An abstraction tattoo for a girl is not much different from a design for a man: this style does not support gender differences. The owners of such tattoos are united by unconventional thinking, a deep inner world and an original outlook on life. Such people want to stand out from the crowd and do not accept generally accepted norms and rules. The meaning of a tattoo can be determined by the nature of the composition:

  • rich colors and complex fancy patterns speak of the cheerful character of its owner;
  • smooth lines, blurred contours and pastel colors indicate a person’s softness, vulnerability and easygoing nature;
  • an ethnic or religious tattoo sleeve carries a certain meaning and indicates the life position of the owner;
  • the predominance of black and red colors, as well as sharp lines, warn of imbalance and a hot temper;
  • even an abstract tattoo on a girl’s lower back means an obvious sexual appeal; representatives of the fair sex should take this fact into account when choosing where to apply the image;
  • On the shoulder, men's abstract tattoos in the form of a bracelet emphasize good physical shape, biceps and triceps.

Execution technique

Abstraction tattoos do not have specific symbolic images, so the scope for imagination is unlimited. However, in order for the drawing to be complete and harmonious, certain rules must be followed. First of all, the work must be done in the same style. For example, it is not advisable to combine ethnic elements with a realistic image. Abstract tattoos are also convex, so they will look inappropriate on a thin body. But such tattoos for men will serve as an incentive to maintain good physical shape.

The result of the work depends on the desire of the person and the skill of the tattoo artist. Photos of abstract tattoos (see gallery below) indicate that a storyline and a certain meaning can be attached to such images. You can also simply leave them as an original decoration. In any case, the choice of a master should be approached responsibly.

It is imperative to review abstract sketches with a specialist or on your own, even if you want to make a unique tattoo. The examples will inspire you to create a bright and stylish composition.

Talented tattoo artists practice a technique called Free Hand. Sketches of abstract tattoos are not prepared in advance, and the design is applied directly to the arm or back.

When choosing a place for application, you should also take into account the complexion and physiological characteristics of the person. The right abstract sketch will highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses. A tattoo on the back or leg is a win-win option for both men and women. A large-scale image will look impressive and add extravagance and originality to the image.

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Photos of tattoos

Selection of sketches

It cannot be said that abstract tattoos are universally popular - like abstract art in general, such tattoos are more likely intended for a certain circle of connoisseurs than for the general public.

For many, this type of art is remembered as a chaotic flickering of colors, but this is only at first glance - masterfully executed tattoos in the style of abstract art carry a lot within themselves. In addition, it is fresh and original, which means it is perfect for those who want something unusual and unusual for the eye.

Since abstract drawings do not contain any specific objects or symbols, the emphasis here is on the general mood, on the atmosphere that the picture creates. These can be angular figures, made in rich, saturated colors, and then the tattoo will leave a feeling of assertiveness, even some aggressiveness.

And if you give preference to streamlined, smooth lines and pastel colors, the tattoo will come out gentle and feminine. The pattern can consist only of colored spots, or it can be formed into patterns, geometric shapes. Of course, these are only general examples, because there can be an infinite number of variations.

The main thing that is required from a tattoo made in the spirit of abstractionism is its sensuality, the ability to convey a mood without “words” (that is, without specific images). Just color and lines.

And it will be better if the sketch of an abstract tattoo is made by someone who is familiar with this direction of art, feels and understands it. Then you can be sure that the tattoo will turn out excellent.

Abstractionism is a young movement in art, which is preferred by creative and sublime natures. Finding a clear meaning in a painting is almost impossible, but each tattoo is a valuable work of art with its own philosophy.

What does abstraction contain?

An abstraction tattoo is not without meaning, but only the owner of the design, or a person close to him, can understand it. Abstract sketches maintain intimacy while remaining in the most visible place. The meaning of a tattoo in this category can be read by its style.

The application technique, the predominance of certain patterns, lines or bends in the abstract will tell more about a person than classic semantic tattoos:

  • the predominance of smooth transitions and soft lines in the pattern indicates that in front of you is a vulnerable and pliable person;
  • the variety of colors reveals a creative and bold nature, prone to healthy adventurism;
  • The clear drawing and angular lines belong to a decisive and firm person. But sometimes they can talk about temperament and excessive “causticity” of character;
  • religious or ethnic elements in a tattoo make an unambiguous reference to the ideological foundations of the individual.

This type of tattoo is not divided by gender. Abstract men's tattoos should not tell others about his strength of character or fighting qualities. They express the inner world of a person, his value system. Women's sketches can also be anything, the main thing is that the owner likes the tattoo and meets her ideas about beauty.

Difficulty in choosing a sketch

Find a suitable sketch expressing l

The personal inner world is extremely difficult. Therefore, abstract tattoo designs are not chosen, they are created. Except for cases when a person applies works of world-famous artists to his body.

Abstraction is the only tattoo for which no laws are written. It does not have a clear structure, so it can be made in any style. The ideal choice would be trash polka and ethnic style. Fans of more “hard” designs can safely get tattoos in the black work style. With a skillful approach, you can use Chicano or Old School. Abstraction tattoos for girls are often performed in the Japanese style. You need to be as careful as possible when choosing a watercolor style. Contours that are too blurry do not always have a positive effect when creating abstraction. There is a great danger of getting an awkward multi-colored spot.

Place for tattoo

The choice of location will depend entirely on the choice of sketch. Abstraction is not tied to specific forms, but it is advisable to depict the tattoo in such a way that the picture is completely visible.

For example, an abstract tattoo on the arm will look better on guys with good muscle mass. Drawings on a woman’s forearm will not be able to reveal all the beauty due to lack of space.

If you really want to apply the design at the top, without clogging your back and chest, an abstraction tattoo on your shoulder will look good. This is one of the most popular and ideal places for creative images. The picture can go down onto the arm, slightly capturing the shoulder blade or collarbone. Small works that affect part of the shoulder and neck look very unusual.

Such tattoos come from abstractionism - a movement in art that does not describe anything specific, but amazes the imagination. The absence of real objects, the combination of bright colored spots, lines and geometric shapes is abstractionism, and then we will tell you all about tattoos in this style.

A Brief History of Abstract Art

The word comes from the Latin abstraction - distraction, removal. Abstract art appears in the early 1910s; it does not obey the classical canons of drawing, moves away from traditional realistic styles and is freed from norms. It seems that the paintings are full of chaos and nonsense. But, looking closer, you understand that this is the harmony of abstractionism. Every detail is in its place, every stroke is needed right here, every shade appeared for a reason.




Abstractionism is divided into two main directions - geometric and lyrical abstraction - and into large independent movements. The famous Suprematism of Malevich, neo-plasticism of Piet Mondrian, Tachisme, Orphism... The Internet will tell you more, and we will move on to abstract tattoos.



Abstract art in tattoos

Disorder and flickering at first glance, a certain meaning for the wearer and a deep meaning - inside. Abstractions are symbolic, and the emphasis is on the general atmosphere of the body painting. Whether you transfer a famous Kandinsky painting onto your body or come up with a new creation together with the master, your abstraction will definitely attract attention and be remembered by those around you.




The abundance of black combined with bright colors and the angularity of the figures will give the tattoo a feeling of some aggressiveness and assertiveness - such abstractions are suitable for men.


Girls often choose pastel colors and smooth lines to make the tattoo more “feminine,” but there are no serious gender differences in abstractions. Colored spots, patterns, geometric shapes and clear straight lines - the options are limited only by your imagination.

Combining abstraction with other styles

With watercolor

Like abstraction, watercolor is a movement in the visual arts, so both of them are often used in one drawing.

With trash polka

Trash polka burst into tattoo culture as a breath of fresh, new, unusual. Abstraction is also unusual, so the universe itself told them to be together.

The fashion for tattoos continues unabated. The number of girls who want to express themselves in this way is constantly growing. Some people prefer a small tattoo that no one will see, while others dream of decorating their body with rather large designs. But which tattoos are preferable for girls?

Decorating your body with tattoos began in ancient times. And men were the first to experience them. For a long time, girls who had such drawings on their bodies were treated extremely negatively. But now modern society has become more loyal, so meeting girls with tattoos is already a common thing.

A tattoo is a permanent design that is applied using a special needle. To achieve an “eternal” effect, dyes are used that are placed in the subcutaneous tissue. It is thanks to this technology that the designs on the skin remain with their owner for life. Of course, a tattoo can fade over time, so in some cases it requires correction. It can also be removed, but, unfortunately, you cannot do without consequences in the form of traces.

Why do tattoos attract girls so much? This is to some extent a way of self-expression, as well as a desire for change and adventure. With the help of tattoos, many representatives of the fair sex want to emphasize their individuality or demonstrate their feelings for a loved one.

Another reason why tattoos for girls are popular are the scars on the body that they want to hide behind drawings and patterns. Also, do not forget that it is now quite fashionable and stylish, so many people follow the trends.

Places for tattoos

You can use any part of the body to create a tattoo. It can be hidden from prying eyes and hidden behind closed clothing, and also be in plain sight.

Most often, girls get tattoos on the wrist, shoulders, ribs, ankles, neck, and back of the hand. Particularly bold ones decorate the back, thighs, calves, buttocks, chest and stomach with designs.

If we talk about the “practicality” and durability of tattoos for girls, then it is better to choose places where the pigment will not fade and the skin will not deform. So, the places where tattoos “live” for a long time are the back, the back of the neck, areas above the wrist and ankles, sides, biceps, and the front of the shoulders.

There are two options for bad places for tattoos in terms of quickly losing their original appearance. The first is where the tattoo quickly fades. These are areas of skin on the ankles, fingers and back of the hand. Second, the skin is most susceptible to age-related changes and stretch marks, which girls are so prone to. And this is the stomach, chest, buttocks, inner thighs. Therefore, before getting a tattoo in these places, you need to think a hundred times whether it’s worth it.

Tattoos for girls

Selecting a design is probably the most important thing in the decision to get a tattoo. Certain drawings carry some meaning that still needs to be taken into account. There are also different styles in which tattoos are made for girls and men.

Of course, you need to rely on your own taste, but still you should not ignore the interpretation of various tattoos. Therefore, the choice of pattern must be approached comprehensively.

Lettering tattoo

Inscriptions are the most popular tattoos for girls, since they are more lyrical creations, which is often expressed in the text. Most often, girls make inscriptions in foreign languages, namely Latin. They contain a certain meaning, which can be understood from the translation.

Also among the inscriptions, a special place is occupied by the names of people for whom the girls want to prove their love.

In principle, such a tattoo can be applied anywhere. But most often girls prefer to make inscriptions on the wrists, upper back, ribs, spine, side of the foot, around the ankle.

Animal tattoo

Animals are the oldest design for tattoos. They carry a deep meaning, so when choosing just such a design, you need to know its meaning.

Most often, girls depict cats, which symbolize femininity, pride, power, willfulness, and also tenderness. In ancient times, it was believed that those who wore a tattoo with the image of this animal even adopted its qualities.

The image of a fox signifies feminine nature. It can also be interpreted as cunning and transformation. But tattoos for girls in the form of dolphins bring good luck to their owners and mean freedom and faith in goodness.

You can depict animals on your body anywhere. It is important that the design looks harmonious on one or another part of the body.

Flower tattoo

Many people associate flowers with femininity, so they are great for the female body. The most common places for such tattoos are the front of the thigh, shoulders, upper back, and the area above the wrist.

The most profound is the image of the rose flower, which means love and purity. Also, color has its own interpretation: red - passion, white - fidelity and innocence, blue - sadness.

The image of a lotus tends to the east and symbolizes harmony, purity and innocence. And designs with several flowers on one stem mean immortality.

Tattoo abstraction

Such tattoos for girls most often do not carry a semantic meaning, so they can be safely depicted by young ladies who believe in the power of a tattoo and do not want to force it into a certain framework. There is room for a master to roam here, as he can create a whole work of art on a woman’s body.

When choosing an abstraction image, you need to rely on your own taste and general mood. Thus, a tattoo with smooth, graceful patterns will speak of the tenderness and romance of its owner, while clear, rough lines will show her from a strong and, to some extent, assertive side.

Particularly large abstract drawings are depicted on the back, arms, and hips. Small, neat tattoos can easily fit on areas above the wrist, ankles, and the front of the shoulder.

Star tattoo

The image of a small star or a scattering of stars most often also does not carry any semantic meaning, except that it looks quite stylish and interesting. Girls especially often prefer the areas behind the ears, collarbone, and upper back.

But still, there are images of stars that have a religious meaning and have quite strong energy, so it is important to pay attention to their meanings.

The only point that needs to be paid attention to is that the image of a star on the wrist is typical for girls who are adherents of same-sex love, and under the collarbone - repeat thieves.

Wings tattoo

To depict such a tattoo, many girls choose the wings of angels, birds, butterflies and even mythical dragons. And, of course, the most popular place for such a pattern is the back.

Depending on who owns the wings, the tattoo will be interpreted differently. Thus, angel wings mean spirituality and purity. The wings of mythical animals symbolize magic and the elements. If you depict the wings of birds, then you need to rely on the meanings of the birds themselves.

Delicate butterfly wings can be depicted anywhere, especially if you make them in real size. In turn, they mean tenderness and beauty.

How to care for a tattoo?

Well, the tattoo is done. Now it is important to take proper care of it so that the healing process is much more comfortable and faster.

  • After the tattoo is done, the artist will cover it with film or a bandage. They must be removed at the time specified by the master. Depending on the size, it can range from 4 to 8-9 hours.
  • You need to wash a fresh tattoo with water and soap (or liquid soap). Under no circumstances should you use alcohol, and you should not rub your tattoo with a washcloth. This should be done 2-3 times a day.
  • After washing, a special ointment or cream (“Bepanten”, “D-panthenol”) is applied to the tattoo, which the artist will recommend. This is also done 2-3 times a day.
  • During the first three days after the ointment, the tattoo is covered with film.
  • Under no circumstances should you peel off the crust or rub it with a washcloth or towel.
  • At first it is better not to visit swimming pools and saunas. Sunbathing on the beach or in a solarium is also contraindicated.

Tattoos: contraindications

Tattoos for girls may be contraindicated for medical reasons. And these are diabetes, allergies, dermatitis, oncology, epilepsy, mental disorders, hepatitis, HIV, the presence of many moles and pigmentation, poor blood clotting.

Pregnant and lactating girls are better off postponing this procedure until later. Also, tattoos for girls cannot be done before and during menstrual periods due to a decrease in the pain threshold.

Taking alcohol, drugs, antibiotics, and some medications may also be a contraindication to getting a tattoo.

In general, tattoos for girls are no longer a prohibition, as they were ten years ago. But you need to understand that if the position you hold or your social circle does not welcome drawings on the body, then they need to be done in such a way that they can be easily hidden with clothing.

And from the video (note deleted by the owner) below you will learn enough about tattoos to understand how interested you are in this type of decoration of your body. There is a little history here, opinions on why certain people put tattoos on themselves, and even a public opinion poll. Enjoy!