28th week of pregnancy what tests. Discharge from the genital tract

Church holidays

Fetal parameters

Length - 37.6 cm.

Weight - 1005 g.

Since the 28th week of pregnancy refers to the third trimester, it is not surprising that the baby is already fully formed during this period. He continues to grow and develop, but no fundamental processes take place in his body. This means that the woman’s condition remains stable. The only thing that can cause her discomfort is her large belly.

However, it is important to remember that all of the above is only true if the 28-week pregnancy proceeds without deviations. Therefore, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her feelings in order to respond promptly and competently to the occurrence of certain problems.

Weight Gain Calculator

Your height in centimeters:

Pre-pregnancy weight in kilograms:

Week 2 4 Week 6 Week 8 Week 10 Week 12 Week 14 Week 16 Week 18 Week 20 Week 22 Week 24 Week 26 Week 28 Week 30 Week 32 Week 34 Week 36 Week 38 Week 40 Week

Fetal development and features of its condition

If we talk about what a child looks like at 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to separately mention the changes occurring in his appearance. The baby's face gradually acquires individual features, his eyes open, his eyelashes become more noticeable, and the shape of his face has already been determined. In addition, the baby's skin gradually smoothes out - it becomes smooth and white. So, if you look at a photo of a fetus at this stage, you will notice how much it resembles an ordinary baby.

As mentioned above, all the baby’s organs are already formed by the twenty-eighth week. And in addition, the fetus at 28 weeks of pregnancy continues to actively strengthen its bone tissue and build up its fat layer. True, his body accumulates fat much more slowly than before.

The only process that remains unfinished is the formation of the pulmonary alveoli, necessary for the child to breathe on his own.

Some changes also occur in the child’s brain. The grooves and convolutions that appeared on the left and right hemispheres much earlier continue to improve and develop. So the baby can perform increasingly complex movements, although he has very little space in the uterus, which, of course, creates some discomfort. After all, the weight of the fetus at the twenty-eighth week is about 1.1 kg, and its length from the crown to the heels reaches 38-40 cm.

The well-being of the pregnant woman and the processes occurring in her body

If you look at a photo of a baby in the womb this week of pregnancy, you will notice how cramped it feels. And therefore it is not surprising that the expectant mother begins to acutely feel all the movements of her baby.

When the baby turns over or changes body position, the woman may experience some discomfort or even pain. There's nothing wrong with this, just try to calm your child down. And remember that you should feel the movements regularly. If the baby does not move for more than twenty-four hours, you should immediately go to the doctor for an unscheduled examination.

Due to the fact that at the twenty-eighth week the baby establishes a clear sleep pattern, at certain times of the day he behaves more actively. Moreover, very often periods of fetal activity coincide with periods of rest for the mother. After all, when a woman is on her feet, the baby sways rhythmically in the womb, which lulls him to sleep. And as soon as the expectant mother sits down or lies down to rest, the fetal movements will become much more active. So be prepared to reassure your child. Walk around the room a little, stroke your belly, turn on good classical music for your baby.

28 week of pregnancy fetal development, gestosis, Rh factor, preeclampsia

28 weeks pregnant

28th week of pregnancy

28 Twenty-eighth week of pregnancy!

28 week of pregnancy - nutrition: simple and complex carbohydrates

Video guide. Week 28. Partner birth

Video 3D_ 28-37 weeks of pregnancy.flv


28th week of pregnancy: changes, features, recommendations

One cannot ignore the fact that a baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy is able to react to the emotional state of his mother, primarily to an increase in adrenaline in the blood. So if you are scared, anxious or excited, your child will definitely sense it and become worried too. In addition, active fetal movements are often caused by an increase in glucose levels in a woman’s body. Therefore, expectant mothers are not recommended to indulge in sweets.

In addition to the active movements of the child, the large volume of her abdomen can also cause discomfort to a woman. And if you look at the photographs at 28 weeks of pregnancy, you will see for yourself. After all, the belly of pregnant women at this stage increases quite quickly, which causes a shift in the center of gravity, as well as itching and dry skin in this area. Comfortable shoes and a special bandage for pregnant women will help you cope with the first problem. But you can get rid of dry skin and itching, as well as prevent the appearance of stretch marks, only with the help of special cosmetics, which are offered in a wide range in pharmacies.

When talking about pregnancy at 28-29 weeks, it is necessary to talk about the so-called training contractions. Often they first appear during this period. Moreover, we are talking about minor muscle contractions that do not cause severe pain and are not accompanied by heavy discharge. And if the pain becomes more and more intense, this is a reason to call a doctor.

Do I need to do an ultrasound and tests?

Often expectant mothers have a question about whether they need to do an ultrasound at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Please note that there is no need to carry out this procedure provided there is no threat to the life and health of the mother and child. Two planned ultrasound examinations have already been carried out earlier, and the third is scheduled around 32-33 weeks.

However, in cases where a specialist has any suspicions about the condition and quality of the placenta of the expectant mother or about the health and development of the child, an ultrasound scan can still be prescribed. After all, despite the fact that the woman herself may find ultrasound photos at 28 weeks of pregnancy vague and incomprehensible, a competent specialist is able to get the most useful information from them.

As for the mandatory tests, during the period under review they include a blood test for hemoglobin levels and sugar, as well as a urine test for protein and an antibody test. Moreover, only women with a negative Rh factor take the last test. After all, the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy is considered precisely the period of time when the conflict between the Rh factors of mother and child can worsen. And to prevent this from happening, the pregnant woman should be prescribed special medications.

Is childbirth possible at the twenty-eighth week, and what will it lead to?

Intense pain in the lower abdomen, as well as bloody or watery discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy are not normal. Moreover, such phenomena often indicate the onset of premature labor. And although the child at the period under consideration is, in principle, ready to be born and has a very real chance of survival, this process can still be associated with certain complications. The most common of these complications are:

  • Premature discharge of amniotic fluid, which can result in fetal hypoxia.
  • Bleeding that occurs during childbirth or after the baby is born.
  • Ruptures and injuries of the birth canal that are not yet ready for the passage of the fetus.
  • Sluggish course of labor.

Therefore, if possible, doctors prefer to stop labor at 28 weeks of pregnancy and place the expectant mother in a hospital, where she will remain until the body is fully prepared for the birth of the child. In addition, if complications arise during labor during this period, the woman may be prescribed a caesarean section.

If we talk about what dangers the 28th obstetric week of pregnancy may be associated with, it is necessary to mention:

  1. A significant increase in the weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity, which can cause injury. To avoid this, be careful, wear comfortable shoes and clothes that do not restrict movement, and avoid any potentially dangerous situations.
  2. The appearance of edema. If you read about what happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy, you will notice how much the volume of fluid present in the body of the expectant mother increases. Naturally, this can lead to swelling. And to avoid such a danger, you need to eat right, get enough rest, regularly massage your feet and carefully monitor your kidney function, and have your urine tested for protein in a timely manner.
  3. Development of anemia in the expectant mother. If you often begin to feel weak and dizzy, and your skin has turned pale, you need to take a test to determine the level of hemoglobin in your blood. After all, anemia in pregnant women can lead to serious problems, and therefore it is important to treat it in a timely manner.
  4. The expectant mother develops a fear of childbirth. After looking at photos of bellies at this stage, you will notice how big they become. And it is not surprising that many women, looking at their rounded forms, understand: childbirth is getting closer. This realization causes fear, and it will be easier to cope with it if you enroll in special prenatal training courses.
  5. The emergence of problems in family relationships. There are times when a pregnant woman feels that no one understands her and cannot support her. And in such a situation, only a frank conversation with your partner and spending time together will help. Moreover, keep in mind that sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy, provided you feel normal and there is no threat to the baby, is quite acceptable. So don't miss out on this simple and enjoyable way to strengthen your relationship with your loved one. However, if you are pregnant with twins, it is better to avoid sex.
  6. Digestive problems. Surprisingly, by the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, not all women still know how to eat properly. So, if you haven't paid enough attention to your diet before, think about it now. And remember that food should not only be healthy, but also tasty and varied. Portions should become smaller, but you need to eat more often. Flip through a good cookbook or watch videos that show you how to prepare certain dishes, and you can easily add variety to your diet.

Follow all these recommendations, and you will not be afraid of the dangers that are typical for this stage of pregnancy. And if a serious health problem suddenly arises, do not delay visiting the doctor. After all, in the twenty-eighth week, as in all other periods of pregnancy, you should think first of all about ensuring the safety of your baby.

The long-awaited 28th week of pregnancy is a significant stage in the life of a pregnant woman and the baby, which is actively developing in her tummy.

On the one hand, the most exciting period is behind us.

On the other hand, the beginning of the last trimester is a time of increased responsibility: right now, when the previous week has ended, the body’s thorough preparation for the grandiose event will begin.

A woman will wait for the approaching birth with special trepidation, paying sensitive attention to every movement of the fetus.

What's happening to mom

Examining herself in the mirror, the expectant mother will see a familiar picture: as in the previous period, the silhouette is distinguished by noticeably rounded shapes.

  • The belly is large and quite heavy, because the fetus at this stage can weigh more than 1 kg. Until week 29, no noticeable visual changes in appearance will occur.
  • By the beginning of the 28th week, the body begins to prepare itself for the upcoming labor, so at this time a woman is likely to encounter such a phenomenon as prenatal contractions.

Usually, so-called “training” contractions do not pose any danger, but may be accompanied by moderate, nagging pain.

The woman feels a slight tension in her abdomen and can feel the uterus “learning” to contract. Training contractions do not harm the baby in any way and do not affect the development of the fetus.

  • Looking at the photo of the woman at 28 weeks, you note: by this time, the belly had acquired an impressive size. But a pleasant load is a serious test for your spine!

Nowadays, a feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower back occurs more often. When in the womb, it is especially difficult for a fragile lady with a thin physique.

  • Moderate cramps on the eve of the next seven days can be considered the norm and a reason for a well-deserved rest, but sharp cramping pains are an alarming sign that may be a signal of premature birth.

If you experience severe lumbar pain, you should immediately call your doctor.

  • At 28-29 weeks, purplish oblong spots are likely to appear on the abdomen, which will turn into stretch marks.

Those who have given birth know: dealing with stretch marks is extremely problematic, so it is better to prevent their appearance in a timely manner with the help of special cosmetic products - gels, creams or ointments.

By regularly lubricating the skin of the abdomen and thighs with cream, you can not only avoid their appearance, but also alleviate the itching of the skin that is characteristic of this period.

Development of the baby, how he behaves

After the 27th week, we can safely say that not just a fetus is developing in the mother’s belly, but a full-fledged personality.

The baby opened his eyes and began to explore the cramped space in which he was located.

It has been proven that at week 28, the unborn baby uses all the ways of perceiving reality:

  • taste,
  • hearing,
  • vision,
  • touch.

The child inside you listens carefully to voices and sounds, and reminds you of itself with pushes and turns.

By now, the baby has developed a more or less constant wakefulness and sleep pattern. You can notice: in the evening the fetus behaves more actively than in the morning and during the day.

This “wrong” schedule is explained simply: walking and other body movements of the mother, carried out throughout the day, have a soothing effect.

In the evening, when she herself wants to relax and lie quietly, the baby begins to entertain her with his acrobatic exercises.

Sometimes a woman perceives increased activity of a child as a possible sign of a multiple pregnancy - it seems to her that one baby is not able to push so hard and often. Only a doctor can confirm guesses.

Normally, one fetus makes about 10 pushing movements within an hour.

Adjusted for the temperament of a growing person, this indicator may deviate slightly in either direction.

However, no matter how calm or restless a child may be, he must certainly move in the womb.

It is recommended to carefully monitor movements: if the child has stopped pushing and does not make any movements for more than a day, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible - let a specialist check whether development has been disrupted.

What's happening to the baby

By the beginning of the 28th week, the child’s development enters the final stage.

Despite the fact that the fetus has already turned into a full-fledged child and in case of premature birth will be a full-fledged person, it is extremely important that it continues to develop in the womb.

  • After all, it is at week 28 that the decisive stage in brain development begins.

If before this period the cerebral cortex was smooth, now distinct grooves and convolutions appear on it. It is desirable that this process takes place in the mother’s womb, and not in a soulless incubator.

The baby is not yet able to breathe on his own - he is just learning to make his first breathing movements.

  • The development of the pulmonary alveoli is not complete, which means: in the event of premature birth at 28, 29 weeks, the child will not survive without artificial ventilation.
  • The fruit now weighs just over 1 kg and the size of the fruit, the full length from heels to crown, is about 35-39 cm.
  • Bone tissue rapidly strengthens, and a layer of subcutaneous tissue gradually accumulates under the wrinkled skin. By the beginning of the next 7 days, the baby will weigh another 200-300 grams.

If twins develop in the tummy, each fetus weighs about 900 g. At this stage, both babies actively use all the senses and delight the mother with their playful movements.

And on the 29th, the twins will certainly gain weight and continue active preparations for the birth.

Limitations and Responsibilities

The main task of a woman at any stage is to listen to her feelings and keep herself in good psycho-emotional shape.

It has been proven that a pregnant woman needs good rest and healthy sleep.

If a girl still goes to work, then during the working day she must take short breaks (during which she must lift her legs higher and place them on a horizontal surface).

Now plays a decisive role. Literally all experts insist on the need.

The essence of such a diet is not only the consumption of healthy foods, but also the abandonment of bad gastronomic habits.

A woman who is giving birth to twins should pay special attention to her diet. During multiple pregnancies, excess weight gain is especially dangerous.

You need to remember: the 28th week of pregnancy with twins is precisely the period from which the most rapid weight gain begins.

By controlling her body weight and adhering to a proper diet, the expectant mother supports the normal development of the baby.

According to experts, in the seventh month it is recommended to consume no more than 3100 calories per day, while the entire amount of daily food is recommended to be divided into 5-6 meals.

In addition to taste pleasure, food should benefit the expectant mother and the developing baby inside.

Since body swelling is common when expecting a baby, from this period it is important to limit the volume of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters and.

Favorite light carbohydrates that contribute to weight gain will also have to be eliminated, replacing them with complex analogues and foods high in fiber.

Here are the foods that should form the basis of your diet now:

  • porridge,
  • whole grains,
  • wholemeal bread,
  • brown rice,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • dairy products.

While worrying about proper nutrition, a girl should not forget about the need to stay in the fresh air and the importance of feasible physical activity.

A leisurely walk is an event that will provide the expectant mother with both oxygen and necessary nutrition.

When walking in the fresh air, it is important to think about something positive, cheerful, calming - for example, about how wonderful the baby will be, and probably twins.

Depressive, anxious thoughts, fears and worries are strictly contraindicated.

Advice: to get a dose of positivity, you can go with your husband to a maternity photo shoot.

If such an event is in your plans, it is better to take a photo now - at 28-29 weeks, when the tummy seems to be quite large and round, but has not yet reached its maximum size, making normal movement difficult.

Necessary activities

To the traditional general blood and urine tests, a blood sugar test and an iron level test are added. For women with a negative Rh factor at 28 weeks of pregnancy, an antibody test is required.

The beginning of the 3rd trimester is an exciting time for expectant mothers. After all, every day the long-awaited meeting with the baby approaches, increasingly making itself known with tangible pushes and kicks inside the tummy. At the 28th week, pregnant women will face many changes that they need to be prepared for.

A few words about the beginning of the 3rd trimester

From the 28th obstetric week, pregnant women enter the 3rd trimester, which ends with the birth of the baby. We can say that you are now in the last week of the seventh obstetric month. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of time on your feet, lifting heavy objects or doing housework that requires a lot of effort.

Your baby is in the 26th week of embryonic development. It is characterized by the process of improving internal organs, which requires a large amount of nutrients coming from the mother.

Women in the 28th week of pregnancy: feelings, emotions, thoughts, tummy

From the 28th week, many women begin to think about childbirth. Therefore, they begin to search for suitable courses for pregnant women. Gynecologists and psychologists evaluate such classes positively. Thanks to them, expectant mothers arrive in the delivery room prepared and understand what to expect in the coming hours. In addition, group classes have a positive effect on the mood of pregnant women. They find like-minded people here and can chat from the heart.

I went to classes with my husband, as we were planning a partner birth. I can’t say that the knowledge I gained was so necessary and useful in the maternity hospital, but these meetings still brought a positive charge. The classes were taught by a charming older doctor who both gave good information and showed exercises.

If you are carrying two or three babies, then at this time you are already on maternity leave. The rest of the pregnant women are still preparing for it - they only have to wait 2 weeks.

At the beginning of the 3rd trimester, women may experience:

  • fatigue;
  • fatigue even while doing everyday activities;
  • mild irritability;
  • increased tearfulness.

The last two items on the list are due to changing hormonal levels. And the first - with a grown tummy, the weight of which at this stage is already noticeably felt.

The abdominal circumference at the 28th week of pregnancy is between 80 and 85 centimeters. These indicators are considered the norm, but if you deviate from them, you should not panic. Only the doctor leading the pregnancy can say whether the abdominal circumference is normal in your particular case. He will analyze the woman’s build, weight gain and height. Based on these factors, the gynecologist’s conclusions will be drawn.

The belly of most women is impressive in size and evokes a feeling of tenderness among relatives and friends of the pregnant woman. The baby’s kicks and movements are now noticeable even to strangers, because the stomach is literally shaking. These waves and vibrations cannot be hidden by clothing.

Obstetricians say that at this stage the tummy grows especially quickly. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be prepared for the appearance of stretch marks. Provided you have good heredity and skin care, they will be insignificant.

Interesting: a few decades ago it was customary to hide the belly under loose clothing. Today's pregnant women take great pleasure in wearing tight knitted dresses and showing off their bellies in special photo shoots. Psychologists consider this behavior to be quite normal and even recommend taking more beautiful pictures that will lift your spirits in moments of fatigue.

Modern expectant mothers strive to capture their beauty by ordering special photo sessions

Many women are upset by the clumsiness that appears at 28 weeks of pregnancy. It is natural and is caused by a shift in the center of gravity due to the growing uterus. Therefore, expectant mothers often stumble, hit furniture in the apartment and walk up the stairs with caution.

Doctors advise expectant mothers at 28 weeks:

  • maintain a positive attitude;
  • take long walks in the fresh air;
  • do not overexert yourself;
  • avoid stress;
  • find time to relax;
  • communicate only with pleasant people.

Mom’s emotions are very important to the baby now, so they should be purely positive.

Changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother

The restructuring of the body of pregnant women does not stop until the very birth. Therefore, every week brings its joys and difficulties.

Most pregnant women closely monitor their weight. Gaining body weight within the normal range is the key to the well-being of the mother and baby, reducing the risk of complications in the later stages and during childbirth. By the 28th obstetric week you should not gain more than 10 kilograms. If your gynecologist considers your weight to be above normal, do not be indifferent to his words. Try to make changes to your diet and choose feasible physical activity for yourself.

By week 28, I had gained only 4 kilograms, and my belly had just appeared. I was most happy about him, because until that time I had little resemblance to a pregnant woman. My relatives considered me catastrophically thin, but the doctor, on the contrary, praised me very much. The baby was developing well, the test results did not raise any concerns, so the gynecologist did not pay attention to the low weight gain. She was of the opinion that lighter weight provided greater benefits, including during childbirth.

From the 3rd trimester, pregnant women need to closely monitor their weight gain to avoid complications during childbirth.

The growth of the toddler causes transformations in the mother’s body, which cause her significant discomfort.


The uterus is constantly increasing in size and causes a number of painful sensations:

  • in the area of ​​the lumbar spine (every day the load on the back muscles and the spine itself increases, which causes aching and nagging pain);
  • in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium (the baby still has enough space in the uterus, which he actively uses, pushing and tumbling while awake);
  • in the legs (especially often women whose work involves standing on their feet for a long time complain of such pain).

Often at this stage the uterus puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, which causes severe pain. They are characterized by suddenness and have an aching character.

If the usual aching pains are replaced by sharp, strong and cramping pains, then immediately call an ambulance - these symptoms may indicate premature birth.


At week 28, the risk of edema increases. This is due to an increase in the amount of fluid consumed by expectant mothers. Thirst is provoked by an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid. This process happens to all pregnant women, so edema should be treated philosophically:

  • report them to your doctor;
  • watch for swelling (usually it appears in the limbs in the evening);
  • keep drinking regime;
  • limit salt intake (it retains water in tissues);
  • move more.

Swelling at the 28th week often forces women to change clothes to more spacious ones, and beautiful shoes to something comfortable

Normally, swelling only causes discomfort. If they are accompanied by pain and nausea, then we can talk about a dangerous complication - gestosis. Severe swelling causes varicose veins, which in the later stages leads to the development of hemorrhoids.

Frequent urination

From the beginning of the 3rd trimester, the load on the pregnant woman’s kidneys increases. This occurs due to the large amount of fluid circulating in a woman’s body. Pregnant women often complain that they are constantly running to the toilet, as the bladder is under pressure from the enlarged uterus.

This situation is considered normal for women in the 3rd trimester. But obstetricians still recommend that pregnant women adhere to the simplest rules that will help prevent the development of complications:

  • follow a diet;
  • adhere to the established daily routine;
  • reduce the consumption of salt and other spices;
  • control fluid intake;
  • move more;
  • dress warmly and avoid hypothermia;
  • do not violate the rules of personal hygiene.


Sleep problems may begin in pregnant women earlier or, conversely, later than the 28th week. But at this time the risk of insomnia is quite high.

Doctors believe its causes are:

  • hormonal changes;
  • increased anxiety;
  • fears of the upcoming birth;
  • stressful situations.

Insomnia was the most exhausting thing for me during my second pregnancy. I remember that in the evenings I really wanted to sleep, but I couldn’t escape to the kingdom of Morpheus. After 2-3 hours of staring at the ceiling beams in the dark, I was ready to get up and start working, cooking, or cleaning the house.

Adequate sleep is very important for expectant mothers. At week 28, their body is already tired from the past months of pregnancy and needs to recover. Therefore, try your best to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you need more sleep to feel good, then don’t be shy - your body knows better what it needs.

One day I slept for almost a day. Of course, periodically I woke up to eat and go to the toilet. And also from my husband hanging over my face, checking my breathing. Later he admitted that he was very afraid for me - it seemed to him that such a dream was abnormal. But the next morning I woke up in a good mood and full of energy.

  • take evening walks;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • avoid watching TV for long periods of time;
  • Postpone decisions on important issues until the morning.

It wouldn't hurt to drink a glass of warm milk with honey in small sips. If desired, it can be replaced with tea with mint or lemon balm.


They often occur in expectant mothers at different stages of pregnancy. In this case, the calf muscles, muscles of the hand and face (near the mouth) suffer. Typically, cramps appear before falling asleep and are caused by a violation of mineral metabolism in the body. It occurs for various reasons:

  • increased need for vitamins;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • taking diuretics.

Convulsions are caused by a lack of:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin B6.

Frequently recurring cramps are a reason to consult a doctor, since in pregnant women, in addition to the listed reasons, they can occur with iron deficiency anemia and progressive varicose veins.

Cramps in pregnant women at night cause excruciating sensations and aggravate insomnia

After examining the pregnant woman and finding out the cause of the problem, the doctor prescribes treatment. Most often it consists of correcting nutrition and taking vitamin complexes.

Digestive problems and shortness of breath

These unpleasant pregnancy companions arise for one reason - the uterus has grown in size. It moves the digestive organs from their usual places, which causes quite unpleasant sensations:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

To make them easier, you need:

  • eat small portions;
  • exclude fatty foods from the diet;
  • move more.

Shortness of breath is also a rather unpleasant sensation. It is caused by pressure from the uterus on the diaphragm. As a result, the woman begins to choke while doing housework, walking or walking up stairs.

It is almost impossible to get rid of shortness of breath, so try to take this problem calmly - after childbirth it will go away on its own.

Breast augmentation

In the 3rd trimester, women's mammary glands actively grow. The weight of each can increase to 700 grams, and the volume can increase to 200 milliliters. Naturally, this process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations:

  • itching;
  • pain;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest area.

Many pregnant women develop stretch marks. Therefore, doctors recommend carefully caring not only for the skin of the abdomen, but also for the chest. It also needs to be lubricated daily with nourishing creams or oils.

At 28 weeks, the mother may release colostrum. There is no need to be afraid of these drops of thick liquid. To avoid getting your bra dirty, purchase special disposable pads. They will be useful to you after childbirth.

Interesting: when first applied to the breast, a newborn is able to suck up to 2 milliliters of colostrum. Thanks to the substances it contains, the baby strengthens its own immunity.

Development of a toddler at the 28th week of pregnancy

In the 3rd trimester, all organs and internal systems of the baby gradually improve. He is actively growing and preparing to live outside his mother's tummy. By the 28th week, the little one is noticeably gaining weight - now he weighs about 1 kilogram. His height is approximately 38 centimeters.

External changes

Visually the baby has changed a lot:

  • the skin has acquired a pink tint;
  • the body is rounded due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • the amount of original lubricant has decreased;
  • eyelashes begin to grow on the eyelids;
  • pigmentation appears on the hair on the head.

Interesting: by this time the little one opens his eyes for the first time. He learns to blink and already distinguishes between light and shadow. If you point a powerful light source at mom’s tummy, the baby will close her eyes.

Internal changes

Every week the baby’s body becomes more and more perfect:

  • the brain is divided into two hemispheres, and new grooves and convolutions appear on its cortex;
  • the formation of the bone skeleton is reaching the finish line - now the bones will only get stronger;
  • the respiratory system is completing its formation - the alveoli are in contact with the blood vessels, preparing for gas exchange after the baby’s first breath;
  • the volume of the liver increases (from the 20th to the 40th week this organ increases 17 times);
  • the formation of sucking and grasping reflexes continues (the toddler, while awake, pulls the umbilical cord and sucks its fingers).

The baby's kidneys are already actively functioning - they pass through up to 500 milliliters of liquid per day.

Interesting: according to one of the existing theories, at the 28th week, the toddler remembers the language his parents speak. In the future, the subconscious will perceive it as native.

Toddler activity

Some obstetricians believe that the 28th week marks the peak of the baby's activity. But even now the little one is already becoming cramped in the uterus. He is growing and cannot do the usual somersaults in his tummy.

Mothers already feel all the movements of the baby very well. They can even determine what kind of character the child will be - calm or restless.

If the expectant mother is quite active and busy all day with business, then the little one will sleep, lulled by the monotonous rocking of her body. Its activity increases in the following cases:

  • at rest (many children begin to push closer to night);
  • after eating (food is accompanied by the release of glucose into the blood, which gives the baby a boost of energy);
  • as a result of a stressful situation (the release of adrenaline caused by negative emotions also affects the baby).

Interesting: a baby at 28 weeks actively communicates with his mother through movements. With intense thrusts, for example, he is able to show that he does not like the position taken by his mother. He reacts violently to strong emotions of any nature.

Features of mental development

In obstetrics and gynecology, it is generally accepted that during this period some features of the psyche and even the character of the child are formed. Since he can already distinguish voices, he may be afraid of watching TV at high volume or a quarrel in which his mother is involved. Moreover, her little voice stands out from a million other sounds.

The baby's taste preferences also begin to develop in the 3rd trimester. Most of all, bellies like the sweet taste. But if the mother prefers to eat food generously seasoned with pepper and other spices, then the baby will gradually get used to this taste of amniotic fluid. At a conscious age, the child will unconsciously give preference to such food.

Interesting: there is a theory about the connection between a newborn’s good appetite and the emotions that the pregnant woman experienced while eating. It is believed that a woman should sit at the table only in a good mood and without sad thoughts. The little belly will remember these emotions, which will have a positive effect on his appetite in the future.

Every day the baby's belly becomes like the baby you will meet immediately after giving birth

Medical procedures at 28 weeks

The schedule of visits to the gynecologist during this period remains the same - once every 14 days. It is followed by healthy pregnant women who do not have a history of complications or pathologies. The list of medical procedures also does not change:

  • weighing;
  • pressure measurement;
  • determining the height of the uterine fundus (it ranges from 26 to 30 centimeters);
  • listening to the baby's heartbeat.

Before visiting your doctor, do not forget to take a urine test. It is important for monitoring kidney function.

The gynecologist can prescribe a blood test and ultrasound on an individual basis if complications are suspected.

Special monitoring at the 28th week is carried out for women with a negative Rh factor. If the baby’s father is positive, then there is likely a conflict between the Rh factor of the mother and the child. It is very dangerous: the woman’s body perceives the baby as a foreign organism and will strive to neutralize it. The consequence of Rh conflict is problems in the development of the fetus:

  • hemolytic jaundice;
  • anemia;
  • brain dysfunction;
  • liver enlargement and other abnormalities.

In order for a woman to successfully complete her pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby, she is administered anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin at the 28th week. The Rhogam injection, as it is also called, is usually given once per pregnancy. But at the same time, the woman will regularly take a blood test for antibodies. If they are detected, a second injection will be given at 34 weeks. After childbirth, a prophylactic injection is given to those mothers whose babies have a positive Rh factor.

Pathologies, complications and other possible problems

Every woman dreams of safely carrying and giving birth to a baby. But our desires do not always coincide with reality. And on the way to their dream, pregnant women face many problems.

Kidney pathologies

At week 28, the increased load on the kidneys often leads to complications. We will describe the most common kidney problems below.


Inflammation of the bladder mucosa occurs in approximately 10% of pregnant women. Its cause is an infection that develops as a result of stagnation of urine. It occurs due to pressure from the uterus on the bladder and ureters.

Most often, during pregnancy, cystitis occurs in those women who have had it before. It is impossible to start a complication, this leads to:

  • development of other complications;
  • low fetal weight;
  • difficulties during childbirth.

Modern medicine has an arsenal of drugs that are approved during pregnancy. They are safe and highly effective.

I have been suffering from cystitis for a long time. Therefore, during pregnancy I was very afraid of its exacerbation. Even in the early stages, I told my doctor about the problem and started taking pills as a preventive measure once every 2-3 months. The treatment turned out to be very effective, as for 9 months I did not have a single attack.


About 2% of pregnant women experience kidney inflammation. Pyelonephritis has the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • severe chills;
  • pain in the back area.

Also, kidney inflammation is accompanied by frequent and painful urination.

Kidney problems are dangerous for pregnant women and require consultation with a doctor.

If this problem is identified, the expectant mother will be admitted to a hospital, where she will be treated with antibiotics.


This pathology occurs in approximately 16% of pregnant women. Pregnant women with the following problems are at risk:

  • excess weight;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • kidney diseases;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of internal organs.

The first stage of gestosis is dropsy of pregnancy. Its symptoms are swelling. They initially appear in the ankle area, then spread higher. Sometimes swelling becomes noticeable on the face.

In a more severe form, gestosis threatens:

  • renal failure;
  • bleeding;
  • placental abruption;
  • the death of a child.

Obstetricians consider gestosis to be one of the most dangerous complications, therefore, if it is suspected, women are usually hospitalized.

Restless legs syndrome

Every third expectant mother has a similar problem. It appears for reasons:

  • hormonal changes;
  • stagnation of blood in the legs;
  • lack of folic acid;
  • lack of iron.

The symptoms of the syndrome are quite varied:

  • stretching in the legs;
  • burning in the limbs;
  • shiver;
  • tingling.

These sensations occur in the thighs, legs and feet. They usually occur at intervals of 30 seconds and go away with moving the legs, rubbing or walking.

For pregnant women, restless legs syndrome aggravates insomnia, as it manifests itself mainly at night and forces women to move all the time.

It is necessary to inform your doctor about the problem that has arisen, who will find out the cause of the syndrome. If it is caused by a lack of nutrients, then drinking a vitamin complex will improve the situation. Otherwise, women will be given general recommendations:

  • change your sleep schedule (to go to bed earlier or later);
  • ventilate the room;
  • do a foot massage;
  • put stress on your legs during the daytime;
  • try cold or hot foot baths.

For restless legs syndrome, caffeine and chocolate are strictly contraindicated, as they increase unpleasant symptoms.

Premature birth

Obstetricians refer to births between 22 and 28 weeks as “very early preterm birth.” Doctors will try to do everything to ensure that the baby survives, but only after 7 days after birth will they officially call the baby a child.

The causes of premature birth are varied and numerous. These include:

  • cervicovaginal infections;
  • viral infections;
  • hypertension;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • anemia;
  • maternal history of chronic diseases;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system and so on.

A complete list of possible causes may take several pages. Signs of premature birth are quite typical:

  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • bleeding;
  • mucous discharge streaked with blood;
  • copious watery discharge.

If you suspect this problem, it is important to call a team of doctors in time and go to the hospital, since doctors have the tools to stop labor and maintain pregnancy.

A baby born at 28 weeks has a chance to survive only with the help of doctors

For the mother herself, giving birth prematurely is fraught with serious problems:

  • extensive bleeding;
  • ruptures;
  • complications;
  • difficult and long recovery period.

Fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI)

The placenta supplies the little one with everything he needs until he takes his first breath. Through the nursery, the baby receives nutrients and oxygen, so it can develop normally.

When FPN is detected, the respiratory, nutritional, protective and hormonal functions of the placenta are disrupted, which leads to abnormalities in the development of the child and can cause his death.

Doctors name a number of reasons leading to the development of this common pathology:

  • extragenital diseases;
  • anemia;
  • pathologies of the structure of the uterus;
  • myomatous nodes;
  • gestosis;
  • placenta previa;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • bad habits.

Chronic FPN most often occurs at the 28th week of pregnancy. It begins to develop in the 2nd trimester and fully manifests itself in the 3rd trimester. As a result of pathology, circulatory disorders occur in the uteroplacental circle.

FPN can be suspected by a decrease in the baby's activity. At this stage, mothers carefully monitor his movements. There should be at least ten of them per day. If you were unable to count that much, then it’s time to go to the doctor - perhaps the baby has hypoxia. It may be a consequence of FPN.

Its symptoms also include:

  • bleeding;
  • belly size that does not correspond to the timing;
  • stomach ache;
  • delayed fetal development.

Interesting: there is no standard treatment regimen for the pathology. Depending on the cause and nature of the course of FPN, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, tocolytics or other drugs may be prescribed.

In the 3rd trimester, the rhythm of the mother’s life must be subject to certain rules, the implementation of which will ensure a successful outcome of the pregnancy. They are extremely simple:

  • monitor your weight and avoid overeating;
  • remember that the baby already feels and hears everything, and therefore eliminate stress, anxiety and quarrels from life;
  • cook steamed dishes and indulge in sour milk;

At week 28, consuming fermented milk products will improve digestion and provide the woman with calcium

  • do not take vitamin complexes without permission;
  • replace sports with gentle physical activity (yoga, swimming, water aerobics, daily walks in the fresh air).

The issue of intimacy remains unchanged for pregnant women. At the 28th week, many women ask them. But they do this completely in vain, since in the absence of obvious contraindications and pathologies, sex in the 3rd trimester is not prohibited

Sex during pregnancy is a source of positive emotions that brings both partners closer together

It is important to choose comfortable positions and avoid putting pressure on your growing tummy. Doctors recommend refraining from intimacy if discomfort or pain occurs during the process.

Video: movement calendar and other questions of the 3rd trimester

The 28th week of pregnancy is the next milestone in fetal development. The baby reaches a weight of 1 kg and, if born prematurely, has every chance of survival outside the mother's womb. All processes occurring in a woman’s body are aimed at successfully bearing a child and preparing for the upcoming birth.

Fetal development

The weight of the fetus at the 28th obstetric week is approaching the mark 1000 g, and the body length is 34-35 see The child continues to develop in the mother's womb. The skin of the fetus still remains bright pink, but every day the blood vessels are less and less visible through it. In places of natural folds, on the abdomen, hips and buttocks, adipose tissue is deposited. Facial features become soft, cheeks become rounded, making the baby more and more like one of the parents.

In the third trimester, the accumulation of pigment in the hair follicles continues. The amount of pigment determines whether the baby will be a burning brunette or a light-haired blond. The formation of pigment occurs quite quickly, and soon the child acquires his own individual hair color. The amount of hair and its distribution on the head is determined genetically.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the cerebral cortex is actively developing. At this stage you can already guess whether the baby will be left-handed or right-handed. For a left-handed person, the right hemisphere will be dominant, while for a right-handed person, the left hemisphere will be dominant. Some babies, after birth, are equally dexterous with both hands.

During this same period, the baby begins to open his eyes from time to time. All structures of the eye are already formed, including the optic nerves. There is still very little pigment in the fetal iris, so most children are born with blue or gray eyes. Over time, pigment gradually accumulates, and the color of the child's eyes changes.

Lung formation is almost complete at 28 weeks. In the event of a premature birth of a child, a developed capillary network will deliver all the necessary oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Surfactant, a substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together during breathing, builds up in the lungs. Insufficient surfactant prevents babies born prematurely from breathing on their own.

In the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, the formation of the endocrine system is completed. The production of important hormones is now much more intense. The fetus develops its own metabolic rhythm. The rate of nutrient processing, as well as many other processes occurring in the body, depends on the characteristics of metabolism.

Woman's condition

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s nervous system gradually enters the inhibition phase. All processes occurring in the cerebral cortex slow down. The expectant mother may feel a loss of strength, weakness and even apathy. The closer the due date, the more often fatigue sets in and the desire to hide from the whole world arises. Some women suffer from depression and low mood until the day they give birth.

The total weight gain at week 29 is 5.5-7 kg. During this period, experts advise monitoring your weight weekly on sensitive electronic scales. You need to weigh yourself in the morning, before meals, wearing the same clothes each time. Weight control allows you to timely identify some dangerous complications of pregnancy and take all measures to prevent them.

Normally, the expectant mother should add 300-500 g per week. With an initial weight deficit, the weight gain will be much more noticeable. The wise body thereby tries to compensate for the missing mass by depositing fatty tissue in the right places. Nature provides that subcutaneous fat on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs should protect the baby from any mechanical influences. In contrast, overweight women gain weight much more slowly during pregnancy.

An important point: all of the above is true only if the expectant mother adheres to a healthy lifestyle and limits herself to eating frankly harmful and heavy foods. Indulging in baking, fried foods and fast food does not contribute to maintaining optimal body weight during pregnancy.

Fetal movements

The baby’s motor activity at 28 weeks of pregnancy deserves special attention. It is known that at this stage the child makes up to 300 conscious movements per day. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements can be used to assess its condition and detect deviations in its development in time.

Two methods are used to count fetal movements:

  1. Method No. 1. For 12 hours, a woman needs to carefully listen to her feelings and count all fetal movements. Every tenth movement of the baby is noted on paper. Normally, over the specified period of time, there should be 10 marks, that is, 100 fetal movements.
  2. Method No. 2. Within one hour, the woman counts all fetal movements, from the weakest to the most intense. Normally, the baby should announce himself 8-12 times per hour. If the child does not move within an hour, there is no need to worry. The baby can sleep or just rest during this period. In such a situation, the study should be rescheduled for another time.

Each baby is individual, and it is impossible to predict in advance how he will behave on the day of the study. Some children move more in the morning and afternoon, while others are more active in the evening and at night. The frequency of fetal movements is influenced by the following factors:

  • individual character traits;
  • Times of Day;
  • mother's position;
  • physical activity of a woman;
  • emotional state of the mother;
  • eating;
  • surrounding area;
  • condition of the fetus.

It has been noticed that at the 28th week of pregnancy, children react with movements to certain stimuli. If the baby does not make itself known for a long time, you can provoke contact in one of the following ways:

  1. Pat your belly.
  2. Take a shower.
  3. Turn on soft, pleasant music.
  4. Talk to your baby out loud.
  5. Change your body position: lie on your side, turn on your back.
  6. Eat something sweet, drink milk or kefir.
  7. Take a walk.
  8. Do yoga, gymnastics, any simple housework.

In most cases, one of these actions will necessarily lead to a surge in fetal activity. If your baby does not move within 12 hours, consult a doctor.

Possible problems

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the following health problems may appear:

Numbness of the limbs

Discomfort in the legs, numbness of the toes and hands, a crawling sensation - all these symptoms are familiar to pregnant women. The cause of this condition is edema - the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues. The accumulated fluid compresses the nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of all the unpleasant sensations. Numbness of the limbs increases in the evening and at night.

Edema during pregnancy, which is not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, is not too dangerous. You can get rid of discomfort caused by fluid accumulation with a light massage. Elevating your limbs will also help. If swelling gets worse, you should consult a doctor.

Sciatic nerve compression

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. It runs along the back of the buttock from the sacrum and down to the thigh. Pressure from the growing uterus in the second half of pregnancy can lead to compression of the sciatic nerve. In this condition, severe pain appears in the gluteal region, a feeling of numbness, and stiffness in the lower back. Light massage, therapeutic exercises and wearing a prenatal bandage will help you cope with unpleasant sensations.

Compression of the inferior vena cava

Inferior vena cava compression syndrome occurs in many pregnant women after 28 weeks. In this condition, there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure until loss of consciousness. All symptoms occur only when the woman is lying on her back. In this situation, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, which leads to disruption of blood flow in it and the development of all signs of pathology.

Compression of the inferior vena cava leads to loss of consciousness only when blood pressure drops below 80 mm Hg. Art. At higher pressure levels, the following symptoms are observed:

  • noise in ears;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • increased breathing;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pale skin;
  • nausea.

If discomfort occurs, you should roll over to your side or take a vertical position. You need to rise slowly so as not to provoke an attack of dizziness. After 28 weeks, all pregnant women are not recommended to sleep on their back to prevent accidental compression of the inferior vena cava during sleep.


  • lower abdominal pain;
  • bursting pain in the perineum;
  • severe pain in the gluteal region or lower back;
  • bleeding;
  • heavy vaginal discharge;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the legs.

Among all the symptoms, rising blood pressure deserves special attention. It is no coincidence that the doctor measures blood pressure with a tonometer at every appointment. Measurements are taken with the woman sitting, in a relaxed state, on each arm in turn. High blood pressure numbers indicate the development of gestosis, a dangerous complication of pregnancy. In such a situation, additional examination and treatment in a hospital may be required.

The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy. To assess the contractile activity of the uterus, external hysterography (EH) is performed. This technique allows you to assess the nature of uterine contractions, their frequency and intensity. NGG is a non-invasive procedure and is considered completely safe for the woman and fetus.

NGG is carried out in a specially equipped room. A sensor is installed on the expectant mother's belly, which records all contractions of the uterus for 15-20 minutes. The results are assessed by a doctor. With increased activity of the uterus, conservation therapy is prescribed.

Week 28 is the time to prepare to meet your baby. In addition to collecting things and searching for information about the upcoming birth, it would be a good idea to thoroughly study the theory of breastfeeding. Properly established lactation will allow you to establish contact with your baby from the first days of life and avoid supplementary feeding with artificial formula.

Where can I find useful information about breastfeeding?

  • in specialized literature;
  • on forums on the Internet; m
  • in the club of expectant mothers;
  • at lectures in the antenatal clinic;
  • from experienced friends and relatives;
  • from lactation consultants.

A lactation consultant is a fairly new phenomenon. We are talking about a person who has some education and some experience in feeding their own children with breast milk. The consultant can give advice on organizing breastfeeding in the maternity hospital, as well as immediately after discharge home. If necessary, the consultant will help establish lactation that was interrupted for one reason or another. Many specialists provide assistance not only in person, but also online.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to find all the information you need before your baby is born. It can be difficult for inexperienced young mothers to feed their baby immediately after birth, especially in the unusual conditions of a maternity hospital. It wouldn’t hurt to take notes and write down the main important points. It’s also worth keeping the phone number of a consultant or other trusted person on hand, whom you can contact with any questions of concern.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 22 minutes


What does 28 weeks mean?
The 28th obstetric week corresponds to the 26th week of fetal development and ends the second trimester of pregnancy. Even if your baby asks to come out at 28 weeks, doctors will be able to help him, and he will live.

Feelings of the expectant mother

In general, a woman’s health at 28 weeks is satisfactory, but some unpleasant sensations appear that are characteristic of the later period:

  • Possible disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: heartburn, cramps, indigestion;
  • Periodic, mild and most often painless contractions appear ( uterine contractions);
  • It begins to secrete from the mammary glands colostrum;
  • Due to skin stretch marks itching appears;
  • The skin becomes dry;
  • Pulling back pain(to eliminate them, you need to avoid standing for long periods of time);
  • Edema legs;
  • Appearance shortness of breath;
  • Difficulty in breathing;
  • Pain and burning in the anal area when visiting the toilet;
  • Are clearly drawn veins on the mammary glands;
  • Appear body fat(the most common area of ​​their habitat: the stomach and thighs);
  • Sharp weight gain(by week 28 reaches 8-9 kg);
  • Stretch marks are becoming more and more noticeable.

Reviews from forums:

Before we draw any conclusions regarding the presence of certain symptoms, we must learn everything about how real women feel at 28 weeks:


I'm already at 28 weeks. I feel good. Only one unpleasant moment still does not go away - my back hurts very much, especially when I walk even a little. I’ve already gained 9 kg, but it seems to be normal.

I have already gained 9 kg. The doctor swears that this is too much, but I don’t eat much, everything is as usual. In the evenings I suffer from heartburn and a tight stomach. My left leg is numb because I sleep on my side. I can't wait to lay down on my tummy!

Also at 28 weeks, but I’m still working, I’m very tired, I can’t sit normally, my back hurts, when I get up it also hurts, and I constantly want to eat, even in the middle of the night I get up and go eat. I’ve already gained 13.5 kg, the doctor swears, but I can’t do anything. Should I not go hungry?!

I'm 28 weeks. The weight began to increase sharply starting at 20 weeks. At the moment the weight gain is already 6 kg. It’s a lot, but I don’t understand why there’s so much if I eat just a little, and I don’t have much of an appetite. Doctors say there will be a big baby.

I only gained 6.5 kg. I thought that this was not even enough, but the doctor scolded me that it was too much. She advised me to do fasting days. The only unpleasant sensation I have is constant swelling, maybe a fasting day can at least temporarily eliminate this problem.

We've reached 28 weeks! I have gained 12.5 kg, there is no swelling, but heartburn often bothers me, and sometimes my limbs go numb. Our belly has become a little calmer, kicks and tumbles less. The belly is very large and has already become covered with fluff, the nipples have darkened, and the colostrum has become somehow yellow!

What happens in the mother's body at 28 weeks?

More than half of the journey has been completed, with only 12 weeks left, but certain changes are still happening in your body:

  • The uterus increases in size;
  • The uterus occupies a position at a distance of 8 cm from the navel and 28 cm from the pubic symphysis;
  • The mammary glands begin to produce colostrum;
  • The uterus rises so high that it props up the diaphragm, making it difficult for a woman to breathe;

Fetal development at 28 weeks

Appearance of the fruit:

  • The child recovers sharply and his weight reaches 1-1.3 kg;
  • The baby's height becomes 35-37 cm;
  • The baby's eyelashes lengthen and become more voluminous;
  • The skin becomes smoother and softer (the reason is an increase in the volume of subcutaneous tissue);
  • Fingernails and toenails continue to grow;
  • The hairs on the baby's head become longer;
  • The baby’s hair acquires an individual color (pigment begins to be actively produced);
  • The face and body are covered with protective lubricant.

Education and functioning of organs and systems:

  • Continue their development alveoli in the lungs;
  • Increases brain mass;
  • Typical gyri and grooves on the surface of the cerebral cortex;
  • The ability appears distinguish thin varieties taste;
  • The ability is developed respond to sounds(the baby may respond to the voice of the mother and father with slight movements);
  • Are being formed such reflexes, like sucking (the baby in the mother's tummy sucks his thumb) and grasping;
  • Are being formed muscles;
  • Movements child become more active;
  • Certain The biological clock(period of activity and period of sleep);
  • Baby bones finish their formation (however, they are still flexible and will harden until the first weeks after birth);
  • The baby has already learned open and close eyes, and also blink (the reason is the disappearance of the pupillary membrane);
  • The beginnings of understanding are formed native language(language spoken by parents).

Ultrasound at 28 weeks

With an ultrasound at 28 weeks, the size of the baby from the coccyx to the crown is 20-25 cm, by this time the legs are significantly lengthened and amount to 10 cm, that is, the total height of the baby reaches 30-35 cm.

An ultrasound at 28 weeks is usually prescribed for determining fetal position: cephalic, transverse or pelvic. Typically, babies are in the head position at 28 weeks (however, if your baby is not positioned properly, he has another 12 weeks ahead). In case of a pelvic or transverse position, a woman is most often offered a cesarean section.

At an ultrasound at 28 weeks you can observe how baby moves in the tummy, and how opens and closes eyes. You can also determine who the baby will be: left-handed or right-handed (depending on the thumb of which hand he sucks). The doctor must also take all the basic measurements to assess the correct development of the baby.

For clarity, we provide you with normal fetal size:

  • BDP (biparietal size or distance between the temporal bones) - 6-79mm.
  • FZ (fronto-occipital size) - 83-99mm.
  • OG (fetal head circumference) - 245-285 mm.
  • Coolant (fetal abdominal circumference) - 21 -285 mm.

Normal indicators for fetal bones:

  • Femur 49-57mm,
  • Humerus 45-53mm,
  • Forearm bones 39-47mm,
  • Shin bones 45-53mm.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at 28 weeks

Ultrasound of a baby at 28 weeks

Photo of mother's belly at 28 weeks

Video: What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 28 weeks of pregnancy

Since the third, last and quite important trimester is ahead, it is necessary:

  • Go to 5-6 meals a day, set meal times for yourself and eat in small portions;
  • Maintain sufficient caloric intake (for week 28 3000-3100 kcal);
  • Food containing a large amount of protein should be taken in the first half of the day, since it takes a long time to digest, and for dinner it is preferable to consume dairy products;
  • Limit salty foods, as they can negatively affect kidney function and retain fluid in the body;
  • To avoid heartburn, exclude spicy and fatty foods, black coffee and black bread from your diet;
  • If heartburn does not give you peace of mind, try snacking on sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, lean boiled meat or a steamed omelet;
  • Continue to load up on calcium, which will strengthen your baby's bones;
  • Do not wear tight clothes that impede breathing and blood circulation in the legs;
  • Spend more time in the fresh air;
  • If you work, then write a leave application, having considered in advance whether you will return to your previous place after caring for the child;
  • Starting this week, visit an antenatal clinic twice a month;
  • Get a series of tests, such as a blood iron test and a glucose tolerance test;
  • If you are the owner of a negative Rh factor, you need to take an antibody test;
  • It's time to think about labor pain relief. Check out such details as